PSPad text editor. PSPad - universal text editor PSpad text editor

Main functions

  • loading / saving / recording macros;
  • work with several documents thanks to the multi-tab interface;
  • saving the working session;
  • editing files on the network using an FTP client;
  • search / replace in files;
  • highlighting differences in text with certain colors;
  • syntax highlighting;
  • preview before printing;
  • automatic fixes;
  • reformatting / compressing HTML code;
  • HEX editor;
  • sorting rows by a given column;
  • many templates and more.

Advantages and disadvantages


  • free;
  • Russian-language interface;
  • convenient work with code;
  • built-in web browser with Apache support;
  • FTP manager;
  • tag templates that are inserted using various hotkey combinations;
  • five ways to work with the register, etc.


  • when replacing text in several documents, you can change no more than one line;
  • non-standard text editing;
  • lack of a function to display indent values.


Akelpad. Free editor program text. Allows you to work in single-window and two-window mode, edit files of different sizes, supports Unicode encodings. It has a preview function, works with new-linear formats, makes it possible to find and replace text fragments.

UltraEdit . Free App to edit text. In its arsenal there are such features: functional text editing, code folding, working with UNICODE, syntax highlighting, number converter, and more. others

Work principles

The main working area is located in the center of the main program window. On the left side - a sidebar for access to the project tree, working files, FTP client, directory tree hard drive. At the top are options for managing basic features and menus. There are no specialized tools on the right side. Here you can open different panel options: palette, file structure, number conversion calculator, etc.


The program supports syntax support. Its method depends on the extension of a particular file.

Syntax support

When working with multiple documents individual files can be combined or not combined into one project. You need to switch between them using the tabs.

After typing, you can perform a spell check. In order for it to be more correct, you should download the module for the Russian language. Useful for speed dial is a function automatic completion words. When typing a word present in the dictionary, the available options will be displayed.

    Set the free movement of the cursor on the screen:
  • Settings/Program settings/Editor behavior/Movement behind EOL (tick)
    Checkboxes in positions are also useful here:
  • Auto alignment.
  • Bracket highlighting.
  • Complement of paired characters
  • Graceful parenthesis closure.
    Drag the vertical bar along the ruler to the 75th position horizontally.
  • This band will be your signal for long lines.
  • In addition, it is on this strip that the selected paragraphs will be aligned during automatic formatting (Ctrl + K)
    In the settings on the Files and folders tab:
  • New file type: DOS
  • Standard encoding: ANSI (Windows).
    On the Multilight tab:
  • Enable HTML multi-highlighting.
  • Basic HTML multi-highlighting.
    On the Hotkeys tab:
  • You can view the assigned chords.
    Useful chords:
  • Format selected paragraphs - Ctrl + K.
  • Uppercase (selected fragment) — Ctrl+Alt+U.
  • Lowercase (selected fragment) — Ctrl+Alt+L.
  • Check HTML code - Ctrl+F10.

Some tricks for working with PSPad:

  • Use Word to check grammar. Can be dragged to Word texts to check directly from the browser page.
  • The F10 key (or via the HTML menu) calls up the internal browser. It has buttons that allow you to view pages in windows of different widths: 640, 800, 1024. The middle mouse button calls context menu with HTML template sets: —Tools or Ctrl+Space.
  • From the ASCII table, you can click to enter a character, its code or name into the text. The ASCII table is called from the menu: - Tools or Ctrl + A.
  • The Eyedropper tool in the Tools menu is very useful. Allows you to automatically write in the text the code of the color that was clicked.
  • Sometimes there are problems when transferring (in both directions) Russian text through the clipboard. Everything will be fine if the system language switcher (on the Taskbar) is set to Russian for the source application and the destination application.

Working with text files is a familiar use of a PC. The workflow is not complete without the creation of various documents, reports, graphs and other objects. But all this can be done only with the help of special utilities.
By all means on modern gadgets installed a variety of XML editors. These utilities work with files that are provided with syntax highlighting. It also guarantees an extension of the XML markup language. These very useful and up-to-date editors open objects stored in the XML language.

The peculiarity of this programming language is that it is used to store data in a certain structured form, which greatly facilitates the work with these objects in the future. It also helps to quickly exchange data between a variety of utilities.

This information is most often used in the process of creating web resources. If there is a need to develop an RSS feed, then it is not at all difficult to do this with the help of the available data.

By using this language, you can quite successfully create other markup languages ​​that are unique. That is, each user can use them to solve many tasks. So it will be very easy to work with XHTML. Given language is a follower of XML.

In general, when using these languages, it becomes quite easy to work with the purpose of developing sites. In general, they are extremely important. For this reason, it is imperative to use an editor that is capable of providing quality functionality with respect to XML files.

