Which Windows is better to install on the tablet. What is the best operating system for a tablet? Tablet PC for the "Internet"

A multimedia tablet is a device that will replace your camera, video and audio players, navigator and many other gadgets. When choosing a tablet computer, the first step is to compare the hardware characteristics. However, the operating system, which is preinstalled in it, deserves no less attention. We suggest that you familiarize yourself with two popular OS and finally decide: which tablet is better, on Android or on Windows.

"Robot" is now in 7 out of 10 tablet PCs that can be bought on the Internet. Almost all, large and not only, electronics manufacturers have tablets on Android. They appeared earlier than the others and during this time managed to win a large market share. As for the quality and price, everything is not so smooth here. We suggest separately considering the pros and cons of tablets on Android.

Android tablet working screen


The popularity of mobile phones and tablets on Android is not difficult to explain. Here come to the fore:

  • Compatibility. As a result of the open source code, many manufacturers began to produce phones and tablets specifically for Android. The price of such devices can be significantly lower than on an honest licensed device for $ 150-250. In this case, the performance and stability of the OS are relegated to the background.
  • Branded application store. There are quite a few free programs and games in the Playmarket for absolutely every taste. Sometimes the choice of the required application is delayed for tens of minutes due to the large number of alternatives. And despite the fact that most of the utilities have paid versions, there are quite a lot of free useful programs in the Playmarket.
  • Cost. The price range of tablet PCs running on Android ranges from tens to hundreds of dollars. Accessibility is the main factor in the popularity of this mobile OS. If the user needs a tablet computer with basic set opportunities: watching videos, photos and Internet browsing - then Android is out of competition.
  • Using a lot of RAM and multi-core processors. When choosing a new gadget, buyers are more focused on hardware characteristics. Unlike the iPad, even inexpensive Android smartphones and tablets use two and four-core processors, as well as 1 GB of RAM. The presence of such characteristics is not only a bait when buying, but also allows you to run resource-intensive games and applications. Although the need to use more hardware resources is often caused by poor optimization.
  • Wide use. Among the lineup of Android tablet PCs, there are devices of all price ranges. In addition, you can pick up a gadget with any screen size, battery capacity and appearance... If the user is not looking for a model for a specific task, but wants a universal gadget, then it is difficult for Android tablets to compete.

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Like any operating system, Android has its drawbacks. The main ones, applicable to tablet PCs, are as follows:

  • Bad optimization. Widespread adoption, as a result of which Android is installed by various manufacturers on a large share of their tablets, also has a downside. Incompatibility of drivers, conflicting processes and other factors lead to the accumulation of system errors in the work. With active operation, such devices may need an OS flashing during the first year.
  • Consuming a lot of hardware resources. Poor optimization results in the need for multi-core processors and a lot of RAM. But even this does not always guarantee smooth and stable operation in resource-intensive applications. The operating system itself in devices with 3GB of RAM can take up half, and sometimes even more, of free RAM.
  • No way to run desktop games... A large number of applications can be downloaded from the Playmarket, including 3D games. And even despite a noticeable leap in quality, they still fall short of their desktop counterparts in graphics and other parameters. You can expand the gaming capabilities by installing various emulators, but they do not allow you to play most computer games on your tablet.

Main settings menu for Android tablet

Having considered the main pros and cons of tablet PCs running on Android, you can move on to Windows models.

Windows tablet

Unlike Android, Windows is much less common on mobile devices. This operating system is familiar to desktop users. Although in the case of mobile phones and tablets, it can be somewhat curtailed in functionality and capabilities. We suggest, as in the previous case, to consider the advantages and disadvantages of gadgets running on this OS.

Windows Tablet Desktop Interface


Modern Windows tablets use the x86-bit kernel architecture, which Android counterparts cannot yet boast of. In addition, they have the following advantages:

  • Branded software. Editing documents on various "office substitutes" available for Android causes great inconvenience. Rather, such utilities can only be used to view text and edit small portions of it. In contrast, Windows tablet owners can work in full Microsoft Office... In addition, for this platform, you can install and fully use Adobe products, for example, a Photoshop editor. Thus, a Windows tablet turns into a full-fledged PC and can replace a laptop in most tasks.
  • Games. Of course, installing a fool of cards and other arcades or board games can be equally successful on all mobile platforms. But you can play, for example, Counter Strike or other popular shooters, only on Windows devices. The only limiting factor here will be the hardware filling, processor, video card and RAM. After all, most mobile phones and tablet PCs have integrated video adapters entry leveland the installation discrete graphics impossible due to the cooling system. Therefore, in order to play serious games such as the latest installments of Assasin Creed, Battlefield and GTA, you need at least a gaming laptop.

