Technology methods for processing economic information. Methods for processing economic information in the analysis. The batch regime was most common in the practice of a centralized solution of economic tasks, when the large proportion of the analysis of production

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5. Technology processing technology

The processing of economic information in the ASO method created is advisable to produce on the client-server technology platform. In this case, the information is stored on the server. The user during the work requests the necessary data, the information is processed on the server and the user receives the generated data to its computer (workstation). This form of the organization of database files provides network access to information for many users at the same time.

The developing ASOs should exclude duplication of data entry by various system users. Information should be entered once. Next, based on the created programs, users must be able to receive entered information in its original and structured form.

If interaction with other ASOs is needed by internet, then it is necessary to ensure comparability of information and compatibility of interacting software modules. For example, to work with a bank accounting account (accounts) it is advisable to install the client-bank system.

6. System maintenance

ASOEA maintenance should be carried out regularly system administrator and programmers. In order to save the information used in the system, it is necessary to create archive copies of data used. Modern information processing tools allow you to automatically archive data at specified time intervals.

In addition, 2 hard drives must be installed on a computer that performs the functions of the server, one of which will contain the database working files, and the other function in "Mirroring" mode - automatically record all changes on the first disk.

In order to protect information from viruses, it is necessary to install at each workstation of antivirus programs that will operate in real time. It is necessary to continuously update the versions of these anti-virus programs in order to achieve high efficiency of their application.

If failed situations occur in the work of the hardware complex and the system-wide software Motes must eliminate the system administrator. When failed situations occur in the application of application software, a programmer must eliminate.

7. Protection of information

The information that is contained in the ASOs should be protected from unauthorized access and possible use of it in unfair purposes. Therefore, it is necessary to have a system of protection used in ASOs. First of all, this delimitation of access to information depending on the functions and powers that are endowed with each employee. Next, you must use the password system to access information. Access to passwords should be as difficult as possible in order to eliminate possible information leakage, the passwords themselves periodically replace.

The company should create a guiding document that determines the tasks, procedures for working with information and the responsibility of employees for violating the established mode of working with information.

In addition, it is necessary to use a complex of hardware to ensure the protection of information that will include electronic keys - devices attached to the computer, code locks to limit access to information. The server must conduct a protocol of working with information on each user, while ensuring the possibility of obtaining data on who, and when used by those or other system files, which operations and procedures were performed.

An important role in the protection of information should be assigned to the Security Service.

8. Evaluation of the effectiveness of ASO

The ASOOs created must be effective with different points vision. The system with software and hardware side will allow you to quickly and efficiently enter and exchange data both within the network and outside it. The network topology allows you to talk about stability created networkSince when it designs, the minimum number of intermediate links is involved.

Many of the frequently performed ASOEO problems of the enterprise are automated.

The cost of development, and the maintenance of the ASOOE created created by approximately:

- for the purchase of computers, office equipment and network equipment - 25 thousand US dollars;

- acquisition of licensed software, packages applied software - 8 thousand dollars;

- on the gasket, installation and commissioning of the network - $ 3,000.

- maintenance of the client-bank system, the update of the legal and antivirus base - 0.3 thousand US dollars;

- For the purchase supplies For network functioning - 0.2 thousand dollars.

Thus, the total cost of creating an ASOSEA will be $ 35 thousand, monthly service - at least $ 0.5 thousand dollars.


The market of information products and services is today the most dynamically developing. Information today is considered as one of the most important resources for the development of society, along with material, energy and human.

The ASO ESOE system developed by the advertising enterprise should have high flexibility, adaptability, reliability and simplicity, to have an open architecture, communicativeness, to provide communication with the external environment of the enterprise through the Internet or corporate network.

The cost of development, maintenance and operation of the ASOOE system being created must be optimal.

The technical equipment of the employees of employees of the enterprise in order to optimize the costs of creating an ASO method is advisable to implement on the basis of the characteristics, volumes and technology of information processing.

ASOEA maintenance should be carried out regularly with a system administrator and programmers. In order to save the information used in the system, it is necessary to create archive copies of data used.

The information that is contained in the ASOs should be protected from unauthorized access and possible use of it in unfair purposes. Therefore, it is necessary to have a system of protection used in ASOs.

The total cost of creating an ASOSEO will be $ 35 thousand, monthly service - at least $ 0.5 thousand.

List of used literature

1. Smooth A.A. 1C: Enterprise 8.0. - St. Petersburg: Triton, 2005.

2. Tambovtsev V.L. "The Fifth Market: Economic Problems of Information Production." M.; MSU Publishing House. 2003.

3. "Prospects for the informatization of society." M.: Russian Academy of Sciences. Series: Information, Science, Society. 2003.

4. Schreander Yu. "On the phenomenon of the information product" // NTI Ser. 1. 2004. №11.

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  • Introduction 3
  • 5
    • 5
    • 5
  • 10
    • 10
    • 12
    • 2.3 Automatic Data Collection and Data Methods 13
  • 17
  • Conclusion 22
  • Bibliography 24


The technology of electronic processing of economic information includes a human-machine process of executing interrelated operations occurring in the established sequence in order to transform the initial (primary) information to the result. The operation is a complex of technological actions, as a result of which information is converted. Technological operations are diversified by complexity, appointment, implementation technique, are performed on various equipment, many performers. Under the conditions of electronic data processing, operations performed automatically on machines and devices that read the data perform operations on a given program in automatic mode without personally or keeping the user control, analysis and regulation.

The construction of the technological process is determined by the following factors: the peculiarities of the processed economic information, its volume, the requirements for urgency and the accuracy of processing, types, quantities and characteristics of the applicable technical means. They are based on the organization of the organization, which includes the establishment of the list, sequences and methods of operations, the procedure for the work of specialists and automation tools, organization of workplaces, the establishment of temporary regulations of interaction, etc. The organization of the technological process should ensure its efficiency, complexity, reliability of operation, high quality of work. This is achieved by using a systemotechnical approach to the design of the technology of solving economic problems. At the same time, there is a complex interconnected consideration of all factors, ways, methods of building technology, the use of elements of typing and standardization, as well as the unification of technological processes.

