2 what is a web page. What is a web page?

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Web site pages are documents or parts of web resources that have a unique URL. They are in which there are images, audio files, text, video or animation. Work with and its viewing is carried out using browsers.

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What is a web page for?

The main purpose is to view information. The web page contains text, graphic, audio and video content. From the page it is read by the browser and displayed to users.

Also, with the help of pages, a person can perform certain actions on the site: open tabs, menus, fill out feedback forms, place an order in an online store.

How to save a web page

  • We click on the menu and select "Save As", then a dialog box with the same name will open.
  • In the window that appears, we need to select the file type, page name and save location. Today there are 4 formats, we will analyze them below.
  • Click "Save", now at any time you can view a copy of the page.

4 page saving formats:

  • Completely. In this format, the selected item is saved completely, with all the images and stylistic decisions, design. The browser also creates a separate folder where all the materials posted on the resource are placed: pictures, photos, widgets and more.
  • HTML It is no longer possible to save images and stylistic decisions, the original with the same structure and text is preserved. This saves memory space.
  • Text. The saved text can be viewed using any editor, the text is saved in full, and not fragmentary.
  • Files All files placed on the page are saved. If necessary, you can change the extension of a file.

What does a webpage out of date message mean

This is a fairly common mistake. It means that the local copy of the page is out of date, while the user asks to load it. To solve the problem, you must reload the page.

What does the message “webpage slows down the browser” mean?

Often when viewing sites, the text “Web page slows down your browser” appears. As a rule, the slowdown is due to the fact that the browser automatically loads a lot of unnecessary scripts on this page. To solve the problem, you need to change your browser settings in order to quickly load scripts. To do this, go to the browser menu, look for "Tools", then click on the "Add" item. We are looking for a specialized plugin “Shockwave Flash” and install it. Then, in the plugin’s settings, select the “Ask before activation” item and put a checkmark next to it. Please note that the name of the items may vary depending on the browser used, the main thing is to catch the point.

After that, the scripts will not be loaded automatically, before each boot, the system will ask for permission.

The web page does not respond: what to do and how to solve the problem

Here, not everything is as simple as the cases described above. The problem could be anything. Let’s figure out how to solve this problem.

First, pay attention to the URL. Check that the address of the page is correctly specified in the address bar. Next, check if the resource opens on another computer. If the page does not load on all PCs, check your Internet connection. If everything is in order here, perhaps the problem is in the site.

The second way is to delete the files. These are special files that are created to save information about the created profile. Sometimes cookies get corrupted. This causes pages to not display. To delete them, open the browser settings, select the "Advanced" and then "Personal data". Open the content settings and select the files of interest to us. Delete "All cookies and site data."

The next way is to change the proxy server. Sometimes connecting through a proxy server can lead to slow loading of web pages or errors in their display. To solve the problem, go to the settings, then open the "Network" and specify the name of the network. Next, open the proxy server settings and enter the necessary parameters. If you do not know these settings, contact your network administrator. Then the internet connection will be disconnected. Reconnect to the Internet and continue.

Webpage moved: what to do

You can often come across this message. Most likely a new address will be located nearby, and the browser will offer to click on this link. Go to the new version of the page and get access to the necessary information.

We examined what a web page is, how to use it for one or another purpose. As you can see, periodically there may be problems in the operation of web pages, but all of them can be solved.

HTML introduction

In this chapter:

Each time you open a browser, you get to a website, which may consist of one or many web pages with different information. The main technology for creating such web pages is the language HTML.

How does the browser receive web pages?

For a general understanding, let's look at a little theory about how the browser receives web pages and what a web server is. To get a web page, you need to create a file written in HTML and put it on a web server. Once you have created the created file on a web server, any browser can find your web page via the Internet. A web server is a regular computer with Internet access that runs continuously and expects requests from browsers. Any server stores web pages, pictures, audio files and other types of files. When a server receives a request from a browser for a resource (images, web pages, etc.), it finds this resource (if it can determine the location of the resource) and sends it to the browser.

You already know how the browser works: you wander through various sites on the Internet by clicking on the links to go to different pages. Such a click serves as a reason for your browser to make a request for an HTML page to a web server, receive a response to its request and display this page in its window.

But how does the browser know how to display the page? This is where HTML begins to work. It tells the browser everything about the content and structure of the page. If you do your job well (the code will be written correctly and without errors), then your pages will be displayed equally in all browsers.

Note: Browser (from English. Web browser  - Web browser) - software used to view websites, that is, to request web pages (mainly from the Web - the Internet), process them, display them in a browser window and move from one page to another. The most popular browsers include: Internet explorer, Mozilla firefox, Google chrome, Safari, Opera.

Note:  during the training you will not have to upload any pages to the web server, everything will work perfectly on your local computer.

Before continuing, let's look at what an HTML editor is for, what an HTML document is, and how to create one.

