Where were the pictures of the windows 10 screensavers taken. Where can I find pictures from Windows: Interesting. Removing the lock screen

Windows: Interesting (English Spotlight) - the function of automatically loading and setting different wallpapers for the system lock screen in Windows 10. The same images are displayed on the login screen (if the corresponding option is enabled).

Quite often, among them there are very interesting images that I would like to keep in my collection or use as a desktop background. Next, let's look at where the Windows pictures are stored: interesting (Spotlight) on the computer.

How to turn on Windows: Highlights (Spotlight)

If this option is disabled for you, then you can activate it as follows:

Using the WIN + L key combination, you can call the lock screen, thus checking the functionality of the function.

If Windows: Interesting (Spotlight) does not work for you (the picture does not change, etc.), then we advise you to refer to this article.

Where Windows Images Are Stored: Highlights (Spotlight)

All images that are displayed on the lock screen (login) through Windows: Interesting (Spotlight) can be found here:

C: \\ Users \\ Your_username\\ AppData \\ Local \\ Packages \\ Microsoft.Windows.ContentDeliveryManager_cw5n1h2txyewy \\ LocalState \\ Assets

The algorithm of actions will be as follows:

  • Go to the Disk Explorer (C :) → "Users" → select and open the folder with your username;

  • Here open the AppData folder (by default it is hidden, to see it click "View" → check the box "Hidden items", more details in this);

  • Further Local → Packages → find the Microsoft.Windows.ContentDeliveryManager_cw5n1h2txyewy folder → LocalState → Assets (here are the images you are looking for, but they are not yet available for viewing);

  • Copy all files from Assets to any other folder (for example, you can create a new folder on your desktop) - you can select all files by pressing CTRL + A → then click OK → Copy;

  • After all the files have been copied to the new location, rename them (you can choose any name) by adding the extension .jpg (see screenshot). Previously, you can immediately switch to displaying Windows Explorer items in the form of large thumbnails to view previews of pictures.

Files can be renamed one at a time, or you can do it faster - for all files at once: (where you copied the pictures) → enter the command Ren *. * * .Jpg

Now that you know where Windows: Spotlight images are stored, you can save them to your collection or use them as your desktop background.

Saving Windows Pictures: Highlights (Spotlight) with Winaero Tweaker

Windows images: Spotlight can be found and saved using the free Winaero Tweaker software. At the same time, you practically do not have to do anything on your own (the whole process of searching, renaming, etc. is fully automated).

After that, the "LockScreen Images by Winaero Tweaker" folder will appear on the desktop, where you will find all the images from Windows: Spotlight.

When you turn on or turn off your computer, a lock screen, where notifications of various applications are displayed on a beautiful background. This is one of the few visual components that have moved into the top ten from the previous version of the system. The lock screen does not carry any special functionality, therefore it can be disabled without any consequences for "Windows". How to disable (enable) and change (customize) the lock screen, including through the new function "Windows: Interesting" (Windows Spotlight) - read further after the button of the same name.

How to disable (enable) the lock screen inWindows 10

There are two ways to disable the lock screen in Windows 10: Using the Local Group Policy Editor gpedit.msc and by editing the registry. We will go the second way, because in some OS versions the policy editor is not available.

So to disable lock screen press the key combination " Win + R"and type regedit → "OK"→ in the registry editor expand the chain HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \\ SOFTWARE \\ Policies \\ Microsoft \\ Windows \\ Personalization → in the last section create " DWORD parameter (32-bit)" under the name NoLockScreen and also through the right mouse button set the value to " 1 "(screenshot below). If the section Personalization if you don't, you will have to create it manually.

To enable lock screen do the above manipulations with the system registry by setting the parameter value NoLockScreenequal " 0 " → "OK". Changes will take effect immediately, but to check if the option works, click" Win + L"(change user or lock the system), or better restart the PC.

Customizing the lock screen inWindows 10

Starting with Windows 8, Microsoft's operating system has learned to add your favorite images (background, photos) of nature, family and friends, plus create a cyclic slideshow. In order to customize your lock screen through " Start"select" Options"→ next" Personalization" → "Lock screen". The current background will be shown on the right side of the window, while some of its options will be displayed as tiles below. You can replace" Photo "with any of the presented ones or with something of your own by clicking on" Overview"to select from the entire collection of images. In addition:

  • for a slideshow, tap the dropdown menu for the "Background" subcategory and stop at " Slide show"→ select folders containing photos of the required resolution (advanced settings are hidden under the link" More slideshow options");
  • about the "Windows: Interesting" mode (screenshot), which was released with the release of the Threshold 2 batch update, read in detail in the third part of this review.

How to change the Windows Spotlight lock screen image (background)

After the announcement of the last November update of the latest version of "Windows", users have the opportunity to contemplate the lock screen in the style Windows Spotlight ("Windows: interesting"), "smart" lockscreen (eng. lockscreen), which is not limited to providing familiar information - time, date and reminders. Using machine learning algorithms, Spotlight shows various applications that, in his opinion, can increase your productivity. By the same principle, in accordance with the user's taste, the background images downloaded from Microsoft servers are also selected.

