Bios flew: how to restore, step-by-step instructions, tips and tricks. How to flash ASUS BIOS (AFUDOS utility) Favorites BIOS recovery software asus

At the time of updating the BIOS, absolutely any and even the smallest error can disable and undermine the stability of your motherboard. For example, if, when updating the BIOS, loading the wrong firmware version, or at the most inopportune moment, a power outage occurs, then the motherboard may stop working completely. It even happens when, when updating the BIOS, you installed the latest firmware version, it may simply contain damaged files or errors and they will undoubtedly lead to unstable performance. This is why a so-called BIOS recovery is often required to bring your system back to full life.

A little about the principle of operation of the BIOS BIOS or, in other words, "basic input / output system", works like a regular universal driver. He knows how to connect with each other hardware and software parts of a personal computer, providing the operating system with a full connection with all parts and components of the system unit. Also, the BIOS is used to initialize, check the definition of the configuration of a full PC boot.

The motherboard has a special chip with flash memory, which is awarded the authority to store the BIOS, and this is exactly what it is flashed. All motherboard manufacturers constantly post updated BIOS firmware on their official websites, which can be downloaded by every user so that they are free. You just need to know the model of the motherboard, the manufacturer and the type of BIOS itself. By flashing the BIOS of the motherboard, you can increase the compatibility with the new hardware and improve the operation and functionality of the motherboard itself. However, there is no need to deal with frequent flashing of the motherboard if the old BIOS version does not give any failures. You should refer to this action only in those moments when you reinstalled a new processor or noticed any instability in the operation of the system, a "screen of death" that often appears. Next, I will give several utilities with which you can restore the BIOS yourself.

What if my computer takes a long time to shut down?

BIOS recovery via ASUS CrashFree BIOS

The famous ASUS company offers its users BIOS recovery through an embedded utility called ASUS CrashFree BIOS. which will allow the user to roll back the BIOS version if any problems arise when installing a new one. This utility easily reads the firmware file, which can be written to a laser medium, USB flash drive or floppy disk, and then, in automatic mode, installs it instead of the inoperative version. In order for you to fully use this utility and restore the BIOS, you need to download and then cut your old firmware version onto the media.

See also: How to reset BIOS to factory settings on a laptop

Also, before installing the new version, you can copy the old version or, if you do not have this opportunity, you can make a copy from a similar motherboard. After you have found the version of your firmware, copy it along with the program onto one medium. After that, we insert our disk into the drive of a non-working PC and when the system boots, BIOS recovery immediately begins.

BIOS recovery via ASUS BIOS Updater

In order to protect yourself from problems that may arise in the future, you can use another utility - ASUS BIOS Updater, which will help you create a backup copy of the current BIOS version before updating. Format the USB flash drive to FAT 32 or FAT 16, then download and save the latest BIOS firmware and ASUS BIOS Updater utility on it.

Connect the USB flash drive to an available port on your computer and turn on your computer. When the computer boots up, press the "F8" button to bring up the boot menu, in which select the "CD-ROM" item. Before these, you need to install a bootable disk with the FreeDOS operating system into the drive. After loading the OS in the command line, select the drive letter that is assigned to the flash drive, for example "d:" and press "Enter". After that, you can execute the command to create a file in which the old BIOS will be saved - type and run "bupdater / o filename.rom", where the correct name of the firmware file should be indicated. So, with such non-tricky methods and certain utilities, we were able to restore the BIOS ourselves. As the saying goes - the eyes are afraid, but the hands are doing. If you have any questions or suggestions for this article, leave them in your comments. In one of our articles, you can also learn about BIOS, as well as how to enter BIOS on Windows 10.

How to enter BIOS in Windows 10?

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BIOS recovery ASUS K52D

Recovering BIOS on ASUS K52D laptops after an unsuccessful firmware, as it turned out, is not a very difficult task. You will need a 1-2GB flash drive for this (this is already a rarity, yes), a laptop with a corrupted BIOS (and otherwise alive), the Internet, patience.

