Who invented a cell phone. Where and when did the first cell phone appear in Russia? And what kind of model was

Telephone 1875 from Boston

We all have long been accustomed to the fact that we can communicate with each other, being at long distances, in different cities, countries, and even in different parts of the planet. This is helped by such a means of communication as a telephone. And how difficult it is to imagine that once people have no such opportunity. After all, the first phone was invented only 135 years ago.

The very first phone in the world was invented in 1875 in Boston. Two scientists Alexander Bell and Thomas Ushyon decided to apply a pair of membranes, with the help of which electromagnets were managed, which was later the basis of the entire design of the phone.

First phone device

Ancient times, mankind had dreamed of learning how to transfer information to considerable distances. The idea of \u200b\u200bcreating a phone Vitala in the air. Then, by connection, drums were performed, messengers, as well as various conditional signs, such as the smoke of the fire, the color of the sail and so on.

The chain placed the Gallic cry was notified by the city about the occurrence of the Caesar army, while the speed of information transfer reached only 100 km / h. And the medieval constructions of Pskov took the narrow moves in their walls, with the help of which messages were transmitted and accepted.

In France, in 1789, the mechanic Claude Shapp was invited to set the towers across the country and establish devices from slats on them, which would be noticeable at a high distance, and at night on these planks to light the lights. The telegraphist should have changed the planks, focusing on the previous tower, but the next he consequently copied it. Thus, a chain was transmitted a message.

Use electricity to transfer the sound for the first time the American Page came to mind. In the improvement of this technology, the next participation was taken by the sin Bell from America and his assistant Tom Watson, and Philip Flight from Friedrichsdorf.

In 1876, February 15, Grey Bell patented his invention in the United States - telephone. And in the same year, on March 10, with its help, the first transmission of the voice message was performed.

Elena Polenova, samogo.net

Mobile communication operating today around the world is traditionally considered a relatively new invention. However, the first concepts of infrastructure organization mobile communications appeared in the early 20th century. To the question in which country the first mobile phones appeared and when, it is unambiguous to answer difficult. But if you try to do it - what facts about development telephone communication With the use of radio equipment should be examined primarily? Based on which criteria, those or other devices should be attributed to mobile phones?

Mobile Phone History: Basic Facts

Answer the question - who invented the first mobile phone In the world, we can, first of all, familiarize yourself with the history of creating relevant communication devices.

Concepts and prototypes of communication devices, from a functional point of view of mobile phones, began to be discussed in various communities (scientific, engineering) even at the beginning of the 20th century. But actually cellular telephone As a subscriber means of communication proposed in the late 70s to develop a Bell Laboratories Laboratory, which belonged to one of the largest American corporations - AT & T. Among the first states that have successfully implemented commercial systems mobile communications - Finland. Mobile communication systems have been actively developing in the USSR.

But what state was ahead of the others in terms of the introduction of mobile phones?

It will be useful to stop more on the Soviet inventions - familiarization with the facts about them will help us to understand when the first mobile phone in the world appeared and in which country.

During the Great Patriotic War The idea of \u200b\u200bcreating a special device, Monophony, offered the Soviet scientist Georgy Ilyich Babat. This unit was supposed to be a portable phone operating in automatic mode. It was assumed that it would operate in the range of 1-2 GHz. The principal feature of the apparatus proposed by G.I. Babat was ensuring the transfer of a voice through an extensive network of special waveguides.

In 1946, G. Shapiro and I. Zakharchenko proposed to organize a radiotelephone system, within which the device for receiving and transferring votes should be placed in cars. In accordance with this concept, the basis of the mobile infrastructure should have operating urban stations supplemented by special radio equipment. As a subscriber identifier was assumed to use special call signs.

In April 1957, the Soviet engineer Leonid Ivanovich Kuprianovich created an experimental sample of the communication device - the radiotelephone of the LC-1. This device He possessed a radius of action of about 30 km and had a significant weight - about 3 kg. He could provide communication through interaction with a special PBX, which could connect to urban telephone lines. Subsequently, the phone was improved. Is not it. Kupriyanovich significantly reduced the weight and dimensions of the device. IN updated version The size of the apparatus was approximately equal to the magnitude of 2 cigarette boxes folded on each other. The weight of the radiotelephone was about 500 grams along with the battery. It was calculated that the Soviet mobile phone would find wide application In the national economy, in everyday life and will be the subject of personal use of citizens.

