How to set up your own VPN server. Shortcut for automatic connection. PC connection

Paid VPN serverbut they have better stability and provide access to the network at a higher speed than most free ones. But even among the free ones, you can find a decent free VPN server for Windows. Some of the best free VPN servers at the moment:

  • CyberGhost
  • (free for 7 days only)
  • Hide Me (free 2 GB / month available)

Hope our list free VPN servers helped you. What VPN servers do you use? Share in the comments.

Configuring a VPN on Windows is not difficult and does not require special skills, but for the VPN to work correctly, you must clearly follow the instructions. For vPN settings server on Windows we will use free server HotFreeVPN and standard tools operating system to connect to it.

To set up a new VPN connection:

After you click OK, your PC will connect to the configured VPN connection. In the same way, you can connect to other servers. To see if you are connected to a VPN, click on the connections icon in the tray.

Setting up a VPN connection on Windows is almost complete, it remains to agree to the terms of use of the server. To do this, open any browser. Regardless of which page is set as home, a page with a button will be loaded to confirm your agreement to the terms of use of the server. Click I AGREE.

After clicking on this button, the VPN setup on Windows 10 is complete. You will be able to use the Internet in browsers and programs as usual. Setting up a VPN on Windows 7 is no different. After you use the VPN server, you need to disconnect from it. To do this, click on the icon in the tray network connection, select your VPN connection and click on the "Disconnect" button.

Read, how to set up a VPN server on your PC, using special equipment or standard ways Windows. VPN (Virtual Private Network) - virtual private network Is the collective name for a technology that enables one or more network connections (logical networks) over another network (as an option - the Internet).


VPNs are very useful, no matter where you use them: whether you are traveling the world, working in an office, or connected to a public Wi-Fi hotspot at a coffee shop in your hometown. Only you don't need to use a paid VPN service - you can host your own VPN server at home.

An important criterion when creating a VPN is the download speed of your home internet connections... If your bandwidth is very low, then you're better off just using a paid VPN service. Internet service providers typically offer much less bandwidth than is required to create a virtual network. However, if your internet connection is capable enough, setting up a VPN server at home may be very relevant to you.

What is a VPN for?

A home VPN gives you an encrypted tunnel - a connection that allows you to use open public networks Wi-Fi to create a connection to the desired VPN network. You can use VPN from any device on different operating systems: Android, iOS, ChromeOS, Windows, Linux or macOS; you can access various services of a particular country, even when you are outside of it. VPN provides secure access to your home network from anywhere. You can even share the network with your family, friends, or colleagues by allowing them to use the servers hosted on your home network. For example, it will allow you to exchange data, share photo and video files, documents, projects, be able to constantly communicate and be in touch. Also you can play computer games, intended for local network- although there are simpler ways to set up a temporary network for playing with friends.

A VPN is also useful for connecting to various services while traveling. For example, you can use Netflix or other services to get streaming video when traveling, use any library or catalog of films and recordings.

Method 1: Using a router with VPN capabilities

Instead of trying to set up a VPN yourself, you can buy a ready-made pre-configured VPN solution right away. High performance home routers (routers) are often sold with built-in VPN servers - just find a wireless router that has a VPN server in it. Often these are routers in the middle and high price ranges. Then you can use your router's web interface to activate and configure the VPN server. Be sure to check and select a router that supports the type of VPN you want to use.

Method 2. Use a router that supports DD-WRT or other third-party firmware

Custom router firmware is basically a new operating system that you can use on your router to replace your existing standard router operating system. DD-WRT is the most popular firmware, but other operating systems such as OpenWrt also work well.

If you have a router that supports DD-WRT, OpenWrt, or any other third party operating system, then you can run it with this firmware for more features. DD-WRT and other similar firmware include built-in VPN server support. Therefore, you can host a VPN server even on routers that do not originally come with software to create and manage a VPN server.

