How to remove a program in the windows 10 registry. Installing incompatible programs. Removing unnecessary software with CCleaner

With the active use of the operating system, a large amount of unnecessary software constantly accumulates on the disk. Moreover, most of them are practically not used. To free up space on system disk you have to resort to removing them in Windows 10. There are many options for how to do this.

Removing windows 10 programs through the "Start menu"

The most in a simple way is to uninstall the software through the Start menu. To do this, you need to go to the Start menu, open "All Applications". Then press right click mouse (RMB) on unnecessary software and select "Delete"

After following the instructions of the uninstaller, the application can be completely removed from the disk.

How to uninstall a program in Windows 10 through the "Control Panel"

One of the simplest and convenient ways at any Windows versions is uninstallation via Control Panel. The Control Panel item "Add or Remove Programs" or "Programs and Features" is located in Windows 10 in the same place as before.

You will need to open the panel by right-clicking on the "Start" button, and then selecting the desired menu item. If "Category" is set in the "View" field at the top right, then in the "Programs" section you need to open "Uninstall a program".

If "Icons" is set in the view field, then open the "Programs and Features" item to access the list of applications installed on the computer.

In order to delete some of them, simply select it in the list, press the "Delete" button in top line, as a result of this, the uninstaller provided by the software developer will be launched and, most likely, the application and all its components will be removed from the computer correctly and completely.

Removing programs in windows 10 through the "Options"

In the new OS, in addition to the control panel, the new Settings application is used to change settings. To open it, you need to click the "Start" button and select the "Settings" item. This utility allows you to remove software installed on your computer.

To remove unnecessary software, you need to go to the "System" section, then the "Applications and features" item. Then select the one you want to delete from the list, click the corresponding
If the software to be removed is an application Windows Store 10, you just need to confirm the deletion. If a classic application is removed, its official uninstaller will be launched.

How to quickly and easily open Programs and Features

In the second case, the application will not be removed, but a list of installed software on the computer will open, from which it will be possible to remove any item.

Uninstall software using PowerShell

The PowerShell utility is used to remove built-in Windows 10 applications.

In the search bar, you will need to run "PowerShell" on behalf of the Administrator.

In the window that opens, enter the command “Get-AppxPackage | Select Name, PackageFullName ”, where“ PackageFullName ”is the fully qualified name of the application.
After that, it will appear full list installed standard applications.

To start the process, you need to enter the command “Get-AppxPackage PackageFullName | Remove-AppxPackage ".

To remove non-removable programs, you can use special programs e.g. Revo Uninstaller, CCleaner.

Uninstalling with Revo Uninstaller

This application displays a list of installed programs. Revo Uninstaller can remove the program completely, including additional files and registry entries that often remain on the computer after uninstalling in a standard way. Also Revo Uninstaller will be useful if the program is not removed.

In order to uninstall a program in Windows 10 using Revo Uninstaller, select the program in the Revo Uninstaller window and click on the "Uninstall" button.

In the uninstall warning window, just click on the "Yes" button.

Next, a window will appear to select the removal method.

There are four ways:

  1. Built in - standard way removing software;
  2. Safe - with search additional files and registry entries;
  3. Moderate - with advanced search for additional files and registry entries;
  4. Advanced - with the most thorough search for additional files and registry entries;

After choosing one of the uninstallation methods, Revo Uninstaller proceeds to uninstallation.

After analyzing the system, the standard installer will start, with which you can remove the program. After the installer is finished, you need to click on the "Next" button in order to delete additional files and entries in the registry. Before deleting this data, the program will ask for your confirmation.

After deleting additional files and registry entries, uninstallation of the program is complete.

Removing unnecessary software with CCleaner

The CCleaner app removes all built-in Windows 10 apps.
First you need to download, install and run CCleaner.
In the window that opens, go to the "Service" section, select "Remove Programs"
A list of software will open, where you will need to select unnecessary ones, then click "Uninstall".

Using these methods, you can permanently get rid of unnecessary software on your computer.