Why do I need an HTML editor?

You can also edit HTML documents in a regular text document, but it is more convenient to do this, of course, in special HTML editors. HTML editor is one of the main tools for creating and editing web pages and the site as a whole. The main advantage of editors over a regular notebook is that they highlight the code, which in turn makes it easier and faster to edit the necessary code.

There are many paid and free HTML editors, the most commonly used paid ones include Dreamweaver, Visual studio  and PHPStorm. As free editors you can use notepad ++  and geany.

What is an HTML document?

HTML document   is a plain text file with the extension .htmlwhich contains the HTML code. The following will describe information for those who do not know how to save files with the desired extension.

   In order to make an HTML document from a text file, you just need to save the file under a different extension, you can do this in two ways:

  1. In the open editor (or in a regular text document), click file   → choose save as   → below in the text box file name:   let's write for example like this: mypage.html → click save . That's it, the HTML document is created.
  2. Right-click ( RMB) on the text file → select rename   and change the extension with .txt   on .html . To use this method, we need to make sure that by default all files have their extensions available, this is done as follows: click Start   → open Control Panel   → choose Folders settings   → tab View   → scroll to the very bottom and uncheck the box Hide extensions for registered file types .

There are two ways to open a file saved with the extension .html for viewing in a browser:

  1. Double-click on it with the left mouse button, in this case the web page will open in the browser that is selected by default.
  2. Click on it RMB → hover over to open with...   → select the browser you need.

Upon receipt of the HTML document, the browser will display it as a web page ( web page  is what is displayed in the browser window), and you will not see the tags you wrote in the window of your browser, because they will be interpreted to display the contents of the page in the form you need.


My first headline

My first paragraph

The result of this code in the browser window:

To edit the code of an HTML document, click on it with RMB → hover over to open with...   → select the editor you need, if the list does not have the desired editor, click Select program ...   and select the desired editor. Some editors (for example, take notepad ++) can be selected directly in the context menu by clicking on the PCM document and selecting from the top Edit with Notepad ++  (edit using notepad ++).

What is HTML?

HTML   is a language for describing the structure of web pages. Pages created using it can only be viewed using special programs (browsers) installed on users' computers.

  • HTML abbreviation stands for Hyper Text Markup Language (hypertext markup language).
  • Remember, it is not a programming language, it is a markup language.
  • HTML uses tags  markup to describe the structure of the web page.

What are tags?

HTML tags   are keywords or characters enclosed in angle brackets, for example ,


  etc. There are two types of tags: paired  and solitary  (they are also called empty). Paired tags consist of an opening and closing tag, for example:. The symbol "/" after the angle bracket indicates that the tag is closing. Single tags consist only of an opening tag, for example:
. Tags are not case sensitive, so they can be written in either uppercase or lowercase letters:

Means the same as

By standard HTML5  tags can be written in any case.

Using tags, the browser recognizes the structure  and value  of your text, for example, they tell the browser which part of the text is the heading, where the new paragraph begins, what needs to be emphasized and where to place the image (picture). Upon receiving this information, the browser uses the default rules on how to display each of these elements built into it. Without the use of tags, the browser will simply display a continuous stream of text, without indentation, headings, paragraphs, etc. To make it clearer, consider this in more detail using the examples below.

This is the page that uses tags for markup:

Summer menu

Drinks in our cafe

Multifruit - 100 rub.

A fruit drink containing orange and pineapple juices.

Milkshake - 150 rub.

Creamy ice cream mixed with pulp of fruit.

The same, but without the use of tags:

Drinks in our cafe Multifruit - 100 rub. A fruit drink containing orange and pineapple juices. Milkshake - 150 rub. Creamy ice cream mixed with pulp of fruit.

A web page is a specially formatted document that can include text, graphics, hyperlinks, audio, animation, and video.

Several web pages, united by a common theme and design, as well as linked by links, and usually located on the same web server, form a website.

Web site with ay (from the English. website: web  - "web, network" and site  - “place”, literally “place, segment, part of the network”) - a set of electronic documents (files) of a private individual or organization in a computer network, united under one address (domain name or IP address).

All sites together constituteWorld Wide Web , where communication (web) combines the segments of information of the world community into a single whole - a database and communications of a planetary scale. For direct access of clients to sites on servers, a protocol was specially developedHTTP .

A web site in its structure resembles a magazine that contains information on a topic or problem. Just as a magazine consists of printed pages, so does a Web site consist of computer Web pages.

A program that demonstrates a web page is called a web browser.

Web sites are created using the markup language of hypertext documents HTML. HTML technology consists in inserting control characters (tags) into a plain text document, and as a result we get a Web page. When a web page is loaded, the browser presents it on the screen in the form specified by the tags.

HTML allows you to:

· Format text;

· Include images, multimedia in the document;

· This language creates hypertext links to other Web pages.