1. Technology of automated processing of economic information

1.1 Principles of Processing Economic Information

Technology of automated processing of economic information is built on the following principles:

* Integration of data processing and user ability to operate automated systems of centralized storage and collective data use (data banks);

* distributed data processing on the basis of developed transmission systems;

* rational combination of centralized and decentralized management and organization of computing systems;

* simulation and formalized data description, procedures for their transformation, functions and performers;

* Accounting for specific features of the object in which the machine processing of economic information is implemented.

1.2 Types of technological processes

There are two main types of technological processes: subject and redeplaying.

Subject type Technologies involves the creation of parallel existing technological lines specializing in processing information and solving specific tasks (wage and salary accounting, supply and sales, financial transactions, etc.) and organizing the operational data processing inside the line.

Operating (Power) Type The constructions of the technological process involves the sequential conversion of the processed information, according to the technology represented as a continuous sequence of replacing each other operations performed in automatic mode. Such an approach to building technology was acceptable in organizing the work of subscriber points and automated jobs.

The organization of technology in the individual stages has its own characteristics, which gives grounds for the allocation of the eared and intramaneshine technology. Emacent technology (It is often called preloading) combines data collection and data registration operations, record data on machines with control. INTERMINE TECHNOLOGY It is related to the organization of the computing process in the computer, the organization of data arrays in the memory of the machine and their structuring, which gives the basis to call it also in-depth. Considering that the tools that make up the technical base of the commemoral and intramaistral transformation of information are devoted to the subsequent heads of the textbook, briefly consider only the features of the construction of these technologies.

The main stage of the technological process is associated with the solution of functional tasks on the computer. The intramaistral technology solving tasks on a computer, as a rule, implements the following type processes of conversion of economic information: the formation of new information arrays; streamlining information arrays; sample from an array of some part of records, merger and separation of arrays; Amendments to an array; Execution of arithmetic actions on details within records, within the arrays, above the records of several arrays. Solution of each individual task or task complex requires the following operations: Entering the Machine Machine Program and placement of it in the computer memory, entering the source data, logical and arithmetic control of the entered information, correcting erroneous data, layout of input arrays and sorting the information entered, calculations on the specified Algorithm, obtaining output information arrays, editing output forms, output information on the screen and on machine media, printing tables with output data.

The selection of this or that version of the technology is determined primarily by the volume and temporal features of the tasks, frequency, urgency, speed processing requirements, and depends on the practice of the user's interaction regimen with computer and the regime capabilities of technical means - primarily a computer.

The following user interaction modes with computers are distinguished: batch and interactive (requested, dialog). EUM themselves can function in various modes: single and multi-program, separation of time, real time, teleworking. At the same time, it is envisaged to satisfy the needs of users in the maximum possible automation of solving a variety of tasks.

Batch mode It was most common in the practice of a centralized solution of economic tasks, when a large proportion of the analysis of the production and economic activities of economic objects of different levels of management.

The organization of the computing process during batch mode was built without user access to the computer. Its functions were limited to the preparation of baseline data on the complex of information and interconnected tasks and transferring them to the processing center where the package was formed, including the task for the computer for processing, program, source, regulatory and reference data. The package was introduced into the computer and was implemented in automatic mode without the participation of the user and the operator, which made it possible to minimize the time of execution of a given set of tasks. At the same time, the operation of the computer could pass in single-strware or multi-program mode, which is preferable, since the parallel operation of the main devices of the machine was provided. Currently, batch mode is implemented in relation to email.

Interactive mode It provides for the direct interaction of the user with an information and computing system, can carry the nature of the request (as a rule, regulated) or dialogue with computers.

Request mode requires users to interact with the system through a significant number of subscriber terminal devices, including remote to a significant distance from the processing center. Such a need is due to solving operational tasks, which are, for example, marketing tasks, the tasks of rearrangement of personnel, a strategic problem, etc. EUM B. such cases Implements a mass service system, it works in a time separation mode in which several independent subscribers (users) using I / O devices have direct and almost simultaneous access to the computer using the I / O devices. This mode allows differently in strictly installed manner Provide each user time to communicate with the computer, and after the end of the session, turn off it.

The dialog mode opens the user with the opportunity to directly interact with the computing system in the work permissible for it, implementing a repeating cycle of issuing tasks, receiving and analyzing the response. In this case, the computer itself may initiate a dialogue, telling the user a sequence of steps (providing the menu) to obtain the desired result.

Both varieties of interactive mode (requested, dialogue) are based on the operation of a computer in real-time and telework modes that are the further development of the time separation regime. Therefore, the mandatory conditions for the functioning of the system in these modes are: first, constant storage in storage devices necessary information Both programs and only in the minimum volume of initial information from subscribers and, secondly, the availability of appropriate communications with computers with computers to appeal to it at any time.

2. Automated processing of economic information

2.1 Economic information and its processing

Economic information is a transformed and processed set of information reflecting the state and economic processes. Economic information circulates in economic system and accompanies the processes of production, distribution, exchange and consumption of material goods and services. Economic information should be considered as one of the species of management information.

Economic information may be:

- managing (in the form of direct orders, planned tasks, etc.);

- awareness (in the reporting indicators, performs a feedback function in the economic system).

Information can be considered as a resource similar to material, labor and monetary resources. Information resources are a set of accumulated information recorded on material carriers in any form that ensures its transmission over time and space to solve scientific, industrial, managerial and other tasks.

Collection, storage, processing, information transfer in numerical form is carried out using information technology. A feature of information technology is that in them and the subject and product of labor is information, and labor instruments - means of computing equipment and communication.

The main objective of information technologies is the production of the information to the user as a result of targeted actions for its recycling.

It is known that information technology is a combination of methods, production and software and technological means combined into a technological chain, ensuring the collection, storage, processing, conclusion and dissemination of information.

From the point of view of information technologies, material carrier is required as a source of information, a transmitter, a communication channel, a receiver and recipient of information.

A message from the source to the recipient is transmitted through the communication channels or through the medium.

Information is a form of communication between manageable and manageing objects in any control system. In accordance with the general theory of management, the management process can be represented as the interaction of two systems - managing and managed.

The accuracy of information provides its unambiguous perception by all consumers. Reliability determines the permissible level of distortion of both incoming and result information, in which the efficiency of the system functioning is preserved. Returning reflects the relevance of information for the necessary settlements and decision-making in the changed conditions.

