How to enter boot options windows 10. Disable accounts. Entering Safe Mode through the system configuration window

Hello! Can't figure out what Windows and the girl with the tongue have to do with it? - in the photo, Microsoft with its Windows 10 at the moment when you decided to get into Safe Mode by pressing F8 when the system boots. Until now, this fact remains a mystery to me, why did they do it? - what drove them at the moment when they came up with this innovation? Today I will tell you how to enter safe mode in Windows 10, as it turned out, this topic is worthy of a separate article and I cannot tell you all this in a nutshell.

When you run your copy of WIndows 10 in safe mode, then the system boots minimum user interface and the services and drivers required for operation (which are simply necessary to start the system, everything superfluous is simply ignored)

How to enter Windows 10 Safe Mode? - Why has everything changed ...

All kindly remember Windows 7 with its ability to start in safe mode via the F8 key at computer startup. but given opportunity is also present in Windows 10 - but this option does not work for everyone. The official Microsoft answer on this issue explains why this is happening ... this behavior is caused by very fast loading systems - Windows 10 just doesn't have time to detect keystrokes.

If you have an old computer and do not use SSD drive, then you may be able to enter Safe Mode on Windows 10 (but this is not certain)

System Configuration Tool (msconfig.exe)

Probably the most convenient and easiest way to boot Windows 10 in Safe Mode is to use the System Configuration tool built into the system. Many people know this tool by its executable filename - msconfig.exe

An incredibly fast launch of "System Configuration" can be done using the "Run" window. To do this, simultaneously press the key combination WIN + R on your keyboard ... then enter msconfig in the "Open" field and click OK.

Another way to open the tool we need is to use the smart search built into the Start menu. In the search box on the taskbar, enter "System Configuration" and select the desired item from the search results.

In the "System Configuration" window that opens, go to the "Boot" tab and in the "Boot parameters" block, check the " Safe mode”And click OK.

Windows 10 will tell us that we need to restart our computer for the changes to take effect. If you still need a computer, we can postpone the restart and do it at any time convenient for you. If you do not have classes on your PC, then click "Restart" and your computer or laptop will automatically restart in safe mode.

After rebooting, the system will automatically start in safe mode - this is immediately understandable by an application error (this EDGE cannot start in Safe Mode and swears)

The method is one of the simplest, but I do not use it often - I prefer a slightly different one, we will talk about it below

The next way (which I use myself) is using the Shift + Restart combination. Open the start menu and click on the power button. Then hold down the "Shift" key on the keyboard and click "Restart"

Please note that this combination also works on a blocked login - just repeat the steps that you took a little earlier.

Before the final reboot, Windows 10 will ask you to clarify the reboot parameters - we are interested in "Troubleshooting" - " Extra options"... in the section that appears, select" Boot options "

What can you choose in the "Download Options" ?! We see the fourth in the list "Enable Safe Mode" - this is exactly what we need. Click Restart.

After a reboot, you can independently choose which boot options you want to enable ... among them, of course, there is "Safe Mode".

The appearance of this window may differ for you - it depends on the version of the Windows 10 bootloader. If you have a list of parameters on a blue background, just press the number corresponding to the activation of safe mode

Windows Settings app - access recovery options

To get into Safe Mode in Windows 10 there is another option with recovery options that are available in the app " Windows settings". Open these settings in the Start menu (WIN + I) and go to the Update & Security section.

On the left side of the window select "Recovery" and on the right under "Special boot options" click the "Restart now" button.

After restart windows 10 you will need to produce similar actions as in the second paragraph of this note, namely "Troubleshooting" - "Advanced options" - "Boot options". Then press 4 or F4 to start the system in safe mode, 5 or F2 to boot into safe mode with LAN support ...

