How to set up an Internet connection on a computer via a cable? Cable Internet does not work

The speed and stability of a wired connection often makes it preferable to wireless technologies. Connecting a laptop to the Internet via a cable is sometimes more convenient than using Wi-Fi. For example, transferring a file over a home network from a computer to a laptop and vice versa is much faster and more reliable than using a wireless connection.

Installing a cable connection is easy. It is enough to insert the wire laid by the provider on the subscriber's side into the corresponding socket of a PC, laptop or router.

Cable Internet setup may differ depending on the type of connection and, to a lesser extent, on the operating system. For Microsoft products, noticeable differences are only in the interface of Windows XP in comparison with more modern versions.

Next, we will consider the main important points that must be taken into account when connecting a wired Internet. Steps to configure the most common cable connections in Windows.

Provider selection

Before you set up anything, you need to get the Internet indoors. Communication service providers will help with this, on the correct choice of which the further comfort of being in the network depends. When exploring options, it is important to consider the following factors:

  • Possibility of laying a network cable to the subscriber's side;
  • The cost of connection and services provided;
  • Terms of tariff plans;
  • Availability and responsiveness of the support service;
  • Promotions, bonuses, discounts provided by the provider.

Tariffs, promotions, availability of connection - most of the operator companies place all this information on their websites. It is better to inquire about the quality of communication and support from friends who use the services of the provider of interest.

Video tips for choosing an Internet provider:

Having decided on the choice, you must submit an appropriate application. This can be done by phone, on the company's website or in person by visiting the office.

Types of wired connections

Wired network access methods differ depending on the hardware, cable, and software technology used. To choose the most profitable and convenient option, you must first familiarize yourself with the existing types of wired Internet.

  • xDSL - connection over a telephone line using a splitter to separate the frequencies of voice and Internet data. Maximum speed (ADSL) 24 megabits.
  • FTTB - optics to the building. High-speed method used in multi-storey buildings. From the provider's side, an optical cable is laid to the apartment building, connected to the switch, from which the Ethernet patch cord is wired to the subscribers' apartments.
  • xPON - a fiber-optic cable is passed into the house, it is connected to a special router with an optical input, from which the Ethernet wiring goes. The most promising and high-speed option (up to 1 Gbps).

Setting up a laptop to connect the Internet via cable

System configuration depends on the hardware and network protocols used by the particular operator. When configuring client equipment, DHCP and PPPoE are most common.

Dynamic or static IP (DHCP) - settings for Windows

First, you need to directly connect the Internet to the client device via the provider's cable. If the connection is not working as expected, a yellow exclamation mark will be displayed on the network connections icon. This means that the cable is connected, but there is no internet connection.

Editing the network connection options will help fix the situation. To do this, right-click on the corresponding icon in the notification area. In the menu that appears, click on the item to go to the Network and Sharing Center.

On the page that opens, look at the navigation on the left, go to the section for changing adapter parameters. We select the local network connection, which indicates the name of the network card, usually these are Realtek or Atheros models.

We make a right-click and click on the "Properties" item in the drop-down menu.

The connection options will open, in which we double-click on the "IP version 4" parameter or select it with one right-click and press "Properties".

Next, you need to configure the Internet Protocol TCP / IPv4. Depending on the network building technologies used by the provider, there are two options: dynamic or static IP.

Dynamic IP. If a DHCP server is running on the provider's side or he specifically indicated that you need to use a dynamic IP in the connection parameters, then in the protocol options, activate the "Obtain an IP address automatically" and "Obtain a DNS server address automatically" switch. Confirm by clicking "Ok".

Static IP. In this case, the operator must provide the following information: IP address, subnet mask, default gateway. In addition, DNS server addresses can be provided. To fill in the corresponding fields, you must enable the radio buttons "Use the following IP address" and "Use the following address of DNS servers".

If all the necessary parameters were specified correctly, the connection will be established automatically after connecting the cable.


In this case, the provider does not provide an IP address, but authorization data - a login / password pair. To connect your laptop to the Internet via a network cable using PPPoE technology, you need to add a new connection in the Network and Sharing Center.

If everything is done in accordance with the above instructions, and the correct user authentication data is entered, you can click "Connect" and enjoy the comfort and speed of cable Internet.

