When loaded, it is thrown into the BIOS. How do I enter BIOS? Login options from different manufacturers. Video: Problems Entering BIOS - Onboard Keyboard Doesn't Work Well

Almost every laptop or computer user has to restore the operating system over time. And in most cases you need to go to BIOS to select a boot disk?

What is BIOS in general? Translated into Russian, this is the basic input and output system. The operation of such a system can be seen in the process of starting the computer.

In this case, the user can see a black screen with numbers and white letters.

On a modern computer, this is not the system used itself, but its more advanced descendant, which is called UEFI.

In short , in the process of turning on the computer, such a program is used to test the subsystem entrusted to it.

Why do you need to go there?

Read also: How to Save Passwords When Reinstalling a System: 2019 Methods

Those who have to log into the system with the help of a computer, probably wondered why this should be done.

So, to reinstall systems, you first need to enter this program. And this happens quite often.

In other words, they go there in order to change the boot of their computer from a regular one or to a USB flash drive.

Often, to protect a computer or laptop from prying hands, users set a new password through the BIOS.

With a password set in this way, the system will not boot until the user enters the password correctly.

Sometimes users do not really like it if it accidentally touches the touchpad on the computer while typing. However, it can be easily disabled completely by using the above bios.

Also, this program checks the temperature of some components and controls the speed of installed coolers or fans.

Ways to log into this system on Windows 7

Read also: [Instructions] How to enter Safe Mode in the Windows operating system (XP / 7/8/10)

It is very easy to enter the BIOS on Windows 7 - to do this, press the hotkey after the computer is turned off.

Take this action before restarting your computer. It is recommended that you click the hotkey before the user enters the BIOS menu.

Often, an inscription in English appears on the user's monitor screen, offering to enter the settings of a personal computer.

Motherboard designers often use the Delete key. The F2 key is often used as hotkeys.

There are also some other key combinations to help enter the BIOS on computers running XP or Windows:

  • Escape;
  • F10;
  • Ctrl + Alt + Escape;
  • Ctrl + Alt + Ins;
  • Ctrl + Alt.

If you cannot find the answer to your question from our article, read the instructions for the motherboard, which details which keys should be used to enter the BIOS.

Upon entering the BIOS, the user may see a blue or gray screen in front of him. Most often, the settings are arranged in several rows.

Since the description of all keys is only in English, those who do not know it well should use the English-Russian dictionary.

Ways to enter BIOS in Windows 8/10

Read also: [Instructions] Calibrating the screen on a laptop or monitor for a PC running Windows 10

This method is a simple solution to how to log into BIOS on a computer on which the Windows 8.1 operating system is installed.

Since the loading of this system on a modern computer is almost instantaneous, it is very difficult to quickly press the desired button. The same answer can be given to the question of how to enter BIOS on an accer laptop.

To get into BIOS, Windows users must click on restart, and then click on Shift.

You can perform a similar operation by going to the command line when, for example, the keyboard on the laptop you are using does not work.

To this end, just open and type shutdown.exe (without the quotes). To say about the vaio laptop, how to enter BIOS, you can do the same.

To open the command line, follow these steps. Click on the "Start" button and select "Run".

If this item is missing, click on the free space in the "Start" menu and select the "Properties" option. Next, in the menu, click the checkmark next to the option "Run command".

As a result, the operating system will load an additional menu. In it, you need to do the following:

  • Select the "Diagnostics" option;
  • In the submenu, open "Additional options";
  • Next, select the Settings option. If this item is missing and it is not possible to enter the new BIOS through Windows, it means that the user does not use UEFL technology on the computer. In a similar situation, load the BIOS using certain keys. This must be taken into account when wondering how to enter BIOS g50, as well as how to enter BIOS on a Samsung.

Actions if the system boots immediately

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The new version of the output system, as well as the eighth and tenth versions of Windows, support instant loading of the operating system.