Radiotelephone L.I. Kupriyanovich allowed not only to carry out calls, but also to take them - subject to the assignment of the personal number, as well as the involvement of the infrastructure, allowing to transmit signals from the PBX to automatic telephone radio stations, and with them already on subscriber devices.

Research in the field of mobile communications was carried out in other socialist countries. For example, in 1959, the Bulgarian scientist of Hristo Bachvarov developed mobile device, similar to the basic principle with the phone L.I. Pyreryovich, and patented it.

Is it possible to say that the world's first mobile phone was invented, so in the USSR or in other Sottars?

Criteria for devices to mobile phones

First of all, it is worth deciding what to count, in fact, a mobile phone. In accordance with the common definition, under such a device should be considered, which:

Compact (a person can carry it with him);

Works using radio channels;

Allows one subscriber to call the other using a unique number;

In a certain way integrated with wired telephone networks;

It is publicly available (the possibility of connection does not require permission from certain competent authorities and is limited to the financial and infrastructure resources of subscribers).

From this point of view, there was no full-fledged mobile phone invented. But, of course, the above criteria for defining a mobile phone cannot be considered universal. And if it is removed, in particular, the publicly availableness and compactness, the Soviet system "Altai" may well comply with the rest. Consider its features more.

Soviet experience in the development of mobile communications: the Altai system

By studying the question of what the very first mobile phone in the world is useful to familiarize themselves with the main facts about the corresponding communication system. The devices connected to it were, in principle, all signs of a mobile phone, except for the public accessibility. This system, in this way:

Allowed one subscribers to call others by numbers;

It was integrated in a certain way with urban networks.

But it was not publicly available: the lists of subscribers were approved at the departmental level. The Altai system was launched in the 60s in Moscow, and in the 70s it was deployed even more than 100 cities of the USSR. Actively used during the 1980 Olympics.

There were plans to create a mobile communication system in the USSR to which everyone could connect. But due to the economic and political difficulties of the mid-late 80s, work on the development of this concept was minimized.

Western standards were introduced in the post-Soviet Russia cellular communication. By the time they had already provided communication between devices that could be called full-fledged mobile phones. Let us study how the relevant standards in the West developed. This, again, will help us answer the question where and when the world's first mobile phone appeared.

Mobile history in the USA

As we noted at the beginning of the article, prototypes of mobile phones in the West began to appear in the early 20th century. In the 30s-40s, real developments began to be implemented. In 1933, a connection with the use of half-duplex radio transmitters could be communicated between cars of the New York Police. In 1946, the mobile network was deployed in which private subscribers could communicate with each other using radio equipment through the mediation of the operator. In 1948, the infrastructure was launched, allowing one subscriber to call the other already in automatic mode.

Is it possible to say that it was in the USA, so that the world's first mobile phone was invented? If we consider the above criteria for the classification of the radio telephone to the device of the appropriate type - yes, you can so to speak, but in relation to later American developments. The fact is that the principles of its functioning of American cellular networks of the 40s were very far from those characterize modern

Systems similar to those were deployed in the states of Missouri and Indian in the 40s, there were significant limitations on frequencies and channels. It did not allow to connect a large number of subscribers to mobile networks simultaneously. The decision of this problem was proposed by a specialist of the company Bell D. Ring, which proposed to divide the territory of the propagation of a radio signal on cells or cells, which would be formed by special base stations operating at different frequencies. This principle, in general, is implemented by modern cellular operators. The implementation of the concept of D. Ring in practice was carried out in 1969.

Mobile history in Europe and Japan

In Western Europe, the first telephony systems using radio equipment were tested in 1951. In the 60s, work in this direction was actively conducted in Japan. It is noteworthy that it was the Japanese developers that found that optimal frequency To deploy mobile infrastructure - 400 and 900 MHz. Today, the frequency data is among the main things that cellular operators are applied.

