How to connect a number for 800 beeline. Tariffication of services after spending the package limits

Every year Beeline tries to create as many profitable tariff plans for its users as possible. For a modern person, it is necessary that the tariff includes calls, SMS, as well as Internet traffic.

It is desirable that all these services are provided at a favorable price point. This tariff plan is "Everything for 800". It provides excellent conditions for a low cost. Just what an active mobile network user needs.

What is the "All for 800" tariff?

The package services provided can change dramatically depending on the area of \u200b\u200byour residence. To clarify the information on your number, we advise you to contact the operator or visit the nearest Beeline office.

After connecting the tariff, the user can choose two payment methods: prepayment and postpaid. In the first case, 27 rubles will be withdrawn from the account daily, in the second - 800 rubles once a month.

Detailed information on the tariff "All for 800" (prepayment) Russia:

  • monthly limit of 7 GB of traffic;
  • free calls within the country within the network;
  • 500 SMS per month to the numbers of Russian citizens;
  • thousand minutes per month for calls to other operators in Russia.

For just 800 rubles a month, the subscriber receives a large number of useful services. However, some disadvantages can be noted here, for example, 7 GB of Internet is not enough for everyone for a whole month. You will have to order additional "meters" for which you will have to pay separately. That is, up to the monthly cost, you will have to add additional costs for additional Internet traffic.

If you need more internet, we advise you to give preference to the tariff with a postpaid billing system. The user gets a similar package of services, but there are no restrictions on the use of the Internet, which is very useful in the modern world.

Detailed information on the tariff "All for 800" (postpaid):

  • 500 SMS per month to all numbers in the country;
  • free calls within the network within the country;
  • one thousand one hundred minutes a month for calls to other numbers in the country;
  • unlimited traffic monthly, subject to replenishment of the account for the amount specified in the contract.

At first glance, this version of the tariff plan looks more "appetizing", but there are some tricks here. First of all, we note that the postpaid tariff plan can be activated only at the office of the mobile operator. This cannot be done using a mobile phone or personal booth.

Despite its nuances, the tariff plan is distinguished by favorable conditions for using the Internet, because here it is unlimited.

Cost of services of the tariff plan "All for 800"

The "Everything for 800" tariff plan includes a large number of profitable services that will not always be within the framework of 800 rubles per month. In order to fully understand the details of the tariff, we advise you to view the table below for prices.

Thus, it will become clear to you whether it is worth connecting this particular tariff plan, perhaps it is better to look for something more interesting for yourself ...

The tariff plan includes the following paid services:

  • sending SMS after the end of package services - 1.6 rubles per message;
  • european numbers - 50 rubles per minute;
  • numbers of other countries - 80 rubles per minute of conversation;
  • after the end of the Internet traffic, the paid service ““ will be automatically activated.

This pricing table is valid only on the territory of Russia, in order to find out more detailed information on your number, we advise you to contact your mobile operator for advice. Also, details can be found on the official website of Beeline in the section "".

Features of the tariff plan "All for 800"

For the majority of Beeline users, the "All for 800" tariff plan will be a good opportunity to save money. Despite the fact that the cost of some of the services provided has already been described above, the tariff has many features that every user with a mobile phone should know about.

In addition, before you completely switch to the “All for 800” tariff plan, you should familiarize yourself with all the services so that in the future you will not regret your perfect choice.

Interesting features of the "All for 800" tariff plan

1. All subscribers of this tariff plan will be automatically connected to the service ““. It connects without your knowledge, and what is most unfair, the service is paid. For some, this nuance seems strange, and they do not want to put up with it. A monthly fee of 1 ruble will be withdrawn from your account. To deactivate, simply contact your network operator.

"Be aware +" is a useful service that notifies the caller that you have appeared in the network. The function can help you out in some situations, so 1 ruble per month is not such a high price for such an original service.

2. The next interesting nuance: if your SIM card is not active for 3 months, a monthly subscription fee of 5 rubles will be charged from your set daily. It is noteworthy that the funds will “go away” as long as there is money on the account. Therefore, you should not be surprised if, after a long period of non-use of the card, you find that your balance is zero.

3. If you use all the available traffic, the service ““ will be automatically activated. Thus, for 70 MB of the Internet, you, unwillingly, will pay 20 rubles, which is not very profitable because Beeline has more attractive offers.

Fortunately, the service can be deactivated with the help of the operator, you can also dial the following combination of numbers * 115 * 230 # on your phone.

4. If you have activated a postpaid tariff plan, you will have the opportunity to use free Internet every day until the package services run out. Indeed, the connection to the world branch is almost free, has no restrictions.

