How information is searched on the Internet. Internet World Wide Web Service. Ways to find information on the Internet

Internet World Wide Web Service. Ways to search for information on the Internet.

Lesson presentation

The Internet unites thousands of local, sectoral, regional computer networks all over the world. An individual user who is not a subscriber to any of the listed networks can also connect to the Internet through the nearest hub.

Knowledge is different from attention. Attention is the focus of concentration of consciousness on something from the environment, while knowledge is the conscious awareness of the existence of something. Knowledge comes before attention. For example, if the user does not know that the library has an online database with high resolution for drawing images, her attention will not be drawn to her access. In business, knowledge is marketing and attention is sold.

Persistence We assumed that people would seek information when solving problems or learning. They do this using information systems on the Internet or in a library to get the best results. For example, in traditional education systems, you can simply rely on the recommended textbooks and lectures to take exams. We cannot assume that everyone is interested in finding information and making sense of it. These non-users may be Internet enthusiasts, but use them primarily for entertainment, communication, and relaxation, rather than looking for workout information.

The language of international communication in the world network is English.

The most interesting service provided to Internet users since 1993 is the ability to work with the WorldWideWeb information system. This phrase can be translated as "world wide web".

WWW can be compared to a huge encyclopedia, the pages of which are scattered across the server computers connected by the Internet. To get the necessary information, the user must get to the corresponding page of the encyclopedia. Perhaps with this analogy in mind, the creators of the WWW introduced the concept of a Web page.

That is why the usefulness of information retrieval is determined, on which the use of information systems such as libraries depends. Users' understanding of the roles and functions of libraries and librarians also plays an important role in the use of library services. If users feel that the library services are not useful to them, they will not even use these services as free, convenient and attractive. People are wasting on using library services, for example, wasting time and effort, and wasting opportunities.

The web page is the basic informational unit of the WWW. It is a separate document stored on the Web - the page has its own name by which it can be accessed.

Information on a Web page can be very different: text, drawing, photograph, multimedia. On Web pages also place advertisements, reference information, scientific articles, the latest news, illustrated publications, art catalogs, weather forecasts and much, much more.

Their assessment of library use should be higher than the cost incurred in deciding whether to use library services. Cover libraries as collection and place. The idea that a library is a collection information resources and mostly books, popular with most users. This is due to the use of the word "library" as a synonym for "repository" in other fields such as computer science. Likewise, the perception of a library is a physical space, which results in useful library services usually being performed in a specific location.

A number of Web pages can be thematically linked and form a Web - website . Each site has home pagecalled Homepage. This is a kind of cover page from which you can view the documents stored on the server. Usually homepage contains a table of contents - titles of sections. To access the required section, just move the mouse pointer to the section name and click the mouse button.

If today users believe that most of the information is available outside the library, its role as a provider of information inevitably diminishes. The study has a question about the presentation of the library as a buyer, archive or information portal. The responses indicate that the importance of the library's role as a portal for finding information is declining, especially for researchers. Such concepts focus on the role of the library as a provider of information and ignore the large role that libraries play in independent and lifelong learning and support the search for knowledge.

However, you don't have to browse the Web pages in a row, flipping through them like in a book. The most important property of the WWW is the hypertext organization of links between Web pages. . Moreover, these links operate not only between pages on the same server, but also between different servers WWW.

Typically, keywords from which hyperlinks originate are highlighted on a Web page with color or underlining. By clicking on such a word, you will go to the viewing of another document using the hidden link. Moreover, this document may be located on another server, in another country, on another continent.

However, consumers' perceptions of the diminishing role played by libraries will influence their decisions to use our services and resources. Needless to say, efforts need to be made to change this approach, especially among those users who have influence as teachers who communicate their attitudes and preferences to their students.

Conclusion. In addition to the true value and usefulness of library resources or services, they are often used when they are user-friendly, when users' attention is drawn to their needs, when consumers are informed about them, and when users have a favorable perception of the resources and services provided by the libraries. It is not enough to consider each of these factors individually, as they are only effective when they are present together. For example, we may have a very simple and convenient service, but if users don't know about it, they won't look for it to use it.

Most often, an Internet user has no idea where the server is located with which he is currently communicating.

The role of a key for communication can be performed not only by text, but also by a drawing, photograph, or a pointer to a sound document. In this case, the term “hypermedia” is used instead of the term “hypertext”.

You can access the same Web page in many different ways. The transition from one page to another occurs through hyperlinks that form a network that resembles a spider web. This is where the name of the system comes from.

