Go to bios without a keyboard. The keyboard does not work in the BIOS. what to do? Problem solving methods

Users usually notice when reinstalling the operating system when it is necessary to set the boot priority, or when changing additional settings of the primary I / O system. What is the reason for this phenomenon and how to deal with it, now it will be considered. I would like to note right away that not everything is so bad. There are several basic methods to solve the problem in a matter of minutes. Let's consider them.

Then go to the Advanced page and make the following settings. Again, you are in the window that opens. In addition to the English language, the installation automatically added the appropriate language order. If you don't need it, you can uninstall it now and possibly after installation.

A link to the phonetic layout can be found at the end of the material in the useful links section. The next screen also requires your intervention. Here you will be asked to enter the name of the licensee and the organization for which he works. Of course, you can enter as many as you like.

But most often the appearance of such a situation is more typical for keyboards of the old model of the PS / 2 standard. The connection must be made taking into account that the colors of the keyboard plug and the corresponding socket must match (they are purple). However, in this case it is quite difficult to make a mistake.

Setting the correct parameters

But there are also pitfalls here. In the case of USB keyboards, the problem may be the deactivated support for such devices in the primary system itself.

In this case, you will have to connect a PS / 2 keyboard or, if possible, enter the BIOS on a laptop by pressing a special button, then find parameters like Legacy USB Support or USB Keyboard Support and look at the set value. If this is indeed the case, it will be set to Disabled. It needs to be changed to Enabled and the changes saved on exit (F10, Y). A reboot will follow. Perhaps this is the way to fix the problem.

Where will the rest of the space be lost? Hard drives think that the capacity of hard drives is slightly different. That's where the missing proant comes in. This is useful if you have used the built-in hard drive partition manager, because then the partitions you create besides the main system will appear after the optical drive in the form of letters, and you can change them if you are a little meticulous.

Any ideas for enriching and expanding the material are accepted. If you have comments, suggestions, ideas and criticism about the material, write. Copying the entire article is prohibited without the express permission of the author. From this article, you can learn how to install this OS that is gaining more and more supporters every day. The program will start and ask for the source file. Write the full path to the image directory located on disk.

What else could there be?

As testimonials testify, sometimes the failure of the keyboard can be associated with damage to the RAM strips, malfunctions of the power supply, short-circuiting of some contacts directly on, malfunctioning ports, etc. Here you cannot do without a complete diagnosis of the entire system.

Then enter the name of the floppy drive. Your floppy drive letter should be. The program will start writing the required data to the floppy disk. Whichever solution you choose, you no longer need to prepare the disc, we will prepare it during installation. If, after rebooting, you are not using the boot disk, the menu will automatically boot you from where you can choose how to proceed with the installation. If you are using a floppy disk, you will have to wait for a while until it can load the information it needs to download the installation.

Finally, there may also be a problem with the BIOS system itself, which consists in its malfunctioning or obsolescence. In this case, you will have to do a full flashing, but this process is unsafe, and without special knowledge, an ordinary user can cause irreparable damage to the computer, as a result of which the PC will stop working altogether.

What you need to know is which of the two uses of the startup process will be the same, the difference is that the boot flop is much slower. Starting the installation process When you boot the disc, the first thing that will appear is the installation menu, which gives you several options.

You will be taken to the next screen, which will allow you to select the installation language. Make your choice and click Next to continue. The next screen will guide you to properly configure the keyboard you own. Do this if your special keyboard contains additional functions that are not only satisfied with the general functions. However, when you select your keyboard type, test it to work correctly by typing something in the "Check your selection here" box.

Instead of a total

Based on the foregoing, we can conclude that, regardless of the current situation, apart from physical damage or defects, the problem of keyboard inoperability and access to the primary system can be solved quite simply.

But there can be a lot of reasons for this phenomenon. And they are not always associated exclusively with physical defects. In most cases, for the same USB devices, you just need to enable support or do a master reset. It helps 99 out of 100 cases.