This means that it is much more difficult to enter BIOS. Those who are faced with a similar situation should restart Windows while holding down the Shift key.

Instead of a subsequent reboot, the user can see the option "Choose an action"... To do this, press the "search" key and "Troubleshooting".

In Windows 8, press the Diagnostics button. Next click on "additional options" and "Properties of the installed software".

BIOS on laptop

Read also: [Instructions] How to increase RAM on a laptop: a step-by-step description of the process applicable to all models of Asus, Acer, Lenovo, etc.

There is one more small but important detail to consider. In most laptops in use, manufacturers are practicing new key combinations.

More precisely, the key for entering, for example, F2 remains the same. However, on the laptop keyboard, you should not only hold down the F2 key, but also Fn.

Finding out exactly when to hold down the Fn key is easy. When the keys on the keyboard from F1 to F12 are blue, it means that it is recommended to use the additional Fn button to press these keys. It is also important to take into account that the color of the keyboard can be anything, but the main feature is the same color of letters F1 to F12, as well as Fn.

Login on different laptops

Read also: TOP-3 Simple Ways to Clear RAM on a Computer or Laptop under Windows 7/10

To the question of how to enter BIOS on a particular laptop, you can answer as follows - for this, follow the same rules as for entering on an ordinary computer.

The same tips appear on the monitor with rare exceptions. The main thing is to carefully look at the monitor and choose the appropriate options.

If you cannot look at the startup screen during system boot on your laptop, and the standard Delete and F2 keys do not work, contact the laptop manufacturer's website for assistance.

By looking at the model name, anyone can easily find a way to open the system setup program.

HP notebook manufacturers advise you to quickly press the Escape key and then the F10 key during the boot process.

This instruction does not apply to a specific model. Therefore, we can conclude that it was written for various models of a similar company.

Samsung laptop manufacturers advise to successfully enter BIOS (system settings) before booting to press the F2 key several times. The same steps during the system boot process must be performed when working with an Asus laptop (how to enter the BIOS, which will be described in other articles) or Dell, as well as a Lenovo laptop (how to enter the BIOS, which will be described in other articles).

On some laptops, you can enter the BIOS by pressing the F12 key, and then select the device from which you should boot your own. This is a simple way to enter BIOS on hp.

Greetings, dear readers! You know, it probably wouldn't be a blog with computer tips, if I didn't write anything about such a system as BIOS.

I am sure that every day search engines are asked this question, how to enter BIOS, and today I will try to tell you about this system and how to enter BIOS on different computers.

What is BIOS?

Let's first figure out what it is. Professionally speaking, these are:

(English basic input / output system - "basic input-output system") - implemented in the form of microprograms part of the system software, which is intended to provide the operating system API access to the computer hardware and devices connected to it.

Well, if it's simple, then BIOS this set of firmware is written to the system board. Even before the operating system starts to load, BIOS performs a lot of useful and necessary functions. For example, there is such a very important task for the BIOS, it is checking all the components of the computer - POST.

As soon as you press the power button of your computer, the procedure starts POST, which checks for serviceability and the presence of all computer components (video card, RAM, hard disk, and so on) and in case of failure of any of the components, it gives an error that can be used to determine this or that breakdown. A beep is also issued, but it seems to me on older computers, in new ones I have not seen this.

The BIOS also controls the loading of the operating system and indicates from which source to boot (DVD / CD drive, hard drive, or a connected flash device). This is especially important when installing an operating system, I will write about this below. The BIOS also stores a lot of different settings that can be changed. For example, through the BIOS, I overclocked my processor a little, by increasing the frequency of the system bus.

How do I enter BIOS?

In order to enter the BIOS, immediately after pressing the power button of the computer, you need to press a key diligently, but which one we will now figure out. The fact is that different manufacturers of motherboards or laptops have their own key combination for entering BIOS. These are usually keys Del , F2, or Esc , there may also be combinations of different keys, and for this I will lay out a plate in which you can see the keys for entering BIOS from different manufacturers.

