How to make purchases on Aliexpress from the phone. Coupons in the mobile application Aliexpress. How to pay from the balance sheet of mobile phone through the AlExpress application

The Aliexpress website is of great popularity not only in our country, but also around the world. It is on this trading platform You can buy high-quality things at reasonable prices. Aliexpress has several advantages over the rest of the platforms - often sellers offer free shipping to any country, the same product on the site is a lot, so there is an excellent opportunity to find products at the lowest price. It is also important that the site can always be contacted by the administration and solve the emerging controversial questions For a short period of time. But, probably, the main plus Aliexpress is a large selection of payment methods.

You can pay for the goods on the site and a bank card, and through a kiwi wallet, and Yandex money, and through the terminal, and through the webman's system, and even with mobile phone. About the last and most new payment method we will tell more detail.

There was an opportunity to pay for purchases on the Chinese shopping area without leaving home and using only a mobile phone relatively recently. Only in the spring of 2015 in Russia, this question was solved and the idea was embodied. To pay orders through the phone and SMS messages, you need to be clients of one of the mobile operators. Such services provides only MTS, Beeline, Tele2 and MegaFon. All other mobile operators are still launched. To make a payment, you need not just to be a subscriber of the selected mobile operator, but also use services on a contract basis (prepaid).

Also, users who wished to make a payment through a mobile phone must be prepared for the fact that this service is not free. Each operator charges the Commission depending on its tariffs. The minimum percentage that the client must pay for the provision of services for payment to Ali SPress through the phone is 0.95 (MTS), and the maximum -3.9 (Beeline).

If the user is ready to pay interest (we note, they are small), then you can proceed directly to the commission. Make an order and pay it through the phone is easy, the main thing is to follow clear instructions when issues arise. Then you don't have to search for a long time, how to correctly make an order to your favorite goods.

By choosing the goods to Aliexpress, you need to place an order. After that, you should choose a method of payment. There will be several them there. We have already mentioned about the methods of payment for the goods. Among the classical ways to find the "Payment via Mobile Phone" tab, it will not be possible to select the "Other Payment Methods" tab, and you can see the fixed entry " Mobile payment" And you need to put the mouse and click her. Then you should select the operator to which the client uses and enter your phone number. For the number there on the page there is a special graph. After that, you will need to click on the orange button "Send SMS". This action is necessary so that the administration can in the case of which to send the buyer's money back. After entering the phone number, it will come to it with the instructions for confirming the payment for the order. The payment should be confirmed, and then you can simply wait for the delivery of the purchase.

If you need a refund to the buyer (insufficient order, the goods do not correspond to the described characteristics, etc.), then the money will return to the account mobile numberWith the help of which the payment is directly and is held. Visually making an aliexpress payment through a mobile phone can be seen in the following photos.

So, in photo 1 shows where in the payment menu is operating tab ("Other payment methods").

In photo 2 shows a menu with a choice of mobile payment.

In photo 3 shows a menu with a choice of the desired mobile operator, with which you can make a payment for ordering goods.

Step-by-step instructions for conducting a payment using a mobile phone via an SMS message can be seen on video 1 below.

There are cases when the user does everything right, but the payment for some reason is not conducted. This may be associated with malfunctions in the work system of the mobile operators themselves. But in this case there is a way out. To pay the order made, you can use the Kiwi system. Even those who are not registered in this system can easily carry out payment through Kiwi, and, accordingly, through a mobile phone. The fact is that the kiwi wallet is tied to the acting mobile number. To pay for the order you need to enter the payment menu and among all payment methods to choose a kiwi wallet. Then, instead of the number of the Kiwi wallet, enter your phone number. If the user does not have an account in the kiwi system, then the money will be removed from the mobile account. In the event of a return of funds, in the payment system, Kiwi wallet will be created automatically. If the money for the goods in the seller needs to be returned, they will return directly to the number of the kiwi wallet. That is why you can safely pay for the order both through the SMS message and through a kiwi wallet.