Even if they are informed, they will also not be used unless consumers pay attention to it and notice it given their choice. Conversely, we can create high level awareness and attention to the new service, but if it is not convenient to use, then the service will not be used for a long time. Likewise, even if we have met the terms of convenience, awareness and attention, if consumers feel that the services are not helpful, they will not even try to use them. That is why it would be useful to consider these four factors, especially the first three - convenience, understanding and caution when deciding whether to create access to new resources and provide new services.

WorldWideWeb - distributed worldwide information system with hyperlinks, existing on the technical basis of the worldwide Internet.

The user is helped to navigate the web by a special software, which is called a Web browser from English "browse" - "to inspect, explore." Using a browser necessary information can be found in a variety of ways.

Libraries depend on their users for success. Our goal as librarians is to make them think that their learning and development success also depends on libraries. This goal is difficult to achieve in a dominant Internet economy characterized by the availability of alternatives and choices. It's not enough for us to create good systems, offer great resources and innovative services. A decisive criterion for the success of all these initiatives is whether they will be used frequently. This article reminds us that convenience, attention, and a sense of usefulness are key determinants of using today's system.

Three ways to search the Internet

1. Specifying the page address. This is the most quick way search, but it can only be used if the address of the document is known exactly. You type this address on the keyboard, press the enter key and get straight to the place.

2. Navigation by hyperlinks. This is the least convenient way, since it can be used to search for documents only close in meaning to the current document. However, the browser allows you to go back any number of steps, continue your search along a different route.

Let's take a look at this together. It is a system that allows devices to find their location anywhere on the planet. Currently, there are 31 satellites on our planet. Your mobile phone does not send or communicate with satellites.

The principle of positioning is radically simplified for our purposes and understanding, because calculations and other details are more difficult to determine an exact location. But the basic principle remains the same. No one is surprised that the signal we use to determine our location is transmitted from satellites orbiting our planet. Therefore, it is necessary to have a line of sight to the sky where the signal comes from. Each of the satellites sends special codes and information about their location and the location of other satellites.

3. Referring to the search server (search engine). Using search engines is the most convenient way to find information. It is enough for such a program to specify a set of keywords on the topic of interest, and it will return a list of links to suitable Web documents. If the list turns out to be too long, you need to add some more clarifying terms.

This process is not easy at all, because, although the atomic clock is accurate on a satellite, cell Phones no longer have this precision. Therefore, the time must be corrected using different algorithms and synchronized with the satellite data. To simplify the process, we will restrict ourselves to only two-dimensional space. If the phone receives data from one satellite, we know that it is at a certain distance from the satellite. It is located at a point on a circle centered on the satellite's position.

The phone then downloads information from another satellite and accurately determines the position of the satellite and its distance. This way we can draw another circle on the image. Now we see that two intersections have been created - we are at one of the two points.

Search servers

The search server contains a large number of links to a wide variety of documents, and all these links are systematized in subject directories. For example: sports, movies, cars, games, science, etc. Moreover, these links are installed by the server independently, in automatic mode by regularly reviewing all appearing in The world wide web Web pages.

We continue on and on - from the third satellite, our location is precisely targeted. Using the fourth satellite, the altitude is calculated and further refinement of the location. It's not so easy. Ideally, we really need information from 4 satellites, and we will know the exact location of the phone, but in practice this will not work. Errors also have several causes. In practice, the four circles at one point do not rotate, and we only get the area in which we are. By adding imaginary circles, the positioning is refined and the error is then moved in units of meters, which is sufficient for general purposes.

After entering the keywords, the search engine starts scanning documents on other Web servers and displays links to the documents that contain the specified words. Typically, search results are sorted in descending order of a special document rating, which shows how well a given document meets the search terms or how often it is requested on the web.

This information is called ephemeris and almanacs. Since the problem is complex, we limited ourselves to the basic principle in our article and left a lot of facts to understand the problem better. With the deterioration of the environment, there is a growing interest in information that can improve an adverse situation. Therefore, the main task of sites with the topic of ecology is to inform. This is mainly done through a number of news sites, which are complemented by several less active government websites with their current news.

Query language search engine

A group of keywords formed according to certain rules - using the query language , called a request to a search engine. The languages \u200b\u200bfor queries to different search engines are very similar.

Let's consider the rules for forming queries using the example of the Yandex search engine.

Information-rich are presentation sites of individual environmental NGOs and related pages dedicated to various campaigns organized by environmental movements. The emergence of this site was primarily driven by the need for eco-initiatives to better interact with each other. Even today, for many non-profit organizations, the Czech media is an inaccessible channel. Legislative cases are also very popular in this section. The advantage of reporting on this site is to add any kind of information to the linked links and articles.