Click Next to continue. Walking forward will take you to the mouse screen. If it only has two buttons, check the Emulate 3 Buttons box to select the mouse. Then you will need to choose the type of installation. They are cheap, convenient, and convenient. Digital trends are turning our attention to them.

Find a map of all built-in shortcuts

A map will open on the keyboard with all the keyboard shortcuts. To close the map of built-in shortcuts, simply click the "Escape" button.

Create your own web application

However, if one of your favorite sites doesn't have such an app, you can change it with the built-in tool.

Finally, if we talk about a global problem, when the keyboard does not work at all, it can be identified immediately on the welcome screen when the computer terminal is turned on (it will be reported that the keyboard is missing). In this case, you will either have to check the correctness of the connection, or use the methods proposed above, up to replacing the failed device with a new one.

Click the menu button, select More Tools, then Add to Shelf. This will create a shortcut on the taskbar. Right-click and select Open As Window. From now on, every time you click on a shortcut in the taskbar, it opens in a custom window with no tabs or bars.

Set permission

Click on the clock in the lower right corner, then click on "Settings". Then click on Display Settings. On this screen, you can change the resolution of your monitor. If you want to do everything in your chrome, be it bigger, including menus and shortcuts, click the Resolution drop-down menu and choose the value you want.

A breakdown is not the only reason why the computer cannot see the keyboard. It is possible that this problem is a consequence of other processes associated with a crash, breakdown, or improper loading of the operating system. However, before rushing to hand over your PC to repair, you need to make sure that you cannot fix this problem yourself.

The main reasons why the keyboard does not work

The keyboard does not work when you turn on the computer, because:

  • The PS / 2 port (keyboard connector) is out of order.
  • Incorrect or incomplete connection of the wire pin to the port.
  • The keyboard itself is damaged (the wire is frayed, the microcircuit is damaged or damp, etc.).
  • The batteries are dead or the wireless keyboard drivers are damaged.
  • A virus attack on equipment with its subsequent failure.

First aid

The main thing in this situation is to establish the reason why the keyboard does not work. If the keyboard is connected via a PS / 2 connector, it is important not to mix up the color and make sure that its legs are working properly.

First you need to check the mechanical connection of the keyboard to the computer, and make sure that the wire is not damaged. Next, you need to restart the computer and disconnect and then reconnect the wire. For a final conclusion, you can check the keyboard on another PC, and the connector for connecting it using another keyboard.

Checking the BIOS

Another, common and most likely reason for a USB keyboard "breakdown" may be incorrect BIOS settings, or rather, disabling its support. An indicator that the keyboard does not work in the BIOS is also the inoperative state of all USB devices. In this case, questions arise, how to enter BIOS without a keyboard, or how to turn on the keyboard in BIOS? Simple enough. When entering the OS, you need to launch the BIOS, and there in the settings set the value "Enabled" opposite the Legacy USB Support or USB Keyboard Support function.

Other possible problems

Often the keyboard can stop working partially - individual keys, number or letter row fail. As a rule, the reason for this lies in damaged drivers, and the solution is in reinstalling the latter. The keyboard can also break when starting the game. In fact, incorrect settings in the parameters of the application itself or their complete absence are to blame. To fix the problem, you need to understand the settings or contact the developers.

Most PC users are aware of the existence of BIOS, some even have an idea of ​​its functions and purpose. At the same time, an ordinary user does not need to directly access the BIOS. Working with a computer every day for many years, people do not know how to enter BIOS and what they may need in it.

Meanwhile, some operations, for example, reinstalling the operating system from a USB flash drive or hardware enabling / disabling of any elements, are impossible without changing the BIOS settings. Finding out what it is will be useful for everyone.

What is BIOS and what is it for

BIOS (BIOS, English Basic Input / Output System) is an input-output system of information that interconnects the hardware and the operating system of the computer. It contains information about the composition, configuration and current state of all elements of the computer, determines the order of loading the operating system, and performs dispatching functions for monitoring systems and security. The BIOS code is located on a special microcircuit with the corresponding marking located on the motherboard. It can be updated, i.e. rewrite, but this event is difficult and risky.