One of the advanced countries in terms of the implementation of workflows in the field of organizing the functioning of full-fledged cellular networks has become Finland. In 1971, Finns began to deploy a commercial cellular network, the territory of the coverage of which by 1978 reached the size of the whole country. Does this mean that the very first mobile phone in the world operating modern principles, appeared in Finland? There are certain arguments in favor of this thesis: in particular, the fact of unfolding by Finnish telecommunication corporations the appropriate infrastructure of the country is established. But in accordance with the traditional point of view, such a device has appeared in the United States. Main role In this, again, if we consider the popular version, Motorola has played.

Motorola Motorola Concepts

In the early 1970s, a very tough competition between service providers and equipment was developed in a promising market segment - in the field of cellular communications. The main rivals here are AT & T Corporation and Motorola. At the same time, the first company made an emphasis on the deployment of automotive communication systems - by the word, like telecommunications corporations of Finland, the second - on the introduction of compact devices that anyone who wishes could carry with them.

The second concept defeated, and on its basis the Motorola corporation began deploying, in fact, full in modern understanding cellular network Using compact devices. The world's first mobile phone in the Motorola infrastructure, again, in accordance with the traditional approach, was involved as a subscriber device in 1973. After 10 years, a full-fledged commercial network was launched in the United States to which ordinary Americans could connect.

Consider what was the world's first mobile phone invented, in accordance with the popular point of view, engineers of the American company Motorola.

First cell phone: characteristics

We are talking about Motorola Dynatac's device. He weighed about 1.15 kg. Its size was 22.5 x 12.5 x 3.75 cm. On it were located digital keys For a dialing, as well as two special buttons for sending a call, as well as termination of the conversation. The device had a battery, thanks to which it could operate in the idle mode of the order of about 8 hours, and in the call mode - about 1 hour. Charge the first cell phone battery was more than 10 hours.

What does the world's first mobile phone look like? Photo of the device below.

Subsequently, Motorola released a number of upgraded versions of the device. If we talk about the commercial network Motorola - the first mobile phone in the world was made for the relevant infrastructure in 1983.

We are talking about the device Motorola Dynatac 8000x. This device weighed about 800 grams, its dimensions were comparable to the first version of the device. It is noteworthy that 30 subscriber numbers could be stored in his memory.

Who invented the first mobile phone?

So, we will try to answer our main question - Who invented the world's first mobile phone. The history of the development of telephone using radio equipment says that the most first device that fully complied with the criteria for mobile phones, relevant and today, Motorola was invented in the United States and is shown to the world in 1973.

However, it will be wrong to say that this corporation has implemented a fundamentally new development. Mobile phones - in the sense that they were radio equipment and ensured the connection between subscribers unique number - By the time they were used in the USSR, Europe, Japan. If we talk about when the world's first mobile phone was commercialized - a firm who developed him, launched the relevant business in 1983, later than, in particular, such projects were introduced in Finland.

Thus, Motorola is legitimate to consider the first to be the first, which suggested a mobile phone in a modern understanding - in particular, functioning on the principle of distribution basic stations on cells, as well as a compact format. Thus, if we talk about where the world's first mobile phone in the world was invented, in which country - as a portable, compact apparatus, which is part of the cellular infrastructure, will legitimately be determined that the United States is the USA.

At the same time, it is worth noting that the Soviet system "Altai" functioned quite successfully and without the introduction of American sample technologies. Thus, engineers from the USSR fundamentally proved the possibility of deploying mobile infrastructure in national, in fact, scale, without using the principles of the distribution of base stations in terms of cells.

It is possible that without the economic and political problems of the 80s, the USSR would introduce their own mobile networksFunctioning on the basis of concepts, alternative American, and they would not work worse. However, the fact - today in Russia uses cellular standards developed in Western, offered and commercializing the first mobile phones, the world.

It is worth noting that the Altai system actually worked until 2011. Thus, Soviet engineering developments for a long time maintained relevance, and this may indicate that they may, with the necessary revision, could be a worthy competition to foreign concepts of building a cellular infrastructure.


So, who invented the world's first mobile phone? Briefly answer this question is difficult. If under the mobile phone understand the compact subscriber radio equipment integrated with urban networks operating on a cellular principle and affordable for everyone, then this infrastructure is probably introduced to the American company Motorola.