In the processes of automated processing of economic information, various kinds of data that characterize those or other economic phenomena are actuated as an object that is subject to transformations. Such processes are referred to as the technological processes of AOEI and are a complex of interrelated operations occurring in the established sequence. Or, more detailed, this is the process of transformation of source information in the output using technical means and resources.

The rational design of process data processing processes in the EIS largely determines the effective functioning of the entire system.

All technological process can be divided into the processes of collecting and entering the source data into the computing system, data placement and storage processes in the system memory, data processing processes in order to obtain results and, data issuing processes in the form that is convenient for perception by the user.

2.2 Stages of the process

The technological process can be divided into 4 enlarged stages:

1. - initial or primary (collection of source data, registering and transferring them to Wu);

2. - preparatory (reception, control, registration of input information and transferring it to machine carrier);

3. - basic (directly processing information);

4. - Final (control, issue and transmission of results, its reproduction and storage).

Depending on the technical means used and the requirements for information processing technology, the composition of the operations of the technological process is changed. For example: information onto can enroll on MN, prepared for input to computer or transmitted over the communication channels from its occurrence.

Data collection and registration operations are carried out using various means.




2.3 Automatic SPO sex collection and data registration

one). Mechanized - The collection and registration of information is carried out directly by the person using the simplest devices (scales, counters, measuring containers, time metering devices, etc.).

2). Automated - The use of machine-readable documents, registering automata, universal collection and registration systems that ensure combination of operations for the formation of primary documents and obtaining machine carriers.

3). Auto - Used mainly when processing data in real time.

(Information from the sensors, taking into account the production of production - production, raw materials costs, equipment downtime, etc. - comes directly to the computer).

TECHNICAL DATA Tools include:

- data transfer equipment (ADF), which connects tools for processing and preparation of data with telegraph, telephone and broadband communication channels;

- Interconnection devices with ADF, which control the exchange of information - data multiplexers.

Recording and transferring information on communication channels to the computer has the following advantages:

- simplifies the process of formation and control of information;

- the principle of one-time registration of information in the primary document and machine carrier is observed;

- It is ensured by a high reliability of information coming into the computer.

Remote data transmission based on the use of communication channels is the transmission of data in the form of electrical signals that can be continuous in time and discrete, i.e. Wear a distant character in time. Telegraph and telephone communication channels are most widely used. The electrical signals transmitted by the telegraph communication channel are discrete, and on telephone - continuous.

Depending on the directions for which information is sent, the communication channels differ:

- simplex (transmission goes only in one direction);

- half-duplex (at each moment of time either transfer, or receiving information);

- Duplex (transfer and reception information is carried out simultaneously in two counter directions).

Channels are characterized by data transfer rates, reliability, transfer reliability.

The transmission rate is determined by the amount of information transmitted per unit of time and is measured in bodles (bodes \u003d bit / s).

Telegraph Channels (low-speed - v \u003d 50-200 baud),

telephone (medium-speed - v \u003d 200-2400 Bod), and

broadband (High-speed - V \u003d 4800 Bod and more).

When choosing the best method of transmitting information, volumetric and temporal delivery parameters are taken into account, the quality requirements for the transmitted information, labor and cost transmission costs.

Speaking about technological operations of collecting, registration, information transmission using various technical means you need to say several words about scanning devices.

Entering information, especially graphic, using a keyboard in computer is very laborious. IN lately There have been trends to apply business graphics - one of the main types of information, which requires the operationalization of entering the computer and providing users with the possibility of forming hybrid documents and databases that combine graphics with text. All these functions in PEVM perform scanning devices. They implement an optical entry of information and transform it into a digital form followed by processing.

For IBM PC PC, a PC Image / Graphix system has been developed, designed to scan various documents and their communications transmission. Among the documentary carriers of the system that can be scanned with the camera are: text, bar drawings, photos, microfilms. The scanning devices based on PC applies not only to enter text and graphics information, but also in control systems, writing processing, performing various accounting functions.

For these tasks, the most applied methods of encoding information by barcodes were found. Scanning bar codes to enter information in the PEVM is performed using miniature scanners resembling a pencil. The scanner moves by the user perpendicular to the stroke group, the internal light source illuminates the area of \u200b\u200bthis dialing directly near the scanner tip. Stroke codes have been widely used in trade, and enterprises (in the system of tabletime accounting: when reading from the employee's card, actually spent time, registers time, date, etc.).

Recently, increasing attention is paid to the tactile input devices - the touch screen ("sensory" - sensitive). Tactile input devices are widely used as information and reference systems. common use and automated learning systems. US company has developed a touch monitor POINT-1 with a resolution of 1024 x 1024 points for IBM PC PC and other PEVM. Touch screen It is widely used for stock exchanges (information about the last selling prices for stocks ...).

In practice, there are many options (organizational forms) of technological processes of data processing. It depends on the use of various means of computing and organizational equipment on individual process operations.

The construction of the technological process depends on the nature of the tasks, the circle of users, from the technical tools used, from the data control systems, etc.

3. Opportunities excel programs

Program Microsoft Excel. refers to the class of programs called spreadsheets. Spreadsheets First of all, it is focused on solving economic and engineering tasks, allow you to systematize data from any field of activity. There are the following versions of this program - Microsoft Excel 4.0, 5.0, 7.0, 97, 2000. In this workshop, version 97 is considered. Acquaintance with earlier versions will make it easy to go to the next one.

Microsoft program Excel allows you to:

· To form data in the form of tables;

· Calculate the contents of cells by formulas, it is possible to use more than 150 built-in functions;

· Submit data from tables in graphical form;

· Organize data in designs close to the ability to database.

Microsoft Excel has 12 working sheet features used to analyze data from lists or databases. Each of these functions, which, for compatibility considerations, have a generalized name of the BDFunction, uses three arguments: database, field and criterion. These three arguments refer to the cell intervals on the work sheet, which are used by this function.

Database - This is the cell interval forming a list or database.

The database in Microsoft Excel is a list of related data, in which data lines are records, and columns - fields. Top string The list contains the names of each column. The link can be specified as the range of cells or as a name corresponding to the list of the list.

