Cashback - what is it in simple words and which cashback services are better to use. Cashback - what is it and how it works

What is the meaning of cashback services and their benefits

Internet trading is gaining more and more popularity every year, along with this, cashback payment sites are also gaining momentum. There are more and more portals that return funds to the client, and in order to choose the best one, you need to understand what this return is and how it is implemented.

The source of information for the article was a detailed study, the results of which and detailed recommendations on the right choice of cashback service can be found on the website

What is cashback

Figure: 1. The main page of the personal account of a regular service.

Money paid in the form of incentives to resources for an attracted buyer is called cashback. The word comes from the English "cashback", which literally means "money back".

At the same time, an important point is that it is the intermediaries who receive the funds back (called cashback services in ordinary life), and then they decide how much of the profit from the money received to redirect to the client. Therefore, such sites have a significant spread in the funds paid: from 3% to 10%, and in some cases reaching 12%.

This percentage also depends on the store itself, which is involved in this type of customer acquisition. one store is ready to return up to 10% (for example, Aliexpress), while another store is limited to only 2-3%.

Figure: 2. Available payment methods.

Services offer different conditions for withdrawing money, but basically it all comes down to transferring a certain amount to wallets such as:

Mobile operators: most often these are Russian operators MTS, Megafon and Beeline s Tele2.

Transfers to a bank card: most often also from Russian banks.

Webmoney wallet.

Qiwi wallet.

Jack Yandex money.

PayPal e-money: quite rare.

Various services or games, for example, withdrawing funds to the World of Tanks game account.

The list may vary for different services, but the basic framework is the same for everyone.

How it works for money back

To return part of the money from the purchase, the user needs to follow a certain algorithm of actions:

Choose a cashback service. Of course, this is the most important and difficult point, which is why we again recommend that you familiarize yourself with the recommendations for choosing such services on the website A link to the study was provided at the very beginning of this article.

Register on the site and log in under the username and password assigned to you, or log in through your favorite social network account - Vkontakte, Facebook, Google, and others.

Select the desired store from the list and go to it from the service website.

Make a purchase and wait for a message to your email confirming the crediting of the returned percentage of the purchase amount.

After receiving the parcel by mail or from a courier, confirm its receipt in the store's personal account (if necessary, this usually applies to Aliexpress).

Wait until the withdrawal is available and withdraw in any acceptable way, which were described just above.

The main disadvantage of the system is that you need to wait quite a long time to withdraw money. This is due to the fact that sites insure themselves against the return of a product to the store by a dissatisfied customer.

After the store waits for a certain time, usually this period takes two weeks, it approves the buyer's cashback and transmits the relevant information to the service. The service, in turn, is in no hurry to pay you your money, since it is often expected that the funds will be paid from the store to the account of the cashback service.

Only after the money from the store is transferred to the account of the service, the user will see in his account confirming information about the availability of cashback for withdrawal. This is a list of the basic operations you need to complete in order to receive a refund on your purchase and the package you received.

Figure: 3. How online money refunds work.

Most of the sites working in this area have developed their own plugins for popular Internet browsers. Their use greatly simplifies the procedure for activating a payment. Your refund will be active at all times as long as the browser extension is enabled. To use such a plugin, of course, you first need to install it for your browser.

After that, when you enter a store that cooperates with the service for the payment of rewards, you will receive a notification message. This message will remind you that this store can offer refunds for your purchase.

Technical features and guaranteed payout

Figure: 4. Technical features of cashback.

If you do not want to use third-party extensions on your computer, then in order to guarantee a return from the technical side, you will need to perform a number of the following steps:

Disable third-party extensions active in your browser. Also disable AdBlock and any other ad-blocking program. This is one of the main conditions, which, if not met, can prevent you from getting your money back.

Clean up the cockie files in your browser. To do this, open it, press the key combination Ctrl + Shift + Delete and delete files for the entire time. If files from several services exist on your computer at the same time, then the store simply will not be able to understand which site should be rewarded for the referred client, i.e. you.