If we talk about the first commercialcellular networks are probably the scale of all states were introduced in Finland, but using devices focused on accommodation in cars. Non-commercial closed mobile networks successfully unfolded also, in fact, on a national scale, in the USSR.

Almost no one modern man Can not imagine his life and work without a phone.

However, quite recently, on a historic scale, there were times when the phone was considered luxury. Who invented and introduced a phone into broad masses?


Stationary communication

As everyone knows, the telephone era began with wired phoneswhich could transfer voice messages by means of technologies that differ significantly from modern.

Such a device has become an important breakthrough and the first "call" of the active scientific and technical revolution, which began almost immediately from the moment of creating such innovative device.


The first phone was created in the era, when the only way more or less fast transmission Long distances messages were telegraph.

At that time, the telegraph was considered a perfect and fully functional means of communication with remote regions.

Nevertheless, the invention of the phone produced a revolution, and he quickly began to be implemented in use.

It is worth noting that the phone was impossible to think about the invention and threatened until electricity was opened.

When electricity has become more or less widely used, telegraph appeared - Morse Presented to the public in 1897 not only his alphabet, but also the broadcasting device.

The appearance of the world's first device can quickly transmit information without physical carrier For more distances, it was proved that such a transmission method is in principle possible, and gave the scientist of that time to the development of methods for improving it.

First apparatus

And at the end of the 19th century, scientists managed to significantly improve the method of transfer, give him a new format. It is believed that the phone invented Alexander Bell, but this is not quite so.

The appearance of the device would be impossible without the participation of Philip Rice - German scientist.

Rice has created the basis of the future telephone - A device that can transmit human voice to some (rather large for that time) distance using galvanic current conductors. The development of Rice saw the light in 1861, and during this period Bell took over her as the basis of his future invention - the phone, in this form, in which he is known to us now.

So, after 15 years, namely in 1876, the first telephone was based on a galvanic current, the inventor of which began to be considered Alexander Grey Bell.

At the World Exhibition of this year, the Scottish researcher presented his device, allowing to transmit voice messages at a distance, and also filed a patent application.


What kind specifications Did this first device?

It significantly inflicted not only the devices spread in the 20th century, but also the subsequent models created by Bella in a few years.

However, at that time, his characteristics were considered premium.

The distance to which the device could transmit sound was 200 m, which was a lot.

Initially, he had a strong distortion of sound, but at the next improvement, Alexander Bell eliminated this problem.

And here in this form, the device, invented and improved by him, existed for almost 100 years.

History of creation

Like many famous inventions that have changed not only the course of scientific and technological progress, but also the course of history, it was randomly created.

Initially, Alexander Bella was not the creation of a device transmitting a voice message, And the creation of a telegraph device that can transmit several telegrams at the same time.

In the process of experiments on such an improvement of the telegraph apparatus and a telephone was created.

Telegraph worked using pairs of plates, and for his experience Bell and his assistant prepared several pairs of such plates, which were configured to work at different frequencies.

As a result of a small violation of the technology of experience, one of the plates stuck.

The assistant of the inventor began to express his opinion as to what happened, Bell himself at that moment did some manipulations with the host device of the telegraph apparatus.

After a few seconds, scientists heard sounds coming from the transmitter and recall voice, although with very strong distortions. From this point on, the history of telephone. After Alexander Bell presented his device to the public, many famous scientists began work on improving existing device.

The Patent Bureau issued hundreds of patents to devices that could upgrade and improve the created phone. The most significant of them are:

1 Bell T. Watson, replacing a whistle, which was originally installed on Bella's apparatus, appeared in 1878;

2 Coal microphone M. Mikhalsky, which made it possible to improve the quality of the transfer, and created in 1878;

3 Automatic telephone exchange for 10,000 numbers S. Apostolova, appeared in 1894.

The importance of the invention of Alexander Bella can be assessed by financial parameters.

This patent became one of the most profitable in the world, it was he who did Bella world-famous and very rich man. But was it deserved?