Actually, the preparatory stage is as follows: 1) we format the flash drive in FAT16 or just FAT 2) download the latest available firmware from the official site (although ASUS likes to upload something semi-working lately) 3) write the firmware to the flash drive in several copies with different names (I’m here also did not understand which option worked): AMIBOOT.ROM, AMIBOOT.BIN, K22D.bin, K22D.rom 4) turn off the laptop from the outlet, pull out the battery, insert the flash drive, turn on the power and turn on the laptop by pressing Ctrl + S or Ctrl before + Home or Win + B. Although, again, by all external signs, it reacted to all buttons in the same way - by turning on the diode on the flash drive.

5) if the indicators are on, the flash drive is also active, then we try to wait. The laptop should come to life after a while. If it doesn’t come to life, then we try again the same thing, but with a different key combination.

Login to BIOS and OS recovery on Lenovo laptops

Laptops from the manufacturer Lenovo are gaining popularity. As with any computer equipment, problems can occur with them from time to time. In this article, we will tell you how to independently cope with such operations as installing Windows, entering special computer parameters and installing a wifi driver.

Login to Bios

To enter the BIOS, you must turn on the device, and until the operating system starts to load, simultaneously hold down the Fn and F2 keys. If the input is made correctly, then we will see the BIOS interface in front of us, which contains information about the version, devices, sections of fine hardware settings.


The first thing to do is make sure that the laptop really needs a BIOS update. To do this, you can enter the BIOS and see the current version. If so, then the easiest way to update the BIOS is to download the latest version on the website of your device manufacturer. As a rule, this is a regular installation file that must be run after closing all applications and disabling the antivirus. The program itself will perform the necessary actions, after which the computer will restart automatically.


If you need to restore the system of your device, then a special program called OneKey Rescue System can help you with this. The fact is that the manufacturer Lenovo has taken care in advance so that you can restore the system with minimal effort.

The program that provides quick system recovery is installed by default on almost all laptops from this well-known manufacturer. Its action is that it makes part of the disk space invisible to the user and stores a copy of the OS there in its factory version.

To restore, you must first turn off the computer, and then turn it on with a special button located on the panel. This button is called OneKey Rescue and has a curved arrow on it. The computer will automatically take the required action.

Installing the OS

How to install Windows 7 operating system on Lenovo? In order for the installation of Windows 7 to be successful, you first need to enter and make some changes to the BIOS. It is necessary to install the system so that it boots from a CD or flash drive, depending on where the Windows 7 installation files are located. To do this, in the settings, look for an item called First Boot Device. In this value, we need to select CD ROM if the installation is carried out from a CD or USB if from a flash drive. If everything is done correctly, then after the reboot, the installation of Windows 7 will begin.

Internet setup

There is nothing difficult in installing the wifi driver on lenovo laptops. First, you need to download a driver for your computer. To do this, visit the official website and look for the menus that allow you to install the wifi driver. Please enter the model number of your laptop in order to obtain the required driver. Download and run it. The installer will install the distribution kit on its own.

How to flash laptop BIOS

Updating the BIOS is a very useful, but at the same time, extremely dangerous procedure. It is useful because after the release of their products, manufacturers continue to improve them based on feedback from service centers, their research. Over time, data on errors appears, as well as their corrections. So, it is precisely the solutions to hardware-level problems, additional options in the settings appear in new versions of the BIOS management firmware. The danger of this procedure lies in the complete inoperability after an unsuccessful BIOS flashing. In most such cases, the operation of the motherboard or laptop can only be restored at a service center. And sometimes such a recovery procedure is impossible or is associated with the dismantling of the microcircuit from the motherboard, and its further firmware in a special programmer. And all this costs money.

Attention! Flashing the BIOS is associated with the risk of losing hardware functionality. Reflash it only as a last resort, and with sufficient experience for this! If you decide to flash your BIOS for the sake of following the buzzword - give it up!