In this case, everything depends on the peculiarities of programming in this store. According to the program, your cashback may either not be credited at all, or it may not be credited to the service from which the transition was made. Most often, money is not paid back to anyone at all, and nothing will be returned to you.

You need to purchase the product as soon as you switch from the cashback service to the store. It is not allowed to interrupt the session, close the browser or leave the open page for a long time.

The procedure should look like this: Go - Add an item to the cart - Purchase - Close the page.

The most optimal solution would be to select a separate browser, which will be used to make online purchases with a refund. In this browser, you will not open any pages at all and surf the Internet.

It may seem inconvenient, but it guarantees that you meet all the conditions as much as possible. Plus, now there are many different versions and manufacturers of browsers, so you won't have any difficulty installing another additional one.

Why money is paid and who benefits from it

Figure: 5. How money is paid.

We have come to one of the most important points. The main reason stores share their profits with services is to attract new customers. After all, any store needs to sell goods. And intermediaries in the form of cashback services provide an additional influx of customers and, accordingly, increase profits.

The ordinary buyer has the advantage of receiving a refund back part of the money spent, which he can use at his own discretion. This is exactly real money that you can use to top up your mobile phone balance or withdraw it to a wallet that you can use for other purchases.

This is much better than getting points and bonuses under standard affiliate programs, since any company can convert points at a rate convenient for them, as well as change it as they please. Today, one point is equal to 10 rubles, and tomorrow it is already 1 ruble.

Figure: 6. Cashback is a payment of real money.

When choosing a service, pay attention not only to the percentage rate of funds returned in the stores you are interested in, but also to other important parameters: for the lifetime of the portal, general reviews about it, payment statistics, and so on.

Do not forget one of the biggest advantages of such a service - real money is returned to you, not bonuses or points. With them, you can buy something new, make another purchase, or just put it in your pocket in the real sense of the word.

We hope that our article helped you answer the question - what is the point of cashback services and what you should pay attention to when choosing it. If you want to know more and understand which service is the best at the moment, we recommend that you read the article on the website - the link to it was at the very beginning of the page.

Modern bank cards, in addition to their basic functions, have a set of useful functions, including cashback. But what is it in simple words and what are its features when credited to cards. You will learn all this by reading the article to the end.

In order to figure out what cashback is, let's start with a translation. Literally in English, this term means "cash back". These simple words explain the essence of the option. When spending personal funds to pay for goods or services part of the money spent is returned back to the buyer. Such a service is available in Internet commerce, in the field of banking services when paying by credit card, and even in the field of government (for example,).

Some programs issue bonus programs under the guise of a refund for expenses incurred. For purchases, points are awarded that can only be spent in certain stores. What is cashback in simple words - it is a refund of money. And the accrual of points is a user reward program and nothing else.

To get a cashback, you can pay for goods with a bank card through post terminals or making purchases on the Internet. Moreover, in the second case, payment can also take place using a bank card. Refunds can be made by the bank serving you or by a special service through which the purchase was made. Below we will look at both of these options, but for now let's figure out how and why the money is returned.

It would seem why charge cashback to a bank card or transfer directly to an account, who benefits from it? Everything is very simple. Every store is interested in attracting new buyers. By increasing turnover, it increases net revenue. With the return of a part of the funds spent, outlets stimulate to make purchases from them. And banks or services act as intermediaries, receiving their part of the benefits for this.

The scheme for crediting cashback to an account or bank card looks like this:

The store, having slightly reduced the price of the product (but certainly not at a loss), attracted a new client, who may subsequently become a permanent one. The client received part of the money spent back and is very pleased that he was able to save. And the service or the bank received income for intermediation. Everybody is good. To make it even more understandable, let's explain in simple words the concept of cashback using an example. Bank rates may differ from those shown in the example.