Have questions? Write a comment!

Hey! I continue to take Windows 10 apart, thereby discovering more and more new information... And of course I am sharing with you, I am sure there will be people who will be interested. Today I will talk about applications in Windows 10, show how you can delete them and where to do it from. I will also tell you which applications can be safely removed without fear and without looking back. By the way, read about that, I have already told, if you are interested.

What apps can be uninstalled on Windows 10

To see all the applications that are installed on your computer, in the lower left corner of the screen, click on the Start button, in the window that opens, click on the Settings tab.

In the options menu, click on the tab - System.

You can find out the size of the application, which is indicated opposite the name of the application. And if you click on the application, then two buttons will appear - Move and Remove, to remove the application, click on the button - Remove.

Essential apps in Windows 10:

Sway, a simple application for creating presentations if you are not interested this topic, then you can safely remove this application. But yes, for the pros, this is a very weak application.

Twitter, the application is so-so, I don't think there will be many people who will go to twitter from this particular application. The graphics are much worse than on the real site, you can safely remove them.

Xbox, app for lovers game console xbox, in general, you can connect your console to this application, play free games, chat with the same players, etc. But yes, if you do not have an xbox, you can also use this application, just one game joystick, connect it to your computer and you are in the game. No console and joystick? Don't like to play? Feel free to uninstall the Xbox app.

Alarm clocks and clocks cool application, but if you do not need an alarm clock on your computer or laptop, then you can safely delete this application.

Phone manager, you will be able to synchronize your phone with a computer, mail, music, skype, auto transfer of photos, etc. In general, it's up to you to delete or not.

Download skype, application to download skype to computer, if you already have skype, then just uninstall this application.

Calculator, an ordinary calculator, nothing superfluous.

Camera, application to start shooting from your PC camera, video recording, you can still take pictures. Do not delete.

Cards, application for viewing maps of cities and countries. Something like Google and Yandex maps.

Cinema and TV, an application for adding your videos to it, you can safely delete it. Perhaps the application is still under development.

People, application for finding contacts, you can connect your accounts. You can safely delete, very few people you will find there.

Shop, I do not recommend deleting the main application in Windows 10, since you can restore applications from the Store, as well as install new applications and games.

Groove music, I do not know why this application is needed, it stupidly displays your music from a computer for listening. You can safely delete.

Beginning of work, useful application, launch it for a closer look at Windows 10.

News, news and so it is enough, you can delete.

Weather, cool application, you can find out the weather anywhere in the world, but you can also find out what the weather was like in previous years!

Mail and calendar, I don’t know, personally I don’t need this application. You can connect your electronic boxes and follow them from of this application, read mail, send message, etc. There is also a Calendar here, you can mark events, take notes, reminders.

Application connector, As you probably understood from the name, the application is designed to connect and synchronize applications such as - Mail and Calendar, Movies and TV, Alarm and Clock, etc. The app allows apps to interact with each other. The Application Connector is the default and CANNOT be uninstalled!

Messages and skype, can be safely deleted if you already have skype on your computer.

Sport, very interesting application for sports fans, shows all the most interesting, sports, world news. You can read articles directly in the application.

Telephone, an application for making calls from a computer, the application is also associated with Skype app... Perhaps it will come in handy for someone, but not for me for sure.

Improve your Office, the application gives access to an improved version of the Office program, or rather, you can subscribe to a free, monthly, trial version programs.

Finance, the application displays financial news and not only, exchange rates, world markets and stock exchanges. And yes, there is a mortgage calculator! , give! can calculate the cost of your mortgage. No comments.

Photo, with this application, you can view photos on your computer. The application has a built-in mini photo editor. For me, it's okay, a normal application, you can leave it.

Yes, and more, if you have Ccleaner program, to clean your PC, which can be downloaded for free on the Internet, from the official website, then you can delete Windows applications 10 using this program. Open the program, on the left go to the tab - Service, right-click on the application that you want to uninstall, in the window that opens, click on the tab - Uninstall, after which the application will be removed from your PC.