Be sure to choose a router with built-in support for third-party operating systems. Install custom router firmware and enable VPN server.

Method 3. Create your own dedicated VPN server

You can also just use software to set up a VPN server on one of your computers.

The Apple Server app (just like Windows) offers a built-in way to host a VPN server. However, these are not the most powerful and safe options... And they might be too demanding to set up a VPN server and get it working properly.

You can also install a third party VPN server like OpenVPN. VPN servers are available for every operating system, from Windows to Mac and Linux. You just need to forward the appropriate ports from your router to the computer that is running the server software.

There is also the option of converting your own dedicated device into a VPN server. You can take a Raspberry Pi single board computer (raspberry) and install the OpenVPN server software, turning it into a lightweight, low-power VPN server. You can even install other server software on it and use it as a multipurpose server.

Where else can you host your own VPN server

There is another option that sits in the middle between hosting a VPN server on your own hardware and paying for a VPN provider, which provides you with a VPN service and a handy app.

You can host your own VPN server on a web host. In fact, it will save you a little more money than if you had a dedicated VPN provider. You pay a hosting provider for server hosting and then set up a VPN server at the location they provide you with.

Depending on the capabilities and cost of the hosting provider's service packages, this may be quick way connections when you add a VPN server and get a control panel to it. Or you may have to tackle the manual server setup entirely from the beginning.

When setting up a VPN at home, you probably want to set up dynamic DNS on your router. Dynamic DNS always monitors changes to your IP address and associates it with the current IP address of your computer. This will give you an easy way to always access your VPN, even if the IP address of your home internet connection has changed.

However, it is very important not to forget to set up a secure VPN server. You need a reliable secure networkso that no one can connect to it without permission. This can be a password protection option (but it is advisable to change it regularly). Or another option, as OpenVPN suggests, is to use a pre-installed key, one of the most simple ways strong authentication.


Click on the "Start" menu and select "Control Panel". Find the "Network and Internet" section. To organize a VPN connection, you need to run the Network and Control Center snap-in general access". You can also click on the network icon in the tray and select a similar command. Proceed to create a new connection or network, noting that you need to organize a connection to the desktop. Click "Next". You will be prompted to use an existing connection. Check the box "No, create a new connection" and proceed to the next stage of the settings.

Select the "Use my internet connection" command to set up a VPN connection. Defer the resulting Internet setup prompt before continuing. A window will appear in which you need to specify the address of the VPN server according to the contract and come up with a name for the connection, which will be displayed in the Network and Sharing Center. Check the box "Do not connect now", otherwise the computer will try to establish a connection immediately after configuration. Check the Use Smart Card box if the remote VPN peer authenticates the smart card connection. Click Next.

Enter the username, password and domain, according to which you get access to the remote network. Click the "Create" button and wait until the VPN connection is configured. Now you need to establish an internet connection. To do this, click on the network icon in the tray and start configuring the properties of the created connection.

Click the Security tab. Set "VPN Type" to "Automatic" and "Data Encryption" to "Optional". Check the box "Allow the following protocols" and select the CHAP and MS-CHAP protocols. Go to the "Network" tab and leave a tick only next to the item "Internet Protocol version 4". Click the "OK" button and connect the VPN connection.

Any vpn- network provides for a specific server that will provide communication network computers and other devices. At the same time, it provides some of them (or all) with access to an external network, for example, the Internet.

You will need


Most simple example vpn-network can serve as the creation of a local network between, each of which will access the Internet. Naturally, only one PC will have a direct connection to the provider's server. Select this computer.

Install an additional network adapter into it, which will be connected to the second computer. Using a network cable of the correct length, connect network cards two computers together. To another network adapter main PC, connect the ISP cable.

Set up your internet connection. It can be a LAN or DSL connection. In this case, it doesn't matter at all. Once you've finished creating and configuring a new connection, go to its properties.

