Setting up Outlook for mail. Configuring Outlook for different mail servers

Mail from Microsoft under the name Outlook began to rapidly gain popularity, thanks to its unobtrusive style and convenient functionality, as well as a rich interface that any user can customize just for himself. This article will help you set up your Outlook email even if you are a new user of this service.

If you already own an Outlook e-mail box, then skip to point number ten of this instruction. If you want to complete the setup during the account creation process, then stay at this step.
Go to the official Outlook website and click on the blue “Register” button. Fill out the basic information of your profile.
  • Specify the last name and first name for the convenience of communicating with your colleagues and friends, it is better to use real data.
  • Come up with a name for the email address, this is the name that will appear before the “@” part. Below you will be shown the full name of the mail and the availability of this domain.
  • User password must be at least eight characters long and include uppercase and lowercase characters and numbers. Characters are inserted into it at will.

Next, specify the country, your date of birth so that it appears correctly in your friends' calendar, gender, and, if you wish, a backup email address and mobile phone. With the help of the last two points, you can restore access to your account if you forget your password.
Then enter the captcha.

Click on "Create Account".

Now you can start quickly setting up your account, click on the white arrow on the right side of the window.

Indicate the language of your account and your time zone in the second line, click on the arrow to the side.

Choose a theme, there are many designs to choose from with and without animation of the site header.

Now add a signature to your posts. You can choose not to do this by clicking on the "Off" button, but it will simplify your correspondence, and you will not have to add your signature to messages every time. Also at this stage many signature templates are available, for example, in the “Business” tab.

Wait a few seconds for the changes to take effect and your email account is loaded.

On the main page of your mail, find the gear icon in the upper right corner. Click on it.

Select "Options" from the drop-down list.

In the list on the left, you have access to many sections and subsections for setting up an Outlook account. Click on the “Label” line to customize the structure of the message list or set up forwarding to another mailbox. This item is deep customization of Outlook and is individual for each user. Here you can choose your way of displaying information on the home page.

In the “General” tab, you can select the subsection “Region and time zone”. Customize the time and date format, your language, and your time zone. In the same tab, you can add your mobile devices to your account and customize the theme.

In the "Mail" tab, go to the "Accounts" subsection, then "Connected accounts" to add accounts of other e-mail boxes, skype and other services for synchronization.
Also, this tab can be useful with the special “Undo Send” function, which is rarely found in other e-mail boxes.

To set up uploading files to OneDrive, go to the Attachment Options tab and a subsection with the same name. Here you can choose when to upload your files to the cloud drive. Distribute the settings with check marks.

The blacklist should be configured in the “Junk mail” tab. For your convenience, there are many options for filtering your correspondence. For example, by clicking on the "Blocked Senders" section, you can put the annoying user's name or domain, and his messages will not bother you anymore.
In the same way, configure the "Filters and Reports", "Safe Senders" section by prioritizing.

A large section “Calendar” will help you to customize your reminders, calendar format, weather forecast in detail. It all depends on how you will be comfortable using this menu.

Please note that when setting up sections, for example, the weather, after selecting one or another parameter, you need to click on the "Save" button at the very top of the page.

To top it off, click on the many squares icon in the site header on the left. This field will open up a whole set of Outlook mail tools for you and allow you to set up accounts for other services, such as Skype.

The whole process of prioritizing and setting options in email from Microsoft takes a lot more time and steps, but after that you get a personalized service that meets all your needs and wants.

The safety of working in Microsoft Outlook 2003 and 2007 can only be guaranteed if it is installed on a computer running Windows XP SP3, Vista, 7, 8, 10. If the operating system version is lower Windows XP SP3, it is not safe to use it. We recommend that you install a newer version of your email client, such as Microsoft Outlook 2010, 2013 or 2016.

Configure via IMAP

via IMAP:

    • Email Address - The full name of your mailbox.
    • Account type - IMAP;
    • Incoming mail server -;

9. Go to the "Outgoing mail server" tab and check the box next to "The SMTP server requires authentication". Check the box "Same as incoming mail server".

10. For better protection of the data you send and receive with your email program, you need to enable encryption. To do this, go to the "Advanced" tab and in the drop-down lists opposite "IMAP server" and "SMTP server" select "SSL".

Make sure the IMAP server port is 993 and the SMTP server port is 465.

11. After all additional settings are made, click "OK".

13. To make the list of folders in the mail program similar to the list of folders in your mailbox, right-click on the name of the newly created account and select "Refresh folder list".

14. Now you need to specify the folder in which all messages sent from the mail program will be saved. To do this, go to "Service" - "Setting up accounts ...", as in paragraph 1, select the newly created account and click "Change". In the window that appears, click "Other Settings" and go to the "Folders" tab. Check the box next to "Select an existing folder" and in the proposed list select the "Sent Items" folder, click "OK" - the account is configured.