In addition to the listed advantages, on mobile devices under Windows you can watch a movie of any resolution. You just need to install the required codec pack. You can also easily connect a printer or other digital device, similarly desktop computer.

Windows tablet settings menu

We recommend to understand the advantages of Windows tablets using the Irbis RW21 as an example, an overview of which is presented in the video below.


In addition to the higher cost, devices operating under windows management, have a number of other disadvantages. The main ones are:

  • Brand store... If Android Google play Store, with its more than 600 thousand applications, belongs to the advantages, then Windows App Store - rather the opposite. It has only 4 thousand applications, many of which are only available in the paid version.
  • Some models are not compatible with desktop applications. Unfortunately, it is not always possible to run Microsoft Office products and other programs for stationary systems... The fact is that devices with ARM processors on windows based RT cannot do this because of the inappropriate architecture of the computing cores. In addition, they are characterized by low performance, even with good hardware.
  • Management. The desktop environment and interface of many programs and games are designed specifically for desktop PCs. Touch control can be a serious problem for an inexperienced user. You can fix this using a mouse, but in this case, mobility is lost.

It is also worth noting that Windows does not always use RAM correctly. And the simultaneous launch of several programs may well cause the device to reboot or close other already running processes.

Windows App Store


The approach to choosing the OS of the tablet system is worth depending on the goals and tasks for which it is purchased. In favor of Android, the branded store speaks eloquently, in which the user can find a lot of free applications, both necessary and not so much. There is also a wide assortment of choice of models in the budget, medium and high price ranges.

Windows tablets are often more expensive than their Android counterparts. But buying such a device, the user can work with proprietary software from Microsoft, Adobe, etc. Thus, a tablet can also be considered as a replacement for a working PC. Watching movies, photos and internet browsing are equally available for both operating systems. The most exotic and versatile option is to buy a tablet that runs on two operating systems at once.

Choosing a tablet: Windows vs Android

When there was only Android on the tablets, there were no such questions. But once Windows invaded this segment, invaded successfully, and the question of which OS is better for tablets is not as simple as it seems.

Previously, Android tablets were significantly cheaper than Windows tablets, so everything was pretty clear: Android is cheaper, Windows - for those who are more expensive, but with a full-fledged office and "photoshop". Now, there are models with a full x86 Intel Atom processor on the market, as well as with Windows 8.1, and their prices do not differ much from those of competitors on Android. As for applications, similar tools can be found here and there. And as for the basic ones - there is Chrome, and there is Chrome, video players are also in abundance, applications for reading books ... So what's the difference?

Today is not about that

Of course, there are also tablets from Apple - but the iPad is usually bought by those who do not suffer from a choice at all. Because the choice between black and white iPad ... well, not really about that, so to speak.

Why Android?

Google android conquered the world incredibly quickly. It would seem that only six years have passed - and already world domination is no joke. But along with this domination, the same problems that this OS had a year, and five years ago, and in general always have not gone anywhere. The main problem of Android is the inability to properly manage the RAM.

Tablets are heavier than smartphones. And more resources are required. Tablets are usually required to play full-screen movies and "heavy" full-screen 3D games, which require all possible memory, and longer.

Of course, devices with 2 gigabytes of "RAM" and more are easier. Not for long. Because the problem moves from version to version, and the latest version of Android 5.0 Lollipop is so clumsy today that it is absolutely not recommended to install it on devices under 2013. Not only does everything start to slow down monstrously, but it also became uncomfortable. However, the latter is beside the point: the point here is that this OS does not know how to work correctly with RAM and has never been able to. And he probably won't learn. Apple iOS is popular not only because it is simple, but also because a single ecosystem allows Cupertino to get by with "little blood" in system requirements and make the same applications and OS work equally well on most iPads / iPhones of previous generations and current.

But why is Android so popular if it's as bad as you might think? Here, the foreground is: a) compatibility, b) price and c) a huge number of applications, in the hundreds of thousands, for every taste.