Open the "Access" menu in the window that appears. Allow this Internet connection to be used by all computers on the specified local network. Please indicate networkformed by your two computers.

In this article I will tell you how to set up your VPN server to bypass any unreasonable blocking, and configure your computer (Windows) and phone (Android) to work through this server. Nice bonus - this server will free first two month.

What is VPN and why is it needed

Generally speaking, a VPN is a technology that allows devices to be networked over another network. For example, over the Internet. But let's not bother with terminology, we'll just make it so that you surf the Internet through a server in San Francisco or London or Amsterdam, etc. In general, where there is no Rostelecom.

Why do you need your VPN (or why strangers are bad).

Of course, you can use someone else's paid or free VPN servers. Thousands of them!

I followed the first link and looked at the prices - not too optimistic.

So, the disadvantages of someone else's VPN:

1. Price - Good VPNs cost good money.
2. Wiretapping - you do not know who is running the VPN, but he knows which sites you go to, what passwords you transfer, with whom you communicate, etc. Https, of course, partially solves this problem, but not all sites have switched to https, and the Man in the middle attack also remains - the VPN owner can return his certificates and certification authorities to you, initiate the transition to more old version SSL, slip your sites on you as you are looking for, etc.
3. VPN can be "dirty" - perhaps before you or in parallel with you the same VPN server (and its ip address) is used by the Massachusetts Pedophile Association for its business - and, besides, these men (and this ip address) are already is being tracked by the FBI.
4. VPN can be exposed - for example, spam was sent through it and it has already been blacklisted - and you will not be able to enter your favorite site, because you are already in the bath.
5. Modification of traffic - if your traffic is not encrypted, or the VPN owner can decrypt it, the sites you request will return with "extra banners" or changed BTC and ETH addresses for payment, etc.
In general, in a nutshell, if you just want to hang out on entertainment sites, then take any free one - sometimes they won't work, sometimes they will be very slow, but it's free.

If you need a VPN for work, get a good paid one.
If you are paranoid, or you want to make money on rent, or you are just wondering how it's all done, let's move on.

Deploying your VPN server

So, we need our own server on the Internet. I am considering Digital Ocean in this article, but any hosting where you can get VDS will do. Simplest tariff plan - $ 5 / month, we don't need more.
If you register using my link (if it doesn't work, then try this one), then the site will lend you $ 10, which should be enough for two months of using the VPN for free.
What's nice, the IP will be yours and only yours, and no one else will go through your server (if you do not allow it yourself, more on that later).
Follow the link above, register (when registering, you need to specify the card number, but nothing is debited from it), find the Create button on the top right and select Droplets

Choose Ubuntu and the cheapest $ 5 plan

Choose a region (in the picture San Francisco, but NO !! Take Europe - England, Germany, Holland - the signal is slow across the ocean), well, you can prescribe the hostname to make it clearer for you - I wrote vpn. Click Create

He will think a little, unfold you desired image, and you will have a droplet (virtual server)

And the IP address, login and password will be sent to the mail.

I don't hide them, because I create a droplet exclusively for the article, then it will be destroyed.
Now we need to connect to our new server and configure it. Download the putty program (link), run it, enter the IP address from the letter and press Enter

Click "Yes"

Enter the username and password from the letter. The password will not be displayed, this is normal. Just copy it in a letter, click right click mouse in the putty window and the password is inserted, then press Enter. Or just retype the password from the letter.

