A program for partitioning a hard drive windows 7. The best programs for partitioning (splitting) a hard drive

After purchasing a computer or installing a new hard disk, as a rule, you will have only 1 section on it. Let's talk about this today: how to divide a hard drive into 2 or more partitions. This example will be provided on windows 7 OS using operating systemwithout installing additional software.

How many partitions should there be:

For correct windows work 7, 1 partition "drive C" is enough. The system is installed on it and nothing else is needed for it. it has all the necessary folders. But, from the point of view of convenience and own security, at least 2 partitions are recommended, this is drive "C" and drive "D". Why 2? It's that simple! It is advisable to leave the C drive only for windows and programs, and use the D drive for games, music, movies, photos, etc. Thus, in the event of a failure and reinstall windows all important information will not suffer.

How to split C drive into multiple drives

In order to partition the disk into partitions, open: Start menu, control panel. Next, we have to work with the System and Security tab.

That's it, we have come to the right place and there should be such a window in front of you:

To see which partitions are already installed, open "Disk Management". The operating system is usually located on the C drive, so you need to be careful when working with it.

To split the C drive into partitions, click on it right click mouse and select "Shrink Volume".

In the new window that opens, enter the desired size for the new partition:

Now click "create". In the window that opens, enter how much you want.

In a new window, on an unallocated area, right-click and select “create simple volume” as below:

Done. You can get to work, but it is advisable to restart your computer.

Program for partitioning HDD into partitions

Personally, I prefer to do without third-party programs, if it is possible to do with windows, I do so. I already wrote above how to partition an HDD without a program, now let's look at alternative way using third-party software.

For example, I took the simplest, free and very convenient program "Disk manager free"

Uploaded it to Yandex disk, you can download for free - https://yadi.sk/d/c0A22sBs3ReiFh

Installation and use are as easy as doors. To partition the disk, you need to do everything the same as in the example above without programs. As you can see, there is no sense from it, in my opinion, and it is better to do everything as in the example above, without downloading anything.

Partitioning a hard disk using Windows7

Partitioning the C: \\ drive in Win7

When buying a new computer or laptop with a preinstalled operating windows system 7, many users are faced with the problem of dividing a hard disk into several partitions.

Partitioning a hard disk into several partitions is important both from the point of view of ease of use of the system interface and the ability to save data after reinstalling or restoring the operating system.

Main section C: \\

As you know, when reinstalling the operating system, all data located on the C: \\ drive is lost, while the data on the rest of the hard disk partitions remains intact. All important files can be easily used even after the system has been restored.

Partitioning a hard disk is also convenient because programs and applications are installed on the C: \\ system partition. If the C: \\ drive is the only one, then when you add all kinds of files and folders to it, there is confusion between the system files and the regular folders added by the user. In this case, it is easy to get confused in the files and inadvertently delete some important system file. Therefore, partitioning the hard disk is necessary.

To break hDD in Windows 7 into several partitions ( logical drives), many use specialized programs like Partition Magic and the like. With the help of such programs, you can partition a disk into several partitions. But Windows 7 provides the ability to split it using system utilities... In this case, the need for third party programs completely disappears.

To partition a hard disk in Windows 7, you need to go to the computer control panel.

This can be done in two ways:

It is clear that the first method is easier.

In the "Disk Management" tab you can view all the information on our HDD and its partitions. In addition to the main C: \\ partition, it is possible to find a hidden recovery partition.

Main partition C: \\ and hidden recovery partition

The recovery partition is used to store information for recovering the operating system in the event of a serious failure when the system does not boot. It is not indicated by a letter. It should be noted that the amount of memory used for recovery files can reach several gigabytes (usually about 15GB). Also, besides it, there is a section on the disk System Reserved , volume of 100 megabytes. These sections are service, since they are not used by the user in any way and serve to normal functioning operating systems.

So, let's turn our attention to the C: \\ drive, which is to be divided into partitions - additional logical drives.

To split it, right-click on the conventional disk image. In the drop-down menu, select the item “ Shrink volume…”.

The item "Compress volume ..."

After the request is completed, a window will appear in which the compression parameters will be indicated. If the disk has not been previously divided, then by default the utility will offer to divide it approximately in half. If the original HDD had a memory capacity, for example 1.8 Terabytes, then after the partition, two partitions with a volume of approximately 900 Gigabytes each are formed.