The contribution of Meucci

In 2002, the US Congress admitted that this patent was issued undeservedly, and the True Disproomant Telephone Communication should be considered the non-Scottish scientist Alexander Greya Bela, but the Italian inventor Antonio Meucci, who created his device for many years of Tot phone Bella.

In 1860, he created a really first apparatus capable of transmitting sound on wires. Meuming device got the name of the telecomstone.

At the time of creating and improving the invention, Meurcci lived in the United States, was already an almost older man and was in a very bad financial situation.

At this stage of its invention and interested in a large company Western Union.

Its representatives offered a scientist to sell all its development for solid. At the amount, and also promised to promote a patent.

The poor financial situation forced Meuchchi to give way to the requirements of the company. He got his money, but did not wait for any help in obtaining a patent, because he filed a request himself, but received a refusal. And in 1876, Alexander Bell received a patent for almost a similar device.

It became a serious upheaval for Meuchchi, and he tried to challenge the decision on the award of Bella's patent in court.

During the first stages of the proceedings, Meucci lacked finances to combat a huge corporation.

As a result, the right to patent him still returned in a court, but only when the term of this patent has already expired.

Important! Only in 2002, the resolution of the United States of America Congress was published, according to which Meuchchi was officially recognized by the inventor of the phone.

The twentieth century

The devices similar to the invented Meums were used for most of the twentieth century.

They were constantly improved, and if the first models that received mass distribution could only communicate with the subscriber called only through the telephone station, on which manual connection was necessary, then later these stations were automatic, the subscribers were able to communicate almost directly.

The appearance of such automatic system Communications has become a big step towards the invention of the phone in such a form in which users know it now.

The first phone approaching the scholars for the invention of cellular communications was the radio telephone.

After that, the first cell phone appeared, and relatively recently - and satellite telephony.

The newest of the existing developments can be called, which already has little generally has directly with the phone, but performs the same functions.

mobile connection

The history of cellular communications began with radio telephones, the first tests of which were held in 1941 G. Shapiro and I. Zakharchenko in the USSR, and AT & T Bell Laboratories in the United States.

The system worked on the basis of radio communications and was assumed to be used to communicate between cars (in a modern sense, it was more like a walkie-talkie than on the phone).

In both superpowers, the test passed successfully and the system fully responded to the expectations of inventors.

And already in 1947, the concept of using hexagonal cells was first proposed in the United States for communication. They proposed to use her Douglas Ring and Ray Young, inventors working on the staff of Bell. The tests were also successful, and it was based on this technology that a mobile communication was developed (and precisely on the basis of this technology and received its name).

But the real homeland of mobile communications is still not the United States or the USSR, but Sweden.

Here, in 1956, it was launched and successfully operated the communication system between cars, which became the first such system in the world.

Initially, the project was realized in the three largest cities of the state - Stockholm, Gothenburg and Malmo.

Telephone devices Kupriyanovich

The first telephone, which could be really mobile and used in field devices, was invented in the USSR.

The subscriber could carry it with himself, it was not required to embed in cars and transport, as earlier models.

The device submitted to the public L. I. Kuryovich - Soviet engineer, in 1957.

The weight of the device was 3 kg, which was very little according to the standards, while it acted for quite long distances - up to 30 km, depending on the terrain.

The operation time of this device without replacing batteries was 20-30 hours, depending on the operating conditions. The inventor received a patent for engineering solutions Apparatus in 1957.

This engineer continued to operate in this direction until 1958.

This year, he created a more compact mobile phone working on the same principles as the previous apparatus.

The new device weighed only half aologram, and in size did not exceed the cigarette box.

Does not cease to work by Kupriyanovich and in 1961.

This year, he creates a device with the same principles of work as the two previous ones, but weighing only 70 grams and placed in his pocket. It can be associated with a distance of up to 80 km.

According to the inventor, this device It could well be adapted to serial production for the purpose of mass equipment of the heads of departments and enterprises. Some time, he declares, in one of his interviews, periodicals on readiness to project 10 automatic television stations for portable phones. But this project has never been implemented in reality.

Bulgarian development

Although Kupriyanovich himself soon ceases its work, its system, in certain variations, continues to be improved by other companies.

