It does not apply to information and communication technologies. Communication technology

Developed by: - \u200b\u200bDeputy Director for OIA,

-teacher of history of the municipal educational institution “Gorodishchenskaya secondary school No. 3

Information and Communication Technologies

Under information technology   A process is understood that uses a combination of means and methods of collecting, processing and transmitting data (primary information) to obtain new quality information about the state of an object, process or phenomenon (information product).

In recent years, the term "Information Technology"  often synonymous with the term "Computer techologies",  since all information technologies are now somehow connected with the use of a computer. However, the term “information technology” is much broader and includes “computer technology” as a component. At the same time, information technologies based on the use of modern computer and network tools form the term "Modern information and communication technologies."

The means of modern information and communication technologies include:

Computers, computers, sets of terminal equipment for computers of all classes, local area networks, input / output devices, input and manipulation tools for text and graphic information, archives for storing large amounts of information and other peripheral equipment of modern computers;

Devices for converting data from a graphic or sound form of data representation to digital and vice versa;

Means and devices for manipulating audiovisual information (based on Multimedia and Virtual Reality technologies);

Artificial intelligence systems;

Computer graphics systems, software systems (programming languages, translators, compilers, operating systems, application software packages, etc.), etc .;

Modern means of communication, providing information interaction of users both at the local level (for example, within the framework of one organization or several organizations), and global (within the framework of the global information environment).

Until today, it was mainly about computer technology  and gradually, personal computers began to be used in the educational process of schools. Therefore, we will talk about information technology related to the use of a personal computer.

Modern pedagogical technology implies the availability of means and methods of informatization, such as:

Collection system

Processing, storage,

Search for information through a certain type of technique;

Software toolkit;

Accordingly, instructions and evaluation of the effectiveness of their use.

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Information search Presentation messages Electronic textbook

ProgramPowerPoint  allows any teacher who has the skills to work in one of the Microsoft Office programs to become a developer of his own software product in his own subject. On the Internet you can find ready-made presentations on various courses and topics. The authors of these works are practical teachers. Naturally, each teacher sees a lesson in his own way, so he wants to change something in the finished versions. This is easy to do with this program. The finished development is easily modified for specific lesson options. The teacher can add or skip slides, fill them with other content (replace text, picture, diagram), use traditional working methods.

Unlike traditional types of presentation, the presentation lesson allows you to focus the teacher on the course of the lesson as much as the management of the program is reduced to a simple click on the left mouse button.

The presentation consists of illustrative material, factual information in the form of simple text, tables, supporting charts and graphs (which in itself teaches students to correctly process information), practical tasks, tests, problem questions, etc. The presence of these tasks shows that such presentations in no way come down to a passive “viewing of pictures”. But, prepared in advance, they, first of all, free up the teacher’s time and, secondly, facilitate the task of children, since most of them, as we know, are visual in perceiving information.

Modern students have the opportunity to use the Internet information field to acquire additional knowledge and independent work to form their knowledge, skills. Information and methodological complexes have been created where you can get any scientific information of interest to students, use electronic textbooks, an electronic library, reference books, lectures, essays, creative works of teachers and students. Upon request, get tests and texts of tests for self-examination, get advice on any educational subject.

A promising comprehensive model of “Informatization and the School of the Future” as a system of socio-pedagogical models for the development of the school in the framework of the concept of “School and family: partnership in the education of a citizen

Over the past 5 years of the implementation of federal and regional education informatization programs, there has been a transition from school computerization to the formation of a single information educational space for the school.
The school today shows the need to equip teachers, librarians, methodologists, managers, and administrators with automated workstations.

For each workstation it is necessary to provide complete with additional digital equipment  in accordance with the various subject areas of the subject teacher and specialized softwarefor their use.

Of particular interest is the use in the learning process of an interactive whiteboard, a document - cameras. The large screen allows you to show drawings, diagrams, graphics with multimedia capabilities, show video clips, popular science and feature films.

A modern student should be so trained to acquire the following information and communication skills:

1. present in the notebook and on the computer screen the same information about the object in various ways: in the form of text, a picture, a table, numbers;

2. encode information in various ways and decode it using a code table;

3. work with texts and images (information objects) on a computer screen;

4. search, perform simple transformations, storage, use and transfer of information and data using the table of contents, indexes, directories, notebooks, the Internet.