To change the boot order of the system (used when reinstalling the OS installed on your PC), go to the Boot tab

The most frequent user access to BIOS is to change the boot order of the system. When installing an OS from a USB flash drive, you must set the boot from USB to the first number, otherwise, after the first reboot, the computer will install the old system and the process will go in an endless circle. In addition, other actions can be performed:

  • Change or return to factory (optimal) settings.
  • Changing the operating mode of the processor.
  • Obtaining information about the temperature of the processor.
  • Fan operating mode control.
  • Enable / disable some ports or functions, etc.

After the changes are made, the program will offer to choose whether to save them or leave the setting unchanged. To do this, you need to press the appropriate keys.

Attention! Making changes to the BIOS settings can radically change the operating mode of the motherboard and processor. For an unprepared user, such a step is fraught with undesirable consequences, up to the final destruction of components. Without accurate knowledge and understanding of the essence of their actions, nothing should be changed.

Are there any differences in starting UEFI BIOS

The main difference is that UEFI (Unified Extensible Firmware Interface) is not a BIOS. It is firmware with similar functionality, created for the same purpose of communication between the hardware and the operating system. At the same time, UEFI is designed for 64-bit systems, which makes it stand out and makes it applicable not to all computers. The developers argue that the future belongs to UEFI, which will supplant BIOS due to obsolescence and low capabilities. Already today, UEFI has access to more memory, does not limit the size of disks, is able to operate with drivers and interact with the OS at a higher level. In practice, UEFI is becoming another intermediate operating system. Booting a computer via UEFI is possible only with hardware support, which is available only on new motherboards, so for now the boot type is selected in BIOS.

How to enter BIOS on a stationary computer or laptop

Unlike programs recorded on a hard disk, you will not be able to enter BIOS by simply clicking on a certain icon. You must do this after turning on the computer, but before the Windows startup screen appears. Moreover, different manufacturers assign their own methods for their motherboards. Often the user sits and does not know how to enter the BIOS, because the key for entering is not the one that someone advised him, and the starting picture on the monitor jumps in a split second, not allowing to see which key must be pressed. In addition, there are several options for entering, although not all are usually available. Let's take a closer look at them:

Standard login method

The standard method is used most often. When the computer boots up, a picture flashes on the screen, indicating different combinations of buttons for executing certain commands. Among them there is BIOS Setup, or something like: "Press Del to enter BIOS Setup". Most often, you need to press the "del" or "F2" button, but there may be other options, which the start picture informs about. It is recommended to press the desired key continuously so as not to miss the right moment. Sometimes the start picture is delayed for a few seconds, but more often it flashes too quickly. In order to pause the download, at the right moment you need to press "Pause / Break". Then you can safely examine the inscription on the screen. If you did not succeed in pressing the desired button in time, you can use the Ctrl + Alt + Del key combination to restart the system boot. Alternatively, you can press the restart button.

List of possible hotkeys for entering BIOS

There are many options for entering BIOS. Developers of various BIOS versions have their own combinations:

Different BIOS developers offer different keys, or keyboard shortcuts, in order to enter the BIOS

Manufacturers of computers or laptops set their own keyboard shortcuts:

Manufacturers of computer equipment decided to keep up with the developers of BIOS, and also offer their options

It should be noted that such a variety does not facilitate the solution of the problem, but, on the contrary, introduces unnecessary confusion. The introduction of a single standard in this matter greatly facilitated the solution of the issue, but so far the situation is only complicated by the constant introduction of new combinations.

Login using the command line

It is necessary to clarify right away: it is impossible to go directly to the BIOS using the command line. But you can give the computer a command to reboot, during which it will be possible to log in in a regular way. Procedure:

  • In the "Start" menu, click "Run" (as an option - press Win and R at the same time).
  • In the window that opens, write cmd.
  • A black command prompt window opens.
  • We write "shutdown.exe / r / o", press "Enter".

