Download the driver for connecting bluetooth. Free Bluetooth software for computer and laptop

In order not to "steam" for a long time, with the search for devices with Bluetooth, you can use a small, simple and at the same time pleasant-looking, free bluetooth program for a computer and laptop - Bluetooth Radar.

This bluetooth program for PC works really on the principle of radar, scanning all the devices around it that are in range.

It is installed on a computer within a minute, after which you can immediately start using its capabilities.

Free download bluetooth software

You can download a free bluetooth program right on this page, the link is at the bottom (DOWNLOAD WILL START IMMEDIATELY). Only it is not in Russian, although it is not needed.

Immediately after downloading the bluetooth program for your computer and laptop, unpack the archive and double-click on the installer, after which (when installed) a shortcut will appear on the desktop.

Click on it twice - the program will start:

Then click on the icon as shown in the picture below, and search for other bluetooth devices.

Just to use this bluetooth program on a computer or laptop, you must have a Bluetooth adapter installed, otherwise no programs will help you no matter what you do.

  • You can also download for all devices (phones, smartphones, laptops, tablets, laptops).

If you have an adapter, take care of working drivers. Where and how to find them. This is the most efficient way.

If you do not have a bluetooth adapter (almost everyone has it in modern laptops), you can buy it additionally. It is small - like a flash drive.

Howl and that's it. Briefly, but I think clearly. Good luck! There was a question - write in the comments below.

Developer URL:

Operating system:
XP, Windows 7, 8, 10


Categories: Uncategorized

Program for connecting a computer to wireless Bluetooth networks.

Attention! To avoid negative reviews, read this warning!

1. The program presented here does not work on all computers.
2. To use Bluetooth on your computer, you definitely need a bluetooth adapter (a thing that looks like a USB flash drive, usually made of blue translucent plastic, sometimes it is already built into the laptop and you need to turn it on - see the instructions for the laptop). Without an adapter, Widcomm cannot work.
3. If you do not have a Bluetooth adapter yet, and you still have to buy it, buy a model for which cD with drivers included (it will cost more than 100 rubles).
4. If you bought the above adapter with drivers, then most likely there will be bluetooth software, and you don't even need Widcomm.
5. If you have not checked the availability of the adapter - do not swear in the comments, ok?

Tired of wires? Do you want to work on the computer while lying on the couch? Is there no room in the room for a printer and is it behind the wall? Or maybe you just need to transfer a couple of fresh music tracks to your phone?

Bluetooth can handle it all! If you equip your PC with a wireless module, you can connect to it any devices that operate at the same frequencies (from 2.4 to 2.4835 GHz) and are located within a zone of 1 - 100 meters from the computer.

To date, there are already four (the fourth version is currently under testing) major versions of Bluetooth. They are distinguished from each other only by the level of power consumption, the number of frequency channels and the data transfer rate.

The most common standard at the moment is Bluetooth 2.0. Modules of this type are used in most mobile phones, wireless manipulation devices, audio headsets, etc., and allow the exchange of information at an average real speed of up to 1 megabit per second.

But to pair external devices with a computer, just one adapter is not enough - you also need the appropriate software to manage connections. Typically, this software is supplied with a purchased Bluetooth adapter, but often it is distributed under a temporary license or demo version. However, it turns out that there are free solutions in this area as well.

One of them is a complex from the Widcomm company. It includes a set of drivers that provide interaction with various types of devices, as well as a software shell for easy user management, built on the basis of Windows Explorer. Let's compare Widcomm's offering to another popular paid-for Bluesoleil solution:

Comparison of the Widcomm program with the paid analogue Bluesoleil

Despite the less beautifully designed interface, Widcomm is practically in no way inferior to its paid counterpart, and often has even better compatibility with adapters from different manufacturers! How does this happen? The fact is that Widcomm selects the most optimal driver package for your device even before the installation!

Installing Widcomm

It is best to use the online installer, which is provided for public download on the official website. Download and run the Bluetooth bootloader after connecting your adapter to your computer.

The first window that you will see is the license agreement, which must be "read" and "confirmed" (of course, we immediately press the "Accept" button;)). After "accepting" the license terms, the following window will appear:

Here you can see all the processes performed by the installer. First, it detects Bluetooth devices connected to it and validates them, that is, roughly speaking, checks for compatibility with Widcomm drivers. If the validation is successful, then the process of downloading the software will begin, and at the end of it, the installation process will finally start.