You are logged into the server, but the password needs to be changed. To do this, you are asked to indicate the current password, and then enter a new one (twice)

It does not give simple passwords, so you need to come up with something long - but it suits you, in any case - it will be difficult for hackers to hack you

Now it's time to deploy the VPN directly. Run the command

apt - get install pptpd

If asked for confirmation, press Y

Now execute the commands (as before, you can copy everything from here, and then right-click there, and they will be pasted)

echo "localip" \u003e\u003e / etc / pptpd. conf echo "remoteip" \u003e\u003e / etc / pptpd. conf echo "ms-dns" \u003e\u003e / etc / ppp / pptpd - options echo "ms-dns" \u003e\u003e / etc / ppp / pptpd - options echo "net.ipv4.ip_forward \u003d 1"\u003e \u003e / etc / sysctl. conf sysctl - p iptables - t nat - A POSTROUTING - o eth0 - j MASQUERADE && iptables - save

Now you need to come up with logins and passwords under which you can connect to the VPN. For example, user VasyaPupkin, password qwerty123. Substitute your invented passwords into the following command:

echo "VasyaPupkin pptpd qwerty123 *" \u003e\u003e / etc / ppp / chap - secrets

And do it. If you want multiple users, then run the appropriate command for each.
Well, at the end, restart the VPN.

service pptpd restart

That's it, the VPN setup is complete, you can use it.

VPN Server Connection - Windows

I am using an example for Windows 10, but you can always google "Windows pptp" for instructions on any other OS version.
Start, looking for VPN, find "Change virtual private networks"

Click, add VPN connection

As the server address, we indicate the IP of our server (from the letter), the login and password are those that we ourselves came up with

Now we have a connection, click on it, click connect

If you did everything correctly, the status should change to "Connected"

We check:

The IP has changed. Checking access to sites: - opened

Checking the telegram:

Works! Turn off the VPN for a while (click on the network connection shortcut):

The telegram is dead :) I will turn it back on so that everything would work.

Now about connecting to VPN from your phone.

I am using Android, 6.0.1, from Samsung, I think in other versions and on iOS there will be something similar - it must be, IMHO).
So, go to settings - connections - other settings - VPN

Click add VPN, specify the IP of your server, leave the type PPTP

Click save and it appears in the VPN list. After that, click on it, enter the username / password (save if you don't want to enter it by hand every time):

and, if everything is done correctly, they will write to you what is connected, and a key will appear in the tray, like this:

Congratulations, you are connected to your VPN server!]


Now that you have your VPN server, and you decide where to go and what to watch, you can puff your cheeks and tell your buddies that you have the opportunity to get a fast reliable VPN for only $ 5 a month ... And give access to the same server for dozens of people (under different logins and passwords). And make a beautiful site with prices, and advertise on it, etc.

And a very important point - I'll tell you now :) I prepared most of the article on Saturday, I was going to post it on the site, but circumstances distracted me and I could not finish and was distracted. Do you remember - I created a VPN user VasyaPupkin and the password qwerty123 - both are in the dictionary of every novice hacker .... In general, on Monday I received a letter from DigitalOcean that they had to cut off my droplet from the network, i.e. .to. wild traffic went through and some sites were DDoS)) In general, the service with a lazy login / password did not hang even for two full days, the passwords were picked up and posted on different sites with lists of free VPNs :) Another server - there I put normal logins / passwords, lives normally for several weeks. So take your time, come up with good passwords, otherwise your VPN will be used not only by you!

Well, I hope the volume of the article did not scare you - it looks complicated and cumbersome, but in reality there are cases for 5 minutes, well, maybe a little more if you have not had any business with Linux and other things before. But even so, after suffering a little, you will get a good useful thing, and at the same time master something new)

I wish everyone would do well and quickly, if something is wrong, write in the comments, we will sort it out and fix it)

Telegram was blocked, free proxies and VPNs work intermittently due to a large influx of users, or even stop functioning without explaining the reasons, how.

Paid tools can also disappear at any time: the law banning anonymizers and VPNs has long been adopted, but has not yet been applied. In this situation, your own VPN becomes the only guarantee of freedom on the Internet. A lifehacker will tell you how to set it up in 20 minutes.

Choosing a hosting

To set up a VPN, you need a VPS - a virtual private server. You can choose any hosting provider, as long as the following conditions are met:

  • The server is located in a country that does not come under the jurisdiction of the Russian authorities, but is close enough to your real location.
  • Random access memory (RAM) must be at least 512 MB.
  • The network interface speed is 100 MB / sec and higher.
  • Network traffic - 512 GB or more or unlimited.