To summarize, of course, any application can be safely removed and nothing terrible will happen to your computer. But I do not advise you to rush, take a closer look, open the application, study it, you might like it. And that's all for me, I'm waiting for your comments, see you again!

Still have questions? Write a comment! Good luck!

What applications can be safely removed on Windows 10 updated: July 22, 2018 by: Ilya Zhuravlev

If you don't like Windows 10 for some reason, you can get rid of it. Serious reasons for negative attitudes towards the new operating room Microsoft system no, but hardware problems can force uninstall Windows 10. There are two ways to do this: completely “demolish” all software from hard disk(at least from the system partition) or roll back to the previous OS version.

Important: the second method is available only a month after updating your "seven" or "eight" to Windows 10. After this period, you will not be able to remove the system in this way. We'll have to reinstall.

First, let's look at a way to rollback to previous system... It is less "bloody", and it will be faster and easier to return to full use of programs.

Downgrade with standard features

When upgrading to "tens", files old system prudently saved in the Windows.old folder. Removing it will make the maneuver described below impossible. In addition, it is automatically deleted after a month, as already hinted at above. If it is there and you are eager to return to your familiar work environment, do the following.

  • In the lower right corner of the window on Windows panels 10 has a notification icon (resembles a dialog symbol). By clicking on it, you will open the list possible actions, among which select and run “All parameters”.
  • A window will open in which you need to go to the "Update and Security" item, and then go to the "Recovery" section.

  • In a new window, depending on which system you updated from, you will be prompted to return to it. Just click on the “Get Started” button under this offer to rollback to the old system.

Actually, that's all. It remains to wait until the downgrade process is completed and you can get into a familiar and convenient desktop, say, “sevens”. This simple removal of Windows 10 traces from your computer will not affect files and third-party programs.

Please note: it is better to save important files from the system partition (desktop, folders with documents or images) in a safe place, for example, on a USB flash drive. Still, Windows 10 cannot boast of stability yet.

Full OS reinstallation

Before the barbaric uninstall Windows 10 from a working computer, it is worth recalling that you can simply reinstall the system from scratch from full formatting system partitions. Stock up on a Windows 7 DVD (if that's what you need) or. The system image can be found on the Internet (official, with a trial period of 30 days).

How is the OS installation from Microsoft going -. It is only important to mention two points:

  • it is worth disabling the Secure Boot option in UEFI (usually in the Boot section - all UEFI BIOSes are different on different models motherboards and laptops);
  • be sure to format the hard disk partition where the system will be installed. Highlight the partition, click "Disk Setup" - "Format":

Disabling Secure Boot is necessary if the laptop was sold with a factory “ten”. Otherwise, the machine may prevent the installation of an alternative operating system.

Destroying the OS completely

And now the most interesting, but quite difficult from a technical point of view, is the removal of Windows 10 100%, completely. Why it might be necessary to say something like that is impossible to say unequivocally. Perhaps you hate the new "Windows" so much that you decided to switch to something alternative like Ubuntu. Or you want to put “seven” on the SSD and clear the HDD.

In any case, you will need bootable USB drive or a disc with a recorded GParted LiveCD system. You can download a disk image absolutely free of charge and legally from the official website. Just enter this name in the search. You can write to a disk with any program that supports writing images in the .iso format, and to write to a USB flash drive, use the Rufus program.

When the flash drive or disk is ready, restart your computer with the "ten", making sure that all files, passwords, and so on are safe. Of course, Secure Boot must also be disabled. When the first start screen appears, press F12 and select the desired boot item. Next, you will see a screen like this (select Default):

Look for the GParted program on the desktop or in the menu. This is her interface:

In the window, you will see a list of partitions on your hard drive. In the upper right corner, you can select a specific disk or flash drive, if there are several of them. All connected storage devices will be displayed in the list, so be careful: formatting the wrong partition or disk means ruining all the data on it.

With GParted you can format partitions, delete, create new ones, and so on. To remove any operating system from your computer, you just need to know on which section hard disk it is installed. Just right click on it and select formatting in desired format... For Windows, this is NTFS.