With a connection speed of 1 Mbit / s, the whole procedure took me about 20 minutes (and that’s also when you consider that my device was validated only the second time :)). After the installation is complete, you will need to reboot the computer by clicking the "Reboot" button in the final dialog.

After restarting the PC, you will see a shortcut "Bluetooth environment" on the desktop, and in the system tray you will find an icon with the bluetooth logo:

Configuring Widcomm

By right clicking on it, we will open the Widcomm software settings menu. First, I propose to decide on some settings. To do this, select the item "Bluetooth settings panel":

In the main window "General settings" you can set a name under which our device will appear when pairing with external devices. But most of all we are interested in the sections "Local Services" and "Client Applications". Here we can configure security policies for each type of connection, as well as create new ports for connecting devices such as printers, etc.

To change the connection parameters, select the desired item and click the "Properties" button in the lower left corner.

Now we can set the connection type, autostart of the selected service, and also specify some additional parameters.

So, we have finished with the settings, now let's move on to direct connection of external devices to the computer. For example, consider pairing a PC with a mobile phone.

Connecting devices to a computer via Bluetooth

Widcomm provides two ways to connect devices: fast and regular. If you need to connect a certain device only once (to transfer a file, business card, sound ...), the easiest way is to select the desired action in the “Quick connection” menu and press the “Find devices” button (after activating Bluetooth on it).

Once detected, you will be asked to enter a pin code to authorize the connection. We come up with an arbitrary combination of numbers (you can even just "1" :)) and enter it on the device and in the window that opens (if the device you are connecting does not have a numeric keypad (for example, a printer), then you should look at the Bluetooth pairing code in the instructions) ...

Upon successful connection, you will have access to the desired function.

If you plan to connect the device to the PC several times, then the easiest way is to create a standard connection for it. To do this, select the "Connect Bluetooth device" item in the menu - a special wizard will start. At the first stage, as in the case of fast connection, it will scan the available devices and give us a list of them:

Select the one you need and double-click on it to go to the window for selecting available services:

In our example, we can configure pairing with a phone in the form of a serial COM port, an audio gateway, as well as an FTP and OPP server. An FTP server is the best option for file transfers. We mark it and click "Next".

In the window that opens, you can specify a name for the connection, and then complete the creation of a connection shortcut by clicking the "Finish" button.

Let's see what we've got. To do this, open the "Bluetooth environment", which is the user interface for interacting with connected devices, and we will see the shortcut we just created there.

To connect, we now only need to double-click on the created icon. If the secure connection option is activated on the paired device, you will have to enter the corresponding PIN code (see above).

And now everything is finally ready! We get a list of files from the phone. Now you can copy them to your computer, rename, view, etc.


Due to the fact that Bluetooth has a number of frequency channels, we are able to simultaneously connect several devices to one computer.

For example, you can simultaneously print photos to a printer, listen to music while lying on the couch with a wireless keyboard, and browse the latest news on the Internet. And we can even establish a wireless local area network with access to the World Wide Web!

Video instructions for working with Bluetooth software on a Widcomm computer:

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In this article, I will try to explain in detail what to do in a situation when you have a stationary computer and there is a need to connect some kind of device to it via Bluetooth. For example: wireless headphones, a mouse, a keyboard, a speaker system, a joystick, a phone, a tablet, etc. There are a lot of such devices, and without Bluetooth on a computer now there is nothing. In addition, such a connection allows us to get rid of a lot of wires.

As you probably already know, in ordinary stationary computers (in system blocks) there is usually no built-in Bluetooth. Except for two cases: an internal PCI receiver (external USB) is installed, or you have a cool motherboard with a built-in wireless module. But there are very few of them, so it is unlikely. You can see the characteristics of your motherboard. Well, if your PC had Bluetooth, then you would most likely already know about it. There would be a corresponding tray icon, or an adapter in the device manager (possibly as an unknown device - when the driver is not installed).

To connect devices via Bluetooth to your computer, you need to buy and install a Bluetooth adapter in your computer. Usually, these are adapters that plug into the USB port. I have this, model Grand-X BT40G. It looks like this:

There are also PCI adapters, they are installed inside the case of the system unit. But they are not very popular. I will not dwell on the choice of adapter, as I wrote about it in a separate article. There are a lot of them on the market. There are both cheap and expensive models. In general, you can order from China for three kopecks. But if you plan to frequently use a wireless connection, connect some serious devices via Bluetooth, such as headphones, joysticks, then it is better not to save on the adapter.