So you've decided to flash the BIOS on your laptop. In this article we will try to help you. The safest and most reliable way is to flash from under DOS using a USB flash drive. The general principle of flashing BIOS from under DOS is as follows. It is necessary to copy the file of the new BIOS version, as well as a special flashing utility (flasher) to a bootable USB device. Reboot the laptop, boot from the USB flash drive. Using the command line, start the flasher program and follow the instructions. What you need to know before flashing the laptop BIOS:

1. Download the latest BIOS version only from the official website of the laptop manufacturer. Don't download the beta version. You should download the latest checked and working version.

2. The laptop must be turned on through the power supply, and not run on battery power. The best option is to plug the laptop into an electrical outlet through an Uninterruptible Power Supply (UPS).

3. The USB flash drive used must be reliable and proven in operation. If you notice any errors related to data loss in the operation of the USB drive, then in no case use it.

4. Never disconnect power from the laptop during the BIOS update process. Also, never press any keys or buttons on your laptop during this time.

Let's take a look at the BIOS update process using the Dell Inspirion 1525 laptop as an example.

1. Create a bootable USB stick. Read the guide on how to do this quickly and reliably. If you do not have a standard USB flash drive at hand, but your laptop supports booting from the built-in card reader, then use it. To do this, you need to make a bootable memory card from a camera or phone, having previously saved data from it.

2. Download the latest BIOS version from the laptop's official website. It is best to use the serial number from the sticker on the underside of the laptop case. Many manufacturers provide a service on their website to find the necessary files for download by serial number. For our laptop, this is the Service Tag. Entering it on the manufacturer's website, we find the BIOS file. At the time of this writing, this is version A17 dated December 2, 2009. Moreover, everything we need is already enclosed in one file with the * .exe extension. So, from the official Dell website, download the 1525_A17.EXE file and copy it to our bootable USB flash drive. Be sure to remember or better write down the name of the downloaded file!

3. Boot from a USB stick. To do this, we expose the boot from the USB device in the BIOS of the laptop itself. Or we use special keys when turning on the laptop to call the boot device selection menu. In Dell laptops, this is the F12 function key. After loading, we will see the DOS command line

4. Enter the command to start the BIOS flashing program (file name):

5. Start the DELL programmer shell

The program itself will check the BIOS file for errors and for compliance with the laptop model. If the verification procedure is successful, then press any key on the keyboard to continue.

If you are ready to start the BIOS flashing process, press the "Y" key

The laptop BIOS update process will begin

and check the result of the BIOS update

Wait for the moment when the update process is over! Do not turn off the laptop or press any keys during this time! After flashing the BIOS and successfully checking it, the laptop will be overloaded

When the laptop goes into reboot, it may turn off and not turn on for a few seconds. This is fine! Just wait for the laptop to turn on by itself 6. After flashing the new BIOS version, go into it and set all the settings you need. Flashing on different laptop models and from other manufacturers, of course, may differ. Usually, instructions for flashing it are supplied with the BIOS files. Be sure to read it. In general, all actions are very similar to each other. The main thing is not to rush and do everything deliberately! If after updating the BIOS your laptop stops turning on, or displays an error, do not panic. Save the USB flash drive with the BIOS file that was used for flashing. Many modern laptops have an emergency system for restoring the original BIOS version. This is just for such cases. Just start this firmware rollback process. If you are not sure what to do in this case, contact your nearest service center. Bring the BIOS file that you used. Paid, but they will help you there. The very fact of flashing is not considered a violation of the manufacturer's warranty. But in case of an unsuccessful result, you may lose your warranty! The administration of our resource and the author of the article himself are in no way responsible for any damage resulting from an unsuccessful BIOS update that you made yourself! This is just a description of the update process, and not a definitive guide to action!

How to recover the system on an Asus laptop

Restoring the laptop system goes through the process of returning it to its factory settings. As practice shows, the factory settings of the laptop are the most suitable for your particular Asus laptop model. They are built with all the parameters and power of the laptop in mind, so going back to them is a good idea.

If you have already dealt with similar operations before, then you can cope with this one, but if you are not sure, then it is better to contact the best Asus service center, to computer specialists.

System recovery will not work if:

You have reinstalled Windows at least once. The installation process removes the necessary files for system recovery.