The “dozens” should also have partitions with data for recovery. They usually "weigh" about 300-500 MB. It is better not to touch them, since some may be needed for UEFI, namely for the markup to work correctly.

As you can see, nothing complicated. But keep in mind that after the operations done, the computer will not be able to boot, because it will not have an OS. Prepare the disc with the desired operating system and install from scratch.

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The question of how to uninstall a program in Windows 10 is often asked by users who have this operating system installed relatively recently. Indeed, in latest version Windows has slightly changed the interface, and an inexperienced user may get confused. Therefore, we will consider several options for how to uninstall a program in Windows 10:

  • using standard OS tools;
  • third-party utilities.

Standard tools

Windows ten is convenient in that it implements the ability to remove directly from the Start menu. All that is required of you is to find the required application and right-click on it. Select the required action and the application will be uninstalled.

As a disadvantage of this method, it is worth noting that there is practically no information about the application, except for the name. To have a little more information about programs, use a different method. Hover the cursor over the notification icon in the tray (the notification area in the lower right corner of the monitor screen), left-click, select "Notification Center" - "All options". In the window, go to the "System" section, and in it to the "Applications and features" item. You will see all the software on the computer. Choose the necessary program and delete.

Another way is uninstallation through the "Control Panel".

Select it from the Start menu. Another option to open the panel is to right-click on the Start button. The context menu will contain the item "Control Panel". Select in the Programs and Features panel. Also, this tool can be launched by typing the command "appwiz.cpl" in the line "Run" (keyboard shortcut "Windows + R").

There will be a list in the window installed applications... You need to find the one you want to delete and select it. You can right-click on the name and select "Delete" or click the button at the top of the window.

This procedure launches the standard uninstaller. Usually everything happens in automatic mode, but sometimes you need to follow simple instructions.

This removal method does not affect many auxiliary files and the registry. In other words, traces of the program remain in the system. Sometimes it gets in the way. For example, there may be a conflict with other programs. It happens that an application that you once uninstalled will not be reinstalled. During installation, a message will appear stating that such a program is already in use. And sometimes some components are simply not displayed and the software cannot be removed from the computer by standard means... What should be done in this case?

Special programs

For such purposes, it is better to use special utilities:

  • Revo Uninstaller.
  • Uninstall Tool.
  • CCleaner.
  • Jv16 PowerTools.

Let's look at the complete uninstall procedure using the example of Revo Uninstaller and Jv16 PowerTools.

Run Revo Uninstaller and click on "Uninstaller" at the top of the window. Please select unnecessary application and click on "Delete". When the process is completed, you will be prompted to search for files throughout the system by selecting one of the modes:

  • built-in;
  • safe;
  • moderate;
  • advanced.

They differ in the depth of search. If you are not good at system tools, optimal mode for you it will be "Safe". If you are an advanced user, choose Moderate. If you can understand the registry entries, then Advanced is the way to go. Please note that in the latter mode, when scanning, the search results may contain important system files. Removing them will be critical for Windows 10. This will make the OS inoperable, and you will have to either restore it or reinstall it from scratch.

Therefore, be careful and do not select items that you are not sure about. When finished cleaning, restart your computer.

You can also uninstall programs in Windows 10 using Jv16 PowerTools. Once launched, it will scan the system. Select "Complete uninstallation of programs" and find the application that you want to remove from your computer. To uninstall, mark the program by ticking the checkbox on the left and clicking "Uninstall".

Now clean the system. To do this, click on the "Close" button and select "Cleaning and repairing your computer" on the main screen. Set the slider to "Normal system scan method" and start the scan.

The program will scan the system for errors and offer to fix them. When the report appears, check all the boxes and click "Fix".

As you can see, it is not difficult to remove programs from your computer. Choose the method that suits you best and follow the instructions.

The purpose of writing the proposed article with several instructions is to provide a novice user with information on how to properly uninstall applications in Windows 10 using its tools and through third-party applications. Along the way, the user will get acquainted with the methods of calling the tool designed to remove unnecessary programs from the system.