Compatibility - a result of open source - has led to the fact that any honest and not very Chinese can start releasing their tablet for thirty dollars, and it will run the same Android as an honest licensed tablet for 200. This also applies to smartphones. by the way. At the same time, the issues of speed and stability fade into the background. The task is to release something cheaper - and people who do not understand devices, which is cheaper and prefer.

There are really many applications, especially free ones, in the Play Store. Lots of. But sometimes the question of finding something you need turns into big problem precisely because of the large selection. On the other hand, you can find small free and useful utilitiesthat are not in the Windows ecosystem.

But when it comes to office work, Windows tablets are winning, unconditionally. No matter how common cloud office systems like Google Docs are, most people still use good old Microsoft Office, which in Android cannot be said to be efficient to some extent, more than the nominal "open and correct the letter." Rather, this ecosystem has more imitators and downright weak systems: compatibility and versatility, a set of formatting tools and generally working with complex documents leave much to be desired.

In addition, you cannot connect a regular printer via USB to an Android tablet, even if there is an adapter for a full-format USB, the support of which was happily reported by everyone after the release of Android 4. Supports, but what's the point?

Theoretically, you can give both systems an equal number of points about watching movies. Yes, you can watch full-length Full-HD movies there. Exactly until the moment when you want something non-standard - for example, with subtitles or other sound track, especially connected in the form a separate file, or generally in an exotic format. In Windows, such problems are much easier to solve, which cannot be said for Android.

Why Windows?

Windows tablets cannot be cheap. In this OS, Microsoft loses to Google's product. But Windows wins in terms of unification. Especially it will win next year, when it is planned to release the tenth version, on which Microsoft puts all cards, including in the concept of "one OS for all devices". We will see how it will look in reality, but even so far the unification of applications is the main strong point of this most popular operating system for desktop PCs.

If browsing is similar in convenience in both systems, then things like games definitely give the choice in favor of Windows. However, it all depends on which games will be launched. Most popular mobile games, three-dimensional or "casual", can be found without problems for both Android and Windows systems. But thanks to the x86 architecture in Windows 8.1 (and this version is installed today on most of the tablets sold) there are much more possibilities: you can easily connect any keyboard or mouse, play Counter-Strike or any other popular toy with low technical requirements: it is clear that this does not apply to "heavy" Crysis or Battlefield 4. Android tablets have compatibility with peripherals, of course, but it is very limited and even 10% less than that of Windows.

And it's not just about games. Windows applications will also give a lot of points ahead of the same “hundred thousand” for the OS from Google. Want to work in true full-fledged Photoshop? You are welcome. Create music in good old Cubase and Fruity Loops? Be my guest. But for Android, this is all sad. The Photoshop Nik Collection utility will not replace the full-fledged Photoshop, and in general for Android, let's face it, everything is simplified as much as possible - also because it can be launched on old devices. Not that it "worked efficiently", it just started at least.

Therefore, the vast majority of transformers (tablets with a full-weight keyboard) are not released on Android, on Windows 8.1. There are even separate models with two built-in operating systems - instantly switchable by a button and or hotkeys - and these operating systems are located on two different drives (SSD or flash memory).

By the way, you need to keep in mind that there are different windows versions for tablets: Windows 8.1 and Windows RT. The latter, however, many manufacturers quite rightly stopped supporting - because it is almost the same as Android in terms of functionality (perhaps the office is still full-fledged), only it looks like Windows.

So what should you choose?

The choice of a tablet on one OS or another is due to its intended use. If you want a lot of interesting and necessary free or very cheap applications, you are not embarrassed by the need to constantly clean your memory, you need to watch simple movies in common formats, you are not interested in working in office or professional applications - a tablet on Google Android will be a good choice.

In all other cases, it is worth choosing a tablet based on Windows 8.1, and it is better to take a rather powerful one - although Windows can work with memory, local applications themselves can "eat away" a lot. The main advantage of Windows tablets is their versatility, especially for old applications and professional programs. And if this is what is important to you, then do not hesitate.

Having decided on the system, you need to pick up a gadget on its most recent or at least the penultimate version. Otherwise, the purchased gadget may be incompatible with some programs. Despite the fact that most manufacturers try to regularly update the operating system on their devices to current version, some companies do it too rarely (for example, once a year), and besides, the purchased tablet may already be discontinued, and then new system he will never see again.


If the tablet is bought primarily for gaming, the CPU is the main thing to look for. The processor is also responsible for the operation of LTE modules, NFC and the presence of the wireless charging function. The maximum resolution of the camera and display is also determined by the processor power.

