Corporate tariffs from Beeline. Corporate Communication Beeline

In most regions, feedback also applies, if immediately after connecting to the autoinformer, press tonal mode 1. However, no longer expect a quick chime. Live operator will contact you at best after half an hour.

The total number of Beeline can be transformed into the federal 88007000611. The call to this operator's phone is made free of charge from stationary devices, as well as sims of other operators. This is more convenient way Contact the Beeline operator directly, since the waiting time here is much smaller. The disadvantage is only the fact that this line has a definite orientation. Telephone operators will be able to advise only mobile communications and issues related to USB modems. Information about the mobile or home Internet, as well as TV is discussed on other phones.

Dedicated lines

Usually for each action provider cellular communication Creates a dedicated line where the autoinformer can instruct on specific topics. However, if there are many of them, you can choose broader specialization:

  • 88001234567 - A way to call the Beeline Operator regarding Mobile Internet.
  • 8800700800 - Beeline hotline number, where you can consult about home Internet and TV.
  • +7495974888 – reference Beeline For communication from abroad. This room is free, so you can talk with a lively specialist without extra costs.

Alternative communication methods

In addition to the instructions, how to call the Beeline operator directly, it is possible to get an answer to your question and in another way. The short number 0611 is available not only for calls, but also for text messages, so you can describe your problem in the form of SMS and send Beeline to the hotline. The operator will call back for approximately 2 hours. You can also try to send SMS to 0622.

A good alternative can be a connection via the Internet. On the official website of the provider there is a "Feedback" section. The section has empty graphs to fill, where the contact information fits and the essence of the question fit. As a rule, through the form feedback Technical support is associated during the day at the specified Beeline number.

Instead of filling out the form, you can send a question directly to the mail for similar cases - And owners of accounts on social networks can ask a question in the group.

The speed of the response is about the same as the telephone support service, but do not have to keep the tube at the ear.

Tech support Beeline promises to connect and talk in the shortest possible time. In most cases, instead of finding out which number of the Beeline operator, it is more convenient and get answers through the "Help" section and "Frequently Asked Questions".

Despite the stability of the connection provided by the Beeline operator, no one is insured against problems. If the subscriber has problems with cellular communication, the Internet, or other services, the only faithful assistant will be the hotline of Beeline, whose specialists are ready to answer all the questions that have appeared from customers.

For dialing to support service, the following contacts are used :, federal telephone at 8800 and a separate room for calls from abroad. You can also get help via the Internet.

Short number

Use the phone 0611 for dialing to the technical support service Beeline can subscribers of any operators, but only calls from the "native" SIM cards are free. The first thing that the person will hear, which called the short number is the voice of an automatic assistant. It can help with some problems that in most cases eliminates the need for a conversation with a lively specialist.

If the problem of the subscriber is atypic, or it does not have time for communicating with the robot, you can use the number for 8800, which is immediately. If you use the phone there is no possibility, you can get into the center of technical support via the Internet by entering the operator's website.

The robot consultant performs the following functions:

  • and tells about him in detail;
  • reports;
  • helps connect or.

To control the answering machine, keys are used:

  • 9 - for the repairs of the previous message;
  • # - to re-voicing the previous menu item;
  • * - To return to the main menu.

If a voice assistant It cannot help (for example, the problem is related to what it does not work), the subscriber will contact the support service specialist. The connection may take some time, depending on the loading of the lines. If you do not want to wait, you can order a callback on the subscriber's phone - this service is free.

At 0611, you can also, in which you want to describe your problem. The answer will come within a couple of minutes.

Federal number

Free federal contacts available throughout Russia operator Beeline.8 800 starting with 8 800. Use a similar number for dialing in you can through any phone.

Depending on the type of problem of the existing problem, you can use one of four options:

  • 8 800 700 0611 - main number;
  • 8 800 700 2111, 8 800 700 0080, 8 800 700 8000 - Used if mobile, home Internet or Wi-Fi does not work.

