Like unlimited internet on beeline. Unlimited Internet Beeline for your computer. Basic tariff parameters

Modern subscribers' requests require operators to consistently increase the size of available packages. This is especially true for Internet access. Ideally, users should not be limited in their capabilities and use traffic without worrying about unexpectedly running out of the allocated limit. Fortunately, especially for the most active customers, tariffs with unlimited Internet Beeline are provided.

There are few such offers in 2019, and those that are provided will require the connected subscriber to be ready to pay a subscription fee in a timely manner and not forget to top up the balance.

An alternative way of unlimited connection to the network, allowing you to save on traffic costs, will be the activation of special options and services that remove restrictions on individual actions and virtual services.

There are unlimited tariff plans and lucrative offers for both, but they are inferior to the traditional mobile Internet in the inability to constantly maintain the ability to use them, since the modem needs to be connected to something.

Getting started with consideration and selection new tariffication, you should seriously think about your own desires to compare them with the capabilities of the operator. To do this, you need to look at the 4g card and make sure that the subscriber's region of residence is supported high speed connection... When viewing the map and before deciding to activate Beeline unlimited Internet without traffic restriction, you should think about:

  • the quality of the connection in the selected region;
  • about the required traffic volumes (perhaps it makes sense to think about less expensive tariff plans);
  • about the possibilities of exhaustion of the selected package, taking into account the quality of the connection.

It is important to emphasize that, despite the operator's plans already in 2019, many cities remain even without 3g, and therefore users do not always have the opportunity to spend even 15-20 GB, let alone 30 or unlimited.

Consequently, sometimes the connection of expensive tariffication does not make sense, and therefore it is worthwhile to assess your own needs in advance in order to avoid rash spending.

Pros and cons

After making sure that there is a high-speed network nearby, it is worth evaluating the main positive changes from the use of unlimited mobile Internet Beeline, taking a closer look at the weaknesses and understanding possible alternative solutions to the problem. The main benefits of not being constrained include:

  1. the ability to freely visit sites, portals, online services;
  2. the ability to replace the usual communication services with online calls by communication through instant messengers or voice messages;
  3. constant availability of important virtual systems, programs, services that simplify everyday life;
  4. no worries about unexpected exhaustion of the allocated limit.

Weaknesses need to be mentioned:

  • the high cost of such tariff plans;
  • inability to distribute traffic to third-party devices (access to the network is instantly limited);
  • dependence of the connection quality on a variety of factors, including the current load on the operator.

Speaking about the alternative, it is worth pointing out that sometimes when additional traffic required for individual portals, services or social networks, it is pointless to connect unlimited. Smarter to consider and activate additional options.

Beeline tariffs with unlimited internet

Despite the obvious urgency of introducing such tariffs, Beeline is in no hurry to actively introduce fresh offers. But to say that the operator is lagging behind competitors is also wrong. At the moment, customers are offered only 1 option for connecting Beeline unlimited Internet to the phone. The mentioned proposal is called "" and appeared quite recently. According to the current conditions, users are offered high-speed traffic without restrictions for 20 rubles per day. For an additional RUB 3, the telephone company will remove the remaining bans, giving customers the ability to watch videos in HD quality. In addition, subscribers are provided with 500 minutes of calls, which, given the main purpose tariff planis sufficient.

It should be added that the final price for the month will be about 600 rubles, quite a bit.

Of the alternative options, it is required to note:

  • "" From 30 GB for 50 rubles. daily;
  • "" From 60 GB for 83.33 rubles.

Even a cursory glance at the specified conditions will be enough to make sure that "" is noticeably superior to the listed options in attractiveness and benefits.

Unlimited Internet Beeline unlimited

In addition to the described tariff, special options for a smartphone deserve consideration and study. There are few of them, but they are able to provide subscribers with access to the necessary portals and services and solve possible problems... Attention deserves:

  1. "Unlimited cards".

In the first case, customers are offered unlimited visits to social networks and the use of official music applications. The traffic used for listening to music and communication is not taken into account, and visits to social. networks is available even after the final exhaustion of packets.

The second option allows you to forget about prohibitions and limits in roaming. At the same time, the cost of the service is 350 rubles per day, but the write-off occurs only on those days when the subscriber actually used the traffic. It is important to remember that if you accidentally visit the site or update any program, you will not be able to return money by accident.

