Boot disk for Windows 8.1 repair. No restore points. How Refresh Your PC works

Due to the presence of viruses, mismatch of drivers or software, the OS may malfunction. If your Windows crashed, don't panic. The situation can be corrected by returning the state of files and programs to the time when the PC was working properly.

Certain errors and problems may occur while running OS Windows 7, 10 or 8. As a result of such failures, it becomes impossible to restart the operating system in operating mode. In this case, it is not at all necessary to do a laborious reinstallation of the OS. It is enough to perform a system restore.

OS recovery using recovery environment

When working, we use the following scheme of actions:

  1. Restart the computer, press the F8 key during boot;
  2. Troubleshooting;
  3. System restore, select OS restore point;
  4. Click "Further" and again "Further";
  5. Push the button "Done", we reboot the system (in the Menu, select the boot with the last good configuration).

Windows 7 System Restore

There are several ways that you can resort to resuming the OS. Some of them are based on rolling back to saved parameters. Others simply clear the data.

You can "reanimate" the OS in one of the following ways:

  • by choosing restore points;
  • using the command line;
  • through safe mode;
  • using the recovery environment;
  • using an image / boot disk.

Recovering the operating system using the "reanimation" checkpoints of the system is one of the most affordable, effective and popular options. To apply it, you need to make a series of clicks:

  1. Panel "Start";
  2. "System Restore";
  3. "Further";
  4. "Select a restore point";
  5. "Done".

Such an operation will fix the problem with the computer, discard the changes and return the system to the operating state that allowed the PC to boot normally. Loss of data, files and documents during such recovery does not occur. All data is saved. The operation is reversible. You can roll back the system to a previous computer state and use a different restore point.

Many people wonder how to independently (manually) make a recovery point in order to select it in the future? To do this, in the same menu "Start" - "System Restore" you can create such a point yourself at any convenient and suitable moment for you. It will be saved with the current date, which you can only remember.

From the point of recovery

In computer engineering, there is such a thing as a restore point. These are saved PC parameters. As a rule, saving occurs automatically with each successful OS boot. Most easy way resuming Windows 7 is to use exactly this data.

Press F8 while booting your computer. This command will bring up a menu of options for starting the system. Next, you need to select the Last Known Good Configuration option.

Another method can be used. Go to the properties of the My Computer folder. Find the line System protection, by clicking on which you will open the dialog box of the same name. Click Recovery - Next. We set a key date, indicate the disks to be repaired, and confirm the actions. After restarting, the PC should work fine.

No restore points

You can fix problems with the OS even without restore points. To do this, you need to resort to the LiveCD program. It needs to be downloaded and written to a USB flash drive with the .iso extension.
Further, all actions will take place in the BIOS. It is necessary to configure booting from a USB flash drive. To do this, in the Boot section, select USB-HDD in the First boot device line.

Before proceeding directly to the recovery, copy all required files on removable drive... The LiveCD program provides a special menu for this purpose.

We will fix system errorusing an archive copy. Connect the USB flash drive, open the Windows \\ System32 \\ config \\ folder. Files with the names default, sam, security, software, system must be transferred to any other folder. In their place we transfer similar files from the RegBack folder and restart the computer.

The described method will only help if the problem is related to the registry.

Command line

You can resort to "reanimating" Windows 7 from the command line if the PC starts to freeze or work slowly, however, the system boots. Enter the menu "Start" and with the right mouse button run command line as administrator. Issue the rstrui.exe command, which will open the System Restore program. Click "Further"... In the next window, select the desired rollback point and click again "Further"... Upon completion of the process, the PC should work normally.

You can enter the utility differently. Go to "Start"... To call the command line, press "Run" and prescribe cMD command ... Click on the found CMD.exe file and wait for the launch. Next, enter rstrui.exe on the command line and confirm the action with the Enter key on the keyboard.

It is not always possible to play it safe and create OS restore points in advance. There may be problems that block the option of such a "resuscitation" of the PC. Then you can use another, no less effective and easy option - Windows system recovery using the system itself.

We rely on the diagram:

  1. Icon "My computer" - right mouse button "Properties";
  2. "System protection";
  3. In the new window, click "System protection", restore button;
  4. "Further";
  5. We select a restore point in accordance with the date;
  6. We indicate the system disks to be restored;
  7. We confirm the operations and reboot the system.

Restoring Windows 7 with Safe Mode

This method is preferred if the usual system boot is impossible. Then after pressing the PC power button on system unit hold down the F8 key to call Launch menu... One of the "Menu" options is « Safe mode» ... Select it and press Enter on your keyboard. As soon as Windows boots up, we perform the same algorithm of actions that we described earlier.