Quite often in various forums you can read popular questions from users. We collected only a few of them, directly concerning our topic, and let's try to answer them briefly and accessible.

Examples of users' questions about payment via SMS-message to Aliexpress (taken from blogs):

  1. I heard that the goods on Aliexpress can be paid via the phone. I use the mobile operator "Life". I did everything according to the instructions, but payment is not accepted. Tell me, I still can make payment in this way, or is it unreal?
  2. Hello! I am a resident of Minsk, and for some reason I can not pay for an aliexpress shopping through a mobile phone. Is it hanging the system, or is it in another?
  3. I am from the Altai Territory and for some reason I can not make a payment via SMS message. The operator, the services of which I use - MTS. Tell me what could be the problem?

So, the answer to the first question is the mobile operator Life does not support payments through SMS messages, and accordingly, pay through the phone in which it is worth starter pack operator Life It is impossible. The answer to the second question is as follows. Admission program for Aliexpress mobile operators works only on site Russian Federation. In other countries, this question is under development. And the third: In order for the payment for the goods with Aliexpress to be held, at least some money should remain on the mobile number account. If after making a payment on the account there will be 0 rubles, then the payment will be impossible. Surely this fact does not allow you to pay for the order.

Ordered on the Chinese shopping area is safe and convenient. The administration always goes towards its customers, so cooperate with representatives of the site AlExpress is easy and nice!

The question is how to pay for an order to Aliexpress via the phone, you are interested in those who are not able to translate funds from a bank card or, for example, an electronic wallet. In this case, the only opportunity to pay the purchase online is to make a payment from your smartphone.

Instructions for payment for aliexpress via phone

First of all, you must take into account that you can pay for the product to Aliexpress from a mobile phone account not only from Russia, but from Kazakhstan, Belarus and Ukraine. This is a huge plus, as in some countries there are some problems with electronic wallet. To transfer funds for your purchase from the Mobile phone account, you must:

  • Go to the store website and log in there.
  • Add the desired thing to your basket.
  • Go to the basket and from it - already for payment. To do this, under the value added to the basket, it is necessary to click "order from this seller."
  • Select the option "Other Payment Methods" and click "Confirm and Pay".
  • Select "Mobile Payment".
  • Here you will need to enter the cell number from which the tools will be replied, and confirm this translation.

Do not forget that with this method of payment for the parcel charges a decent commission. Commission's size will depend on your operator. For example, if you pay the purchase from the MTS account, it will additionally be charged 0.95% of the amount paid. In the case of Bilayin, the Commission will be 4%. It turns out that it is most profitable to translate funds from MTS. Pay for goods from the phone completely without commission is impossible, to which you should be prepared in advance. That is why it is recommended to put a little more money on account than the goods you are planning to purchase.

Important! Funds must be translated instantly. If this did not happen, then you should contact your operator and find out why the delay has occurred.

Already after you pay the things you choose, the seller will start collecting your package. It may take several days. Usually all information about the timing is on the main page of the store. After sending the parcel, you will be issued a number for which you can track where your purchase is located. If the seller did not send the goods to the specified time, then you should connect with him. If nothing changes, then you should open a dispute on the site and return your money. Money is returned there by where they were sent.

Read also Removing a map tied to payment for Aliexpress: Available methods

Other Payment Methods for Aliexpress

Of course, you can pay for goods on a Liexpress not only from the mobile account. You can do this from a bank card of any bank, for example, Sberbank, electronic wallets or in general cash. Everyone chooses that method that is comfortable to him.

The greatest perplexity causes payment in cash. Many simply do not understand how it is possible to pay for the goods not via the Internet. In fact, the scheme is quite simple and hardly causes many difficulties. In order to pay cash for their purchase, it is necessary:

  • You need the same way as in a payment situation from a mobile phone, add the goods to the basket, and then start making a purchase. Only now you will need to choose "Cash".
  • Now you need to enter a phone number in order to get a special number to which you will make a translation.
  • You can send funds through Euroset, connected, MTS, Sberbank or, for example, Russian Post.