Field Determines the column used by the function. The data fields in the list must contain an identifying name in the first row. The argument field can be specified as text with a column name in double quotes, such as "age" or "harvest" in the following database example, or as a number specifying the position of the column in the list: 1 - for the first field (wood), 2 - For the second field (height) and so on.

Criterion- This is a reference to the cell interval defining the conditions for the function. The function returns data from the list that satisfies the conditions defined by the range of criteria. The range of criteria includes a copy of the column name in the list for which the results are listed. The reference to the criterion can be introduced as the cell interval, for example A1: F2 in the example below the database, or as the name of the interval, for example, "criteria". For getting additional information On conditions that can be used as a criterion argument, press the button.

Functions for working with databases and lists

BDDIP. Evaluates dispersion by sample from dedicated database records

BDDIPP Calculates dispersion by the general set of selected database records

BD PRODUCE Moves the values \u200b\u200bof a specific field in the database records satisfying the condition

Bdsumm Summarizes the numbers in the field for database records satisfying the condition

Burry Extracts one record from the database that satisfies the specified condition

BSCT Calculates the number of numeric cells in the database

BScheta Calculates the number of non-empty cells in the database

DMAX Returns the maximum value among dedicated database entries

Dmin Returns the minimum value among dedicated database entries

DSR sign Returns the average value of the selected database entries

Dstandotcl Evaluates the standard deviation by sample from dedicated database entries

Dstandotlp Calculates the standard deviation by the general set of selected database records

Data organization in the program

The program file is the so-called workbook , or working folder. Each working book may contain 256 workers sheets . By default, the Excel 97 program contains 3 work sheets, the previous version of the program default contained 16 working sheets. On sheets can be contained both interconnected and completely independent information. The work leaf is a blank for a table.

Calculation by formulas

Terms of work with formulas

· The formula always begins with the sign \u003d;

· The formula may contain signs of arithmetic operations + - * / (addition, subtraction, multiplication and division);

· If the formula contains cell addresses, the content of the cell is involved in the calculation;

· To get the result, click .

If you need to calculate the data in the column on the same type formula, in which only the cell addresses are changed when the table is switched to the next line string, then such a formula can be copied or propagated to all cells of this column.

For example:

The calculation of the amount in the last column occurs by multiplying data from the "price of one instance" column and data from the number column, the formula when switching to the next line in the table does not change, only the cell addresses change.

Copying the contents of cells

Select the source cell, place the mouse pointer to the edge edge and press the key And the left mouse key moves the frame to a new place. This copies the contents of the cell, including the formula.

Autocomplete cells

We highlight the original cell, in the lower right corner there is a filling marker, put the mouse over it, it will take the form +; When the left key is pressed, we stretch the border of the frame on the cells group. In this case, all selected cells are filled with the contents of the first cell. At the same time, when copying and autofill, the addresses of cells in the formulas are appropriately changed. For example, the formula \u003d a1 + B1 will change by \u003d a2 + B2.

If the formula contains addresses, link to which should not change, before this address you need to specify a $ sign.

For example: \u003d $ A $ 5 * A6

When copying this formula to the next string, the reference to the first cell will remain unchanged, and the second address in the formula will change.

Calculation of final amounts on columns

In the tables, it is often necessary to calculate the final sums on the column. There is a special pictogram for this. Aviation . Pre-cells with source data should be highlighted, for this press the icon, the amount will be located in the free cell under the column.


Considered technological processes And the modes of users in the system "Man - Machine" are especially clearly manifested with integrated processing of information, which is characteristic of a modern automated solution in making management tasks. Information processesused in the development of a managerial solution in automated systems Organizational management is implemented using computers and other technical means. As computational technology develops, the forms of use are also improved. There are a variety of ways to access and communicate with computer. Individual and collective access to computational resources depends on the degree of their concentration and organizational forms of functioning. Centralized forms of application of computing agents that existed before mass use of PEVM were assumed to concentrate in one place and the organization of information and computing centers (IVTS) of individual and collective use (IVTSK).

Recently, the organization of computer equipment undergoes considerable changes associated with the transition to the creation of integrated information systems. Integrated information systems Created in view of the fact that they should carry out coordinated data management within the enterprise (organization), coordinate the work of individual units, automate information exchange operations both within certain groups of users, and between several organizations that are dedicated to dozens and hundreds kilometers. The basis for building such systems is local computing networks (LAN). Characteristic feature LAN is the provision of opportunity to users work in a universal information environment with the functions of collective access to data.

In the last 2-3 years, computerization came out on new level: Actively created computing systems Various configurations based on personal computers (PCs) and more powerful machines. Consisting of several stand-alone computers with common shared external devices (wheels, ribbons) and unified control, they allow to provide more reliable protection Computer rovernors (devices, databases, programs), increase fault tolerance, provide simplicity of upgrading and increasing the power of the system. More attention is paid to the development of not only local, but also distributed networks, without which the solution of modern informatization tasks is unthinkable.

Depending on the degree of centralization of computing resources, the role of the user and its functions are changing. With centralized forms, when the user does not have direct contact with the computer, its role is reduced to the transmission of source data for processing, obtaining results, identifying and eliminating errors. With the direct communication of the user with the computer, its function in information technology is expanding. All this is implemented within one workplace. From the user, the knowledge of the basics of computer science and computing equipment is required.


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Lecture No. 1.

Economic Information Processing Technology

Educational questions:

2. Types of Economic Information

3. Data processing components

5. Computer networks in financial and economic activities

1. General characteristics of the process of collecting, transmitting, processing and accumulating information

The current period of development of a civilized society characterizes the process of informatization.

Company informatization is a global social process, the peculiarity of which is that the dominant activity in the field of social production is the collection, accumulation, production, processing, storage, transmission and use of information carried out on the basis of modern microprocessor and computing equipment, as well as On the basis of a variety of information exchange tools. Company informatization provides:

Active use of a constantly expanding intellectual potential of society concentrated in the printed Fund, and scientific, production and other activities of its members;

Output information in the form of documents, tables and video grams, signals for direct management of technological processes, information for communication with other systems;

Organization, computing process management (planning, accounting, control, analysis of the implementation of the stroke of calculations) in local and global computing networks.

