How to disable the open internet service. MTS introduces a new principle of tariffication for mobile Internet

Last fall, MTS presented Open Internet - an innovative principle of tariffication mobile internet... During the operation of the service, the traffic of users of the Open Internet has doubled (on average, per user). Many people ask: what is the essence of this approach and how is it different from what happened before? In this article, we have collected all the answers to your questions.

What is the Open Internet?

Previously, the subscriber had to pay for additional traffic, not included in his tariff plan, at a higher price regardless of how many megabytes were used: 10, 100 or 500 - there was only one tariff. Therefore, large volumes of traffic outside the subscription package were quite expensive.

MTS introduced a new tariffication principle, in which the concept of "expensive mobile Internet" disappears: MTS Internet is now inexpensive, and tariffication depends on the interval in which additional traffic fell (in addition to that included in the tariff plan or provided for by the promotion or program "MTS Bonus ").

The main thing is that you pay for a certain amount of traffic (interval), and not for each additional megabyte, as before. This is the main difference between the Open Internet.

What are the intervals and how much does the traffic cost?

There are intervals: 0-100 MB, 101-500 MB, etc., up to 60 GB and above. For example, your data plan includes 1 GB of traffic. You used 1450 MB of traffic during the month, i.e. 450 MB more. This means that the tariffication for the additional 450 MB will be calculated based on the interval of 101-450 MB at the cost of Br3. Thus, for 450 MB over and above the package, you will pay Br3.

All Internet users receive a 20% discount on traffic.

How profitable is interval billing?

The open Internet has made large volumes of traffic more accessible: the cost of 1 MB is less than a penny.

For clarity, we will give a few examples.

If a subscriber of the "MTS SMART" tariff downloads 2,000 MB in excess of the package within a month, the additional traffic will cost him Br7, that is, 0.35 kopecks each. per megabyte. Before the advent of the Open Internet, the payment for the same volume would have been Br80 (at the previous rate - 4 kopecks per megabyte).

If a subscriber of the "Excellent" tariff, in addition to the included 50 MB, needs another 100 MB, at the end of the month he will pay Br1.5 - 1.5 kopecks each. per megabyte. On the same terms - 25 kopecks. for each additional megabyte. The bill for this would be almost 17 times higher!

Are intervals and charges added up?

No, the intervals are not cumulative, and the one in which you stopped at the end of the calendar month is paid. For example, within a month you needed 2 GB of additional traffic. This means that the final bill will be Br7 according to the tariffication (501 MB - 2 GB interval), and not the sum of the three previous intervals (0 MB - 100 MB, 101 MB - 500 MB, 501 MB - 2 GB) in Br11.5.

How do I know when I have exceeded the traffic and what interval I got?

When the accrued megabytes have run out, interval tariffication (Open Internet) is turned on, which the company informs the subscriber about. If you want to continue using the Internet, you pay only for the volume (interval) of traffic you really need, and MTS in SMS informs about each transition to a new interval. Each next interval starts from the first byte after crossing the border of the previous interval.

Is it possible to still "fly into the red" if you do not monitor the traffic?

One of the main advantages of the Open Internet is complete transparency. When the traffic provided by your tariff or promotion has run out, you will receive a message from MTS about the transition to interval tariffication. When you switch to each new interval, MTS will send you a free SMS notification. You will be able to monitor traffic and predict the costs of mobile Internet, which means you can avoid accidental cost overruns. The maximum fee for Open Internet is Br100. If you need more than 60 GB of additional traffic per month, you fall into the range of 60 GB and above, in which the volume in excess of 60 GB is no longer limited, and it is impossible to exceed the amount of Br100.

When and how should you pay for additional traffic?

The company always notifies the subscriber about transitions from one interval to another. The amount of payment for the Open Internet comes in the form of an SMS notification to the subscriber on the last day of each month. In addition, at the beginning of each month, MTS sends a message indicating the volume and cost of additional Internet traffic consumed in the previous period. This also allows subscribers to forecast their spending in the new month.

Can you track traffic consumption and costs yourself?

To find out the current volume of additional traffic, just send a free request * 444 # or SMS with any symbol to short number 444.

How can I enable Open Internet?

Open Internet is not a tariff or service, but a tariffication method, so you do not need to enable it. It is enough to activate data transfer on your phone or tablet.

If you still have questions about the Open Internet, you can contact online support, any communication salon or contact center MTS by number 0890.

From November 1, 2016, the telecom operator MTS will introduce a new interval principle of tariffing for mobile Internet - "Open Internet".