Example! A computer store sells a laptop at a price of 60,000 rubles, while the trade margin for it is 40% (that is, the cost of a laptop is 40% less). This outlet has an agreement with the bank, allowing the latter to receive 10% of the value of the goods, if he brings a buyer. A customer with a bank card of this financial institution comes and pays for the goods. The bank receives 6,000 rubles, and the client gives 5% cashback according to the tariffs of his card.

The best refund services

The main thing when choosing a cashback service is its reliability and a guarantee that he will pay the due money. The latter is very important, since the return has to wait several weeks. Working with unverified services, you can't wait for the accrued funds. Among all such companies, we can recommend the following:

Features of charging on a bank card

Now let's find out what cashback on a bank card is and how it differs from usual. In simple words, the scheme for returning the money spent is identical, with the only difference that goods and services are paid for exclusively with a card. This means that by paying for groceries or other daily purchases using the card, you can get some of the costs back. But this money is credited in most banks in the next month only after the end of the current one (there are exceptions).

The peculiarity of bank conclusion rates is the division of all purchases into categories. You can choose favorite categories in which an increased cashback is charged up to 10%. This is usually done in the Internet bank or mobile application. There are bank cards already issued with an increased charge for certain goods, for example, for motorists (gas stations, auto parts, car washes), travelers (booking hotels, air and railway tickets) or amateurs (cafes, restaurants, nightclubs). For any other purchases given on average from 0.5% to 1.5%. In some banks there are also partner stores where cashback can reach 30%.

List of the most popular and profitable bank cards with cashback:

The cashback function in the bank card you used or using the service when shopping on the Internet will be a great addition to the joy of a new purchase. Sit down and count on your calculator how much money you spend and how much money you can get back. Will they become superfluous? In simple terms, do not be lazy and take advantage of this opportunity.

Cashback, an additional payment option, a bonus program, has long and successfully taken root in the global payment practice. Paying for purchases and expenses via the Internet, retail trade or using a bank card with a special function, the buyer receives a part of the spent amounts back to the account.

How cashback works

Cashback is a great way to save money on purchases. It is actively used by banks and the Internet trade as a type of bonus offer to attract more customers and stimulate the use of services. Literally the term means "cash back". Cashback in Russia operates on the same principles as in the rest of the world, the buyer gets a percentage of his purchases back to the account:

  • in trading systems, retail and the Internet, the client is given a delayed discount, which he receives after a certain period provided for the return of funds (bonuses);
  • in the banking area, the client-holder of the card, using the loyalty program for the return of funds, pays for goods and services with the card, receiving after a specific time part of the funds back to the card;
  • often systems provide for a limit for Cashback, a specific minimum amount is set, from which an attractive return bonus begins to accrue to the client.

What is cashback when buying

Refunds for purchases in stores differ in the options for calculating bonuses. The retail network, as a rule, allows them to be used when paying for the next purchases at the expense of the price of the purchased goods on different conditions - reaching a certain minimum value of the returned amount, reducing part of the cost of the goods, their validity for a limited period of time. That is, it is always a cumulative return as a discount for a future purchase from the same seller.

In the case of online shopping portals, the buyer receives real money into the account. They can be withdrawn from the trading system and disposed of at your own discretion. By registering on the site, the client chooses a product. The link redirects him to the seller's official store, where an online order and payment for the goods is made. The specified percentage of the purchase is returned to the account in the system, after which the funds can be withdrawn, according to the terms of the portal.

All intermediary services that work with cashback upon purchase have their own conditions that form their ratings:

  • welcome bonus;
  • minimum for withdrawing money;
  • withdrawal methods;
  • the composition of online stores with cashback traffic;
  • cashback percentage.

Most users are interested in services that work with popular platforms - eBay (Ebey), AliExpress (Aliexpress), Booking (Booking), M.Video, Svyaznoy, Ozon (Ozon). The list of categories of goods and services for returnable bonuses changes periodically. A profitable way to withdraw funds from the service is essential. Most companies offer options to withdraw to payment systems, bank cards, mobile phones (as a rule, a transaction through a bank is accompanied by a commission).

