Powerful CPU cooler. Rating of the best CPU coolers

Every year there are more and more new models of computer equipment and components. However, in the pursuit of power and performance, technology leaders face legitimate challenges. The processor, video card and other parts generate energy during operation, which is converted into heat and contributes to overheating of the system unit. This, in turn, entails frequent system failures and breakdowns. The way out of the situation is to install a cooling system.

Types of processor cooling systems

A high-quality system will not only avoid the failure of seemingly completely new parts, but also ensure speed, no delays and smooth operation.

At present, there are three types of processor cooling systems: liquid, passive and air. The advantages and disadvantages of each solution are discussed below.

Running a little ahead of ourselves, we can say that the most common type of cooling today is air cooling, that is, installing coolers, while the most efficient is liquid cooling. Air cooling for the processor benefits largely due to the loyal pricing policy. That is why the issue of choosing a suitable fan will be given special attention in the article.

Liquid cooling system

A liquid system is the most productive method to avoid overheating the processor and related breakdowns. The design of the system is much like a refrigerator and consists of:

  • a heat exchanger that absorbs the thermal energy generated by the processor;
  • a pump that acts as a reservoir for fluid;
  • additional capacity for the heat exchanger expanding during operation;
  • coolant - an element that fills the entire system with a special liquid or distilled water;
  • heat sinks for elements that generate heat;
  • hoses through which water passes and several adapters.

The advantages of the CPU water cooling method include high efficiency and low noise performance. There are also enough disadvantages, despite the productivity of the system:

  1. Users note the high cost of liquid cooling, since a powerful power supply is required to install such a system.
  2. As a result, the design turns out to be rather cumbersome due to the voluminous reservoir and water block, which provide high-quality cooling.
  3. There is a possibility of condensation formation, which negatively affects the operation of some components and can provoke a short circuit in the system unit.

If we consider exclusively the liquid method, then the best cooling of the computer processor is the use of liquid nitrogen. The method, of course, is not at all budgetary and extremely difficult to install and maintain, but the result really deserves it.

Passive cooling

Passive CPU cooling is the most inefficient way to remove thermal energy. The advantage of this method, however, is the low noise capacity: the system consists of a radiator, which, in fact, does not "reproduce sounds."

Passive cooling method has been used for a long time, it was quite good for computers with low performance. At the moment, passive processor cooling is not widely used, but is used for other components - motherboards, RAM, cheap video cards.

Air cooling: system description

A striking representative of the most widespread type of air heat dissipation is a processor cooling cooler, which consists of a radiator and a fan. The popularity of air cooling is associated primarily with a loyal pricing policy and a wide selection of fans in terms of parameters.

The quality of air cooling directly depends on the diameter and bending of the blades. As the fan increases, the number of revolutions required for efficient heat dissipation from the processor decreases, which improves the cooler's performance with less "efforts".

The rotation speed of the blades is regulated using modern motherboards, connectors and software. The number of connectors capable of controlling the operation of the cooler depends on the model of a particular board.

The rotational speed of the fan blades is adjusted via BIOS Setup. There is also a whole list of programs that monitor the temperature rise in the system unit and, in accordance with the data obtained, regulate the operating mode of the cooling system. Such software is often the responsibility of motherboard manufacturers. These include Asus PC Probe, MSI CoreCenter, Abit µGuru, Gigabyte EasyTune, Foxconn SuperStep. In addition, many modern video cards are capable of adjusting the fan speed.

The advantages and disadvantages of air cooling

Air-cooled processor has more advantages than disadvantages, which is why it is especially popular compared to other systems. The advantages of this type of processor cooling include:

  • a large number of types of coolers, and therefore the ability to choose the ideal option for the needs of each user;
  • low energy consumption during the operation of the equipment;
  • easy installation and maintenance of air cooling.

The disadvantage of air cooling is the increased noise level, which only increases during the operation of the components due to dust entering the fan.

Air cooling system parameters

When choosing a cooler for efficient processor cooling, special attention should be paid to technical issues, because the manufacturer's price policy does not always correspond to the product quality. So, the processor cooling system has the following main technical parameters:

  1. Socket compatibility (depending on motherboard: AMD or Intel based).
  2. System design characteristics (width and height of the structure).
  3. Radiator type (types are presented in standard, combined or C-view).
  4. Dimensional characteristics of fan blades.
  5. Ability to reproduce noise (in other words, the level of noise reproduced by the system).
  6. Air quality and power.
  7. Weight characteristic (recently, experiments with the weight of a cooler have become topical, which affects the quality of the system in a rather negative way).
  8. Heat resistance or heat dissipation, which is relevant only for top models. The indicator is in the range from 40 to 220 W. The higher the value, the more efficient the cooling system.
  9. The point where the cooler touches the processor (the connection density is estimated).
  10. The way the tubes come into contact with the radiator (soldering, compressing or using direct contact technology).

Most of these parameters ultimately affect the cost of the cooler. But the brand also leaves its mark, so first of all it is worth paying attention to the characteristics of the component part. Otherwise, you can purchase a well-known model, which will turn out to be absolutely useless during subsequent operation.

Socket: compatibility theory

The main consideration when choosing a fan is architecture, i.e. cooling system compatibility with the processor socket. Under an incomprehensible English term, literally meaning "socket", "socket", is a software interface that provides data exchange between various processes.

So, each processor has a certain space and types of fastening on the motherboard. This means, for example, that Intel processor cooling is not suitable for AMD. At the same time, the line of Intel models is represented by both flagship and budget solutions. Cooling of the i7 processor needs more efficient cooling than previous versions of Intel Core, which is suitable. Other Intel based processors (Pentium, Celeron, Xeon, etc.) require an LGA 775 socket.

AMD differs in that a standard fan is not suitable for the components of this manufacturer. AMD CPU coolers are best purchased separately.

There are also visual differences in sockets for AMD and Intel, which will somewhat help even an uninformed PC user to understand the issue. The type of attachment for AMD is a mounting frame on which the brackets with hinges cling. The Intel bracket is a board into which four so-called feet are inserted. In cases where the weight of the fan exceeds the standard figures, screw fasteners are used.

Design characteristics

Not only socket compatibility is an important parameter. You should also pay attention to the width and height of the cooler, because you have to find a place for it in the case of the system unit so that other details do not interfere with the fan's operation. A video card and RAM modules, if the cooler is installed incorrectly, will interfere with the normal movement of air flows, which in this case, instead of cooling, will contribute to even greater overheating of the entire structure.

Radiator type: standard, C-type or combined?

Currently, there are three types of radiators for the fan:

  1. Standard, or tower view.
  2. C-type radiator.
  3. Combined view.

The standard type provides that tubes parallel to the base pass through the plates. These fans are the most popular. They are slightly bent upwards and are more efficient solution for CPU cooling. The disadvantage of the standard type is that it fits on the back or top of the case along the motherboard. Thus, the air passes only one circle of circulation, and the processor may overheat.

C-type coolers are relieved of this drawback. The C-shaped design of these heatsinks promotes airflow around the processor socket. But it was not without its drawbacks: the C-type cooling is less effective than the tower cooling.

The flagship solution is the combined type of radiator. This option combines all the advantages of its predecessors, and at the same time is almost completely free from the shortcomings of the c-type or standard type.