Command Shift + Restart

This login option is used on Windows 8 and 10. In the "Start" menu, you must click on "shutdown", a pop-up menu will open, in which you must click on "Restart" while holding down the "Shift" key.

Windows 8 and 10 Start Menu Login Option

During the start of the system boot at the right time, press the appropriate key (or combination) to call the BIOS settings.

Login to BIOS via "Recovery" (for Windows 8 and 10)

Windows operating systems from version 8 and above have a system restore function. The procedure goes through a computer restart, during which it becomes possible to enter the BIOS. Procedure:

  • From the panel (or the Start menu, if available) open the Settings tab.
  • In the window that opens, select "Change computer settings".
  • Go to the "Update and Recovery" tab.
  • Open the "Restore" item, options for actions will appear on the right. In the "Special Boot Options" section, there is a "Restart Now" button at the bottom. Clicking on it will cause the computer to restart, during which you can enter the BIOS in a regular way.

Login option through "System Restore" on Windows 8 and 10

Launching BIOS using a special button without a keyboard

There are ways to enter BIOS settings using simpler hardware methods. Some laptops, (for example, Lenovo), have a special button on the keyboard or on the panel, pressing which directly opens the BIOS. A way for advanced users - entering BIOS using a button on the motherboard

You will need to remove the cover of the system unit, but in some situations this method may be the most convenient or possible.

other methods

Considering the proposed options, you can see that all of them (except for pressing a special button for direct entry) initiate a computer restart, and do not directly turn on the BIOS. Therefore, any variant of calling a computer restart can be considered an additional way to enter it.

What to do if a password is required to enter BIOS

A password is usually not set at the entrance to the BIOS, but some manufacturers or repair companies protect the entrance in this way. The easiest way is to enter the required combination, but often it is lost or completely unknown. In such cases, you have to turn off the computer, remove the cover of the system unit and remove the battery that powers the CMOS memory. It is in it that the password is contained. After removing the battery, you need to close the contacts of its socket for 15 seconds. This will clear the CMOS and reset the password. After that, the battery is installed in place, the computer is assembled, turned on and entered without a password.

It must be remembered that all changes made to the BIOS can damage the computer. Without knowing what will happen when you change this or that parameter, you should not do anything. Attempts to act according to the principle "what will happen if ..." in this case are completely unacceptable. If you are not sure that everything is being done correctly, it is better to consult a specialist. This will help to solve the problem, while maintaining the performance of the computer, in particular - its hardware.

User question


Tell me with one problem: I just can't enter the BIOS, I've tried all the buttons (DEL, F2, ESC, F12, etc.) - the computer doesn't respond to them. Motherboard - GIGABYTE GA-H11 (as written in the specification for the PC). What can be done?


It is difficult to name an unambiguous reason (by the way, you indicated the motherboard model incorrectly). Most often, you cannot enter the BIOS due to a "not working" keyboard or an incorrectly-selected key. Below I will give in order everything that you need to pay attention to ...

Note: if you need to enter the BIOS to install a new OS, then this can be done in another way (see p. 4, 5 below) ...

What to do if the computer does not enter BIOS / UEFI

Key and time of pressing it

And so, the first thing to start with this problem is to clarify the key to enter the BIOS. In the overwhelming majority of cases, the key is used for this. DEL(for the board from GIGABYTE including). A little less often the keys F2, ESC, F10, F12. See instructions below for buttons for different manufacturers.

To help! Hotkeys for entering the BIOS menu, Boot Menu -

Also important still one moment: BIOS / UEFI boot can be so fast that you may simply not have time to press the desired key. Therefore, try another option: when the PC / laptop is still turned off, hold down the enter key (ESC, for example), and then turn on the device (do not press the key until entering the BIOS!).