The main selection criteria are the frequency and number of cores. Basically, the higher the digital designation in the processor model, the more powerful it is. So, for example, from Qualcomm, chips with the 4xx index are intended for budget devices, with the 6xx index - for the middle price segment and with the 8xx index - for flagships.

The video processor (or graphics processing unit) in modern mobile devices is part of the central processing unit. Therefore, the more efficient the processor itself, the more powerful the video processor in it. The most popular and popular today are two series of GPUs: Adreno (used by Qualcomm) and Mali (built into MediaTek, HiSilicon and Samsung chips).

The newest processors have a certain power reserve, which will allow you not to think about changing the tablet for the next few years. However, the cost of devices based on them is much higher. High power has and back side: High-performance processors consume more power, which affects the battery life of the tablet, and in addition, powerful processors run more heat under maximum load. Budget chips will not allow running resource-intensive 3D games, but they will help to save money for those who buy a tablet mainly for Facebook, movies and email.

It should be noted that those who decide to buy Apple products do not have to worry about choosing a processor. The company has a relatively small the lineup, which allows developers to optimize the game or application for specific device, and the user should not be confused in the number of gigahertz and cores.

Built-in memory

The amount of information that can be stored on the device depends on this parameter - these are programs, and documents, and images, and videos. The size of the internal memory is critical when choosing between gadgets that do not have a slot for external memory cards. For example, the iPad doesn't have a memory card, but Apple offers models with 128GB of internal storage, which is enough to store a lot of data.

If you plan to take a lot of photos or shoot videos, as well as play big games and experiment with applications, you should immediately abandon gadgets with less than 32 GB of memory installed. A device with limited memory may only work if its owner is willing to regularly transfer photos and videos to a desktop computer or cloud servicefreeing up space on your tablet. Well, the option with large games and applications will not solve the problem of lack of space on the gadget: erasing some programs in order to install others, and then returning everything back is not the most the best solution.


For running multiple applications at the same time and fast switching RAM (abbreviated RAM or RAM) is responsible between them. The smoothness and speed of displaying the interface of the operating system itself also largely depends on its volume.

Modern devices 1 GB is enough for everyday tasks random access memory... But fans of resource-intensive applications and games will need at least 2 GB. As well as tablets, which can run multiple applications on one screen.

The most powerful tablets come with 4GB or more of RAM. As a rule, these are devices with a large display diagonal and high resolution... Naturally, the price also increases.

Screen size and resolution

For tablets, the most common screens are with a diagonal, or 10 inches. The small tablet (7 - 8 inches) is compact, lightweight, and, all things being equal, is cheaper. On the big one it is much more convenient to type text, play games and watch videos.

Screen resolution directly affects image clarity. The difference becomes especially noticeable when reading, especially in small print or in detailed photographs. The larger the screen size, the more resolution it needs for the image to be perceived comfortably. In many ways, of course, it depends on the individual characteristics of a particular person's vision, and therefore the best decision can be made only after personally familiarizing himself with this or that gadget. For a reference point, we can assume that a seven-inch gadget needs a resolution of at least 1280x720 pixels, for a ten-inch one - 1920x1080 (Full HD).

Highly high resolution on a small gadget is redundant, and besides, in some situations it can turn out to be unreadable due to the small size of the font (this is especially typical for models on Android). So, the resolution of 2560x1600 pixels for a small tablet is usually overkill. However, in this case, the characteristics of personal perception may be decisive.

3G and 4G

Some gadgets only support Wi-Fi, others (and they are more expensive) also support a connection to a mobile network. If it is assumed that Internet access outside the home or work is not required or will be needed extremely rarely, then there is no point in buying a tablet with a 3G or. Moreover, to access the Internet, a tablet can always be connected via Wi-Fi to a smartphone.

If mobile communication is still needed, it should be borne in mind that 4G networks, as a rule, provide speeds higher than 3G, and this can be important, for example, in online games and when using services streaming video... For the Internet, mail and social networks 3G is quite enough.

Some tablets can also be used as regular phones, that is, to receive and make calls. This can be useful, for example, if the main communication device is discharged.

Battery life

The battery capacity indicated in the technical specifications does not in itself give an idea of \u200b\u200bthe battery life of the gadget without recharging. Manufacturers sometimes separately indicate battery life, but you need to understand that such numbers are almost always overestimated (the only manufacturer that indicates the exact battery life of their gadgets is Apple).