If earlier you could enter BIOS on any computer by pressing the Del button, today there are much more options. And it depends on the manufacturers of the BIOS, as well as on the motherboard on the computer and the brand of the laptop. This does not depend on the Windows version (although there are some nuances, but more on that below).

How to quickly enter BIOS on a PC?

When you turn on your PC or laptop, you must immediately press (constantly) a certain button. Why constantly? To be in time for sure. The time is given for 5 seconds, and if you miss this moment, you will have to reboot and try again.

Now the question is - which button should you press? This information is displayed immediately when you turn on the computer (the first thing you see when you start it).

You can also see the BIOS manufacturer here. For example, in the screenshot above, this is an AMI (this is evidenced by the logo in the upper left corner + the first line). And the button to enter is F2.

The most common buttons for entering BIOS are F2, Del, Esc. Try them first.

Below are the main keys to enter:

Opening BIOS on a laptop?

Distinguish notebooks Samsung, Lenovo, HP Pavilion, Asus, Acer, Dell, Sony, Toshiba, etc. And each model has its own button to enable BIOS mode.

List of keys on the main laptop models:

BIOS for Windows 8

Remember at the beginning of the article it was mentioned that entering the BIOS does not depend on the OS version? So: there is a small exception that applies to Windows 8.

The fact is that this OS has a fast boot function. PCs and laptops running on this operating system boot up so quickly that you simply do not have time to turn on the BIOS. Especially if you have an SSD installed. This hard drive boots Windows in just 0.2 seconds. The result is, of course, amazing.

To do this, you need to press the combination of buttons Win + C (win is the button between Ctrl and Alt) and select the following items:

  1. Parameters.
  2. Change PC settings
  3. Update and Restore - Restore (or the General item instead).
  4. Then go to "Special Boot Options" and click "Restart".

After switching on, a new window will open where you need to select the following items:

  1. Diagnostics.
  2. Add. parameters.
  3. UEFI firmware options.
  4. Reload.

Ready. After that, the UEFI BIOS will boot.

What is UEFI? This is a replacement for the old BIOS. Simply put, it's a new version. Such a BIOS is installed on all modern laptops and PCs.

And one more way - using the example of Windows 10

Here you need to perform approximately the same actions as in the case of Windows 8. In particular, you need to click on the notification icon and select the items:

  1. Parameters.
  2. Update and security.
  3. Recovery.
  4. Special Boot Options - Reboot.

And then choose: Diagnostics - Add. options - UEFI Firmware Options - and reboot again.

Good afternoon.

Many novice users are faced with a similar question. Moreover, there are a number of tasks that cannot be solved at all if you do not enter Bios:

When reinstalling Windows, you need to change the priority so that the PC can boot from a USB flash drive or CD;

Resetting BIOS settings to optimal;

Check if the sound card is turned on;

Change time and date, etc.

There would be much less questions if different manufacturers standardized the procedure for entering BIOS (for example, using the Delete button). But this is not the case, each manufacturer assigns its own buttons for entering, and therefore, sometimes even experienced users cannot immediately understand what's what. In this article, I would like to disassemble the BIOS login buttons from different manufacturers, as well as some "pitfalls" due to which it is not always possible to get into the settings. And so ... let's get started.

Note! By the way, I also recommend that you familiarize yourself with the article about buttons for calling the Boot Menu (the menu in which the boot device is selected - i.e., for example, a USB flash drive when installing Windows) -

How to enter Bios

After you turn on the computer or laptop, it takes over control - Bios ( basic input-output system, a set of microprograms that are required to provide OS access to computer hardware). By the way, when you turn on the PC, BIOS checks all the computer's devices, and if at least one of them is faulty: you will hear sound signals by which you can determine which device is faulty (for example, if the video card is faulty, you will hear one long beep and 2 short beeps).