Press the key to enter the BIOS (for example, ESC) and turn on the device (laptop)

There is an option to "get" into the BIOS without pressing keys at the boot stage ...

If you have a relatively modern computer / laptop with Windows 8/10 installed, then you can enter the BIOS through the OS interface.

First you need to open the section "Recovery" in the system parameters. Next, restart your computer using special boot options (see screenshot below).

Then open the section and click on "Built-in EFI Options" (see photo below). Then the computer will reboot and the BIOS window will automatically open ...

To help!

How to enter UEFI (BIOS) from the Windows 8, 10 interface (without using special keys F2, Del, etc.) -

Keyboard model and port used

Wireless keyboards have become very popular now. Everything would be fine, but a number of models simply do not work until Windows boots (the same can be said about some USB keyboards connected through various adapters ...).

Here the advice is simple: have an emergency PS / 2 keyboard (it should definitely work). If you have a USB keyboard, then there are small adapters for it (USB to PS / 2). It is also worth trying to connect the keyboard directly to the USB ports located on the back of the system unit. (if connected to USB 3.0 try USB 2.0 ports).

Resetting BIOS settings

In some cases, the default helps to fix the problem. There are two ways to do this:

By the way! After a similar procedure (even if you still can't enter BIOS) most likely its settings have been reset. And this can, for example, allow you to start the Windows installation from a bootable USB flash drive / DVD (because by default, in many BIOS versions, the first boot device is a CD / flash drive, and then a hard drive).

Disconnecting the hard drive

In some cases, due to a faulty hard disk, its initialization is delayed (sometimes it even leads to the PC freezing). Of course, this point could also be the cause of the problem in question ...

What can be done: try disconnecting all drives from SATA, USB, M2 ports of your PC (flash drives, hard drives, solid state drives, etc.). Ideally, leave one keyboard and monitor, after rebooting the device and trying to enter the BIOS.

By the way! If you need to go into the BIOS to install the OS, then you can try to format the hard drive on another PC, and then connect it to the current one. Thus, Windows will not be started from it and the PC will automatically try to boot from the connected installation flash drive (CD). At least this is relevant for the default BIOS settings ...

To help!

How to connect a second hard drive to a computer, laptop -

How to format a hard drive: ways -

BIOS update

If all the previous steps were unsuccessful, it may be worth updating the BIOS. Moreover, it is not at all necessary to upgrade the version - you can install something older (note: the new version does not always work more stable than the current one).

Modern devices allow you to run BIOS / UEFI updates directly from under Windows. The entire update usually boils down to downloading and running the EXE file (like any other program), and after the PC / laptop will reboot and update the BIOS on its own (automatically, without your participation).

Of course, the method is relevant for those who already have Windows OS on the disk. More detailed instructions below.

To help!

How to update the BIOS of a laptop (for example HP) -

Happy work!

Users usually notice when reinstalling the operating system when it is required to set the boot priority, or when changing additional settings of the primary I / O system. What is the reason for this phenomenon and how to deal with it, now it will be considered. I would like to note right away that not everything is so bad. There are several basic methods to solve the problem in a matter of minutes. Let's consider them.

The keyboard does not work in BIOS: reasons

Many users pay attention to the fact that in a normally functioning operating system, such situations, although observed, are very rare. For the most part, this concerns just the BIOS.

Among the main reasons for the emergence of such a situation, most experts identify the following:

  • physical damage to plugs and wires;
  • incorrect connection;
  • old computer without support for the connected device;
  • Incorrect BIOS settings.

Problems related to physical defects or damage will not be considered at this time. As a last resort, if the keyboard does not work in the BIOS, you can simply check the operability of an external type device of the PS / 2 or USB standard by connecting it to another computer terminal. If everything is in order on it, you need to look for the reason in your system unit (more precisely, in the sockets and ports to which you are connecting).

What's the first thing to do?

As for troubleshooting, first of all, you should check the correctness of the connection.

