Find out the mobile number by passport data. How to check "punch" a person an individual on the Internet online

Some documents may provide important information about the owner. That is why their presence is mandatory. The passport is just such a document that reliably confirms the identity of the owner, as well as other information about him. In this regard, the question often arises of how to find out a person’s passport data by name and surname.

There is a list of documents that uniquely identify a particular citizen. However, the main one is a Russian passport. It contains the following information about the owner:

  • date and place of birth;
  • the photo;
  • place of registration;
  • data on the presence (dissolution) of marriage;
  • the presence of children, if appropriate;
  • data on military duty, etc.

For most other documents confirming the identity, the presence of similar data is characteristic. It is important that the documents are current and genuine.

When may passport data be required

A citizen often has to present a passport in a variety of situations. Information about a person according to passport data is reliable. That is why, in order to get basic information about the owner of the document, it is enough to carefully study the passport. In addition, a document is required when an interested person requires:

  • paperwork, certificates, statements;
  • consolidation of rights, execution of title documents;
  • the commission of any legally significant actions;
  • appeal to the authorities, government agencies, etc .;
  • iD confirmation;
  • establishment of registration;
  • definition of kinship between children and parents, etc.

The uniqueness of the document is determined by a special set of numbers. ? To do this, just open the page with the photo of the owner and pay attention to the top of the document. There, first 4 digits are printed - a series and another 8 - passport number.

Find passport data by last name: Video

Information Search Options

Often there is a need to find passport data by name of citizen. How can this be done? To date, there is no verified Internet source providing such information. That is why if an interested person wants to find passport data by last name or, conversely, online, this is unlikely to be possible.

How to check a person for passport data for free? To do this, you can only ask the owner of the document to show it. Even when applying to the Main Department of Internal Affairs of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation, a third party will not receive information about the passport data of another citizen. Such data is provided only personally to the owner of the document.

Another topical issue concerns whether. If earlier in the passport document a note was made indicating that the owner had a criminal record, today there is none. Only the owner can learn about the existence of a valid, canceled or withdrawn criminal record only from the document proving the identity of the citizen. Such information is not freely available to third parties. However, the citizen himself has the right to apply with a passport to the bodies of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and receive a certificate of the absence / presence of a criminal record.

Through official bodies

Many authorities and authorities have databases with passport data of the vast majority of citizens of the country. Hence the urgent question of how to check the passport data of a person by last name with the help of authorized bodies. Such information can be requested in several instances, the main among which is the Main Department of Internal Affairs of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation. However, regardless of the method of contacting, either directly or through the State Service portal, you will need to obtain consent from the owner of the document whose data is requested. Otherwise, such information will not be communicated to the person concerned.

Own forces

In the absence of other methods, the interested person raises the question of whether it is possible to find out passport data by last name independently. It is possible to do this if the passport holder himself wishes to communicate the relevant information to a third party. Often, when finding out such information, they resort to the help of Internet resources. However, sites offering to provide it are not always created precisely for this purpose, and the data received from them is not always correct. The result of contacting unverified sources can lead to undesirable consequences:

  • computer virus;
  • sMS scammers
  • receiving false data;
  • other problems.

In addition, the legislation protects the personal data of each citizen, so he must give consent to receive or process it. The use of dubious methods violates the requirements of the law and may end unfavorably for the person concerned.


Different types of punishments may be imposed on the holder of the passport: for untimely replacement of the “crust”,. A person who illegally disseminated information about someone else's passport data is punished in accordance with Art. 24 FZ of July 27, 2006 No. 152-FZ “On Personal Data”. It indicates liability for the illegal use of protected information.

According to the norms for the disclosure of this type of data, an administrative fine is supposed to be imposed:

  • 500-1000 p. for citizens;
  • 4000-5000 rub. for officials.

So, you can find out a person’s passport data by name from him for free. Other ways to get this information are real with the consent of the owner of the document. When sending a request to the competent authorities, it is necessary to take into account the citizen’s right not to give consent to the provision of personal data to third parties. Through the Internet, it will not be possible to find out the series and passport number reliably by last name. The services offered on the sites can be dangerous for the user, therefore it is not recommended to resort to the help of unverified sources.