Cashback on Aliexpress

One of the largest online stores Aliexpress with goods for retail and small wholesale with free postal delivery has its own electronic payment system Alipay and the Alibonus mobile application. The Chinese company AliExpress has a user-friendly interface in Russian. Cashback from Aliexpress is refunded on conditions if:

  • order is processed;
  • the product is purchased;
  • the buyer has confirmed the quality of the product;
  • there are no claims to the seller;
  • the store received the money.

Cashback on Aliexpress is up to 10% on all products, regardless of the availability of discounts. The total purchase amount determines the rate for return, starting from 7% for purchases within $ 2. Withdrawal methods: main payment systems Webmoney, YandexMoney, PayPal, Qiwi, mobile phone, bank card. Funds are withdrawn from $ 5 without commission, transfer to the card - $ 7 commission.

Cashback Amazon

The world's leading trading platform, one of the first Amazon cashback services in Russia, has no partnerships. If you want to get a cash back Amazon, you need to use the services of Service Ebates with crediting up to 7% of purchase funds only in the following categories, which change periodically:

  • women's, men's, children's clothing;
  • AmazonFire TVStick media box;
  • backpacks, suitcases;
  • handmade goods,
  • home Services section services.

What are Cashback cards

A pleasant and safe bonus service in the form of a refund is actively offered by many domestic banks. The program of a bank card with a cashback is to receive bonus interest when calculating by a card for goods and services in retail chains, via the Internet. The amount of Cashback depends on the bank and card status. The remuneration, as a rule, is credited at the end of the month in one amount. Convenience is often complemented by the ability to receive loans with such cards even outside of Russia. Among the leaders of the convenient option: Russian Standard, Tinkoff, Alfa-Bank, City-Bank.

Each bank has its own peculiarities of program support:

  • participation of specific organizations or limitation of services for the accrual of bonuses;
  • payment for the issue and annual maintenance of the card product;
  • availability of a limit for the functioning of Cashback;
  • limiting the purpose of using returnable premium funds.

Debit card cashback

The term bank card with cashback at banks is extensible. Certain credit organizations do not accrue money, but points, bonus bonuses, which are subsequently exchanged for goods or services of partners with the condition of spending in certain stores, for specific types of services, limiting the range of choice. The money is returned as follows: after payment with the card for purchases, services, the money is debited in full, at the end of the settlement period (mainly a month), the bank returns a certain percentage of the costs to the card account or to a special account for recording bonuses.

Credit card with cashback

Among the cards with the Cashback function, banks issue mainly credit cards. Such a credit card with cashback gives a double benefit not only to enjoy the privileges of the bonus program, but also a loan, even with an interest-free grace period (mostly 50-55 days). When using a credit card, planning to receive bonus returns, it is important to know for sure whether Cashback applies to settlements that have arisen when using the credit.

Cashback Tinkoff

Sberbank cashback

Sberbank has such a nice bonus, but its understanding is different from the generally accepted standard. It is easy to make Sberbank's cashback available - to receive credits on the card, you need to connect to the "Thank you from Sberbank" program on the website or through an ATM. Reward points can be used by purchasing railway and air tickets, paying for taxis, entertainment events, and other purchases. For purchases with a card, points are awarded from 0.5% to 10%, depending on the scope of payments:

  • gas stations, Gett and Yandex. Taxi - 10%;
  • restaurants, cafes - 5%;
  • supermarkets - 1.5%;
  • other - 0.5%.

How cashback services work

Receiving a bonus from purchases in the form of a refund does not occur directly, but through special services - cashback sites act as intermediaries in the seller-buyer chain. Stores under a partnership agreement pay Cashback portals a percentage of the purchase amount, a commission for attracting a client. The service site returns part of the earned funds to the buyer. The condition of how to get cashback for the system to work without cheating: the buyer must go to the online store using the affiliate link posted on the cashback site, having registered there in advance.

