How to turn off mobile internet for a day beeline. Beeline unlimited internet connection without traffic limitation

Unlimited mobile Internet is in great demand among Beeline subscribers. But often the operator and his clients put different meanings in the concept of unlimited Internet. And if the overwhelming majority of subscribers dream of a mobile Internet without restrictions on speed and traffic volume, the operator is ready to offer only tariffs with a fixed Internet volume, but at the highest possible speed. They are called "unlimited" in Beeline. These tariffs include a line of tariff plans "Everything", as well as a family of Internet options.

But recently the situation on the mobile communications market has finally begun to change, and in favor of subscribers. By the end of 2016, all mobile operators, including Beeline, began to have tariffs with real unlimited mobile Internet - without traffic restrictions. It is these new tariff plans that will be discussed in this review. From the article you will learn about all tariffs with unlimited mobile Internet from Beeline for different devices and how to connect them.

Unlimited Internet Beeline on the phone

  • Opens the list of tariff plans with unlimited mobile Internet Beeline tariff. In addition to unlimited Internet access (valid throughout Russia), this tariff provides unlimited calls within the Beeline network, 250 minutes to calls to phones of other operators and 250 SMS monthly. The subscription fee for the tariff is 20 rubles per day, and for new customers there is a promotional price - 10 rubles / day during the first month after connection.

    You can switch to the tariff "# EVERYTHING is possible" by calling 0781, in the "Personal Account" or via SMS with a special code, which must be sent to your number from the page describing the tariff on the operator's official website.

  • Line of tariffs "All" from Beeline also gives subscribers unlimited access to the Internet. But few people know that these tariffs exist in two versions - for different payment systems. And if the Internet traffic is limited in the prepaid system, then for the postpaid SIM cards the mobile Internet is not limited either by traffic or by speed. And the packages of minutes for calls included in the tariff here are slightly more than on similar prepaid tariffs. Let's consider each of the options in more detail:

    "Everything for 500"
    Prepayment: 5 GB of Internet, 550 minutes for calls and 300 SMS for 16.66 rubles per day.
    Postpaid: unlimited internet, 600 minutes and 300 SMS for 500 rubles per month.

    "Everything for 800"
    Prepayment: 7 GB of traffic, 1000 minutes and 500 SMS for 26.66 rubles per day.
    Postpaid: unlimited internet, 1100 minutes and 500 SMS for 800 rubles per month.

    "Everything for 1200"
    Prepayment: 10 GB of traffic, 2000 minutes and 1000 SMS for 40 rubles per day.
    Postpaid: unlimited internet, 2200 minutes for calls and 1000 SMS for 1200 rubles per month.

    "Everything for 1800"
    Prepayment: 15 GB of traffic, 3000 outgoing minutes and 3000 SMS for 60 rubles per day.
    Postpaid: unlimited internet, 3300 minutes and 3000 SMS for 1800 rubles per month.

    You can switch to one of the tariffs of the "All" line in your "Personal Account" or by calling 0781. Unfortunately, not all Beeline subscribers can switch to a postpaid billing system. You can find out if a tariff is available for connection on your SIM card at.

Unlimited for tablet

There are only two offers with unlimited mobile internet for tablets:

  • "# ALL is possible. Tablet", the subscription fee for which includes only unlimited Internet traffic. By the way, the monthly fee is 600 rublesth. The tariff does not provide for packages of minutes and SMS, so you will have to pay extra for these communication services. Calls to all local numbers will cost you 1.7 RUB / min, and intercity - by 2.9 rubles in a minute. The cost of one SMS will be 1.95 rbl.

    Switching to the tariff "# ALL IS POSSIBLE. Tablet" is carried out by calling the service number 067-410-888 or through the "Personal account".

  • Just like its brother, the tariff "Unlimited for tablet" provides subscribers with mobile Internet only. Calls and SMS are paid separately, the tariffication of minutes and messages is the same as on the tariff "# ALL IS POSSIBLE. Tablet". But the monthly fee for "Unlimited for Tablet" is 890 rubles per month.

    Based on the characteristics of the tariff and its cost, its existence is not entirely clear, since there is a much cheaper analogue. But if you suddenly decide to switch to the “Unlimited for Tablet” tariff plan, then, as in the case above, this can be done either in the “Personal Account” or by calling the number 067-410-888.

Beeline unlimited internet for modem

Alas and ah, but Beeline has no offers with unlimited mobile Internet for modems. It is hoped that one day, in order to compete with other operators (for example,) with unlimited Internet tariffs for modems, Beeline will give up and open such a tariff. In the meantime, modem users can only be content with Internet options. "Highway"that provide high-speed internet with limited traffic volume.

