The world's largest phone: where, what and who made

Expensive things, jewelry and interior items have always been a sign of luxury life. In turn, a luxurious life spoke eloquently about a person's high status. What are people ready for for their sake social status? Take a look at the top 10 most expensive phones in the world.

10 Vertu Ti

The smallest phone on our list is priced at $ 21,000. For this money, you can buy a Vertu Ti.

Such a small price is due to the modesty of the device. The device does not include precious metals and stones. The Vertu Ti display is made of sapphire crystal, while titanium and leather are included in the body of the smartphone.

Besides the elegant appearance, the phone has good functionality. Therefore, the owners of this smartphone are most often not fans of bruises, but practical business people.

Judging by the design of the model, it was created for men. The predominantly black colors and titanium elements add solidity to the exterior of the Vertu wearer.

Modification of the 4th model of the famous iPhone, created for lovers of history and archeology. Diamonds are included in the body of the gadget, but this is not the most important thing. The number of carats is not always an indicator of wealth. You won't surprise anyone with gold and platinum. We have to create more extreme masterpieces.

The solution was found by Stuart Hughes, whose name will often appear in the text. Such an unusual idea for a smartphone was suggested by the jeweler's wife.

The back panel of the unusual device is made of a Tyrannosaurus rex tooth and a meteorite. The fossils are over 60 million years old. The iPhone will become a real treasure for exotic lovers for only 65 thousand dollars. Perhaps this model is the most extraordinary among the modifications. apple products of all presented.

You will be interested

There are 10 copies of the History Edition in the world.

This work of art is worth 110 thousand dollars. The austere design of the phone with platinum and gold inserts speaks for itself. At first glance at Goldvish Equilibrium, it becomes clear that we have one of the most expensive smartphones in the world.

In addition to its presentable appearance, the device meets modern technological standards and will delight the user with extensive functionality.

The phone is freely available, so anyone with a large sum can buy it.

A sleek smartphone designed for women costs $ 127,000. The sophisticated design aims to match the feminine nature.

Sapphire crystal was used to create a curved display. The back panel of the Savelli Jardin Secret Collection is crafted from exotic animal skins. There are modifications of the apparatus with iguana and alligator skins.

Of course, it was not without gold and diamonds. After all, as they say, the best friends of girls are diamonds.

With such a smartphone, any woman will become the star of a social event.

6 Ulysse Nardin Chairman is one of the most expensive phones in the world

A device that intertwines modern functionality and the charm of old watch movements.

The fact is that the manufacturer of the phone is the Ulysse Nardin company, founded in Switzerland in 1846. The main activity of the company is the production of expensive and high quality watches.

Austere and brutal design is suitable for a real man. Gold and platinum entered the case material along with sapphire crystal and carbon fiber, which are commonly used in watchmaking.

The most expensive Ulysse Nardin Chairman sold for $ 130,000.

The price of this phone is 170 thousand dollars. Stuart Hughes became the creator of the expensive "toy". The name of this genius will once again be mentioned in the list of the most expensive phones in the world.

One of the old Nokia models - Nokia 8800 Arte received new life thanks to the thousand diamonds that adorn the body of the device. Also in the process of creation was used 83 grams of platinum.

The Home button is crafted with royal luxury, with a 6.6-carat diamond in its place.

In addition to the largest diamond, the body of the device is adorned with 138 smaller diamonds. The price of one of the most expensive phones is $ 2.5 million.

3 iPhone 3GS Supreme

The clear leaders of the list are the brainchild of Steve Jobs and his Apple corporation. It is noteworthy that the modifications of the iPhone that occupy the first three places of the list are the work of one person. The name of this jewelry genius is Stuart Hughes.

136 diamonds were used to create this luxury item, which is quite modest by the designer's standards.

The navigation button on the front is a 7.1 carat diamond, while the other side of the iPhone is made of gold.

Despite the appearance of the phone, its functionality coincides with the capabilities of a fellow in a less defiant wrapper.

Supreme is owned by a wealthy Australian man for $ 3.1 million.

The silver medalist on the list of the most expensive phones is the iPhone, which can be bought for $ 8 million, quite immodestly, you say. But that's not the price of the most expensive phone in the world. The deluxe version of Apple's product is called the Diamond Rose Edition.

The name speaks for itself, 500 diamonds are installed in the phone case. The famous branded "apple" is also covered with precious stones; 53 diamonds were used for this design detail. The center button on the front of the device is made from a huge 7.4 carat pink diamond. This stone can also be replaced with an 8-carat one.

The back panel of the gadget is made of gold. Such a luxury gadget requires the right accessories. The $ 8 million iPhone comes with a unique pink granite case. The weight of this case is 7 kg. In order not to damage the iPhone, the inside of the case is covered with nubuck.

There are only a couple of examples of this piece of jewelry on the planet. One of them was custom-made for a soccer team owner from Australia. This rich man's name is Tony Sage.

1 iPhone 5 Black Diamond is the world's most expensive phone

The price of this "toy" from Apple is $ 15 million. Look at the photo of the most expensive phone in the world to see that the price is worth it. The author of this masterpiece is the genius of his craft - Stuart Hughes, thanks to whom the previous member of the list of the most expensive phones in the world was born.

A businessman from China became the owner of the diamond device. If you think for a minute and count a little, then this money he could spend on 14 thousand modest standard iPhones.

In the Black Diamond version, the case is adorned with 600 diamonds. The weight of the center diamond used in conjunction with the Home button has been increased. Now this place is occupied by a black pebble of 26 carats. Traditionally, the back of the phone is made of gold.

9 weeks is the time it took to create this piece of art.

Modern smartphones and phones are quite comparable in size to a passport or wallet. There are, of course, individual specimens that can hardly be compared with anything at all, but in any case, they do not reach the title of giants. Why? Because in the world of the largest telephones, all places have long been occupied. But by whom, we will try to find out today. It will be interesting.