In general, with a quick comparison, the procedures in Windows 7-8 and in the top ten are similar, and there are no fundamental changes or innovations, in addition to the updated user interface, in fact, no. Is it worth noting the emergence of an accelerated method for calling the Control Panel applet, which is responsible for uninstalling the software. Let's start with how to enter the interface for uninstalling applications installed on the system.

How to find the tool responsible for uninstalling programs in Windows 10?

An applet or Control Panel item, which is a kind of application integrated into Explorer, called Add or Remove Programs, is located in a place familiar from previous versions of the OS.

1. We call the Toolbar window, for example, through the new menu Win → X.

There are many ways to do this in the top ten, read about them in the corresponding article.

2. If the value of the "View" field is defined as "Category", click "Uninstall Programs" in the "Programs" section, otherwise we find the item "Programs / Features".

Thus, we will get access to the applet, which contains a list of software products installed on the computer with the ability to uninstall or fix problems (for example, one of the software components was accidentally deleted).

You can get rid of any component located in the list of installed applications. Their number will be slightly larger than you can find shortcuts in Start. Removing programs is carried out by sending the appropriate command by clicking on its icon. This is done both using the "Delete / Change" button in the toolbar, and through the context menu of the selected item. After that, the system will launch the uninstaller included in the application distribution kit, giving the user the opportunity to specify the uninstallation parameters (for example, leave the utility settings).

You can also access the applet through the advanced search, which does an excellent job.

New interface for uninstalling applications in the Options menu

Options was designed as a replacement for the Control Panel, but it was not possible to quickly transfer users who are accustomed to it, so the Options menu remains an alternative to the Control Panel. It has its own tool for uninstalling applications from Windows 10. How to get to the uninstallation interface through the Settings, we will consider in more detail.

1. Open the menu using the keyboard shortcut Win → I or through context menu Start.

2. Go to the "System" section.

3. Click on the "Applications / Features" tab.

As a result, a list of programs found in the system will be displayed. Their removal is carried out in the same way as with the previous method: select the application, click "Delete" and confirm the action. Next, the integrated installer or Windows installer will launch, where you need to perform a couple of clicks.

In this method, as we can see, there is nothing complicated and new, it is also primitive in operation and regularly performs the assigned tasks.

Additional ways to open the uninstall dialog in Windows 10

We've looked at the classic method of opening the Programs / Features applet, it's time to familiarize ourselves with a quick way to invoke this tool.

1. Call Win → X with the appropriate combination or by right-clicking on Start.

2. Select the appropriate item from the drop-down list.

Also, for most programs, the following option works: open Start, right-click on the unnecessary component (this applies only to extraneous programs) and select "Delete".

Thus, we will see a list of installed applications. Already with its help, you can get rid of unnecessary component systems.

Related information

Most of the installed utilities create folders with shortcuts for launching the uninstaller (the application itself, help, etc.) in the All Programs section of Start. By clicking on this shortcut, uninstall.exe or uninst.exe will be launched, located in the root folder with the application files.

Some applications may have problems uninstalling. This applies, for example, to emulators that inject their own drivers into the system, antiviruses and drivers peripheral devices(video adapter). In many cases, you just have to restart Windows 10. If you have problems removing antiviruses and video adapter drivers, you should use the uninstallers designed for them.

For a comprehensive cleaning of the system from any application, you should pay attention to applications such as Revo Uninstaller and similar. The program will not only launch the built-in installer of the application, but also offer to conduct a surface or deep scan file system for the presence of files remaining from the operation of the remote utility and will find the registry keys belonging to it.

If you do not find any product in the list of installed products, this may mean that the program you are looking for is portable or target. software- malicious. To get rid of it, you should use antivirus or anti-spyware, for example, AVZ.

Where is the uninstallation of programs on windows 10

Most of those who have Windows 10 installed today switched to it from the seven and here they are in for a few surprises.