To connect to modems, the operator offers to use a tandem of options "Highway" (8, 12 or 20 gigabytes) and "Internet forever", which provides 200 MB of free traffic every month.

  • Package "Internet forever + Highway 8 GB" will cost you 600 rubles monthly and will provide 8 GB + 200 MB the Internet.
  • Subscription fee for "Internet forever + Highway 12 GB" (12 GB + 200 MB per month) will be 700 rubles.
  • Monthly fee for "Internet forever + Highway 20 GB"1200 rubles.

You can connect one of these options with unlimited Internet to your modem by calling 067-40-999 or in your "Personal Account".

Unlimited Internet for a day from Beeline

The Internet package included in your tariff has expired ahead of time, and you desperately need to download some voluminous file or just want to watch an interesting movie? It would seem that the solution lies on the surface: you just need to extend the traffic for a day (then you can somehow do without the Internet). Ideally, the traffic should be unlimited, well, or be quite an impressive volume - 100 gigabytes, for example))) Here Tele2 has this - you can connect unlimited mobile Internet for only 20 minutes ... No matter how it is! With Beeline, this number does not work. Apparently, unlimited Internet for a day is too unprofitable for Beeline, so there is no such service in the operator's arsenal.

Options titled "Internet for a Day", in my opinion, are generally unworthy of attention, since they provide traffic volumes that are ridiculous by today's standards - 100 and 500 megabytes cost 19 and 29 rubles per day, respectively. In short, too little and too expensive. The "Internet for a Day" service is suitable only for those subscribers who do not access the Internet every day, and therefore do not want to overpay for high-volume traffic packages. If necessary, active Internet users can be advised to use the options “Extend 1 GB speed” and “Extend 4 GB speed”.

Unlimited 4G Internet Beeline

This service is in the archive of the operator and is no longer available for connection.

Service "Unlimited 4G" from Beeline allows subscribers to use high-speed (up to 75 Mbps) mobile Internet in the 4G network without restrictions on the volume of traffic in just 3 rubles per day.

It's nice that this service works throughout Russia (the 4G coverage area of \u200b\u200bBeeline can be viewed on the official website of the operator), and the package of Internet traffic included in the tariff is not consumed in the 4G network. And even if your main traffic package runs out, the speed in the 4G network will still remain high, and you will be able to use the Internet!

You can activate the Unlimited 4G service only if:

  • you already have a tariff with mobile internet;
  • your mobile device supports 4G.

To activate the service and start using Beeline's unlimited 4G Internet, call the service number 067-4090-9871. You can deactivate Unlimited 4G by calling 067-4090-9870.

How to connect unlimited Internet to Beeline

To connect unlimited mobile Internet from Beeline, you just need to select the appropriate tariff plan (or option) and connect / switch to it either in the "Personal Account" or by calling a special service number. It goes without saying that your SIM card is already connected to the Mobile Internet service. Since it is included in the basic set of options and is activated when purchasing a SIM card, and if you have not deactivated this service before, be sure: your mobile Internet is connected and you can use this service in full.

As for setting up the mobile Internet, as a rule, the user does not need to take any action for this. The fact is that when you first install a SIM card into a mobile device, the mobile Internet is configured automatically. The exception may be rare phone models or "gray" Chinese gadgets, the owners of which may have to enter the settings manually. How to do it is described. If you have completed all the necessary steps, and the Internet has not appeared on your device, it will help to figure out the problem.

The operator of the MTS network is the leading one in Russia and the CIS countries and provides a line of smartphones, tablets and PCs with convenient service and fast Internet of several levels, the availability of which depends on how close the towers are located, distributing a certain signal, and the packages differ in types for tariffed and unlimited ...

Mini Bit

Recently, Internet tariffs have appeared in MTS, allowing you to use the Internet all day in limited traffic or unlimited. The cost of the option depends on the specifics of the tariff provision in the home region and throughout Russia.

Thus, mobile phone users are given the opportunity to pay for the Internet used only on the day they log into the network. The option is called "mini-Bit", after the first login, a fee of 15 rubles for 50 MB of traffic is charged, after which there is an accrual for every subsequent 10 MB, depending on which region the subscriber is in: home or not.

Internet for a day

Also, a new tariff option “Internet for a Day” became available to MTS network subscribers, when activated, a traffic package of 500 MB becomes available per day for just 50 rubles. At the end of the day (3:00 regardless of the connection time), if there are unused unlimited megabytes left, they are written off.

You can activate this service by typing the command *111*67# or in your personal account via the Internet assistant. Also, unlimited Internet for a day is provided for subscribers of "Internet-VIP" and "Internet-Machi" tariffs.