Dimensional characteristics of blades

The width, length and curvature of the blades affect the amount of air that will be drawn into the cooling system. Accordingly, the larger the blade size, the greater the volume of air flows, which will improve the cooling of the processor of a laptop or computer. However, you should not go "all bad": the cooling for the processor must correspond to other characteristics of the personal computer.

Cooler noise level

A parameter that manufacturers of cooling systems are trying to improve by almost any means is the noise level reproduced by the cooler. According to most users, processor cooling should ideally be not only efficient, but also silent. But this is only in theory. In practice, it will not be possible to completely get rid of noise during the operation of the air system.

Small coolers emit less noise, which suits users of not particularly powerful computers. Bigger fans generate enough sound to be considered a problem.

Nowadays, most coolers have the ability to react to the amount of heat generated and, accordingly, work in a more active mode if necessary. The processor cooling program does an excellent job of controlling the need for active cooling. So, the noise is no longer constant, but only occurs when the processor is intensively working. The processor cooling software is an excellent solution for small models and undemanding computers.

In matters of noise level regulation, it is worth paying attention to the type of bearing. A budget bearing, and therefore the most popular option, is a plain bearing, but a miser pays twice: having already reached half of the expected service life, it will make an obsessive noise. A better solution is hydrodynamic and rolling element bearings. They will last much longer and will not stop coping with the assigned tasks "halfway".

CPU cooler touch point: material

The cooling system is necessary to remove excess thermal energy from the system unit into the environment, but the point of contact of the parts should be as dense as possible. Here, the important criteria for choosing a high-quality cooling system will be the material from which the cooler is made and the degree of smoothness of its surface. The highest quality materials (according to users and technicians) have proven themselves to be aluminum or copper. The surface of the material at the point of contact should be as smooth as possible - without dents, scratches and irregularities.

The way the tubes touch the radiator

If there are visible traces at the junction of the pipes with the radiator in the cooling system, then, most likely, soldering was used for fixing. A device made in this way will be reliable and durable, although soldering has recently been used less and less. Users who managed to purchase a cooler with soldering at the point of contact between the pipes and the radiator note the long service life of the cooling system and the absence of breakdowns.

A more popular way of contacting the pipes with the radiator is a lower quality crimping. Fans made using direct contact technology are also widely used. In this case, heat pipes replace the base of the radiator. To determine a quality product, you should pay attention to the distance between the heat pipes: the smaller it is, the better the cooler will work, since the heat transfer will become more even.

Thermal paste: how often should you change?

Thermal paste is a pasty consistency, it can be of various shades (white, gray, black, blue, light blue). By itself, it does not provide a cooling effect, but it helps to conduct heat from the chip to the heatsink of the cooling system faster. Under normal conditions, an air cushion is formed between them, which has a low thermal conductivity.

Thermal paste should be applied where the cooler directly touches the processor. From time to time, you should replace the substance, because drying out leads to an increase in the degree of processor overload. The optimal "service life" of most modern types of thermal paste, according to user reviews, is one year. For old and reliable brands, the replacement frequency is increased to four years.

Or maybe a standard solution is enough?

Indeed, is it worth buying a cooler separately and generally thinking about a cooling system? The overwhelming majority of processors are sold immediately with a fan. Why go into detail and buy it separately then?

Factory coolers are usually characterized by low performance and high noise reproduction ability. This is noted by both users and specialists. At the same time, a high-quality cooling system is a guarantor of a long and uninterrupted operation of the processor, the safety and integrity of the insides of the computer. The right choice is the best cooling for the processor, which is not always the standard solution.

Computer technology is developing very, very quickly. Every now and then, new versions of components appear, they begin to apply innovative technologies and solutions. Modern manufacturers provide that the processor cooling system should also be improved.

Only a few companies are now producing high-quality fan designs. Many brands try to distinguish themselves by compatibility with connectors of various types, low noise level of their models, design. Top manufacturers of air cooling systems are THERMALTAKE, COOLER MASTER and XILENCE. The models of these brands are distinguished by high-quality materials and a long service life.

How to Choose a CPU Cooler | The basics (why more is better)

Any electrical circuit has resistance, and it is the principle of electrical resistance that is embedded in both the CPU and toasters. Electrical semiconductors have the unusual feature that they can change resistance from low to high when an electric current is applied in a certain way. These states are represented in the logic diagram as ones and zeros. While the logic circuits in the CPU are not designed to heat anything, in fact we use small hotplates in computers.

Logic groups get very hot while processing data. Therefore, the developers are faced with the task of preventing the melting of small pieces of glass on which these circuits are etched. To do this, they came up with heat sinks in the form of massive metal radiators - these are the key elements of the processor cooling system.

And yet the term "heat sink" means something that absorbs heat. Radiators help to dissipate a large amount of heat into relatively cold air by their fins, which increase the area of \u200b\u200bthe dissipating surface. Thanks to these fins, a standard CPU heatsink turns into a special type of heatsink, if you ignore the terminology. Like most radiators, their main principle of heat transfer is convection (and a little - thermal radiation), this is when heated air rises up, being replaced by cold air from below.

The heat dissipation of a processor depends on its clock speed, voltage, circuit complexity, and the material on which the circuit is engraved. Some low-power processors require fewer fin heatsinks to cool some low-power processors, but most desktop users want more performance, resulting in more heat that needs to be dissipated.

When natural convection does not quickly replace warm air with cold air, the process must be accelerated, which is achieved by installing a fan. The photo above shows a rare, all-copper cooler. Copper transfers heat faster than aluminum, but it also weighs more and costs more. To achieve the best price-to-cooling ratio and cooling-to-weight ratio, manufacturers often use a copper bar surrounded by aluminum fins.

Additional fans and increased surface area of \u200b\u200bthe heatsink increase the efficiency of the CPU cooler. Liquid cooling allows you to install huge radiators that are not attached to the motherboard, but to the computer case. A so-called water block is installed on the CPU, which transfers heat to the liquid. The pump is installed on the side of the radiator (as in the photo above) and pumps water (or refrigerant) through the channels of the radiator and water block.

Any of the solutions described above will maximize contact with the circulating air, but they will not work effectively if there is no good contact between the CPU and cooler surfaces. To fill the space between surfaces, use heat-conducting material , it displaces air, which acts as an insulator. Most CPU coolers come with it. In many models, it is immediately applied to the contacting surface. But enthusiasts often opt for third-party heat transfer compounds instead of factory-made materials, although our tests have shown that the difference between them is quite small .

For extreme cooling, refrigerant compressor units are used. Such systems are capable of lowering the CPU temperature much lower than the ambient temperature. But, as a rule, they use much more power than the processor itself. There are versions that compress and cool the air to produce liquid nitrogen. However, serious concerns are caused by condensation around cold components, so even the simplest "refrigerators" are usually used only at exhibitions and competitions.

The bigger is better rule for coolers is limited in this case by the size of your case, but there are several other factors to consider. Since this article is written for beginners, we will only consider models from our list of the best cpu coolers ... It includes large air coolers (over 150 mm in height), low-profile coolers (up to 76 mm), medium-sized coolers (76 to 150 mm), and ready-made liquid cooling systems.

How to Choose a CPU Cooler | What about boxed coolers?