You must have access to your phone until you receive the goods. In no case do not change the number. If you need to return funds, they will be sent to this phone. Change it later will not be possible. Also, do not forget to pick up a check, which will be issued to you when paying in cash. It also needs to be saved before receiving your purchase.

Of course, the most simple ways Shopping payments on Ali remain transfers from bank cards and electronic wallets. For payment is suitable debit or credit card, Wallet Webmani, Yandex or Kiwi. Payment procedure in all these cases is identical. You choose a way on the store website. There you will be sent either to the site electronic moneyOr to the site to confirm the bank transfer.

Well, and want to buy something. Or maybe at first they found some product on the network and now you want to purchase it, but the Aliexpress store for you is something new and you do not know where to start? How to buy on Aliexpress?

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Here step-by-step instructionHow to buy on Aliexpress and from a computer and from the phone ...

How to buy on Aliexpress? Instructions from A to Z!

How to buy on Aliexpress from a computer?

First we go to the Aliexpress website if this was not done and get on main pagewhich looks like this:

Now we have two options: go to the menu and search for goods in category, or write the name of the product and click Enter.

The second option is preferable if you know exactly what you want to buy. Suppose I want to buy a mini-column. Just yesterday I wrote about that, and I need to order this product again.

After you start searching for Aliexpress before you will appear the mass of goods suitable for your request. How to find and make an order for Aliexpress exactly the one that you need?

I specifically allocated in the photo above the yellow color of the menu, as you can continue to narrow the search for the search. At the top we can choose what we need, just column or column with mp3 player? We choose simply columns.

Choose further: mobile, portableor wireless? I choose portable. Further follows the filter: passive or active (i.e. with an amplifier)? I choose active. And so I found what I needed this little cute column for $ 3

In the same approximate way, you can find any product for Aliexpress. Just specify the characteristics in the menu and find the desired one.

Click on it and go to the product card. To begin with, you will get acquainted with all the characteristics, price, delivery and necessarily reviews of other buyers.

It would be possible to stop at this, but do not rush to buy the first favor you like, you need to do everything with the mind, otherwise you can overpay, or not wait for the parcel.

How to place an order for Aliexpress from a smartphone?

Every second of us possesses a smartphone and knows how much different applications There are paid and free on it. Cashback service developers are not lagging behind and also produce their mobile utilities. So my favorite ENN has such a program.

First, download the application to your phone, then find Aliexpress:

We enter the name of the product and choose the desired category. You can also find the goods in the photo. This may be needed, for example, when you found goods on a computer, but learned that in mobile application It is cheaper.

I need a nozzle for a crane, so I'm so introducing into the search string. Next I put sorting by the number of orders:

This is what I am doing to understand which of these nozzles people orders the most. For this filter, I always find good goods for myself.

We carefully view each product, we study the parameters and reviews of other buyers. We look at the product rating and the store as a whole.

Choose the desired and click buy now, if you have one purchase, like me. But if it's not whatever you want to make one order, then just click Add to Cart:

Since this is a product without parameters, I will not have to choose them. But if you buy, for example, clothes, then when adding goods to the basket, select all the corresponding parameters (color, size, drawing, etc.).

Further, in the same way, add all the goods that we want to buy. As soon as they added, go to the basket. Pay attention to the price of the product itself and the shipping price. Usually delivery is free, but since I take a very cheap product, then the shipping cost is almost 40% of the total price.

How to pay for an aliexpress order via the phone?

It remains well to check and pay. Here are three points:

  1. Check the address where the package will be delivered. Be sure to always check the address before purchasing. Once I moved and forgot to check it out. As a result, the parcel came to my old place residence and I had to spend a lot of time to come to my hands. Read :?
  2. Check the order details if you need to add a comment to the seller. Better in English, but if you do not know, then in Russian fit. They will translate themselves there.
  3. Last item Select payment method and all actions to pay for the order. More often it happens a card, the information of which must be filled (the number, to what date and the month it acts and security code On the circulation of the card). Read :?

After you all checked and entered, click confirm and pay.