5. use information technology tools: radio, telephone, tape recorder, computer;

6. name and describe the various tools used by a person in counting and processing information (counting sticks, abacus, scores, calculator and computer) and be able to describe them;

7. use a computer to solve educational and practical problems. To do this, have basic computer skills, be able to perform simple file operations (create, save, search, launch a program); run the simplest, widely used application programs: text and graphic editors, simulators and tests;

8. create elementary projects using a computer.

Currently, there is a constant increase in the minimum amount of knowledge required by the student. In this regard, the urgent problem is the change of the information-reproductive approach in the education system with new information technologies. In your work, along with traditional teaching methods, you can use the training system Moodle   (Moodus) in the computer network of the class, which allows students to organize independent work at a new level.

To organize such support, an “Informatics” course was created in an Internet environment based on interactive textbooks, e-books, tests, surveys, forums, etc.

The creation and maintenance of such a course is based on the freely distributed Moodle (Modular Object-Oriented Dynamic Learning Environment) educational content building system.

This software product is built in accordance with the standards of information training systems.

Bibliographic Description:

Nesterova I.A. Information and communication technologies [Electronic resource] // Educational Encyclopedia

Information and communication technologies or ICT for short have become a necessary element of progressive pedagogical activity. Modern GEF requires from the teacher not only a high level of teaching his subject, but also the competent use of information and communication technologies.

The concept of information and communication technologies (ICT) in pedagogy.

GEF enshrines recommendations for use information and communication technologies  (ICT) in teaching in a school setting. The transition to a new generation of GEF requires updating professional and pedagogical training of teachers and raising their level of work with innovative technologies.

Intensification of measures for the implementation of information and communication technologies appeared along with the adoption of the "Strategy for the Development of the Information Society". This document broadens the horizons of access to information for all categories of citizens and the organization of access to this information. After that, the Concept of socio-economic development of the country until 2020 was adopted, according to which all state and municipal institutions should have their own sites, including educational institutions.

However, not all schools and preschool educational institutions approached the implementation of sites responsibly. A lot of institutions chose to create an uncomfortable and useless resource, so to speak, for show.

Separately, it should be emphasized the interpretation of the term "information and communication technologies." Currently, the universally accepted definition is the following:

Information and communication technology  they represent mastery of the technology of work in an integrated multimedia environment that implements the further development of the idea of \u200b\u200bassociative information received, processed and presented in various forms, taking into account the psychological and pedagogical foundations of using ICT tools in the educational process.

Undoubtedly, information technologies have long been used in Russian and foreign education. However, it should be noted that a multi-level system of presenting information on various media is currently being developed, in which traditional and new information technologies closely interact, which serve as a good help to the teacher in his hard work.

Information and communication technologies are a necessary element of modern education. Its need is due to the following factors:

  1. ICTs are needed to shape the information society;
  2. The use of ICT affects qualitative changes in the structure of educational systems and in the content of education.

ICT structure

For a number of domestic teachers, the structure of information and communication technologies in education remains unclear. Currently, many modern educational programs are based on ICT competencies  teachers.

ICT competence - the use of various information tools and their effective application in pedagogical activity.

Teachers should be able to use the basic structural elements of information and communication technologies in their work. The structure of ICT is shown in Figure 2.

Having studied the structure of ICT, we can distinguish the following:

  1. The Internet is one of the key elements;
  2. The use of interactive sources of information is very important within the framework of ICT;
  3. The organization of classes using ICT elements such as teleconferences will expand not only the horizons and improve students ’UDD, but also increase the teacher’s ICT competency.

Figure 1. The structure of information and communication technologies

Currently, it has been proven by practical experience that information and communication technology  or ICT  have a number of important didactic opportunities, which include:

  1. the ability to quickly transfer to any distance information of any volume, any form of presentation;
  2. storing information in the memory of a PC or laptop for the required length of time, the ability to edit, process, print, etc .;
  3. the ability to access various sources of information through the Internet, work with this information;
  4. the possibility of organizing electronic conferences, including in real time, computer audio conferences and video conferencing;
  5. the ability to transfer the extracted materials to your carrier, print it out and work with them the way the user needs it.

ICT Functions

Information and communication technologies have a number of functions that determine the role of ICT in the development of modern education. The most important iCT functions  are didactic. The didactic functions of ICT are presented in Figure 2.