In the case of USB keyboards, it is quite difficult to make a connection through the corresponding port incorrectly (although sometimes we can talk about the fact that the keyboard belongs to the USB 3.0 standard, and is connected to the USB 2.0 port).

But most often the appearance of such a situation is more typical for keyboards of the old model of the PS / 2 standard. The connection must be made taking into account that the colors of the keyboard plug and the corresponding socket must match (they are purple). However, in this case it is quite difficult to make a mistake.

How to enter BIOS (keyboard does not work)?

When trying to the primary system, which can very often be the cause of failures, the question of access to them arises along the way, because in most cases you cannot do without a keyboard to call the BIOS or navigate through the settings sections.

But there is a solution. For example, we have a situation when the keyboard on a laptop does not work in BIOS. The settings system can be entered using several methods. Some laptop models are initially equipped with special buttons on the panel, with the help of which the BIOS parameters section is called. In particular, this applies to Lenovo products, Sony VAIO (ASSIST button), etc.

The second access option in the case when the keyboard does not work in the BIOS will be to connect its external analogue via the USB port. But here you need to remember that it is advisable to connect an external keyboard without power, and only then turn on the device for boot.


The previous solutions can be called universal in a sense, however, and they may not give the desired result. This can be observed when the USB keyboard does not work in the BIOS. This problem is only due to the fact that some kind of failure has occurred in the system itself.

In this case, you should make a complete reset of the set parameters. Anyone, even an old stationary type computer, allows you to get to the motherboard on which the CMOS battery is installed. You just need to pull it out of the slot for a few minutes, insert it back and try to enter the settings by turning on the terminal to boot.

Setting the correct parameters

But there are also pitfalls here. In the case of USB keyboards, the problem may be the deactivated support for such devices in the primary system itself.

In this case, you will have to connect a PS / 2 keyboard or, if possible, enter the BIOS on a laptop by pressing a special button, then find parameters like Legacy USB Support or USB Keyboard Support and look at the set value. If this is indeed the case, it will be set to Disabled. It needs to be changed to Enabled and the changes saved on exit (F10, Y). A reboot will follow. Perhaps this is the way to fix the problem.

What else could there be?

According to reviews, sometimes a keyboard failure can be associated with damage to the RAM strips, malfunctions of the power supply, short-circuiting of some contacts directly on the motherboard, malfunctioning ports, etc. Here you cannot do without a complete diagnosis of the entire system.

Finally, there may also be a problem with the BIOS system itself, which consists in its malfunctioning or obsolescence. In this case, you will have to do a complete flashing, but this process is unsafe, and without special knowledge, an ordinary user can cause irreparable damage to the computer, as a result of which the PC will stop working altogether.

Instead of a total

Based on the foregoing, we can conclude that, regardless of the current situation, apart from physical damage or defects, the problem of keyboard inoperability and access to the primary system can be solved quite simply.

But there can be a lot of reasons for this phenomenon. And they are not always associated exclusively with physical defects. In most cases, for the same USB devices, you just need to enable support or do a master reset. It helps 99 out of 100 cases.

Finally, if we talk about a global problem, when the keyboard does not work at all, it can be identified immediately on the welcome screen when the computer terminal is turned on (it will be reported that the keyboard is missing). In this case, you will either have to check the correctness of the connection, or use the methods proposed above, up to replacing the failed device with a new one.

The use of a computer or laptop sooner or later leads to the need to reinstall the system. The average user, when trying to boot the system from an external media, is faced with such a concept as BIOS. The instructions say that you need to enter the BIOS, but many computer users do not even know what this abbreviation means, and what meaning it carries.

BIOS decrypts as "Basic Input Output System", that is "Basic Input-Output System". BIOS is a set of programs for input and output of data to control the system. Modern computers have moved on to a more advanced kind of base system called. However, the essence of its use has not changed.