If the choice is between two tablets that are similar in all respects, but one of the gadgets has a more capacious battery, then most likely it will be able to live longer away from the outlet, especially if the difference in battery capacity is significant. If two tablets have identical technical specifications, including battery capacity, but these gadgets differ in screen size, then the smaller one will have more autonomy.

When working with mobile network (4G / 3G) 4G tablets will be much more power hungry. In general, an acceptable battery life for a seven-inch tablet will be provided by a battery with a capacity of 3700 mAh, for a ten-inch one - from 5000 mAh.

Other characteristics

Other characteristics of the tablet in most cases do not have a decisive influence on the choice, and some of them, for example, support satellite navigation (GPS), available in almost all modern gadgets... Meticulously studying other parameters is only in those cases when the tablet is supposed to be used purely for specific or professional purposes - for example, for recording music or working with photo / video. For those looking for an alternative to a laptop, it makes sense to focus on the presence of a keyboard in the kit or the ability to purchase it additionally. An artist or amateur photographer may need a stylus.

Technologies do not stand still, something new constantly appears. For example, more and more tablets are installing NFC modules (technology wireless transmission data over short distances, which allows one touch to connect the tablet to wireless speaker or headphones). Also, a fingerprint sensor is built into many models, which allows you to unlock the device with a touch of your finger and provides additional protection for user data.

Reference article based on the expert opinion of the author.

More and more gaining the trust of users and leaving in the past, desktop computers and laptops. These new generation computer devices have many undoubted advantages over their older brothers - compactness (small dimensions and weight), the ability quick entry on the Internet (regardless of the place of stay), the possibility of using more interesting and useful applications (watching videos, including online from the Internet, listening to your favorite music, reading e-books, using mail, maps to determine the area, and much more).

Yes, all these advantages really prove the promise of tablets in the world market, but how to choose the right computer device, what to focus on? The main attention should be paid to the operating system of the tablet, which reveals to the user all the functions and capabilities of this device.

Most tablets from different manufacturers are equipped with an operating system Android, the developer, which is Google. Moreover, along with Androidom, tablets from Apple with an operating system are very popular iOS.Tablets on Androidand iOS, were leaders in the number of sales in the world market and tablets equipped with an operating system could not compete with them Windows7 developed by the company Microsoft. But from the other half of 2012, when tablets with an operating system began to spread on the world market Windows8 , the situation has changed. Because this new version of the traditional "Windows" from Microsoft attracts more and more attention from users, opening them up opportunities for full-fledged integrated use of tablets in terms of work and entertainment.

Creation of a new OS - Windows 8 replaced the previous home version Windows7 , it is suitable for both tablets and smartphones, laptops, targeted at small and medium businesses, and the corporate version - at large organizations. But here it should be clarified that for the operation of tablets and smartphones, only a separate version of the OS is suitable. Windows8 , this is - Windows RT, with its specially developed technical features for processor architecture ARM, which are used in all mobile devices.

New operating system from the company Microsoft made significant changes in the user interface to improve the work with tablet computers. These changes are in the use of the platform Microsoft "Metro"to launch and operate the device, which shows all programs in the form of so-called "tiles" (instead of icons and shortcuts) and dynamically updates their content. To innovations in Windows8 support for such important technologies as: USB 3.0, Advanced Format hard drives, NFC and cloud computing - SkyDrive. Much attention is paid by the developers of this OS to security issues - built-in antiviruses have been added, the ability to integrate with the Microsoft SmartScreen filter system, support safe downloads with UEFI system.

The first tablet introduced to the global market using an operating system Windows RT - this is Microsoft Surface. Company Microsoft released it in two versions, the first is Microsoft Surface RT - using o.s. Windows RT and the second Microsoft Surface pro - with traditional Windows8 and processor Intell.

After Microsoft Surface tablets from other well-known manufacturers appeared on the market, with an operating system Windows RT, this is:

Acer Iconia Tab W510

Asus VivoTab RT

Dell XPS Duo 12

Lenovo IdeaPad Yoga 11

Samsung Ativ Tab

Tablets on the new Windows 8 - ideal for business people who use them more for work than for entertainment, since fewer applications are available on this operating system than on Androidor iOS. But Windows 8 wins over competitors in that:

Provides the ability to support multiple user profiles. While in Apple iOS there is no such possibility at all. In the operating room android system, bugatoprofilny appeared quite recently, along with version 4.3, but it has much less convenient user settings than in Windows 8;

- Tablets on Windows 8 can be quickly connected to a laptop and TV with a few simple touches without the use of complex technologies. Also, any device running on this operating system (printer, mouse, memory card) can be connected to tablets running Windows 8 without any problems and complications. For such connections in Android and iOS, you need a driver.