Do not refer to the fact that your Windows OS reinstalled the wizard, because most likely, he could also delete this file we need.

In this situation, you have no choice but to find or buy a disc with the restoration of the native settings. It can also be downloaded from trusted sources using the Internet.

We will show you how to recover your Asus laptop system if you haven't reinstalled your Windows version. In order to perform system recovery via BIOS on an Asus laptop, you need to perform preparatory work.

Preparing for system recovery

  1. If there is important information on the computer, then it needs to be dropped onto a USB flash drive. This is especially true for files on the C drive.

You don't have to delete anything from Drive D, but to be on the safe side, discard important files from this drive as well.

  1. Remember that the Windows version will restart too.
  2. This procedure will take some time after turning on the computer for the first time for it to install all the necessary settings on the laptop.

ATTENTION!!! You will not solve all laptop problems with a system restore. Make sure you need this operation at all. After consulting with a professional prior to recovery.

This operation is not difficult. You can handle it yourself.

How to run System Restore on an Asus laptop

Ready! Your computer is now as fresh from the store. Happy use.

BIOS was created in 1975, its abbreviation stands for Basic Input / Output System, and its main function is to launch the operating system and hardware components of the PC. It also loads power and temperature management features. The firmware identifies, tests, and launches key system components such as hard drive, graphics card, and keyboard.

Most modern computers store the BIOS on a ROM chip on the motherboard. If it crashed, then determining the model of the motherboard will usually help to restore the BIOS. Restarting the firmware will depend on this.

BIOS recovery is a simple process that anyone can do on a PC if there is a serious problem with it and need to return the settings to the factory state. Before restoring the BIOS, they perform the act of zeroing the motherboard, a process called Clear CMOS. It provides for the following actions:

  • clearing the parameters stored in the BIOS ROM;
  • returning the PC to the neutral state from which it starts;
  • Eliminate crashes when starting the PC for the first time after assembly or after updating in the BIOS.

The main reasons for performing a firmware restore are:

  1. Motherboard does not start after BIOS-specific settings are configured.
  2. One of the most common reasons is manual configuration of RAM on the motherboard. If a parameter from the many settings that RAM has is entered by mistake, the board will fail and the PC will not start.
  3. Another of the most common reasons is overclocking. If the user increases the frequency while the Vcore is insufficient for the processor, it is very likely that the motherboard will not boot.

In order to reboot, you need a key typed on the keyboard. It differs for different computer models and is usually indicated on the screen when the PC starts up, for a short period of time. Before you restore a BIOS that has flown, you need to find out the key keys.

They can be: F1, F2, F10, F11, F12, Esc or some other combination like "Control + Alt + Escape". If the user does not know the recovery key and does not see the indication on the screen, then the query for the phrase "computer brand + enter BIOS" should prompt a solution. The same answer can be found in the manual for the PC. After correctly typing the keys, the user will see the BIOS setup screen.

If the BIOS has crashed, but how to restore on a PC, the user does not know, experts recommend running Clear CMOS. To do this, the first thing you need to find on the surface of the motherboard are three grouped contacts, near which the Clear CMOS or CLR_CMOS phrases are located. It will be easier for the user to find the mode if he first reads the motherboard manual. These pins will have a jumper that closes the contact between them. It should also be noted that there are those that have only two contacts, without any jumper.

The algorithm for executing the mode is as follows:

  1. Turn off the computer.
  2. Find the battery on the motherboard. This is a round battery, similar to an element from a wrist electronic clock, located on the surface of the board.
  3. Carefully remove it from the socket where it is located.
  4. Before restoring the BIOS, which has flown off, change the position of the jumper, which closes the circuit between the two contacts. If contacts 1 and 2 are initially closed, then set the position so that contacts 2 and 3 are closed.
  5. Find a conductive metal surface and manually close the circuit between the two contacts. A flat head screwdriver is an excellent choice for this purpose.
  6. After completing this step, leave the circuit closed for at least 30 seconds.
  7. After this time, perform the same actions, but in reverse order.
  8. If everything went right, the system will start with the default BIOS settings.