Samsung SCH-R450

The first in the list of the largest phones in the world is the Samsung SCH-R450, or more precisely, its enlarged copy. It was made with the assistance of two companies - Samsung and Cricket. You can admire this miracle of technology, which, by the way, is officially listed in the Guinness Book of Records, on one of the busiest streets in Chicago.

Here is a photo of the largest phone in the world:

As for its characteristics, then everything is simple. The length of the device reaches 4.57 meters, the thickness is 74 cm, and the width is slightly more than 3.42 meters. This phone can be called mobile only with the proviso that it will only be used by Gulliver or some other giant.

Nevertheless, the giant copy of Samsung R450 has all the same functionality as the original version of the device. The phone allows you to make calls, write and send SMS, listen to music, browse the Internet. By the way, a LED display with a diagonal of almost 2.3 meters is installed here as a screen. In addition to all this, the phone has a working bluetooth module, a slide-out qwerty keyboard, a 13 megapixel camera, which, by the way, can take pictures, and a couple of preinstalled games that you can play in if you want.

It is difficult, of course, to say whether such an act of creating the largest phone in the world was purposeful or not, but one way or another it exists.

Sony Xperia Z Ultra

Well, if we return to modern devices, then for the time being one of the largest touchscreen phones in the world was considered the Xperia Z Ultra smartphone from Sony. This smartphone has a 6.4-inch screen and has a height of almost 18 cm. At the time of release, no one could even compete with this device, except perhaps some tablets, because only they had a larger screen and size.

Despite the fact that Sony made a real "giant" in the world of smartphones, the Xperia Z Ultra turned out to be a pretty beautiful device and with a very good filling by the standards of 2013. But, unfortunately, the smartphone did not find much fame, and all for the same reason - it is too large in size, and it is not very convenient to use.

Then, at that time, smartphones with a screen of 4.5-5 inches were considered the standard, and such "shovels", as many called them, looked extremely strange. Now, on the contrary, more and more often you can meet people who hold similar "shovels" in their hands. The Xperia Z Ultra was just out of luck - it came out at the wrong time.

Samsung Galaxy Mega 6.3

Another one of the largest phones in the world, which simply cannot be ignored - Samsung Galaxy Mega 6.3. It appeared in the same year as the previous device - 2013, only a few months earlier. The Samsung company was confident that the new product would quickly become popular and people would begin to disassemble it like hot cakes, but the miracle did not happen. Yes, the smartphone, of course, caused great surprise among the public, because, in fact, it became the first phablet in 2013 (a large-sized smartphone that does not match the parameters of a tablet) on the market, only the large size played a trick on it.

The fact is that before the appearance of Mega 6.3, Note 2 was considered the largest Samsung device, which was called by almost everyone a "shovel". The novelty was larger in all respects, and there were very few people willing to carry such a device with them. By the way, a little about the parameters of the smartphone. The length of the device was almost 17 cm, and the width was almost 9 cm. The screen is installed here large - 6.3 inches. The characteristics are also very good, but the autonomy put a big point on everything - the phone barely survived until the evening, and this is with moderate use.

Asus Zenfone 3 Ultra

Well, at the end of the article, I would like to talk about what is the most big phone in the world at the moment. So, welcome - Asus Zenfone 3 Ultra. This unit was presented this winter, and it was quickly dubbed the largest in the world. If before that the Xperia Z Ultra held the leading position, the new Zenfone 3 pushed it back. The novelty from "Asus" received a huge screen with a diagonal of 6.8 inches and dimensions in the form of 186 mm in length and 93 mm in width. To this should be added a very good filling, but now not about that.

Zenfone 3 Ultra quickly found its buyer - these are people who do not want to take a tablet, but at the same time they are not satisfied with smartphones with 5.5-6 inches screens. Asus can only be praised, because the company took into account all the past mistakes of other manufacturers and precisely selected the time when there will be demand for such "shovels".


That, in general, is all there is to say about the largest phones in the world. No, of course, there are many other models, for example, a Nokia prototype weighing 22 kg, which was assembled by one of the residents of China, or the Nexus 4 with a 42-inch screen, but these are more likely some "monuments", so to speak, and not a means of communication. But the phones presented today, well, besides the first, of course, are absolutely real, you can buy and use them, only before you do this, you need to ask yourself one simple question: "Is it necessary?"

That's all. Good luck to all!

With rapid development communication technologies the phone firmly entered life modern man... Today, few people can imagine their life without this multifunctional item, with which you can not only call. If we compare the statistics on the number of telephones per capita, the figure will be impressive. Indeed, today, even taking into account babies and the elderly, there will still be much more “pipes” than the number of people living in the world.

If even 20 - 30 years ago the telephone was a stationary means of communication between people at a distance, then today this object follows us everywhere. Time has passed, the appearance of the phone has changed, and its functional characteristics have also changed. The whole world is in this small "box" filled with different microcircuits.

We suggest that you familiarize yourself with the rating of the most expensive phones in 2018. We have selected the 25 most expensive models of smartphones and push-button phones. For which phones and which brands you need to give a fortune today in order to be in trend and emphasize your high status.

The most expensive smartphones 2018: photo and price

The most expensive phones in the world are, of course, smartphones. With the help of this gadget, we can call anywhere in the world, take a photo, shoot a video, have fun playing a game and watch a video, find out our location and the location of our friend, buy, sell something, work, earn money, relax. You can't list everything. And who said that a telephone cannot be a luxury item. Moreover, people spend a lot of money buying expensive and very expensive phones to highlight their status. If earlier they used an expensive watch for this, today we always pay attention to a person's phone. Having learned the brand and model of the phone, we easily draw conclusions about how “decent” or “indecent” our friend earns.

FALCON SuperNova iPhone 6 Pink Diamond ($ 95,000,000)

If your dream is the most expensive smartphone in the world, then you simply need to have $ 95 million to get the FALCON SuperNova iPhone Pink Diamond, available in the iPhone 6 and iPhone 6 Plus models. The super-luxurious gadget can be purchased in one of the expensive cases: platinum 950 Platinum iPhone, rose gold 18K Rose Gold iPhone and yellow gold 18K Gold iPhone.