HTML is used to create informational content of a file and to determine the structure and format of Web pages. Since HTML files are plain text files, such a file can be practically sent to any computer.

To create Web pages, simple text editors are used that do not include text formatting control characters in the created document. As such an editor in Windows, you can use the standard Notepad application.

Typically, a Web page file has the extension .html or .htm.

In addition, there are many technologies in which the basic steps to create sites are already automated, it remains only to make changes in accordance with their subject.

To view an HTML page, simply enter its URL in the address bar of a Web browser, and then follow the hyperlinks. But this is precisely the main problem - how do I know the page address? More often than not, it is known what needs to be found, but it is not known exactly where to look. To solve this problem, there are special search engines. From the point of view of the user, the search engine is a regular site on the main page of which there are links to other sites divided by categories ("Sports", "Business", "Computers", etc.). In addition, the search engine allows the user to enter several keywords and returns links to pages containing these keywords.

Web site

Website (English Website, from the web - the web and site - "place") - in a computer network, a set of documents of a private person or organization united under one address. By default, it is assumed that the site is located on the Internet. All Internet sites together constitute the World Wide Web. For direct access of clients to websites on servers, the HTTP protocol was specially developed. Websites are otherwise referred to as the Internet presence of a person or organization. When they say "your own page on the Internet", it means a whole website or a personal page as part of a foreign site. In addition to websites on the Internet, WAP sites for mobile phones are also available.

Initially, websites were collections of static documents. Currently, most of them are characterized by dynamism and interactivity. For such cases, specialists use the term web application - a ready-made software package for solving website tasks. A web application is part of the website, but a web application without a data site is only technically.

In most cases on the Internet, one website corresponds to one domain name. It is by domain names that sites are identified in the global network. Other options are possible: one site on several domains or several sites under one domain. Typically, several domains use large sites (web portals) to logically separate the different types of services provided (mail.yandex.ru, news.yandex.ru, auto.yandex.ru). There are also frequent cases when separate domains are allocated for different countries or languages. For example, google.ru and google.fr are logically a Google site in different languages, but technically they are different sites. Combining several sites under one domain is typical for free hosting. To identify sites in the address, after specifying the host, there is a tilde and the site name: example.com/~my-site-name/.

What does a web page start with?

What are the stages of the creation process? In order to understand what a web page is, it is necessary to understand how it is formed.


It all starts with the work of the designer. He, in accordance with the requirements and goals of the customer, develops a layout of the future site. This layout is created for one, two or more pages. At this stage, the location of all necessary objects is determined, the selection of fonts, pictures, design as a whole is carried out. That is, the appearance of the pages is initially formed, from which then a full site will be assembled.


Then the layout designer is included in the work. Based on the layout developed by the designer, he makes the layout of the page, optimizing it for various browsers. To do this, a regular document is created, for example, in Notepad, which is saved with the extension .html. It is in this language that a simple web page is written. HTML stands for HyperText Markup Language and is a set of tags used to implement a variety of tasks. This language is quite simple, but functional. With its help, the logical structure of the page is created and it is divided into separate elements - headings, lists, paragraphs, tables and other objects. In addition, tags define the meaning of all content. They give the browser information about what needs to be highlighted, emphasize where to retreat, where to insert a picture, and what to convert to a link. As a result, the page takes on the appropriate form. However, to make it fully consistent with what the designer came up with, you must also use CSS. These are cascading style sheets that specify the appearance of the html document and its design. Using CSS tools, you can "color" the page in the desired colors, apply a particular font style, add other design elements. Using HTML and CSS gives us a finished, beautifully designed page. But she still needs to be given dynamism, and this is the programmer’s job.


At this stage, you already have an understanding of what a web page is and how it is created. However, this is not all. Pages come in several forms - static, dynamic, and interactive. The first ones relate to those that are created using html and css only. In order to make the page dynamic, you need an engine - CMS (or Content Managment System). This is a special program that, at the request of users, forms a page from the data stored in the server database. That is, the page is created at the time of receipt of the request from the user. Languages \u200b\u200bsuch as ASP, PHP, and others are used to write it. As for interactive pages, they include the so-called forms with which the user and server exchange data. They are also written in the languages \u200b\u200bPHP, JavaScript, etc. Programming is a more complex process than layout, it requires high-quality specific knowledge of at least one (or better several) of the listed languages.

How does a web page load?

In order to make the page accessible to all Internet users, it (that is, the document in which it is described) is placed on the web server. This is a computer that is constantly waiting for requests from browsers. When he receives it, he finds the required resource (for example, a web page) and sends it to the appropriate browser. And that, in turn, on the basis of the information contained in the document (signals) displays a web page.

Why can't I open a web page?

There are situations when you enter a query (enter the address, write a word in the search bar or click on the link), but the browser cannot display the information you need and writes that the web page was not found. What is the reason here and how to solve a similar problem?