The last service was created for the use of navigators. Its cost is 3 rubles. daily, and therefore users who need it will not have to face unexpected difficulties when paying or a sharp increase in communication costs.

How to connect unlimited Internet to Beeline?

The easiest way to connect Beeline unlimited Internet is to buy a completely new SIM card with a pre-established tariff plan. Additionally allowed:

  • change of tariffication or activation of the option on the official portal of the mobile operator;
  • using mobile application (the procedure almost completely coincides with the connection in the personal account);
  • introduction of special USSD commands;
  • call to and assistance of consultants;
  • using the voice menu.

In addition, you can contact the managers in the communication salon and ask to connect all the required services of the Beeline office workers.

Mobile Internet practically not inferior to the computer. This function is especially relevant for advanced smartphones. By activating Beeline unlimited mobile Internet on a smartphone, the client is able to use all the resources available from the computer. The subscriber will be able to work with bank cards, read the latest news, search, chat in social networks and upload content.
IN recent times, among operators, there is a struggle to attract customers with the help of favorable terms of access to the world wide web. Beeline has compiled a variety of service packages for different needs of its subscribers. The client only needs to choose a suitable tariff and activate it.

Most service packages provide not only access to the global network, but also additional options. Thus, in addition to traffic, the subscriber receives free minutes for calls, hundreds of messages or other bonuses.

How to connect mobile Internet Beeline

Most often, access to the world network is activated immediately after turning on the SIM card. However, in some cases, it is missing, due to incorrect settings or operator restrictions. In this case, you need to know how to connect the Internet to Beeline.
The user needs to make sure that the device supports the function and send a request to the number *110*181# ... After executing the command, a message with settings will be sent to the sender's phone. You can order the configuration by calling the number 06503 .
Also, it is possible to produce manual settings... To do this, you need to create a “Beeline Internet” profile.

  • is registered in the access point (APN).
  • The PAP check type is selected.
  • The APN-IPv4 protocol is installed.

Other settings usually do not need to be changed. The user only needs to enter the word Beeline in the login and password column and select the configuration in the settings of the browser used.

Unlimited Internet Beeline

A subscriber who knows how to connect unlimited Internet on the phone to Beeline will receive unlimited speed when working with 2,3 and 4G networks. The service works throughout the country, but the settings for each tariff are different. First of all, the subscriber will need to set up the phone, and then choose the appropriate service plan.
The service is available for all Android and iOS devices. But if the user wants to get a mobile unlimited traffic Beeline to a phone on a 4G network, he will have to buy or change a SIM card for a card that supports the function.
The company provides its customers with the opportunity to use unlimited Internet on other devices. For example, a smartphone can connect to a tablet or a modem.

This requires:

  • The presence of a sim card in all devices.
  • Registration of all numbers for one person.
  • Changing the tariff for an additional sim card. The package will be designed exclusively for working on the network, without SMS and calls.
  • Positive balance.

Internet on the "Vse" tariff line

The monthly fee for this package ranges from 200 to 2700 rubles, depending on the conditions. By activating the tariff, the user will receive 1,2,7, 10 and 15 GB to work with the world wide web. However, this is not all, the operator provides for the accrual of bonuses. The number of messages and minutes depends on the selected subscription fee.

  • Subscription fee 200 r. Provided 1 GB, free communication with Beeline subscribers and only 1.6 rubles / min for other operators. If 1 GB is consumed, the client gets another 150 MB for 20 rubles.
  • Subscription fee 400 r. Includes 2 GB, free communication in the operator's network, 400 minutes to other numbers in the region and 100 SMS.
  • Subscription fee 600 r. Provided 5 GB, unlimited calls on the network, 600 minutes for other operators and 300 SMS.
  • Subscription fee 900 r. Free calls to Beeline, 1000 minutes to any operators, 7 GB of traffic, 500 SMS.
  • Subscription fee 1500 r. In a package 10 GB, 1000 sms, 2000 min, free calls online.
  • Subscription fee 2700 rub. Provided 15 GB, 4000 min, 3000 SMS.