Windows 10 installation kit and command line

If you have installation disk Windows 10 or similar bootable USB stick (or you can create it now)then you can use this tool to boot your Windows 10 PC on board in Safe Mode. To create an installation windows disk 10 follow the instructions from the manual:. Then boot from it and wait for the environment to start windows installations... Select language and keyboard layout and click "Next"

No, we are not trying to reinstall Windows 10, we are interested in the "System Restore" item in the lower left corner of the window.

Click on (or tap the screen if you have a touchscreen) paragraph "Troubleshooting"

Under "Advanced Options" select "Command Prompt" (command line can be used for advanced troubleshooting)

When the command line loads, enter the command ...

Bcdedit / set (default) safeboot minimum

... and press Enter on your keyboard. If you did everything correctly, after a while the message "Operation completed successfully"

Close the command line and on the screen that opens, select "Continue" (Exit and using windows 10)

After restarting your computer, your windows system 10 will automatically start in safe mode.

Abort the startup process of your Windows 10 computer

Windows 10 has interesting featureif it fails to start correctly three times, then the fourth time it starts automatic recovery by default. Using this moment you can boot into Safe Mode. As you may have guessed, to start this mode, we need to interrupt the Windows 10 boot process three times in a row - use the Reset or Power button on the case system unit or laptop while the system boots. When using the Power button, you still need to hold it down for at least 4 seconds to turn off the power.

When your Windows 10 PC enters recovery mode, the first thing you see on the screen is Preparing Automatic Recovery.

On the "Automatic Repair" screen, select "Advanced options" and everything is as in the second version of this guide - Troubleshooting "-" Advanced options "-" Boot options "...

The buttons 4-6 are responsible for loading safe mode, depending on the type of safe mode (with the command line or network drivers)

Conclusions and thoughts on Safe Mode in Windows 10

Windows 10 is an incredibly fast boot operating system, so going to Safe Mode might not work the way it did on older Microsoft operating systems ... but this parsley from the days of Window 8 and therefore on 8-10, entering the safe mode is identical. If you know of other methods, then be sure to write about it - we will definitely update this guide.

P.S. After some methods, the computer will always start in safe mode ... no matter which method you used, but to start in normal mode - look at the first method in the list of this note and just uncheck the "Safe mode" checkbox - all the best!

The purpose of safe mode is to boot the system in a special mode with minimal use of drivers, utilities and settings. It is very often useful when you encounter any problems with your computer. This can be the neutralization of any viruses, search spyware, incorrect operation of the device driver or complete inoperability of the system up to a blue screen. In this manual, you can find several options for how to enter the secure windows mode 10 and how to disable it in some cases.

In earlier versions of operating systems, it was very easy to boot into Safe Mode by pressing the F8 key during boot. But for some reason, Microsoft decided to remove this feature.

How to enter windows 10 safe mode through the restart command

An innovation in the way the system switches to boot mode in safe mode is through the reboot command. In earlier Windows, this method did not exist and the developers very successfully came up with a key combination with the restart command.

Step 1: First, click on the "Start" button, then on shutdown and in the menu before clicking on "Restart" press and hold the Shift key. The system will automatically display a screen with options and a menu to select the boot method.

With the Shift key held down simultaneously, we reboot the system

Step 2: On the first screen, click on "Diagnostics".

Step 3: In the second screen, select the "Advanced options" menu item.

Step 4: On the Advanced Options screen, go to Boot Options.

Select download options

Step 5: Confirm the reboot to boot the system in special mode to select the safe mode method.

Step 6: After rebooting, you will see a screen with options. To select one of the types of safe mode, press the F4, F5 or F6 keys. They correspond to menu parameters 4, 5 and 6, respectively. It is to them that the safe mode corresponds to Windows 10.

Turn on Safe Mode in the system configuration utility

Exactly the same as in previous versions operating systems (Windows 7 and Windows 8), running windows 10 in safe mode is possible through the system configuration service.

Step 1: Press the keyboard shortcut on windows keyboard + R and enter "msconfig" to run the configuration utility. After pressing Ok or Enter, the system configuration window should start.