"Boxed" or "boxed" coolers are coolers that are supplied by CPU manufacturers with their products. They are usually not designed for increased processor heat dissipation in overclocking or for installation in the limited space of narrow computer cases. The motherboard typically lowers the fan speed to reduce noise and is the first to respond to a rise in CPU temperature by increasing the fan speed all the way up. If at maximum fan speed the cooler is unable to lower the CPU temperature to an acceptable level, the system reduces the clock speed and CPU voltage. We call this process thermal regulation (throttling) or throttling. In the worst case scenario, you can see a picture when a droning computer is not able to provide the required level of performance.

Third-party coolers typically have a larger dissipation surface area, as well as larger fans that allow you to pump more air with less noise. The photo above shows from left to right: a water cooling system with a radiator for two 140mm fans, a large air cooler with two radiators, two generations of stock or boxed Intel coolers, and a wide low-profile cooler designed primarily for HTPC systems.

Included with the FX-8370 processors, AMD provides cooler Wraith , which is another attempt to improve the cooling efficiency of box coolers.

Temperature change during processor heating

Despite the good performance of AMD's new cooler, buyers are sometimes forced to buy third-party coolers as some high-performance CPU models ship without them.

Recently, AMD and Intel have begun to supply compact liquid cooling solutions to meet the cooling requirements of very hot processors, and buyers do not need to turn to alternative brands. The growing popularity of mounts for 120mm fans in modern cases allows small SVOs to be installed in cases of different shapes and sizes, which compares favorably with air coolers of similar dimensions.

How to Choose a CPU Cooler | Finding the best position to install

Tower-type computer cases have the least restrictions on the installation of large coolers. Modern chassis are getting wider to accommodate tall CPU coolers, taller to accommodate heatsinks at the top, and sometimes longer to accommodate heatsinks and fans on the front. Moving the internal bays or reducing the number of bays allows designers more space to install radiators without having to increase the size of the case.

Chassis are still designed for front-to-back and bottom-to-top airflow, but modern models no longer use the PSU inlet to aid the small exhaust fan (80 or 92mm) on the rear. They now have a large 140 or 120mm exhaust fan paired with a fan on the front. The direction of the air flow can be changed in the opposite direction, but this way the air will move against convection, and the operation of the dust filters, which are usually installed at the front and bottom of the case, becomes meaningless.

However, some cheap cases do not take into account current trends. As shown above, the heat pipes of a large air cooler extend beyond the sidewall of a conventional tower case. The maximum height of supported CPU coolers is usually listed in the model specifications on the case manufacturer's website.

However, the case is not always the limiting factor when choosing a CPU cooler. For example, the construction Zalman CNPS12X has an offset of 6 mm towards the video card, so that the cooler does not rest against the top panel of the case. The manufacturer counted on the fact that in many mainboards for gamers, instead of the top expansion slot, there is free space. In our case, there is no such space, so we had to mount the cooler backwards to test it on an open bench.

Another example, the 170mm wide Thermalright Archon SB-E has no offset and hangs over the top slot in any orientation. It was possible to turn the cooler over to face the video card, but then it would touch the RAM modules. This design was designed for motherboards without a card installed in the top slot, and there must be free space between the motherboard and the top panel of the case. These are fairly common requirements for gaming systems, but not in our case.

So far, we have only talked about problems with installing a large cooler on a large motherboard, but look at the models of boards of a smaller form factor. This is where the real problems can be. The various mini ITX boards bring their own limitations to the space between the CPU socket and memory, expansion boards, voltage regulator heatsinks, and the left edge of some chassis. The widest low-profile coolers are usually offset in at least one direction from the center to make the most of free space.

Some coolers can even be offset in two directions. Please note that the cooler in the photo above is designed so that the fan is farther from the video card (offset to the left) and the front edge of the board (offset to the back). We always indicate the presence of an offset in our cooler reviews, so you can at least roughly estimate whether a cooler will fit your motherboard.

If the buyer cannot identify possible problems with the installation, a smaller cooler or CBO can be used, if there is a place on the case for mounting a radiator.

How to Choose a CPU Cooler | Is CBO always the best solution?

The largest cooling systems for the largest enclosures are usually liquid. Flexible hoses allow (depending on the design of the case) to install radiators on the front panel - where cold air is taken in. In this case, heat from the CPU is returned to the case, but the large amount of air passing through the heatsink reduces its influence on other components.

However, the most common mounting option for the SVO radiator is on the top panel of the case. It is best if the fans are underneath and "blow" upward. Problems can arise when heat from a powerful and hot video card is released into the case below the heatsink. In this case, warmer air entering the radiator will reduce the efficiency of the air handling unit. It is very important to plan your cooling system ahead of time, as most high-performance graphics cards have various options for their own cooling system, which can exhaust hot air both into the case and outside.

If you are worried that the heat from the video card will negatively affect the efficiency of the CBO heatsink located on the top panel, you can use the video card, which removes the bulk of the heat through the vents at the end (like the silver card in the photo above). However, graphics card reviewers often recommend graphics cards with two or three fans (like the black card in the photo above), which prioritize better noise-to-temperature ratios, and ignore the effect of thermal air on components above the graphics card. From the point of view of air exchange inside the case and the efficiency of the CPU cooler, video cards that exhaust warm air inside the case can be attributed to harmful factors.

Disputes about the overriding importance of cooling a graphics card or processor can be resolved with liquid cooling for the CPU and GPU.

An alternative to liquid cooling is large air coolers, in which the fins of the radiator are in contact with the base through heat pipes. In our tests, some air coolers even bypassed models that use liquid for cooling. Although liquid coolers usually provide lower CPU temperatures, the cooling-to-noise ratio of air coolers and air coolers are roughly equal (note that the Kraken X61 liquid cooler and the NH-D15 air cooler are approximately the same size).

Acoustic efficiency: relative temperature / relative noise level) - 1, base value \u003d 0

The absence of a pump, in comparison with the CBO, allows to reduce the cost of an air cooler, however, these two solutions have drawbacks, first of all, these are dimensions. First, a large air cooler sits directly on the CPU and often blocks access to memory slots and some connectors. The radiator for liquid coolers is attached to one of the case panels, and only a water block or a combination of a water block and a pump is installed on the processor. On the other hand, fluid in "closed loop" systems that do not have top-up holes can drain over time due to microscopic leaks. Large air coolers do not have a pump that gradually wears out and constantly hums. Although modern pumps are very quiet, there is still noise.

Large air coolers not only make it difficult to access RAM and some connectors, but they are also bulky and heavy. Perhaps this is the biggest drawback compared to CBO. Over time, such coolers can weaken the PCB board and cause irreparable damage if handled or simply moved. And also bend the CPU pins in the Intel Land Grid Array (LGA) connectors. It is not uncommon for large air coolers to fall off the board and damage the video card during transportation of the assembled system.

In general, liquid coolers are better than air coolers, although in terms of CPU cooling this is not always true. We usually use large air coolers exclusively in stationary systems and switch to CBO when assembling a PC that will be moving, or when you need more than the compact cooler we recommend to novice assemblers.

You now have the information you need to understand our cooler reviews. We hope you find it useful.

We could start this article with a spatial discussion of the health benefits of water. But do you need to waste your time rereading the obvious? Let's get straight to the point - you want to pick a really good water cooler and don't know where to start.

Many people mistakenly believe that this type of technology is intended exclusively for offices. Recently, however, coolers are increasingly being bought for home use. Agree, drinking from the tap is dangerous for your health, and it is not convenient to store settled water in ordinary plastic bottles. And the child will not be able to pour water from a heavy container. That is why every housewife, wife and mother must think about purchasing special equipment.

