How to find out your life number? How to call a mobile operator and quickly check your account

Forgetting your number is quite simple, especially if the SIM card has not been used by the subscriber for some time, or little time has passed after buying the kit in the cabin. You can refresh your memory and remember a personal sequence of numbers in several ways. This article will talk about how to find out your number on Life.

Information Options

There are several ways to obtain information such as the phone number of the subscriber. In general, there are several basic and most convenient options:

  • a call to a mobile phone or stationary device with a caller ID;
  • viewing documentation issued upon purchase of a kit in a sales salon;
  • short command service;
  • call to the operator;

Let’s take a closer look at each of the items listed and give an example of how to find out your phone number on Life.

View documentation or call another phone number

If the SIM card was purchased recently, then most likely the subscriber has not yet managed to throw away the documentation that was attached to the envelope with the SIM card. In it, you can view information about your number. You can also call another number, it can be either a call to a cell phone or a landline phone with the function of a caller ID. The display will show a combination of numbers. Moreover, if the anti-identifier option is activated on the SIM card whose number you need to find out, then this method may not work.

Call to the operator

How on "Life" to find out your number in another way? For all issues, including such "trivial", you can contact the support line. A contact center consultant will provide the necessary information. For Belarusian subscribers, a toll-free call center telephone number is 909 (or 920). Having chosen the corresponding item of the voice menu, you must wait until the employee answers the call. For Ukrainian customers of the Life operator, another number is 5433. You can also call him for free and find out information of interest.

The user has two options:

  • call to the operator;
  • automatic voice system.

By the way, it’s not necessary to wait for a specialist’s response, you can use the voice menu. Moving through its points, you can listen to interesting information about the SIM card with which the call was made. Please note that for subscribers of Ukraine and Belarus different phone numbers are used for dialing to contact centers. When connecting to a subscription service, first of all, the client will be asked to select a language.

How on "Life" to find out your number through the short command service?

Using the USSD service, you can get any information about your number. The Life operator provided for the need for subscribers to specify their numbers and allocated a special combination of characters for this:

  • * 161 # - this request will allow you to quickly clarify not only your number in the international format, but also to find out which tariff is activated on the SIM card at the moment. This combination is suitable only for residents of Ukraine.
  • * 115 # - a similar request that subscribers of Belarus can use. In the response message that will arrive on the SIM card with which the request was made, the tariff plan (its name) will also be indicated.

These requests are free, their number is not limited. For subscribers who are interested in how to find out their number on Life, it is recommended to save requests in the contact book. This will help in the future to quickly and without unnecessary actions recall the unique sequence of numbers.


This article talked about how to find out your number on Life (Belarus). They also provided tips and tricks for obtaining similar information in Ukraine.

How to contact the Life operator - this question is often asked by subscribers using the communication services of this company. Every day, customers who need answers regarding their personal accounts and consult on the services and tariffs of the operator apply for support. Of course, now it is easy to get information of interest, without turning to the contact center for help - the organization’s website provides all the necessary information in the public domain. However, there are questions and situations that only a support specialist can help deal with. In this article we will talk about how to contact the Life operator by phone.

For subscribers of Ukraine

There is a separate support line for company customers in Ukraine, which can be reached by phone. Moreover, the call can be made both from a mobile number and from a landline. How to contact the operator "Life" (Ukraine)?

  • Contacting tech support from the SIM card of this operator is free. You need to dial a single number 5433. After dialing, the automatic voice system will turn on and offer to familiarize yourself with the menu items. By the way, through this service you can also get the necessary data. Just select the desired menu item, and the voice system will report the information by number. But there is a flip side to this system - among the proposed menu items, you can easily get lost. Therefore, immediately after dialing the number, press the number 5, then 3 and at the end 0. After that, the subscriber will hear a greeting from the support service specialist. In the event that there are no free consultants at the moment, he will be informed about this and will be able to wait for an answer.
  • How to contact the Life operator from a SIM card of another mobile service provider or from a landline phone? You should dial 0 800 20 54 33. It should be noted that when calling from a fixed-line telephone, you will not have to pay for the connection. However, when calling from a SIM card of another operator, the cost of a minute will be determined by the terms of the tariff plan.

