Remove the android 4pda system applications. How to remove Android system apps without ROOT

Often system applications  on Android smartphones  completely useless. Moreover, they occupy free memory and consume resources, thereby slowing the speed of the smartphone. In this article, we describe how to remove system android apps.

ATTENTION:  delete only those applications that you know. Some system applications are necessary for stable work  smartphone. If you delete them, you may experience serious problems with the Android device. Be careful!

We will share in two ways how to remove Android system applications without ROOT rights.

Uninstall Android system apps through settings

First, you can try to remove the system applications from the settings menu. System applications are installed by the manufacturer or telecom operator, so it's possible that you will not be able to delete them through the settings menu. Nevertheless, it's worth a try.

This instruction allows you to disable the system application, but not delete it. If you want to completely uninstall the system application, use the following method.

Remove Android system apps from your computer

This method is very simple, but you will need a computer running Windows.

That's all! System apps will be removed from your Android device. Using this program, you can quickly and easily remove Android system applications without ROOT. If you have any questions, please write in the comments below.

The number of companies releasing Android devices is constantly increasing. A couple of years ago, no one heard of such manufacturers as Xiaomi or Leco. And today they are starting to compete with such giants as Samsung and Lenovo. Competition is also in the development of applications for their devices, so that users can take advantage of all the capabilities of their devices. That's why when buying a new phone or tablet, it turns out to be almost completely filled with different programs, they are also called system or stock. Whether they need or just take up space, it's up to you. But if you still made up your mind relevant programs, and at the same time and clean it to speed up the work, then we will tell you how to remove the pre-installed applications on Android.

Which applications can be deleted?

There is no single list of programs that can be safely removed without harming the system, so everyone must determine which ones are not needed. We offer a list of basic programs and those elements, the removal of which will not damage the work of the android device, for example, as Google maps.

List of programs:

  • Voice search or dialing;
  • Help and support from the manufacturer;
  • Standard mail client or browser (Internet);
  • Not used video, audio players;
  • Not necessary Google services (Maps, Gmail, Gtalk, etc.);
  • All kinds of games, books, etc.

In no case, do not remove at random the applications that do not like you or the file, it can lead to system failure! Any application is a file with the extension apk. This is the file that should be deleted. If available, also delete files with the extension .odex. Then this procedure can be considered fulfilled correctly.

This is what the system file itself looks like:

And here is a list of possible systems to remove:

  • AccuweatherWidget.apk - weather informer;
  • AnalogClock.apk - analog clock widget;
  • BlueSea.apk, Aurora.apk, etc. - all kinds of live wallpaper;
  • ChatON_MARKET.apk - chat from Samsung;
  • Encrypt.apk - encryption of the memory card;
  • Geniewidget.apk - news widget;
  • GooglePartnerSetup.apk is Google's next social program;
  • Kobo.apk - magazines;
  • Layar-samsung.apk - augmented reality browser;
  • MobilePrint.apk - remote printing of documents;
  • PlusOne.apk is another social service from Google;
  • SamsungWidget * - different types of widgets from developers from Samsung;
  • VideoEditor.apk - video editor;
  • Voice * .apk - programs for working with voice;
  • Zinio.apk - online journals.

How to remove unnecessary pre-installed applications?

Deleting standard programs without root rights, that is, manually, is performed in the usual way. We choose "Settings", Further "Applications". Activate the required, and click delete.

There's nothing complicated. Difficulties usually arise when the removal is not possible, or when the operation is performed, an error occurs. Then you need to use special programs or just turn it off (see our video for details).

  1. We use ES conductor.

About where to download and how to use it we already wrote. In the framework of this material, we will tell you about the removal on the android.

After launching the explorer, scroll right or click on the top of the window, depending on the version, to open the menu. In it, you need to find and activate the "Root Explorer", to get the rights to delete the preinstalled programs. Usually it is in the "funds" section.

Now it is possible to go to the procedure for deleting. In the Android system, preinstalled applications are located on the internal memory in the "system / app" folder. With the touch, select the desired file and click delete.

Some of them download their updated version in addition to the folder "data / app". We also recommend checking the availability of the program to be deleted.

A faster way is to uninstall the files from the "System" menu. It is in the initial menu, the tab "APPS".

  1. We use CSleaner.

Instructions for installation and operation c we have already published. To delete the preset programs, start the cleaner and go to the main menu. We are interested in the "system" tab. We choose it.