Step 2: At the top of the tabs go to "Download". This tab is where you configure the boot parameters operating system... The first thing to do is to select the operating system for which you want to set the safe mode boot parameters. If you have multiple operating systems, select the one you need. In the boot options, enable "Safe Mode" and select "Minimal" in the options. Minimal is to start standard boot mode, Other Shell allows you to run the command line, and Network adds network support. In the "Timeout" options, set the time in seconds that will be set when the boot mode is selected before starting the operating system. If you want the Safe Mode boot option to be permanent, check the Make these boot parameters permanent checkbox.

Click "Ok" and restart your computer. After rebooting, before starting, the system will display two startup options. One is to boot Windows 10 normally and the other is to boot windows 10 in Safe Mode.

Using the command line

To quickly create Safe Mode Boot Mode, you can use the Command Prompt as an administrator and enter a command to create a new Boot Mode.

Step 1: Click on right click mouse on the "Start" button and in the list of commands start "Command line (administrator". This type of command line has the ability to make changes to the system, where you need administrator rights.

Step 2: Enter the command in the command prompt window:

bcdedit / copy (current) / d "Safe Mode"

This command creates under "Boot" in the system configuration additional option windows startup, which will be called "Safe Mode".

Step 2: Reboot the system and at startup select the second option to launch "Safe Mode". This boot method selection option will always be present before launch.

Step 3: To disable safe mode on windows 10, you need to run the system configuration utility. To do this, press the Win + R keys and enter the "msconfig" command.

Step 4: As you can see, the system now has a permanent option to select the type of download. To remove, select this entry and click "Delete". After this option, the boot selection in safe mode is disabled.

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If you started using Windows 10, you may have noticed that Safe Mode does not turn on, that is, the "old methods" of booting into Safe Mode no longer work. By this I mean, pressing the safe mode keys F8 or Shift + F8 during windows boot... These buttons have stopped working normally as windows 10 boot procedure has changed and is faster than ever. But this does not mean that Windows 10 does not have Safe Mode, to get to it, you have to follow other methods. Let's take a closer look and see how you can boot into Safe Mode in Windows 10.

Quick jump to the required item

Safe Mode in Windows 10

Safe Mode makes it easier to diagnose by letting you figure out what is wrong. When you enter Safe Mode in Windows 10, the operating system loads the minimal interface, only the basic services and drivers necessary for its functioning, in this mode you can easily remove the program or driver that causes the system to crash.

Figure 1 - Desktop in Safe Mode

2 ways to boot into Safe Mode in Windows 10

1.Using the System Configuration Utility (Msconfig.exe)

One of the most simple ways Booting Windows 10 in Safe Mode is to use the "System Configuration" tool.

Most quick way Launching System Setup in Windows 10 will bring up the Run window. To do this, simultaneously press the keys on the keyboard + R. Then enter MSCONFIG in the text box and press the Enter key or the OK button.

Figure 2 - Run window

You can also open system configuration tools using Cortana. In the search box from the taskbar, enter the query "system configuration", and then select the appearing application in the search results.

Figure 3 - Running "system configuration" through Cortana

In the system configuration window, go to the "Boot" tab and check the box next to the "Safe Mode" item as shown in Figure 4 with the direction arrows. Then click on the "OK" button

Figure 4 - System configuration

Windows will tell you that you need to restart your computer for the changes to take effect. Select the item "Exit without rebooting" if you have open applications or not saved documents.

2.Using the combination Shift + reboot

Another no less difficult way, boot windows 10 in safe mode is to use the combination Shift + Restart.