- File manager - privthe familiar "Explorer" in Windows is much more functional compared to those integrated into iOS and Android. In addition, Windows 8 encrypts the files you need. iOS and Android do this only using additional software.

- The latest version of Windows 8.1 adds technologies such as - Snap view, which allows you to work simultaneously in two applications, dividing the display into two halves; Bing News is a convenient search engine, aggregatorp interesting and useful information(news, first of all). Also, this version of Windows provides the ability to work with a stylus.

- Unlike Android and iOS,web browsers up toquite limited in functionality, Windows 8 supports full-fledged browsers.

Despite the fact that tablets on Android - remain the most common on the computer market, the new Windows and mobile devices in which it is used are gradually becoming more popular and convenient for many users

Choosing a tablet with the most convenient and suitable operating system, each user must determine for himself what functions and applications he needs in the first place, and for what purpose he will primarily use them.


Tablet computers cost a lot. However, it is not clear what they offer us in return - whether the tablet will become just a beautiful toy or will be a reliable assistant. The choice of a specific model is largely determined by the choice of a tablet OS. In this article, we will look at the most popular tablet operating systems and talk about several devices based on them.

Despite the certain "youth" of these devices as a class, tablet computers are on the wish list of many of us. But not everyone will be able to answer exactly why they need a tablet and what characteristics it should have. Even if you buy a tablet computer just for surfing the Internet, it is not a fact that you will not get hooked on games or watching videos - but this is a device with different characteristics. Some tablets may not have USB or HDMI connectors, 3G modem or memory card support. All these things may not be important at the moment, but necessary in the future. However, before choosing a specific model, it makes sense to first decide on the future OS. After all, it is she who will have the greatest impact on the convenience of working with a tablet computer.

In this article, we'll take a look at Apple's iOS, Android OS, and Windows 7, the most popular tablet operating systems, and highlight a few worthy representatives of each class.

Apple iOS

Although tablet computers appeared in the early 2000s, they gained their massive popularity only after their release. Apple iPad... It is Apple that can be considered the trendsetter in the tablet market. Therefore, we will begin our review with Apple iOS, which largely predetermined the success of Apple's tablet computers.

Many of those who first tried Apple iOS have become die-hard fans. And it's not just about the stylish interface and beautifully drawn icons. Apple iOS is intuitive, fast, and fault-tolerant. In addition, the user is provided with huge selection high-quality and inexpensive programs that he can buy (and some of them can be downloaded for free) from the Apple App Store. Before entering the store, all software is moderated, so there is much less useless software than, for example, in the Android Market, and it is much easier to find what you need in the Apple App Store.

Unfortunately, the Apple App Store is officially not available for residents of Ukraine. You can get around this by specifying America or Russia as the place of residence during registration (in the latter case, credit cards Ukrainian banks)
Despite a very pleasant interface, Apple iOS does not have a number of features available in other OS: widgets, notification system, fine tuning OS. Also inconvenient is the inability to habitually "minimize" many programs. Fully in background players, messengers, system software can function.

If you are just starting to use this OS, you will most likely be uncomfortable with the total connection to iTunes.
Also disadvantages include the lack of Java support and Adobe Flash... And this means the impossibility of opening some sites and games. Apple is inviting developers to switch to HTML5 supported by Apple iOS.
Apple iOS can only work with Apple devices, and no others.

Apple iPad 2

Although it is the second generation of tablets from Aplle, it does not fundamentally differ from the models of the first in almost anything (even the prices are almost equal). Apple iPad 2 has become even thinner, lighter, faster and has a couple of cameras (by the way, not the most advanced ones). The screen quality has not improved, the standard USB and HDMI connectors have not appeared, there is no slot for memory cards, etc. I can't even call it a "laptop replacement".

However, as a fashion device, thin, light, in a durable aluminum case with an excellent fast operating system and a huge number of inexpensive applications, Apple iPad 2 can outperform tablets from other manufacturers. A tablet from Apple will be the perfect purchase for those who do not require advanced functionality from a tablet, but prefer quality and stylish design.