In the opened window there will be a list of all programs available for deletion. You do not have to look for where exactly the applications are located. The deletion is done automatically, literally with a couple of clicks (before deleting, the clianer will ask to confirm the root of the right). And then, it will reboot your device, for correct shutdown.

  1. Remove the preinstalled programs with titanium backup.

In this video, we offer you a visual instruction of another way of removing system applications on android.

Note again that if you are not sure of the purpose of a particular program, it's best not to delete it. We hope that this material was useful to you. There were questions, ask them in the commentary. We will try to help.

Smartphones, tablets and phones are gadgets, without which one person on earth can not do without. And every owner of this gadget knows perfectly well what the Play market is, what applications are, how to install them and what they are for.

But, besides installed applications  when buying, any device contains a system or pre-installed applications. And sooner or later, users have an unquenchable desire to remove superfluous and unnecessary programs, which were installed with the system. But how to remove preinstalled applications on Android? That's exactly what I'm about to tell you.

Before we start removing preinstalled applications, we need to get root rights, in other words, access to viewing and editing system. It is thanks to these rights that many different breakdowns with the smartphone are fixed, they can also replace the phone's built-in memory with sdcard, and even run various applications that require administrator rights, the device.

Afterwards, to remove system applications, we will need to download and install one of the file managers that support access to the system directories. For example, I use Total Сommander  or Root Explorer,you can also use ES as a conductor. These utilities you can find and download in the Play Store, describe how I will not install them, I think you can do it without me.

AT instructions I will use Total CommanderIf you use some other file manager, for  removing preinstalled applications, it's okay as the removal principle is quite similar. Differences can be seen only in the appearance of the program interface.

Remove system applications on Android with Total Commander

I draw attention to the fact that you should not go into the system folder without thinking of deleting everything, since there will be quite a lot of system applications that should not be deleted. Remove only those preinstalled programs that were visible in your menu of your device, just remember to pay attention not only to the icon, but also to the name of the application that you are going to delete.

Deleting preinstalled applications on Android using Root Uninstaller

So, what to do if you can not delete the preinstalled applications on your Android device  or you just do not want to climb into the system folders, afraid to harm your smartphone. In this case, I have plan b", it is that to remove the system application you will need to install a program with a name from the Play Store and select the application to be removed there, but the rest of the utility will do everything for you.

We launch Root Uninstaller  and immediately give him the right to use root access, the procedure is similar to the one I saw in the example with Total Commander.

Now in the list of system applications choose the one we need.

We will throw to the next menu, where you should click on the button " Remove". After a few seconds, the utility will ask you to reboot the device for complete removal.

It should be noted that the application provides quite a few other useful pieces. For example, standard program  you can not delete, but only freeze, so it will shut down and disappear from the main menu, but in the system files will remain in place and wish you can easily turn it back on without any problems.

Another interesting point is that you can make the selected application custom by executing this item, you can later remove the application directly from the device menu or you can move it to the memory card.

In general, try using this program and you'll see for yourself.

There are a lot of ways to remove preinstalled applications on Android, here I showed what I use directly. By the way, there are a lot of Root Uninstaller analogues in the market, so you can use them at will. There is simply no point in describing them all here as they are very similar to each other.

It's no secret that when you buy a new phone or tablet android, the device has already installed many standard games and applications. As a rule, most preinstalled programs are marked as "system" programs and are not deleted in the usual way.

For owners of expensive models with a large amount of memory - this does not create inconvenience; but for owners of cheaper budget devices - can be a serious problem. Because of the large number unnecessary applications  there may be a lack of system or memory, which in turn will cause "braking" and "hang" of the device itself.

In fact, you can remove standard applications on any android device. But since these applications are part of the firmware, you will need to uninstall them:

1. Route Rights  (Administrator rights) - if you do not have them, you can read the instructions for getting root.

2. File manager  - The most convenient for this Es Explorer or Total Commander, but you can use another manager, the main thing that he was with the support of root rights.

Instructions for removing standard applications

Below is an example Es Explorer, we will not make a description for each individual manager, since the removal process is identical and differs only in minor details.

Es Explorer is a free file manager for android devices with support for root rights.