If the BIOS has flown to the PC, and the user does not know how to restore and cannot guarantee the safety of the machine, then it is better to perform a full reset of the firmware on the laptop.

The algorithm of operations is as follows:

  1. They turn on the computer and study the BIOS splash screen, which will appear at the very beginning and tell you which function key (F2 / F8) you need to press to access the configuration.
  2. Press and hold this key until the setting screen appears.
  3. If the opportunity to press in time is missed, the PC will continue to boot from Win normally, and a reboot with repeating steps will be required.
  4. After successfully entering the BIOS setup screen, use the function and scroll keys to navigate the menus.
  5. Find the "factory reset" option.
  6. If "Windows" has crashed, it will usually help to restore the BIOS by following the instructions on the screen to go to the original configuration.
  7. Confirm your choice and close the screen.
  8. Since the BIOS is in ROM, it must have a constant power source to store any changes that were made to it each time the computer was disconnected from AC power.
  9. If there is no way to return to factory settings, disconnect power from the BIOS, it returns to its original configuration. The process consists of disconnecting a small battery on the motherboard. In many laptops, the BIOS battery is easily accessible and is located at the bottom of the device.
  10. It doesn't matter how the BIOS crashed on the computer, updating the SMOS of the motherboard will help to restore it correctly. This requires removing the battery and touching a metal object to ground it.
  11. Next, remove all the screws that hold the battery cover.
  12. They find the BIOS battery in the form of a small lithium construction, similar to a watch battery, remove it, being careful not to damage the adjacent circuits. Wait a minute for it to discharge and insert into place. Then, the starting procedure is repeated from the beginning.

The main problem when updating BIOS in Windows 10 can occur when trying to reboot. Sometimes the user is unable to open the BIOS no matter how much he presses the key. This is because Windows does not restart the PC by default.

If Windows 10 has crashed, the following algorithm will tell you how to restore the BIOS by using the key keys:

  1. In order to be able to enter the BIOS, the first thing to do is to start booting the PC.
  2. To turn off the computer, press "Alt + F4" on the desktop or use the "Start" menu. It should be borne in mind that if the laptop uses the "quick start" technology, it is quite possible that the normal shutdown of the BIOS will not start. There are a number of preliminary steps to follow.
  3. First click on the "Start" menu and then select "Settings".
  4. The Windows configuration moves to the last section called Update and Security for similar recovery and troubleshooting configurations.
  5. Click on the "Recovery" tab in the left pane, and then click on the "Restart now" button in the "Advanced Startup" section.
  6. A menu will appear with a blue background, which is used to solve problems with Windows, and one of the options is to enter the BIOS.

If "Windows 10" has flown, how to restore the operating system through BIOS, users will be prompted by special tabs "Solve problems" and "Advanced options".

Gigabyte motherboards include a functionality called "dual BIOS", which allows a defective BIOS update to be restored in the event of a gigabyte BIOS update failure or loss of power during the process. It doesn't matter how the BIOS crashed, it will be possible to restore the work on Gigabyte dual only with the use of an update.

Updating BIOS gigabytes from Windows can be done in two ways:

  • by preloading the BIOS from the motherboard;
  • update the BIOS from the Gigabyte server so that the program looks for the latest version.

If this needs to be done using a previous BIOS download, for example, when there is no internet on the PC, download the above program and the BIOS version that is needed. The latter is recommended so that the hardware runs at the highest possible performance and stability.

You can make a backup copy that is at the moment, to do this, click the "Save current BIOS to file" tab and indicate the route to save the file. As soon as the user has everything he needs, he starts the update by clicking on the "Update BIOS from file" tab, the program will ask you to search for the previously downloaded file.


You can update from your own gigabyte BIOS, with an application called Q-FLASH built into it. Before starting, format usb into fat32 and unpack the BIOS inside. Insert into port USB before entering the PC. The utility offers 3 options: the first, which puts "Update BIOS from disk", the second - "Save BIOS to disk", and the third - "Exit Q-" to exit the application.

After the BIOS has flown, the use of a special utility will help to restore the functionality of the operating system step by step.