The filling of the smartphone supports 1 SIM-card, 3G, 4G, it has Wi-Fi, bluetooth, GPS, USB, NFC. The screen size is 4.7 inches, the resolution is 750 x 1334 pixels. The gadget has a 1.4 GHz dual-core processor, the internal memory can be from 16 to 128 GB.

FALCON SuperNova iPhone Pink Diamond 8 MP camera with dual LED flash. TO additional options include fingerprint sensors.

FALCON SuperNova Diamond's premium status is accentuated by a huge diamond on the back of the gadget. It comes with gold and platinum headphones worth $ 300. Plus, the buyer of the world's most expensive smartphone comes with a 5-year warranty.

iPhone 5 Black Diamond ($ 15.3 million)

The second place in our ranking is occupied by the iPhone 5 Black Diamond in a 24-karat gold case. It took 9 weeks of painstaking manual work to create it. The original case is encrusted with 600 flawless white diamonds with a gold stripe for the back and a white gold logo with 53 diamonds.

The main button is a unique 26 carat large faceted black diamond. The screen glass is made of sapphire. But the result exceeded all expectations. The smartphone was custom-made by designer Stuart Hughes for a Chinese businessman who owns a black diamond.

Thus, the multimillionaire decided to find a use for his gem. For such a luxurious gadget, a rich Chinese had to shell out $ 15.3 million.

iPhone 4 Diamond Rose ($ 8,000,000)

Another iPhone is on the list of the most expensive smartphones. The Phone 4 Diamond Rose is the cousin of the iPhone 5 Black Diamond with a black diamond only in a pink case. The cost of the smartphone, created by jewelry designer Stuart Hughes, reaches $ 8 million.

The author took the iPhone 4 with 32 GB of internal memory as the basis for this model. Using precious metal trim, Hughes has brought the smartphone to a luxury class. There are only two such copies in the world, and both were acquired by a businessman from Australia. The luxury gadget design lives up to its name. The case bezel is handcrafted in rose gold, encrusted with 500 cut diamonds, totaling 100 carats.

It took 53 diamonds to design the Apple logo. The main navigation is made of platinum, inlaid with a cut pink diamond weighing 7.4 carats. If the owner decides to replace the pink gemstone, an additional 8-carat diamond is included in the kit.

For a pink iPhone, a special box was made, weighing almost 7 kg. For its creation, one granite block was used, which is lined with high-quality nubuck leather inside.

iPhone 6 Amosu Call of Diamond ($ 2,500,000)

If you had $ 2.5 million and you loved everything that glitters, then you would definitely choose the iPhone 6 Amosu Call of Diamond. It is an incredible, most radiant smartphone in the world, crafted from 18k gold and encrusted with 6,000 diamonds. Even the Apple logo is made from what do you think? That's right, from a diamond.

This piece of jewelry belongs to the work of high-end designer Alexander Amos, who worked for an anonymous client who did not regret the diamond-studded gadget of $ 2.5 million.

The extravagant iPhone weighs 219g, which is almost double the usual weight of a gadget. Famous football players, actors and millionaires always come to Alexander Amoss with their phones to make a unique gadget for them.

iPhone 3G King's Button ($ 2,400,000)

$ 2.4 million will have to pay for another smartphone from Apple if you want your gadget to shine with a huge diamond. The iPhone 3G King's Button has an all-gold case set with 138 diamonds. Instead of buttons, a large 6.6-carat diamond glows on the luxury phone. Similar to this iPhone, but without gems Apple iPhone 3G Kings Button, can be purchased for only 2.5 thousand dollars.

The creator of this precious masterpiece is Peter Aloisson, who has worked diligently to brighten the smartphone. The creator began with a palette of three different gold materials. The gadget is crafted from solid 18K yellow, rose and white gold. But the jeweler found the amount of brilliance insufficient, so he took 138 more diamonds. The final chord to the process of creating a shiny gadget was a large white diamond.

Savelli Smartphone ($ 250,000)

Savelli Genève is a Swiss company founded by Alessandro Savelli in Geneva that creates mobile phonesthat are more than just useful devices. But their main feature is, of course, their luxurious performance.

Savelli Smartphone comes with a line of 11 luxury Android phones, the most expensive of which costs $ 250,000.

Savelli phones have cases made of 18-karat gold, inlaid with diamonds, sapphires or emeralds. Other precious materials were used for models such as the ostrich and python. The creator of the line of smartphones is confident that people always want their phone to match the status and style, so Savelli Smartphone is best able to convey these characteristics to their owners.

One of the most popular models from the entire line is the Ruby Mystery, for which the jeweler has spared 395 diamond rubies and 18-carat white gold. The back of the case is made of stainless steel and rubberized alligator leather.

There are only 20 such phones in the world, each costing 35.6 thousand US dollars. The more extravagant Ruby Passion model, which also contains 144 white diamonds and red alligator skin, is presented in only 8 copies and costs 57.7 thousand US dollars.

Aston Martin Racing 808 ($ 30,000)

This smartphone is simply made for James Bond. A little cheaper than the eminent supercar, it will be an excellent accessory to your high-speed car, if you already have an Aston Martin One in your garage, and you have an extra $ 24,000 on your account.

Luxurious, eccentric and quite beautiful, the licensed Aston Martin 808 phone is one of the best in its price range. While the base model can be purchased for as little as $ 6,000, the same Aston Martin Racing 808 in 18K gold with diamond trim will cost all 30,000.

The phone is powered by a Qualcomm Snapdragon 801 quad-core processor with clock frequency 2.5 GHz, 2 GB of RAM and 32 GB of internal memory are also present. The display is 4.7 inches with a resolution of 1,280 × 730 pixels, and the sapphire crystal ensures that everything stays safe and sound.

The list of specifications continues with 13-megapixel rear camera, a 2000 mAh battery and support for two LTE SIM cards.

All rear part the smartphone is covered with leather, and the body of the exclusive phone is made of metal. The top speaker is covered with a ceramic shell, which the manufacturer claims will help reduce radiation. If you are still looking for a more memorable brand for your gadget, then AMR 808 will suit you 100%.