System Restore Windows 8 / 8.1

If you were able to start the OS, you can resume Windows 8 via "Options"... Move your cursor over the upper right corner and enter them. Click on "Changing computer settings"... Section "Recovery" will offer several options:

  1. "Normal recovery with information preservation".
  2. "Removing data and reinstalling the OS".
  3. "Special Option".

Decide what exactly needs to be done. Then follow the prompts on the menu.

If you choose last way, in the window that opens, click on the diagnostic item. You will be offered the following options:

  • "Restore";
  • "Return to the initial state» ;
  • "Extra options"... This item includes the ability to roll back to the desired resume point.

To resume Windows 8.1 press Win + R and call sysdm.cpl. In the system properties window in the tab "Protection" specify the required system drive. Click "Restore"... By clicking "Further", you will be able to see a list of rollback points. Select the one you want and click Search for affected programs... Changes that have been made on the PC since the selected moment will be deleted. End the process by clicking "Done".

In the case of working with Windows 8, problems may occur, incorrect operation of the Internet, etc. To fix this, you can use the classic recovery method via restore points.

Another option is to roll back the system. To do this, open the menu "Start" - "Control Panel" - "Center windows updates» ... Choose an item "Removing updates"... You can do the same using the command line.

So, in the list of updates that opens, we delete those of them, from the moment of installation of which (we look by date) problems and problems began. Delete unnecessary files and do a reboot.

In Windows 8.1, you can perform a factory reset. Important files will not be affected by this operation. The method is effective, but for its implementation you need the OS to boot without problems. We use the algorithm:

  1. Right side of the monitor - "Options";
  2. "Change settings";
  3. "Update and recovery" - "Recovery";
  4. "Recover without deleting files".

If you log in in the usual way it is impossible, you must use the disk with the system. Loading installation disk, choose "System Restore"... Push the button "Diagnostics"and "Restore".

Windows 10 System Restore

If you have problems with Windows 10, press Windows + Pause. Go to "System protection" and press "Restore""Further"... Select the required indicator and press again "Further"... When done, press "Done"... The computer will automatically restart and the changes will take effect.

One of the advantages of "ten" is the ability to return the settings to the factory settings. This avoids having to install the system first. To reset data go to "Computer settings"Update and Security"Recovery""Reset the computer to its original state"... Click "To begin".

You can take care of the possibility of rollback in case of failure in advance. You can create resume points yourself or customize them automatic creation with the desired frequency. To do this, in the settings, in the Update and security item, select Backup service. Specify where to save copies, click Add Disk. After selecting a device, the function will be activated.

You can restore the Windows 10 system again through using restore points. In this case, the system will roll back to the moment when it was unimpeded booting and working without failures. This method recovery is described at the beginning of the article.

If the OS does not boot, then a warning table appears on the screen with the key « Additional options recovery "... Click it and select "Diagnostics" - "System Restore"... Making a control point selection windows recovery, waiting for the system rollback and reboot.

If such operations did not help and the computer continues to work incorrectly, you can roll back to basic settings... Part of programs and utilities, personal settings PCs will be reset and personal data deleted.

This technique is rarely used if the other options described above do not help. The algorithm of actions is as follows:

  1. "Start" - "Parameter selection" - tab "Updates and Security";
  2. Paragraph "Recovery" - button "To begin";
  3. We choose to delete all files or keep them partially.

It will then take 40-90 minutes to roll back the system.

Resume using the installation disc

One of the radical methods of fixing the error involves using an installation disc. After launching it in BIOS, click System Restore. Under Troubleshooting, specify the desired action. Then follow the prompts of the system to complete the process.

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In each new version Windows its developers offer more and more advanced tools for fast system recovery.
In this sense, Windows 8.1 is one of the most advanced. There are three levels of recovery for her:

  1. revert Windows 8.1 to an early restore point;
  2. recovery Microsoft Windows 8.1 without deleting user files and data;
  3. deleting all data (system and user information) and

Let's consider each of the recovery methods in more detail.

Restoring Windows 8.1 from an early checkpoint

System Restore uses restore points to restore system files and settings to a specific point in time without affecting the user's personal files and data.

Restore points are automatically created on a weekly basis, and also before significant system events such as the installation of programs or device drivers.

You can also create a restore point manually.

The safest option from the point of view of countering the loss of personal data and preserving the performance of applications is system recovery. Windows automatically creates restore points either by time (every 7 days), or when installing critical updates, or when installing programs that ask the system for this action.