However, not everything is so rosy, there are also limitations here. The card cannot be inserted into a tablet or router, you also cannot distribute Internet traffic via the Wi-Fi adapter of your phone. In addition, there are several more restrictions, which you can learn more about by calling the operator.

As you can see, the "All for 800" tariff plan seems so positive only at first glance, here, in fact, there are a large number of pitfalls that not everyone will be satisfied with. Despite all the nuances, the tariff in any case remains quite profitable, because you have free internet, as well as free calls within the network.

How to connect the Beeline tariff "All for 800"

As it was already mentioned above: you can activate the "All for 800" postpay tariff plan only through communication representatives. This means that you will need to visit the Beeline office and conclude an agreement with them on connecting to your number of a certain tariff plan.

They will tell you in detail, that is, I will bring you up to date on my phone number. The second option of the tariff plan can be connected both remotely and at the Beeline office.

Connection of the tariff plan "All for 800" prepayment:

  1. To connect the tariff plan, you can contact the office of the mobile operator Beeline for help. Consultants will be happy to help you quickly connect the tariff for free.
  2. On the Beeline website, the replacement of the tariff plan is free. To do this, you need to enter your "personal account" and follow the on-screen prompts.
  3. Contact the operator to resolve the issue. To do this, call 0611.
  4. Call 0781 to connect directly to the "All for 800" tariff plan.

Note that if the tariff plan changed less than one month ago, then in addition to the subscription fee, 100 rubles will be charged from your set for connection. If the tariff plan was permanent (over 1 month), the connection will be absolutely free for you.

How to activate the "All for 800" tariff plan for the whole family

Only the subscriber connects the tariff plan, his relatives are simply "added" to it. You can very easily "add" a relative's number to your tariff plan using the "Personal Account" on the official Beeline website. If you are unable to use the Internet, contact the nearest branch of the Beeline office.

It is noteworthy that even those users who have a different mobile operator can switch to the tariff. To find out more about this in more detail, we suggest consulting with the operator.

As soon as the owner of the tariff plan or his relatives run out of the package services provided, the calls will be charged at the above stated cost.

This is a very useful service for the reason that you can connect those who are not very versed in this and cannot independently choose the required tariff for themselves.

How to disable the "All for 800" tariff plan?

Disconnecting a tariff plan is very simple, each subscriber has several ways. Let's talk about each of them in more detail.

Disabling a tariff plan:

  • You can disconnect absolutely any tariff plan by connecting another one. This can be done in several ways, which have already been described more than once in this article.
  • In case you want to completely disconnect from the Beeline mobile operator, you can contact the office to deactivate the number. Thus, your phone number will no longer exist. If you wish, you can buy the Beeline starter package again at any time.

That's how easy and simple you can turn off the "All for 800" tariff plan. Before making such decisions, we advise you to think carefully, since reconnecting the tariff will cost 100 rubles.

You have learned about the advantages and disadvantages of this tariff plan. Now it's up to you to decide whether to activate the "All for 800" tariff or not. Despite the large number of dubious services that they are trying to impose on you, the tariff remains very beneficial for active mobile users. We wish you pleasant communication from the Beeline mobile operator!

The tariff "All for 800 (postpaid)" from Beeline is an advantageous offer for subscribers who regularly travel across Russia. For a moderate monthly fee, a generous set of services is provided, available from anywhere in the country: unlimited calls, 14 GB of Internet, as well as minutes and SMS packages. The postpaid billing system allows you to pay your mobile phone bills at the end of the month, that is, you use the services first and pay for them later.

Description of the tariff "Everything for 800 (postpaid)"

The monthly subscription fee is 800 rubles.

What is included in the subscription fee

  • internet quota available throughout Russia - 14 GB;
  • calls to all operators at home. to the region and to Beeline RF throughout the country - 1100 minutes;
  • sMS package for sending to numbers in Moscow and the region - 500 messages;
  • incoming - 0 ₽.

If the packages of minutes and messages have run out

  • calls to Beeline throughout Russia from anywhere in the country - 0 ₽;
  • calls to subscribers of other networks in the Moscow region from anywhere in the country - 1.6 rubles;
  • SMS - 1.6 ₽

What is not included in the subscription fee

  • MMS messages - 7.95 ₽;
  • outgoing calls to other operators within the Russian Federation - 3 ₽;
  • long distance SMS - 3 ₽.

Intercity ₽ / min.

Vietnam 50
Georgia 30
European countries 50
Canada 50
China 50
CIS 30
USA 50
Turkey 50
Ukraine 30
Other countries of the world 80

How to activate a tariff

Russian operators have few tariffs with a postpaid settlement system, one of which is the Beeline tariff "All for 800" (postpaid). The principle of its operation is as simple as possible: "first use - then pay." The terms of the tariff are also more than attractive - with a relatively small monthly fee, the client receives a generous set of free minutes, sms and Internet traffic. Let's analyze in detail all the conditions of this tariff plan and consider its pros and cons.