Support calls from roaming

  • +380 635 433 111;
  • +380 442 336 363.

Lifecell is a company providing mobile services, which until 2016 was known as life :) or simply Life. As with all similar organizations, subscribers often have problems that they cannot solve on their own. Here the question arises, how to call the operator Life.

It is believed that there should not be any problems - just dial the specified number, and the connection occurs. In fact, getting to a live operator with each city is becoming increasingly difficult.

Lifecell Features

This company provides mobile services in Ukraine, while it is wholly owned by Euroasia Telecommunications Holdings B.V. She, in turn, was bought by the Turkish operator Turkcell.

About eighty centers are represented in Ukraine, where subscribers can turn for help. A little less than two hundred exclusive stores are located in hundreds of cities across the country. In addition, there are about 150 points of sale and a huge number of non-exclusive points.

The subscriber’s numbers are 63, 73 or 93. In the case of international calls, they look like +38063 (73, 93). As of 2015, the number of users of this brand has exceeded ten million, and the average income is 35.5 hryvnia per person. The GSM network is available to almost the entire population of this country.

In addition to Ukraine, the question of how to call the operator Life may also arise in people living in Belarus.

Preliminary measures

It’s so difficult to reach a live operator, as a rule, because there are a lot of calls. At the same time, the vast majority of them are easily solved with the help of automated systems that Life provides in sufficient quantities.

Waiting for an answer can take a very long time, therefore, before perceiving your problem as extremely complex and unique, it is best to check once again whether the answer to the question is within walking distance.

First of all, it is worth visiting a personal account, which is now started for subscribers of almost any operator. It will provide an opportunity to learn a huge amount of various information, and also with its help you can use various functions. Often, viewing your account helps you find a solution to a large number of problems, such as “Why do not calls go through?” (No funds on the account) or “Where did the money go?” (For this, there are statements and a list of connected options).

Secondly, subscribers can use the internal self-service, for which you need to dial *111#   and press the call button. Autoinformers and voice menus allow you to solve a huge number of problems without spending hours waiting for an employee to respond.

Finally, answers to questions can be found on the Internet, especially in specialized forums where they can be asked personally.

How to call the operator Life?

The process of connecting with a living person will vary slightly depending on whether the call is from Ukraine or Belarus. However, in any case, this will require a lot of time. In Ukraine, the following method works.

  • Initially, you still have to use the voice menu. To start the process you need call 5433.
  • First of all, you will need to choose the language in which the conversation should take place.
  • After that, various items will be listed. The fifth is necessary, so at the right moment you need to click on the number 5.
  • Then the listing of various options will continue, as a result of which you will have to click on zero.
  • This will allow you to start communication with the operator. Sometimes the system asks about the desire to join the assessment of the quality of communication. You can refuse, but some believe that consent increases the speed of connection with the operator.

After that, it remains only to wait for an answer. In extremely rare cases, you can talk in a minute, but most often you have to wait for half an hour, or even more.

On the territory of Belarus, the communication process will occur differently.

  • For a call is used number 909 or 920. As a result of the set, an autoinformer is launched, which tells you what you need to press in the future.

Other numbers for calls

In order to reach the operator, you can use not only a short number. This case is suitable if the subscriber calls from his city from his own telephone. However, some, due to circumstances, use a landline telephone or a SIM card of another operator. In addition, it is worth considering the situation with calls from roaming. The following are the features of conversations in Ukraine.

  • In order to make a call from a landline phone, the number 0800205433 is used. It should also be used if you need to call from a SIM card of another operator.
  • While roaming, you can use the combination +3800042336363 or +380635433111.

If you need to get through to the operator in Belarus, the following methods are used.

  • A landline phone or other sim card will make it possible to contact Life by using the numbers +375259090909 or +375172959999.
  • If the subscriber is in roaming, then he must use these numbers - +380442336363, +380635433111.

In all these cases, it is necessary to remember that the conversation will be paid. For this reason, it is better to postpone the call until you exit roaming or find a suitable SIM card. In addition, it is worth considering once again the possibility of checking your personal account, as well as correspondence with the operator in a special online chat on the official website.