Video on PPPoE connection on Windows 10:

Perhaps it is difficult to find someone who does not use the Internet. Access to the World Wide Web has filled our lives both on the robot and at home, from children to old people, because many of them are also trying to keep up with the development of computer technology. Consequently, the problem of connecting to the Internet is relevant for a wide audience. After reading this article, you will understand that it is not difficult to connect your computer to the Internet. Since many people prefer the latest version of windows 8 software, the article describes the actions of the user of this particular system, but if you have a different edition of windows, you can also use this instruction, basically the connection system is the same.

First, decide on the source of Internet access: a landline connection, a Wi-Fi router or mobile Internet (via a sim card). Make a contract with a provider, if necessary, and they will usually provide you with the equipment you need, from cable to high speed modem or even router. In case of using the mobile Internet, you need to purchase a special modem or use a mobile phone that is connected to the computer via a USB port. But in this case, the Internet speed is much slower.

Once you are connected to the Internet, start setting up the computer itself. To do this, enter the Start menu using an administrator account. In the window that opens, right-click and the heading "All applications" will appear in the lower right corner. Select it by clicking the left mouse button.

Among all applications, select "Control Panel". A new window will open various categories of settings for configuring your computer, open the second in the list - "Network and Internet".

Then go to the "Network and Sharing Center", where in the upper left corner click on the option "Change adapter settings".

In the "Network Connections" window that opens, move the cursor to the "Local Area Connection" symbol and open the context menu with the right mouse button. Select "Properties" from the offered functions.

Go to the "Network" tab, select the "Internet Protocol Version 4 (TCP / IPv4)" heading and click on the "Properties" button.

In the next window, configure the final parameters: check the boxes next to the Obtain an IP address automatically and Obtain DNS server address automatically.

If desired or necessary, in case of network failure to set addresses automatically, you need to adjust the parameters manually. Contact your network provider for information.

When connecting your computer to a wireless Wi-Fi network, first repeat steps 2 and 3. Next, open the "Network and Sharing Center" and click on the "Connect to a network" option.

A window will pop up on the right showing the network connection settings. See if airplane mode is active - it should be off.

Below is a list of available connections. Left-click on the network of your choice and you will see an offer to connect - click on it. You can also check the box next to the "Connect automatically" line - and your computer will automatically connect to this network, if available. Usually, when checking the network requirements, you need to enter a password, but sometimes there is a "free" Wi-Fi, which is provided by some institutions.

If you followed all the instructions exactly, then your computer is already connected to the Internet, and you can enjoy access to the global information network. Otherwise, contact your provider's customer service center, and specialists will definitely help you solve all the problems. If you still have questions, watch the video, which also illustrates step-by-step instructions for connecting to the Internet on windows 8.

How to independently connect a computer to the Internet

Today there are almost no people left in the world who would not use the possibilities of the Internet. Therefore, the relevance of the question of how to independently connect the Internet to a personal computer is growing every day. A PC that is not connected to the World Wide Web turns into an ordinary typewriter with the functions of a calculator, that is, most of the advantages of owning such a computer are simply lost. Below is a guide on how to connect your computer to the Internet, as well as step-by-step instructions on how to set up the Internet without resorting to specialist services.

Preparatory activities

To connect to the Internet, first of all, you should select the Internet source that is optimal for the specific conditions of the user: direct connection (connect the Internet to the computer via cable), Wi-Fi router, SIM card of a mobile operator, satellite communications, PBX. Then, if necessary, sign an agreement with a communication service provider who is called the "Provider".

He will provide his subscriber with the necessary means, for example, a modem or router, cable. If it is a cellular operator, then a special USB modem that is inserted into the USB port of the computer.

Direct wire connection

The method has a number of significant advantages, but not without major disadvantages, which can be decisive when the user chooses the connection method. It is very easy to implement and requires the lowest cost. However, the Internet provider must run the wire directly to the computer, which is not always possible and convenient. In this case, the cable must be connected to the PC network card.

After that, you need to configure the Internet on your computer. The parameters entered differ depending on the service provider and the connection technology itself. The essence of the procedure is to create a connection with authorization. The following is an example of step-by-step actions in a PC running windows 8. In other operating systems supported by Microsoft, the procedure is the same.

The following steps must be followed:

For windows XP, you can briefly represent a similar algorithm of actions in the form of the following chain:

  1. Start;
  2. Network connections;
  3. Create a new connection;
  4. New Connection Wizard;
  5. Connect to the Internet;
  6. Set up a connection manually;
  7. High speed connection;
  8. Entering parameters from the internet provider.