Standard ways to run BIOS

Without a special need to enter BIOS for a person who does not understand computer systems, it is not desirable, as this can lead to disastrous consequences. Upon entering, a person has access to many parameters of the system. Changing them may adversely affect the operation of your computer. Therefore, if you do not understand the meaning of the changed settings, it is better not to touch them.

The most common reason why an ordinary user needs to enter the BIOS is associated with a change in the initialization sequence of devices and push installation or disk. There are several ways to enter BIOS. This requires a keyboard, but there are also ways to enter BIOS without a keyboard.

In order to enter the BIOS, you need to follow the indicated scheme. In fact, entering bios will not be difficult. Another question is how to change and use these settings.

Entry scheme in BIOS:

Sometimes the line pops up very quickly and the person does not have time to enter the BIOS. This is not a problem, you need to wait until the computer is turned on and restart it. When switching on, repeat the above steps again.

Keys and combinations by bios version

Keys and combinations by computer and laptop manufacturer

PC manufacturer Keys
Acer F1, F2, Ctrl + Alt + Esc
AST Ctrl + Alt + Esc, Ctrl + Alt + Del
Compaq F10
CompUSA Del
Cybermax Esc
Dell 400 F3, F1
Dell Dimension F2, Del
Dell Inspiron F2
Dell Latitude F2, Fn + F1
Dell optiplex Del, F2
Dell Precision F2
eMachine Del
Gateway F1, F2
HP (Hewlett-Packard) F1, F2
Lenovo F2
IBM E-pro Laptop F2
IBM PS / 2 Ctrl + Alt + Ins, Ctrl + Alt + Del
IBM Lenovo Thinkpad from Windows: Programs> Thinkpad CFG
Intel Tangent Del
Micron F1, F2 or Del
Packard bell F1, F2 or Del
Roverbook Del
Sony VAIO F2, F3
Tiget Del
Toshiba Esc, F1

How to enter BIOS in other ways

A keyboard is required for the standard way to enter the I / O menu. However, there are some ways login without using it. Usually, such a need arises if the keyboard is broken or the settings are changed, which is why it is impossible to enter the BIOS in the usual way.

By means of a dedicated button without keyboard

A special button for entering the BIOS is on some computer models, for example, Lenovo. You do not need to restart your computer to use it. It is active in any case and allows you to immediately enter the system we need.

The disadvantage of this method is that not all computers have such a button, but it is this button that allows you to enter the BIOS without using the keyboard at all.

Reset BIOS settings

This method allows you to reset the settings for entering the BIOS in the usual way. To do this, we find under the case of the system unit to find the jumper " Clear CMOS", Change its position and return it back. Thus, the settings will be reset, which means that it will be possible to enter the BIOS in the standard way using the keyboard.

If no jumper, then you can pull out the BIOS battery for 20-30 seconds and put it back on. It's easy to find her. It is quite large and there are no other batteries on the motherboard.

Using a PS / 2 keyboard

The problem on which it is not possible to enter the I / O menu may be hidden in the keyboard. This happens on older computers. The way out is to use a PS / 2 keyboard.

How to boot bios via command line

One of the simple and affordable ways that every average user understands is to enter the BIOS using command line... The essence of the method is to run just one command and easily and quickly enter the BIOS.

Step-by-step process of entering BIOS through the command line:

Step 1. Hold the keys Windows and R... In the window that appears, enter “ сmd"As shown in the screenshot.
Step 2. We are waiting for the command prompt window to appear.
Step 3. In the window that appears, enter the command to call the system reboot Shutdown.exe / r / o, as shown in the picture, and click Enter:

After completing these simple steps, the computer will start to reboot. When turned on, a menu of different startup methods will open. There will be indicated a key combination for the simplest and quickest entry into the BIOS.

Is it possible to enter BIOS without rebooting

If none of the above methods helped to enter the BIOS, you should seek help from a specialist. It is impossible to enter BIOS without rebooting, since it is when the input and output menu is turned on that it is active, when the computer is running, the BIOS does not work anymore.

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