First, you should check the url to see if it is correctly specified. If an error is made in any letter or sign, then the server will not be able to find the information that is appropriate for your request, and the browser, accordingly, will display it. But if the address is correct, then why is the web page unavailable? The reason may be cookies. They are created by web pages that you visited earlier, for storing some settings and other things. If such a file is damaged, this may interfere with the normal loading of the page. To fix the situation, you need to delete it. To do this, find the "Privacy" section, go to the content settings and select "All cookies and site data" in the window that opens. Click "Delete All."

The third reason may be the browser’s slow operation due to the use of a proxy server. To fix the problem, you need to change the settings. You can do this in the "Internet Connections" section. Select the network you are using, open the settings and find the "Proxy Server" tab. Set the necessary settings for its use. Now everything should work.


From this article, you learned about what a web page is, how it is formed, and which specialists take part in its creation. We also examined the issue of how the pages of the site are loaded and displayed, why they may not open and how to solve this problem. Now you know a little more about how the Internet works and what its web resources are.

In this article, we will talk about various concepts related to the Web: web pages, websites, web servers and search engines. These terms are often perplexing for both those who are new to the Web and people who rarely use the network. Let's see what exactly these concepts mean!

In a nutshell

Like any other field of knowledge, the Web is full of specific terms. But don’t worry, we don’t want to overload you at the very beginning of your journey (and if curiosity still prevails, we have a dictionary). However, for starters, some basic terms still have to be learned, since you will meet them in our articles quite often. Sometimes these terms are easy to confuse, as they are related, but have different functions. You have probably noticed more than once their misuse in the news or elsewhere.

We will analyze these concepts and technologies a bit later, and now the brief definitions below will be a very good start for you:

Webpage A document that can be displayed by web browsers such as: Firefox, Google Chrome, Microsoft Internet Explorer / Edge, or Apple Safari. The concept of "web page" for brevity, we will call simply "page". Website A collection of web pages connected in any way. Use in vocabulary: "website" or simply "website". Web server A computer that provides the computer and software necessary for the operation of a website. Search engine A website that helps you find other web pages, such as Google, Bing or Yahoo.

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Diving deeper

So, let's dig a little deeper and find out how these 4 terms are related, and why these concepts are often confused with each other.


Webpage  - A simple document displayed on a computer screen through a browser. Such a document is written in HTML (which we will consider in more detail). A web page can contain many different materials, such as:

  • style information  - page control by perception and sensation
  • scripts- which make the page more dynamic and user friendly
  • the media  - images, music and video.

Note:browsers can often display some documents as a PDF file or image, but the term webpage More directly related to HTML documents. Until the end of the article, in this case, we will use the concept document.

All web pages on the network have their own unique address. To access the desired page, just type its address in the address bar of your browser:

Web site  - a collection of pages connected by any means (including their links to other resources), which are available under a single domain name. Each page of the site contains direct links (almost always highlighted parts of the text that can be clicked on with the mouse), which allows the user to quickly switch from one page of the website to another.

To access a website, type its domain name in the address bar of your browser, and your browser will display the main page of the site or, in other words, the home page:

Webpageand   Web siteespecially easy to confuse when website  contains only one page.This site is sometimes called single page website.

Web server

Web server  is a computer that provides one or many to the network web sites (hosting). The concept of "hosting" means that everything pagesand the files attached to them are contained on this computer. Those. Web server  will send any page  from site  at the request of any user, which will be hosting for the user's browser.

Do not confuse the concept website  and web server. For example, if you hear someone say, “My website isn’t responding,” it actually means that web server  does not respond to the request, and therefore is not available itself website.  Moreover, since a web server can host multiple sites, the term web server is never used to refer to a website, as this could lead to a lot of confusion. Let us return to the previous example: if we said: “My web server is not responding”, this would mean that there are no sites available on this server at the moment.

Search system

Search engines  are a common cause of network confusion. Search system  is a special kind of website that helps users find the pages they need. other  sites.

Most popular search engines: Google  , Bing, Yandex, DuckDuckGo, and many others. Some of them are universal, while some are focused on a specific area. Use the search engine that suits you.

Many novice network users confuse a search engine and a browser. Let's explain: browser - It is software that finds and displays web pages; search system   is a special kind of site that helps users find the pages they need. other  sites. The confusion arises because when someone first launches a browser, he displays the home page of the search engine. This is exactly so, because the first thing you do when launching a browser is to find a web page and open it. But do not confuse the infrastructure (i.e. browser) with a service (i.e. search engine). This difference will help you a little, but even some experts arbitrarily use these concepts, so you should not worry too much about it.

Below is an example of how the Firerox browser by default displays the Google search box on the start (home) page:

  • Diving deeper: what is a web server
  • Consider how web pages are linked to a website:
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