Figure 2. Didactic functions of ICT

As we can see, ICT has very useful didactic functions, each of which can improve the educational process. At the same time, one should not forget that one of the functions of ICT is an incentive for the teacher’s self-development and the ability to improve the level of students ’UUD.

Separately, it should be noted that ICTs are important for the implementation of such universal educational activities as:

  1. information search in individual student information archives, information environment of an educational institution, in federal repositories of educational information resources;
  2. recording information about the world around us and the educational process, including using audio and video recording, digital measurement, digitization for the purpose of further use of the recorded;
  3. structuring of knowledge, its organization and presentation in the form of conceptual diagrams, maps, timelines and family trees;
  4. creating hypermedia messages;
  5. performance preparation with audio-visual support;
  6. building models of objects and processes from structural elements of real and virtual designers.

Information and Communication Technology (ICT)

Information and communication technologies cannot realize their functions without funds. Key means of information and communication technologies are presented in table 1.

Table 1. ICT Tools

ICT tool

ICT Tool Description

Computer laptop

Universal information processing device. A PC or laptop allows you to freely process any information. In addition, with the help of the Internet, a computer helps to find and process information that a user needs.

Allows you to record on paper information found and created by students or a teacher for students. For many school applications, a color printer is needed or desirable.

A device for transferring pictures, photographs to a computer for the purpose of further processing.


It is necessary for pedagogical activity, as it increases: the level of visibility in the work of the teacher, enables students to present the results of their work to the whole class, audience.

interactive whiteboard

An interactive whiteboard is a touch screen connected to a computer, the image from which transfers the projector to the whiteboard. Just touch the surface of the board to start working on the computer. Special software for interactive whiteboards allows you to work with texts and objects, audio and video materials, Internet resources, make notes by hand directly on top of open documents and save information.

Devices for recording visual and audio information (camera, camcorder, phone, tablet)

These devices relate to ICT on the basis of the fact that they make it possible to directly include information images of the surrounding world in the educational process.

Storage medium (flash drive, SSD)

Used to store and quickly transfer information from one computer to another.

Having considered the key means of ICT, it is important to note that the fact of the use of information and communication technologies allows you to optimize the learning process. This is due to the fact that technical support for lessons creates more comfortable psychological conditions, removes psychological barriers, strengthens the role of students in choosing the means, forms and pace of studying various topics of the school curriculum, improves the quality of education due to the provision of an individual approach to learning.

ICT tools are very important for the full organization of the modern lesson. It is important to emphasize that multimedia teaching aids help to clearly structure the lesson and aesthetically shape it.

ICT lesson outline

The outline of the modern lesson is inconceivable without the use of information and communication technologies or, in other words, ICT. At present, teachers use not only outline plans, but increasingly lesson technology maps.

The lesson outline contains a list of only those information and communication technologies that the teacher used. The following is an example of a blueprint for a mathematics lesson in the first grade, during which information and communication technologies were used.

Subject: Broken line and its link (1 class)

Lesson type: general methodological lesson.

The purpose of the lesson: Give an idea of \u200b\u200bthe concepts: a broken line, a broken line link, vertices, a closed broken line, an open broken line.


  1. to introduce students to the broken line, its parts and types.
  2. teach you how to distinguish a broken line from other shapes.
  3. to form skills of the correct construction of lines.
  4. to develop speech, attention, memory, thinking of students;
  5. develop temporal and spatial representations.
  6. contribute to the education of a healthy lifestyle, punctuality of love for the subject.

Expected Results:

  1. know and understand what a broken line is;
  2. successfully determine the broken line link;
  3. know what a closed and unclosed broken line is.
  4. compare your findings with the textbook;
  5. check the correctness of the assignment;
  6. work in pairs.

Equipment:Computer with multimedia projector, presentation, textbook: M.I. Moreau, S.I. Volkova, S.V. Stepanova "Mathematics" Grade 1 Part 1, typesetting canvas, counting sticks, ruler, pencil.

Lesson structure:

  1. Organizational.
  2. Actualization of knowledge.
  3. Work on the topic of the lesson.
  4. Physical education.
  5. Independent work.
  6. Securing the studied material.
  7. Reflection.
  8. Homework.