For windows 7:

  1. Start;
  2. Control Panel;
  3. Network and Internet;
  4. Network and Sharing Center;
  5. Setting up a new connection or network;
  6. Internet connection;
  7. High speed;
  8. Entering parameters from your service provider.

Using a router with a cabled internet connection

This is a more convenient option for home or office, as it allows you to connect not one single PC to the global network, but several at the same time, thereby creating a local network. Today, it is rare for anyone in an apartment or office to have only one computer.

Insert the cable from the provider into the WAN port of the router. Connect computers via LAN connectors using patch cords. Enter the provider's parameters via the web interface launched in a computer browser by entering the address written in the router's manual (usually

Via Wi-Fi router

When using a wireless router, the steps will be similar to the previous instructions, but you will also need to configure WiFi. If your computer does not have a Wi-Fi adapter, you will need to purchase and install it.

Using the example of Windows 8, to connect a computer via Wi-Fi, you need to do the following:

Using the network of a mobile operator

Despite the relatively slow data transfer, this option is very popular among users due to its high mobility. It is enough just to insert the USB-modem into the corresponding port of the computer, and the configuration will be performed almost automatically, the client will only need to follow the instructions of the configuration wizard.

How to connect the Internet from a router to a computer (laptop) via a network cable?

Many articles have already been written on the topic of connecting to the Internet over a wireless network. Instructions for connecting, solving various problems, errors, etc. And in this article we will consider connecting the router to a computer using a network cable, which usually comes with the router. With a cable connection, everything is much easier than with Wi-Fi. But despite this, sometimes questions arise with connecting to the router using a network cable (LAN).

Basically, of course, with the help of a cable, stationary computers are connected to the Internet, which do not have a built-in Wi-Fi receiver. And if you buy a special Wi-Fi adapter for your computer, then you can also refuse wires. I always advise you to connect the router via cable to configure it, well, it's over, the firmware update. There are different cases, maybe Wi-Fi does not work on a laptop, but you need to connect to the Internet, or the speed of the wireless network is low, here we need a network cable. The connection is always more stable by cable than by air.

All we need is the network cable itself, with which we will connect the computer to the router. This is a regular twisted pair cable, with RJ-45 connectors on both sides. This cable should be included with your router. True, it is short there (depending on the manufacturer of the router). If you need a long cable, a computer store can make one for you. You can do it yourself, but you need a special tool. There are plenty of instructions on the Internet.

As a rule, 4 devices can be connected to the router via a network cable. It is 4 LAN connectors that you most likely find on your router. In some cases, the LAN connector can be 1 or 8. It does not matter which version of windows is installed on your computer. The instructions are suitable for windows 7, windows 8, and windows 10. In windows XP, everything is connected in the same way, but the IP settings will be slightly different.

Connecting to a router using a network cable (LAN)

Everything is very simple. We take a network cable, connect one end to the router into one of the LAN connectors (they are signed LAN, or Home network). And we connect the other end of the cable to the network card of the computer. It looks like this:

If you connect a laptop to the router, then we do everything in the same way. One end of the cable to the router, and the other to the laptop's network card:

That's all the connection. If the router is turned on, then the computer should immediately respond to the connection to the router. The connection status in the tray (in the lower right corner) will change.

If the Internet is connected to the router, and it is already configured, then most likely the connection icon will be like this:

This means that everything is fine, and the Internet is already working.

And if the router is not yet configured (you are just going to configure it), or there are some problems in the computer settings, then the connection status will be with a yellow exclamation mark. And without internet access. The Internet on the computer will not work.

If the Internet from this router on other devices works fine, and on the computer that we connected without access to the Internet, then you need to check the IP and DNS settings for connecting over the local network.

No internet access when connected via cable

It may be that after connecting the Internet will not work. The connection will be "no internet access", or "Limited" (in windows 8 and windows 10). If the problem is not in the router (it distributes the Internet), then you need to check the settings on the computer itself.

Right-click on the connection icon and select Network and Sharing Center. In the new window, select Change adapter settings.