1. Install the application.

2. Grant access to the Route.

3. In the settings, find and enable the "Root Explorer".

4. Go to the "System Apps Apps" section.

5. Mark the applications you want to delete.

6. Click the "Uninstall" button and then "Uninstall" (first the updates are deleted, and then the APK file itself).

7. Delete the residual files from the / data / app section.

Many smartphones that have a basic operating system Android, now come with a lot of unnecessary applications that were preinstalled with the operating system. Now people often have a question, how can you remove these system applications, because they only consume the amount of battery, working in the background, and occupy disk space. By removing these applications, you can then download something really necessary to the smartphone.

People who understand smartphones often understand that when programs work in the background, RAM  device ". This significantly reduces the speed of opening some programs, and the execution of various commands, and leads one day to the fact that the phone starts to hang, for this reason, every normal user, at least once thought of how quickly remove unnecessary programs from his smartphone, so as not to clutter free space and random access memory.

Programs that can be used to remove applications preinstalled by the system.

First, you need to remember that if your Android is clean, that is, you did not do any hacking with it, then you will not be able to remove the system applications, and all for the reason that when you uninstall applications you must have administrator rights , in the Android system - this is called Root rights. In addition, that a person must receive these rights, it is still necessary that the smartphone has a file manager installed, necessary for deleting or editing system files. On the Internet now you can find a lot of information on how to get Root rights on your smartphone, you can also use universal programs. It's about ES Explorer, Kingo Root and so on.

Now, all the above mentioned programs can be found on the Internet, they are laid out on a free basis, for this reason, installing the application on your smartphone will not cause any difficulties.

Root Explorer to Smartphone - Installation.

Before you start removing useless applications on your smartphone, you first need to decide which program we will use. After you have decided on the choice, and installed the necessary software, you need to give the conductor Root access. It is easy to run this procedure, just start the program and open the "Quick access" setting, then go to the section called "Tools", and opposite the "Explorer" value, you need to switch the button to the "Enable" position.

For example, a utility was used, such as ES Explorer. First, we installed the guide himself, then gave him the necessary rights, and then we perform the following manipulations:
- We confirm our actions.
- Go to the appropriate settings.
- Pay attention to the Apps item, there you need to find a column called Root, and set two items, namely "Data backup", and "Uninstall automatically".

The first function helps a person to save copies of applications in a certain place, so that later on, in case of what, the process of "Recovery" could be performed.

After the program setup has come to an end, you need to go to the root of the folder of our smartphone, there to find the system partition, go to it, select the folder app, and already there delete those applications that we do not need.

Standard applications are their removal.

It turned out that the Android operating system has the ability to remove such system applications as:

Calendar and an ordinary alarm clock.
- Widgets for the clock and standard player
- Set and search by voice.
- Calculator, and so on.
In our case, we delete the Google+ service, considering this program useless, we will subject it to the process of "Destruction". In the process of deletion, the system asks you if you are ready for this action. It turns out that it is extremely difficult to restore a remote application, in some cases, it is almost impossible to do this. Before you delete an application, you need to figure out whether it will be needed later. If you delete the system application that is responsible for the operation of the device, you can permanently damage your smartphone.

Beginning with operating system  Android fifth version, the application there are placed in different folders. For this reason, it is necessary for a person to first find all the folders containing this software, and then to expose it to "Deletion". If it is necessary to clean internal memory  device, then it's enough to clean the cache and system application settings, nothing, without deleting.

Features that are available when you uninstall system applications.

Before removing the standard applications, you need to remember some of the nuances that can arise later, from any person.
1) When uninstalling, you can use the application search, being in system folder  app.

2) Programs from Google, which in the smartphone can be found a great many, it is recommended to delete without fear and risk. In most cases, they just clog up our device. The main thing to delete applications, not services, otherwise you can expose your phone to an eternal lock.

At removal of system applications, there are, as own positive moments, and negative.

Among the advantages you can notice:
- savings free space  on the smartphone, because when you delete, the memory will be cleaned up to several hundred megabytes.
  - It will be possible to install new applications that will be actively used by humans.
- When you delete, the knowledge base of a person is expanded in the work with this operating system.

The main and perhaps the only drawback that is possible with the removal of system applications is the inadequate operation of the device itself after the removal of some applications. It turned out that most people simply delete the wrong files, and for this reason, the device starts to terribly braked at the beginning, and in the end, in general, is turned off and permanently blocked.

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