As part of the new tariffication, the operator will notify subscribers about the current consumption of mobile Internet, which will allow it to control its communication costs and avoid accidental overpayments, the press service said.

It will be simply impossible to go outside the package and "fly into the minus" now. If the client used less traffic - he pays for less volume, it took more - switches to new level... None Additional services there is no need to connect: an SMS notification will inform the client that he has moved to a new level.

Interval tariffication will be introduced for all tariff plans, except for TP "Absolute", "MTS SMART Gostevoy" and corporate.

From November 1, they cease to operate package services(except Internet Mini, Internet Midi, Internet Maxi), the included traffic on tariff plans remains unchanged. Payment for consumed Internet traffic will be made on the basis of intervals:

On tariff plans without included traffic, according to the "Open Internet" principle, all consumed traffic is charged in accordance with the interval. On tariffs with an included Internet package, according to the new principle, only traffic in excess of the subscriber's included in the tariff plan or bonus traffic is charged.

For example:

1. The subscriber is connected to the MTS SMART tariff plan, within which 1 GB of mobile Internet is provided, and additional traffic (according to the current scheme) is charged at 0.04 rubles per MB. In November, the client used 2,000 MB of mobile Internet in addition to the package included in the MTS SMART tariff. An amount of 7 rubles will be charged for payment (interval 501 MB - 2 GB). Thus, the cost of 1 MB over the package in this case for it will be 0.0035 rubles - almost 11.5 times less than it would have been according to the old principle.

2. If the subscriber is connected to the "Excellent" tariff plan, within which only 50 MB of Internet is provided, and additional traffic costs 0.25 rubles per 1 MB, and the client has spent 100 MB in excess of the included one, then at the end of the month it will be necessary to pay only 1 , 50 rubles, which is almost 17 times less than the current principle of tariffication.

An open internet assumes complete transparency. The subscriber receives an SMS notification about the transition to each next tariffication interval. This approach will help customers to comfortably control their mobile Internet costs and avoid cost overruns. You can independently find out the current volume of used Internet traffic using a free USSD request * 444 # or sending an SMS with any symbol to number 444. At the end of the month in which the subscriber used the Open Internet, he will receive an SMS notification. In this case, the charge for the Internet will occur at 11:59 pm on the last day of the month.

Within the framework of the Open Internet, traffic is provided without restrictions on speed and volume.

The open Internet will serve as a replacement for such services as 3G Light, Inet 2, Inet 4, Inet 6, LTE 25, LTE 50, MTS Tablet, Internet +20, “Internet +60”, “Internet +120”, “Hyper.Net”, “Excellent Internet”, “Internet Persona”, “Internet Active”, “Internet Light” and “Internet Pro”. From November 1, 2016, these services will not be provided to subscribers of tariffs with interval charging of mobile Internet.

In some situations, subscribers have a question of how to turn off the Internet on MTS. Using simple recommendations, you can quickly get rid of the operator's services that are not being used.

MTS is the leading operator Russian market mobile communications... It provides the widest range of services - cellular communications, broadband access to the network, television. Using the service of this operator, you can freely access the Internet not only from a mobile, but also from a computer, smart devices. For this, the company has developed various functions that allow you to use the service with certain traffic restrictions (daily or monthly limit). At the same time, the speed is unlimited, depending on the free resources at the time of use.

Description of services

To use all the possibilities of the mobile Internet, you need to connect one of the services:

  1. Mini BIT - makes it possible to use the Internet as needed. At the time of visiting any WEB-resource, you are provided with 10 Mb traffic, having exhausted it - a new Internet package of the same size is connected (10 packages can be used per day). If there is no need to connect to the network, money will not be charged from the account.
  2. Super BIT - a subscriber is provided with 3GB traffic per month. This is enough for watching videos, downloading music and communicating in any social networks.
  3. BIT - the subscriber can use 75 MB per day.

The cost of the above services and additional Internet on MTS is different for the regions of the Russian Federation. In order to check the rest of the traffic, press * 217 # on your mobile and the call button.

Service "BIT": how to turn off the Internet on MTS on the phone

Several methods can be used to opt out of mobile internet. The simplest of them is to use the USSD command on your phone: * 111 * 252 * 2 #.

You can also opt out additional packages Internet that you do not use by sending SMS with text 1 to number 2520.

Important: sending such messages andUSSD commands are completely free.

Service "Super BIT": how to turn off the Internet on MTS on the phone

There are two main methods:

  1. dial the combination * 111 * 628 * 2 # on your phone;
  2. use the service assistant on the official website.

Important: you can refuse to use additional Internet packages that you do not use by sending text message 1 to 6280.