That's all as soon as the seller processes your application, Cashback will appear in the EPN mobile application. Now you know how to order on Aliexpress from the phone and while saving to the maximum.

An example of buying on Aliexpress

You must immediately understand that aliexpress is not a store, this is the market And here the same item can sell dozens of sellers. And our task is to find the seller who asks less money and more reliable. How to find out?

The simplest thing is to scroll down the page down to this block - for another seller. As you can see, other sellers have the same mini column worth $ 1 cheaper, and this is a lot in this price range.

Open this option and see how many people ordered this column Do this seller have reviews?

As you can see this column of this seller, who also has good rating, 753 people ordered, which is quite a lot. And what about the reviews, what are they? Scroll through the page a bit down:

It is immediately clear that many are satisfied with the purchase and even posted a photo of their new toys. Based on all this, conclusions can be drawn: the price is low and the seller is good. Good boots, you need to take 😉 can click buy and go to order decoration!

How to order goods to Aliexpress and not guess?

But that's not all. In this case, it the best way Order and not guess, since this product has no accurate name. If we know exactly the model or product name, then act better on another scheme.

Suppose we liked the model blueDio BS-3 columns . We take this name, copy it to the site search and press ENTER. And here we see that the whole bunch is sold here exactly the same columns.

There is another little trick how to order the most the best product on Aliexpress. To do this, I use filters that are under the search. I always watch the filter by orders:

We see that the very first such search gives the most purchased goods. Thus, I always find the best product for Aliexpress, because who, how not buyers themselves can objectively evaluate the goods, delivery and seller?

You can use other filters, for example, by rating or the best choice . But I chose for myself ordersuntil it failed me.

So, I finally chose for yourself the most profitable purchase option, what to do next? And then click Buy button. Although no, do not hurry, in the next article I will tell you how to buy it right on Aliexpress with the mind, saving at the maximum.

What payment method to choose?

Most people pay for a bank card, but this is not the most the best wayAlthough the easiest. Why?

  1. A lot of money is often stored on a bank card.
  2. Your computer may have a virus that can intercept your data.
  3. If you receive a cachek, then translate it to bank card It will be difficult.

Personally, I use for shopping for Aliexpress dollar wallet Webmoney. And that's why:

  1. Top up the account WebMoney from the card is most often not a problem.
  2. Everything cashback Services No problem withdraw money on WebMoney, and often even without percent.
  3. There is no big amount on the balance sheet and do not worry so much for safety.
  4. Security Webmoney is very strong, at the level of paranoid.
  5. Through WebMoney easy to pay the same utilities, come in handy.
  6. And most importantly: it is easy to pay for the purchases for Aliexpress!

However, here is a personal matter, I only spoke about my experience ...

So we figured out how to order a product for Aliexpress with a reliable seller and with good quality. If you liked reading my articles, then subscribe to updates to keep up to date. There will be questions - write, always answer and everything 😉

If you want to figure it out even better, how to order products on Aliexpress, you can watch the video from top bloggers on this topic.

Fill out the address data, specify the method of payment, and pay. After payment, the application automatically proposes to save payment method data. You can save them or enter each time you buy is at will.

How to shop on Aliexpress through a mobile application?

  • Making purchases through a mobile application simply, because the phone is always at hand. You can use how search engineand menu categories.
  • Button menu Located on the left, designated by 3 vertical strips.
  • Press the button menu, Further "The main" And in the middle there will be an icon "All categories".
  • Choose what interests you, and the goods you like to buy immediately or put in the basket by pressing one or another button.

How to fill out a questionnaire to Aliexpress on the phone?

How to open a dispute in the mobile application Aliexpress?

It happens that you ordered the goods and the deadline for its delivery comes to an end, and there is no product. In this case, you can. This is done so that you are either the money returned, or sent another product if this was defective in the case of delivery.

How to track the parcel with Aliexpress from the phone?

After you place the order, you can track the purchase to make sure it goes to you.

How to confirm the payment for Aliexpress via the phone?

