Transparent start menu windows 10. Similar actions through the "Control Panel"

Surely, you are wondering what it is, since this kind of setting looks like operating system looks much better than the usual version of the taskbar with a small percentage of transparency. For this reason, we are just going to tell you about a couple of very simple, but very cool ways to make the taskbar exactly the kind of transparency that you need.

Method number 1

Open the registry editor of the Windows 10 operating system -\u003e follow this path: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \\ Software \\ Microsoft \\ Windows \\ CurrentVersion \\ Explorer \\ Advanced -\u003e now, you need to create a new 32-bit DWORD parameter -\u003e the new parameter should get the name "UseOLEDTaskbarTransparency" and the value "1".

Here, you will have to use the Windows 10 registry tweak, since initially, you need to go to the "Personalize Colors" settings section and check that the switch "Make the Start menu, taskbar and notification center transparent" is in the "On" position. ...

If, for some reason, transparency was not immediately applied, you need to restart "Explorer" or the entire operating system.

Method number 2

AT this way the utility "TranslucentTB" will be used, which in our opinion is very simple and practical, at least for the reason that it does not even require installation.

Everything is very simple here, since you just need to download the TranslucentTB utility -\u003e launch its executable file -\u003e make sure that the taskbar has become transparent.

It should also be noted that the work of this utility will be completed only with the help of the "Task Manager" and after that, in order to restore the previous appearance of the taskbar, you just need to restart the explorer. Immediately, we note that when using this utility, you will also have to use the settings in the "Colors" subsection (described in the previous method), since without them, the utility still does not make the taskbar 100% transparent.

Method number 3

In this method, we will use the TaskbarTools utility, but it should be understood that it has slightly different characteristics that allow you to see not only how it looks transparent taskbar in Windows 10, but also some of its other color variations, which also looks very cool and maybe some of you will definitely like it.

After you download the TaskbarTools utility -\u003e run it (the utility does not require installation), you can see that it has about five modes of operation:

Disabled - completely black and completely opaque background;

ENABLE GRADIENT - arbitrary color from black to white;

Enable TRANSPARENT GRADIENT - semi-transparent fill of arbitrary color;

ENABLE BLURBEHIND - any percentage of transparency regardless of the color used;

INVALID STATE - 100% transparency.

Despite the fact that the utility has a fairly large number of advantages, there is still a disadvantage and it lies in the fact that transparent taskbar in Win 10 often, it does not always appear right away, and sometimes you will need to restart Explorer.

More and more users are switching to updated Windows 10, and previous ways how to make the taskbar transparent in Windows 10, not all work, so in this article you will learn how to make the taskbar transparent windows 10. Since a really transparent taskbar looks prettier. And it is more pleasant to use it. I will show you several methods, ranging from the most convenient ones to installing third-party software.

Method 1. Enable transparent Windows 10 taskbar in Settings

First, I'll show you how to make the taskbar transparent in Windows 10 after updating to Creators Update version 1703 and newer.

And also if you don't know how to change the color of the taskbar, then:

  1. In the same window we find the category Display the color of elements on the following surfacesand check the box In the start menu, taskbar, and action center.
  2. Now, in the same window above, uncheck the box Automatic selection main background colorand below in the color palette you can choose the one you want.

If you have not yet had time to update to Windows 10 Creators Update, then all actions are the same only instead of the slider Transparency Effects look for Make Start Menu, Taskbar and Action Center Transparent... All changes are applied immediately and this is a big plus of this method.

Method 2. How to make the taskbar transparent in Windows 10 through the registry editor

As with most things, you can change any setting using Registry Editor. In this method, I will show you how to enable transparency of the taskbar using the registry editor. This method is not very convenient, because you will need to restart Explorer or just restart the system.

Method 3. Make the taskbar transparent using third-party software

To change the external windows view 10 there are many programs. I will show you one, as it is not so heavy and more or less comfortable for me.

You can try other modes if you like. Partial transparent, transparent, normal and dynamic modes are available to you. Therefore, if you want to return everything to default, then you need to set the mode Normal.