During the classes:

Lesson stage

Teacher activities

Student Activities

Organizational phase

Before the lesson, the class is divided into 3 groups. Since there are 29 people in the class, 2 to 9 and one group of 10 people are formed.

Teacher: Hello guys. Glad to see you in a math lesson on the topic

"Broken line. Broken link." Why didn’t you take your places?

Each group chose a captain in advance. The teams got names: red, yellow and white.

With a bell, groups line up at the door behind the captain, in a chain.

From the classroom threshold towards the working table of each group, 3 satin ribbons are laid across the floor: red, yellow, white. The ribbons do not bend, lie straight, but their lengths are not enough to reach their table.

Groups are invited to go through and take their workplace stepping only on ribbons of "their" color. They go in a bargain. Then they stop abruptly.

Students greet, but continue to stand.

Knowledge Update

Why didn’t you take your places?

Teacher: Why was there no tape?

Teacher: Can I also stretch each ribbon forward evenly and will you go further down to your table?

Teacher: What to do? How do we start the lesson?

Teacher: Let's do it.

The teacher gives the captains of each team a new tape.

Teacher: Well, here we are. Let's look at slide 2. I replaced your ribbons with lines of the same color.

Teacher: Look, this is how you walked first. What can you say about these lines?

Teacher: How can they be continued? Open notebooks. Draw your line as you see it on the screen, of arbitrary length.

Continue it. The teacher briefly inspects the work.

Teacher: Look at slide 3.

Teacher: What is called

Teacher: But if we go this way, then we won’t get to the place, school desks interfere. In the notebooks of several students I saw these lines about the following: Slide 4.

Teacher: Tell me, is it possible to choose such a path by movement?

Teacher: -Will this be a rectilinear movement?

Teacher: Is it possible then to call such a line straight?

Teacher: Let's think about what we will do in the lesson?

Teacher: You almost guessed. Only this line is called differently.

You have long, dry pasta on your table. (For each member of the group). Pick them up and bend them as shown on the slide.

Fright, exclamation, grief.

What happened?

They are broken.

So we will also break our straight line and call it “broken line”.

So, the theme of our lesson is "Broken line and its features."

Students: Out of tape, it was not enough.

Students: She's short.

Students: None. We'll have to climb on the desks or under them, jump over the desks.

Students are advised in groups. After conferring, the captains of each group give answers.

The correct answer is: The tape can be continued, but it needs to be bent, wrinkled.

Students bend them and lay out their routes for groups.

Students: They are direct. The ends are not limited, they can be continued.

Students: Perform. The teacher briefly inspects the work.

Students: Straightforward.

Students: Yes.

Students: None.

Students: None.

Students are conferring. After that, the captain of each team gets up and voices the proposed title of the topic of the lesson.

The correct answer: We will study the indirect, curved line.

Most students break pasta.

Work on the topic of the lesson.

Teacher: Let's learn to distinguish a straight line from a broken line. We look at slide 5.

Teacher: Think in groups and write in notebooks:

1st group: numbers of straight lines;

2 group: numbers of broken lines;

3 group: numbers of not lines.

Teacher: Lines No. 2, No. 5, No. 4 remain on the slide. What do you think the lines have in common?

Teacher: Is it possible to say that broken lines No. 2, No. 5 are not limited in space?

Teacher: Are broken lines unlimited in points along their entire length?

Teacher: Look at slide 6.

Teacher: What conclusion have you come to?

Students complete the assignment.

Most likely, this problem will be difficult for all students.

Students: Yes, because there are no dots at their ends.

Students are advised in groups.

No. In the middle are limited.

Students: Broken lines are made up of lines.

Physical Fitness

And now a little workout:

And now the guys got up. Hands quickly raised up

To the side, forward, backward. Turned right, left, Quietly sat down, back to work. (Children show answers in movement (inclinations, turns, ki, claps).)

You see, the butterfly is flying

You see, the butterfly flies, (Waving hands-wings.)

In a meadow counts flowers. (We count a finger)

One, two, three, four, five. (Clapping.)

For a day, for two and for a month ... (We walk on the spot.)

Six seven eight nine ten. (Clapping.)

Even a wise bee (Waving hands-wings.)

Independent work

Teacher: How is the girl going?

Teacher: Read the text below the picture.

Teacher: What did you learn?

Teacher: Look at the screen on slide 8. Think about how the first group of polylines differs from the second group?