Any federal number is available for calls from urban phones and through a mobile phone of another cellular operator. The waiting time is about the same as when dialing at 0611.

Help in roaming

For Beeline subscribers 0611 and 8 800 700 0611 are free when calling from anywhere in the Russian Federation. If the operator's client is abroad, Beeline technical support is available through the phone +7 495 974 8888.

Support via Internet

Get a certificate for questions you are interested in using the Internet, you can via the following contacts:

  • chat with a specialist located on the contact page;
  • feedback, located there - in the form you need to choose the reason for the appeal, enter your question and specify a communication method;
  • you can also contact the operator by e-mailBy sending a letter to the address.

A wide selection of methods for obtaining reference information provides access to support for any subscriber.

Each mobile network subscriber must know several ways to communicate with the operator and support service. During the use of services, the user often faces urgent problems or important issues that need to quickly solve.

To solve problems related to tariff plans, a feature of accounting, with spending personal funds, orders of Internet traffic packages, SMS and MMS, Communication in Rooming should be referred to as the official representative of Beeline.

Shortly free number

How to call the Beeline operator from your phone? Call from Mobile - Comfortable and free way Communication with technical support. You can call the mobile phone of Bilain 0611.

At first, the subscriber must carefully listen to the menu items and according to their subjects to determine what it needs to be selected. If the choice is not done - you will be prompted to contact the operator. 0611 is a subscriber support center that will help solve any questions.

When you dialing the operator at 0611, be prepared to spend 20-30 of your time. Very often you have to expect a free operator for a long time. But during the wait, you can press the key 1, and then the company's representative himself calls your room at a moment when a free consultant appears.

Remember the necessary keys for the convenience of managing the main menu when dialing to 0611:

  • - Listening to the message SEAD,
  • - Return to the main menu,
  • - listening to information from the previous point,
  • - During the expectation of the consultant - the service "We will call you back, so as not to expect a queue to communicate with online support.

By federal number

  • 8 800 700 06 11 - For all issues of the USB modem.
  • 8 800 123 45 67 - For all questions automatic and manual setting mobile Internet.
  • 8 800 700 80 00 - for all issues of TV, home internet and phone.

SO stationary phone or another mobile operator call free in support for Beeline by phone +7 812 740 60 00, 8 800 700 00 80 or 8 800 700 06 11. The principle of the dialing is the same as from a mobile phone. First, you are listening to menu items associated with different problems and services, and then go out to a conversation with a live representative. The consultant can ask your passport details, the word code and phone number when solving your problems with communication, services and accounts.

When calling to number 8 800 700 00 80, you need to click on the figure 0 and for, as a rule, 5 minutes will answer you the representative of the company Beeline and helps solve your questions and problems.

Prepare your passport in advance and remember codewordwhich is attached to your SIM card to save its time when talking with support.

In roaming

If the subscriber is in roaming outside Russian Federation, It can freely contact the consultant for the number of +7 495 974 888 from a mobile or stationary phone of any country.

With inner roaming

With inner roaming (the user is located on the territory of the country), call for free on number 8 800 700 06 11 from any operator or urban phone.

Going beyond the country in advance to take care of the most advantageous tariff plan for you for contact with relatives and comrades. You can choose the tariff on the official website of Beeline or the short number 0611.

Other communication methods

It is not always possible to quickly contact technical support Bilayna due to the loading of lines and online consultants. If questions are not urgent and you do not want to wait for 20 minutes of the response of a specialist, choose other ways to solve your problems. 0622 And you will also receive an answer in the form of a message (daily from 7:00 to 22:00 per MSK.).

Beeline tries to take into account all customer needs. Thus, the company provides special offers for business and business customers, ensures their coordinated and reliable tie at affordable prices. To do this, corporate tariffs from Beeline, offering more opportunities and acceptable price ranges and for small organizations, and for large. In this article we will talk about the tariffs of this type, for whom they are best suited and what is offered by conditions.