Presented in world wide web a large number of the most different utilities such a plan. Users can use an application called PSPad. This software is one of the multifunctional editors.

Software "skills"

The possibilities of the PSPad software product are quite extensive. In the course of work, the application is able to please users with syntax highlighting, code verification and optimization. This editor capable of manipulating the code in hexadecimal form. The application is famous for its support of several programming languages.

Along the way, users will be able to open and edit files in HTML, XML, PHP, JScript, Perl, and many other languages. In general, the software is able to function correctly, providing a preview of the finished web page. This is possible due to the presence of a built-in tool.

Also, if necessary, you can activate the work of the tool that will check the spelling. Users will also be able to call from the PSPad development environment. This option is implemented for absolutely all languages.

Additionally, there is also a built-in FTP client. In this utility, users can find quite a lot of different functions that are interesting to work with. In general, this software is pretty functional.

A flexible system of settings is another bonus. So users are offered a universal editor that is able to recognize numerous modern and not only programming languages.

Features of the multifunctional editor

It is important to understand that this application can replace several actual utilities. So users can significantly save space on their device by choosing one software product instead of several software.

PSPad helps streamline the entire workflow for website layout. This unique utility is not only an editor. The application highlights any commands of various programming languages. The modern assistant is filled with a variety of high-quality tools.

A small distribution will "fit" on any personal computer. So the first thing is downloading the software, then we proceed to install it. This quality webmaster tool is a lot like Notepad with more advanced functionality.

So after installation, users will be able to finally get acquainted with the interface. At first, everything may seem very confusing, but there is no need to panic. The working window of the XML editor is divided into several parts.

The central part is the area in which all actions performed will be displayed. At the top there is a menu, as well as access to additional features programs.

The PSPad sidebar will help you deal with the catalog and projects that are located on the device's hard drive. It also provides access to work files. If necessary, you can use an FTP client.

Carrying out verification of the most different files and codes

If you need to analyze the code for validity, then this software will cope with this task. Useful program capable of checking HTML code. You can also parse the table of non-printable characters.

To carry out this procedure, you will need to open an item called "Check HTML code". Its activation can also be implemented using hotkeys. So you just need to simultaneously click on the CTRL and F10 buttons. Thus, the procedure for checking the document for errors will immediately be launched.

Next, a completely new window will appear on the screen. It will show a detailed report with all the errors found. It will also open a status bar with lots of information about the cursor, text switch, naming options for the current character, and more.

So users can view all important information which is just of interest. Accessing the data is very easy. Just click on the selected line.

Data compression procedure

Reducing the size HTML file is also fairly easy to implement. To perform this work, users only need to select the function of the same name. So we click on "Compress HTML" to change the health of the data.

This will allow more valuable information to be included in the file. At the same time, the dimensions of the documents will still be quite small. The compression procedure is one of the most popular, since absolutely every user wants to place more data on a small amount of internal memory.


This software product will certainly be appreciated. The utility in the course of work offers to use a variety of built-in tools that can be useful in carrying out various manipulations with HTML and files in other formats.

The software will also help in carrying out work to reduce the amount of data. This will make it possible to significantly compress files so that they fit much more than was previously possible.

The app is a great helper for every web developer. Software will certainly please with an abundance of built-in and additional tools which are convenient and easy to work with. So you should pay attention to PSPad.

For some reason, ordinary users got the impression that there are two types of test editors. Monster generalists, like Word out Microsoft office, which only cannot play the piano, or another extreme is the famous “Notepad” of the standard Windows delivery, which, yes, it can do nothing but open and save files. But between these two poles there are a lot of very interesting editors, sharpened for a certain circle of users. I want to introduce you to the test editor PSPad which will appeal to people with understated programming.

You can choose to download the regular or portable (mobile) version. With the mobile version, everything is just quite simple, unpack the resulting archive, and launch the editor using the executable file "PSPad.exe". Installing PSPad will not cause problems either, the usual procedure from license agreement and choosing a directory, only when it is prompted which components to install, you can remove the Asian language pack, I think it will be of little use to us, and we will save a little disk space.

It’s not worth describing how PSPad looks like, a classic editor that has everything you need to work, and a bunch of small handy add-ons that make your work more convenient and fun. It is friendly with all encodings and translates, text from one to another on the fly, line numbering, bookmarks, rulers, search and replace, inserts, and a lot of things are offered for this various options use. Who needs to figure it out for yourself, too much is offered.

And now a little about the features that distinguish PSPad from other test editors.