Detailed description of the tariff Beeline "All for 800" (postpaid)

Their main convenience of tariff plans from Beeline "All", including the considered tariff "All for 800", is that they, for a fixed monthly payment, provide free packages of communication services "at a wholesale price." Subscribers only need to choose a tariff plan that is most suitable in terms of the volume of services and do not forget to pay for it.

By connecting the postpaid tariff "All for 800" Beeline, unlimited calls within the network become available to each subscriber, and rather generous service packages are provided:

  • 1,100 free minutes for calls to subscribers of other operators
  • 500 free SMS to send within Russia
  • Unlimited high speed mobile internet

In addition, the tariff plan "All for 800" Beeline (postpaid) allows subscribers to forget about roaming problems, since the conditions apply not only to the home network, but also when traveling across Russia.

After the free packages of minutes and SMS have been spent, the cost of calls and sending messages will be calculated in accordance with the following rates:

Outgoing calls within the region of registration of the SIM card RUB 1.6 / min
Outgoing calls within Russia RUB 3 / min
Outgoing SMS within the region of registration of the SIM card RUB 1.6
Outgoing SMS within Russia RUB 3

There is a similar one among the tariff plans of Beeline. Its main difference is that it refers to "", i.e. a subscriber can connect up to 4 additional numbers to it and divide service packages among all. It is impossible on the postpaid tariff plan "All for 800", but on it the subscriber receives a much larger volume of free service packages.

Internet on a tariff plan

As mentioned earlier, when connecting or switching to the postpaid tariff plan "All for 800" Beeline, subscribers are provided with an unlimited Internet package. The restrictions have been removed not only in terms of speed, but also in terms of traffic volume. Speed \u200b\u200blimits are possible only within the network supported by the phone (2G, 3G or 4G / LTE) and coverage area.

Beeline postpaid subscribers can use the Internet of the tariff plan from the line "All for 800" when traveling in Russia on a home network, with the exception of some eastern regions and the Republic of Crimea.

Postpaid tariff "All for 800" provides Beeline subscribers with Internet only for use from a mobile phone or smartphone. When distributing it via a modem or using a router, access will be limited.

How to activate the tariff "All for 800" (postpaid) on Beeline?

Beeline subscribers can connect to the "All for 800" tariff with a postpaid settlement system in only one way - to switch to a tariff from another by contacting the company's office and signing an application. Changing the tariff plan to postpaid through your personal account or technical support is not possible.

The desire to reduce the cost of cellular communication is quite natural for mobile network users. Beeline subscribers are given the opportunity to do this using the "All for 800" tariff.


The monthly subscription fee is 800 rubles, for this tariff, payment is provided in two ways: post-payment and prepayment. The "All for 800" tariff plan provides Beeline subscribers to make calls within the network for free from the beginning to the end of the month. After the free service packages are spent, the services are charged as follows:

Internet traffic is updated monthly, every first day of the month. Also happens with minutes and messages - updated every month. If the traffic is not enough for a month, then you can connect additional options for renewal: "" or "". Thanks to these services, you can connect additional traffic at a low cost.

It should be noted that in the "All for 800" tariff, Internet traffic is automatically extended using the "" service, but it is quite expensive, since 15 MB costs 20 rubles. To disconnect, dial the following number 067 471 778 0 or the command * 115 * 230 #.

Note! The cost and conditions of connection may differ in different regions, which is why it is best to refer to the official website.

The "All for 800" tariff plan is convenient when traveling across Russia, since you can use free service packages, and when they run out, they are charged in the same way as described above. More details about the tariff can be found on the official website "Beeline".

Before connecting this tariff, you need to know what prepayment and postpaid are.


A prepayment is a fixed amount of payment that must be paid in advance or at least one part of the funds must be paid.

On a monthly basis by prepayment you receive:

Switching to the tariff is free in the event that more than 1 month has passed since the previous change. If less time has passed, then it will cost you 100 rubles.


The postpaid payment system is the first use of the service, and only then its payment. But there is no need to confuse postpay and - these are two completely different things. The advantages of this type of payment:

  • No need, you know how much you must pay at the end of each month.
  • In order to pay the invoice 25 days are given.
  • There are no additional fees for deferred payment.
  • There are free messages that inform you about the amount.
  • You can connect a free service called "Family". You can connect 5 of your relatives to your number and call them for 10-20 kopecks.

On a monthly postpaid basis, you receive:


In order to connect this tariff plan for yourself, you need to use any of the methods below.