If the problem can wait, then the person has the right to use two other methods. Firstly he can fax your questionwhose number is +375173285886, or use e-mail.

The form of the letter will allow to describe the situation as clearly and extensively as possible. The text must be sent to the address [email protected]   . Although the answer will have to wait, using this method is realistically anywhere and anytime.

Not all issues with Life subscribers are resolved automatically. There is a need to contact the operator in person. Subscribers of the company constantly complain that it is impossible to call the operator. Communication with a living person replaces the voice computer. There is a suspicion that company representatives do not specifically want to communicate with customers. Be patient, and we will tell you how easy it is to contact the operator.

  We call the operator Life from a mobile phone

Take your phone and follow simple steps:

  • dial 5433 and press the call button. Connection is free;
  • do not listen to long and tedious voice prompts - immediately press the number 5 on the phone. This means that you are in the "Other questions and operator assistance" section. Then you will again be asked to choose options;
  • press the number "0". In automatic mode, you will be asked to evaluate the quality of communication. Better note what quality you like. In this case, operators communicate with customers faster and more willingly;
  • expect connection with a free operator. You can get through in 10 seconds, and in 30 minutes, as lucky. Be patient.

For a quick connection with Life, do not call at lunchtime and in the evening when people come from work and start calling. In the morning or closer to night, the line is less congested, you will get through faster.

  We call the operator Life from a landline phone

Failed to get through with your mobile phone? Try contacting the landline. Dial 0-800-20-5433. The call is free from landline phones, you will have to pay according to the tariff plan from a mobile phone. Call this number from a landline phone if your SIM card is blocked for unknown reasons. If you are a client of another operator, but you need to contact Life, the above number will also come in handy. But a call from SIM cards of other operators to this operator is paid.

  We call the operator Life in roaming

If you are in international roaming, call Life by phone:

  • +380 442 336 363;
  • +380 635 433 111.

Calls are all paid. Charging is carried out at the tariff of the mobile operator of the state in which you are at the time of the call.

  In which cases you can not call the operator Life

Many issues are resolved automatically. Listen to the voice menu and select the item that the voice computer will offer. You can deal with the following problems without an operator:

  • balance check;
  • refill;
  • tariff plan change.

Life operators are very busy, it is impossible to answer all at the same time. But communication with them occurs around the clock. Call at any time - even at night and they will help you solve your problem.

  Articles and Lifehacks

Now the mobile operator life is becoming more and more popular. Because of this, some questions arise about its use. Not all users life how to find out a phone number   have an idea, but the mobile operator offers several options. Of course, the standard is to see all the information on the number on the starter pack when buying. But if such an opportunity is missed, and the user’s own number is a secret, it is still much easier to find out than (no third-party applications are needed to find out the number).

1 option to find out life number

The most effective is sending the USSD command to the toll free number * 161 # and the call button. The answer will be a message on the screen of the mobile device with the following text: "Your phone number: ***", where *** is what you had to determine. Sending such a request is free for all Life subscribers, including those who are in roaming.

2 way to determine your life number

Another possible option is used most often when for some reason it is not possible to send a USSD command. To do this, just call the Life operator and find out the necessary information from him.

3 way to find out the number

An alternative and, probably, one of the most accessible and well-known methods is to make a call to a phone that you have nearby. If you cannot make a call, you can send an SMS message. Next, you will find your number on the phone of the subscriber to whom they called or sent an SMS request.

Those with a negative balance may prefer the free “Call me back” service. She will also help to find out the necessary information. The only drawback of this option is the set of a cumbersome USSD command, which also includes the number of another subscriber. But this complexity is small in comparison with complexity and riskiness, and yet many fulfill it.

4 option for determining the number

Another simple option for finding this information is to use the functions of your phone. The method is quite simple to use. To do this, just go to the contacts section and find the desired item. However, not every model of a mobile device allows this.

That is, looking for a solution to the problem of how to find out the phone number on life, you can find many alternative options. All of them are effective and will help with a similar problem. Each subscriber is free to choose the method that, for some reason, suits him more.

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