Supports such a thing as projects, which means that you can conveniently access a number of files and sort everything nicely by different folders. Those who wrote programs (if you can call them that) know how, it's convenient. From the programmer's tricks, here you can display a list of all used variables, the names of functions and included files. Of course, syntax highlighting, depending on the file extension, counted 27 templates for languages. For some functions, there are even explanations of which variables to use. Those who are ready to spend their time can edit ready-made language templates or create their own template from scratch by stuffing their functions.

If necessary, files can be edited directly on FTP server without downloading to your computer. We even managed a full-fledged hexadecimal (HEX) editor, if you want, mess with letters or their analogue in hexadecimal form (although it's hard to imagine who often needs this).

For the work of HTML code and pages, a special section has been allocated where you can compress everything by removing all unnecessary indents and spaces, make all tags written small or capital letters, or even clean up by removing all tags. Again, I recommend trying everything yourself, do not be afraid to experiment, if you make a mistake, everything can be canceled.

PSPad can potentially work with an external compiler, displaying all messages and warnings, a local Apache server and TopStyle CSS code editors. You can try to make it all work together. If there are no special problems with Apache and TopStyle, then making friends with the compiler is still a problem, you will have to suffer a lot, and read the forums in the hope of finding an answer.

After the editor is closed, during the next launch, everything will be restored starting from open files and ending with the position of the cursor in the text. Not bad at all, especially for people who constantly keep dozens of files open.

Part routine operations can be automated by recording as macros, and then called using hotkeys, it was just right for me to insert the most commonly used tags and function names.

In the settings, as always, you can change a little appearance, choose colors for highlighting, integration and association of the editor, in general, heaps of every little thing that will make you feel comfortable. And don't forget about hotkeys.

Text PSPad editor turned out to be quite good, but people who are engaged in programming will especially like it. It can be fully customized, all these highlights of functions, variables, brackets, and the ability to quickly insert some tags by pressing the keys help a lot in your work. True, web programmers will like all this beauty more, most of the goodies are intended for them, it is more convenient for others to work on serious projects in more familiar development environments.

As for me, PSPad is one of the best text editors for quick code editing, worthy competitors can be counted on the finger of one hand.

Works great on 32 and 64 bit operating systems. The program has been translated into a dozen languages, including Russian, although sometimes there are phrases in English language. The editor automatically selects the mode depending on the settings of your operating system, but you can change it in the settings at any time.

Size: 1999 KB
Price: free

Notepad++ is quite powerful, and at the same time, free editor text files. The project is based on the Scintilla library, which, according to the author, provides top speed application work. It is difficult to talk about speed in relation to such compact programs, because any text editor works without any slowdowns, or, as they say, brakes.

The main feature of Notepad ++ is to recognize a very unusual support for color printers. The program only works with plain text. Various research on the subject of RTF is not available to her. It would be logical to assume that during the printout, all letters will be the same color. However, this is not quite true. The text editor supports syntax highlighting. As a result, different symbols may have different colours. All this riot of colors will be correctly transferred on a color printer. As a result, you get the opportunity to print, for example, the source code of programs, seeing syntax highlighting on paper.

Notepad++ supports automatic word completion. By and large, the very fact of the presence of this function can be written as a plus program. But Notepad++ doesn't just help with typing, it allows you to assign your own set of functions to each programming language. You start typing some command, and the text editor immediately offers options for completing it. Moreover, they are not invented from the ceiling, but are taken from a specific dictionary specified in the settings. For input plain text it is not necessary to use specialized dictionaries with lists of functions. It is enough to memorize previously entered words in the journal. If it has already appeared earlier in the text, its variant will be offered as an automatic completion of the word.

Many text editors allow you to open multiple documents at the same time. This is what tabs are for. Notepad++ has additional opportunity, which consists in dividing the working window of the application into several panels. This allows you to view and edit multiple documents at the same time.

Spell checking is carried out using the Aspell program. This independent application, and if it is installed in the system, then, accordingly, the check will work. The issue with the Russian language is solved in a similar way. There are errors on it if a Russian dictionary is installed in Aspell.

The text editor has a large set of string management features. You can delete entire lines, duplicate them, move them, merge them. Any line can move up or down in the text. In the text, you can remove all extra spaces, create columns, change the case of letters.

The program supports macro recording and playback. In addition, you can set up hotkeys that perform most of the operations in the text editor. In addition to macros, the program includes the TextFX component. It contains a large number of standard functions and other text constructs. They are entered by selecting the appropriate menu item, which is sometimes much faster than manual typing from the keyboard.

Quick Entry text strings also possible with the Quick Text module. It consists in supporting a huge number of complex structures that can be entered using abbreviations. For example, you can type the word table, while adding a large chunk of HTML code to the document that is responsible for organizing the table on the web page.

Due to the abundance of service functions to speed up text input, Notepad ++ is convenient to use for preparing simple text documents, and also good at developing websites and software.

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