Operator syntax

What does operator mean

Request example

Space or &

Logical AND (within a sentence)



Logical AND (within the document)

&& (processed cheese) recipes


If we want more or less dry news for specific actions, let's take a look at the calendar of environmental events, and many useful tips on green behavior can be found in the Green Home section. Part of this section is an online clinic in which the creators of the site answer readers' questions in collaboration with experts. The site operators also describe their visitors as follows: They are environmental professionals - business environmentalists, service workers in the industry, manufacturing or selling environmental and safety products and technologies, university representatives and students with a particular focus environment, etc.

Logical OR

Photo | Photo | Snapshot | Photo Image


Mandatory presence of a word in the found document

To be or + not to be


Grouping words

(technology | production) (cheese | cottage cheese)


Binary operator AND NOT (within a sentence)

The content of the site is divided into many sections, in which articles are classified from the Internet or from the press. For each section, each section includes other references, such as the addresses of environmental agencies or a list of standards and professional literature.

We mentioned in the introduction that the Internet is an ideal vehicle for representing various environmental non-governmental organizations. Organic organizations are also using the Internet to present their campaigns, as the Arnica Movement has made its “Poisonous Future” or “Children of the Earth” future through popular anecology and anti-environmental information polls of the year. Among the winners of previous polls are Vaclav Klaus, Vladimir Dlouhi or Miroslav Greg.

Banks ~ law

~ ~



Binary operator AND NOT (within the document)

Paris travel guide ~ ~ (agency | tour)

/ (n m)

Distance in words (minus - back, plus - forward)

Suppliers / 2 coffees

Music / (- 2 4) education

Vacancies ~ / + 1 students

“ ”

Phrase search

"Red Riding Hood"

Equivalent to: Red / + 1 cap

&& / (n m)

Distance in sentences (minus - back, plus - forward)

Bank && / 1 taxes

To get the best search results, there are a few rules to remember:

1. Do not search for information by only one keyword.

2. Better not to enter keywords with capital letter, as this may result in not finding the same words written with a lowercase letter.

3. If in the end of the search you did not get any results, check if there are keywords spelling errors.

Modern search engines provide the ability to connect a semantic analyzer to the generated query. Using it, you can, by entering a word, select documents in which derivatives of this word are found in various cases, tenses, etc.


By e-mail [email protected] answer the following questions:

Letter subject: WWW (Last name First name)

1) What is the order is there a hypertext way of presenting information?

2) You need to find information about the architect of St. Isaac's Cathedral. List a few possible ways search for this information that you could use.

3) What objects in a hypertext document can play the role of a key for communication with other documents?

4) What is the name of the software used to browse the Web?

5) What are the functions of the web server?

6) Formulate a query for the search engine, with which you can find information about the volleyball team Nugget.

Send your answers to [email protected]

Letter subject: WWW (Last name First name)

5. Homework.

Check for items in arrears.

\u003e\u003e Informatics Grade 9 \u003e\u003e Informatics: Ways to Search the Internet

§ 5. Methods of searching the Internet

The main topics of the paragraph:

♦ three ways to search the Internet;
♦ search servers;
♦ language of search engine queries.

Three ways to search the Internet

Search engine query language

A group of keywords, formed according to certain rules - using a query language, is called a query to a search server. The languages \u200b\u200bfor queries to different search engines are very similar. You can learn more about this by visiting the "Help" section of the required search server... Let's consider the rules for forming queries using the example of the search engine Yandex.

Operator syntax
What does operator mean
Request example
space or &
Logical AND (within a sentence)
Logical AND (within the document) && recipes (processed cheese)
Logical OR
photo | photography | snapshot | photographic image
Mandatory presence of a word in the found document
+ to be or + not to be
Grouping words
(technology | production) (cheese | cottage cheese)
Binary operator AND NOT (within a sentence)
banks ~ law
Binary operator AND NOT (within the document)
Paris travel guide ~~ (agency | tour)
/ (n m)
Distance in words (minus (-) - back, plus (+) - forward) suppliers / 2 coffees
music / (- 2 4) education
vacancies - / + 1 students
“ ”
Phrase search
"red Riding Hood"
Equivalent: red
/ + 1 hat
&& / (n m)
Distance in sentences
(minus (-) - back,
plus (+) - forward)
bank && / 1 taxes

To get the best search results, there are a few simple rules to remember:

1. Don't search for just one keyword.
2. It is better not to enter keywords with an uppercase letter, as this may lead to the fact that the same words written with a lowercase letter will not be found.
3. If you don't get any results in your search, check your keywords for spelling errors.

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