So that the shopping is safe, the online store goes towards this issue. To confirm the payment on the phone number you specify, the SMS message with the code is sent. This code You enter in the Fill field and thus confirm the payment.

How to tie a map in Aliexpress from the phone?

In order not to enter the data of the bank card every time you can save them. It is convenient and reduces the time of shopping.

  • Select the product and send it to the basket, or click "Pay now".
  • Next will be displayed, where you want to enter data for payment.
  • Choose a suitable way and fill the data.
  • After filling in the upper right corner, click "Ready".

If you click below "Ready", then you will have data only on this purchase, that is, with the next shopping you will have to enter everything again.

How to remove the map on Aliexpress from the phone?

If you saved the data of the bank card, and then changed my mind, or inadvertently pressed the wrong button, you can always fix everything.

How to extend the defense on Aliexpress from the phone?

Buying goods in the online store, everyone wants to be sure that his goods will come, and the seller will not deceive. To protect customers, Aliexpress provides a service that will save from short-circuit sellers.

After the seller sent you the goods chosen in the store, on the page "Your Orders" The "Seller sent your order" appears. After that, the timer starts to work. It determines the maximum time for which the goods must reach you. But it happens that until the end of the period remained a few days, and there is no product. When 4 days remains to the end, you can request the extension of protection or .

How to restore password to Aliexpress via phone?

If suddenly it happened that you forgot the password for the application or not put a check mark "Remember" when the data was filled out, and now you cannot go and buy things, do not worry - the output is always there.

  • Go to the menu and in the upper left corner, click "Entrance".
  • Fill in the field C. mailboxThe lines for a password will appear below, and under it - the line "Forgot your password?", Click on it.
  • A window will appear, where in the upper line you need to enter your electronic addresson which the letter comes with the code for confirmation. Enter a code.
  • Next will open the page on which you need to enter new password. Enter the password, on the next line, repeat it and save it.

To not forget the password for the application, try to record it in a notebook.

Buy through Aliexpress Appendix not only comfortable, but also just. A pleasant advantage is bonus offers. Spend your free time behind a serene shopping with the Aliexpress application. A large range of diverse goods of any category on your phone screen is a great option for a good mobile shopping.

Many are very afraid to buy something on the Internet, since more than once heard about deception and fraud from the online stores. I was deceived more than once again, one day I "threw" a very famous Russian online store.

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But I want to assure you - the Aliexpress store is a very reliable site! How to pay to Aliexpress? What methods of payment for Aliexpress are? How best to pay for purchases on AliExpress? I'll tell you about it now ...

Payment for Aliexpress: All methods

On Aliexpress there are many payment methods, how do you use it? For each individual country, the ways may differ, I will tell how to pay an aliexpress Russian. Here are the main ways:

As you can see, the methods are currently available:

Bank card - Master Card, Visa and Maestro.

Yandex money - Electronic money from the largest search engine Runet.

Sberbank - The largest bank in Russia.

QIWI - payment servicewhich is tied to the phone.

WebMoney. - Electronic money, you can create wallets in different currencies.

Mobile payment - Payment via the phone.

Cash payment - No comment, details below.

Now I will tell you about every way of payment for Aliexpress separately, about all the advantages and minuses ...

1. How to pay for Aliexpress through a map?

I am sure that most people pay for Aliexpress for goods by bank card. In this method of payment, you will be asked to fill out these fields:

Card number - We write all the numbers that are written on your map - they are always 16.

Month and year Termination of card service - written under the card number, two digits.

Owner's name - same with Latin letters (not necessarily large) enter the cardholder.

Security code - Turn your card and enter the last three numbers that are written on a painting strip.

All, now click the Pay button. Depending on the bank and your settings you will be asked to confirm the operation by entering the password (which you came up in advance) or code from the message sent by SMS.

If you fail to pay the purchase on Aliexpress by the card, then this may have such reasons:

Your card does not support the possibility of payment outside your country.. Your map must be written Master Card, Visa and Maestro. If not (and this is a frequent case with retirees cards), you will get a "normal" card with the possibility of payment in foreign online stores.