Teacher: Polygons of the first group are called open, polygons of the second group are called closed. Open the stacking sheets. Look at a group of open broken lines. Put such numbers. How many links each polyline has.

Teacher: What are the fewest links?

Teacher: The largest number of links?

Teacher: How did you arrange the numbers?

Teacher: Arrange the numbers in decreasing order.

Teacher: What is the name of this order?

Teacher: Look at the group of closed polygons. On the slide - group number 2. What figures did you recognize?

Students: A girl is walking along a broken line.

Students: Line segments do not lie on one straight line and are called links. The ends of each link are the tops of the broken line.

Students: Some lines can continue, they can add links, while others can’t.

Students: On typesetting canvases:

Students: Three.

Students: Six.

Pupils: By increase, in ascending order.

Students: From the largest number - 6, to the smallest - 3

Students: Descending.

Students: Triangles (3 angles, 3 sides), quadrangles (4 angles, 4 sides), pentagons (5 angles, 5 sides.

Securing the studied material

Teacher: Remember how to draw?

(p. 38 of the textbook, below)

Teacher: Read the assignment at the bottom of the page. Run it in a notebook.

Teacher: Captains, check the assignment in groups. Who is wrong? Why?

Students: We draw a pencil, tilting in different directions, without taking our hands to the top. We hold the line, firmly pressing it to the sheet of paper, with the left hand. (Assignment)

Students analyze errors in each team.


The teacher asks the questions generalizing the lesson: What new did we learn today in the lesson?

What helped you learn so much about broken lines?

Where is your knowledge useful?

How did you work in the lesson?

Students respond and evaluate the quality of their work.


Teacher: Thanks for the lesson. Now write down your homework. It is not simple. You need to draw closed and unclosed broken lines at your discretion and determine the number of links.

Students write the assignment in a notebook.


  1. Besperstova Irina Vitalievna Organization of the educational process using information computer technologies // [Electronic resource] Access mode:
  2. Information and educational environment as a condition for the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard In 3 hours. Part 1 / Edited by T.F. Yesenkova, V.V. Zarubina. - Ulyanovsk: UIPKPRO, 2011.
  3. The development strategy of the information society in the Russian Federation of February 7, 2008 N Pr-212 // [Electronic resource] Access mode:

Information and communication technology

in the education system

Dyatlova V.S.

The modern period of development of society is characterized by a strong influence of computer technologies on it, which penetrate into all spheres of human activity, ensure the spread of information flows in society, forming a global information space. An integral and important part of these processes is the computerization of education.

The widespread use of computer technology in the field of education in the last decade has caused increased interest in pedagogical science. A great contribution to the solution of the problem of computer technology of education was made by Russian and foreign scientists: G.R. Gromov, V.I. Gritsenko, V.F. Sholokhovich, O.I. Agapova, O.A. Krivosheev, S. Peypert, G. Kleiman, B. Sendov, B. Hunter and others.

Information and communication technologies (ICT) - a set of methods, production processes and hardware and software tools integrated to collect, process, store, distribute, display and use information in the interests of its users.[I, II]

With the advent of such a component as informatization in the educational process, it became expedient to reconsider its tasks. The main ones are:

    improving the quality of training of specialists based on the use of modern information technologies in the educational process;

    the use of active teaching methods and, as a result, enhancing the creative and intellectual components of educational activities;

    integration of various types of educational activities (educational, research, etc.);

    adaptation of information technology training to the individual characteristics of the student;

    ensuring continuity and continuity in training and education;

    development of information technologies for distance learning;

    improvement of the software and methodological support of the educational process[ 3 ]

ICT educational facilities can be classified according to a number of parameters:

1. For solved pedagogical tasks:

    tools providing basic training (electronic textbooks, training systems, knowledge control systems);

    practical training tools (task books, workshops, virtual designers, simulation programs, simulators);

    auxiliary means (encyclopedias, dictionaries, reader books, developing computer games, multimedia training sessions);

    complex means (remote).

2. By functions in the organization of the educational process:

    information and training (electronic libraries, electronic books, electronic periodicals, dictionaries, reference books, training computer programs, information systems);

    interactive (email, electronic newsgroups);

    search (directories, search engines).