We bring to your attention 8 criteria to make your choice easier.

1. Choosing a cooler by installation method

There are two types of coolers: table and floor... The former are much smaller and are ideal for small apartments or offices with limited space. They are installed on special coasters, countertops or ordinary kitchen tables. If desired, the equipment can be independently moved to a new location.

The water temperature in such devices is often controlled by an electronic cooling system. With no noisy parts, the desktop coolers are incredibly quiet. They will not disturb even the sensitive sleep of a baby. It should be noted that this technique is suitable for low consumption, that is, for small families and small teams.

You are worried about the health of your loved ones, try the mineral water "Dear Muscovites". It contains 16 healthy salts and will benefit your family.

If guests are not uncommon for you, and your house looks more like a noisy booth than a quiet haven, then you better pay attention to outdoor coolers. They take up a little more area and are a compact cabinet. Bulky structures with impartially protruding pipes have sunk into summer. Now all desktop coolers are designed by professional industrial designers. You can choose equipment for any interior. Some cooler models are supplemented with a separate shelf for storing dishes.

At high consumption, it is important to stock up on water. So that you do not have any problems with the storage of bottles, we recommend using a stacker - a stand under the containers.

The third type of equipment is represented by the so-called purifiers. These are devices for those who do not want to mess with containers. Purifiers convert tap water into drinking water. They have a multi-stage filtration system. The advantage is obvious - you don't need to change the containers. Disadvantages - high cost, the need to monitor the filters, the inability to independently assess the qualitative and quantitative characteristics of water.

If you are worried about the aesthetic side of storing bottles, then in addition to a cooler, purchase. The convenient fixture will highlight the style of any room.

Some users complain about the lack of microbiological safety of bottled water. However, it all depends on the good faith of the supplier. The composition of good water is close to that of mineral springs. But purifaire filters (especially in the first days of operation) can re-purify water and turn it literally into poison. Therefore, it is better to take finished products in bottles. Artesian water "Aqua Areal" undergoes gentle filtration before packing. When it is crystal clear, only useful components are preserved in it.

The process of carbonating water is close to the industrial one. The cylinder contains high-purity carbon dioxide, which is used to saturate the water. It is completely harmless, safe and approved for use by children from 3 years old.

Teach your child to be kind by drinking Make the World Kinder water.

It is necessary to dwell on ozonation in more detail. Ozone gas naturally occurs after a thunderstorm. It is an extremely strong oxidizing agent. In small quantities, ozone is used for disinfection and deodorization (elimination of unpleasant odors). It destroys harmful organics. Did you feel the freshness of the air after the pouring rain?

A special device is installed in modern coolers - an ozonizer. An electric arc is generated inside the insulated housing. Air passes through the discharge (miniature lightning) and some of the oxygen goes into ozone. The latter is bubbled into the water, cleaning it from pathogenic microflora and impurities.

6. How to choose a reliable cooler

In order to determine the build quality of a cooler, you do not need to be highly qualified in the field of mechanics. It is enough to scrupulously inspect the case from all sides. In a conscientiously made device, there are no cracks, cracks. All parts fit tightly to each other. The faucets turn smoothly, and the buttons do not sink.

Plastic should not have a specific odor. Do not hesitate and be sure to smell the cooler. The wires and tubes of reliable technology do not stick out of the case. When turned on, the device does not emit loud noises, maximum - it can hum a little.

7. How to choose an economical cooler

The key indicators of the cooler's efficiency will be: heating power, cooling power, and energy efficiency class... On the one hand, the more powerful the equipment, the better and faster it copes with the functions assigned to it. But on the other hand, with the growth of this characteristic, utility costs for light increase in direct proportion.

The energy efficiency class depends on the built-in parts and the optimization of the device. Cars of different classes with the same power consume different amounts of energy. However, economical models are more expensive. If the cooler is often used by a large group of people, then it is more rational to purchase a device with high power and high energy efficiency class.

8. How to choose a safe cooler

Since the device operates with a conductive liquid and is powered from the mains, the insulation condition should not be neglected. Another important safety criterion is the presence of a safety latch on the hot water tap ("childproof").

Choose your technique wisely and it will serve you for years to come. Do not forget that your health depends on the quality of coolers and the water used in them.

The cooling system is one of the most important parts of every gaming computer. It helps keep the processor cool for stability, reliability, and efficiency. Unfortunately, in most assemblies, this aspect is often overlooked. Users are stopped by the too high cost of the cooler, and they prefer to invest in other parts of the computer system.

This article is intended to help those looking to overclock their processor, build a silent gaming PC, or simply give their design the finishing touches. Below is an overview of the best CPU cooling systems, among which there is sure to be one that will fit harmoniously into a system unit of any size.

How to choose a CPU cooler?

CPU cooling systems come in a variety of sizes. Some are limited by socket types, while others are limited by available free space. Therefore, before choosing a cooler for a processor, you should make sure there is enough free space. For example, the two-fan PHANTEKS PH-TC14PE measures 159 x 140 x 171 mm. These parameters force caution when making a purchase, as most midi-towers do not have a place for this. In addition, the use of two fans can be problematic when the height of the RAM modules exceeds 40 mm.

When choosing a cooler, you must take into account that assembling a gaming PC or mining farm is a complex process that requires additional costs. The problem is that resource-intensive software exposes the chipset to extreme loads, so using standard cooling system components is ineffective. The inevitable rise in temperature and volume is becoming a serious problem.

Thus, a cooling device is required that provides efficient cooling and no noise. A cooler for AMD or Intel processors should keep their temperatures low even when overclocked.

The manufacturer usually specifies the maximum CPU load in its specification so that the consumer does not overload it. But such restrictions are not always justified - the processor is often capable of doing more than is required by safety standards. The operation of the CPU in a mode exceeding its rated parameters is called overclocking. This makes it possible to increase the system performance under a reasonable load, but at the same time the processor temperature rises. Higher temperatures cause the computer to malfunction. A cooling system is used to prevent this. The cooler dissipates heat and keeps your computer stable.

Air or water cooling?

There are two methods to reduce the temperature of the processor. Air cooling is traditionally used and is reasonably inexpensive. Modern coolers also use water as a cooling agent. In this case, they are called liquid. Both methods differ in cooling capacity and components. Below are brief characteristics of each of them.

Air cooling uses air as the heat dissipation medium. There are not so many components in this type of system as in a liquid system. It consists of a radiator and a fan that drives air. The entire heat transfer mechanism is controlled by only these two components. Fewer parts means less cost. This method is considered effective, economical and relatively simple.

On the other hand, a liquid cooling system has been developed for AMD and Intel processors to improve the efficiency of coolers. The fact is that water has a greater heat-absorbing capacity than air, and it works better in hot environments. That is why it is preferable to air cooling. It also uses more components. The water cooling system includes a radiator, fan, pump, reservoir and of course water. All of these components make the cooler bulky. In ideal working condition, water cooling is more efficient than air cooling. But nothing in this world comes for free, and at the moment, higher productivity is costly. Liquid systems are much more expensive and have a number of disadvantages - installing the cooler on the processor is difficult and prone to leaks.

Water cooling is only beneficial if:

  • uses a mini ATX assembly and does not like the look of low-profile air coolers;
  • the voltage on the CPU is increased to squeeze out the maximum performance;
  • additional space is required, which is freed up when installing a more compact system.