The data processing system (SOD) is intended for information service of specialists from the enterprise (firms) of management decisions.

Selection of standard data processing operations made it possible to create specialized software and hardware complexes, implementing them (various peripherals, office equipment, standard sets of programs, including packages of application programs - PPP implementing functional tasks). The configuration of hardware complexes forms the so-called topology of the computing system.

Soda can work in three basic modes: batch, interactive, real time.

Information Networks "href \u003d" / text / category / informatcionnie_seti / "REL \u003d" BOOKMARK "\u003e Information processing, which reduces the efficiency of making management decisions.

With interactive (dialogue) mode of operation, messaging is exchanged between the user and the system. The user considers the query results and the decisions received enters the system for further processing. Typical examples of dialogues include multivariate tasks of using resources (labor, material, financial).

Real-time mode is used to manage speed-tracting processes, such as transmission and processing of banking information in global international networks of type SWIFT, and continuous technological processes.

Almost all data processing systems of information systems regardless of their scope include the same set. component parts (components), called types of collateral. It is customary to allocate informational, software, technical, legal, linguistic provision.

No matter how complex and inaccurate soda, its value is zero, if it does not have adequate means of obtaining primary data, i.e., information accurately reflecting properties subject area and processes in it flowing. Therefore, the role and value of the primary information is impossible. Accordingly, knowledge of working with primary information is very important for the future economist and financier.

4. Primary information in information systems

Data collection processes

To register any economic operation, i.e., to obtain primary (source) information about the processes occurring in the control object, you need to perform such actions as identification, measurement, binding to time.

Identification. The identifier is called a combination of symbols associated with an identification object and uniquely distinguishing it from any other object. Figuratively speaking, the identifier is a unique name of the object.

Identification is an action, the process, as a result of which is established (recognizes, determine) an object identifier. With regard to the automated data processing system, two sides of this process should be distinguished. First, you need to know (define, recognize) the value of the object identifier. Secondly, it is necessary to submit this value in the machine form, i.e., enter in SOD.

To increase the efficiency of Soda, it is important to find identification methods that would allow the identifier immediately in computer-readable form.

Measurement. Actually, the measurement is the process, the essence of which is well known. However, specific forms of it are very diverse, as they depend on the form, the physical essence of the measurement object, the desired measurement accuracy to be measured, etc.

Binding to time. This element of the formation of documents and messages is performed either in the traditional way (a person looks at the calendar, on the clock and manually enters the data into the document), or with the help of special devices that automatically enamence the date and time in the document or the carrier.

Requirements for the process of collecting primary data

The process of obtaining primary data has a number of characteristic features that need to be considered when creating any soda. Neglect of them can lead to the fact that programs and productive computing techniques will not bring the desired result.

First of all, it should be borne in mind that the data collection is the usual labor process, and as such it requires the cost of strength, time and definite qualifications.

So that OD objectively reflects the results of economic activities, primary documents should accurately describe economic operations, i.e., primary information should be reliable and timely.

Accuracy. Data errors may occur due to a variety of causes: measurement errors, errors when recording measurements to an intermediate document, errors when reading data from an intermediate document when entering them from the keyboard, deliberate data distortion, errors when identifying an object and business entities and others. Any error leads to one or another undesirable consequences, including material losses.

Labor consumption. Main costs for collecting primary information are very significant. Different measures are being taken to reduce them. Partially this goal is achieved in terms of the implementation of measures to improve the reliability of the data. Thus, replacing the procedure for entering identifiers from the keyboard by their reading from magnetic maps or reading barcodes simultaneously reduces the complexity of this operation.

To reduce labor costs, a variety of hardware, which ensure the cost of measurement and account processes is used. Specific forms of such funds in a decisive degree are determined by the type of objects to be measured and the account.

Document preparation and reproduction

For documentary registration of information applicable in the information system, a variety of techniques and means are used: a writing handle (feathers, ball, etc.), typewriters, blanks, etc.

Many documents are issued in several copies, as several people are interested in them. To get many instances of the document, various techniques and tools are used: copy paper, copying and multiple equipment. Today, hundreds of models of copying and multiple devices differing in the principle of action, functionality and operational characteristics are also known in the world.

Data storage and search tools For systematization and storage of paper documents apply a variety of office equipment. Despite the seeming archaicity of many of them, they will be needed in office work, until there is a complete transition to paperless information systems (it is noteworthy that developers operating systems And applied programs willingly borrow terms from the sphere of traditional document management: "Book", "Folder", "Card Self", "Racks"). In a well-organized documentuer, each folder is fixed in a certain place, the rack is a systematized inventory-guidebook.

Storage documents are used for storage documents on machine media magnetic disks and tapes, magneto optical disks, on rewritable optical disks. What kind of devices and which carriers will be used to be combined in which portions will be combined - depends on the purpose of the data storage, the required capacity, the requirements for reliability and safety.

Recently, the concept of information storages (DATA Warehouse, DW) is intensively developing. These software and hardware complexes are designed to give a single general view of the entire population of data generated within the framework of the organization, enterprise, territorial education.

The information repository resembles an industrial enterprise: numerous data sources (and primary and derivatives) act as analogs of workshops producing products and transmitting it to the warehouse. From there it is distributed to consumers. The task of the information storage is to provide regular, systematic accumulation of diverse data, their reliable long-term storage and a quick sample on requests that may not be planned in advance content. This task is solved on the basis of a complex complex of high-capacity drives, high-speed processors and special software.

In cases of particularly high requirements for the reliability of data warehousing (for example, in banking systems), special software and hardware technology, called RAID (Reduntant Arrays of Independent Disks, an array of independent redundancy discs) is widely used. RAID systems exist in several different modifications built according to a single principle: data record is made simultaneously to several drives (i.e. with great redundancy). If the hardware is detected or refusal in the hardware, then the work continues at a good part of the drives. The software part of the system carries out a continuous analysis of its state and the production of timely and adequate commands to the necessary forwarding of data streams. Naturally, increased reliability is paid by repeated (ten times) by the rise in the price of the storage subsystem compared to conventional storage devices comparable containers.