Versace Unique ($ 8000)

The fashion house Versace, not yielding to its competitors, also presents its own model of a unique smartphone on the mobile phone market. Exotic touch mobile phones of the Versace Unique Exotic Skin Collection line from the fashion industry brand look quite fashionable and stylish. This line differs from other gadgets by the presence of the Rondanini medusa emblem on the models.

The new collection consists of 7 luxurious Versace Unique models, the cases of which are made of very expensive leather of exotic animals and decorated with precious materials. Several models come in yellow gold, rose gold, polished 316L steel and smooth PVD plating. Ceramics and crocodile leather were used to decorate smartphones.

Models with diamonds are trimmed with lizard skin and include 120 precious stones each. The internal stuffing of the gadget was created by the Korean company LG, which equipped the touchscreen phone with a 3-inch WVGA screen with a multitouch, a 5-megapixel camera. The smartphone can run up to 22 hours in audio playback mode.

Available communication 2G and 3G, Wi-Fi and Bluetooth, as well as 8 GB of internal memory and a slot for microSD with a maximum available memory of 32 GB. The cost of the gadget is within 8 thousand dollars.

Lamborghini 88 Tauri ($ 6,000)

Not all expensive and luxurious smartphones are Apple products. The most prestigious of them work with the Android operating system. A vivid confirmation of this is the Tonino Lamborghini 88 Tauri. But not everyone can buy this gorgeous touchscreen phone.

The technical characteristics of the gadget include a 5-inch FullHD screen, which is protected from prints by Gorilla Glass 3 with a special oleophobic coating. Inside the smartphone is a 4-core Snapdragon 801 processor and 3GB of RAM.

The battery has a capacity of 3400 mAh. The 20-megapixel main and 8-megapixel front cameras allow for very high quality photos.

Works smartphone on Android 4.4.4 KitKat and supports two active SIM-cards. But these characteristics are not at all of interest to potential smartphone buyers. The main highlight of the gadget is, of course, the famous Lamborghini emblem.

TL 88 Tauri will serve you as an excellent addition to your car, if of course you have 6 thousand dollars to buy a gadget and you have already made a pre-order for it. After all, only 1947 lucky people can become the owners of the phone. The number of copies is directly related to the figure, which indicates the year of birth of the owner of the car concern Tonino Lamborghini.

Vertu Constellation 2017 ($ 6000)

If you are already tired of the promoted iPhones, and you want something exclusive, then Vertu Constellation 2017 will be right for you. This is another smartphone made especially for millionaires and has an average price tag of $ 6,000. Initially, Vertu was founded as a division of Nokia, but after Turkish businessman Hakan Uzan bought the company, the brand became involved in niche electronics.

Vertu Constellation differs from other smartphone models in its design. The body of the gadget is made of brushed aluminum, calfskin and sapphire. The sapphire screen here is sleek, crystal clear, and supremely solid, with more scratch resistance than even the latest iteration of Gorilla Glass. The rest of the body is a strip of sandblasted aluminum, while the rest is wrapped in expensive soft leather.

The Vertu Constellation display is a sharp 5.5-inch QHD model with a pixel density of 534ppi. It is an AMOLED panel that is not very saturated in color. Just below the screen, framed by a silver bezel, sits a fingerprint sensor that doubles as the home button. This model has loud enough speakers, and the sound quality in them is excellent, not at all similar to the sound we are used to from a phone.

Under the cover of your smartphone, you can find qualcomm processor Snapdragon 820, 4 GB of RAM and 128 GB of internal storage, complemented by a microSD card slot. There is a 12MP camera on the back and a 4MP camera on the front. Both cameras are good enough to shoot in daylight, but at night, the cameras are not so sensitive, so you have to take time to focus on the subject. The smartphone has Android 6.0.1 installed.

The crown jewel of Vertu's services is the concierge, who can help meet your every need, whether it's for something special like a dinner reservation or more. The concierge is real people who communicate with you in real time through voice messages... Whether you need to find the best salon in New York, or a Chinese restaurant in Los Angeles, and reserve it for lunch in two days, Vertu's Concierge Chat is the brand's best service. You just need to press the ruby \u200b\u200bbutton on the side of the case and talk to the concierge.

Vertu devices have always been a luxury alternative to phones from Apple, Samsung and LG. Therefore, if you have from 6 to 10 thousand dollars, then you can easily emphasize your status with a model called Constellation.

Mobiado Grand Touch ($ 1900)

For those who are no longer delighted with gold and diamonds on a smartphone, but still gravitate towards luxury, the luxury brand Mobiado from Canada has prepared an exclusive touchscreen phone, the body of which is made of marble and sapphire crystals, the Mobiado Grand Touch Executive. This elegant and chic gadget is unique in its way.

To create the phone case of this model, the manufacturer used a special "hybrid stone material" that combines granite and marble, as well as sapphire crystals with a total weight of 50 carats, from which the strip on the back panel and buttons are made. As options, buyers are offered 5 different colors: marble, granite, ebony, cocobolo and the influx of time.

The display of the S-AMOLED phone is quite large - 4.65 inches with a resolution of 720 × 1289 pixels and supports 16 million colors. In this regard, Mobiado has surpassed even the iPhone. The 5 megapixel camera with autofocus allows you to take photos with a resolution of 2592 x 1944 pixels, and video is shot in HD - 1080p at 24 frames / sec. The front camera measures 1.3 megapixels. In addition, there are others in the phone. useful functions, such as connectors for 3.5 mm audio input and a microUSB 2.0 port, 16 GB of internal memory and 1 GB of RAM, a full HTML browser, navigation A-GPS, GPRS, EDGE, Wi-Fi, Bluetooth 3.0, accelerometer, gyroscope, proximity sensor, compass and a barometer.

Mobiado developers have taken care of additional security. It is not so easy to pull out a SIM card, for this you need to use a special SIM-key. For the purchase of such a smartphone, the future owner will have to pay at least 1.9 thousand US dollars.