In this article, we figured out how to make the taskbar transparent in Windows 10 and how to change the color of the taskbar in Windows 10. I hope the article was useful to you and helped you understand the taskbar. Share the article on in social networks and write in the comments if you still know some ways to make the taskbar transparent.

Transparent Start in Windows 10, - this is, of course, overkill. There is no special benefit for the operating system, for example, speeding up its work ... Except to show off to friends. Although, there is a plus in gaining experience in Windows, its settings, principles of work. By making minor changes, you gradually understand how the OS works. Many do not try to delve into this and change the hidden Windows settings using special programs - they are called Tweakers. I prefer to do everything manually.

Before, how to change start, I recommend making a backup so that in case of failure you can roll back everything and return to control point... Although in this case there should be no problems, but this action will not be superfluous.

How to change the start menu

First, let's go to "Personalization", for this by first clicking on an empty space on the desktop with the right mouse button. There we go to the "Colors" section. Let's go down to the very bottom of the window that opens, where we will set the value shown in the screenshot below.

Next, using the hot keys + R, we call "Run", where we enter the regedit command, already known to everyone. And click on the "OK" button.

In the editor that opens, go to the next registry branch

HKEY_CURRENT_USER \\ SOFTWARE \\ Microsoft \\ Windows \\ CurrentVersion \\ Themes \\ Personalize

HKEY_CURRENT_USER \\ SOFTWARE \\ Microsoft \\ Windows \\ CurrentVersion \\ Themes \\ Personalize

Where are we going to EnableTransparencychange the parameter from 1 to 0.

That's all. The transparent Start menu is activated instantly. You can check it right away.

To return the settings to their original form, as you might guess, it is enough to change the parameters in EnableTransparency from 0 to 1.

Want to make the taskbar transparent in Windows 10? In this tutorial, we will consider two ways - to do it. By means of the system itself - using the "Settings" application and using third-party tools.

Transparency effects available in the settings section "Personalization" → "Colors", allows the taskbar to be a little more transparent (more like a blur effect), if the resulting transparency effect does not suit you, and you want to achieve 100% transparency of the taskbar, use Method 2.

Enable transparency effect in the Start menu and on the taskbar.

Method 1. Using Windows Settings.

  1. Open the app "Parameters"by clicking on the gear icon in the Start menu or by pressing the Win + I keyboard shortcut.
  1. Go to the next section "Personalization" → "Colors" and scroll down to the subsection "Other parameters".

  1. Move the switch slider Transparency Effects into position "On".

In the image, the panel does not look exactly the way it will look in reality.

Once this is done, you will immediately see the difference. You can, for example, enable "Automatic background color selection" and use additional colors. The transparency effect on the taskbar remains. Since the staff windows tools 10 the taskbar cannot be made more transparent, enthusiasts have released several tools that easily allow you to control appearance taskbar

Method 2. Using additional tools.

Below we will look at two tools.

Reddit user IronManMark20 created a tool that can make your taskbar completely transparent.

Offers you fine tuning the appearance of the taskbar. You can adjust the opacity and color, and customize the behavior (maximized window, Start menu, Search (Cortana), and Timeline), each of which has a customizable taskbar appearance to get a visually pleasing taskbar.

Description of TranslucentTB

  • Fluent, blur, transparency, color and opaque taskbar effect.
  • Customize the color of the taskbar using a set of colors.
  • Dynamic windows: Change the appearance of the taskbar when the window is zoomed in.
  • Dynamic Launch: Changes the appearance of the taskbar when you open the Start menu.
  • Dynamic Cortana: Change the appearance of the taskbar when you open Cortana or the search menu.
  • Dynamic Timeline: Change the appearance of the taskbar when you open the Timeline or Task View.
  1. Follow the link in the Microsoft Store and download TranslucentTB

  1. After downloading and installing, launch the application. As if by magic, your taskbar will become completely transparent, impressive.

On the right side of the panel you will find the program icon with which you can customize the appearance of the taskbar according to your preferences.

