How to freeze multiple columns in excel. How to freeze top rows in Excel

If you want to freeze a specific area in a document, you need to know how to freeze a row in Excel.

Thanks to this, you can customize the visibility of cells when scrolling the main sheet.

In Excel, you can fix both columns and rows of a sheet.

Anchor a line

Advice! With the help of the attachment function, you can leave the necessary columns or lines in view while flipping through the sheet of the file. In the same way, you can fix a formula, a cell, and all sorts of notes. Fixed elements are visually separated by a solid line.

Thanks to this, they can be flipped separately from each other.

To freeze a line, follow these steps:

  • Create a new program document (or open an existing one);
  • Highlight the line you want to attach. To speed up the selection of a large line, click on the start cell, then the Shift key and on the end element. Thus, the entire line will be instantly selected;

  • Go to the standard "View" tab, which is located in the main program window on the toolbar;
  • Find the window options bar and select the dock panes key. In the drop-down list, click on the function that captures the string, as shown in the picture below;

Thus, you can easily highlight the table header.

If you look at the figure, you will see that the frozen lines are displayed, even after scrolling through the table two hundredth lines.

Also be sure to read:

Freezing a column

To fix a column using Excel, follow the instructions:

  • Select the table columns to be attached at a time;

  • In the "View" tab, find the menu for fixing the elements and fix the selected or several columns, as shown in the figure below;

Thus, the table can be scrolled from right to left. The fixed column will be visible to the user at all times.

If you want to unpin a previously selected item, follow the instructions:

  1. Go to the "view" window on the toolbar;
  2. Unpin the regions using the menu in the Freeze Elements tab.

Freezing document regions

In an Excel spreadsheet processor, you can freeze not only columns and rows separately from each other.

You can also fix individual groups of custom elements. Thus, you can significantly speed up the work with complex tables and reports.

To fix several components at the same time, select them and click on the menu item "fix areas", as shown in the figure:

After that, the selected elements will remain visible while scrolling the window in different directions.

Modern Excel is a very powerful tool for working with a large amount of information in a tabular form. For those cases where there are a lot of lines, there is the possibility of pinning the top line and the first column. But not everyone knows how to freeze an area in Excel.

Let's look at how to do this, since there is nothing difficult here.

  1. First you need to create some kind of table. Desirable with a large number of rows and columns.

  1. Then we select all the lines that contain the main information.

  1. After that go to the "View" tab. Click on the "Freeze Areas" button. In the menu that appears, select the first item.

  1. Immediately after that, you will have a vertical and horizontal line, which show that everything that is before them will be motionless.

The above steps are only suitable for modern editors (2007, 2010, 2013 and 2016).

With older versions, the process is slightly different.

  1. We highlight the main information in the table, which should be mobile in the process of work.
  2. Open the "Window" section of the menu.
  3. We select the item "Freeze areas".

  1. As a result, you will see a horizontal and vertical line constraint. The highlighted part will be after them.

You can scroll the sheet down and to the right. You will see that the first column and header are in place.

With this function, you can freeze more than just one row or column. There may be several of them. It all depends on what you select before pinning.

How to remove pinning

It is quite easy to undo all changes. Let's see how to do this using the example of different versions of the editors.

Modern Excel

  1. Click on the "View" tab.
  2. Click on the "Freeze Areas" button.
  3. Select the indicated item.

  1. As a result, everything will return to its original form (the dividing lines will disappear).

Old Excel

  1. Open the "Window" section of the menu.
  2. Click on the "Unpinned Areas" item.

  1. The result will be similar. Now all rows and columns will be movable while scrolling.

The absence of the "View" tab

Some users may encounter such a problem. If you open Microsoft Online Help, you can read that this feature is not available in Excel Starter. If you do not have this tab, then most likely you are the owner of just such an editor.

More details about this can be found.

What will happen when printing

Try scrolling down the sheet so that the first lines disappear.

Then press Ctrl + P on your keyboard. In the window that appears, check that the printer is connected and ready to print. Then click on the "Print" button.

The result will be the following.

As you can see, everything is in its place. Nothing has disappeared anywhere, since fixing occurs precisely in the process of work, and not when printing documents.


This article has shown you how to freeze a specific space in different versions of Microsoft Excel. If you don't succeed, you may be highlighting the wrong cells. Or, as mentioned above, your editor may have limitations.

Video instruction

If suddenly someone still has questions, below is attached a video with various comments to the instructions described above.

When working with vast amounts of tabular data in Excel, for reasons of convenience, it may be necessary to fix a certain section of the table - a header or data that should always be in front of your eyes, no matter how far the table is scrolled.

Working with Excel 2003

This feature is available in every version of Excel, but due to the difference in interface and location of menu items and individual buttons, it is not configured in the same way.

Anchor a line

If you need to fix a header in the file, i.e. top line, then in the "Window" menu, select "Freeze regions" and select the cell of the first column of the next line.

To fix several lines at the top of the table, the technology is the same - the cell on the far left is selected in the next cell after the lines to be fixed.

Freezing a column

Freezing a column in Excel 2003 is done in the same way, except that the cell in the top row of the next column or several columns is selected.

Pinning an area

The Excel 2003 software package allows you to simultaneously fix the columns and rows of the table. To do this, select the cell next to the fixed ones. Those. to freeze 5 rows and 2 columns, select a cell in the sixth row and third column and click Freeze Areas.

Working with Excel 2007 and 2010

Later versions of the Excel software package also allow you to fix the file header in place.