Thus, in 1965, the company "Radioelectronics" from Bulgaria presents at the Festival of Technology Inforgi-65 system from the main telephone station For 15 subscribers, and 15 phones themselves.

At the same time, they mention that the project was developed on the principle of equipment of Kupriyanovich.

Work on such technology in this organization continues in 1966. At the scientific exhibition Inteorgtekhnika-66, they represent a set of mobile phones and stations designed to work with six devices. The industrial model is presented, ready, to a greater or lesser extent, to mass production.

In the future, the company works with this model, which is already significantly different from Kupriyanovich devices.

They first create a station on 69 numbers, and then to 699.

The system was widespread, became a substitute for the intercom and was widely produced by industrial enterprises to equip the community institutions, was actively operated in the country until the beginning of the 90s.

<Рис. 9 Христо Бачваров – главный инженер «Радиоэлектроники»>

The phone was created in the period that Era Telegraph was considered. This device was in demand everywhere and was the most advanced means of communication. The ability to transmit sound at distances has become a real sensation. In this article, we remember who invented the first phone in which year it happened and how it was created.

Breakthrough in the field of communication

The invention of electricity has become an important stage on the way of creating telephony. This discovery made it possible to transfer information to distances. In 1837, after Morse, presented his telegraph alphabet and the broadcasting device to the general public, the electronic telegraph began to be used everywhere. However, at the end of the XIX century, a more perfect device comes to replace it.

What year did the phone invented?

The phone is obliged to appear, first of all, the German scientist Philip Rice. It was this person who was able to construct a device that allows you to carry a human voice over long distances using a galvanic current. This event occurred in 1861, however, before the creation of the first telephone set was left for another 15 years.

Alexander Grein Bell is considered the creator of the phone, and the year of the invention of the phone is 1876. It was then that the Scottish scientist presented his first apparatus at the World Exhibition, and also filed a request for a patent for the invention. Bella's phone worked for a distance of no more than 200 meters and had strong sound distortion, but after a year the scientist had improved the device so much that it was used unchanged the following hundred years.

The history of the invention of the phone

The opening of Alexander Bella was made randomly in the process of experiments on the improvement of telegraph. The purpose of the scientist was to obtain a device that allows you to simultaneously transmit more than 5 telegrams. For this, he created several pairs of plates configured at different frequency. During the next experience, a small accident occurred, as a result of which one of the plates stuck. The partner of the scientist, seeing what happened, began to swear. At this time, Bell himself worked on the receiving device. At some point he heard the weak sounds of perturbation from the transmitter. So begins the history of the invention of the phone.

After the demonstration of Bella his device, many scientists began working in the field of telephony. Thousands of patents for inventions were issued, allowing to improve the first apparatus. Among the most significant discoveries can be allocated:

  • the invention of the call is an apparatus created by A. Bella, there was no call, and the alert of the subscriber was produced using a whistle. In 1878.
    T. Watson made the first call for the phone;
  • creating a microphone - in 1878, a coal microphone was constructed by the Russian engineer M. Makhalsky;
  • creating an automatic station - the first station for 10,000 numbers was developed in 1894 by S.M. Apostol.

The patent received by Bella is one of the most profitable not only in the United States, but also in the world. The scientist became extremely rich and world famous. However, in fact, the first person who created the phone was not Alexander Bell at all, and in 2002 the US Congress this recognized.

Antonio Meucci: telephone discoverer

Inventor and scientist from Italy in 1860 created a device capable of transmitting sound on wires. When answering the question about what year the phone was invented, you can safely call this date, as the true discoverer is Antonio Meucci. He called his "brainchild" telejectorphon. At the time of his opening, the scientist lived in the United States of America, he was already aged and was in a very poorly material situation. Soon the development of an unknown scientist became interested in a large American company - Western Union.

Representatives of the company offered a scientist solid amount for all drawings and developments, and also promised to assist in the design of a patent. A difficult financial situation forced a talented inventor to sell all the material of its research. The scientist for a long time waited for help from the company, however, having lost patience, he himself applied for a patent. His request was not satisfied, and a report about the Great Invention Alexander Bella was a real blow for him.