In other cases, you should limit yourself to air coolers, because with moderate overclocking, this alternative provides competitive performance and temperatures.

Criterias of choice

If we consider the example of a gaming PC, then the main component is the graphics card, which experiences maximum heat. It can generate 2-3 times more heat than a standard processor, which poses a danger to the entire system. In this case, a liquid cooler has an undeniable advantage over air cooling - it has a better ratio of performance and efficiency, and it lowers temperatures faster.

However, he has a problem - a water leak. Liquid can seep at any time, causing the computer to malfunction. Although manufacturers of modern cooling systems take this issue very seriously, a risk factor still remains.

Before choosing a cooler for a processor, it is necessary to compare the characteristics of the best models taking into account the following factors:

  • air flow;
  • cost;
  • noise level;
  • temperature.

Replacing the cooling system

In general terms, the following steps should be taken to replace the air cooler:

  1. Identify the socket type and select the cooling system.
  2. Before removing the cooler from the processor, you need to prepare the computer - turn off the power and remove the case cover, disconnect all expansion cards and cables from the motherboard.
  3. Dismantle the old model. Devices for LGA775 or LGA1366 sockets are mounted on 4 flat-head posts, which must be turned counterclockwise and carefully removed. AMD sockets are secured using a lever on one side of the heatsink that must be rotated 180 °. After that, you need to disconnect the fan cable and remove the cooler.
  4. Apply fresh thermal paste, after removing the remnants of the old one.
  5. Install a new cooling system according to the instructions for a specific model.
  6. Connect the CPU cooler power to the 3- or 4-pin connector on the motherboard.
  7. Check the operation and control the temperature regime using the supplied software or third-party utilities.

Fan selection

Many manufacturers of CPU air coolers tend to pay little or no attention to the fan. Although most companies make high-performance coolers that provide good thermal management, this is achieved with very fast and loud fans. RPM does affect air flow, but does not necessarily provide sufficient pressure. One quick rotation of the blades is not enough. A fan is required that is capable of pushing air with greater force. Such devices are commonly called static pressure coolers SP and are specifically designed to move air with greater force.

The only drawback of the SP fan is that it tends to provide less airflow. Devices of this type can also be very useful for cooling the computer case, inside which the heat dissipation is impeded by the large number of wires or bays with hard drives. Otherwise, it is better to use conventional models.

When planning to replace your old loud, annoying CPU cooler, you should consider replacing the fan as it can save you a lot. Therefore, users recommend checking its characteristics and determining what to replace it with. In addition, many do not even suspect that the radiator often allows a second fan to be placed. This will make it possible to reduce the speed and, accordingly, the noise level of the cooling system.

Large CPU cooler: how to choose?

In recent years, there have been many oversized CPU coolers, but only a few are really good. And these are, first of all, Noctua NH-D15, Cryorig R1 Ultimate and PHANTEKS PH-TC14PE. They have the best price / performance ratio on the market. In temperature tests, these models outperform large monoblock coolers and small 120mm single-fan cooling systems by a head.

All three units come with their own PMW CPU cooler regulation and quiet fans that can generate good overall static pressure. Of these, the most noisy is Noctua NH-D15, whose volume is 24.60 dB without an adapter. When the latter is installed, this figure drops to 19.20 dB, and Cryorig becomes the loudest (23 dB at a maximum rotation speed of 1300 rpm). It's not bad, and great performance doesn't require extreme CPU cooler rpm when browsing the internet or streaming video.

These CPU coolers have some differences, but there are not many of them. Apart from a slight difference in the volume of the fans, they all operate at temperatures that differ by 1-3 degrees, but this depends on the specific configuration of the computer. So it all comes down to aesthetics and size. Although the Noctua is a favorite of many enthusiasts and gamers, this model does not look very attractive. NH-D15 is available in only one color and that color is brown. As for the Cryorig R1 Ultimate cooler, it comes in a stylish black finish with black aluminum heatsinks. Finally, the Phanteks PH-TC14PE is available in white, black, blue and red and white, at the very least offering more variety.

The advantages of these models become obvious, for example, against the background of the Zalman CNPS10X-Performa cooler. Its 120mm fan at 2000rpm full speed. produces noise of 58.7 dB. PWM control of the CPU cooler allows you to reduce the speed to 1350 rpm, but it does not help much. The volume is reduced only to 44.8 dB. Thus, the Zalman CNPS10X-Performa cooler is able to demonstrate excellent performance, but at the cost of too noisy operation of the bundled fan. Replacing the latter can significantly improve the overall performance of the model.

Best Mid-Range Cooler

According to user reviews, one of the most popular cooling systems of this type is the Hyper 212 Evo and Cryorig H7. Both coolers are rather small. They will easily outperform any standard cooling system that comes with i5 or Ryzen chips in performance, but they have some differences. First of all, it is the appearance and design. On the one hand, there is the stylish Cryorig H7 with its black and white fan and very reliable heatsink. But you can opt for a much more sophisticated assembly with translucent black blades.

Besides the exterior design, the models vary in performance and price. First of all, both coolers for Intel and AMD processors provide the same optimal temperature regime, but they make different noise. The Hyper 212 Evo is an older model and suffers from this. It is focused on high performance, surpassing bundled coolers in this parameter, but lagging behind in terms of the fan volume level with 36 dB versus 25 dB for the H7. Obviously, during the design process, this aspect was not given due attention and, judging by the long-term production, will not be paid in the future. Of course, you can always replace the fan with a much quieter one, but then it's better to buy an H7.

So why is the Hyper 212 among the recommended models when the H7 works the same and sounds quieter? Based on annual price changes, the value of the H7 has never dropped below $ 30. Unlike Hyper 212, the price of which repeatedly fell below this mark and even below $ 20. Thus, despite the loud fan, the Hyper 212 can be considered a bargain, since it not only does its job well, but is also the cheapest replacement for a complete cooling system.

Cooler for the Deepcool Gammaxx 400 processor is a budget option with one radiator tower instead of two in the base design. It copes well with normal loads, but is not recommended for overclocking, since annoying noise becomes audible at fan speeds exceeding 700 rpm.

Best low-profile models

The last category of user-recommended efficient air-cooled CPU coolers are small coolers. The best of them are Noctua NH-L9i and be quiet! Shadow Rock LP. Both models outperform the complete units in performance while taking up very little space. They can easily fit into any mini-ATX build. The maximum height of the Noctua NH-L9i with a 92mm fan is 37mm. The Shadow Rock LP comes with a 120mm propeller and a 50mm profile. Both models provide enough RAM clearance and shouldn't drain the wallet as they are cheap enough.

Both models do their job of dissipating heat with little noise. The fan volume level of the NH-L9i does not exceed 23.6 dBA at 2500 rpm. without adapter and 14.8 dB at 1600 rpm. with adapter. Shadow Rock LP accelerates its propeller to 1600 rpm. The volume level of the cooler is 20 dBA.

While the Noctua looks good on paper, the model is inferior in terms of noise levels. To catch up with the competitor, the speed of the cooler on the processor should not exceed 1600 rpm. Also, don't forget the 92mm fan. The size is the reason for the higher chipset temperature at low rotational speeds, so users only recommend choosing the Noctua NH-L9i if you need a very quiet cooler. For the processor, the more stable cooling system is Shadow Rock LP.

Both devices equally claim to be the best low-profile cooler, but they have in common that they are much inferior to liquid monoblock models.