Tariffs for corporate clients

Beeline offers special tariffs to business customers. They are suitable for smartphones, and for USB modems and tablets. For warranty stable, sophisticated work Functional, you should select the tariff created exclusively for a specific type of devices.

List available on this moment business tariffs for various devices We describe below in this article.

For mobile phone

First, corporate tariffs from Beeline were such: "Gold", "Silver", "Bronze. There was also an expensive tariff called "Platinum". Now everything has changed somewhat: the "Everything for Business" line appeared, which includes more different favorable sentences. For example, corporate tariffs from Beeline in Moscow and MO are presented by the following list: "For business for 300", "for a business for 600", "for business for 1000", "for a business for 1500" and "for a 3000 business".

All of them are different among themselves price characteristics and volumes of service packages.


Thus, each tariff has its own conditions: Specific price ranges The size of a fee and a batch volume, which includes a certain amount of traffic, conversation and MMS and SMS messages. Starting from the tariff "For the 1000 business" for 4G users, there is an opportunity to use the Internet for free.

It is worth noting that the conditions described above belong to Moscow and MO. For each other region, their conditions are provided, so prices and packages in your region may not coincide with the above. Even the names of tariffs in the regions are distinguished due to the differences in the subscription fee.

For tablets

If you have a tablet, you can choose such tariffs as "Fast and Furious 4 GB" and "Furious 8 GB", offering such maintenance conditions: the first - for 350 rub. per month gives 4 GB, and the second - for 550 rub. - 8 GB.

You have the opportunity to connect corporate tariff from Beeline for tablet for 500 rubles. Any calls, of course, are impossible with these devices. Application of SMS or MMS inside the network in the roaming zone will cost 2 rubles .

The above tariffs are more designed to access the Internet as part of business communication. The traffic package is quite enough communication on work, the implementation of business tools, use social networks, View mail and other simpler services. As for the download of video, audio, there is already no traffic here, but usually it is not required for the working purposes.

Note that both tariffs are quite suitable for USB modems, because they are universal.

For USB modems and routers

The most suitable tariffs for these devices are two suggestions: "Fast and out of 16 GB" and "Furious 32 GB". They have quite decent conditions regarding the traffic of the Internet: for the first it will be necessary to pay 850 rub. per month and use traffic in 16 GB, and the second is for 1150 rub. Provides 32 GB.

The advantage of such tariffs is, of course, in the volume of traffic. Here you can make not only simple actions On the Internet, such as Web Surfing, but also view the broadcasts and movies, listen to music and download big files. As for speed, it can only be limited to network capabilities. The highest speed, as a rule, in the 4G coating zone. There she can reach 75 Mbps to sec.


Choose a business tariff suitable for your purposes and needs. Beeline provides quite suggestions in this area. Most of the above tariffs are, of course, suitable for business people, but those who want to save on services. In particular, unlimited corporate tariffs from Beeline are beneficial to high-speed Internet access, which is most important in modern times, because what business is now without the Internet?

If you have questions about the topic "Corporate Beeline Tariffs", then ask them in the comments to this article. We will answer all your questions!

For each business one of of most important conditions Success, are stable communications, including mobile communications for business. Now not to find a single company and corporation that would not use corporate mobile communications. It is the stability and accessibility - the criteria that Beeline's bond, the corporate tariffs of which we will now discuss.

What can Bealen to their corporate clients offer?

Beeline understands how important it is in business to keep your hand on the pulse every minute.

To do this, he developed a line of products aimed at such a specific audience of consumers as entrepreneurs and corporations.

For them today there are proposals that ensure reliable connection when working not only cell phone, but also PCs and tablets.

Let's talk about each of them in more detail, because for each specific type of devices it is necessary to pick up your fare for the coordinated work of the entire network.

Now with "colleagues" you are even closer

The tariff plan is very simple and simple - without submarine stones. Calls between subscribers related to the contract are charged in total 10 kopecks. per minute, even if they are in different parts of Russia. Calls to the numbers are not part of the corporate structure (including Beeline) will cost subscriber 1.9 rubles. in a minute. The same amount will cost one SMS message in Russia, and the message abroad is 6.45 rubles.