Many find it difficult to navigate the new interface - it will be determined what is where, in particular, uninstalling programs - the usual section "Programs and Features".

Deleting files located on windows 10 is best done with external tools, for example, the excellent free application"Revo Unistaler".

Those who are accustomed to the built-in Windows tools may not worry about the top ten uninstallation programs that were in previous versions remained, just not so in sight.

To get to this section, you need to open the classic control panel (there are two of them in Windows 10) - by clicking on the link above, you will find out how.

However, you can do it differently. Click search and enter the name of the section there.

After that, you will see at the very top deleting 10 files (applications) located on the Windows system. You just have to click on it and you can start "work". Good luck.

Add or remove programs in Windows 10

In this article, I want to take a closer look at the features of the section - Add or Remove Programs in Windows 10.

The new, tenth edition of Windows, in addition to the standard program installer, has several additional services. The Microsoft application store is now available, where you can find a huge number of interesting utilities that every person needs.

For more experienced users, a download function has been added software through command line... More about everything, further in this article.

First of all, I want to tell you how to open the Add / Remove Programs section.

You can open the required menu in several ways:

Installing programs in Windows 10.

  • The usual installation of any programs.

The built-in Install Wizard is also present in Windows 10. The only thing you need to do is open the installation file ( setup file) or start the disk, then follow simple instructions... Installation proceeds as in any other Windows.

Before starting work, you must log in with your account Microsoft record... If you don't have account, then it must be created, registration is intuitive and takes no more than 7 minutes. Then we go to the taskbar, where we select the "Store" icon. The use of the service is available only with an active Internet connection.

This specialized service contains a large amount of software stored on a remote server. Many useful utilities are free.

There is a built-in search. Finding what you need is not time-consuming, just enter keyword in the store search window (top right). New and popular utilities are entered into a separate TOP-chart. The list can be found at start page store.

Installing programs - via OneGet in Windows 10.

The developers have introduced the ability to install utilities directly from the "repositories" (repositories) using the command line. Many are discouraged by the fact that this way does not imply any graphic design.

But the fact remains - installing content directly from the repository is the fastest, most reliable way.

OneGet service allows you to install software with just one command - "Install-Package". This requires:

For example, if you need Opera browser, then enter instead of * application_name * the name of this very browser. After completing all the manipulations, the required software will be downloaded and then installed on Personal Computer, it looks like this:

Uninstall programs in Windows 10.

Standard uninstallation. For implementation, right-click on the "Start" icon. In the list that opens, select Options, then in the upper right corner, in the search bar, type "Programs and Features".

Tablet mode in Windows 10.

Windows 10 has a tablet mode, the uninstallation algorithm in which is as follows:

  1. We go to "Start".
  2. Find the "Options" icon.
  3. Next, go to the "System" section.
  4. A menu will open where we find the line "Applications and features".
  5. Select the required software, after which the "Delete" button appears.

Installing and removing programs in Windows 10 includes both the old proven methods and innovations that will appeal to only beginners and already experienced users. Microsoft continues to take care of its customers by providing excellent quality software.

If you have questions on this topic, feel free to write in the comments, I will try to answer as quickly as possible. Best regards, Vladislav Nikitin.

How to quickly find a program on a Windows 10 computer

Hey! For an inexperienced user, it is not so easy to find this or that program on your computer. A shortcut on the desktop will not reveal the location of the program, but will only launch the program itself. And it happens that the program does not create a shortcut on the desktop at all and you may not even know about the existence of this or that program on your computer. Today I will show you how easy it is to search for programs on your computer and show you where all the programs on Windows computer 10, and indeed on any Windows computer.

You can find any program on your computer using the command line. To do this, open the Start menu in the lower left corner of the screen. In the menu, click on the tab - All Applications.

You will see the Run window, enter the name of the program in the field and click OK. If you entered the correct name of the program, then you will open this program.

Where are all programs on Windows 10

To open the location of all programs on your computer, where you can remove this or that program from your computer, also open the Start menu. In the list of all applications, under Windows System, click on the tab - Default Programs.