The algorithm of actions looks like this:

  1. Select the usb that contains the bios file.
  2. They select the BIOS version to enter and begin the update process.
  3. Check for a new file inside usb.
  4. The assistant asks, up to the version that is in usb, confirm "yes", and the process begins.
  5. Make sure the process is done correctly.
  6. They reboot, enter the BIOS and check that the version has been changed.

This process allows you to update the gigabyte BIOS to a higher or lower version. In addition, with Gigabyte's dual Bios system, you can be calm before possible crashes, since they start the system with its backup.

You can restore the system without going into Windows 7. It often happens that after you have crashed "Windows 7", to restore the system through the BIOS is the only way to restore the performance of the PC. The procedure will depend on the specific hardware installed on the machine. If the unit has a CD / DVD player, erase all discs from it. Then turn off the computer and external USB drives.

Recovery algorithm:

  1. Turn on the PC and quickly press the F8 key on the keyboard. The Win logo should not be displayed. It is best to press F8 several times in a row when starting up the PC.
  2. When the process goes well, a screen appears with a black background and white letters. Turn on advanced OS boot options by using the arrow keys to select the one that sets Safe Mode with Command Prompt and confirm with Enter on your keyboard to enter it.
  3. After downloading a series of files, an MS-Dos console window opens with a black background and white letters. They register the command: rstrui.exe and press Enter on the keyboard.
  4. Recovery Assistant starts, the user must follow all its instructions.

Surftec reinstalls all Lenovo systems to the standard edition of Windows 7 Professional, while newer systems are usually installed with Windows 8 or 10.

Windows 8 supports a newer, faster BIOS called UEFI, which provides additional security. This mode must be disabled to run Windows 7. For a situation where the BIOS on a lenovo laptop has crashed, establishing the causes of the emergency will help to restore its performance.

If the user has reset the BIOS and the default features have been enabled, then Windows 7 most likely will not be able to start automatically. The system may have other problems, such as a broken wireless connection or old hardware drivers, which will also interfere with the normal recovery process.

  1. Close the windows and make sure that the laptop is completely turned off, for this go to the "Start" menu and select "Shut down".
  2. Press the power button and then the F1 key every two seconds until the BIOS welcome screen appears.
  3. You navigate through the BIOS using the arrow keys on your keyboard. The left and right keys move between the top BIOS titles "Main", "Config", "Date / Time", "Security", "Startup" and "Restart".
  4. The up and down arrows navigate through the available options on each page.
  5. The enter or return key will open an option with additional settings, then use the up and down arrows to highlight the desired option and the return and enter key.
  6. Use the right arrow key on the keyboard to select the "Restart" screen.
  7. Use the down arrow key to select the OS Optimized Defaults option.
  8. Press the return or enter key, a pop-up window will appear.
  9. Use the up and down arrow keys to select Disabled. The selected option is highlighted in bold and white text.
  10. Use the up arrow once to select Load Setup Defaults and press the Return or Enter key.
  11. Make sure "Yes" is selected using the left and right arrow keys, and then press the Enter key. The selected option is highlighted with a black background.
  12. Press the F10 key and select "Yes" using the left and right arrow keys.
  13. Press the return or enter key to select "Yes", now the machine will save the new settings and reboot.

AMI Biostar boot software

If the BIOS has crashed, you can find out how to restore the biostar from the boot block floppy disk in the technical documentation for the motherboard. But since this scheme is used for old versions of computers or PCs operating in server mode, the instructions may have been lost, then you will have to look for the topic on the Internet.