Today we will deal with the question how to set up internet on a computer or laptop. As a rule, the Internet is configured by an employee of the provider at the moment when you conclude an agreement with him for the provision of services - after all, it is the correct access to the World Wide Web that is an indicator of the performance of this service. However, subsequently, when reinstalling Windows or purchasing new computer Internet settings may fail, and here we will face a dilemma - call technical support or do it yourself. In fact, this task is not at all difficult, so by reading this article to the end, you can save money more than once.

The most common type of connection is cable - a wire with a special LAN connector at the end is pulled into your apartment, which is inserted into the network card in the PC case. However, depending on the provider, there are several types of network connections. How to properly set up the Internet and in what way the connection to the World Wide Web takes place should be indicated in the papers of the contract that was given to you during the initial setup of the Internet by the employee. There are several of them - automatic IP, static IP, PPPoE, L2TP, with filtering by MAC address. Let's consider them in order.

Internet setup automatically

I called this type automatic, because if your provider connects you using this type, then you're in luck - you won't have to configure anything at all. With it, the computer receives an IP address in the network "by itself" - that is, we just plug in an Ethernet cable and use the Internet. If it does not work, then make sure that all configurations are zeroed - for this, go to "Start\u003e Control Panel\u003e Network and Internet\u003e Network and Sharing Center\u003e Network Connections Management\u003e Changes to adapter settings", right-click on " Local Area Connection "and go to" Properties\u003e Internet Protocol version TCP / IP v.4 ". Here all values \u200b\u200bshould be on "Automatic", as in the picture

Internet connection on a computer with authorization

In this fairly common type, or rather types, because there are two of them, you will have to sweat a little and use the handles to create a connection and enter a username and password to set up an Internet connection. If you click on the desktop icon every time to access the Internet, a connection window opens, in which you click on a button - this is your case.


PPPoE - connection to the provider's servers occurs only by login and password. If suddenly you reinstalled Windows, then in order to restore the possibility of going out, do the following:

  1. Go to "Start\u003e Control Panel"

  2. further in "Networks and Internet"

  3. and in the "Network and Sharing Center"

  4. Here somewhere on the page (in the left column for Windows 7 or in the main window in Windows 8 and 10) we see the menu item "Establish a connection or network" - click on it

  5. Here we select "Internet Connection" and click "Next"

  6. Select "High Speed \u200b\u200b(PPPoE)" and move on

  7. We enter the login and password that the provider issued - they, as a rule, are indicated in the contract.

  8. After that, we return to the "Network Control Center" and find in the menu the link "Change adapter settings" - go through it.

  9. We find "High-speed connection" - now it is in the "Disabled" state.

  10. Double click on it, a window for authorization will open. We press the "Connection" button and rejoice! For convenience, this "High Speed \u200b\u200bConnection" can be dragged to the "Desktop" with the mouse, creating an icon with a quick link.


L2TP is another type of Internet configuration with authorization. To activate it, we do everything the same as in the previous method, up to step 4 inclusive.

Connecting laptop to internet with static IP

The next type will not ask you to enter a username and password and click on the icons for the connection each time, but it does require manually entering the IP address settings to connect to the provider's equipment. For the settings, we go through the chain "Start\u003e Control Panel\u003e Network and Internet\u003e Network and Sharing Center\u003e Manage network connections\u003e Change adapter settings", right-click on "Local Area Connection" and go to "Properties\u003e Protocol Internet version TCP / IP v.4 ".

And enter the values \u200b\u200bprovided by the provider in the IP address and DNS server fields.

Filtering by MAC address

Finally, the provider can filter by MAC address for any of the above types. This means that you can only connect to the Internet on the computer that is registered with the provider. Plug the cable into another and the internet will be gone. This byaka usually appears at the moment when you bought a new computer (or network card), brought it home, but the Internet does not plow. To be honest, I don’t understand at all why some of our “friends” are doing such garbage, but if so, then you can activate the network connection only by calling the support service and saying that you bought a new PC.

That's all for today - I'm sure that you now know exactly how to connect the Internet to your computer and you can 100% do it yourself!

Good mood to you all! In this publication, we will talk about how configure internet on computer through the cable. Moreover, friends, once upon a time, this topic has already been dealt with on this blog.

But since a lot of water has flowed under the bridge since then, and Windows 10 is widely used on new computers, there was an urgent need to update the information. Although, to be honest, nothing has changed much in this matter.

So, since unlimited strides across the vastness of our vast homeland, in the framework of this publication, we will consider connecting via a modem that is configured in router mode.