Another Reddit user Elestriel with a similar tool "TaskbarTools". This program is made in C # and also allows the taskbar to be completely transparent. The tool allows you to apply blur as well as change the color of the Taskbar. You can make it look like a panel in Windows 7.

The program has fewer settings and is not yet available in the store. You can download the archive with the program by clicking on the link to github.

When installing ACCENT_INVALID_STATE, the taskbar can be completely transparent, like in the screenshot.

Please note that these two programs are still under development and may include additional features and capabilities in future releases.

This is a small guide, I think Aero Glass fans will like it. Hopefully, Microsoft will use the ability to customize transparency without using additional programs in the future.

The transparency effect of the "Taskbar", which in the seventh windows versions was installed by default, many are still haunted. The Aero interface has become so popular that many users are trying to install it not only in the "seven", but also in other modifications, not counting Windows 7. How to make the "Taskbar" transparent? The description will be presented below. Some of the methods will be useful in earlier or later versions of a given OS.

How to make Windows 7 Taskbar transparent: preliminary steps

In Windows 7 itself, if it is not official, it will take several steps to ensure that the Aero interface (Aero Peek options) is supported.

To perform these actions, you need to call standard menu "Start" and through the same search system find performance settings and views (you can also use "Control Panel"). This is where the tab is selected visual effects, and if there is support, a "birdie" is simply set in front of the corresponding line.

How to make the "Taskbar" transparent in Windows 7 using system settings?

In the simplest case, you can use the default system settings. The question of how to make a transparent Windows 7 "taskbar" can be solved simply by setting the personalization parameters (the menu with a link to the settings is invoked by a right click in any free zone of the "Desktop").

There is a section for choosing themes. After determining one of them, you need to go to setting the color of the windows, where the transparency parameter will be present, which should be used.

Similar actions through the "Control Panel"

In the same way, the problem of how to make the "taskbar" transparent in Windows 7 can be solved by accessing these functions through the "Control Panel", called from the "Start" menu or from the "Run" console with the command control.

Here, the security section is used, where the system section is first selected, and then the additional settings are entered, after which the checkbox is set on the system properties tab, as described for the option presented above. This decision is completely similar to the above, but only access to desired function the settings are carried out, so to speak, by a workaround, which takes more time.

Additional third-party programs

The requirements of many users are not limited to only the seventh version of the system. Some rightly wonder how to make the Windows 7 and XP Taskbar transparent.

It is impossible to set such settings by own means in the "expish" or versions 8 or 10. Therefore, the most simple solution will be the use of so-called tweakers that allow you to manage the system or change its interface to suit your own needs.

For example, the AlphsXP Lite software package is designed specifically for XP-modifications, and the transparency is adjusted by setting the "birdie" on the corresponding line.

The TransBar application looks no less attractive, where a similar activation is used with the installation of an applet launch at system startup.

Previously, programs like Windows Blind were quite popular, but in relation to all cases of using third-party software, it should be said that such utilities are loaded along with the system, work in background and consume RAM (sometimes even quite a lot). A similar program can be seen in the system tray, where an icon will be displayed directly in the panel or in the section of hidden icons.

Instead of a total

Sometimes, in the question of how to make a transparent Windows 7 Taskbar, Internet resources can help, which have ready-to-load registry files (extension .reg) that can automatically change system personalization settings upon registration without user intervention. This is also easier, because editing the keys yourself is a completely thankless task, since you can accidentally make such changes that the whole system will refuse to work.

But among all the tools for systems other than the seventh, it is still better to choose third party programs (even for Windows 10, some modifications, where the ability to configure this particular parameter is available initially). Let them occupy a certain volume random access memory, this does not particularly affect the overall consumption of system resources.

If we draw conclusions, it should be said that in the "clean" windows systems seventh version to engage similar settings it makes no sense (they are already enabled by default). Unless you can change the degree of transparency in the personalization settings. In all other cases, it is better to use third party applications... And the choice is wide enough. As they say, who likes what. And this approach is completely justified even in terms of consumed system resources. However, if you install programs like Windows Blind in the minimum configuration that meets the OS requirements, you can easily get conflicts at the software level.

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