You are blocked the opportunity to buy via the Internet. Many banks by default block such an opportunity for security. You need to go to your bank-online and include the ability to make purchases on the Internet.

You have ended money. Bentily, but happens ...

Should I buy on Aliexpress through a map?

This is very good questionAfter all, although buying on Aliexpress is safe enough, you need to take into account other threats - viruses on your computer.

Yes, if the Troyan virus settles on your computer, it can steal the data of the cards that you enter when purchasing. And then after buying you, hackers for the money remaining on the map they will buy a lot of gifts to yourself, beloved ....

This happens, though not so often, but there is probability and believe me, antivirus, even the best, it can not always help. But there is a way out of this situation and is very simple - to buy through the Internet a separate card.

Yes, so simple. If you have a lot of money on your main map that you are afraid of losing, find the bank where you are cheaper than all (and better for free) you can order a map and use it for shopping on the Internet.

I can recommend map Tinkoff Aliexpress - This is a special card for shopping for Aliexpress, buying from it you can return 5% + 10% on Alibonus, for example, it turns out good savings.

Tinkoff Aliexpress Conditions, Full Review.

Thus, the wolves are full, and sheep are intact ....

2. How to pay for Aliexpress through Yandex Money?

Yandex money is very comfortable payment system. I use her for a very long time and mainly because they give (almost free - 199 rubles) plastic Master Card card with chip.

In this map you will send directly by mail, you do not need to go anywhere (even to another country). This card can be paid on the Internet (in the same AlExpress), shopping in the store and make money in an ATM (with a percentage, truth). On Aliexpress, paying Yandex money is very easy: choose this method of payment:

Press the payment button now, you will transfer to the Yandex Money page where you need to confirm the payment. And everything, so simple, nothing needs to be introduced constantly, quickly and conveniently.

3. How to pay for Aliexpress via Sberbank Card?

It is not clear a little, why did you need to make a Sberbank map in a separate way to pay? After all, if a person has a bank card of Sberbank, he can pay the goods in the first way. Another option: a person has an account in Sberbank, but there is no map. But it is difficult for me to even imagine such a situation - modern man With a savings book and without a card.

But we assume that such an anachronism is in the theory in the form of a grandmother, which decided to buy new points to Aliexpress. Here it chose the goods, starts to pay - she needs to choose this item:

As a result, she will receive unique codewho will record a shaking hand on a piece of paper, will go to the payable terminal and pay your product in cash. Sorry grandmother ...

4. How to pay aliexpress via kiwi?

I never used Kiwi, since the percentage for their services always seemed to me too much. But the Russian people are very generous and not used to consider a penny, so very many use this payment system.

To pay for goods Aliexpress QIWI you need to choose the appropriate payment method:

You need to enter the number of your phone number to which Kiwi wallet is attached and press the payment button now. After that confirm the payment and wait for the goods.

It is worth considering that the amount that you will be removed from Kiwi most likely there will be more that you pay to Aliexpress, as the dollar rate for kiwi is not the best. But this is a fee for simplicity and convenience.

5. How to pay for Aliexpress via WebMoney?

I firmly convinced that the WebMoney website did drug addicts, otherwise it is difficult to explain the terrible confusion of the interface, infinite authorization and other inconveniences. In view of this, if you do not have a wallet on Webmoney and you are not needed for you, then you do not start it only to pay for Aliexpress.

But if you already have a webman's wallet and there are funds on it, then buy first of all through it. The thing is that withdrawing money from Webmomey is not as easy, so it is best to spend on purchases on the same aliexpress. That is why Aliexpress I always pay only webmoney. Go to the tab:

Further will transfer you to WebMoney website, where you will need to confirm the payment. Webmoney is convenient because if you have a WMZ wallet (dollar), then when you pay for Ali Spress, there will be no conversion. If you put prices for Aliexpress in dollars, and initially they are there in dollars, then pay exactly as much as the goods cost. This is one of the advantages of such payment.