One of the most comfortable and simple methods can be called a service assistant. To do this, visit the official website of the company.

This site is very convenient, it allows you to keep track of all expenses and charges, choose optimal settings... In order to enter your Personal Account, in the "Login" and "Password" fields, indicate the access details that were provided to you during connection. If you have forgotten and cannot find such information, call the devil toll number 88002500890 .

Then select the "Services" option and go to "Service Management"... You will see a list of all used shares, tariffs, among them there must be "Mobile Internet"... To opt out, you will see a helper service.

How to turn off the Internet on MTS on the phone at a company branch

If all of the above methods are not suitable, you can visit any service center... A specialist will advise you on all issues of interest, tell you about the tariffs and services that you are using at the moment, offer various profitable options and help you choose the optimal service conditions if the existing ones do not suit you.

The consultant will turn off the main or additional Internet on MTS in a few minutes and save you from unnecessary difficulties. Some employees may require documents to prove your identity. Therefore, do not forget to bring your passport when you visit the office.

How to turn off the Internet on MTS on the phone by calling the operator

A very convenient option for refusing unnecessary services is to call the operator. To do this, dial one of toll free numbers support services:

  • 0890 from your mobile, if you use this operator;
  • 88002500890 with landline telephones or other mobile operators;
  • +74957660166 if you are in another country.

How to turn off the Internet on MTS on the phone? Calling one of the indicated numbers, you will hear the voice of the answering machine. Listen to the suggested options and select "Contact the operator" by pressing one of the indicated numbers.

If the lines reboot, do not hang up and wait until a free consultant contacts you. Explain to him the essence of the problem - he will quickly help turn off the additional Internet on MTS.

Important: if you do not have time to wait on the line, use the auxiliary functions that the answering machine will offer. Thanks to the voice menu, you can turn off the mobile Internet yourself using its prompts.

How to unsubscribe from a service on a tablet

The "Tablet" service is necessary for tablet users who prefer to watch videos, listen to music and communicate on social networks from their device. The option makes it possible not only to connect to additional internet on MTS, but also watch mobile TV. Each user is given 4GB of traffic per month.

Important: these conditions are relevant for Moscow and the Moscow region, in other regions they may differ. In order to check the remaining traffic, use the command * 217 #.

If you no longer need the Tablet option, you can turn it off in the following ways:

  1. using the command * 111 * 835 #;
  2. by sending text message 8350 to 111;
  3. by contacting the service center;
  4. using the "Internet Assistant".

There are many ways to save on usage. cellular... But the most profitable and convenient approaches are those that are offered mobile operators... Recently, the list of such approaches has been added to the "Open Internet" of MTS. With its help, the use of Internet traffic will become more economical and cheaper. At the same time, subscribers will not have to perform any special actions to get access to the service. It is included in the basic package of services available to subscribers, regardless of the chosen tariff plan and the time of purchase of the SIM card.

Trying to understand the features of the mentioned service, first of all it is necessary to emphasize that this is not a new option available for subscribers to connect, but an updated approach to traffic accounting. Now mobile operator will require payment of not every megabyte in excess installed by the package limit, but a predetermined amount for the interval. As a result, the cost of visiting their favorite sites and using online traffic will drop several times, and active users will have to make sure that the number of gigabytes spent does not exceed the level allowed for them.

MTS tariffs for "Open Internet"

Remembering that “ open internet»MTS in Belarus is not a special option, it makes no sense to talk about tariffication. This offer is valid on the same terms, regardless of which tariff plan is connected with the company's client, and becomes active only after the basic package of Internet traffic has been exhausted.

It is also meaningless to talk about tariffs because the operator has set a single cost, despite the differences in requests, activity and interests of subscribers. The described service is universal and does not depend on external factors.

To plug

Those wishing to activate the MTS Open Internet service are required to immediately abandon such an undertaking. This is pointless because:

  1. an updated approach to traffic accounting is already connected to all SIM cards;
  2. it starts to be used after the main package has been exhausted;
  3. and is not a service in the usual sense of the word.

That is, the interval metering method simply replaced the standard method of calculating and paying for Internet traffic, where each consumed megabyte was taken into account. At the same time, clients cannot choose the accounting option that is convenient for them. It is set by the operator.

Intervals and cost

Considering the fact that now the fee is charged for the used intervals, customers of the hundredth company need to know about the features and procedure for debiting funds. The table shows all the intervals provided by the operator and the price for each of them.