Therefore, if someone else does not know where to plug the network cable correctly, or why you need the login and password that you were given at the subscriber's office, be sure to read the following material:

After the computer is connected to an already correctly configured modem using a cable, little will remain. You just need to configure the network card. This is done very simply, there will be no problems.

In the future, everything will be shown on the example of Win 10, although in previous versions of this operating system everything is done by analogy. So let's get started. Right-click on the "Start" button, and then select the "Network Connections" section:

A window will open in which you need to select a wired connection, because we are connected via a cable. It is usually called "Ethernet" or "Local Area Connection":

Now right-click on it again and go to "Properties". At the next stage, you need to select the "IP version 4" item and click the "Properties" button below:

  1. IP Address: When using dynamic IP, this is any value between and If you have a permanent IP address, you should specify it;
  2. Subnet mask: determined automatically, do not touch anything;
  3. Default gateway: specify the IP-address of the modem, which distributes the Internet to the computer via the cable.

After that, go to the "Use the following DNS server addresses" item. Here you need to specify the values \u200b\u200bthat it recommends. In case you don't know them, you can use universal ones. Here they are:

At this point, it is important to understand the fact that it is thanks to these addresses that sites are opened in the computer browser. Therefore, with their help, you can also block certain resources. Look at the third row of the table above.

In short, after all the manipulations, press the "OK" button and start enjoying the Internet. If suddenly the sites still do not load, then it is strongly recommended to check the settings again, and then study this article here:

And on this article on how to set up the Internet on a computer via a cable came to an end. If you have any questions, be sure to ask them in the comments. And at the end, watch an interesting video about Russian people on the Web.

Perhaps it is difficult to find someone who does not use the Internet. Access to the World Wide Web has filled our lives both on the robot and at home, from children to old people, because many of them are also trying to keep up with the development of computer technology. Consequently, the problem of connecting to the Internet is relevant for a wide audience. After reading this article, you will understand that it is not difficult to connect your computer to the Internet. Since many people prefer the latest version of Windows 8 software, the article describes the actions of the user of this particular system, but if you have a different edition of Windows, you can also use this instruction, basically the connection system is the same.

First, decide on the source of Internet access: a landline connection, a Wi-Fi router or mobile Internet (via a sim card). Make a contract with a provider if necessary and they will usually provide you with the equipment you need, from cable to high speed modem or even router. In the case of using the mobile Internet, you need to purchase a special modem or use a mobile phone that is connected to the computer via a USB port. But in this case, the Internet speed is much slower. Once you have an internet connection, start setting up the computer itself. To do this, enter the "Start" menu using an administrator account. In the window that opens, right-click and the heading "All applications" will appear in the lower right corner. Select it by clicking the left mouse button.

Among all applications, select "Control Panel". A new window will open various categories of settings for configuring your computer, open the second in the list - "Network and Internet".

Then go to the "Network and Sharing Center", where in the upper left corner click on the option "Change adapter settings".

In the "Network Connections" window that opens, move the cursor to the "Local Area Connection" symbol and open the context menu using the right mouse button. Select "Properties" from the offered functions.

Go to the "Network" tab, highlight the "Internet Protocol Version 4 (TCP / IPv4)" heading and click on the "Properties" button.

In the next window, configure the final parameters: check the boxes next to the functions "Obtain an IP address automatically" and "Obtain DNS server address automatically".

If desired or necessary, in case of network failure to set addresses automatically, you need to adjust the parameters manually. Contact your network provider for information.

When connecting your computer to a wireless Wi-Fi network, first repeat steps 2 and 3. Next, open the "Network and Sharing Center" and click on the "Connect to a network" option.

A window will pop up on the right showing the network connection settings. See if airplane mode is active - it should be off.

Below is a list of available connections. Left-click on the network of your choice and you will see an offer to connect - click on it. You can also check the box next to the "Connect automatically" line - and your computer will automatically connect to this network, if available. Usually, when checking the network requirements, you need to enter a password, but sometimes there is also "free" Wi-Fi, which is provided by some establishments.

If you followed all the instructions exactly, then your computer is already connected to the Internet, and you can enjoy access to the global information network. Otherwise, contact your provider's customer service center, and specialists will certainly help you solve all the problems. If you still have questions, watch the video, which also provides step-by-step instructions for connecting to the Internet on Windows 8.

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