If you have the person’s passport data on hand, you want to find out the mobile phone number, be prepared for the fact that in the usual ways you can’t solve the problem. By name, surname, subscriber, in some cases it is possible to find even on the Web, but few people indicate passport data here, so the request will be useless. Databases of cellular companies also cannot be used, because the name of the operator is not always known. In addition, there are no updated databases on the Internet with the placement of relevant information. What to do when in addition to the passport data about a person there are no materials?

Find out the mobile number by passport data using a detective

Turning to a detective agency, you get good chances for a successful solution to the problem. Using their own channels and communications, specialists will be able to quickly find the requested information. They will guarantee its accuracy and ensure your privacy. But the cost of services is embarrassing, because it turns out to be too high. Is it worth spending that kind of money for the data you need? You can use an alternative method of solving the issue, which will be more affordable financially, but no less effective.

How to find out a mobile phone number cheap by passport data

To find a room quickly and inexpensively, use the services of our site. We have been working in the field of information services for more than 10 years, so we have valuable luggage of professional knowledge and the necessary experience. Among the clients of the site are individuals, legal entities and even well-known detective agencies. Most of them have become regular customers, they use our help systematically.

We guarantee to each client:

  • complete confidentiality;
  • reasonable prices;
  • discounts for repeated orders;
  • efficiency of information retrieval;
  • several ways to pay for services;
  • free consultation;
  • quality of service.

Order the service through the feedback form. Tell our employee the passport details of the person, mark the points that you want to know. You will be voiced the cost of work, the timing of the result. You can be sure of the accuracy of the information. Its search is carried out by employees of mobile operators with access to updated databases.

We work with the bases of any Russian operators: Megafon, Beeline, MTS, Tele2, Rostelecom, Yota.

Speaking of passport data, we mean information by which a person can be identified. In addition to the surname, name and patronymic, these include information on the date of birth, address, marital status, name of the authority that issued the passport and the date of issue of the document, as well as some other data. Undoubtedly, personal information must be protected so that its owner does not become a victim of fraudsters. But in some cases, these passports may be required without any malicious intent. You can search for them for completely harmless and legal reasons. And then the problem of effective and legal search arises. We will try to understand this issue.

Reasons to search for a person’s passport data

First of all, we will determine in what situations and for what reasons passport data may be required. Contrary to popular belief, such information in most cases is not required to perform any illegal actions, but to protect one’s own interests:

  • Checking the reliability of a potential business partner, bride or groom, tenant.
  • Clarification of how solvent the applicant for a loan is.
  • Obtaining passport authentication when buying real estate or cars.
  • Search for a debtor, relative or old acquaintance with whom communication has been lost.

How to find out passport data of a person by name and surname?

All methods of finding out information about a person can be combined into two groups (depending on whether someone helps the search):

  • With the assistance of outside help. We are talking about authorized bodies and other organizations providing passport data retrieval services.
  • Self search. Most often it is carried out through various kinds of Internet resources.

Authorized Search

It is possible to legally obtain passport data by contacting the competent state authorities. This method involves some difficulties and the need to comply with formalities. In addition, a positive result is not guaranteed. However, when ascertaining personal information through authorized bodies, you do not run the risk of being accused of violating the law. Let us dwell on which organizations can provide passport data and in what order:

  • Migration Service. On the official website of the department, you can apply for a passport data using the special form. The service is provided free of charge, but anonymous information cannot be obtained. It is possible to find out passport data only on condition that the migration authorities receive consent to provide information from the person whom they concern. The request can be sent not only online, but also by mail.

Tip:   if the details of the passport are known, but there are doubts about the reliability of the document, you can contact the migration service to check its validity online and get an almost instant answer

  • Unified portal of public services. After registering on this resource, you can get the opportunity to send requests for passport data.
  • Other government agencies. Databases of individuals are maintained in most bodies, but they can be provided only with the consent of the citizens who are directly concerned.