5. Computer networks in financial and economic activities

Competitive economy is based on a system of financial organizations capable of providing services to all potential customers. Without the use of computing technology, the latest information technologies and electronic information systems, create a system of financial institutions that meet modern requirements is impossible. Russian financial institutions take into account the established requirements for the level of automation, introducing advanced computer technology and mastering international standards. We will review some well-known networks.

The network was created in 1990 and is currently developing as a network. general purposeuniting scientific and commercial organizations, government agencies and institutions. Through Relcom is easy and easy to work with the Relis Commercial Information System (Moscow) offering, in particular, daily news, thematic information issues, digests, analytical reviews for many economic topics.

Sprintnet network

Sprintnet data network has access sites in hundreds of dozen countries of the world. Thousands of databases containing broad profile information are connected to the network. Sprintnet network allows you to share information at high speed. Tens of large banks of Russia are used by network services.

Network Sovam Teleport.

The International Computer Information Network was established in 1990. The network is designed primarily for the international exchange of telex and telefax messages in real time.

International SWIFT network

The SWIFT International Network, named by the Company's International Interbank Financial Telecommunications, began to function in 1977. Currently, the Network's foundation consists of three switching stations that are located in Holland, Belgium and the United States, and regional stations serving customers of their countries. International network, preventing particularly strict requirements for the terminal connection procedure.

The participants of the stock market of Russia are available services for many global networks. These systems actively enjoy the stock exchanges, brokerage offices, industrial enterprises.

Economic Information Processing Technology

Introduction ................................................... .................................................. .........

1. 1 Principles of processing of economic information ..................................

2. Automated processing of economic information ...................

2. 1 Economic information and its processing .......................................... ...

2. 2 stages of the technological process .............................................. .................

2. 3 Automatic methods of collecting and registering data ............................

Conclusion ............................................................... .................................................. .....

Bibliography................................................ ...........................................


The technology of electronic processing of economic information includes a human-machine process of executing interrelated operations occurring in the established sequence in order to transform the initial (primary) information to the result. The operation is a complex of technological actions, as a result of which information is converted. Technological operations are diversified by complexity, appointment, implementation technique, are performed on various equipment, many performers. Under the conditions of electronic data processing, operations performed automatically on machines and devices that read the data perform operations on a given program in automatic mode without personally or keeping the user control, analysis and regulation.

The construction of the technological process is determined by the following factors: the peculiarities of the economic information being processed, its volume, requirements for the urgency and accuracy of processing, types, quantities and characteristics of used technical means. They are based on the organization of technology, which includes the establishment of a list, sequences and methods for performing operations, the procedure for the work of specialists and means of automation, organization of workplaces, the establishment of temporary interaction regulations, etc. Organization of the technological process should ensure its efficiency, complexity, reliability, functioning High quality work. This is achieved by using a systemotechnical approach to the design of the technology of solving economic problems. At the same time, there is a complex interconnected consideration of all factors, ways, methods of building technology, the use of elements of typing and standardization, as well as the unification of technological processes.

Information can be considered as a resource similar to material, labor and monetary resources. Informational resources - a set of accumulated information recorded on material carriers in any form, providing its transmission over time and space to solve scientific, industrial, managerial and other tasks.

The main objective of information technologies is the production of the information to the user as a result of targeted actions for its recycling.

1. Technology of automated processing of economic information

1. 1 Principles of Processing Economic Information

Technology of automated processing of economic information is built on the following principles:

Data processing integration and user ability to operate automated systems of centralized storage and collective data use (data banks);

Distributed data processing on the basis of developed transmission systems;

A rational combination of centralized and decentralized management and organization of computing systems;

Modeling and formalized data description, procedures for their transformation, functions and performers;

Accounting for specific features of the object in which the machine processing of economic information is implemented.

1. 2 Types of technological processes

Subject type Technologies involves the creation of parallel existing technological lines specializing in the processing of information and solving specific problems of tasks (wage and wages, supply and sales, financial operations, etc.) and organizing the operational data processing inside the line.

Operating (Power) Type The constructions of the technological process involves the sequential conversion of the processed information, according to the technology represented as a continuous sequence of replacing each other operations performed in automatic mode. Such an approach to building technology was acceptable in organizing the work of subscriber points and automated jobs.

The organization of technology in the individual stages has its own characteristics, which gives grounds for the allocation of the eared and intramaneshine technology. (It is often called preloading) combines data collection and data registration operations, record data on machines with control. INTERMINE TECHNOLOGY It is related to the organization of the computing process in the computer, the organization of data arrays in the memory of the machine and their structuring, which gives the basis to call it also in-depth. Considering that the tools that make up the technical base of the commemoral and intramaistral transformation of information are devoted to the subsequent heads of the textbook, briefly consider only the features of the construction of these technologies.

The main stage of the technological process is associated with the solution of functional tasks on the computer. The intramaistral technology solving tasks on a computer, as a rule, implements the following type processes of conversion of economic information: the formation of new information arrays; streamlining information arrays; sample from an array of some part of records, merger and separation of arrays; Amendments to an array; Execution of arithmetic actions on details within records, within the arrays, above the records of several arrays. Solution of each individual task or task complex requires the following operations: Entering the Machine Machine Program and placement of it in the computer memory, entering the source data, logical and arithmetic control of the entered information, correcting erroneous data, layout of input arrays and sorting the information entered, calculations on the specified Algorithm, obtaining output information arrays, editing output forms, output information on the screen and on machine media, printing tables with output data.

The selection of this or that version of the technology is determined primarily by the volume and temporal features of the tasks, frequency, urgency, speed processing requirements, and depends on the practice of the user's interaction regimen with computer and the regime capabilities of technical means - primarily a computer.

The following user interaction modes with computers are distinguished: batch and interactive (requested, dialog). EUM themselves can function in various modes: single and multi-program, separation of time, real time, teleworking. At the same time, it is envisaged to satisfy the needs of users in the maximum possible automation of solving a variety of tasks.

Batch mode It was most common in the practice of a centralized solution of economic tasks, when a large proportion of the analysis of the production and economic activities of economic objects of different levels of management.