If you already have an adapter, we will configure it now. If not, read the article on the link above, choose, buy and return to this page.

I will divide this article into two parts: first, I will show how to connect a Bluetooth adapter to a computer on Windows 10, configure it, find and install a driver, if necessary, and connect a device. And in the second part we will do all this on a PC with installed Windows 7.

I now have no opportunity to demonstrate all this on Windows 8 and Windows 8.1, but from an older and newer version of this operating system (I have to enter seven and ten) there are not many differences.

Anyway, first connect the Bluetooth adapter to the computer.

After that, we proceed to installing drivers and configuring.

Bluetooth on Windows 10 PC: connection, drivers, setup

Windows 10 is generally a cool system in this regard. Why? Yes, because in almost all cases, no matter what adapter you have, after connecting, all drivers will be installed automatically, and a blue Bluetooth icon will appear in the tray. And you can immediately connect the necessary devices.

In the device manager, I immediately got the "Bluetooth" section and the adapter itself. If the adapter is not recognized and appears as an unknown device (other device), you will have to install the drivers manually. You can see how to do this using Windows 7 as an example at the end of this article.

And to connect headphones, gamepad, mouse, keyboard, or other Bluetooth-device to your computer, go to "Settings" in the "Devices" section. Or by clicking on the tray icon and select "Add Bluetooth device".

Click on "Add Bluetooth or other device".

Then select "Bluetooth". The computer starts looking for available devices to connect. Our device must be in search mode. In my case, these are headphones. There is a separate button. When they are online, the indicator on them flashes. When the computer detects our device, just select it and connect.

And if you want to connect a smartphone or tablet to a computer, then on the mobile device itself you will need to confirm the connection (pairing).

Thus, you can connect absolutely any Bluetooth device.

Configuring a Bluetooth adapter in Windows 7 and connecting devices to a computer

In Windows XP, Windows 7 and Windows 8, after connecting the adapter, the driver will most likely have to be installed automatically. But not always. In my case, Windows 7 itself installed the driver for my Grand-X BT40G USB Bluetooth adapter. The Bluetooth icon immediately appeared.

Here is a screenshot from Device Manager.

If the system could not recognize the device and install it, the icon did not appear, then you need to install the driver. I will show you how to do this below. Now let's connect some kind of device via Bluetooth to a computer with Windows 7 installed.

Click on the icon and select "Add device".

A window will open, which will display all the devices found by the computer. Which are currently located near the computer and are available for connection. We select our device and the connection process will begin. I connected my bluetooth headset again (headphones with microphone)... On which you can talk in Skype.

When the message "This device has been added to your computer" appears, you can use it. Wireless mice (via Bluetooth), keyboards, phones and other devices are connected in the same way.

In the case of headphones, you may still need to set them as the default playback device. This can be done in the settings of playback devices (by right-clicking on the sound icon in the tray).

Driver for Bluetooth adapter: search and installation

It doesn't even matter which system is installed on your computer, it can be both Windows XP and Windows 10. But if it could not automatically configure the connected Bluetooth adapter, then we will have to manually search and install the required driver. There are at least three ways:

When the system cannot install the driver on a device, it is located in the device manager under "Other devices" with a yellow icon. How your Bluetooth adapter will be displayed (named) there is difficult to say. If you did not have any unknown devices there before, then it will not be difficult to determine it (it will be alone).

I have something like CSR 8510 A10 (it looks like this is the chip on which the adapter is built)... Click on this device with the right mouse button and select "Properties". Next, go to the "Details" tab, put the "Equipment ID" in the drop-down menu and copy the first line.

We open the site, paste the copied line into the search bar and delete all unnecessary things so that only the VID and PID values \u200b\u200bremain. You can see what value I had initially (screenshot above), and for which I did the search (screenshot below).

First, we purchase to download the first driver that appeared in the search results. You need to click on the floppy disk icon. Pay attention to the operating system for which this driver is suitable.

We pass the test "I am not a robot", click on the link and save the archive with the driver.

If there is no installation file there, but just a set of folders and some files, then right-click on the unknown device in the device manager, select "Update driver" - "Search for drivers on the computer" and specify the path to the folder with the drivers. If the driver is not found and installed, then try downloading another one.