3. By type of information:

    electronic and informational resources with textual information (textbooks, manuals, problem books, tests, dictionaries, reference books, encyclopedias, periodicals, numerical data, program and teaching materials);

    electronic and information resources with visual information (collections: photographs, portraits, illustrations, video clips of processes and phenomena, demonstrations of experiments, video tours; statistical and dynamic models, interactive models; symbolic objects: diagrams, diagrams);

    electronic and information resources with audio information (sound recordings of poems, didactic speech material, musical works, sounds of animate and inanimate nature, synchronized audio objects);

    electronic and information resources with audio and video information (audio and video objects of animate and inanimate nature, subject excursions);



Communication technology

Communication technology is a sequence of actions in communication that affects the mass consciousness and uses features of the mechanisms of perception, change of opinion or attitude to the subject, as well as other social and socio-psychological mechanisms. Soloviev A.I. Fundamentals of information and communication activities.

Mandatory structural elements of communication technologies are the source of communication, channel, message and message recipient. It is also necessary to take into account other elements of communication models, such as code, a manipulator tool, a default figure, feedback, the author of the message, information noise, etc. Communication technologies comprise a set of techniques, techniques, techniques and specialties, united by scope and goals.

Communication technology is not exclusively today's invention, because, for example, preaching, and a book, and shamanistic singing - all this is communication technology of varying degrees of intensity. Ultimately, they are all aimed at one or another change in consciousness. And they do it with predictable consequences.

First of all, such technologies include advertising, marketing communications, information management, public relations, promotion, press mediation, publicity, imageology, exhibition business, election technologies, psychology, crisis management, news, rumors, etc. At least interesting questions of information and psychological warfare, information protection from unauthorized access, industrial espionage, as well as information and misinformation. Soloviev A.I. Fundamentals of information and communication activities.

In his book "Communication Technologies of the XX Century" G.G. Pocheptsov considers “most of the technologies of the 20th century”: “These communication technologies have a large amount of common characteristics, which allows them to be combined under a single cover of the book. Their characteristic feature is an attempt to influence the mass consciousness, which distinguishes them from other variants of interpersonal influence ... Communication technologies, being mainly an invention of the twentieth century, will go with us into the twenty-first century, where they will receive their full development. Profession of the future should be prepared today. ”G. Pocheptsov. Communicative technologies of the twentieth century. - M.: Reflbuk, Wakler, 2000 .-- S. 4.

What professions do you mean? These are: PR manager, image maker, spindoktor, speechwriter, spokesperson, election technologist, negotiator, psychiatrist, crisis officer, rumor specialist, advertiser, psychotherapist.

These or other types of professional activities use the corresponding communication technologies, which, in turn, are special and exclusive know-how.

If, for example, we are talking about a humanitarian (selective) technologist, then this is the specialist in whose arsenal there are election (humanitarian) technologies. As the name implies, the scope of the latter is pre-election struggle, election campaigns. Nowadays, there is a clear tendency to expand the scope of application of these technologies. Politicians are increasingly resorting to them, not even during the election campaign, but to achieve goals other than victory in the elections.

There are also certain cases of the use of humanitarian technologies in the field of business for the promotion of goods, for the purchase of an enterprise, for the solution of other problems.

This field of activity in Russia is generally considered young and is in its infancy. It still does not have an established name, there is no clear definition of what it is, and many terms and concepts (such as “technology” or “strategy”) are used not in the strict sense, but rather as metaphors.

It is interesting that rumors are also a kind of “soft” communication technology, where it is important not so much to transmit the information itself as to transmit most often a negative emotional reaction.

I would like to dwell on some communication technologies that are most popular on the market.

Public Relations

Public relations is a much deeper and broader phenomenon than simply departments operating in individual organizations and institutions, or independent public relations advisory firms for which clients turn to services. Both theorists and practitioners of the public relations system constantly emphasize that it is the science and art of shaping public opinion in the desired direction.

Public relations is a management function designed to evaluate the attitude of the public, to identify the policies and actions of a private individual or organization regarding public interests and to implement a program of activities aimed at achieving understanding and perception by the masses.