This setting is a standard feature of the AMIBIOS8 kernel, is enabled by default and allows the user to restore a BIOS image using a floppy disk without the need for additional utilities. Before restoring the biostar, if the BIOS has flown off, perform the following instruction. Instructions for manually starting recovery of a boot block from a floppy disk are as follows:

  1. Insert the floppy disk with the new BIOS file into the root directory of drive A. In most cases, the file should be named AMIBOOT.ROM. However, this filename may differ from one product to another. The user can clarify this information in the technical documentation of the motherboard.
  2. Press and hold the keys while turning on the power until the floppy disk drive access light comes on, which may take a few seconds.
  3. The keys are released and AMIBIOS emits a series of beep codes that indicate that the system BIOS file is being updated.
  4. After downloading the file, a progress dialog will be displayed on the screen.
  5. After successfully programming the Flash ROM, the computer will reboot.
  6. The user should not interrupt the BIOS flashing process until it completes completely.
  7. One of the functions of the BIOS AMI boot block is code to verify the integrity of the BIOS image in flash memory.
  8. If there is a problem with the BIOS image in the boot block code, boot block recovery will automatically start. This condition will be indicated by a series of beep codes.

BIOS Recovery Boot Block is a special BIOS boot block with minimal initialization. The function is enabled to restore the firmware to successfully complete after a failure of the BIOS flashing process. The system provides hot keys "Fn + Esc", which enable the process of restoring a working system during BIOS POST. It is recommended to use the AC adapter and battery to use the function. When enabled, the BIOS will force you to enter a special block called the Boot Block.

Recovery steps should be taken using a USB stick:

  1. Prepare the Crisis USB key in advance. It is created by running the Crisis Disk software on another system with Windows OS.
  2. Connect a USB disk.
  3. Run the wincris.exe program to create the USB Crisis disk.
  4. Click "Start" to start the process.
  5. Select the "Quick Format" option for the disc and press "Start".
  6. Follow the instructions on the screen to create a disc.
  7. Copies the BIOS file KAYF0X64.fd to the root directory of the USB flash drive.
  8. Connect the USB storage device to the USB port.
  9. Press the "Fn + ESC" buttons, turn on the power.
  10. The power button blinks orange once.
  11. Press the power button to start the Crisis system mode.
  12. Upon completion of CRISIS, the system reboots with a valid BIOS.

Acer reset options

If a user has forgotten the BIOS password for an Acer laptop, they will need to access the BIOS to make some hardware changes to the computer, which may be password protected. Resetting it before logging into Acer is easy.

The procedure for resetting the password through Acer eSettings is as follows:

  1. Install the Acer Empowering Technology software.
  2. Open the Start menu and select All Programs> Empowering Technology> Manage from eSettings.
  3. Click on "BIOS Passwords" on the screen footer.
  4. Regain control using the Create or Delete options.
  5. Reset the password of the Acer laptop.

Removing it with a CMOS battery is a common way. This method involves the use of computer equipment, therefore, it is intended for users who know the PC device.

It doesn't matter how the BIOS crashed on the Acer laptop, you can restore the laptop using the firmware method:

  1. Disconnect the power cable from the PC.
  2. Remove the computer case with a screwdriver and find a flat, round and metal CMOS battery.
  3. Examine how the latches hold it in order to properly eject the CMOS battery.
  4. After removing, wait 30-40 seconds, insert the battery into place and restart the PC.
  5. If everything went well, there should be no more password.

Thus, BIOS is a basic input-output system, an indispensable function of the operating system of hardware components, on the correct operation of which the reliability of the computer depends. He does not like frequent intervention in his settings, but nevertheless, a competent user needs to know how to work correctly with the system for all kinds of extreme cases.

BIOS firmware is a delicate procedure, so you need to approach it with special care. Sometimes, however, all the precautions do not help - a force majeure occurs, during which the firmware files are damaged. Most motherboard manufacturers have tools for recovering from such failures, and today we want to talk about those for ASUS motherboards.

Working with the tool in question consists of two stages: preparatory and direct BIOS recovery. We will also consider possible problems that may arise during the execution of instructions.

Step 1: preparation

The recovery efficiency largely depends on the correct execution of actions at the preparatory stage, therefore it is important to carefully follow the algorithm described below.

At this, the preparatory stage is completed, and you can proceed directly to the restoration.

Step 2: Using ASUS CrashFree BIOS 3

Since technically using the utility in question involves flashing the BIOS, the first step is to make sure that the computer is connected to an uninterruptible power supply. The recovery sequence is as follows:

If at this stage no problems were observed, the recovery can be considered complete.