Meucci tried to defend his rights in court, however, to combat large company He lacked funds. The right to patent Italian inventor managed to sue only in 1887, by the time of its expiration. Meuchchi could not use the rights to their invention and died in obscurity and poverty. Recognition to the Italian inventor came only in 2002. According to the resolution of the US Congress, it was he who was the person who invented the phone.

Before the appearance of the phones familiar to us, their prototypes existed. But the electric phones did not ride the achievements, they came to replace mobile (portable) phones that were widespread use.

Prototypes of the first phones

The ancient prototype of the phone existed at the Persian king in the sixth century BC. It was a service on which about thirty thousand people consisted. They were called the "royal ears" and, located within the limits of hearing on the guard towers and the tops of the hills, were transferred to the huge distances of the message of the king and orders from it. The distance that the message could be transmitted per day was approximately equal to the thirty-day transition.

It is also known about the prototype of the phone created in the 968th year in China by the inventor named Kung Fu-Ving. It transmitted sound with pipes. For many centuries, it is known about "rope" phones. The lack of sound transmission in such ways is the attenuation of sound oscillations at large distances. To use these non-election phones at large distances, do not do without intermediate items.

Who invented the first electric phone

For the first time, the word "phone" used Charles Bursel. They were developed built on the properties of electricity the idea of \u200b\u200btelephony, to work on which he began in 1849. The principle of action was set out in 1854th year in thesis, but the mechanical engineer never reached practical application His ideas.

The Italian inventor and scientist Antonio Meuchchi in the 1860s, having moved to the United States, conducted research and invented the device capable of transmitting sound on wires. Meuchchi called him a telejector. Soon this development of a little-known elderly inventor was aware of Western Union. Using the deplorable material situation of the Italian-researcher, this company bought all drawings from him and gave a promise to assist in the design of a patent. However, the second promise never was fulfilled. Meuchchi filed his own application, trying to patent the telecontrophone, but it was not satisfied.

In 1876, Bell Graham first issued a patent, called the inventor of the phone. Meuchchi has been suused for a long time, and only in 1887 the US court still recognized his championship in the invention. However, no less, the term of the Italian-inventor's patent by the time the expiration was exposed to the right of Western Union to continue the release of phones. So Meuchchi remained with anything and died in poverty.

It is known that there was no call in the patented Ball phone, the call was carried out through the tube through a whistle. It is known that he, being a religious person, believed in the ability through the phone to communicate with the souls of the deceased relatives.

First portable (portable) phone

The prototype of the first mobile phone is outwardly far from today's familiar small and lung devices. For the first time, the mobile phone was presented in 1973. He was cumbersome and hard, he worked from one battery, because of which his work was not very short. The cost of the first mobile phone turned out to be unacceptable for an ordinary citizen.

The inventor of the first submitted apparatus is Martin Cooper. It should be noted that by the time the creation of a mobile phone has already worked, several technical leading companies have already been working in parallel, nevertheless, Cooper managed to complete the work before others. Externally, the first mobile phone has more like a mobile taxiophone: a tube connected to the power source through a long wire. The device was in a large shoulder bag.

The very first phones

After the world saw the phone invented invented by Martin Cooper, it was invented about a dozen more various models. In the usual form for us, the phone was invented worldwide famous company Motorola. The first prototype could work about eight hours in standby mode and weighed about one kilogram.

The first commercial mobile phone is named Motorola Dynatac 8000x. He was able to remember thirty rooms, weighed eight hundred grams and cost almost four thousand dollars. His development has spent at least one hundred million dollars, work was carried out for about ten years. His battery was enough for only an hour of conversation, while charging continued as long as ten o'clock.

In 1989, the same company presented new model - Motorola Microtac. She cost three thousand dollars. At that time, the device was considered the smallest mobile phone. Motorola in 1992 introduced a miniature model of a phone that was easily placed in human palm. Soon consumers saw the Nokia 1011 model, released by the famous Finnish company Nokia - it was a massive GSM telephone.

The first phone, connected to the PDA (the first communicator), was released by Bellsouth / IBM in 1993, and the first clamshell phone (which began to call a "frog"), produced the same Motorola in 1996.

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