The organization of the computing process during batch mode was built without user access to the computer. Its functions were limited to the preparation of baseline data on the complex of information and interconnected tasks and transferring them to the processing center where the package was formed, including the task for the computer for processing, program, source, regulatory and reference data. The package was introduced into the computer and was implemented in automatic mode without the participation of the user and the operator, which made it possible to minimize the time of execution of a given set of tasks. At the same time, the operation of the computer could pass in single-strware or multi-program mode, which is preferable, since the parallel operation of the main devices of the machine was provided. Currently, batch mode is implemented in relation to email.

It provides for the direct interaction of the user with an information and computing system, can carry the nature of the request (as a rule, regulated) or dialogue with computers.

Such a need is due to the solution of operational tasks, which are, for example, marketing tasks, the tasks of the permutation of personnel, the tasks of a strategic nature, etc. Computer service is implementing a mass service system in such cases, it works in a time separation mode in which several independent subscribers (users) Using I / O devices, there are direct and almost simultaneous access to the computer in the process of solving their tasks. This mode allows differently in a strictly established manner to provide each user time to communicate with a computer, and after the end of the session is turned off it.

The dialog mode opens the user with the opportunity to directly interact with the computing system in the work permissible for it, implementing a repeating cycle of issuing tasks, receiving and analyzing the response. In this case, the computer itself may initiate a dialogue, telling the user a sequence of steps (providing the menu) to obtain the desired result.

Therefore, the mandatory conditions for the functioning of the system in these modes are: first, permanent storage in memorable devices with the necessary information and programs and only in the minimum volume of initiating information from subscribers and, secondly, the availability of appropriate communication with computers with computers To her at any time.

2. Automated processing of economic information

2. 1 Economic information and its processing

Economic information is a transformed and processed set of information, reflecting the state and course of economic processes. Economic information circulates in the economic system and accompanies the processes of production, distribution, exchange and consumption of material goods and services. Economic information should be considered as one of the species of management information.

Economic information may be:

Managing (in the form of direct orders, planned tasks, etc.);

Awareness (in the reporting indicators, performs the function of feedback in the economic system).

in any form, providing its transmission over time and space to solve scientific, industrial, managerial and other tasks.

Collection, storage, processing, information transfer in numerical form is carried out using information technology. A feature of information technology is that in them and the subject and product of labor is information, and labor instruments - means of computing equipment and communication.

It is known that information technology is a combination of methods, production and software and technological means combined into a technological chain, ensuring the collection, storage, processing, conclusion and dissemination of information.

Information is a form of communication between manageable and manageing objects in any control system. In accordance with the general theory of management, the management process can be represented as the interaction of two systems - managing and managed.

The accuracy of information provides its unambiguous perception by all consumers. Reliability determines the permissible level of distortion of both incoming and result information, in which the efficiency of the system functioning is preserved. Returning reflects the relevance of information for the necessary settlements and decision-making in the changed conditions.

phenomena. Such processes are referred to as the technological processes of AOEI and are a complex of interrelated operations occurring in the established sequence. Or, more detailed, this is the process of transformation of source information in the output using technical means and resources.

The rational design of process data processing processes in the EIS largely determines the effective functioning of the entire system.

All technological process can be divided into the processes of collecting and entering the source data into the computing system, data placement and storage processes in the system memory, data processing processes in order to obtain results and, data issuing processes in the form that is convenient for perception by the user.

The technological process can be divided into 4 enlarged stages:

1. - initial or primary (collection of source data, registering and transferring them to Wu);

3. - basic (directly processing information);

4. - Final (control, issue and transmission of results, its reproduction and storage).

Depending on the technical means used and the requirements for information processing technology, the composition of the operations of the technological process is changed. For example: information onto can enroll on MN, prepared for input to computer or transmitted over the communication channels from its occurrence.

Data collection and registration operations are carried out using various means.




2. 3 Automatic Data Collection and Data Methods

one). Mechanized

2). Automated - The use of machine-readable documents, registering automata, universal collection and registration systems that ensure combination of operations for the formation of primary documents and obtaining machine carriers.

3). Auto - Used mainly when processing data in real time.

─ data transfer equipment (ADF) that connects tools for processing and preparing data with telegraph, telephone and broadband communication channels;

─ Interconnection devices with ADF, which manage the exchange of information - data multiplexers.

Recording and transferring information on communication channels to the computer has the following advantages:

─ simplifies the process of formation and control of information;

─ the principle of one-time registration of information in the primary document and machine carrier is complied;

─ High reliability of information coming into the computer is ensured.

Remote data transmission based on the use of communication channels is the transmission of data in the form of electrical signals that can be continuous in time and discrete, i.e., be interrupted in time. Telegraph and telephone communication channels are most widely used. The electrical signals transmitted by the telegraph communication channel are discrete, and on telephone - continuous.

Depending on the directions for which information is sent, the communication channels differ:

─ Simplex (transmission is only in one direction);

─ half-duplex (at each moment of time either transfer or receipt of information);

─ Duplex (transmission and reception information is carried out simultaneously in two opposite directions).

Channels are characterized by data transfer rates, reliability, transfer reliability.

The transmission rate is determined by the amount of information transmitted per unit of time and is measured in bodles (bodes \u003d bit / s).

Telegraph Channels (low-speed - v \u003d 50-200 baud),

telephone (medium-speed - v \u003d 200-2400 Bod), and

broadband (High-speed - V \u003d 4800 Bod and more).

When choosing the best way Information transmission is taken into account volumetric and temporary delivery parameters, the quality requirements of the transmitted information, labor and cost transmission costs.

Speaking about technological operations of collecting, registration, information transmission using various technical means you need to say several words about scanning devices.

introduction to the computer and providing users with the possibility of forming hybrid documents and databases that combine graphics with text. All these functions in PEVM perform scanning devices. They implement an optical entry of information and transform it into a digital form followed by processing.

camera, are: text, bar drawings, photos, microfilms. The scanning devices based on PC applies not only to enter text and graphics information, but also in control systems, writing processing, performing various accounting functions.

For these tasks, the most applied methods of encoding information by barcodes were found. Scanning bar codes to enter information in the PEVM is performed using miniature scanners resembling a pencil. The scanner moves by the user perpendicular to the stroke group, the internal light source illuminates the area of \u200b\u200bthis dialing directly near the scanner tip. Stroke codes have been widely used in trade, and in enterprises (in the system of tabletime accounting: when reading from the employee's card, actually spent time, registers time, date, etc.).

