Windows 10 make the start menu transparent. Similar actions through the "Control Panel"

A lot of people using the "seven" as an operating system fell in love with it for its interesting visual effects. Transparent in OS Windows 7 is especially admirable. But let's see how to install it on the system, if for some reason it has changed its appearance or is simply disabled. It may very well be that a classic or contrasting view of the system is simply used, and they, as you know, do not support transparency.

How do I make the Windows 7 taskbar transparent using the Aero interface?

Let's start our consideration of this issue with the standard “seven” element, which, in general, is responsible for creating such an effect in the system. This is the so-called Aero interface.

Before starting to solve the problem, how to transparent panel tasks in Windows7, you need to make sure that one is present in the system, and then proceed to the basic settings.

So. To begin with, we use the right click anywhere in the desktop space and select the personalization item from the context menu that appears. A window will open showing a list of available Aero themes.

Choose the one you like and then go to the section "Window color settings". This section contains special parameter using the transparency effect, which you need to enable.

In addition, there is a slider at the bottom that allows you to easily adjust the color intensity level indicator. We expose required mode and save the changes made. As you can see, everything is simple.

Yes, if the desired effect is not achieved, you should check whether installed theme refers to the Aero interface. To do this, you need to find the presentation and performance settings through the Start menu (you can use the regular search), and then in the performance settings on the tab visual effects check the box next to the line to enable the transparency effect.

How to make Windows 7 taskbar transparent using Control Panel?

You can go, so to speak, and a roundabout way. Similar changes and settings can be made in

Here we need the section "System and Security", in which you first need to click on the link "System", then use the section additional parameters and, ultimately, get to the properties of the system. As with the presentation parameters, you will need to enable the transparency effect in the parameter settings window. It seems that such a solution to the problem of how to make a transparent Windows 7 taskbar is somewhat inconvenient, since it takes more time. And if the user of the computer terminal works under his account, and even access to the "Control Panel" is disabled by the administrator, this method is generally useless.

TransBar program

However, the question is, how to make a transparent Windows 7 taskbar, only using standard tools the operating system itself is not limited. Today you can find quite a lot software products to change rendering parameters graphical interface systems. Let's look at the category of these programs using the example of a small application called TransBar. This utility is perfect for the Home and Starter versions of the 7.

In the program itself, we are interested in three things. First, you need to check the box next to the transparency effect (Enable), then enable the Auto apply option and check the box next to the Run at Windows startup utility. The setting item names may differ depending on the software version.

Of course, the program will constantly "hang" in the computer's memory, nevertheless, it will not have a special effect on system performance.

AlphaXP app

Now let's see how to make the taskbar transparent in Windows XP. As is already clear, the presented program is designed specifically for this version.

Here, again, you will need to make the transparency effect available by placing a "birdie" opposite the Taskbar Transparency line, after which the effect itself can be adjusted.

In addition, you will need to click on the application icon in the system tray and select start with running Windows (Start with Windows) and minimized view (Start Minimized). As you can see, even the usual "expiration" can be reduced to the form of "seven". As in the first case, the program will be in memory, but it will use it to work in background very low percentage of system resources.


Here, in fact, we examined the main methods for solving the problem, how to make a transparent Windows 7 or XP panel. Of course, this is not the entire list of tools with which you can make such settings.

For example, many sites on the Internet offer special registration files for downloading, the launch of which can change the corresponding keys and settings in the system registry, but, I think, not every user will like this method, and guarantees that everything will work flawlessly. also no one will give. At least first, you need to at least check the file for viruses or malicious codes and create control point system restore, so that, in which case, you can roll back to a usable state.

Windows 10 has a feature on "Make Start, Taskbar and Action Center transparent", but using this feature adds an Aero Glass effect that blurs the background of the menu Start... We use the same option plus small settings in the editor windows registry 10 to make the menu transparent Start no blur effect.

In addition, you can return the normal transparency mode for the menu Start according to your needs. The screenshot below clearly shows that the menu Startit has transparent background... This is done through the settings in the registry editor.

Now look at the screenshot below, where you can see the transparent menu Start in the usual way. The background remains blurred.

So if you want to make a menu Start transparent without blur effect, you need to follow a few simple steps.

Step 1: Open up at Parameters.

Step 2: Menu contains section Colors, where to enable the option .

Step 3: Now open the registry editor in Windows 10 (you can type in the search bar for programs and filesregedit)and find the key Personalize... It is located: HKEY_CURRENT_USER \\ SOFTWARE \\ Microsoft \\ Windows \\ CurrentVersion \\ Themes \\ Personalize.

Step 4: Registry key Personalizecontains EnableTransparency a DWORD value. The default data value should be set to "1". You need to double click on this value and set the data value to "0".

Save changes and click on the button Start... You will notice that the menu Start became transparent, and the background remained clear.

Note: Setting the data value EnableTransparency to 0 will disable the option. Make Start, Taskbar and Action Center transparent... However, if you manually disable this option, the background will not become transparent.

Step 5: To return the menu Start transparency with blur effect, follow Step 2 and enable Make Start, Taskbar and Action Center transparent.


Using a transparent menu Start handy when you need to keep an eye on a background application, web page or folder placed behind the menu Start... Small change in the registry editor, and the menu Start Windows 10 will become transparent.

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Want to make the taskbar transparent in Windows 10? In this tutorial, we will consider two ways - to do it. By means of the system itself - using the "Settings" application and using third-party tools.

Transparency effects available in the settings section "Personalization" → "Colors", allows the taskbar to be a little more transparent (more like a blur effect), if the resulting transparency effect does not suit you, and you want to achieve 100% transparency of the taskbar, use Method 2.

Enable transparency effect in the Start menu and on the taskbar.