To open them with any graphical viewer (editor) / rename / delete / move to another folder:

  • open Explorer and enable the display of hidden items on the "View" tab (screenshot);
  • insert the path into the address bar of the Explorer C: \\ Users \\ [Your_Account_Name] \\ AppData \\ Local \\ Packages \\ Microsoft.Windows.ContentDeliveryManager_cw5n1h2txyewy \\ LocalState \\ Assets → "Enter";

  • in folder Assets, by clicking on the file and key " F2 ", rename all files as shown in the pre-final screenshot.

Now you know where the lock screen images are stored Windows 10 when you turn on the "Windows: Interesting" mode, and the matter is small - customize the system "for yourself", according to personal preferences and taste.

On the Windows 10 lockscreen, really cool pictures periodically appear. How can I keep them for myself (for example, to tile my desktop)? This cannot be done directly, but there is still one way.

Windows 10 stores these images (and more) right on your computer as files with a non-standard extension. Our task is to find where the screensavers are stored, copy them to a more convenient location and assign the files the "correct" extension. Let's get started!

1. Make sure Windows 10 displays hidden files and folders on your computer. To check this, open Explorer and click on the View tab. There must be a check mark next to the Hidden items item.
2. Through Search, go to% userprofile% \\ AppData \\ Local \\ Packages \\ Microsoft.Windows.ContentDeliveryManager_cw5n1h2txyewy \\ LocalState \\ Assets
You will be taken to the Assets folder with a large number of files.
3. Copy all files to a separate folder and place it in a convenient place for you - for example, on your desktop.
4. In the new folder, click File - Open Command Prompt - Open Command Prompt as Administrator.

5. Enter the following command: ren *. * * .Jpg

6. Return to the folder. Now, mixed with "garbage" there are screensavers of Windows 10. Separating the wheat from the chaff is simple - just sort the files by size. The largest ones will appear at the top. We need them, everything else can be safely deleted.

Users of the Windows 10 operating system are very fond of the new interface, which amazes with its bright extraordinary pictures when you turn on the computer and lock the screen. Images automatically change every day, but the OS itself chooses the frequency of changing images when the screen is locked. This does not always suit you, and some users want to customize their settings.

Also, users are aware of cases when the OS itself installs the same image every day. Or two pictures from a large number stop changing for a long time, and you have to wait until Windows 10 itself selects a new picture. And you cannot know when it will happen. This situation can be corrected in several simple ways on your own by changing the parameters in the system settings.

Lock screen

The easiest method is to select pictures from the available list, which are offered directly by the OS.

  1. You need to click on the camera icon on the PC / laptop monitor (upper right corner).
  2. Windows 10 will ask the question: "Did you like what you saw?", Answer "Don't like it."
  3. The following picture will be presented for your choice. Answer "Dislike" to all bad images.
  4. The operating system will automatically select screensavers to your liking.

WINDOWS: interesting

In all versions of Windows 10, an informative Windows service is available to users: interesting. It works as follows: during the demonstration of images downloaded from the Internet, you can select the pictures you like and, conversely, highlight those that you do not like. In the future, the OS will show you only the photos you like, as well as search for images on the Internet that match your interests.

The second method is a little more complicated, but the result will be much more interesting.

It is worth noting that all the images are interesting, beautiful and of high quality. To do this, OS developers select the best works of famous photographers and add them to their databases. Each user will be able to customize the photo series to their liking.

Replacing standard images with personal photographs

In the same way, you can easily set your favorite photos on the lock screen of your PC / laptop. To do this, follow a series of simple steps below.

We have covered the most common ways to change pictures on the lock screen of a PC / laptop. After completing all the steps in stages, you can easily change any images and photos whenever you want. You also learned about additional options for customizing the interface of the tenth version of Windows OS, which will make working with a PC / laptop even more pleasant for you and your whole family.

The standard Windows 10 desktop wallpaper can be viewed at the address in File Explorer Local drive C: \\ Windows \\ Web... Explorer can be opened by pressing two keys at once WIN + E.

The folder where the Windows 10 desktop wallpaper is stored

There are three folders 4K, Screen, Wallpaper in this place.

  • The 4K folder contains a standard Windows 10 picture in different resolutions.
  • The Screen folder contains wallpapers that are usually used as a background when blocking a login.
  • The Wallpaper folder contains various wallpapers that you can use as your desktop background.

Wallpapers that are currently in use can be viewed at Local drive C: \\ Users \\ username \\ AppData \\ Roaming \\ Microsoft \\ Windows \\ Themes \\ CachedFiles.

The folder in Windows 10 where the desktop picture is currently being used

You can also see what wallpapers for the Windows 10 desktop are in use at the moment in the Registry Editor. Start the Registry Editor by pressing two keys on the keyboard at the same time WIN + R, enter the command in the window that opens regedit.exe and click OK.

In the Registry Editor, you can see where the desktop picture is located

On the left side of the Registry Editor, expand the branch HKEY_CURRENT_USER - SOFTWARE - Microsoft - Internet Explorer - Desktop - General... Click on the last item General. After that, on the left, find the parameter WallpaperSource... The value of this parameter indicates the exact address of the wallpaper that is currently being used.

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