Huawei Mate 9 Porsche Design ($ 1200)

An equally luxurious smartphone that combines the best design and the latest technology, is PORSCHE DESIGN Mate 9 from huawei... The touchscreen phone case is made of black graphite and is complemented by a seamless rounded screen and the Porsche Design logo. In the world, only 800 copies of gadgets of this model have been released, the presentation of which was held under the title "Night of Elegance".

Inside the phone is equipped with a 20 megapixel main camera from Leica, which takes pictures sharper than we see the real image. In addition, the Huawei Mate 9 Porsche Design offers 6GB of RAM, a fingerprint sensor and a massive 256GB of internal storage.

Powerful 1.8GHz Quad core Hisilicon Kirin 960 processor delivers flawless performance. Smartphone with two sim cards works on updated version Android 7.0 Nougat. Two cameras have a truly sensational expansion: 20 MGpc (main) and 8 MGpc (front).

Huawei Mate 9 Porsche Design Delivers Ultra-Modern Performance With Long Lasting Time autonomous work battery 4000 mAh.

The smartphone has proven that beauty now lies in the hands of the owner. The cost of such beauty is about 1.2 thousand dollars.

Apple iPhone X 256GB ($ 1150)

Almost immediately after its release in 2017 new iPhone The X 256GB was one of the five most exclusive gadgets, although the price for it was not as high as expected in advance. There are other, more expensive models in the world, but for Apple it is the most expensive device in the history of the company.

The tenth iPhone is equipped with an innovative face recognition system that allows you to unlock the gadget with just one glance. Very beautiful and slim body design, frameless display, high screen resolution, high-quality main and front cameras and exceptional sound quality - these characteristics brought the smartphone to the TOP of the most popular touchscreen phones in the world.

The multifunctionality of the gadget is also confirmed by wireless charging. Acquisition popular iPhone will cost the buyer $ 1,150.

Apple iPhone 8 PLUS 256GB ($ 920)

The main competition for the tenth iPhone today is the iPhone 8 PLUS, slightly losing in price, but not lagging behind in functionality. However, the price of the model at US $ 920 is quite justified, because the smartphone has a unique stability of operation, a distinctive system and excellent performance. Therefore, Apple does not accept reproaches in terms of price - quality. After all, today the iPhone 8 PLUS is one of the world's best premium smartphones.

For the manufacture of iPhone cases 8 PLUS Apple has used brushed aluminum and sapphire crystal for durable shock and scratch protection. In addition, this gadget has excellent splash protection. Dual camera has a 12 megapixel matrix with a frequency of 60 fps and a good front camera.

In addition, under the cover of the gadget there is a 6-core processor and built-in powerful stereo speakers. At the same time, the iPhone 8 PLUS is the lightest among its fellow iPhones.

Google Pixel 2 XL 128GB ($ 850)

Our ranking of the most expensive smartphones closes with a bright new product from Google Pixel 2 XL 128GB. The main feature of this gadget is a huge juicy 6-inch display. The screen resolution of the device is the best among all modern smartphones and reaches 1440 x 2880 pixels.

Under the cover of the gadget is an 8-core Pixel processor, which provides stable work and great performance. Google has equipped its brainchild with the ability to respond to movement and touch.

To enable the application Google Assistant, it is enough to squeeze the device, and switch the camera from the rear to the front one by turning your hand. As for smartphone cameras, their 12 and 8 megapixels are named among the best in the world.

Although there are a lot of Apple and Samsung fans in the world today, the Google Pixel 2 XL may well be a big competitor to them. Such a gadget will cost $ 850.

Not only smartphones are united, as the people say. Many wealthy people prefer to buy ordinary push-button phones even today. Although in terms of "ordinary" one can hardly say about the list below. It is unlikely that even one of these phones will be able to afford a simple grandmother, for whom the ability to use a smartphone will be a lot of work. Such push-button phones are affordable only for very wealthy people. Let's see together which phones are without touch screen are the most expensive in 2018.

Diamond Crypto Smartphone ($ 1,300,000)

Dearest push-button telephone belongs to production russian company Ancort, which works in the development of cryptosystems. For the case of this phone, the manufacturers used pure 950 platinum. The frame has a diamond frame of 50 precious stones, each weighing at least 1.2 carats. Ebony is used on the sides of the case. The navi button is crafted from 18K rose gold, framed with 28 diamonds, with another 25.5 princess-cut diamonds on the sides.

A cryptoprocessor is built into the inside of the cryptophone, the cryptoprocessor TMS 320 VC 5416, which provides the cryptographic capabilities of the smartphone. The phone is equipped with encryption, which is carried out using a 256-bit public key. Voice traffic, SMS and E-mail, including attachments, are subject to encryption. In addition, all data in the memory of the Diamond Crypto Smartphone is also encrypted. This allows you to completely protect all information from outside interference.

The smartphone works under the Windows CE operating system and is designed for networks of the GSM 900/1800 standard. Diamond Crypto Smartphone is worth $ 1.3 million.

GoldVish Le Million Piece Unique ($ 1,300,000)

Goldvish Le Million Diamond is a unique, luxurious and powerful phone designed by jeweler Emmanuel Geit - the author of many precious watches and jewelry. Goldvish "Le million" has been added to the Guinness Book of World Records as the world's most expensive phone.

Such a price, due to the subtlety and exceptional design of the Goldvish Le Million Diamond, its value depends entirely on the design and not on the “core” features contained within.

The phone case is made of 18K gold and has been decorated with gems and 20 carat diamonds. The only place on the phone where there are no stones is the screen. This phone was acquired by a Russian businessman at an exhibition in Switzerland.

Goldvish Le Million has some features such as Bluetooth, FM radio, quality digital camera with 2GB of storage for photos and MP3 music.

It may not be as many as other phones, but surely no cell phone in the world can match the luxury of Goldvish.