Anchor a line

For this:

When you want to fix not one, but another number of lines, then you need to select the first scrollable line, i.e. the one that will be immediately behind the assigned ones. After that, all in the same paragraph, select "Freeze areas".

Important! The function of fixing table sections in Excel 2007 and 2010 has been significantly improved. In addition to the fact that it is now not in the "Window" section, but in the "View" section, the ability to separately fix the first column or the first row has been added. In this case, it does not matter which cell the cursor is in, the required row / column will still be fixed.

Freezing a column

To fix a column in the section "Freeze regions", you must select the option to freeze the first column.

If you want to keep several columns of the table visible when scrolling, then by analogy with the previous paragraph, select the first scrollable column and press the button "Freeze areas".

Pinning an area

The two options mentioned above can be combined by making sure that when scrolling the table horizontally and vertically, the necessary columns and lines remain in place. For this, the first scrollable cell is selected with the mouse.

After, fix the area.

Those. if, for example, the first line and the first column are fixed - this will be a cell in the second column and the second line, if 3 rows and 4 columns are fixed, then the cell in the fourth row and fifth column should be selected, etc., the principle of operation should be understandable.

Important! If there are several sheets in the file, then you will have to fix parts of the table and unpin them separately on each one. When you press the buttons that fix the columns, lines and sections of the table, the action is performed only on one sheet that is active (i.e. open) at the moment.


It happens that it is required to fix a part of the table only for the time of filling, and with subsequent use it is not necessary. As easily as a row or column was committed, the commit is undone.

In Excel 2007 and 2010, this function is located in the same "View" section and the item "Freezing regions". If there is some fixed area - a column, a row or a whole area, then in this item there is a button "Unpinning areas" which removes all fixation of table elements on the sheet as a whole.

It will not be possible to partially remove the fastening. To do this, you will first have to undo the fixation everywhere, and then fix the necessary sections of the table with a new one.


Pinning items is a useful feature that makes working with large tables much easier and easier. Setting up this function is elementary - all the options for fixing table sections that are possible in the program are placed in one menu item, the names of the buttons correspond to the functions, and explanations are given next to the buttons, as a result of which even an inexperienced user will not make mistakes in formatting tabular data.

After reading the article, have any questions? together we will find the answer.

In Excel, lines are pinned to stay in place when scrolling. For this, the program has a special tool. It fixes the top line or individual areas. Thus, you can fix the header and other parts of the table.

How to freeze the top row of a table (header)

1 . Go to the "View" tab at the top of the program.

2. Click on the "Freeze Areas" button and select the "Freeze Top Row" item.

A small boundary line appears. Now, when scrolling the table, the header will always remain in place.

An example of fixing a populated table:

When scrolling, the lines move, but the first one stays in place.

How to freeze another row in a table - not the first

1 . We select the line. But not the one we are fixing, but the next one.

For example, I want to commit the fourth line. So, I move the cursor over the number 5 and click on it with the left mouse button.

2. Go to the "View" tab, click on "Freeze Areas" and select "Freeze Areas".

3. Click on any cell in the table to remove the selection.

A bounding bar appears. This means that the top of the table is fixed. It will now stay in place when scrolling.

Please note that not only one line is fixed this way, but everything in front of it.

Only the bottom lines will scroll. When you need both parts to move, do.

How to unpin

To unpin, go to the "View" tab, click on "Freeze Areas" and select "Unlock Areas".

Splitting a table

When you commit a region, the entire top of the table is fixed with it. For example, having fixed the fifth line, the other four will also become stationary. Only the lower part will move.

It happens that both parts need to move - both the upper and the lower. To do this, split the table.

The principle is the same as for pinning areas:

  • Highlight the line before which you want to split
  • Go to the "View" tab and click on "Split"
  • To remove the division, again go to "View" and again click "Divide"

Example of splitting a table

I have a table:

This is not visible in the picture, but it has 100 lines.

The task is to make it convenient to compare values \u200b\u200bwith each other. To do this, you can divide the table into two parts. But so that both the top and bottom are scrolled.

It is convenient for me to do the division at line 20. So, I select the twenty-first - I click on the number 21.

Now I go to the "View" tab and click on "Divide".

The table is divided into two parts by a thick line. Each of these parts is scrolled.

This dividing line can be moved. We just hover over it, hold down the left mouse button, and drag.

And to remove the separation, open the "View" tab again and press the "Divide" button.

Let's start with the easiest thing - we will learn how to fix one row or one column. It's very easy to do. Go to the tab View -\u003e Freeze Areas... Next, select the required action from the drop-down list Pin top line or Freeze first column.

A little more complicated when we need to freeze more rows or columns than one. Let's say you need to anchor the top 2 lines. To do this, select the 3rd line by clicking on its number on the side.

A special separation will appear on the border between the second and third lines.

This means that the lines are locked and will stay in place as you scroll down the document.

You can freeze a column in the same way. To do this, select the column that is next to the dockable one and click on To fix areas... In my example, this is the second column.

Please note that you cannot freeze both rows and columns at the same time.

To remove pinned areas just go to View -\u003e Freeze Areas and from the drop-down list select the item Unpin areas.

Congratulations, now you know how to fix a string in Excel.

In this tutorial, I'll show you how to remove a page from a PDF file. In this way, you can remove any page from the file and will help us with this.

In this tutorial, I will show you how to put a plus or zero sign in front of a number at the beginning of a cell in Excel. Let's imagine a situation that you need to enter a phone number in a cell in the format "+7 987 ...". In its normal state, Excel will simply remove this plus sign.

This tutorial will show you how to freeze a row or column in Excel. The docked areas will always be visible on the screen when scrolling vertically or horizontally.

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