Water cooling

Currently, the best cooler for this type of processor for monoblock systems is the H110i Corsair. This model can be equipped with two 140mm fans, and because of this it outperforms many competitors. The cooler is able to keep the temperature stable even when overclocked to high voltages. In addition, it costs only $ 120.

Corsair LINK is a CPU cooler software that allows you to monitor and control its parameters. These include fan and pump speeds, heating temperatures, RGB color, etc. Users recommend leaving the CPU cooler control settings in the default configuration, as it provides the best balance of performance and minimum noise.

The biggest problem with liquid cooling systems for compact computers is their size. How to remove the cooler from the processor and install it is difficult. Having a dual 140mm radiator means it won't fit in every case, especially the Slim, as liquid cooling systems take up a lot of space. Users who need to install a cooler on a processor in a limited environment have 2 alternatives, whose performance is equally high, but inferior to the H110i. These are the H100i and H60 models. The first is a dual 120mm radiator, so it takes up a bit less space. The second is the smallest, as it is equipped with only one 120mm fan. It copes well with the task of lowering the processor temperature, takes up little space and costs only about $ 60.

Some users are convinced that only all-in-one water cooling systems are economically viable. However, this is not the case as anyone can get a used liquid cooler at a low price. Especially if its cost does not exceed $ 30.

Finally, all compact PC liquid coolers have a common problem and that is noise. The volume level of all 3 Corsair Liquid variants is 35 dB, and this is partially created by the radiator. Thus, while doing an excellent job of keeping the processor at an acceptable temperature, the liquid cooling system also contributes to the overall noise from the PC. You can install a good SP fan yourself, turn down the volume and turn the model into a better water cooler.

Fan replacement

For users looking to upgrade a bundled cooler for an Intel or AMD processor, owners are encouraged to consider the Noctua NF-F12 and NF-A14 options.

The first is a 120mm model that delivers 92m3 / h of air flow at 2.61mm static pressure and a low noise level of 23dB. With the adapter, the speed drops to 73 m 3 / h and the volume drops to 18 dB with a static pressure of 1.83 mm. Thus, the model is ideal for replacing the annoyingly loud 120mm fan.

As for the NF-A14, it is a 140mm version, and provides 143m 3 / h with a higher noise (24dB), but still low for its performance, and a static pressure (2.08mm) without an adapter. The use of the latter provides a drop in speed up to 114 m 3 / h, but the volume level decreases to 18.5 dB along with the pressure (1.51 mm). Indeed, high static pressure and low noise are good reasons to replace the standard 140mm fan. The Noctua NF may not be the best CPU cooler, but it does impressive results.

According to the owners, their only complaint about the model is the company's refusal to use colors other than variations of light brown. More people would buy them if there was no such restriction, since many people choose components that match in color to the entire gaming platform. Alternatively, you can buy the industrial version in black with a bit of brown, but the specifications are very different. It runs at 2000 rpm. and with a noise level of 31 dB, which makes it much louder, although the air flow rate rises to 170 m 3 / h, which is really a lot.

It should also be noted that all Noctua fans have a 5-year warranty.


Finding a good processor cooling system is essential because it truly is one of the most important parts of a computer. After the upgrade, it will work hard and for a long time will become one of the few things that do not require upgrades.

To cool the processor, a cooler is used, which consists of a radiator and a fan.

Different processors provide different mounts for coolers and have different heat dissipation (TDP). As for heat dissipation, the more powerful the processor, the larger the cooler should be.

For the cheapest 2-core processors (Celeron, A4, A6), any simplest cooler with an aluminum radiator and an 80-90 mm fan is enough. The larger the fan and heatsink, the better the cooling. The lower the fan speed, the less noise. Some of these headers are not suitable for all processors, so check the supported sockets in the description. For example, Deepcool GAMMA ARCHER fits almost all sockets except AM4.
Cooler for processor Deepcool GAMMA ARCHER

Most coolers for more powerful processors are universal and have a set of mounts for all modern processors. The coolers DeepCool and Zalman have an optimal price / quality ratio, and I will recommend them first of all.

Please note that not all coolers can be equipped with a mount for the AM4 socket, and sometimes it can be purchased separately, check with the seller for this.

For 2-core Intel processors (Pentium, Core-i3) and 4-core AMD (A8, A10, Ryzen 3), a small cooler with 2-3 heat pipes and a 90-120 mm fan, such as Deepcool GAMMAXX 200T (for TDP 65 Tue).
Cooler for Deepcool GAMMAXX 200T processor

Or Deepcool GAMMAXX 300 (for TDP 95W).
Cooler for Deepcool GAMMAXX 300 processor

For more powerful 4-core Intel (Core i3, i5) and AMD (FX-4,6,8, Ryzen 5) you need a cooler with 4-5 heat pipes and a 120mm fan. And the minimum option here would be Deepcool GAMMAXX 400 (4 pipes) or slightly better Zalman from the CNPS10X series (4-5 pipes) for more powerful processors.
Cooler for Deepcool GAMMAXX 400 processor

For even hotter 6-core Intel (Core i5, i7) and AMD (Ryzen 7), as well as for overclocking, it is advisable to purchase a large powerful cooler with 6 heat pipes and a 120-140 mm fan. Some of the best in terms of price / power ratio are Deepcool Lucifer V2 and Deepcool REDHAT.
Cooler for Deepcool Lucifer V2 processor

2. Do I need to buy a cooler separately

Most boxed processors, which are sold in cardboard packaging, and have the word "BOX" at the end of the label, have a cooler included.

If “Tray” or “OEM” is written at the end of the marking, then there is no cooler in the kit.

Some expensive processors, despite the fact that they have the word "BOX" in the marking, are sold without a cooler. But the box is usually smaller in this case, and the description often indicates that the processor does not have a cooler in the kit.

If you buy a processor with a cooler, you don't have to buy a cooler separately. This usually comes out cheaper, and a boxed cooler is quite enough for cooling the processor, since it is just designed for it.

The disadvantages of boxed coolers are a higher noise level and the absence of a heat sink in case of overclocking the processor. Therefore, if you want to have a quieter computer or to overclock the processor, then it is better to purchase a separate processor and separately a quieter and more powerful cooler.

3. Processor parameters for choosing a cooler

In order to choose the right cooler, we need to know the socket of the processor and its heat dissipation (TDP).

3.1. Processor socket

Socket is a motherboard connector for installing a processor, which also has a mount for a cooler. Different sockets have different types of cooler mounts.

3.2. Heat dissipation of the processor

With regard to heat dissipation (TDP), this figure is also often indicated on the websites of online stores. If the TDP of the processor is not specified, then it is easy to find it on the website of another online store or the official websites of processor manufacturers.

There are many more sites where you can find out the characteristics of the processor by model number.

You can also use the Google or Yandex search engine.

4. Main characteristics of coolers

The main characteristics of the coolers are the supported sockets and the TDP for which the cooler is designed.

Each cooler is designed for certain sockets, it simply won't install on others. Which sockets are supported by this or that cooler is indicated on the websites of manufacturers and online stores.

4.2. TDP cooler

Despite the fact that the TDP of the processor, for which the cooler is designed, is the main parameter, its value is not indicated on the websites of online stores and most manufacturers. However, this data can sometimes be found. For example, on the website of one of the leaders in the production of coolers - the Austrian company Noctua, there is a comparative table of TDP coolers.