I really hope that the article came in handy for you, and you still added Bluetooth to your computer and were able to connect the necessary devices. And I didn't waste half a day 🙂

Bluetooth provides a host of options that make digital life easier in many situations. Due to the fact that Bluetooth supports "point-to-point" and "point-to-multipoint" connections, using several frequencies, it is possible to simultaneously pair several Bluetooth devices via different data transmission channels with one computer. Not the least role in this process is played by specialized software, a driver, and not every owner of the Blue Tooth knows where to download Bluetooth on a computer for free without registration and SMS. Broadcom has developed a universal free Bluetooth driver in Russian for Windows, and it is freely available on the manufacturer's official website.

Comfortable and versatile Bluetooth network at home and in the office

With good free Bluetooth drivers from Broadcom, it is possible to simultaneously print photos on a printer, send a fax, listen to music through wireless headphones, and comfortably work with a wireless keyboard and mouse on the Internet via a wireless personal LAN. Such a local network can include computers, laptops, netbooks, tablets, pocket computers, smartphones, cell phones, printers, faxes, scanners, cameras, video cameras and other peripheral devices, including headphones, headsets, speakers, keyboards, mice, joysticks, all without wires (only download the Bluetooth driver for free)while moving freely around the house and office, or lying on a comfortable sofa. In addition, the new version of Bluetooth with reduced energy consumption is used for sensors of movement speed, physical and atmospheric parameters located on the human body, in equipment and measuring devices. This article is long, so those who wish can go straight to the second step and (x32 / x64) from Broadcom and install on a computer.

Serving and expanding the capabilities of phones and smartphones with Bluetooth

If you have peripheral devices with a Bluetooth interface and an adapter in a computer or laptop, for pairing, connection and data transfer, you need to download the Bluetooth driver for free in Russian for Windows and install it on your computer.

The new version of BTW Bluetooth driver for Windows has all the basic functionality for efficient service and expanding the capabilities of connected mobile phones and smartphones. The Broadcom Bluetooth driver extends, on the one hand, the capabilities of a connected smartphone or cell phone using a computer, and on the other, using a computer using a phone (modem and webcam):

  • sync and back up your contacts, email, calendar,
  • send by typing on a computer keyboard and receive SMS from the phone on the big screen,
  • use a stationary PC for speakerphone or as a headset when making calls,
  • listen to music from a mobile phone on large computer speakers,
  • connect to the Internet via GPRS or 3G HSDPA using your phone as a modem,
  • connect your phone camera as a web camera, for example, for Skype,
  • exchange files between a computer and a mobile phone (texts, photos, music, videos).

Free download Bluetooth driver in Russian, install and use the capabilities

Usually, not everything is simple with Bluetooth, in reality the situation is much more interesting. A typical situation when you need a new version of the Bluetooth driver for free download in Russian is the need to merge a video from a corporate party or a photo from the sea from the phone's memory to a computer or laptop. As a rule, there is no data cable to the phone, and Bluetooth seems to be there and there, but it is not clear how to turn on Bluetooth so that the computer can see the phone. It often happens that a blue-toothed keychain was found, and the disk with the Bluetooth driver for the computer that came with the Bluetooth was lost, damaged, broken, or the Bluetooth USB adapter was bought cheaper without a disk at all. In all these cases, you will have to download a Russian free Bluetooth driver for free without registration and SMS. Peripheral devices will make friends with a PC if there are four components:

1. Computer or laptop,
2. Working Bluetooth adapter in a computer or laptop,
3. Bluetooth peripheral device for connection,
4. A specialized driver program that controls the process.

Bluetooth adapters are quite common these days. Using this device, you can connect various accessories and gaming devices (mouse, headset and others) to your computer or laptop. In addition, we must not forget about the standard function of transferring data between a smartphone and a computer. Such adapters are integrated into almost every laptop. On stationary PCs, such equipment is much less common and often acts as an external device. In this tutorial, we will explain in detail how to install the Bluetooth adapter software for Windows 7 operating systems.

There are several ways to find and install software for the specified adapters, as well as any devices in fact. We bring to your attention a number of actions that will help you in this matter. So, let's begin.

Method 1: Official website of the motherboard manufacturer

As the name suggests, this method will only help if you have a Bluetooth adapter integrated into your motherboard. Finding out the model of such an adapter can be difficult. And on the websites of the board manufacturer, there is usually a section with software for all integrated circuits. But first, let's find out the model and manufacturer of the motherboard. To do this, we perform the following actions.