Recently, increasing attention is paid to the tactile input devices - the touch screen ("sensory" - sensitive). Tactile input devices are widely used as information and reference systems of public use and automated learning. US company has developed a touch monitor POINT-1 with a resolution of 1024 x 1024 points for IBM PC PC and other PEVM. The touch screen is widely used for stock exchanges (information about the last selling prices for stocks ...).

separate operations of the technological process.

The construction of the technological process depends on the nature of the tasks, the circle of users, from the technical tools used, from the data control systems, etc.

3. Excel features

Microsoft Excel refers to the program class called spreadsheets . The spreadsheets are primarily oriented primarily on solving economic and engineering tasks, allow you to systematize data from any field of activity. There are the following versions of this program - Microsoft Excel 4. 0, 5. 0, 7. 0, 97, 2000. Version 97 is considered in this workshop. Acquaintance with earlier versions will make it easy to go to the next one.

Microsoft Excel allows you to:

· To form data in the form of tables;

· Submit data from tables in graphical form;

· Organize data in designs close to the ability to database.

Microsoft Excel has 12 working sheet features used to analyze data from lists or databases. Each of these functions, which, for compatibility considerations, have a generalized name of the BDFunction, uses three arguments: database, field and criterion. These three arguments refer to the cell intervals on the work sheet, which are used by this function.

The database in Microsoft Excel is a list of related data, in which data lines are records, and columns - fields. The top line of the list contains the names of each column. The link can be specified as the range of cells or as a name corresponding to the list of the list.

Field Determines the column used by the function. The data fields in the list must contain an identifying name in the first row. The argument field can be specified as text with a column name in double quotes, for example "age" or "harvest" in the example below of the database, or as a number setting the position of the column in the list: 1 - for the first field (wood), 2 - For the second field (height) and so on.

Criterion - This is a reference to the cell interval defining the conditions for the function. The function returns data from the list that satisfies the conditions defined by the range of criteria. The range of criteria includes a copy of the column name in the list for which the results are listed. The reference to the criterion can be introduced as the cell interval, for example A1: F2 in the example below the database, or as the name of the interval, for example, "criteria". For more information on conditions that can be used as a criterion argument, press the button.

BDDIPS evaluates a sample dispersion from dedicated database records

The database variables the values \u200b\u200bof a specific field in the database records satisfying the condition

Bottar extracts one record from the database that satisfies the specified condition

BSCT counts the number of numeric cells in the database

Dmin returns the minimum value among the selected database records

DSRKVNA Returns the average value of the selected database entries

Dstandot lock evaluates the standard deviation by sample from dedicated database records

Data organization in the program

, or operating folder. Each working book may contain 256 workers sheets . By default, the Excel 97 program contains 3 work sheets, the previous version of the program default contained 16 working sheets. On sheets can be contained both interconnected and completely independent information. The work leaf is a blank for a table.

Terms of work with formulas

· The formula always begins with the sign \u003d;

· If the formula contains cell addresses, the content of the cell is involved in the calculation;

· To get the result, click .

If you need to calculate the data in the column on the same type formula, in which only the cell addresses are changed when the table is switched to the next line string, then such a formula can be copied or propagated to all cells of this column.

For example:

The calculation of the amount in the last column occurs by multiplying data from the "price of one instance" column and data from the number column, the formula when switching to the next line in the table does not change, only the cell addresses change.

Copying the contents of cells

And the left mouse key moves the frame to a new place. This copies the contents of the cell, including the formula.

Autocomplete cells

We highlight the original cell, in the lower right corner there is a filling marker, put the mouse over it, it will take the form +; When the left key is pressed, we stretch the border of the frame on the cells group. In this case, all selected cells are filled with the contents of the first cell. At the same time, when copying and autofill, the addresses of cells in the formulas are appropriately changed. For example, the formula \u003d a1 + B1 will change by \u003d a2 + B2.

For example: \u003d $ A $ 5 * A6

When copying this formula to the next string, the reference to the first cell will remain unchanged, and the second address in the formula will change.

Calculation of final amounts on columns

In the tables, it is often necessary to calculate the final sums on the column. There is a special pictogram for this. Aviation . Pre-cells with source data should be highlighted, for this press the icon, the amount will be located in the free cell under the column.


The considered technological processes and the modes of users of users in the "Man - Machine" system are particularly clearly manifested with integrated processing of information, which is characteristic of a modern automated solution in making management tasks. Information processes used in the development of a managerial solution in automated systems of organizational management are implemented using computers and other technical means. As computational technology develops, the forms of use are also improved. There are a variety of ways to access and communicate with computer. Individual and collective access to computational resources depends on the degree of their concentration and organizational forms of functioning. Centralized forms of application of computing agents that existed before mass use of PEVM were assumed to concentrate in one place and the organization of information and computing centers (IVTS) of individual and collective use (IVTSK).

Recently, the organization of computer equipment undergoes considerable changes associated with the transition to the creation of integrated information systems. Integrated information systems Created in view of the fact that they should carry out coordinated data management within the enterprise (organization), coordinate the work of individual units, automate information exchange operations both within certain groups of users, and between several organizations that are dedicated to dozens and hundreds kilometers. The basis for building such systems is local computing networks (LAN). A characteristic feature of the LAN is to provide the ability to users work in a universal information environment with the functions of collective access to data.

In the past 2-3 years, computerization has reached a new level: computing systems of various configurations based on personal computers (PCs) and more powerful machines are actively created. Consisting of multiple stand-alone computers with common external devices (discs, ribbons) and a single control, they allow you to provide more reliable protection of computer rovernors (devices, databases, programs), increase fault tolerance, provide simplicity of upgrading and extension of system power. More attention is paid to the development of not only local, but also distributed networks, without which the solution of modern informatization tasks is unthinkable.

Depending on the degree of centralization of computing resources, the role of the user and its functions are changing. With centralized forms, when the user does not have direct contact with the computer, its role is reduced to the transmission of source data for processing, obtaining results, identifying and eliminating errors. With the direct communication of the user with the computer, its function in information technology is expanding. All this is implemented within one workplace. From the user, the knowledge of the basics of computer science and computing equipment is required.


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