Turbo buttons

MTS also provides its subscribers, for greater convenience, to connect unlimited Internet for a day for 150 rubles, in the period from 3:00 on the first day to 3:00 on the second day, traffic is not taken into account, allowing the user to download any volumes. The fee is debited at the time of connection.

In addition, there are turbo buttons for 500 MB, 2 GB and 5 GB, respectively, which are valid for 1 or 2 months (for the smart line). It is possible to automatically provide one of the specified packages, or to connect once using a command and an Internet assistant. With automatic connection, the fee is debited at the end of the daily or monthly traffic quota. The whole button can be spent both in a day and in a couple of hours.

Internet for the day for bonus points

If the user is connected to the bonus program from MTS, then he can connect unlimited Internet for a day, week, month or six months (indicated when submitting an application with a tick). Depending on the accumulated quantity, tariffs for the Bit and Smart options, as well as their variations, are available. In the same way, through the Internet assistant or portal * 111 #, you can connect 500 MB, 2 GB and 5 GB turbo buttons for bonuses.

Please note that under one day, the MTS operator means the period from 03-00 to 03-00 at night.

Most people use the Internet these days. However, not all subscribers require daily access to the network. Especially for such users, Beeline offers "Internet for a Day". About what this service is, how much it costs and how to purchase or remove it, read on.

Service description

The option provides the ability to access the network at maximum speed. In this case, the service is valid only for one day from the date of purchase. That is, if the Internet is needed in the future, it will need to be re-installed.

The service is provided to users in two versions. Each of them has a certain amount of traffic, namely 100 and 500 MB. The user fee is 19 rubles / day for the first option and 29 rubles / day for the second.

The service is valid both in the region of residence and in intranet roaming (with the exception of some regions). When leaving the coverage area, billing is made according to the terms of the existing tariff plan.

How to connect or disconnect

The first thing the user needs to do is get basic access on a mobile phone. To do this, you need to send a request - * 110 * 181 # (setting is free). After that, you can proceed to connecting the subscription "Internet for a day". This can be done using the following methods:

USSD requestThe easiest and fastest way to install. To complete it, you just need to dial and send the combination - * 115 * 111 # for the first option or * 115 * 112 # for the second. Within a minute, you will receive an SMS message with information about the operation.
CallThe operator has allocated two numbers to enable the function: 0674093111 - 100 MB; 0674093112 - 500 MB After the call, the service will be automatically activated on the phone.
Personal AreaYou can connect subscriptions, as well as perform any other actions with the number in your personal account. To activate the option, follow these steps: 1. Log in to (to get a password, dial * 110 * 09 #) 2. Go to the "Services" section. 3. Find the connection you want 4. Activate by clicking the corresponding button.

If you no longer need the functions provided by the service, you can disable it. The following options are available for deactivation:

Attention! In 2019, the option is no longer available to Beeline subscribers. However, you can take advantage of similar offers from the operator.

Now for Beeline subscribers, many different options are available that allow them to access the network. Among them are the following proposals:

Auto-renewal of speedIt is activated automatically when the available traffic is exhausted on tariff plans from the All-in-One and All-in-One series, as well as on the Zero Doubt contract. When enabled, 100 MB is provided for 50 rubles or 5 GB for 150 rubles (depending on the connected tariff).
Extend speedUpon activation, the selected volume of gigabytes is charged. The following options are available: 1 GB for 250 rubles. and 4 GB for 500 rubles. To connect, dial * 115 * 121 # (1 GB) and * 115 * 122 # (4 GB).
Unlimited (unlimited) internetAfter connecting, 30 GB of traffic is provided at the maximum speed. The cost of use is 100 rubles / day. The control is carried out by sending SMS to number 0343 (to activate, enter "Yes", to delete "Stop").

Service "Internet for a Day" from Beeline is no longer available for connection. However, users who need to use the mobile internet can connect to one of the above options.

Do you urgently need Internet access for just a day and you have no desire to overpay considerable sums of money? Activate a special tariff from the mobile operator Beeline on your mobile and you can say goodbye to traffic and other Internet restrictions forever.

What are the suitable tariff plans on "Beeline"

Each interested subscriber can currently choose and connect to himself any tariff plan for access to unlimited Internet, calls and sending all kinds of messages. The Beeline operator offers its users a wide range of options for profitable tariff plans. Next, we will consider one of the most advantageous tariffs from Beeline - "Easy Unlimited". This plan is offered at very great and lucrative amounts. This rate is offered at very competitive and affordable prices.
To switch to this service, you just need to call "0611" and wait for a response from a Beeline support center employee, who will help you switch your mobile phone to work with this tariff.
With this tariff, your subscription fee will be equal to 800 rubles if you have a federal number and 1650 rubles if you have a simple number.