In the arsenal of the Beeline TV system there are a lot of profitable services and tariffs. One of these proposals is TP "All for 800". This tariff is intended for subscribers who often communicate in their network, and in addition need a mobile Internet. In this review you will find a full description of the "All for 800" Beeline tariff, and also learn about the features of the "All for 800" tariff plan.

Tariff description

Beeline tariff "All for 800" can be used on five numbers at once, so it can be called family. The amount of the subscription fee will largely depend on the number of provided packages of cellular services (see. Cost of services).

Within the TP, both prepaid and postpaid payment systems operate. Each type of payment has its own pros and cons. If we talk about the prepaid system, then in order to be able to use the TP, the subscriber first needs to pay a fixed amount. Immediately after that, all the options existing on the package will become available to him.

In the second case, payment must be made after the provision of mobile services by the provider. For many subscribers, it is the postpaid payment option that seems the most attractive, because the whole 25 days are given to repay the loan. In addition, there is no limit on the use of minutes, SMS, Internet and other cellular services.

Taking into account such features of the TP, any subscriber can choose for himself the most optimal option for making a monthly fee. The established monthly fee of 800 rubles, and the standard set of packages, will remain unchanged.

So, TP "All for 800" Beeline includes the following packages:

  • unlimited calls to Beeline numbers within the network;
  • 1000 minutes to communicate with other numbers;
  • 500 SMS, with the ability to send throughout the country;
  • 7 GB of traffic monthly.

And also within the framework of this TP, you can use the following services for free:

  • "There is a contact";
  • "Stay in touch";
  • automatic caller ID.

As for the Internet, when the limit is completely used up, the option "Auto-renewal of speed" will start working on the number. The cost of one additional package is 20 rubles. For this money, the user will be provided with 70 MB. You can use no more than 15 such packages per day. And also you can connect to the TP such an option as "Highway", within which the Web connection will cost a little cheaper.

Family TP "All for 800" can be connected at the nearest office of the mobile operator. Upon arrival at the office, you need to contact the manager and ask for help with activation.

Important! When going to the office center of the TV system, do not forget to take your passport with you.

In addition, this tariff plan can be activated independently. This can be done as follows:

  1. Personal Area. For users registered in the system, product activation can be performed through their personal account. To do this, after logging in on the page, go to the "Tariffs" section, and after selecting the required TP, click the "Connect" button. Similarly, TP activation can be performed through the My Beeline application;
  2. Call to service number. In this case, you do not need a high-speed internet connection. To activate the TP, you just need to dial the number combination 0674000800 on your mobile and press the call key. Calls are free.
  3. Technical support. You can also connect by calling 0611. After connecting, inform the company employee about the purpose of your appeal and then follow the instructions.

Important! Connection is provided free of charge if the current tariff plan works on a SIM card for at least a month. Otherwise, the connection cost will be 130 rubles.

Deactivation of the "All for 800" package is provided free of charge. To turn off the tariff plan, you can use the following methods:

  • go to your Personal Account or the "My Beeline" application, and disconnect the TP in the appropriate section;
  • contact the operator of the support service at 0611;
  • perform a shutdown at the nearest TV system office.

It is important that when you turn off the TP, there is no debt for your number. Otherwise, deactivation will not be possible until the debt is fully repaid.

As mentioned above, for a subscription fee of 800 rubles, the subscriber receives a fairly impressive range of cellular services. After the limit is exhausted, the following prices will apply to the TP (the conditions apply to both postpaid and prepaid TP "All for 800"):

  • on-net calls - free;
  • outgoing subscribers of other cellular networks in their home region - 1.60 rubles / min;
  • outgoing to other regions of Russia to various directions - 3 rubles / min;
  • SMS to any direction of the Russian Federation - 1.60 rubles / piece;
  • MMS - 7.95 rubles / piece

You need to know that these rates do not apply to the city of Sevastopol and the Crimean peninsula. Here you have to pay 3 rubles per minute of the call. In addition, 8 rubles will be charged for the connection.

As for connecting additional subscribers to the TP, there will not be an additional fee for drinking. The entire volume of minutes, SMS and traffic will be distributed among all members of the family. After the quota is exhausted, the standard tariffication provided for this TP will begin to operate on all connected numbers.

If we talk about the rates for international communication, then they are as follows:

  • cIS countries - 30 rubles / min;
  • Europe, USA, Canada, China - 50 rubles / minute;
  • other countries - 80 rubles / minute.
  • other world countries - 80 rubles.

Advice! If you want to save on international calls, activate the "Neighbors" option. And for the full use of the Internet in roaming, it will be advisable to activate the "Most Profitable Internet" option.

It is also important to know that when you are in international roaming, the TP will be blocked if there are less than 600 - 300 rubles on the account, depending on the direction. More detailed information on the work of the tariff in roaming can be viewed on the official website of the Beeline operator.

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