Specifications Apple iPad 2

This fall, the release of the final version of Apple iOS 5 is planned. The company promises that more than 200 new products are expected in the new version. Along with the release of iOS 5 will be released and new tablet Apple iPad3... According to rumors, the tablet will have an unheard-of resolution of 2048x1536 and will delight the user with other technical innovations.

Google Android 2.X

Android OS is known to many as Google's operating system for smartphones and other mobile devices.

Although a special version of Android OS 3.X was created for tablets, at the moment it is not widely used. The reason for this is the higher specification requirements than Google Android 2.X. Therefore, most manufacturers of entry-level and middle-class devices found it easier not to increase the power of their tablets, but to opt for the second ("phone") version.

There are a huge number of applications for Android OS that you can buy (or download for free) from the Android Market. Google strongly encourages developers and the number of applications on the Android Market is constantly growing.

One of the factors that influences the popularity of Android OS is the availability of devices from different manufacturers that come with Google Android 2.X. However, if in the process of work you do not want to encounter unpleasant "slowdowns", you should consider models with a processor frequency of at least 0.8 GHz and a sufficient amount of RAM.

Samsung Galaxy Tab 7

One of the most popular 7-inch tablets based on Google Android 2.X. A high-quality assembly, a good form factor, good technical characteristics, an almost omnivorous video player that supports popular formats, made this tablet a worthy alternative to the Apple iPad, even despite the slightly overpriced.

Technical samsung specifications Galaxy Tab

Network2.5G (GSM / GPRS / EDGE): 850/900/1 800/1 900MHz
3G (HSUPA 5.76 Mb / s): 900/1 900/2 100MHz
Display7.0 inch TFT-LCD, WSVGA (1024x600)
CPUCortex A8 1GHz with PowerVR SGX540
Camera3 MP + 1.3 MP front camera for video telephony
additional characteristics
  • the shops android applications Market TM and Samsung Apps
  • universal apps Readers Hub, Media Hub, Music Hub, Social Hub
  • support for Adobe Flash 10.1, Full HD images
  • program office applications Thinkfree Office
  • fast typing Swype
  • hybrid Widget widgets
Data transfer
  • connector 30 pin
  • micro SD
  • Wi-Fi 802.11n
  • Bluetooth 3.0
  • 16 internal storage + 32GB expandable storage
  • 4GB NAND Flash for applications + 4GB SDRAM RAM + 1GB SDRAM for network connection
Dimensions and weight
  • 190 x 120.5 x 12 mm
  • 380 gram
  • 4,000mAh
  • 7 hours of video playback
Price at the time of review from $ 535

Google Android 3.X

Anyway, Android 2.X was not originally intended for tablets, so Google has developed a new "tablet" google version Android 3.X, codenamed Honeycomb. The new OS completely abandoned non-touch keys, but still retained their emulation for compatibility with applications optimized for them. However, the development team was in such a hurry with the release of Honeycomb (this is due to competition with Apple's iPad) that the first release caused a number of complaints from users.

The usability of the Google Android 3.X interface is generally good. The user has five desktops available, on which all the necessary elements can be brought up. The toolbar below contains the standard buttons "Back", "Home", "Recent running applications", A pop-up information panel with the current time, access to wireless network, etc.

Android 3.X supports Flash content, although this can be considered a marketing attack on the Apple iPad rather than a real advantage. If the device has a USB connector, you can connect a mouse, keyboard, or use a USB flash drive to the tablet. But this is already a real advantage over the Apple iPad. In addition, Android 3.X allows for more detailed customization of the environment for yourself than is possible in iOS

At the moment, the latest version is Android 3.2, which has received official support for 7-inch models (although their resolution must be at least 1024 × 600 pixels), improved work with SD-cards, and the function of scaling 2.X-programs (due to the small distribution Honeycomb applications).

Android 4.X, codenamed Ice Cream Sandwich, is expected to be released soon. The Internet is already full of rumors about what awaits us in the new version. Apple will release iOS 5 this fall, so Google is doing its best to announce a significant update from Android 3.x.