The main tool for finding out information about a person on their own is Internet resources. There are many offers on the Web to help find passport data, but most of these resources, promising supposedly quick and even free passport data searches, can become a trap for those who are trusting and curious. In order not to suffer, having picked up the virus, one should be careful with dubious sites. As a result of their visit, you can not just waste time without finding out the necessary data, but there is also a real risk of becoming a victim of scammers who will extract personal information from the computer’s hard drive or do other harm. If you are invited to send an SMS message to gain access to the necessary passport data, then, if this requirement is met, funds from your mobile account will be irretrievably lost. In addition to high chances to suffer from the actions of intruders, an independent search for passport data is fraught with the risk of receiving serious punishment for illegal actions.

Another way to obtain information about a person without directly contacting the authorized bodies is through the services of a detective agency. This is much safer than trusting dubious sites. The only drawback is the high prices.

Responsibility for illegal activities

When searching for information about a person, it should be remembered that the current legislation protects personal data. Their collection and disclosure without the consent of the person who owns the information is possible only in cases established by law, for example, with the aim of enforcing a court decision or in an investigation of a criminal case. If the right of a certain person to collect and disseminate information is not provided for in the legislation, the relevant actions are a violation of the norms of the Constitution of the Russian Federation. The culprit may be brought to civil, administrative or criminal liability. Depending on the severity of the offense for the unlawful collection and disclosure of personal data, the punishment can range from an impressive fine to imprisonment.

So, the search for passport data, like any other personal information, is associated with certain risks and if you violate the rules on confidentiality established in the legislation, it can lead to an accusation of an offense and prosecution. Therefore, if there are serious reasons for clarifying the information, you should contact the authorized state bodies, following the appropriate procedure.

Many organizations of any form of ownership, for example, the tax inspectorate, financial institutions, the organization in which the entity operates, etc. have personal data of citizens, including passport data. However, the distribution of such information is limited by state law, in particular the federal law “On Personal Data”. There are also many third-party databases that contain personal information, but access to them is as limited as possible to a narrow circle of people.

   Information about passport data may be required to check the tenant, the second half before marriage, a potential business partner, finding the debtor, determining the solvency of the borrower, etc. You can find out the passport data of a person by knowing his surname, name and patronymic, phone number, registration address, identification code, car number or others. Features of passport data:
  • Serve for identification of the person since contain a set of information about the subject: last name, first name, middle name, date and place of birth, place of registration, marital status, etc.
  • They belong to the category of personal data.
  • They are confidential information, their distribution and use is prohibited without the permission of the subject.
  • Use of passport data is possible only with the original document and in the presence of its owner or with his permission by proxy.
  • Fraud is possible if an unscrupulous person holding the passport data of another entity is in collusion with an official of the organization, for example, a credit one. As a result of criminal acts, the personal data subject acquires material obligations without his knowledge and consent.
The Internet is replete with offers of “Help find out passport data.” Many sites offer such a service, but most of them carry a danger to the computer of an interested person. As a result of visiting such resources, the PC may be infected with a virus that downloads personal data from the hard drive, permanently deletes it and / or others. In some cases, the service asks for the phone number of the person interested in order to activate the account, then offers to send an SMS message to a short number. What will be the cost of sending a message is a mystery. In addition, there is no certainty that the answer on request will be correct. The most reliable way is to contact a detective agency that uses legitimate methods of obtaining information. Often, employees of such organizations in the past have served in law enforcement agencies, thanks to which they have rich experience, knowledge and connections to quickly perform such tasks. Detective agencies have access to electronic databases, which speeds up the process of receiving a response to a request. The cost of providing such services is different in each agency. If you need to find out the passport details of a member of a self-regulatory organization, then you should refer to the register of SRO members. All registry data is published on the website of the State Register of Self-Regulated Organizations, unless there is a federal ban on this. Passport data and address of residence are not published if there is a ban in accordance with federal law.

Distribution and transfer of passport data to third parties by a responsible employee is prohibited without the written consent of the subject of personal data.

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