The window that appears shows the size of the C: \\ volume before compression (in megabytes) and the size of the space to be compressed. The size of the compressible space is the amount of memory of the new partition that will be created. The total size after compression is the size of the C: \\ volume after compression. It will be slightly larger than the newly created one. As already mentioned, the system will offer to split the available memory approximately in half.

If you have a desire and confidence in your abilities, you can indicate your numbers and divide the disk in accordance with your needs. In any case, it will be possible to carry out the reverse procedure - volume expansion and return everything to its previous state.

After reviewing the separation parameters, press the "Compress" button. After a short process, another section will appear on the HDD with the inscription “Not allocated”.

The item "Create simple volume ..."

Start “Simple Volume Wizard”. Click "Next". The "Specify the size of the volume" window will appear - click "Next" again. In the next window, select the letter of the new volume in the “ Assign drive letter”. You can choose any letter you like.

Assigning a letter to a new section

We confirm the choice and specify the file system in a new window. In point " Format this volume as follows:"Specify the file system NTFS , the cluster size is left by default. Put a tick in the checkbox “ Quick format”And click“ Next ”. A window will appear with all the specified parameters. If everything is correct, then click the "Finish" button.

If you are not satisfied with the parameters set by the system by default, then, of course, you can set your own. But in most cases this is not required.

After a few seconds new section The HDD will be formatted, a letter will be assigned to it and the inscription “Good ( Logical disk) ”. The C: \\ drive will now be split in two.

New HDD partition - New volume (E :)

If desired, you can change the name of the new section, and instead of “ New volume”, Give another. This can be done in several ways:

    1 In the computer control panel in the disk management window, select the one whose name we want to change. Right-click and select " Properties". In the name field, set a new name and confirm by clicking OK.

If you have installed instead of HDD in your system solid state drive (SSD), the separation technique is the same.

From time to time, users want to reallocate free space on their hard drive. This happens in cases where, for example, one place has already ended, while another is still quite a lot. To perform separation free space without any problems, it is recommended to look at the special editing software. In principle, you can try to do all the work with standard tools Windows, however, it is better to use exactly the software that was developed specifically for this purpose. Despite the fact that there are many different applications available for download, we will describe only a few of them that have gained immense popularity.

One of the best is undoubtedly the program for sharing hard disk called Partition Magic. The software boasts many positive qualities and advantages, among which a user-friendly and intuitive interface, as well as rich functionality can be distinguished. Its capabilities are very large, to carry out movement of information, change, merge, delete, as well as the creation of new sections.

Among other things, free program Partition Magic is designed to work with all known file systems, including NTFS, FAT and FAT32. You will be able to convert one system to another without losing data. In general, if you need a high-quality and useful one that will quickly cope with any tasks on working with hard drives, then you should definitely study Partition Magic - you will really like the software.

Also called Paragon Partiton Manager. The software is distinguished by a high speed of execution of all separation operations. At the same time, its functionality allows you to convert file systems, solve problems with loading, perform backup individual files and whole disks. Unfortunately, it can only be installed on Windows, which forces all other users to find an alternative.

Finally, let's talk about the cool utility Acronis Disk Director is a full-fledged software package that includes a large number of important components - a manager of sections for moving, copying, deleting, merging. In addition, if installed, then users will be able to restore partitions on the hard drive if you were lost as a result of a system failure. For normal and stable work operating system of any personal computer or laptop, it is necessary to carry out the correct division of space into hard disk (perform HDD partitioning). Often when buying a computer in a store, you may be faced with the fact that the entire hard drive space is reserved for only one system disk (usually the system drive "C"). This setting for HDD memory allocation is not entirely correct. In addition, this can negatively affect the operation of the computer, because important documents and system files may be at risk of disappearing (it is recommended to use a separate partition on the hard disk for such data).

Therefore, in order to avoid any troubles associated with improper use of the computer's HDD memory, it is customary to divide it into several additional partitions (disks), one of which is usually reserved for the needs of the operating system. Nevertheless, it should be remembered that the process of partitioning a hard drive itself is a very responsible and meticulous procedure. Before starting it, it is recommended to back up all important documents to a USB flash drive or other storage medium, after which you can go directly to resizing disk space.

So, in order to partition a hard drive, you have to go through several step-by-step procedures. First of all, you should select the disk partition to be divided into subsections. After that, you must specify the size of the new section that you want to create with an indication of the type file system... Having passed all these points, you can start the procedure for partitioning the HDD itself. As a result of the successful execution of this operation, the program will display a list of the changes made. It is also worth noting that most modern programs for working with hard drives will help you not only split HDDs, but also merge them, perform deep formatting and other complex procedures.

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