It will be useful to view:

Beeline offers "All for Business"

The favorable line of the products of the Corporate Tariff "Everything for Business" gives the opportunity to subscribers freely talk without payment and write SMS to colleagues throughout Russia. Among other things, this plan includes a number additional serviceswhich can be connected to the number on favorable terms. Below you can familiarize yourself with each item in more detail.

In order to connect the tariff plan, you can simply go to the official website into the department for corporate clients, fill out the order form, pointing out your personal and corporate information about the company for which the corporate tariff is purchased. After that, in the near future, the representative of the Beeline company will contact you and will help complete the registration process.

Reasonable savings with the "My Company" option

Such a service allows you to implement the optimization of communication costs for large companies, along with this, not affecting its quality. What is the essence of the service? The option allows you to connect to the contract even those SIM cards that the service communication does not apply. Along with this, the Corporation itself will not spend no penny - subscribers connected to the corporate tariff, pay for their services independently.

According to the cost and volume of options, the service is similar to the Tariffs "Everything for Business", but there are several additions:

  1. Free calls (for local and non-resident Beeline numbers in the amount of 120 minutes) and SMS for subscribers associated with the contract.
  2. On other Russian operators there is a limit of 50 free minutes, free messages are provided.
  3. All this set is available on an advance payment.

Corporate services from Beeline for mobile phones

A number of proposals that are willing to use small and medium businesses.

The components of each package are unchanged, customers only choose the tariff based on quantitative needs.

The subscription fee in this case directly depends on how many minutes, SMS or megabytes will want to buy a client.

There are 5 options for this tariff plan, whose territory is Moscow and the Moscow region:

  • For a 300 business - will give a subscriber 2 GB of the Internet, 100 minutes of free communication, 100 sms or MMS. And all this for 300 rubles. per month.
  • For a business for 600 - for 600 rubles. On the balance of corporate clients will be 10 GB, 600 minutes and messages.
  • For business for 1000 - the amount of the Internet increases to 15 GB and 1500 minutes to conversations and correspondence, as applies to the monthly, it is 1000 rubles per month.
  • For a business for 1500 - traffic increases by another 5 GB, and SMS and minutes here are 3000. For this you will need to pay 1500 rubles.
  • For business for 3000 - the number of Internet is already 30 GB, and twice as many SMS and minutes for calls.

Corporate tariffs from the line "Everything for business"

Attention! The numbers and data on the tariff plan are given only for the Moscow region, for non-resident consumers there are nets and gradations. So in Kazan you can choose from such tariffs with a subscription fee for 250, 450, 900 and 1500 rubles. per month.

For tablets, too, have something to offer

Operator services for tablets users are targeted mainly on the Internet offer exclusively for business purposes, as to view the video, its download and download traffic in these packages will not be enough.

But for business communication, it is not necessary, because to fulfill official duties, it is enough to check the mail, use of social networks and operation simple serviceswho do not eat precious traffic.

Beeline prepared the following tariffs for tablets:

  • Furious 4 GB;
  • Furious 8 GB.

The difference as you have already noticed only in the number of Internet supplied and the price for the service. For the first version it will be necessary to pay 350 rubles. per month, and the second is 550 rubles.

For routers and USB modems

For these devices on a corporate basis, traffic is proposed bigger. This category of tariffs will be able to view the video, listen to audio tracks. The proposal is limited to two tariffs - "Fast and Furious of 16 GB" and "Furious 32 GB".

Naturally, with an increase in the number of gigabytes and payment increases in proportion to: for 16 GB, the user will pay 850 rubles per month, and for 32 - 1150 rubles.

Let's sum up

The search for the tariff you needs will not take much effort and time, as Beeline has developed its proposals so that they include balanced options at reasonable prices. It is enough just to decide on their number that is necessary to maintain a stable connection in your business.