Gresso Luxor Las Vegas Jackpot ($ 1,175,000)

In our list, there is another luxury push-button phone for millionaires from the Gresso company. The super-expensive device with the long name Luxor Las Vegas Jackpot will cost the buyer $ 1.175 million. It took 180 grams of pure gold and rare 200-year-old African ebony to make this shiny model. The Luxor Las Vegas Jackpot features 45.5 carat black diamonds. The phone keypad is a collection of luxurious buttons handcrafted from polished sapphires.

It is difficult to say what the filling of the Luxor Las Vegas Jackpot is and what its technical characteristics are. But it is known for sure that there are only three copies of this push-button telephone in the world, and the cost of each of them exceeds a million dollars.

Vertu Boucheron Cobra ($ 310,000)

Vertu Signature Cobra, one of the most luxurious and elite push-button phones in the world, costs 310 thousand US dollars.

The phone is the brainchild of French jeweler Bushehr, who used 18-carat gold, high-quality ceramics and precious stones to make the device.

The highlight of the cell phone is the cobra that wraps around the edge of the phone case. To decorate the animal, the author used white diamonds, emeralds (for the eyes) and 439 rubies. The "cheaper" version without rubies will cost $ 115,000.

Among the technical characteristics, you can highlight a 1.8-inch color display, a player, FM radio, Bluetooth, USB, video support, 1 MB of internal memory and support for an external microSD card up to 2 GB, WAP, GPRS.

The phone is sold in a large gift box, which contains 2 rechargeable batteries together with the gadget, charger, USB cable, 1 Manual, 1 Hands-free.

Black Diamond VIPN Smartphone ($ 300,000)

If you have several hundred thousand dollars to spare and are thinking of purchasing a luxury phone, then we can advise you to consider Black Diamond VIPN Smartphone as an option. There are only 5 such phones, created by Singaporean designer Yaren Goy for Sony, in the world, the cost of each of which is 300 thousand dollars.

"Black Diamond" is made of titanium and decorated with two diamonds: the larger one is on the back, and the smaller one is placed on the front. But what attracts him most is the screen made of polycarbonate mirror and organic LED technology.

The technical characteristics of the device include its Windows Mobile 5 equipment, quad-band GSM, Wi-Fi, 128 MB of memory with SD expansion, a 2-inch display and a 400-MHz XScale. All this is in a titanium case with diamonds.

Touch keyboard - Chocolate-esque, disappears completely when off while SIP appears to keep your GSM usage to a minimum when you're in WiFi range.

Ulysse Nardin Chairman ($ 130,000)

The hybrid model of the Ulysse Nardin Chairman telephone made by the Swiss watchmaker is gaining more and more popularity among the world's wealthy. Unlike Vertu, Ulysse Nardin has even been listed in the Guinness Book of Records as the world's most expensive phone.

The cheapest version of the model will cost you 14 thousand dollars, but for the exclusive version of Ulysse Nardin, which took 3 thousand diamonds to decorate, you will have to pay $ 130 thousand dollars. Although even if you have that kind of money, you should not rush to get your purchase now. First, you have to wait at least six months, because all the work on creating the phone is done manually. And only high quality and very expensive materials are used for its production.

The technical characteristics of the model include 32 GB of internal memory, an 8 megapixel camera, 3G support, a Freescale i.MX processor and an Android 2.1 operating system. But at the same time, the smartphone has a function for launching other OS.

But what is most striking about the Ulysse Nardin Chairman is that the watch mechanism in the model serves as a charger for the entire smartphone. The smartphone is equipped with two rechargeable batteries, one of which works from the electricity we are used to, and the other takes charge from the kinetic energy of the rotor.

This idea came from the creators as a result of the fact that innovative technologies very quickly replace one another, phones and smartphones quickly become obsolete, and the capacity of the batteries is sometimes not enough to extend the life of the device, in contrast to the clockwork, which is sometimes very durable.

Therefore, this invention by Ulysse Nardin, together with SCI Innovations, is truly the invention of the century. If this innovation pays off over time, mobile phone manufacturers can replace the way mobile phones work and charge forever.

In addition, this invention will save energy. According to the brand's experts, it was they who invented the kinetic rotor system. But the main thing is that the consumer only needs to figure out how it all works.

Vertu Signature Diamond ($ 88,000)

This candy bar phone is the “cheapest” in its class, but because it is a Vertu Signature Diamond, the price is still in the $ 88K range. This phone is released in a limited edition of 200 pieces.

Vertu Signature Diamond is a unique project. Its creation was inspired by jewelry from the collection "haute joiallerie".

Handcrafted device from exclusive platinum. Moreover, manual assembly turned out to be a very complicated process that not every experienced craftsman will undertake to assemble it without special professional training. Before you start assembling the Vertu Signature Diamond, the master needs to be trained for at least three years.

For the manufacture of the monoblock case, yellow and white gold were used for finishing the keys, platinum with a diamond ring, rose gold, pink sapphires, rose gold, pink diamonds.

The phone lacks any special functions, it lacks a camera, radio, and operating system. But all the functions of a standard organizer are present.

Mobiado 3 VG Dahlia ($ 3200)

The Canadian-made Mobiado 3 VG Dahlia push-button telephone also costs more than many expensive smartphones in the world. This price is due to the presence of 4 strong and massive 24-karat gold brackets, which serve to strengthen the rather reliable aluminum case.

In addition, the brackets have an anodized coating, which gives the gadget a certain exclusivity and special charm.

Mobiado's phone covers and buttons are crafted from super-durable sapphire, each piece of which has been hand-crafted. And, by the way, the entire phone was created by hand.

In addition to the solid body, the phone boasts 64GB of internal memory, which is only available on expensive smartphones.

Also, the storage capacity can be increased by another 32 GB using a memory card. The Mobiado 3 VG Dahlia has all the job functions a busy person needs.

You can insert 2 SIM cards into it, write 1000 numbers, a very comfortable organizer and a battery that holds a charge for a long time.

Gresso 3310 ($ 2000)

The inspiration for the creation of the Gresso 3310 was the legendary Nokia 3310. The developers have improved all of it best performance and supplemented with their distinctive functions.

This model of the Swiss company appeared in the spring of 2017, but almost immediately got into the list of the most expensive push-button phones, the price of which exceeds $ 1000. The cost of this device will cost those who wish to come to $ 2,000.