How the public relations management function covers:

· Anticipation, analysis and interpretation of public opinion, relationships and contentious issues that can positively or negatively affect the organization’s activities and plans;

· Advising management at all levels of the organization on decision-making, determining the direction of action and communication, with the obligatory consideration of the social consequences of its activities, as well as social and civil responsibility of the organization as a whole;

· The constant development, implementation and evaluation of activities and communication programs to ensure that the goals of the organization are understood by the informed public, which is an important prerequisite for their achievement. These may be marketing, financing, fundraising, relations with employees, government agencies, etc .;

· Planning and implementation of the organization’s efforts to improve social policy;

· Setting goals, drawing up a plan and budget, selecting and training personnel, raising funds, in other words, managing resources to accomplish all of the above.

Communication space is filled with messages from various sources. The tasks of PR do not include controlling all this by no means Brownian movement, which is almost impossible. PR tries to create an environment conducive to its facilities within the framework of this communication space. This is a narrower task, so achieving it seems possible. There is a struggle to get the focus of public attention, a struggle for a balanced combination of positive and negative statements about the object of PR.

PR relies on existing communication flows, whether it be mass media or rumors, trying to prepare their own message options for them. The complexity of such units lies precisely in the fact that they must satisfy the requirements of two systems at once: the external one, which forms the communication space, and the internal one, which meets the specific goals of PR work.

In general, it can be noted that regardless of whether or not a given company or organization specializes in PR, the latter is still engaged in them, since there are communication flows, a particular reputation is formed. But a person has a tendency to buy products known to him, to contact a well-known company, ignoring unknown products, an unknown company.

Once again, I want to emphasize that work is going on with communication flows, the introduction of changes in which should lead to a change in the situation. This is not a direct but an indirect role. According to Peter Green: “PR does not create sales, it creates an atmosphere in which sales are likely to be made.”

One of the important aspects of the general perception and evaluation of the organization is the impression that it produces, that is, its image (image). Regardless of the desires of both the organization itself and public relations specialists, image is an objective factor that plays a significant role in evaluating any social phenomenon or process.

Corporate or organizational image  - This is the image of the organization in the representation of public groups. A positive image enhances the competitiveness of a commercial organization in the market. It attracts consumers and partners, accelerates sales and increases their volume. It facilitates the organization’s access to resources (financial, informational, human, material) and operations.

The image may be slightly different for different groups of the public, since the desired behavior of these groups in relation to the organization may vary. In other words, the same organization can be perceived differently (or strive for a specific perception) by investors, government agencies, local and international communities. For example, a company’s citizenship is preferable to the general national public. For the international community, global companies strive to be "corporate citizens of the world." High competitiveness of the company is important for partners. In addition, there is an internal image of the organization - as a representation of staff about their organization. We can say that the organization has several images: for each group of the public - its own. The synthesis of ideas about the organization of various groups of the public creates a more general and capacious idea of \u200b\u200bthe organization (Fig. 5).

Fig. 5.

A properly selected image is the most effective way to work with the mass consciousness. The image reflects those key positions to which the mass consciousness accurately responds. This is an attempt to translate the mass consciousness into automatic reactions. It defines the tested ways of identifying an object. The object as a result becomes recognizable and non-hazardous. We begin to easily predict its actions. We call this image function identification.

There is another image function that we must take into account. We call it idealization. In this case, the image is trying to pass off wishful thinking. In both cases, the image has the function of contrasting, because it is built systematically, based on existing other images.

Corporate image is also significant in financial management. The image is an implicit (intangible) asset, is reflected in the corresponding article of the active part of the balance sheet of North American and West European companies in value terms.

Image is undoubtedly a tool for achieving the organization’s strategic goals. Strategic goals are those that affect the main aspects of the organization’s activities and are oriented toward the future. The benefits of a positive image are obvious.

Image is not only a tool, a management tool, but also an object of management. A positive image is created by the main activity of the company, as well as by targeted informational work focused on target groups of the public.


The work of the spindctor is to prepare the expectations of the audience. She is prescribed in advance exactly how she will act upon the occurrence of an event. Most often, the spin doctor is busy correcting the coverage of the event in the media after information development has taken an unfavorable connotation. The word "spin" itself means "spinning, spinning." That is, it is a presentation of events in a more favorable form. In modern language, we can define this area as news management.

The spindoktor organizes and reorganizes the event in its communication plane. The main aspect of every event organized is its consequences for a mass audience (“how does it come around?”). Each step is measured based on this perspective. For an event from the position of spindctor, the purely communication aspect is dominant. The spindoktor is able to beat the situation, and this is his most important property. He does this by selecting the most effective messages, placing them in the most important channels, choosing the right time for this. The best of them are the virtuosos of working with the media. The spindoktor is aimed not so much at creating as at preventing the creation of the wrong event that is required.