Internet "Highway"

Also, a Beeline subscriber should find out how to connect the Internet to the phone, without additional bonuses in the form of SMS and minutes. This option is called "Highway". The minimum amount of traffic is 1 GB per month. Payment is charged daily, at 7 rubles, but the first 7 days are free. Service is activated by code *115*04# .
The second package is Highway 4 GB. The tariff is charged 400 rubles. monthly. To connect the service, you need to dial *115*061# .
A service package containing 8 GB costs 600 rubles. It is activated using the command *115*071# .
The 12 GB Highway option will cost the user 700 rubles. To order it you need to dial *115*081# .
The last and largest is the 20 GB package. It is connected by the command *115*090# .

The majority of subscribers of mobile operators who actively use The world wide web, it would be convenient to have truly unlimited internet. At the moment, most service providers mobile communication can offer their customers only a number of tariffs or options with a certain amount of traffic. After the subscriber exceeds the established limit within the billing period, he will have a choice: whether to bear additional costs for purchasing a gigabyte package or wait for the start of a new period. Is there really unlimited Internet "Beeline" without traffic limitation, connecting which you will no longer have to worry about whether the allocated amount of megabytes has been spent?

What can the operator offer at the moment?

According to the information posted on the official website of the black and yellow operator, there are several options for unlimited Internet. Of course, we will not take into account the line of tariffs "All", since in fact, unlimited on tariff plans is provided only for voice communication with subscribers of our network. Tariffs "Beeline" with unlimited Internet, which does not have such concepts as "traffic volume", "the remainder of the Internet package), you can find the following:

  • “Everything is Possible” is a comprehensive solution for those subscribers who use their gadgets, including for negotiations (ie, make voice calls via cellular communication).
  • "Internet for Tablet" - this option also provides unlimited Internet ("Beeline") without traffic restrictions, but traditional communication services (incoming local / international / long distance) are absent here by default; thus it can be concluded that it is really only recommended for tablet PCs.

Let's take a closer look at these offers from a black and yellow operator, providing Internet without speed and traffic restrictions ("Beeline").

TP "Everything is Possible": general description

It's worth starting with a tariff plan that will be equally interesting for both smartphone and tablet owners. The tariff plan "Everything is Possible" is open and available for activation to new subscribers, who, by the way, can switch to it from another telecom operator with the current number (details can be found on the operator's resource or by calling the contact center, as well as by contacting personally communication salon). It provides unlimited Beeline Internet without limiting 4G / 3G / 2G traffic. At the same time, the promised speed in the 4G network consists of a number of factors that may not always be met in practice. One of these conditions is support mobile device work in this network. To check and make sure if your smartphone has such functionality, just look at the instructions for it or find the model of the gadget on the official resource of the operator. Besides the Internet. The tariff plan also provides 250 minutes and messages every month, which can be used to communicate with subscribers of Beeline and other cellular operators.

Financial conditions (for existing clients)

You can become a user of such a tariff plan and get unlimited Internet "Beeline" without traffic restrictions for only one hundred rubles. This amount will be debited from the account of the current subscriber at the time of connection. At the same time, the subscriber will be written off in full at the same time. plan in the amount of six hundred rubles. In the future, writing off the subscriber. payments will be made daily in the amount of twenty rubles. Thus, after changing the tariff plan, you can forget about recharging your balance for a month. Of course, in the event that all the limits for packages (voice and text messages) will be spent, then additional costs will have to be borne by paying for minutes of calls and sending SMS.

Financial conditions (for new clients)

For new subscribers who want to connect unlimited Internet "Beeline" without limiting 4G traffic, you should purchase a set with a tariff plan in official sales and service salons or from distributors. At the same time, during the first month, the subscription fee will be charged only 10 rubles per day.

Tariff "Internet for Tablet": general description

Unlimited Internet "Beeline" without traffic restrictions is also available on the "Internet for Tablet" tariff plan. It is advisable to use this TP only for tablet PCs, since voice services are not available here. By default, local / long distance / international communication services are disabled on a number with a tariff plan. It is possible to activate them forcibly only by writing a statement with your own hand at the company's office.

Financial conditions

You can connect a tariff plan through standard methods room management: personal Area, uSSD service etc. The subscription fee will be charged in full once a month - 890 rubles. By depositing this amount on a monthly basis, the subscriber will receive unlimited Beeline Internet for a month. When connecting communication services on the number, you should take into account the possible costs of calls and top up the balance by more than 890 rubles. At the same time, the cost of a minute for calls to numbers of all operators in the home region will be 2.90 rubles.