6. How to pay for the purchases on Aliexpress via the phone?

This is another very convenient way Payment for Aliexpress, especially if you buy some trifle. Go when paying for this tab:

Choose your own cellular operator: MTS, MegaFon, Beeline or Tele2, Enter your phone number and click Send SMS. After that, you will need to confirm the order (otherwise everyone would simply wrote someone else's room and money was written off from it) and the goods were paid. And from your balance on the phone, naturally, write down the desired amount.

7. How to pay for goods to Aliexpress in cash?

There is another way to pay for the purchase on Aliexpress - pay for the goods in cash. This method is very similar to the case with Sberbank. Choose this tab:

We write your phone number, we get sms with a unique number, go with him to one of the stores or salon cellular communicationWe show our code there, give them money, and they make a payment. At the moment, such a payment can be made in Omigo, connected, ComePay, Eleknev, Euroset, Leader, Russian Post, MTS, PSKB, Free Cashier, QuickPay, Credit Bank of Moscow, Telepay and some other unfamiliar me offices.

The simplest of all this is to pay in Russian Post. As in the case of Sberbank is a way for those who are with the Internet and banking systems on you. In principle, it is good as for such ordinary people There are such opportunities.

8. How to pay Mall Aliexpress?

Yesterday I first called the goods from the section and was unpleasant surprised that you can pay for the purchase in this section can be limited by the number of ways, in particular:

Yes, just a map and Yandex money, another couple of ways to pay offline, about which I wrote above. It is very uncomfortable to me, since I used to pay Webmoney. Why is that? I do not know, maybe this is a severe legislation? Or the sellers themselves are looking for lungs? It will be necessary to learn more about it ...

9. How to pay for Aliexpress from the current account?

I recently asked a question on the site: Is it possible to pay for the goods with Aliexpress using the current account? By virtue of understandable reasons, I never paid it, but it still became interesting, can I pay for Aliexpress with the help of bank details?

I specifically ordered a small product to Ali to see if there is something similar there. I found only such a small invisible item - Bank Transfer.

I think that this is what you need, I could not check immediately, since this method of payment has a limit:

The total amount of the order does not correspond to the allowable limits of this Wire Transfer: USD 20.01 ~ 50000.00.

If you paid this way, then tell us in the comments, how does it happen and either that I think about.

10. How to pay for an order to Aliexpress via the phone?

So, I got acquainted with the goods - everything suits, click the Buy Now button (it is below the product itself):

A page opens with the choice of product parameters: color, size, etc. Choose them and click further. And here is our page with the design of the goods:

On it we see shipping information, as well as payment methods:

  1. Payment by card (Visa, MasterCard, Maestro, World)
  2. Other Payment Methods (QIWI)

If you pay the first way to add a credit card, for this press add a new card and perform 8 simple actions:

Now your orders will be paid by the added map.

Attention! Do not add a map with large means on it, otherwise you can become a victim of scam!

If you have a kiwi wallet, or any other payment system, then put a check mark to use another payment method and click Place an order, this is the message:

Here, in addition to Kiwi, there are no more ways anymore, but if you click on the button other methods through the PC site, Alipay will open with the methods we need:

Select the payment convenient for us and enter the necessary data. That's just just to pay for Aliexpress via the phone.

Is it possible to pay for Aliexpress upon receipt?

This question interests many and there is a simple answer - NOT! The Chinese do not sell goods by cash on delivery, but only prepaid. And it is logical, imagine what it would be if it would be possible. A bunch of fools for the sake of joke would be ordered goods and then would not get it in the mail. The cost of shipping () would lie on the shoulders of the seller.

But as I wrote above, you should not be afraid to buy for Aliexpress - this is one of the largest online stores in the world, and there everything is under control, no one will steal your money. You can be the only problem when ordering you yourself. Therefore, before starting to use AlExpress, read:

  1. - How to save with help.

And if there is a problem, then read how to Aliexpress.

How best to pay for Aliexpress? Everyone chooses for themselves, woman, religion, work ... everything is like a classic, we use the payment that you are more convenient and safer ...

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