For more confidence, you should check whether such points are created on your computer. Press Win + Pause - Advanced system settings - System protection. If the recovery system is enabled, then on the contrary system disk there will be an inscription "Enabled". To check if points are being created, click Restore. In the window for selecting points, click the "Show other restore points" checkbox.

In Windows 8.1, you don't need to delete old restore points. They are removed by the system itself when there is no more storage space for recovery points. But you can control the amount disk spacereserved for their storage. Click "Configure" in the System Protection options window. The storage space for backup points is determined by the percentage of the total disk space.

Please note that in Windows 8.1, user files are not deleted during recovery. Therefore, if you are sure that the problems began at some point, then you can safely return the computer to that point. However, it is more correct to first try to delete recently installed application... Perhaps the problem will fix itself.

Recovering your computer without deleting files

If your computer's performance has decreased for an unknown reason, you can restore it without deleting your personal files or changing settings.

If your computer upgraded from Windows 8 to Windows 8.1 and has a Windows 8 recovery partition, upgrading your computer will restore Windows 8. After the recovery is complete, you will need to upgrade to Windows 8.1.

Apps that you installed from websites and DVDs will be removed. Applications that were originally present on the computer or were installed from Windows Storewill be reinstalled. After recovery windows computer will keep a list of all removed applications on the desktop.

Windows 8.1 clearly separates system files and personal files of users. When something happens to the system: violation of some important files or failure of system settings that you find it difficult to restore, you can quickly roll it back to its original state.

With this gentle reinstallation option, Windows will restore system files and reset all the default settings that were on the computer when the system was first installed. Sometimes it helps, and windows health is restored.

Technically, "saving user files" looks like this. Before starting reinstallation Windows data users are automatically copied to a separate location, and after reinstalling the system, they are restored from the copy back.
To start the Windows recovery procedure using this method, select "Computer settings" and find the "Update and recovery" item.

Please note that if the computer came with Windows 8, and then the system was updated to version 8.1, then the recovery will bring the original, eighth version back to life. And again you will have to update it to 8.1. And of course, when reinstalling the system, you may need a DVD or a flash drive with an image of the installation disk. Don't forget to pre-record windows key... She can also ask him when reinstalling.

The second important point: all applications that are installed by the user independently, except for the store windows applicationswill be deleted. Actually, this is correct - it is third-party, sometimes untested applications that most often cause system failure.

Removing all data and reinstalling Windows

This method should be used only as a last resort, when the recovery according to the first scenario did not help. Copy all your files of documents, photos and music to a separate directory. The point is that Windows will destroy all the user's personal files.

If your computer has been upgraded from Windows 8 to Windows 8.1 and has a Windows 8 recovery partition, the downgrade will restore Windows 8. After completing the downgrade, you will need to upgrade to Windows 8.1.

All your personal files and settings will be lost. All applications you installed will be removed. Only applications that were originally on the computer will be reinstalled.

Loss of personal data is a problem, but all the causes of system failure are eliminated. Therefore, in this variant of system recovery, the chances of success are maximum. In this case, you will also need a system image on a DVD or flash drive and a key.

Microsoft's official website advises that the deletion of all data and reinstall Windows required only if you are going to give the computer to someone else for eternal and undivided use. That is, for all other cases there is restore Windows 8.1 without deleting files.


If the performance of Windows 8.1 on your computer is broken, then you can try the recovery methods indicated in this article, starting with the very first one. Go to the next one only if the previous one did not work. If you have any problems, you can contact our specialists. The fact is that the performance of Windows can be lost not only due to a failure in the software part, but also due to the failure of any hardware components of the computer. Therefore, if it was not possible to restore Windows using the indicated methods, an integrated one is required.

Failures happen at the most inopportune moment. An incorrect setting or an error in the program leads to the fact that Windows stops working correctly or even starts. Windows rollback will allow you to quickly restore functionality. When users ask a question about rollback, they mean several different things:

System rollback to a point from the past, will only change system files
  • return to the previous state of the PC before the failure caused by the installation of programs;
  • reanimation of the OS after an unsuccessful update;
  • return to the original state of the OS.

Roll back Windows through restore points

Users asking a question about windows rollback, in 7 out of 10 cases imply the undoing of changes made when installing drivers or programs using restore points. It's built in windows function to quickly resurrect a computer after a crash.

Let's consider in what cases points for error correction are created:

  • installing applications;
  • changing important OS parameters;
  • installation of drivers;
  • update;
  • manual launch of the command by the user.

In any case, control data is required to roll back the system. This method will help only in fairly mild cases.