The spindoktor can also leak information, can deploy pressure groups across the country that are designed to support certain requirements. Its possibilities are wide, if not unlimited. G. Pocheptsov. Communicative technologies of the twentieth century. - M.: Reflbuk, Wakler, 2000 .-- S. 58. But nevertheless, the possibilities of the spindle are not unlimited. However, this new specialty shows us completely new opportunities for managing mass consciousness.

the Internet

New information technologies such as the Internet today are actively used to disseminate various information.

The emergence and development of the Internet has added a number of tools, whose function is to achieve the goal of promoting goods, as well as several additional tasks related to the use of the Web - these include creating and promoting your own web site and creating your own unique image on the Internet, organizing feedback communication through forums, email, etc.

Communication policy conducted on the Internet is a course of action of an enterprise aimed at planning and implementing a company’s interaction with all subjects of the marketing system through the use of a set of Internet communication tools that ensure stable and effective formation of demand and promotion of goods and services to markets in order to satisfy needs buyers and making a profit.

A company’s website usually acts as a central element of Internet communication policy. Therefore, the task of promoting it is so important, the successful implementation of which largely determines the effectiveness of the entire communication policy.

The presence of a well-developed traditional brand can also greatly facilitate the task of building an effective interaction policy on the Internet, but it is possible that in order to maximize the effectiveness of communication on the Internet, you will need to create a new brand or transform an existing one, making it interactive.

By the intensity of the impact, communication technologies can be divided into low-intensity and high-intensity.

High-intensity technologies allow for changes in the public consciousness in a short period of time. Low-intensity technologies are designed for a longer period. As a result of their actions, a favorable context is created for possible future actions. Low-intensity technologies have the advantage that their goals are known to the communicator, but unknown to the recipient of the information. In the case of high-intensity technologies, the purpose of communication is explicit for both the sender and the recipient. Therefore, it can meet the resistance of the audience, in the case of low-intensity technology, the target is “hidden”, which makes it possible to present it as neutral information.

Among the low-intensity technologies include mythological communications when one or another basic system of values \u200b\u200bis created. Almost all periods of our history are associated with one or another system of mythological values, which in turn allows us to interpret events of the following levels.

High- and low-intensity technologies solve different types of problems. The combination of both those and others allows you to carry out a wide range of specific tasks. But in any case, low-intensity technology must first take effect, creating a positive context for the subsequent entry into force of high-intensity technology.

Communication technology helps strengthen existing positive characteristics and hide or reduce the impact of negative characteristics.

As part of a single communication campaign, there may be low-intensity and high-intensity elements. Some of them are focused on long-term results, others - on short-term. Some act indirectly, others directly. But it is long-term elements that make it possible to systematically combine elements of short-term exposure.

Moreover, a reaction to low-intensity elements is more successful from the point of view of impact, since they do not require significant shifts in consciousness.

Communication technologies are technologies, because they give a greater share of probability in achieving the planned result. This is not an accidental, but a systemic process aimed at unconditional impact on the audience.

Communication technologies have become the same sign of our civilization, as, for example, means of transport. And here and there there is serious diversity, adapted to one or another need. As a result, the desired effect is achieved due to the minimum of material and intellectual resources.

The communication potential of an enterprise is structured using the classification of its tools, which is both a combination of communication tools and a set of tools used in the development and implementation of these tools. The classification of communication tools is a convenient technique for identifying gaps in the communication policy of an enterprise.

Distribution channels

Decisions on the choice of distribution channels are some of the most difficult and responsible that a firm needs to make. Each channel is characterized by its inherent levels of sales and costs; choosing a specific marketing channel, the company should, as a rule, use it for a sufficiently long period of time. The choice of channel will have a significant impact on other components of the marketing mix and vice versa.

Each firm needs to develop several options for reaching the market. In contrast to direct selling, these paths to the market are channels with one, two, three or more levels of intermediaries. Distribution channels are characterized by constant, often dramatic changes. The three most significant recent trends the spread of vertical, horizontal and multi-channel marketing systems. These trends have important implications in terms of cooperation, conflict and competition of distribution channels.

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