The TDP value of some popular cooler models, determined approximately from test results, can be found on the Internet. Based on this information and personal experience, I have compiled a table with which you can easily choose the optimal cooler depending on the TDP of the processor. You can download this table at the end of the article in the "" section.

5. Cooler design

CPU coolers come in many different designs.

5.1. Cooler with aluminum radiator

The simplest and cheapest are coolers with an aluminum radiator and a standard 80 mm fan. The radiator shape can be different. Basically, in coolers for Intel processors, the radiator has a round shape, for AMD processors - square.

Such coolers are often bundled with low-power boxed processors and usually they are enough for them. Such a cooler can also be purchased separately inexpensively, but their quality is likely to be slightly worse. Well, such a cooler is not well suited for overclocking a processor.

5.2. Cooler with plate heatsink

On sale you can still find coolers with a heatsink made of stacked aluminum or copper plates.

They are better at removing heat from the processor than coolers with a solid aluminum heatsink, but they are already outdated and replaced by more efficient coolers based on heat pipes.

5.3. Horizontal cooler with heat pipes

Heat pipe coolers are the most modern and most efficient.

These coolers are bundled with more powerful processors. They remove heat from the processor much better than cheap coolers with an aluminum heatsink, but they blow warm air in a less efficient direction - towards the motherboard.

This solution is more suitable for compact cases, since in other cases it is better to purchase a more modern vertical cooler.

5.4. Vertical cooler with heat pipes

The vertical cooler (or tower cooler) has a more optimal design.

Warm air from the processor is blown out not towards the motherboard, but towards the rear case exhaust fan.

Such coolers are the most optimal; they have a very large selection in terms of size, power and price. They are best suited for very powerful processors and overclocking. Their main disadvantage is their large dimensions, which is why not every such cooler will fit into a standard case.

The efficiency of a cooler depends the most on the number of heat pipes. For a processor with a TDP of 80-100 W, a cooler with 3 heat pipes is enough, for a processor with a TDP of 150-180 W, a cooler with 6 heat pipes is already needed. You can find out how many heat pipes a particular processor needs from the table, which can be downloaded in the "" section.

In the characteristics of a cooler, they usually do not focus on how many heat pipes it has. But it is easy to calculate from the photo of the cooler base or by counting the number of outgoing pipe ends and dividing them by 2.

6. Base design

The base of the cooler is the contact pad that directly contacts the processor. The efficiency of the cooler also depends on its quality and design.

In coolers with an aluminum heatsink, the heatsink itself acts as a contact area. The base can be solid or continuous.

A solid base is preferred as it increases the contact area between the heatsink and the processor, which has a beneficial effect on cooling. And in the through structure, dust can accumulate in the slots between the radiator and the fan.

First, it is bad for cooling. Secondly, it is impossible to clean the dust from there without removing the cooler from the processor, while a heatsink with a solid pad can be easily cleaned without dismantling it.

6.2. Radiator with copper insert

The radiators of some coolers have a copper insert in the base, which is in contact with the processor.

Copper insert radiators are slightly more efficient than all-aluminum options.

Coolers with heat pipes can have a copper base.

This design is quite effective.

6.4. Direct contact

Some manufacturers are actively advocating an almost space technology of direct contact (DirectCU), which consists in saving copper by pressing heat pipes in such a way that they themselves create a contact pad directly in contact with the processor.

In fact, such a design is close in efficiency to a radiator with a copper base.

7. Design and material of the radiator

The efficiency of the cooler also strongly depends on the design of the heatsink and the material from which it is made.

The cheapest coolers have an all-aluminum heatsink, as this metal is cheaper than copper. But aluminum has a low heat capacity and uneven heat distribution, which requires a stronger airflow and, accordingly, noisy fans.

7.2. Aluminum with copper

Coolers with aluminum radiators with copper inserts are a little more efficient, but are no longer relevant.

7.3. Copper radiator

On sale you can still find coolers with heatsinks made of copper plates.

Copper has a high heat capacity and heat is evenly distributed in it. This makes it possible to stabilize the processor temperature at a certain level and does not require fast noisy fans. But the effectiveness of such a system is limited due to the fact that a copper radiator has a large thermal inertia and it is difficult to quickly remove heat from it. But such a cooler can be indispensable in compact cases for media centers, since it is quite low.

7.4. Aluminum plate heatsink

The most efficient coolers today are those with heat pipes and a heatsink made of many thin aluminum fins.

Heat from the processor is instantly dissipated through heat pipes to the fins, on which the fan airflow is also quickly dissipated due to the high dissipation area. This design has a very low heat capacity and thermal inertia, so the cooling efficiency is greatly improved by slightly increasing the fan speed.

7.5. Nickel plated

Good branded coolers can have nickel-plated heat pipes, copper base and even aluminum heatsink fins.

Nickel plating prevents surface oxidation. It always remains beautiful and shiny. But the most important thing is that the oxide does not interfere with heat dissipation and the cooler does not lose its properties. Although, by and large, the difference will not be significant.

7.6. Radiator size

The cooler efficiency always depends on the size of the heatsink. But coolers with large heatsinks cannot always fit into a standard computer case. The height of the tower-type radiator for a standard case should not exceed 160 mm.

The width of the radiator also matters. A cooler with a large heatsink may not fit due to a nearby power supply. You also need to consider the size and layout of the motherboard. It may so happen that the cooler cannot be installed due to the high protruding radiators of the motherboard near the processor, closely spaced high memory modules, etc.

All this must be taken into account in advance and, if in doubt, measure the required distances in your computer. It is better to play it safe and take a slightly smaller cooler. If the processor is very hot, and the case is small or the elements sticking out on the motherboard are in the way, then tear them off, a horizontal cooler with heat pipes and specially designed with a sufficient distance from the motherboard will suit you.

7.7. Radiator weight

The larger the heatsink, the heavier it is, and the heavier the heatsink, the larger it is. Well, in essence, the higher the TDP of the processor, the heavier the heatsink should be. For a processor with a TDP of 100-125 W, a radiator weighing 300-400 grams is enough, for a monster like AMD FX9xxx with a TDP of 200-220 W, a radiator of at least 1 kg, or even all of 1200-1300 grams, is needed. I will not give the weight of the heatsink for each processor, since you will see all this in the table, which can be downloaded in the "" section.

8. Fans

The size, speed and other parameters of the fan determine the efficiency of the cooler and the level of noise it creates.

8.1. Fan size

In general, the larger the fan, the more efficient and quieter it is. The cheapest coolers are equipped with 80 × 80 mm fans. Their advantage is the simplicity and low cost of replacement (which is rare). The disadvantage is the highest noise level.

It is better to buy a cooler with a bigger fan - 92 × 92, 120 × 120 mm. These are also standard sizes and are easy to replace in case of need.

For especially powerful and hot processors, such as AMD FX9xxx, it is better to take a cooler with a standard size 140x140 mm fan. Such a fan is more expensive, but the noise will be less.

It is better to limit the choice of coolers with standard sizes of fans, what if you have to replace them sometime? But this does not matter, since among us there are real nuggets of kulibins that will screw any fan on the knee to any radiator

8.2. Fan bearing type

The cheapest fans have a Sleeve Bearing. These fans are considered less reliable and less durable.

Fans with a ball bearing (Ball Bearing) are considered more reliable. But they make more noise.