Possible failures and their elimination

Now we will consider the problems that may arise during the execution of the instructions, and offer options for their elimination.

The flash drive is not recognized
The most common reason for this error is that the drive is not properly prepared or is in the wrong slot. Also, hardware problems with the flash drive itself or the USB port cannot be ruled out - check the operability of both the media and the output to which you connect it.

The flash drive is recognized, but the firmware file is not visible on it
This is usually seen in users who incorrectly named the required file. Turn off the computer, then open the USB flash drive on another machine and check that the firmware name is entered correctly.

The computer does not respond in any way to the connection of the drive
If all USB connectors on the board are known to be working, this behavior indicates much more serious damage than the "flown" firmware - most likely, there is damage to the BIOS chip, and you will need to either replace the board or carry it for repair.


That concludes our guide to using the ASUS CrashFree BIOS 3. As you can see, the procedure does not differ from a regular firmware update.

If the BIOS crashed on your PC or laptop, then this is by no means a reason to panic, although, of course, this situation cannot be called very pleasant. However, in many cases, you will be able to cope with such a problem on your own and restore the performance of your PC or laptop without resorting to the help of computer specialists.

Suppose that you turn on your computer and instead of the usual picture of its loading you see some kind of text error message, after which the computer stops loading. Or else you hear indicative of a BIOS error.

The first thing to do in this case is to restart your computer. Perhaps this error is associated with a failure of the BIOS, which occurred, for example, as a result of a power surge. If this method does not help, then this means that the problem really lies in some kind of hardware malfunction associated either with the BIOS itself, or with some other hardware component.

It should be borne in mind that not every error message that appears on the screen indicates a malfunction of the BIOS itself. In most cases, text error messages are displayed when there is a problem with any other PC component, such as RAM, hard drives, or floppy drives. Read more about text error messages in a separate article. Therefore, you should carefully read the message displayed on the screen and check the hardware component mentioned in it.

However, if you see an error message that mentions BIOS (or CMOS), then it is most likely a BIOS-related malfunction. Also, in some cases, BIOS errors may be indicated by sound signals generated by the motherboard speaker. Information about which signals in which BIOS versions may indicate a BIOS malfunction can be obtained from the corresponding article on our website.

Solving problems with a crashed BIOS

If you encounter an error, the source of which is indeed the BIOS itself, then first of all it is worth trying to reset the BIOS to its initial settings. There is a good chance that after resetting the BIOS to factory defaults, the BIOS error will disappear. You can read more about how to reset BIOS settings and what you need to do in order to do this in the corresponding article on our website.

A BIOS error can often be associated with a discharged BIOS battery. Therefore, you should try to replace the battery with a new one. You can also read about where to find this battery and what you need to do to replace it in the article on our website.

But what if resetting the BIOS and replacing the battery does not help? Then you will have to resort to another method of recovering the faulty BIOS - to re-flash it. BIOS flashing is performed using a file containing the updated BIOS version. As a rule, a new version of the firmware can be downloaded from the website of your computer or motherboard manufacturer. There you can usually find instructions for the firmware itself.

As a rule, external media are used for firmware, on which the update file is written. The firmware itself is performed when the PC is rebooted. There are also programs that allow you to flash BIOS from under Windows without rebooting, however, in this case, most likely, they will not be useful to you, since, as a rule, in case of serious problems with the BIOS, the operating system cannot be loaded.

If all the methods described above did not help restore the BIOS to work, then you only have one thing to do - take the computer or motherboard with the faulty BIOS to a computer service center. Or buy a new motherboard.


No computer is immune from problems associated with BIOS failure. And therefore, any user should know what to do in such a case, which is by no means pleasant. However, statistics show that physical failures of the BIOS chip are rare compared to failures of other components on the motherboard. Therefore, methods such as resetting BIOS settings, replacing the battery that powers the BIOS memory, and flashing the BIOS on a PC or laptop in most cases will help solve this problem. But if none of the above methods helps, then you have no choice but to take the computer to a service center.

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