Beeline has a whole line of interesting tariff plans not only for individuals, but also for customers who enjoy the services of communication on corporate rights. Among them, you can find both more economical options offering a certain minimum service for a modest subscription fee and tariffs for "advanced" subscribers planning to use cellular services to the maximum. The main feature of the TP line from Beeline is a corporate tariff can be connected directly to several devices. Thus, use the established amount of service (included minutes, messages and Internet traffic) can be immediately several employees of the company.

Variants for connecting corporate numbers

Currently, VimpelCom can offer five options for corporate clients. The principle for all is one: each of them includes several options for services in various quantities. Depending on the volume of packages included in the TP packets, the subscription fee can range from three hundred and three thousand rubles. In order to determine which of the tariff plans is the most optimal in each particular case, you should go to the Beeline site. Corporate tariff can be chosen, after reading the existing options. If necessary, you can consult with the specialists of the support service for existing and potential corporate clients for what is better to connect.

Corporate tariff for 300 rubles

The youngest tariff plan in the corporate line is the tariff for three hundred rubles. By connecting it to the company's employee number, you can get the following services:

  • one hundred minutes of communication;
  • one hundred text messages;
  • internet traffic - 2 gigabytes (optional options are available to extend speed).

After the volume set on the "Beeline" number will be spent in the current period, the corporate tariff changes the principle of tariffing. You can see more detail on the regional version of the operator's portal.

Maximum tariff for corporate clients

Completes the proposed for legal entities Line of tariff plans option for 3000 rubles. What will the corporate user get by activating it on the number of employees of their company?

  • Six thousand minutes.
  • Six thousand text messages.
  • Thirty Gigabytes of Internet traffic with the ability to use the 4G network.

How to find out the "Beeline" number (corporate tariff) balance?

For corporate clients there is a postpositive calculation system. This means that you need to pay for communication services after the completion of the estimated period and invoice the operator. It is always possible to receive information about the existing debt, view a general cost report, check how many minutes / messages / megabytes remained within the current estimated period. How can this be done? Below we give a list of requests, typing which you can get the necessary information:

  • Clarify whether accounts exist that were not paid at the time of treatment (if there is, then exactly which amount), - * 110 * 4 #.
  • Complete report on mutual settlements (connection costs, replenishment of the balance, accounts for accounts, etc.) - 067409321 (call to the number).
  • Obtaining information about the remains of the packages that are included in the subscription fee for the selected tariff plan (note that to check the balances by additional packages And the options use individual queries), - * 110 * 06 #.
  • Calculate the preliminary cost of communication services at the time of treatment - * 110 * 16 #.

How to find out the balance: Beeline (corporate tariff)

In addition to sending requests and calls to service numbers Another option is provided for obtaining information, including the on / paid accounts, the current state of the number, the options, etc. Personal Cabinet subscriber is also available for corporate clients. At the same time, it has several other functionality and interface than one that is available for individuals. Just to start viewing the data on the number via the Internet is impossible, as a preliminary registration is required, allowing you to get full access All number management tools. You can do this through Beeline specialists. To find out the corporate tariff, which is connected on the room, as well as other information relating to the account, through contact center, also visiting corporate customer service centers. At the same time, with a personal visit to the office, it is necessary to have a certificate of identity (passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation). In some cases, the presence of a power of attorney may be required, in particular, this concerns the performance of actions. In this case, with it better to have a general power of attorney.

Corporate tariff plans exist quite a long time, but not many customers mobile communications Know why they are needed. After all, there are many favorable tariffs for individuals who at first glance is cheaper to use. It is worth noting that corporate tariffs in the title implies the use of the starting package within a certain company, business and other things.

Mostly corporate tariffs are intended for legal entities. Using similar plans of the company benefits in advanced features. Because of this, the cost of such packages is higher than for individuals. For a more visible example in this review, tariff plans from Beeline are collected. It is this service operator that allows corporate packages on favorable terms. Below is represented short description Corporate Plans from Beeline, with which you can find.