Configure by protocol POP3

To make settings for the mail program Microsoft Outlook 2003/2007 via POP3 protocol:

1. In the top panel, in the "Service" menu, select "Account Settings ...";

2. In the window that appears, click "Create ...";

3. Check the box "Exchange Server, POP3, IMAP or HTML" and click "Next";

4. In the window that appears, check the box next to "Manually configure server settings or additional server types" and click "Next";

5. Check the box "Internet e-mail" and click "Next";

6. In the "User Information" section, enter the following information:

    • Enter name - the name that will be displayed in the "From:" field for all sent messages;
    • Email address - the name of your mailbox.

In the Server Information section, enter the following information:

    • Account type - POP3;
    • Incoming mail server -;
    • Outgoing mail server (SMTP) -

Enter the following information in the "Login" section:

    • User - the full name of your mailbox in the format [email protected] ;
    • Password - the current password for your mailbox.

7. Check the box next to "Remember password" if you want the mail program to remember the password for the mailbox and not ask for it every time you try to download mail.

8. Click the "More settings ..." button;

9. Go to the "Outgoing mail server" tab and check the box next to "The SMTP server requires authentication". Check the box "Same as incoming mail server".

10. For better protection of the data that you send and receive with your email program, you can enable encryption. To do this, go to the "Advanced" tab and check the box next to "Requires an encrypted connection (SSL)", and in the drop-down list "Use the following type of encrypted connection" select "SSL".

Make sure the POP3 server port is 995 and the SMTP server port is 465.

11. If you want to leave messages downloaded by the mail program on the server, check the box next to "Leave copies of messages on the server".

12. After all additional settings are made, click "OK".

Change SSL settings

Please note: the safety of working in Microsoft Outlook versions 2003 and 2007 can be guaranteed only if it is installed on a computer runningWindows XP SP3, Vista, 7, 8, 10. If the operating system version is lower than Windows XP SP3, then it is not safe to use it. We recommend that you install a newer version of your email client, such as Microsoft Outlook 2010, 2013 or 2016.

To configure your Microsort Outlook 2003/2007 mail program over the secure SSL protocol:

If the above settings are already set in your mail program, then no changes are required.

If you have any problems with setting up your mail program, use our

Over the years, the epistolary method of communication has turned from a paper form to an electronic one. There are 200 postal services on the Internet through which users communicate and send data via email. Each online mailer has its own structure and individual interface, but along with this, programs have been developed that work with mail without a browser. The question arises of how to correctly create an external email address in a computer program. An example of setting up - Outlook will help you answer it.

Local mail client

On the Internet, software developers offer users a choice of software that acts as an electronic client. Each local mailer has an individual interface and useful features. But is it worth burdening the computer with programs if they are available for browser use? Yes! The proof of this is the clients of Microsoft Outlook 2013 and Outlook Express. Itself in Outlook usually does not take long for users.

A person usually has two or three email addresses that they regularly use, but these accounts are registered on separate online services. Of course, it is allowed to operate with one mailer by setting up personal mailboxes on it. But in this case, the external service does not guarantee that the letter with a foreign domain name will be sent correctly.

The Outlook interface is designed for users regardless of the level of computer skills, therefore, setting up an online resource is considered on it. An example of an external service is the online mailer

What you need to set up - Outlook

Before starting directly to work, it is worth checking:

  1. Account registered on the website.
  2. Installed Outlook.

If the MS Office package was previously present, the mailer will be found among the list of standard software. Outlook 2013 or Outlook Express can be downloaded as a separate component

in Outlook 2013

3. Select the connection protocol.

4. Specify user parameters and server information.

It should be borne in mind that for IMAP the incoming mail server is; for POP3 -

Instructions for Express -

1. In the "Service" tab, go to "Accounts".

2. "Add" button, then "Mail":

3. The data for the outgoing and incoming servers are indicated:

5. When the configuration of the Outlook - account is completed, you need to open the "Properties" of this account.

6. In the "Advanced" tab, enter the ports for receiving and sending letters.

7. Allow downloading folders from the specified servers.

8. Accounting is set up.

What nuances should you pay attention to

When setting up - Outlook, problems may arise that are easy to fix. The main thing is to follow some rules:

1. The account is indicated by its full name, including the doggy icon and the domain ([email protected]).

2. The username of the recipient of the mail in the "From:" line can be different, it does not have to be the first and last name of the sender.

3. Carefully check the input of the ports of the incoming / outgoing server.

4. To copy the information received by the local mail client to an external resource - uncheck the "Delete copy from server ..." box.

Having installed the local Outlook mailer and configured - Outlook, the user can receive and send messages, and a number of additional functions appear.

1. It will become easier to manage the account of an external mailer.

2. Message filtering is set for a separate sender; on the subject of the letter; a single word or subject line.

3. Archiving messages and further processing is much faster.

4. The contents of the folders are organized according to your preferences.

6. Local mailer will help you organize and plan your working day thanks to the calendar. This feature allows the user to create a schedule and set reminders.

7. Address book "Outlook" can be synchronized with mobile operating systems by transferring contacts to or from your phone. In addition, business cards are created in the address book for each participant, indicating the location, company, phone number, and more.