This will open the Default Programs page. At the bottom of the page, click on the tab - Programs and Features.

Next, you will be taken to the Programs and Features page. All programs that are installed on your computer are displayed here. You can uninstall, modify or restore a program by right-clicking on the program.

That's all ! Now you are a little smarter. Still have questions? Write a comment! Good luck!

How to quickly find a program on a Windows 10 computer updated: April 9, 2016 by Ilya Zhuravlev

How to uninstall a program in Windows 10

In the course of long-term operation of a computer or laptop, their amount of disk space available for storing data or installing new applications is inexorably reduced. For example, if we are talking about the system drive "C", then the reasons preceding this can be many, ranging from installing updates for the operating system itself, ending with the user's careless attitude to storing their digital data. Therefore, sooner or later, many have the question of how to uninstall a program in Windows 10 as it is unnecessary or to release it. free space for higher priority tasks. Based on this, in this topic, we will consider how to remove programs in Windows 10 by its regular means and with the help of third-party software, and also we will analyze their strengths and weak sides.

Uninstall Windows 10 programs through Control Panel

This is the easiest and most obvious way for most users to delete installed programs, but due to the different interface of the operating room Windows systems 10 this task baffles many, because the usual link to this section in the Start menu is missing.

However, the ability to switch to the good old control panel in the new operating system stayed. To use it, you need to move the mouse cursor over the "Start" button, click on it with the right mouse button and select the "Control Panel" item in the menu that appears.

If in your case the window interface looks different from the one shown in the screenshot above, then, most likely, in the upper right corner in the "View" column there is a status not "Category", but "Large icons" or "Small icons ". In this case, select the "Programs and Features" section.

Additional options for quickly opening the "Programs and Features" section

You can get to the "Programs and Features" section by other, more fast ways.

  1. We also press the right mouse button on the "Start" button and in the menu that appears, select the "Programs and Features" item.
  1. In the "Start" menu, open the "Applications" item and in the list that appears, select the application to be removed. Click on it with the right mouse button in the menu that appears, click "Delete".
  1. Using the combination of hot keys "Windows + R" open the command interpreter "Run" and enter the command to open the section of interest to us "appwiz.cpl", and then click "OK".

Uninstall Windows 10 programs through the "Options" section

You can also delete any application from the "C" drive through the "Parameters" section. To do this, open the "Start" menu and select the "Options" item. Next, select the "System" section.

Going into it, we open the subsection "Applications and Features", where we uninstall unnecessary program.

Complete removal of programs from the computer through the system registry

Unfortunately, the two methods described above do not allow you to completely remove the program from your computer. As a rule, after their application, a lot of residual "garbage" folders, files and records remain on the disk space of the PC and in the system registry, which absolutely do not serve the benefit of the computer. Therefore for complete removal the remnants of any software must be resorted to a registry editor. It is opened using the same "Run" command interpreter and the "regedit" command.

Having opened the editor, we immediately follow the "Edit" tab, where we select the "Find" item.

Thus, step by step, we find all residual records, folders and files of the remote program scattered on the "C" drive, and delete them.

Uninstalling programs with third-party software

In conclusion, we will give an example of uninstalling programs using third-party software. In fact, today there are plenty of uninstaller programs, so the user has a lot to choose from. We recommend the well-known Uninstall Tool. It is perfect for users of any level, because its interface is intuitive, and the functionality is really wide. First, it allows you to completely remove applications with automatic registry cleaning. Secondly, it makes it possible to customize Windows startup at your own discretion. Third, it provides access to system files and hidden from the user's eyes entries in the system registry.

We install the program and run it. Since it is primarily an uninstaller, the tab with the same name opens by default when launched. Next, select the program to be eliminated from the list and click "Uninstall".

During the uninstallation process, the program will scan disk space for the presence of folders, files and registry entries left by the previously uninstalled program and offer to delete them.

This completes the process of how to uninstall a program in Windows 10. Everyone will decide for themselves which method to use.

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