Unlimited Internet "Beeline" without traffic limitation: modem

We have previously reviewed tariffs for smartphones and tablets. However, the issue of unlimited Internet is also relevant for modem users. The operator "Beeline" at the moment cannot offer suitable options for owners of SIM cards using them in modems. In this case, the following options are relevant:

  • Combination: TP "Internet forever" + option of the Heyway family (three packages with different volumes are available for subscribers: eight, twelve and twenty gigabytes).
  • "Simple Internet" tariff.

If everything is quite transparent with the first option: the subscriber selects the volume he needs and uses the Internet, then some explanations should be made regarding the second. The "Simple Internet" tariff plan implies payment for each megabyte spent. The tariff is 3.3 rubles.


This article examined the tariffs "Beeline" with unlimited Internet for various types of devices. Under unlimited Internet in the article, we meant truly Internet without restrictions. At the moment, the black-and-yellow telecom operator mainly offers its subscribers tariffs with some traffic volume. But there are only two offers for non-tariffed Internet within the billing period. The Moscow region is taken as an example. To clarify the information whether these tariffs are available for connection in your region, and what cost is provided for them, you can call the operator at 0611 or by looking at the list of TPs on the official resource, selecting the area of \u200b\u200binterest at the top of the site.

Most users choose those packages that include mobile unlimited Internet without traffic restrictions, with 3g and the ability to additionally purchase a modem instead of Wi-Fi. Beeline team offers free connection for home and phone with the ability to choose a suitable tariff. Therefore, we will talk about how to connect the Internet on Beeline below.

Service activation on mobile

Unlimited Internet connection on the phone occurs automatically after activating the SIM card, but sometimes the service does not work. Therefore, you need to call the number *110*181# , then you will receive settings on your phone.

If this did not happen, then you should contact 06503 or ask the operator for help, who will tell you how to reconnect to the network using manual settings.

It is important that you have activated the "Package of three services", if it is not connected, you should call * 110 * 181 #, but turn off data transmission. After the call, you will receive an SMS about the connection, after you restart the phone and the service will become active.

We suggest choosing the following tariffs:

  • Highway 1 GB;
  • Highway with 4 GB;
  • Highway with 8 GB unlimited at night;
  • Highway with 12 GB;
  • Highway 20 GB;
  • Everything from 1 GB to 15, for which, on average, you will have to pay 12-80 rubles per day.

Data connection on the tablet

Beeline also allows customers to use fast transmission data on the tablet, because 4G transfers data at the same speed as wired home Internet on the computer.

To use it, you need to buy a device with suitable functions, then buy a SIM card and activate the option.

If you choose the Internet tariff for everything, then the following options will be available to you:

To activate the Internet on your tablet, use the following instructions:

  • Check the activity of the Package of three services;
  • Check your settings;
  • Set up the "Highway" service;
  • Enter in the settings: name - Beeline Internet, Access point -, login and password - beeline.

How to connect to a USB modem?

Setting up on a USB modem occurs automatically, after connecting, then it opens simple instruction with a program to follow. It is also important not to disconnect the modem until after the process is complete.

If the setting did not work on your own, then you have to do it manually:

  1. Go to my computer;
  2. Open the Beeline file;
  3. Find Autorun.exe
  4. Configure as instructed;
  5. At the end, a shortcut with a modem from the Beeline team should be displayed on the table.

Working with home devices

Customization wired internet is carried out by checking this possibility To do this, you need to call the operator or go to the official website, which contains a list of houses that are connected to Beeline.

Features of wired data transmission are as follows:

  • Free connection only with the first payment;
  • Automatic activation when the cable is connected;
  • The ability to use wi-fi;
  • For additional settings, you need to contact the operator or an employee of the company.