Tariff review

Before the description, it should be noted that Corporate Beeline Tariffs are provided in two directions:

  1. Federal number;
  2. Direct room.

But what kind of finding it depends only on how communication will be used. Also to corporative clients Provides the opportunity to choose not simple telephone number, and beautiful. To set the numbers to be memorable for most people.

The first plan for consideration was chosen "prestigious for the year." Such a plan allows subscribers to pay communication per year ahead. Its cost will be 9900 rubles / year, for the Moscow region. If you consider, the monthly fee will be not much like a lot for such a relationship, only 825 rubles.

Customers who activate the tariff will be able to get:

  1. Unlimited inside the network in Russia;
  2. 3000 free minutes for conversations and 3000 free messages for communication and data exchange with any operators throughout the country.
  3. In addition, subscribers will also receive 20 GB of Internet traffic.

All these privileges are provided with every new month. Also, customers are granted a gift from the company, namely they can choose a SIM card that will have a beautiful room. The cost of the SIM card must be within 1000 rubles. Also, the organization will be able to connect another telephone number free of charge. Tariff "Prestigious for a year" is really profitable proposition For many enterprises.

Also, clients can take advantage of the simple "prestigious" or "prestigious exclusive" tariff plan. The cost of them is different and amounts to 1200 rubles / month. and 7500 rubles / month. respectively. More information about these plans can be found on the company's website or call the operator of technole. Hot line Beeline by phone 0611.

Also, subscribers of the company can use a rather inexpensive tariff called "convenient". Its cost is only 350 rubles per month. Subscribers will be available federal telephone. Simka with this tariff will be beneficial for use in home regionAfter all, 200 minutes per month is provided to make free calls, in Moscow while in the home network.

Full unlimited inside the network, as well as unlimited calls by numbers, which are registered with a single corporate contract. Subscribers will also be able to connect another phone for free.

An equally profitable plan with the name "Bronze" should be noted. Communication on this plan is quite profitable. For 550 rubles / month. Users will be able to learn such privileges:

  1. Unlimited network in the country;
  2. A package for calls in the amount of 600 minutes is provided, which will allow for free to speak in Russia with any operator.
  3. Also accrued on a SIM card of the message package, which includes 600 sms and MMS.
  4. Did not miss the company and unlimited Internet. Accrused to 10 GB of traffic to use the network without restrictions.

At the "Bronze" tariff also provides for the connection of the second number.

To use unlimited Internet, you can activate the "Unlimited 900" tariff. The phone with such a plan will allow you to use the Internet, without any restrictions, for the amount of 900 rubles, which are written off once a month. There is a tariff throughout Russia. But it is intended only for surfing, calls and SMS are not provided on it.

Recently, such a tariff appeared as "University". This is a unique start-up package, which was created exclusively for anyone who is associated with higher educational institutions in some areas. It can be both students and teachers. By activating the "University" tariff on the SIM card, customers receive unlimited conversations with the owners of the same plan. Calls to other rooms are quite inexpensive. Also, the University plan implies the package free Internetwhich provides traffic for monthly use.

In the case when the SIM card carries the "University" tariff, then the client will need to pay a subscription in the amount of 150 rubles. Tariff plan University can also enjoy family members or teachers. Such an offer will be able to significantly reduce the cost of communication, and this is great news for many people. To detail information on the "University" tariff, it is recommended to go to the company's website. In addition, the details on it can be found in the educational institution. Connection is possible either with a passport in the communication cabin, or if there is a student ticket.

Perhaps these are all popular and favorable tariffs from the company, but their list is very large. Therefore, if necessary, you can detail the data on the company's website.


You can connect any corporate tariff in the following methods:

  1. It is recommended to activate plans in company stores. To connect, you need a telephone and passport of the SIM card owner.
  2. The hotline works without breaks. By calling it, subscribers can receive advice and activate the tariff. You may need to call the passport data.
  3. You can also buy an already activated plan in the new start Package. The procedure can be made in the biline office. After buying, insert a SIM card into the phone and the tariff will be available.
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