Best cashback services

At this time, there are a lot of services and there are even more, someone stops functioning (for example, BEST-CASHBACK). It is difficult to choose the best cashback service, the offers of many are very attractive, and the reviews about their work are different. The table below provides a brief overview of the services, a comparison of the characteristics of the top list of the most popular and successful companies in terms of conditions:

Service name

date of creation

Interest for shops

Reliability level

LetyShop / Letishops

Many people today are interested in the question of what cashback is and how to use it. This service is represented by a special refund of a certain part of the money spent on purchases in online stores or regular retail outlets.

The crediting is made either to the person's card or to his account in the selected service that works with cashbacks. The amount received after purchase as a refund can be applied to subsequent purchases, or it can be received in cash.

Cashback on purchase

Initially, you should carefully understand what this cashback is. Translated from English, it means the return of cash. This means that the principle of cashback is that a person makes a purchase on the Internet, after which he has the opportunity to return a certain percentage of the amount spent back.

Important! In fact, buying with cashback means getting a significant discount on goods, and in some services it is so great that it can even reach 50%.

The system works in such a way that you can get a refund from the purchase of any product on the Internet, even if different discounts are set for it. For many people who prefer to shop online, having a cashback becomes an opportunity to earn a little money.

How does cashback work? The funds are returned not by the seller of goods, but by the site from which the transition was made. It is quite difficult to choose the best cashback service, since many similar organizations operate on the Internet. To get the maximum income and benefit from purchases, the following criteria are taken into account in the process of choosing a service:

  • providing a welcome bonus. This fact is significant, as it says that the site is actually good and cares about customers;
  • the minimum amount that can be withdrawn. The conclusion should be given as much attention as possible, since often it will take a long time to collect the required minimum, and the more money you need to collect, the greater the catch in the service;
  • ways in which funds can be credited to the buyer's bank card. Therefore, you should carefully study how to withdraw money so that the chosen method is convenient for a person;
  • the number of stores where cashback purchases can be made. It is advisable to take advantage of the offers of services in which there is a return in numerous stores, since this process will not only be profitable, but also pleasant;
  • it is estimated what cashback is offered by the service. Some sites offer increased cashback, but using the services, customers may encounter certain difficulties. Also, the percentage is credited too long, but with a lower percentage, you can get many other benefits from the site.

Important! It is not recommended to focus only on the largest cashback, since it is additionally worth evaluating all the tools of the selected service, and the ease of placing an order, the promptness of withdrawing the funds earned and the presence of other advantages depend on this.

How to use the services?

Having figured out what cash back is, you should decide how to use cash back. Making money on these services is very easy. How to buy through them? This process is divided into stages:

  • a person needs to choose a service with which he can make a purchase in the desired online store;
  • you must go through the registration procedure, and the account where the refund will be transferred is indicated;
  • following the link on the site, the user must go to the selected store, after which the selected goods must be registered;
  • goods are paid for;
  • further on the selected site in the personal account, a percentage of the paid value of the goods appears;
  • if the available amount is enough for withdrawal, then you can get this cashback in money to a bank account.

Cashback cards specifics

You should figure out not only how to get cashback by purchasing something on the Internet, but also how to connect this opportunity using different bank cards.

Important! Many large banks offer cards with such a return to attract customers. It is very easy to calculate the benefits from using them, but you need to choose the institution itself that offers a high percentage.

Where does cashback come from in this case? It is represented by special bonus percentages accrued in the process of using the card to buy various goods or services, not only in stationary organizations, but also on the Internet. Features of using such banking products:

  • how much money will be received in the form of interest depends on the status of the existing card;
  • a refund of part of the cost of various purchases is usually credited monthly in the last days of the month;
  • this card can be used even outside Russia.