  • Open the start menu and click on Shutdown
  • Hold down the Shift key on the keyboard and select the restart item in the drop-down list

Figure 5 - Shift + Restart Combinations

Please note, this method can also be used on the Windows 10 login screen... The actions are the same, hold down the Shift key and click on the "restart" item

Figure 6 - Shift + restart combinations on the login screen

After Windows 10 reboots, you should see a blue screen with choices of actions, as in Figure 7 below, we need to select the Diagnostics item

Figure 8 - Additional parameters

Then we select the item "Download parameters"

Figure 10 - Reboot

After rebooting, a menu will open in which using the F1-F9 keys you can select required mode boot, or immediately press the F4 key to immediately load safe mode. If you did everything correctly, windows boot into safe mode as in Figure 1

Figure 11 - Boot menu

How to get into Safe Mode if Windows 10 won't boot

How do I get into Safe Mode? If Windows gives an error after updating or a blue screen appears? In this case, the methods described above will be useless. Next we will consider several options for how to do this.

By interrupting Windows boot

If you cannot get to the desktop and start the safe mode using the methods described above, you can do not in the safest and most recommended way, this will interrupt the Windows boot process several times, for this, while the computer is booting, press the Restart button (restart) if you have a laptop, just hold the power button. As a result, after several windows times will load a blue screen with download options. Then follow the instructions described above (in the paragraph boot parameters into safe mode)

Launch Safe Mode using the installation flash drive

As you already understood from the title, you will need an installation flash drive or a disk with windows 10. If you do not have one, then skip this point and read on.

And so, to start booting the computer from installation flash drive, you need to set in BIOS (BIOS) boot device your USB stick. In most cases, you can simply press F12 before booting your computer and select a boot method. If not, look for instructions specifically for your BIOS.

After you have booted from the installation flash drive, you will see a window as in Figure 12 below. Just click next

Figure 12 - Window with the choice of language parameters

Then you will see a window with the "Install" button. As in the picture below Here you need to click on the "System Restore" link, which is located at the bottom of the window on the left side. Click on this link

Figure 13 - Window with the "Install" button

Next, a menu will open on a blue background, as described above (in the section boot parameters into safe mode), select the item "Diagnostics"\u003e "Additional parameters" and "Command line"

Figure 14 - Command line

This will open the command line application. as shown in Figure 14 above. Next, we enter the command:

bcdedit / set (globalsettings) advancedoptions true

And press the Enter key. Then close the command line and select the menu item on blue screen "Proceed". As a result, the computer should restart. And already we boot the computer not bootable USB drive, but in normal mode. If everything is done correctly, then the boot options menu should appear on the screen.

It is important that after you have entered this command, the boot options will be displayed every time you turn on the computer, so that disable loading safe mode (boot parameters), you need to repeat the steps above but use the following command:

bcdedit / deletevalue (globalsettings) advancedoptions

Launch Safe Mode by creating a windows 10 recovery disc

For this method you need the following: A working computer with windows 10 and a flash drive (at least 512 MB). And so we launch the application "Create a recovery disk" To do this, you can use the search bar "Cortana" as described above, enter in the search field, then run the application that appears. Then follow the instructions of the Create Disk Wizard as shown in Figure 15 below (click next)

Figure 15 - Creating a recovery disk

After you have created a system recovery disc, use it as a boot device (put your disc in the BIOS as the first boot device)

Figure 16 - Boot from the system recovery disk

In the first screen you will be asked to select a keyboard layout, select "Russian". Then follow the instructions described above (in paragraph

You can launch the System Configuration utility using the built-in search taskbar. Just enter your request and click on the most top line in search results. In the window that appears, go to the "Download" tab and check the "Minimum" item. Confirm your choice by clicking on the "OK" button. You will see a dialog box asking if you want to restart your computer right now. With your consent, Windows 10 will boot into Safe Mode.

Method 2. Command line

Experienced users should remember that you can boot the system in safe mode by holding down the F8 key when starting the computer. However, in Windows 10, this feature was disabled to speed up system startup. To fix this "improvement", you only need to enter one command at the command line.

  1. Right-click on "Start" on the taskbar and select "Command Prompt (Admin)" from the menu that appears.
  2. Enter the following command in the Command Prompt window: bcdedit / set (default) bootmenupolicy legacy
  3. Press Enter. Close the terminal window and restart your computer. Now, when you press the F8 key during system startup, the boot method selection dialog should appear again.