To enter BIOS when you turn on your computer, you usually have a few seconds for everything. At this time, you need to have time to press the button to enter the BIOS settings - each manufacturer may have its own button!

Most common login buttons: DEL, F2

In general, if you take a closer look at the screen that is shown when you turn on the PC, in most cases you will notice a button to enter (example below in the screenshot). By the way, sometimes such a screen is not visible due to the fact that the monitor has not yet turned on at that moment (in this case, you can try to simply restart it after turning on the PC).

Award Bios: Bios login button - Delete.

Button combinations depending on the laptop / computer manufacturer

ManufacturerLogin buttons
AcerF1, F2, Del, CtrI + AIt + Esc
AsusF2, Del
ASTCtrl + AIt + Esc, Ctrl + AIt + DeI
Dell 400F3, F1
Dell DimensionF2, Del
Dell InspironF2
Dell LatitudeF2, Fn + F1
Dell optiplexDel, F2
Dell PrecisionF2
GatewayF1, F2
HP (Hewlett-Packard)F1, F2
HP (example for HP15-ac686ur)F10-Bios, F2-UEFI Meny, Esc-select boot option
IBM E-pro LaptopF2
IBM PS / 2CtrI + AIt + Ins, Ctrl + AIt + DeI
Intel TangentDel
MicronF1, F2, Del
Packard bellF1, F2, Del
LenovoF2, F12, Del
SamsungF1, F2, F8, F12, Del
Sony VAIOF2, F3
ToshibaEsc, F1

Keys for entering BIOS (depending on the version)

F2, CtrI + AIt + Esc AMD (Advanced Micro Devices, Inc.)F1 AMI (American Megatrends, Inc.)Del, F2 Award BIOSDel, Ctrl + Alt + Esc DTK (Dalatech Enterprises Co.)Esc Phoenix BIOSCtrl + Alt + Esc, CtrI + Alt + S, Ctrl + Alt + Ins

Why is it sometimes impossible to enter BIOS?

1) Is the keyboard working? It may be that the desired key simply does not work well and you do not have time to press the button in time. Just as an option, if you have a USB-shnaya keyboard and is connected, for example, to some splitter / splitter (adapter) - it is possible that it simply does not work until Windows boots. I have encountered this myself many times.

Solution: connect the keyboard directly to the back of the system unit to the USB port, bypassing the "intermediaries". If the PC is quite "old", it is possible that the BIOS does not support a USB keyboard, so you need to use a PS / 2 keyboard (or try connecting a USB keyboard via an adapter: USB -> PS / 2).

Adapter usb -> ps / 2

2) On laptops and netbooks, pay attention to this moment: some manufacturers prohibit battery-powered devices from entering the BIOS settings (I don't know if this is intentional or just some kind of mistake). Therefore, if you have a netbook or laptop, connect it to the network, and then try to enter the settings again.

3) It may be worth resetting the BIOS settings. To do this, you need to remove the battery on the motherboard and wait a few minutes.

I would be grateful for a constructive addition to the article, which is why sometimes it is impossible to enter Bios?

BIOS is the most important component of a computer, the activity of which is aimed at setting up the operation of the equipment, checking its operability, starting the operating system, and more. One of the most frustrating situations that a user can face is when the BIOS refuses to start.
Let's imagine a situation: suppose you decided to reinstall Windows on your computer, but in order to run the installation program, you must enter the BIOS. You have made more than one attempt to enter the BIOS, and all of them were unsuccessful.

Another situation: when the computer starts up, the user first sees the BIOS interface, after which the computer proceeds to load the operating system. In some cases, the user may not see any image at all, that is, neither the BIOS window, nor anything else.

Reason 1: wrong key (combination)

First of all, you should question the correct hotkey you are using to enter the BIOS. Unfortunately, you can only find out which key in your case is by experience, that is, it was not possible to enter the BIOS using one button, next time you should try another.

The process of entering BIOS looks like this: you send the computer to reboot or just turn it on and at the very first stage of turning it on, you start repeatedly and quickly press the hotkey for the BIOS.