Council. Do not disable automatic point creation unless you are an experienced computer user. This will make problem solving much more difficult.

Windows configured as standard automatically creates backup files to undo the changes later. But the user has the functionality to create rollback points on his own.

Consider a way to create a Windows 7 (8) restore point:

  • Go to the section for managing PC resuscitation. It is located in the "Control Panel" menu.
  • Click to change the parameters.
  • To create a point, use the "Create" button at the bottom of the window that opens.
To undo unwanted system changes, you can restore the computer state

This point will allow you to do a system restore on Windows 7 or 8 using the same window.

If you need to do a system restore on Windows 8, then you should follow these steps:

  • Go to the control panel and find the section responsible for changing the parameters of PC resuscitation.
  • Click on the "Run" button.
  • Select a suitable point and start the error correction process.
System restore to a previous state

Important! If the computer does not start, then try to restore the system to Windows 8 through safe mode.

Return the computer a few days back in control points possible starting with Windows XP, but this method does not always work.

Rollback updates

The company regularly releases updates for operating system... They are important to maintain high level security and elimination of found errors. But the update can lead to failures, then you will need to rollback the updates.

There are three ways to roll back the system to Windows 8 if the update fails:

  1. Take advantage of the control through the Update Center.
  2. Remove unnecessary packages from the command line.
  3. Use third party utilities.

For novice users, only the first method is suitable. To do this, open the "Update Center", click the link " Installed updates", Which is located at the bottom left and delete unnecessary.

On this tab you can uninstall the update

Reset Windows 8 settings

There is another option to roll back the system for Windows 8.1 or 8. It will keep all personal files. To do this, reset the parameters. You should use this method to roll back the system to Windows 8 if other options did not lead to success.

Important! If you reset the parameters, then installed programs stop working.

Here is the procedure for resetting the parameters:

  • Open the right panel.
  • Go to the "Parameters" section.
  • Find a suitable section in the list.
  • Start reset with saving files.
Recovering your computer without deleting files

Recovery images

Windows provides the ability to make a complete copy of the state of the computer for future recovery. Such images will come in handy in case of critical failures, when you need to reinstall the OS in 10-50 minutes or you need to roll back the system from Windows 8.1.

Consider what you need to know before using this PC resuscitation method:

  • The PC resuscitation image is present on laptops with the OS installed from Microsoft upon purchase. It is usually recorded on hDD in a hidden partition or attached on disk.
  • Self-service creation of images for recovery is available to the user. It is placed in a hidden partition or burned to disk.
  • It is allowed to include drivers and other files in the image.

If the image exists and the OS starts, then you can start system recovery on Windows 8 through the "Parameters" section using the appropriate function.


If the OS is not working, the image from the PC manufacturer allows you to restore the system through the BIOS, for which you need to press the key combination described in the documentation for the computer. Now you know how to restore the system to Windows 8 and 8.1. We ask questions to specialists.

Although everyone understands that for stable work The PC just needs to keep its OS in working and healthy condition, sometimes the only way out is to restore Windows 8.1.

A recovery disc is a USB flash drive containing all the tools you need to repair your system. It usually includes: Startup Repair, Updates, Reset and System Restore.

To create a recovery disc, open the control panel, and click on the "Recovery" section (control panel in the view of large or small icons, in the view by categories this section is not). The top parameter of the window that opens is precisely responsible for creating the recovery disk we need. Click on it and go directly to disk creation.

prompt... If you have a factory pre-configured recovery partition on your computer, you can check the box to copy the recovery partition. True, this significantly increases the size of the recovery disk, and is only suitable for USB flash drives with a volume of at least 32 GB, but it gives a valuable additional parameter for Windows 8.1 rescue.

After creating the disc, you can start your computer from it and access the recovery options. However, do not forget that booting from USB must be enabled in your motherboard or UEFI firmware.

Attention... If you are using Windows RT for a tablet, such as Microsoft Surface, you should definitely create a recovery disc containing a system backup image. There is no other way to reinstall Windows RT, except from the recovery disk, so if an accident occurs, you have only one way out - to return the computer to the manufacturer to recreate the image, which in our reality is unrealistic. To create a recovery disc with a complete Windows RT system image, you need USB flash drive just 4 GB.

Windows 8.1 backup and recovery.

Since the days of Windows XP, it has been common practice to completely reinstall the operating system and all software when problems arise with the OS. There are now several other ways to keep your installed copy of Windows secure and restore it in the event of a crisis.