TrafficCost (in rubles)
Up to 100 Mb1,5
101 - 500 MB3
501 MB - 2 GB7
2 - 5 GB10
5 - 10 GB15
10 - 15 GB20
15 - 30 GB35
30 - 60 GB50
Over 60 GB100

The cost indicated on the right does not depend on how much of the interval has been used. That is, 3 rubles will be debited from the balance for both 101 MB and 500.

Is it profitable?

The answer to this question is obvious. Those who like to spend time on the Internet from Belarus benefit from the updated conditions, since they reduce the cost of traffic. The established rates allow reducing the cost of connecting to the Internet by at least 4 times. And in some situations, the cost is reduced by more than 15 times.

The operator, in turn, gets satisfied customers with the savings and the opportunity to increase the customer base. At the same time, the company does not risk a decrease in profits, since the procedure for connecting the main packages has remained unchanged.

Traffic control

Control of consumed gigabytes will not cause difficulties. To keep users constantly informed of what is happening, there are several ways to track the used online traffic:

  • via sms coming before using each next interval:
  • sending SMS with any character to service number 444 ;
  • USSD command * 444 #.

Additionally, those who wish will be able to use personal account and get the required information by logging into the official website.

Payment period

Having found out that it is impossible to connect the described approach on your own, you should focus on the features of payment. Clients need to know 2 main features of the withdrawal of funds:

  1. money is withdrawn from the balance of the SIM card in a single payment at the end of the reporting period (month);
  2. the cost of the intervals is not cumulative;
  3. cost control is the responsibility of the SIM card holder.

The latter is due to the fact that the operator constantly informs customers about the increase in SMS costs.

How to disable the "Open Internet" of MTS?

Trying to figure out how to turn off the "Open Internet" of MTS, we have to once again mention that it is not tariff plan or an option, and therefore it is impossible to deactivate it. The only way to avoid overpaying for online traffic is to control your own actions, downloads and applications.

The standard tariff package often does not contain additional paid services However, when making a purchase of a SIM card in a shop, experienced consultants can offer you tempting discounts for connecting options. By agreeing to their connection, the user may eventually forget about their activation or simply not know how to disable the popular "minibit" or "toning" services on MTS. Such paid services very convenient for their constant use, but for the typical user of the connection for conversations on home region these options only charge additional fees to your account.

How to disable the "Mini Bit" service on MTS

The option allows the user to use an unlimited amount of mobile Internet traffic throughout the day according to the following conditions:

  • When the traffic reaches 50 Mb per day, the maximum available speed is set to no more than 128 Kbps per second until the end of the day;
  • After the onset of a new day, the maximum available speed is resumed again until the limit is exhausted;
  • The service is available for connection to all subscribers of Belarus;
  • For correct use, the user must have mobile device with Internet support and settings for network data transmission (carried out by calling 08-70-221).

Several ways how to activate or deactivate the service on MTS Belarus:

  1. Using the service of the user's personal account on the site.
  2. By contacting the nearest shop of the company.
  3. By calling the customer support service at 08-90.
  4. By dialing a direct request from the phone keypad - * 740 # (activation) or * 740 * 0 # (deactivation).
  5. Sending an SMS message to a short number 740 with the content - "a" or "A" (activation) and "r" or "R" (disable).

How to disable the "Toning" service on MTS

The option allows you to personalize the call to the subscriber by replacing the beeps with original melodies or individual voice recordings. Also, the client can set up lists of subscribers for selected melodies or create a schedule for playing records. This service is automatically added to customers when new tariff packages are activated and is free of charge only for 30 days from the moment of activation.

Activation and deactivation of the option is available in the following ways:

  1. By calling the paid number of the voice menu of services 300 (180 rubles per minute), to deactivate, select "7".
  2. By sending a direct paid request * 300 # (60 rubles), to deactivate, select "5".
  3. By sending a paid SMS message to the short number 300 or 302 (228 rubles), to disable, send a message with the content "Off".
  4. Using the mobile application of the service, the download link of which must be obtained after sending a free request * 711 #.
  5. Through the self-service menu service on the operator's website in the additional paid services section.

How to disable the "Minus" service on MTS

This service provides MTS subscribers with the following opportunities:

  • Pay bills for the provided communication services at a convenient time for the user;
  • No blocking of the number if there is a shortage of funds on the client's main balance;
  • No need for constant control of the amount of funds on the current balance;
  • Free connection service and no monthly fees;
  • Unlimited communication when a negative balance is reached;
  • The possibility of increasing the available limit of the negative balance, depending on the total user costs for communication services.

Ways to activate or deactivate the option:

1. Dialing a direct request * 111 * 32 #.
2. The menu of the personal account on the site.
3. Mobile app self-service.
4. Call center technical support.
5. Contacting a salon store.

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