If in the future you want to return everything as it was, then this can be done using the following command:

Bcdedit / set (default) bootmenupolicy standard

Method 3. Special boot options

This method does not require any tricks from you and seems to be on the surface. However, how many can boast that in the wilds windows settings 10 discovered this on their own useful opportunity? So I decided to include this loading method in the article too.

So, open the "Start" menu, click on the "Settings" link, and then proceed to the address: "Update and Security" → "Recovery" → "Special boot options". Click on the "Restart Now" button. You will then be taken to the Select Action screen. It offers three options, of which we are interested in the item "Diagnostics".

On the next screen, click the "Advanced Options" button, and then "Boot Options". At the end of this long path, we are waiting for the desired option called "Enable Safe Mode". By the way, this journey can be significantly shortened by simply holding the Shift key while clicking the Shut Down command in the Start menu.

Entering Safe Mode on windows computer 10 may cause some difficulties for users. The fact is that pressing the familiar F8 key (or another key depending on the device manufacturer) during the boot process may no longer launch the troubleshooting mode.

There are several ways to boot in Safe Mode. Some of them are simple, while others are more suitable for advanced PC users. Advanced users will appreciate special commands that can be used in scripts and batch files (.bat) for easy launch of Safe Mode.

1. The easy way

The easiest way to reboot the system in Safe Mode is to click the Start menu, go to the power management options, and hold down the Shift key and click the Restart link. This will restart the computer and display the Advanced Options screen while the operating system boots. On this screen, select a section Troubleshooting\u003e Advanced Options\u003e Boot Options\u003e Restart.

After that, you will be able to select the necessary boot options in Safe Mode.

The Advanced Boot Options screen also appears automatically if the system fails to boot after several attempts.

2. Manual start

If the first method seems too easy for you, then you will probably like the manual method. Start the classic System Configuration application by clicking on the Start menu and typing msconfig.exe... Then go to the tab. Enable the option Safe mode and, if necessary, select one of the available environment options: Minimal, Other shell, Active Directory Restore, or Network. Please reboot.

To exit Safe Mode, repeat the steps above and disable the Safe Mode option. The next time you reboot, the system will boot normally.

3. For advanced users

To boot in Safe Mode, you can use the command line or Windows PowerShell... Run Command Prompt or Windows PowerShell as an administrator (right-click on the Start menu, select Command Line (Admin) or Windows PowerShell (administrator)) and enter the following command:

Shutdown / r / o

Your system will reboot and a boot options screen will appear during boot. Please select Troubleshooting\u003e Advanced Options\u003e Boot Options\u003e Restart.

4. For the most advanced

This is the most difficult method - it uses commands that must be used from the command line as an administrator.

To run an elevated command prompt, press windows key , enter cmd.exe, pinch shift keys + Ctrl and select the application Command line.


It is important to keep in mind that when using these commands, the system will boot into Safe Mode an infinite number of times. To exit the boot loop in Safe Mode, use a separate command (listed below).

If you are using additional ways login (for example, pin code), after entering the command to log in, you will need to use the password from the account microsoft records or a password for a local account.

Run Command Prompt and enter the following command if you want to enter Safe Mode with standard parameters:

Bcdedit / set (default) safeboot minimal

If you need to enter Safe Mode with Networking:

Bcdedit / set (default) safeboot network

After applying the above commands, reboot the system.

5. Boot type selection mode as in Windows 7

There is another command available that allows, after a reboot, when you press the F8 key, to enter the standard boot type selection mode, as in Windows 7:

Bcdedit / set (default) bootmenupolicy legacy

After entering the command, the boot selection mode will turn on just after pressing the F8 key before starting the system, and not constantly, as in the previous commands.

To return to Windows 10 Standard Boot Mode, start Command Prompt in Safe Mode and enter the command:

Bcdedit / deletevalue (default) safeboot

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