Amount of allocated space per hard disk and the type of drive does not matter. You can find a suitable solution for 3-4 dollars a month.

When buying a server, choose KVM. OpenVZ and Xen are also suitable if they have a TUN connection - you need to ask the technical service of the hosting provider about this.

With KVM, no additional manipulations are required, although some hosting providers may restrict the ability to create a VPN on it. You can also clarify this in the support service.

When configuring the server in the "Hostname" item, you can enter any value: for example, test.test... The prefixes NS1 and NS2 are also not important: we write ns1.test and ns2.test.

Operating system - CentOS 7.4 64 bit or any other distribution kit, there are no fundamental differences in setup. Leave the network traffic at 512 GB or choose an additional amount if you are afraid that the existing one will not be enough. Location - the closer the better. The Netherlands will do.

After payment, a letter will be sent to the mail with all the necessary data for setting up a VPN. You have purchased space on a server in another country, it remains to redirect all traffic to it.

Configuring VPN

We will use the Putty program to connect to the server and send commands. I received a link to it in an email with registration data for hosting. You can download the program. Putty and its counterparts are also available on macOS, the settings will be identical.

Run Putty. On the Session tab, in the Host Name field, enter the IP address that came in the letter and click Open.

When a warning window appears, click Yes. After that, the console will start, through which you will send commands to the server. First you need to log in - the data for authorization is also in the letter from the hoster. Login will root, print it by hand. Copy the password to the clipboard. To paste the password into the console, right-click and press Enter. The password will not be displayed in the console, but if you are logged in, you will see system information or server number.

There shouldn't be a long time between entering your username and password. If an error message appears, restart Putty and try again.

To set up the VPN, I used a ready-made OpenVPN road warrior script. This method does not guarantee complete anonymity, so it is easy to find the user when committing illegal actions. But it is enough to bypass the blocking. If all VPN services stop working, this connection will continue to function while I pay for hosting.

To use the script, paste the line wget -O && bash into the console.

After successfully adding the script, a dialog with the configuration wizard will start. He independently finds the optimal values, you just have to agree or choose the appropriate option. All actions are confirmed by pressing the Enter key. Let's go in order:

  1. The IP address must match the IP address that you received in the letter from the host.
  2. Leave the default protocol UDP.
  3. Port: 1194 - agree.
  4. Which DNS to use - choose Google. Erase 1 , write 3 and press Enter.
  5. Client name - enter the username. You can leave client.
  6. Press any key - press Enter again and wait for the configuration to complete.

After completing the configuration, you need to create a file through which you will connect to the VPN. Enter the command cat ~ / client.ovpn.

The contents of the file will appear in the console. Scroll up to the cat ~ / client.ovpn command and select everything that appears below except the last line. The selection should end with ... To copy a fragment, press Ctrl + V.

Launch Notepad, paste the copied snippet, and save the file on your desktop as client.ovpn.

We connect to the server

To connect using the created file, you need an OpenVPN client. The computer version can be downloaded. Download and install the program, but don't run it. Right click on the file client.ovpn and select Start OpenVPN.

A console window appears, initializing the connection. If the connection was successful, the status will be Initialization Sequence Completed below. In the process of connecting, a window for selecting a network may appear, click on the public network.

To verify that the connection is correct,. It must match the one that the hoster wrote in the letter. To stop sending requests to a server in another country, close the OpenVPN window.

OpenVPN also has mobile clients.

To establish a connection, transfer the file to the phone's memory client.ovpn... Launch the application and select the OVPN Profile item. Specify the path to the file and move the slider to the "Enabled" position.

A VPN connection icon will appear at the top. To verify that traffic is being routed through a server in a different country, open in mobile browser any service for checking the IP address.

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