Note... Windows 8 includes a tool for reserve copy full system image, Windows 7 has options for recovering files. In Windows 8.1, this functionality has been removed. An alternative to these features in Windows 8.1 is its own recovery option.

Repair Windows 8.1 with Fast Repair Option.

In Windows 8.1, Microsoft introduced new way create a backup image that is so simple that anyone can use it. This new recovery option creates backup operating system, which can be easily started from computer settings or by inserting a recovery disc from OS startup options.

There is one important difference between the old system backup image and the new restore option. Even after creating your own custom recovery image, which will restore all installed desktop programs in case of something, you cannot save their settings. This means that software such as Microsoft Outlook will be restored, but accounts his email will have to be configured again. Likewise with all other desktop applications.

However, most users do not need to worry, Windows 8.1 synchronizes most of its settings, including for desktop applications, and the same Microsoft Office 2013 can synchronize its settings between different computers.

The easiest way to access the recovery option is in the computer settings by selecting update and recovery there, and then clicking recovery in the left navigation pane.

The restore option is the first option at the top of the screen, by the way, there is an explanation of what will be done here. When you are ready to repair your computer, click the START button. The process is fully automated.

Windows 8.1 will explain to you what will be done during the recovery process and will ask you to confirm this operation. Clicking on the OK button will start the action itself, which can take from 15 to 60 minutes, which directly depends on your created custom recovery image.

You can also restore your computer during windows startup 8.1. There are several ways to do this:

  1. If your computer fails to start three times, the repair process starts when it boots. If the computer cannot be repaired, he suggests additional features, including recovery.
  2. Start the computer with a recovery disc; note that you may need to access the boot options. You also need to boot from a USB flash drive.
  3. Starting the computer with the installation DVD disc Windows 8.1. On the setup screen, instead of the system repair options, click the computer repair link.

Creating a custom recovery image in Windows 8.1.

As mentioned above, you can create a custom recovery image. You may need to do this because, by default, this function will update your copy of Windows 8.1, keeping files and applications intact, but will destroy all desktop applications.

Creating a custom recovery image will take a snapshot of your computer complete with everything software desktop.

Note... Remember that when restoring from a custom recovery image, all settings of desktop programs are reset, so you have to configure them again, however, if their settings are not automatically synchronized between computers.

To create a custom recovery image, follow these steps:

  1. Click on Win + Xby opening this administration menu.
  2. Select and run Command Prompt (Admin).
  3. Enter recimg -CreateImage C: \\ Folderwhere C: \\ Folder is where you want to save the backup. This place can also be on another section hard disk or on another drive. You can add additional fault tolerance to your recovery image creation.

This article describes the steps that you can use to restore Windows 8.1 without deleting user data.

If the malfunctions of the computer cannot be eliminated by the usual methods, one radical solution remains - reinstalling the operating system. Many users are intimidated by the prospect of reinstalling the system.

In Windows 8.1, the problem of reinstalling the operating system is practically solved. Of course, the operating system will not do everything for you, but many users who previously called wizards or experienced acquaintances to reinstall the operating system will now be able to do it on their own. The fact is that in Windows 8, Windows 8.1 appeared new function reset, which allows you to quickly, literally in a few mouse clicks, restore the operating system or return it to its original state.

In the event of a serious system malfunction that cannot be eliminated by the usual methods, you can restore the operating system to the operability, while preserving your personal files, accounts and contacts. To do this, you need to reset the operating system. We need an installation windows disk 8.1 or bootable USB stick with Windows 8.1

Press the keyboard shortcut + I, in the panel that opens Options click Change computer settings

A window will open Computer settings, choose Updating and restoring

In the window Updating and restoring push Recovery

Waiting a bit

If your computer does not have an active Windows 8.1 recovery partition, the system will display a warning. You will need a Windows 8.1 installation disc or a bootable Windows 8.1 USB stick

Insert the Windows 8.1 installation disc or bootable USB stick with Windows 8.1. The update wizard window will open, which lists the consequences of the update, namely:

● Your files and personalization settings will not change.
● Computer settings will be restored to their default values.
● Windows Store apps will be saved.
● Apps that you installed from discs or websites will be removed.
● The list of removed applications will be saved on your desktop.

If you accept the above terms, click Further

The computer will restart and the system recovery process will begin.

System recovery may take some time. The recovery time can range from several minutes to several tens of minutes (depending on the speed of the computer).

Recovery takes place entirely in automatic mode... Your presence at the computer is optional. After completing the recovery process and restarting, your computer is ready to go. You just have to install the programs that were removed as a result of the system restore. All your accounts and passwords will remain intact, so use your old password to sign in.

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