Having understood the peculiarities of using such banking products, you can easily determine how to make money on such a cashback. Different banks have different conditions, so it is important beforehand:

  • familiarize yourself with the limitation of the number of services for which refunds are taken;
  • consider whether you can get a card for free or you will have to pay a certain amount for its issuance and maintenance;
  • evaluate how you can withdraw cashback, since each bank can offer its own methods for this process;
  • study the restrictions on the use of funds received and the availability of limits.

When choosing a bank where the card will be issued, each client chooses the most suitable conditions for himself.

You can issue two different cards with the possibility of refund:

  • debit. For purchases using these cards, bonus funds are credited. Some banks offer the ability to withdraw them or use them for different purposes, while other institutions only allow them to be used to pay for services or goods offered by their partners. Money is usually transferred at the end of the reporting period, which is the month;
  • credit. It provides not only an interest-free period, but also the opportunity to return some of the funds used on the card for purchases in various stores. Due to such refunds, cardholders may not pay any money at all for using the banking product, and in some cases they may even receive income from the process.

Thus, many people are sure that trading on cashbacks is a deception, so they do not trust various services and banks that offer this opportunity. However, if you figure out what this process is, and also what this word means, you can get a good return for different purchases or payment for services.

Should I issue refund cards? Such a solution is considered optimal for every bank client or person who prefers to shop online. However, for this you need to figure out how to make a cashback, and how this refund is taken in order to enjoy the benefits of the service.

Cash Back literally in Russian means cash back, and involves the return of part of the cost of purchases paid by a credit or debit card to the client's account.

The difference between Cash Back and other loyalty programs is that real money is credited to the card, and not virtual points, miles or bonuses. To receive funds, the client does not need to take any action; after making a payment in retail outlets, restaurants, online stores, the refund is automatic.

Terms of Cash Back provision for cards

In the financial services market in Russia today, a little more than 10 organizations work with Cash Back cards. The amount of refunds ranges from 1% to 3%. The bonus on the first spend can be up to 10%.

Some financial institutions limit the list of places where purchases allow credit card holders to receive a refund of part of the funds spent, for example, only pharmacies, restaurants, cafes or gas stations. CashBack does not work on cash withdrawals, utility bills and transfer of funds to electronic accounts.

When the Cash Back service is available on a credit card, banks most often require the timely payment of mandatory payments to be credited to a refund account and do not credit funds in the presence of an overdue debt.

The Cash Back service allows the client to save money on paying commissions. With regular spending in the trade and service network, the refund amount may exceed the cost of annual and monthly account maintenance.

How to get a Cash Back credit card

Let's consider the procedure for issuing Cash Back credit cards using the example of Home Credit Bank and Russian Standard Bank products.

Home Credit Bank offers its customers two variants of the card with Cash Back: MasterCard Gold and MasterCard Standard. The financial limit for Gold cards can be set no more than 300 thousand rubles, for Standard up to 200 thousand rubles. Grace period within 51 days. The return on invoices is 3% and 2% of the purchase amount, respectively.

The fee for using borrowed funds is 29.9% for Gold, and from 34.9% to 44.9% for Standard. For cash withdrawals, the bank takes 299 rubles, monthly service costs 149 rubles for Gold and 99 rubles for Standard.

Russian Standard Bank offers its clients to make money on purchases when paying with MasterCard Cash Back. It opens with a credit limit of up to 450 thousand rubles and provides for up to 55 days of a grace period for using borrowed funds. After making the first spend, the client receives a refund of 10% of the purchase amount, the subsequent Cash Back is 1%.

Russian Standard Bank issues additional cards for close relatives of the account holder. Their active use in the trade and service network allows increasing the amount of Cash Back up to 3%, provided the total turnover on all cards is 1 million rubles.

The amount of payment for using credit funds on MasterCard Cash Back is 29%, the service fee during the year is 950 rubles. Withdrawing the client's own funds from the card is free, within the credit limit of 4.9% of the amount.

You can order credit cards of Russian Standard Bank and Home Credit Bank with the Cash Back function on the Internet on the websites of banks or in branches with subsequent receipt at any convenient office of financial organizations.

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