There are a huge number of options for entering the BIOS (this is especially observed in laptops), but in most cases one of the following keys is found: F1, F2 and Del. If none of the keys helped to enter the BIOS, try googling your motherboard model (for a stationary PC) or laptop model on the Internet in order to find out how your device is entered into BIOS.

Reason 2: not working or unsupported keyboard

And although in rare cases the user has the opportunity to enter the BIOS without a keyboard, in 95% of cases it is indispensable.

Needless to say, a computer keyboard must be in good working order? Be sure to test your keyboard by logging into Windows or by connecting it to another computer.

If everything is in order with the performance of the keyboard, then, perhaps, the problem lies in the unsupported BIOS keyboard. As a rule, a similar problem is observed in users of old computers (laptops), and if you use a wired or USB keyboard, then this possibility may well be.

If you have a wireless keyboard, accordingly, we will need to use a wired one to eliminate the possibility of such a cause. Especially older BIOS versions may lack support for the USB keyboard interface, but to check this, you will need to either connect an old keyboard with a PS / 2 connector or purchase a PS / 2 adapter for a USB keyboard.

Reason 3: inoperative USB port

The port to which the keyboard is connected must be sure to work. Try plugging your keyboard into a different port and try entering BIOS again.

Reason 4: conflicting devices

One of the devices on the computer may have malfunctioned, resulting in a conflict, which is why you cannot enter the BIOS.
Try disconnecting everything you can from your computer: drives, hard drives or solid state drives, all USB devices connected to the motherboard, PCI cards. If there is an integrated video card, then disable the discrete one, and then try to enter the BIOS again. If the attempt is successful, connect one device at a time to the computer to find out what is conflicting. Having identified the problem device, it is with it that you need to deal with it (it is better to take it to the service center for diagnostics).

Reason 5: malfunction of the computer

If, when you turn on the computer, the BIOS starts to make sounds, but does not want to start, you should listen to the signals and record them. Often, the BIOS uses such signals to make it clear what went wrong. There are a lot of tables on the Internet that decode sound signals for different versions of BIOS, using which you can quickly understand the cause of the problem and start fixing it.

Reason 6: problematic BIOS settings

As a rule, a similar cause of the problem occurs when the user makes changes to the operation of the BIOS. In this case, you should try to reset the BIOS to factory settings. As a rule, in most cases you will need to look under the case of the system unit, where on the motherboard you can find a special switch (CMOS jumper), which is set to position 1-2. To perform a reset, it is enough to move the switch to position 3-4 for 15-30 seconds, after which you can return it to its previous position.

Reason 7: problems with the motherboard

The most unfortunate cause of this problem is that the motherboard is practically the entire computer. If you suspect a problem in its work, you can carry out a small diagnostic procedure.

First of all, you need to inspect the motherboard itself: are there any oxidations, are the capacitors swollen. Any external changes indicate its malfunction, which means that all this must be eliminated. If there is oxidation, it must be carefully erased with an eraser. If the capacitors are swollen, they should be re-soldered to new ones.

If visually everything is fine with the motherboard, you should try the following:

  1. Disconnect the computer from the network, and also remove all unnecessary devices: mouse, speakers, keyboard, any additional devices and cables. As a result, only a network cable and a monitor should be connected to the system unit.
  2. Clear CMOS. To do this, you must remove the battery from the motherboard for a few seconds and then reinstall it.
  3. Remove all boards from all slots on the motherboard, leaving only the processor and speaker connected.
  4. Start the computer and pay attention to the sound: if it is, then it tells you that the motherboard is working. If not, then everything is much sadder - she does not respond.

If you have confirmed the guess that the problem is in the operation of the motherboard, you should try to take it to a service center - it is quite possible that a specialist will be able to return it to work.

These are the main reasons that affect the lack of BIOS start. If you have any comments on the article, leave them in the comments.

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