One of its main features is a shockproof monolithic titanium case, which can easily withstand a force of 250 kg and a height of 10 meters. Therefore, you immediately understand where the exorbitant price for an ordinary push-button phone came from, although its design is very similar to the classic Nokia.

In addition to strength, durability and autonomy, Gresso 3310 has a very capacious battery, which in standby mode can work without recharging for a whole month. The phone is equipped with all essential functions, has a rear camera, and you can insert 2 SIM cards into it at once.

Gresso Meridian Black Edition M4 ($ 1900)

Another heavy-duty and very expensive model from Gresso is the Meridian Black Edition M4 phone. The exclusiveness of the device is given by the use in its manufacture of luxurious gold details, which, above all, give it a special chic. Of course, the price of the phone is not reduced by this, and for the purchase of the Meridian Black Edition M4, those who wish will have to pay at least $ 1.9 thousand.

But the buyer will definitely not regret his purchase, because it contains the corporate logo of the gadget and hand-polished 18-carat gold buttons. The phone case is made of monolithic titanium, which is used in aviation and astronautics.

These are the qualities that make the phone durable to use. And at the same time, the device is considered one of the safest for confidential communication.

Among the technical characteristics can be called the presence of one of the best cameras, a capacious battery, low weight (125 g). The thickness of the case is a little less than one centimeter, which is not typical for push-button phones.

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10.03.2017 17:53:00

In one of our articles, we looked at the best mobile phone manufacturers in the world.

For a long time, people have sought to create something man-made that would attract attention and at the same time fit into the category of "most-most". The race of records could not but touch mobile technologies. The developers strive to reduce the size of mobile devices while retaining all the functions. But the history of gadgets knows cases when cell Phones, indeed, amazed by their size.

In our article, we'll talk about devices, namely, find out which phone is the largest in the world? At the same time, today's heroes are not just gigantic blank discs, but real devices that can be used for communication. It's just that some of them turned out to be taller than human growth.

Largest portable cell phone

If we talk about the world's largest phone for everyday use, let's look back in the recent past. More precisely, in 1973, when Motorolla engineer Martin Cooper presented to the public the world's first telephone for commercial use. The DynaTAC model weighed a little more than a kilogram, and in size resembled a weighty brick: 22.5 x 12.5 x 3.75 centimeters. It took several hours to charge the phone, and it was possible to talk on it for about 60 minutes.

Despite the weighty size and cost of 4 thousand dollars, several hundred people lined up at retail stores who wanted to get a miracle device. It was with this giant that the era of mobile phones began.

The world's largest wooden telephone

The first officially registered attempt to create the world's largest telephone can be considered the German "Maxi Hand", which was created in 2005. The mobile phone had the following dimensions:

  • Height - 5.05 meters
  • Width - 0.83 meters
  • Thickness - 0.45 meters

The phone was almost entirely made of wood, with parts made of plastic and metal. For some time, the device was in the shopping center of the city of Bayrett. The functionality of a mobile phone was limited: visitors to the shopping center could only write a short SMS or MMS message.

The world's largest single-person phone

A few years later, a fully working and giant phone was created by an Asian craftsman. The title of the creator of the world's largest hand-made phone belongs to a resident of China by the name of Tang in Sunyuan. In 2008 the talented designer decided to create a copy of his own push-button Nokia 6670. The replica was 620 times larger than the original. Here are its dimensions:

  • Height - 91 centimeters
  • Thickness - 17 centimeters
  • Width - 44 centimeters
  • Weight - 22 kilograms

The phone was made of aluminum and contained all the functions that a mobile phone should have, was equipped with a built-in photo and video camera and Internet access. True, by the time the giant was presented, Mr. Tang could not create an exact copy of the mobile battery, so the phone had to be constantly connected to the network.

Experts tested the phone at a local mobile technology trade show and confirmed that it is fully functional and capable of making calls and sending SMS messages. The only thing that made the huge copy different from the original was the lack of vibration mode. With this size, a vibrating phone could easily crack concrete.

The world's largest phone made by an enthusiastic company

Tang's colleagues from Vietnam really did not want to give someone the palm in creating the world's largest phone. Six months after the presentation of the Chinese super-mobile phone, a group of students from a local vocational school made their giant. The phone was much larger than the model from China:

  • Height - 3.2 meters
  • Width - 1.1 meters.
  • Weight - 300 kilograms

From the phone it was possible to call, type a message, take a photo with a two-megapixel camera, record and listen to music. For the display, the Vietnamese chose a 42-inch TV panel. The developers spent about 5 thousand dollars on the manufacture of the giant phone.

Other Fly smartphones
On our website you can find a catalog with the rest of Fly smartphones on Android.

Large corporations have also joined the gadget size race. In 2009, Cricket and Samsung teamed up to create the world's largest phone. On March 11, the largest working phone appeared in downtown Chicago, which became a giant copy of the Messager model. The dimensions of the phone are really impressive:

  • Width - 4.57 meters
  • Height - 3.96 meters
  • Depth - 3 meters
  • Screen size - 1.72 x 1.39 meters
  • Weight - 158 kilograms

Every resident of the city could call the phone and send a message to it. The apparatus itself could be used in the same way. People lined up only to take a memorable photo of the giant. Naturally, after a while, the world's largest phone was certified by the Guinness Book of Records.

Some smartphones, which diagonally approach the tablets, can also boast of their unusual dimensions. There is a separate name for them - phablets. In the last 2-3 years, tablet manufacturers have kept the dimensions of models within 5.5 - 6 inches. Now in retail you can find a model that is called the largest smartphone in the world - Lenovo Phab with a diagonal of 6.98 inches. The model received the following dimensions:

  • Height - 18.7 centimeters
  • Width - 9.7 centimeters
  • Thickness - 8.9 mm
  • Weight - 250 grams

At one time, experts unanimously stated that weight and size are both a plus and a minus for such a giant.

Do you know other examples of the world's largest phones? Let us know in the comments to this article.