Acer Iconia Tab A500

The device of 2011 immediately gained popularity due to the adequate price and good functionality. Has a full size USB port with Host mode support. There are micro versions of HDMI and USB ports on the case, so you don't need to think about proprietary adapters for connecting the tablet to a monitor or to a computer for charging. The Acer Iconia Tab A500 has an excellent MVA matrix with a responsive capacitive sensor. The interface is well thought out and pleasant, it is a pleasure to work with it.

Technical specifications Acer Iconia Tab A500

CPUNVIDIA Tegra 250:
ARM Cortex A9 MPCore, 1 GHz, dual core
Graphics controllerNVIDIA GeForce ULP, integrated into the processor
Screen10.1 inches, 1280x800; 262,000 colors;
Capacitive touch screen.
Flash memory32 GB
Flash card slotMicroSD (with SDHC support)
  • 1 x USB 2.0 (host)
  • 1 x Micro USB 2.0 (slave)
  • 1 x Micro HDMI
  • 1 x headphone output (mini-jack 3.5 mm)
Wireless connectionWi-Fi 802.11b / g / nBluetooth 2.1 + EDR
SoundTwo speakers, microphone
FoodBattery Li-Pol 24.1 W * h (3 260 mA * h, 7.4 V)
Power supply unit 18 W (12 V; 1.5 A)
OtherFront webcam 2 megapixels, rear webcam 5 megapixels with LED flash, rotation sensor, light sensor, GPS module
Size, mm260x177x13.3
Weight, g760
at the time of review from $ 560

Windows 7

At the moment, Windows 7 is not at all the leader among tablet operating systems. We mention it here rather out of respect for the fact that it was this company that stood at the origins of the Tablet PC. Ultra-expensive convertible laptops with touch screens are the forefathers of the tablet PC class, but they were available only to a narrow circle of professionals.

The most common operating system for Tablet PCs is Windows 7. The user gets a familiar desktop interface that, using windows system Surface (touch "desktop"), allows you to fully use all the functionality of the tablet (object recognition, multitouch, etc.).

However, the familiar seven is not optimized for tablet use in any way, and trying to get your finger into small objects is annoying. In addition, Windows 7 is resource-hungry. Therefore, do not expect comfortable work from a tablet with a weak processor and a small amount of RAM.

However, Windows 7 provides something that other tablet operating systems cannot. A Windows 7 tablet is essentially a complete computer. You can connect any peripherals (3G modem, card reader, etc. and even a printer!). You have the opportunity to install the programs you are used to, and not look for analogues from limited number applications.

The barrier to the spread of Windows 7 on tablets is the problem of adapting it to devices and incompatibility with ARM processors. On Windows tablets x86 processors are used, which require more active cooling, and reduce the battery life of the tablet (3-4 hours versus 8-10 for tablets with iOS and Android OS). However, Microsoft has promised to fix this flaw in Windows 8.

Acer Iconia Tab W500

This tablet looks like a regular netbook. Only the keyboard here is the docking station, and the screen is actually the tablet itself. The docking station contains two USB connectors (instead of blocked during installation), an additional RJ-45 connector and, of course, a keyboard with a stickpoint instead of a touchpad.

The tablet itself has a 10-inch LCD LED screen with a resolution of 1280 x 800 pixels, a 1.3 megapixel webcam, two full-size USB, HDMI output, card reader, audio output is 14 mm thick and weighs 956 g.

The most important thing is not to forget while working with the tablet installed in the docking station that you are not working with a netbook and do not try to close it - this is fraught with broken contacts.

Technical specifications Acer Iconia Tab W500

CPUAMD Dual-Core С50, 1 GHz
RAM size2 GB DDR3
Graphics subsystemAMD Radeon HD 6250M, 256 MB
Optical driveabsent
Display10.1 inches, aspect ratio 16:10, resolution 1280x800 pixels, LED backlight, HP BrightView technology
Ports and connectors2 USB 2.0, Ethernet (RJ-45) on a docking station, HDMI, Jack 3.5 mm, slot for SD memory cards
Wireless interfacesWi-Fi - 802.11b / g / n, Bluetooth 3.0 + HS, 3G (optional)
Additionallywebcam 1.3 megapixel
Accumulator batteryLi-Ion 3260 mAh
Dimensions280x210x15.9 mm
Weight970 grams, 610 grams keyboard cradle
at the time of review from $ 670

Each of the described OS for tablets has its own advantages and disadvantages. There is no clear winner in this competition. Therefore, first of all, determine what tasks will be solved on the tablet computer and choose the operating system wisely. And only then choose a specific device.

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