Line of tariffs "All"

Consider all offers from the package all:

  • Everything for 200 rubles, where 1 GB is offered, free minutes in Russia, an increase in speed up to 150 MB for 20 rubles. by phone 067410260;
  • All for 400 rubles, where 2 GB, 100 SMS, 400 minutes are given by phone 067410255;
  • Everything for 600 rubles. with 5 GB of Internet, 600 minutes, 300 SMS by phone 067410256;
  • Everything for 900 rubles, where they offer 7 GB, 500 SMS, up to 1000 minutes by phone 067410264;
  • Everything for 1500 rubles. from 10 GB, 2000 minutes, 1000 SMS by phone 067410257;
  • All for 2700 rubles, which includes 4000 minutes, 15 GB, 3000 SMS by phone 067410258.

Tariffs from "Highway"

Highway offers no less economical and complete packages:

  • 1 GB for 7 rubles per day, and the first week - free by number * 115 * 04 #;
  • 4 GB for 400 rubles per month by number * 115 * 061 #;
  • 8 GB for 600 rubles by calling * 115 * 071 #;
  • 12 GB for 700 rubles by call to * 115 * 081 #;
  • 20 GB for 1200 rubles by call to * 115 * 091 #.

Regarding SMS and minutes in Russia, they are almost the same in every tariff, but the main emphasis is on the Internet. You can additionally increase the speed, the average price for this is 15-30 rubles.

Internet for a day

This option is more suitable for those who use only home wired Internet, but occasionally access the network from a mobile. In order not to constantly pay for unused GB, 100 MB is connected for 20 rubles, although the activation itself is free by calling * 115 * 111 #.

But after the end of use, it is worth disconnecting by calling * 115 * 010 #.

You can also choose 500 MB for 30 rubles per day without paying for activation. You can activate the service by dialing * 115 * 112 #, and deactivation via * 115 * 020 #.

We also note that for active network users it is better to choose the Highway package with savings and a large set of GB, and for infrequent use, the All for the line is suitable, which includes the Internet, SMS and calls within Russia. And for one-time use, there is no better service than "Internet for a Day".


Beeline team can offer maximum amount advantageous, diverse and inexpensive packages for mobile, modem and even wired Internet. Most of the services are connected automatically or through a one-time message to the assigned numbers.

Also, operators or consultants of a mobile communication salon can help in activation.

It will be helpful to review:

The main thing is to decide on a goal, a set desired options and the price. Although you can change the package without changing the number and usually also free of charge.

Read how to change the number on the Beeline.

More and more often, Russian mobile operators offer their subscribers the maximum favorable rates, especially against the backdrop of massive discontent among the residents of Russia, who have lost inexpensive completely unlimited mobile Internet on their smartphones. However, now this is no longer so critical, since the Beeline operator launched a tariff with a real unlimited internet traffic for only 300 rubles a month, but connecting to it is not so easy.

While some residents of Russia restrict the use of mobile Internet in order not to go beyond certain limits of Internet traffic per month, others are looking for other ways to bypass this annoying restriction. Mobile operator Beeline has launched a new tariff plan that includes completely unlimited mobile Internet. Moreover, it can be used not only for surfing the Internet and watching videos online, but also for downloading torrents without speed limits.

This tariff does not include SMS packages and minutes for calls, so it is more likely to be used in a modem or a portable Wi-Fi router. You need to pay for a tariff plan from the Beeline operator with unlimited Internet only 300 rubles a month. It will work on the territory of Moscow, the Moscow region and other regions of Central Russia, that is, in the Bryansk, Vladimir, Ivanovo, Kaluga, Kostroma, Ryazan, Smolensk, Tver, Tula and Yaroslavl regions.

This tariff plan with unlimited internet traffic can be used in smartphones, modems, tablets, routers and any other devices without any restrictions. It is impossible to connect it in the salons of the Beeline operator, since it is exclusive. In other words, only an employee of the company itself can activate it on someone else's number. It is not issued for some entity or another person, but to an already existing subscriber number, that is, the transition to such a tariff plan will not affect the ability to receive services in Beeline offices. It is completely safe.

The only disadvantage of the new tariff plan from the Beeline operator, which it allows to connect only to its employees, is that no one will do this operation for free. The average cost of connection is 1,800 rubles, but this is only a one-time payment, while then, every month, the subscription fee will be only 300 rubles. This is not so much for a real unlimited mobile Internet that works in several regions at once without restrictions on speed and traffic.

You can find people who are ready for this on specialized forums, but you need to be more careful - look at reviews before transferring funds.

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