If you have an IMPORTANT or very URGENT question, ask !!!

Internet for a day: "Daily access" service

To date, Beeline subscribers have become much more likely to connect to the “daily Internet on mobile” service, since this service allows you to watch any video broadcasts online.
This service costs 19 rubles per day of use. As soon as the user has downloaded the first 30 kb of information, full billing starts. The activation of this service is absolutely free. To connect unlimited Internet on your mobile, you just need to call the number "0674 08 127".

Other options for getting unlimited Internet access

When you need to use Internet services, but you do not want to spend large sums of money, you can activate the option "Internet unlimited within the network". This service is provided free of charge every month.
All you need is 400 rubles on your balance, which are needed to activate this service on your mobile device. For this amount, the service will be available for 14 days. And 600 rubles if you want the option to be available throughout the entire month. To activate the service just call "0674 61 61".

IMPORTANT: The information on the site is provided for informational purposes only and is relevant at the time of this writing. For more accurate information on certain issues, please contact the official operators.

Some users do not need Internet access every day, but only occasionally, for example, once a week. There is no point in activating the option with a monthly subscription fee, in this case. How can you get unlimited Internet for a day from MTS? Of course, no one will give us full unlimited unlimited, but the package of 500 MB of traffic offered by the operator will be enough for many purposes. It is on these conditions that the "Internet for a Day" service is provided from MTS.

Description of the service "Internet for a Day"

As already mentioned, the "Internet for a Day" service from MTS offers subscribers traffic package for 500 Mb... The service can be connected both on a modem and on a smartphone - there is no difference. Billing is carried out on the fact of Internet access.

That is, if we do not use the network access services during the day, there will be no charges. But if we activate data transmission (for example, turn on the modem), the operator will deduct the daily payment from our account and provide a traffic package.

By connecting the unlimited "Internet for a day" from MTS, we get the opportunity to exceed the traffic package allocated to us. To do this, we can use the Turbo button with a traffic volume from 100 Mb to 20 GB, provided at a separate rate. A turbo button for 100 MB is connected with the command * 111 * 05 * 1 #, for 500 MB - with the command * 167 #, for 1 GB - with the command * 467 #, for 2 GB - with the command * 168 #, for 5 GB - with the command * 169 # and for 20 GB - by the command * 469 #. The "Internet for a Day" service from MTS can be used not only in Moscow and the Moscow Region, but also in intranet roamingtraveling through the regions of Russia.

There are no additional payments here, but you need to remember that if we enable the option on the territory of the home region, then it will not work in roaming (and vice versa) - you will need to reconnect with the same command. Thus, in some cases, we get double tariffication - for Internet access in the home and guest zones. The traffic offered by the service is not limited by speed, which is also a big plus. But if we use up the entire package of included traffic, the Internet access will be interrupted - this is a disadvantage of the “Internet for a Day” service.

To check the balance, use the branded mobile application... Also, the MTS network provides automatic SMS-informing about the rest of the traffic. To connect it, you need to dial the USSD command * 111 * 218 # or send an SMS with the word "info" (without quotes) to the service number 5340. To disable SMS informing, dial the USSD command * 111 * 219 # or send an SMS with the word “Stop” (without quotes) to the short number 5340. The cost of sending an SMS is 0 rubles.

One day in the MTS network means the period from 03-00 to 03-00 at night.

Internet cost per day

The "Internet for a Day" service involves charging off payments for a day of using network access. The cost of one day is 50 rublesboth in your home network and in intranet roaming. The price is quite favorable, which will certainly be appreciated by subscribers who need infrequent Internet access. But you need to remember that the data transfer on your device must be turned off until 00-00 at night. Otherwise, the account will be charged for one more day of using the service.

How to connect MTS "Internet for a Day"

In order to activate the "Internet for a Day" service, you must dial USSD-command * 111 * 67 # or send an SMS with the number 67 to the service number 111. In addition, you can use a convenient Personal Account to activate the service. You can find out how to increase Internet traffic on MTS from our other review.

How to disconnect "Internet for a day" from MTS

In order to disconnect the "Internet for a Day" service from MTS, you need to dial the USSD command * 111 * 670 # or send SMS with number 670 to short number 111... The cost of requests to number 111 is 0 rubles. You can also use a convenient Personal Account to disable the service. You can learn how to turn off the Internet on MTS from our detailed review, which discusses turning off the Internet on a phone, computer, tablet.

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