If you are interested, then you can read the article about.

Not everyone can distinguish between a tablet and a large smartphone. Often in stores there are options that are difficult to attribute to the latter category. A few years ago, the phablet was a smartphone whose screen exceeded 4.6 inches. At the moment, this parameter has grown significantly, although there is no official data that can be used to determine the largest smartphone.

Many experts take 6 inches for the lower range, and 7 for the upper range. Consider important nuance: what gives the owner a phone with More expensive models allow you to use the device as a tablet and a smartphone at the same time. The popularity of this type of technique is growing every day. In the article, we will consider the most successful models and highlight with a large diagonal.

Xiaomi Mi Mix

The device is 6.4 inches tall. The weight of the smartphone is 209 g. The performance of the gadget is provided by a quad-core chipset, which shows high level performance (2.4 GHz). The device is available in two versions. They differ in memory. High results were provided by developers using a large amount of "RAM". The initial modification has a working storage of 4 GB, and the older one has 6 GB. Each of them is equipped with an integrated memory. In the first case, it is limited to 128 GB, in the second - 256 GB. The rear camera has an excellent matrix (16 Mp), the front optics is equipped with a 5 Mp sensor. It is possible to work with 2 cards of a mobile operator of the "nano" type. The battery received a capacity of 4400 mAh. Average cost is $ 850.

This phone, according to some consumers, has been called the smartphone with the largest screen. The device looks interesting. Due to the lack of special frames near the display, it does not seem too bulky. For the practicality and reliability of the gadget, the developers used a metal case.

ASUS ZenFone 3 Ultra

The screen diagonal is 6.8 inches. The mass of the device is 233 g. The developers used powerful processor... It is based on 8 computational modules, the frequency of each is 1800 MHz. The working storage of the smartphone is 3 (4 GB), and the integrated memory is 32 GB (64 GB, depending on the modification). A specially built-in slot for working with memory cards. The rear camera matrix has a resolution of 23 megapixels. The pictures are of high quality, as natural as possible and have excellent color rendition. The front camera has an 8 megapixel matrix. Possibility to work with two numbers is available. The battery operates with a capacity of 4600 mAh. The average cost of the device is $ 600.

Meizu M3 Max

The diagonal of the described device is 6 inches. Its mass is 189 g. The processor works with 8 cores. Half of them are capable of overclocking up to 1800 MHz, the rest are 1000 MHz (provides an energy efficient platform). The main storage is 64 GB, the operational one is 3 GB. Built-in memory card port. The rear camera is 13 megapixels, the front one is much smaller. Its resolution is only 5 megapixels. Supports work with two SIM cards of the "nano" type. The battery has a capacity of 4100mAh. Average cost is $ 200.

This phone, which has been repeatedly named the largest smartphone, belongs to the budget price segment. The model is considered excellent. Even with its oversized design, this unit is easy to operate with one hand. The body is made of aluminum. Due to the glass, which is produced using a special technology, the phone looks pretty solid. The compactness of the smartphone should also be noted.

Lenovo Phab 2 Plus

The screen got a size of 6.4 inches. Its weight is 218 g. The processor operates on 8 cores, the frequency of which is 1.3 GHz. The working memory of the phone is 3 GB, while the rear memory has a matrix of 32 GB. Built-in slot for connecting a special external storage... The main camera works with a 13 megapixel matrix, the additional one pleased with 8 megapixels. The device works with 2 SIM cards of the "nano" and "micro" type. The battery of the device has a capacity of 4050 mAh. This smartphone is expensive. Average cost is $ 325.

Xiaomi Mi Max

The screen size of the smartphone is 6.4 inches. Its weight is 203 g. The device is produced in two modifications. One works with a processor with 6 cores (1400 and 1800 MHz), the second is based on 8 computational modules (1000 and 1800 MHz). The phone is sold with various ratios of RAM. The following options are available: 2-4 GB. The minimum internal memory is 16 GB, the maximum is 128 GB. Built-in slot for working with an external card. The main matrix has a size of 16 megapixels. Equipped with excellent autofocus, LED flash. The optics located on the front panel allow for medium quality selfies. The developers used a 5 megapixel sensor in it. The smartphone works with 2 SIM cards: "nano" and "micro". The battery received a capacity of 4850 mAh. Average price is $ 250.

This device rightfully occupies a leading position in the list of the most large smartphones... It is in great demand, and experts note its many advantages. Price for this device depends on the version of the phone, of which there are quite a few in the assortment provided. The cost is affected by the amount of memory and the processor used. It is easy to operate the device, but it is still a bit problematic to do it with one hand. Phone length - 17 cm.

ASUS ZenFone Go

Another smartphone with the largest screen. The manufacturer has built in a display that measures 6.9 inches. The weight of the device is 270 g. In terms of performance, the gadget belongs to the middle class. It is based on a chip operating on 4 computational modules. With increasing load, each of them can accelerate to the maximum mark, which is limited to 1200 MHz. RAM device is 1 GB, internal - 8 GB. The manufacturer has built in a slot for external storage. The cameras are rather weak: the first received only 8 megapixels, the second - 2 megapixels. The phone of this model gives the user the opportunity to use two cards at once cellular operators type "micro". Battery - 3480 mAh. Average cost is $ 130.

Samsung Galaxy A9 Pro

Display size this smartphone the minimum is 6 inches. The weight of the device is 210 g. The processor operates at 1800 MHz, cores - 8. The operative storage is 4 GB, the internal storage is 32 GB. The first matrix is \u200b\u200b16 Mp, the second (front) is 8 Mp. You have the right to work with two mobile numbers type "nano". The battery has a capacity of 5 thousand mAh. Average cost is $ 450. Optionally, you can install an external drive.

This smartphone is a bit unusual. It attracts attention with the diagonal of its display. It is he who is bright representative the largest smartphones. The design is interesting, but it does not differ in anything special from the previous models. There is a scanner for unlocking the phone with your fingers, installed safety glass... Even though the dimensions of the smartphone are rather big, it fits comfortably in the hand and does not slip out.

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