Most modern fans are equipped with a Hydro Bearing, which combines reliability with low noise levels.

8.3. Number of fans

To overclock such monsters as AMD FX9xxx with a TDP of 200-220 W, it is better to take a cooler with two 140x140 mm fans. But keep in mind that the more fans, the higher the noise level. Therefore, it is unnecessary to take a cooler with two fans for a processor with a TDP of up to 180 W. Recommendations on the number and size of fans can be found in the table in the "" section.

8.4. Fan speed

The smaller the heatsink and the size of the fan, the higher the RPM will be. This is necessary to compensate for the low dispersion area and low airflow.

In cheap coolers, the fan speed can vary between 2000-4000 rpm. At a speed of 2000 rpm, the fan noise becomes clearly distinguishable, at a speed of 3000 rpm, the noise becomes annoying, but at 4000 rpm your room will turn into a small take-off area ...

The ideal option is a 120-140 mm fan with a maximum speed of 1300-1500 rpm.

8.5. Automatic speed control

Motherboards are able to regulate the fan speed depending on the processor temperature. Regulation can be done by changing the supply voltage (DC), which is supported by all motherboards.

More expensive coolers can be equipped with fans with built-in speed controller (PWM). In this case, the motherboard must also support speed control via a PWM controller (PWM).

It is good if the cooler has a 120-140 mm fan with a speed in the range of 800-1300 rpm. In this case, you almost never wake up to hear it.

8.6. Cooler connector

CPU coolers can have a 3-pin or 4-pin connector for connecting to the motherboard. The 3-pin ones are controlled by changing the voltage of the motherboard (DC), and the 4-pin ones are controlled by the PWM controller (PWM). The PWM controller can control the speed of the cooler more accurately, so it is better to purchase a cooler with a 4-pin connector.

8.7. Noise level

The noise level depends on the fan speed, the configuration of its blades and is measured in decibels (dB). Fans with a noise level of up to 25 dB are considered quiet. By this indicator, you can compare several coolers and, other things being equal, choose the one that makes less noise.

8.8. Air flow

The efficiency of heat removal from the radiator and, accordingly, the efficiency of the entire cooler and the noise level depend on the strength of the air flow. Airflow is measured in cubic feet per minute (CFM). By this indicator, you can compare several coolers and, other things being equal, choose the one with the higher CFM. But do not forget to pay attention to the noise level.

9. Mounting the cooler

There are no pitfalls in mounting a small or medium-sized cooler. But there are surprises with large models ...

Please read the cooler mounting diagram carefully before purchasing it. Some heavy coolers require reinforced mounting with a special frame on the back of the motherboard.

In this case, the motherboard should allow the installation of such a frame and there should be no unsoldered electronic elements at the installation site. The computer case should have a recess where the processor is supposed to be located. It's even better if there is a window that allows you to install and remove such a cooler without removing the motherboard.

A set of universal coolers that fit a variety of sockets may include many different mounts.

If the cooler is of sufficient quality and expensive, then they will not be superfluous if you suddenly want (or have to) change the motherboard and processor with a transition to another platform (for example, from AMD to Intel). In this case, the cooler does not need to be changed.

10. Backlight

Some coolers have LEDs and glow nicely in the dark. It makes sense to purchase such a cooler if your case has a transparent window through which you enjoy how it works while you are resting.But keep in mind that the backlight can interfere and annoy not only you, but also your family members. Therefore, think in advance where the body will stand and where the light will go.

11. Thermal paste

Thermal paste is applied to the processor to improve heat transfer and this is very important. In cheap coolers, thermal grease can already be applied to the contact pad and covered with a plastic cover.

In the more expensive models, a small tube of thermal paste is included, which can be enough for 2-3 times. Sometimes there is no thermal paste included. Check the availability of thermal paste on the website of the online store.

If there is no thermal paste in the kit, then it will need to be purchased separately. Heat transfer from the processor to the cooler depends quite strongly on thermal paste. The difference in temperature between a processor and a good and bad thermal paste reaches up to 10 degrees!

As a budget option, you can take KPT-8 in a white aluminum tube. Its thermal conductivity is not so high, but if the processor is not very hot (TDP up to 100 W) and you do not plan to overclock it, then this will be enough. The main thing is that it is original! It is not advisable to purchase it in syringes, jars, plastic tubes with handmade stickers, since there are a lot of fakes in such packaging.

It should be absolutely clear that the packaging is original.

Alsil-3 thermal paste is similar in quality and price, but even in the original it is sold in syringes that are difficult to distinguish from a fake.

12. Cooler manufacturers

The best cooler manufacturers are the Austrian company Noctua and the Japanese company Scythe. They produce high quality coolers and are well-deserved popularity among wealthy enthusiasts. Noctua provides a 72-month warranty on coolers.

The above mentioned brands are successfully mowed by the Taiwanese company Thermalright, which has very similar models in its arsenal for a slightly more reasonable price.

But coolers of such familiar brands as Cooler Master, Thermaltake, Zalman are the most popular in Russian-speaking countries. Coolers from these manufacturers have the best price / quality ratio.

But by and large, the manufacturer of the cooler is not so important, since there is nothing to break apart from the fan. Therefore, it is not a sin to save money and take something cheaper. DeepCool, GlacialTech, Ice Hammer and TITAN offer us a fairly large assortment and low prices.

Do not be afraid to make a mistake, this is just a cooler And let the availability of a guarantee calm your nervous system

13. Warranty

For the cheapest coolers, the warranty is standard 12 months. In principle, all that can come out of standing in the cooler is a fan, and it will be easy to replace it.

But if you buy a good cooler with branded fans, then it is better to have a 24-36 month warranty, as it can be difficult and expensive to find quality fans with the same characteristics.

Top coolers are expensive, but manufacturers give them a warranty of up to 72 months.

I do not recommend purchasing coolers from little-known manufacturers, the lineup of which is represented by only a few models, as there may be problems with warranty service. Remember - the guarantee has not prevented anyone yet

14. Setting up filters in the online store

  1. Using the table, determine the main parameters of the cooler for your processor.
  2. Go to the section "Cooling systems" on the seller's website.
  3. Select the "For processor" assignment.
  4. If you want a better cooler, then choose only the best manufacturers.
  5. If you want to save money, then select all popular manufacturers, in the lineup of which there are at least 15-20 models.
  6. Select your processor socket.
  7. Note the presence of heat pipes in the filter.
  8. Size and number of fans (optional).
  9. The presence of a speed regulator (only if necessary).
  10. Cooler height (for a standard case up to 160 mm).
  11. The presence of backlight (will greatly narrow the choice).
  12. Other parameters important to you.
  13. Sort the sample by price.
  14. Look at coolers, starting with the cheaper ones (from the photo you can determine the number of heat pipes and the massiveness of the radiator).
  15. Choose several suitable models, view their photos from different angles and compare them according to those parameters that were not in the filter.
  16. Buy the cheapest available model.

Don't overdo it with filters, as you can weed out good models. Choose only the parameters that are most important to you.

Thus, you will get an optimal cooler in terms of price / quality / efficiency ratio that meets your requirements at the lowest possible cost.

15. Links

Below you can download a table that allows you to easily determine the main parameters of a cooler, depending on the processor heat dissipation (TDP).

Cooler for processor Deepcool REDHAT
Cooler for Zalman CNPS10X Optima processor
Cooler for Deepcool GAMMAXX S40 processor

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