8. The "Outlook" message system allows sending and receiving

4. Fill in the fields:

Enter your name
E-mail address Your mailbox name
Account type IMAP
Incoming mail supervisor
Outgoing mail server
User Your mailbox name

6. Click the "Outgoing Mail Server" tab.

7. Check the box next to "The SMTP server requires authentication".

8. Select "Sign In Using" and enter a valid username and password for the mailbox.

9. Click on the "Advanced" tab.

10. In the drop-down lists "Use the following encrypted connection" for the IMAP server and SMTP server, select "SSL".

Make sure the IMAP server is port 993 and the SMTP server port 465.

11. After all additional settings are made, click "OK".

To make the list of folders in the mail program similar to the list of folders in your mailbox, right-click the name of the newly created account and select "Refresh folder list".

Configure via POP3

1. Open Microsoft Outlook 2016.

2. Select "Manual configuration or additional server types" and click "Next".

3. Select "POP or IMAP" and click "Next".

4. Fill in the fields:

Enter your name The name that will be displayed in the "From:" field for all sent messages
E-mail address Your mailbox name
Account type POP3
Incoming mail supervisor
Outgoing mail server
User Your mailbox name
Password The current password for your mailbox

Check the box next to "Remember password" if you want the mail program to remember the password for the mailbox and not ask for it every time you try to download mail.

5. Click the More Settings ... button.

6. Go to the "Outgoing mail server" tab

7. Check the box next to "The SMTP server requires authentication" and select the "Same as the server for incoming mail" box.

For better protection of the data you send and receive with your email program, you need to enable encryption.

8. Click the "Advanced" tab.

9. Check the box next to "Require encrypted connection (SSL)", and in the drop-down list "Use the following type of encrypted connection" select "SSL".

10. If you want to leave messages downloaded by the mail program on the server, check the box next to "Leave a copy of messages on the server".

11. After all additional settings are made, click "OK".

Filtering spam

After configuring Outlook, set the junk email options.

If you find a spam email in your Inbox, open the email, in the Delete group on the Home tab, click Junk and select Block Sender. In the future, letters from him will immediately go to spam.

If you find a regular email in spam, open the email, in the Delete group on the Home tab, click Junk, and select Never Block Sender. In the future, letters from him will immediately go to the Inbox.

Change SSL settings

The program is configured using the POP3 protocol

3. Check the "Require encrypted connection (SSL)" checkbox and select "SSL" from the "Use the following encrypted connection type" drop-down list.

Make sure the POP3 server is port 995 and the SMTP server port 465.

The program is configured using the IMAP protocol

1. Click "More Settings ...".

2. Go to the "Advanced" tab.

3. In the "Use the following encrypted connection type" drop-down list for the SMTP server, select "SSL".

Check that port 465 is specified for the SMTP server.

If your email program already has the above settings, you don't need to make any changes.

If you have any problems with setting up your mail program, use our

The most common among them is Outlook.

The mentioned manager was so widespread thanks to the components that are part of the Microsoft Office suite.

It is an efficient and easy-to-use email account manager. Its use greatly improves the usability of emails.

Using Outlook significantly improves the efficiency of working with e-mail:

  • All mailboxes are viewable and can be edited in one program;
  • Dynamic update allows you not to miss an important letter;
  • Sorting by priority and other parameters orders the large volume of incoming messages;
  • The ability to send messages by means of the client of the program makes the correspondence more efficient;
  • Backing up received and sent messages neutralizes the consequences of force majeure.

And this is just a small part of the useful features of the program. If you need to efficiently manage large volumes of email, then installation is inevitable.

Operating system compatibility

Many versions of the program have been released since 1997. The following table will help you to correctly determine the compatibility of the program version and the operating system:

Mail client version

Windows version

95 98 Me Xp Vista 7 8
+ + + - - - -
+ + + + - - -
Outlook 2000 (9) - + + + + - -
Outlook 2002 (10, XP) - - + + + + -
Office Outlook 2003 - - + + + + -
Office Outlook 2007 - - - + + + +
Office Outlook 2010 - - - - + + +
Office Outlook 2013 - - - - - + +

There are also several versions of the program for Mac OS. Versions from 2000 to 2010 in MS Office: mac replaces Entourage. Outlook was returned to the eleventh version of the office for Mac OS.

Configuring the Outlook Express mail client

Advice: If the program is already installed and you need to add another mailbox, then the actions are as follows: go to the "File" menu, in the upper left corner of the screen, in the drop-down menu item "Information", in it click on "Add account".

Simply filling out this form is not enough for the service to work properly.

Therefore, you need to check the box next to "Manually configure server settings or additional server types", as shown in the illustration above.

The next window offers three options for connecting a new service:

Correct connection of existing e-mail addresses is possible only with the first "Internet e-mail".

It is selected by default, so there is only a click on the "Next" button.

In the form that opens after this, the main part of the attachment of the first or additional

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