  1. Push the button "Start" in the lower left corner of the screen.
  2. In the window that opens, look for the search string below and enter the cmd value into it. As a result, you will see the above file with this name. We launch it.
  3. In the command line window that opens, enter the following commands one by one. Don't forget to press "Enter" after entering each one.
  4. wmic baseboard get Manufacturer

    wmic baseboard get product

  5. The first command will display the manufacturer's name for your board, and the second will display its model.
  6. After you have learned all the necessary information, go to the official website of the board manufacturer. In this example, it will be.
  7. Any site has a search bar. You need to find it and enter your motherboard model into it. Then press "Enter" or the magnifying glass icon, which is usually located next to the search bar.
  8. As a result, you will find yourself on a page where all the search results for your query will be displayed. We are looking for our motherboard or laptop in the list, since in the latter case the manufacturer and model of the motherboard coincide with the manufacturer and model of the laptop. Then just click on the product name.
  9. Now you will be taken to the page of the specifically selected equipment. This page must have a tab "Support"... We are looking for such an inscription or a similar one in meaning and click on it.
  10. This section includes many sub-items with documentation, manuals and software for the selected equipment. On the page that opens, you need to find the section in the title of which the word appears "Drivers" or "Drivers"... Click on the name of such a subsection.
  11. The next step is to select an operating system with a mandatory indication of the bit depth. As a rule, this is done in a special drop-down menu, which is located before the list of drivers. In some cases, the bit depth cannot be changed, since it will be determined independently. In a similar menu, select the item Windows 7.
  12. Now below on the page you will see a list of all the drivers that need to be installed for your motherboard or laptop. In most cases, all software is divided into categories. This is done for easy search. We are looking for a section in the list "Bluetooth" and open it. In this section, you will see the name of the driver, its size, version, and release date. Without fail, there must be a button that will allow you to download the selected software. Click on the button with the inscription, "Download" or the corresponding picture. In our example, such a button is the image of a floppy disk and the inscription "Global".
  13. The download of the installation file or archive with the necessary information will begin. If you downloaded the archive, be sure to extract all of its contents before installing. After that, run the file from the folder called "Setup".
  14. Before starting the Installation Wizard, you may be prompted to select a language. We choose at our discretion and press the button "OK" or "Further".
  15. After that, preparation for installation will begin. A few seconds later you will see the main window of the installation program. Just push "Further" to continue.
  16. In the next window, you will need to specify the location where the utility will be installed. We recommend leaving the default value. If you still need to change it, then click the corresponding button "Change" or Browse... After that, indicate the required location. At the end, press the button again "Further".
  17. Everything will now be ready for installation. You can find out about this from the next window. To start installing the software, press the button "Install" or "Install".
  18. The software installation process will begin. It will take a few minutes. At the end of the installation, you will see a message about the successful completion of the operation. To complete, click the button "Done".
  19. If necessary, reboot the system by clicking the appropriate button in the window that appears.
  20. If all actions were done correctly, then in "Device Manager" you will see a separate section with a Bluetooth adapter.

This completes this method. Please note that it can be partially useful for owners of external adapters. In this case, you must also go to the manufacturer's website and through "Search" find your device model. The manufacturer and model of the equipment are usually indicated on the box or the device itself.

Method 2: Automatic software update programs

When you need to install the software for the Bluetooth adapter, you can turn to specialized programs for help. The essence of the work of such utilities is that they scan your computer or laptop and identify all the equipment for which you need to install software. This topic is very extensive and we devoted a separate lesson to it, where we reviewed the most famous utilities of this kind.

Which program to give preference to - the choice is yours. But we highly recommend using. This utility has both an online version and a downloadable driver database. In addition, it regularly receives updates and expands the list of supported hardware. How to properly update the software using DriverPack Solution is described in our tutorial.

Method 3: Search for software by hardware ID

This method is also devoted to a separate topic due to the amount of information. In it, we talked about how to find out the ID and what to do with it next. Please note that this method is universal, as it is suitable for owners of integrated adapters and external ones at the same time.

Method 4: Device Manager

One of the above methods will definitely help you install the drivers for your Bluetooth adapter. After that, you can connect various devices through it, as well as transfer data from a smartphone or tablet to a computer and vice versa. If during the installation process you have any difficulties or questions on this topic - feel free to write them in the comments. We will help you figure it out.

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