Method 1. Using Windows Settings.

  1. Open the app "Parameters"by clicking the gear icon in the Start menu or press the Win + I keyboard shortcut.
  1. Go to the next section "Personalization" → "Colors" and scroll down to the subsection "Other parameters".

  1. Move the switch slider Transparency Effects into position "On".

In the image, the panel does not look exactly the way it will look in reality.

Once this is done, you will immediately see the difference. You can, for example, include “ Automatic selection background colors ”and use additional colors. The transparency effect on the taskbar remains. Since the staff windows tools 10 the taskbar cannot be made more transparent, enthusiasts have released several tools that easily allow you to control appearance taskbar

Method 2. Using additional tools.

Below we will look at two tools.

Reddit user IronManMark20 created a tool that can make your taskbar completely transparent.

Offers you fine tuning the appearance of the taskbar. You can adjust the opacity and color, and customize the behavior (maximized window, Start menu, Search (Cortana), and Timeline), each of which has a customizable taskbar appearance to get a visually pleasing taskbar.

Description of TranslucentTB

  • Fluent, blur, transparency, color and opaque taskbar effect.
  • Customize the color of the taskbar using a set of colors.
  • Dynamic Windows: Change the appearance of the taskbar when the window is zoomed in.
  • Dynamic Launch: Changes the appearance of the taskbar when you open the Start menu.
  • Dynamic Cortana: Change the appearance of the taskbar when you open Cortana or the search menu.
  • Dynamic Timeline: Change the appearance of the taskbar when you open the Timeline or Task View.
  1. Follow the link in the Microsoft Store and download TranslucentTB

  1. After downloading and installing, launch the application. As if by magic, your taskbar will become completely transparent, impressive.

On the right side of the panel you will find the program icon with which you can customize the appearance of the taskbar according to your preferences.

Another Reddit user Elestriel with a similar tool "TaskbarTools". This program is made in C # and also allows the taskbar to be completely transparent. The tool allows you to apply blur as well as change the color of the Taskbar. You can make it look like a panel in Windows 7.

The program has fewer settings and is not yet available in the store. You can download the archive with the program by clicking on the link to github.

When installing ACCENT_INVALID_STATE, the taskbar can be completely transparent, like in the screenshot.

Please note that these two programs are still under development and may include additional features and capabilities in future releases.

This is a small guide, I think Aero Glass fans will like it. Hopefully, Microsoft will use the ability to customize transparency without using additional programs in the future.

Transparent Start in Windows 10, - this, of course, is overkill. There is no special benefit for the operating system, for example, speeding up its work ... Except to show off to friends. Although, there is a plus in gaining experience in Windows, its settings, principles of work. By making minor changes, you gradually understand how the OS works. Many do not try to delve into this and change the hidden Windows settings using special programs - they are called Tweakers. I prefer to do everything manually.

Before, how to change start, I recommend making a backup so that in case of failure you can roll back everything and return to the checkpoint. Although in this case there should be no problems, but this action will not be superfluous.

How to change the start menu

First, let's go to "Personalization", for this by first clicking on an empty space on the desktop with the right mouse button. There we go to the "Colors" section. Let's go down to the very bottom of the window that opens, where we will set the value shown in the screenshot below.

Next, using the hot keys + R, we call "Run", where we enter the regedit command, already known to everyone. And click on the "OK" button.

In the editor that opens, go to the next registry branch

HKEY_CURRENT_USER \\ SOFTWARE \\ Microsoft \\ Windows \\ CurrentVersion \\ Themes \\ Personalize

HKEY_CURRENT_USER \\ SOFTWARE \\ Microsoft \\ Windows \\ CurrentVersion \\ Themes \\ Personalize

Where are we going to EnableTransparencychange the parameter from 1 to 0.

That's all. The transparent Start menu is activated instantly. You can check it right away.

To return the settings to their original form, as you might guess, it is enough to change the parameters in EnableTransparency from 0 to 1.

Most people who use the "7" operating system mark it for its beautiful visual effects. Of particular admiration is the transparent taskbar in OS Windows 7.

Thus, you should consider how you can install it on the system, if by certain reasons it has changed its appearance or is simply turned off. It is quite possible that the classic or contrasting look of the system's graphical interface is simply involved. It is worth noting that they are not able to maintain transparency.

How to create a transparent taskbar in operating system Windows 7 while using the Aero interface?

We should start considering this issue with the standard component of the “seven”, which is responsible for creating this effect in the system. It's about the Aero interface. But first you need to make sure that such a tool exists in the system, and then you can proceed to the main settings. Thus, you need to click the right mouse button anywhere on the desktop. As a result, the screen will display context menu, in which you should select the personalization item. When the window opens, it will provide a list of the available Aero themes. It is enough to choose the theme you like, and then go to the section "Window color settings".

This section contains a special option for using the transparency effect. It is he who should be activated. There is also a slider at the bottom that makes it possible to easily adjust the value of the color intensity level. It is required to set the desired mode and save the received changes. As you can see, everything is quite easy and simple. When the desired effect is not achieved, you will need to check whether the installed theme actually belongs to the Aero interface. To this end, use the Start menu to search for presentation and performance settings. In addition, it is possible to apply a regular search. After that, in the performance parameters on the visual effects tab, check the box next to the transparency effect activation line.

How do I create a transparent Windows 7 taskbar using Control Panel?

It is proposed to go in a roundabout way. Such changes and settings can be made in the "Control Panel". In this case, you will have to use the "System and Security" section, where you first need to follow the "System" link, and then go to the additional parameters section. As a result, you need to get to the properties of the system. Similarly with the case with the presentation parameters, in the parameter settings window you will need to activate the transparency effect. It should be noted that the presented solution to the problem, which is how to create a transparent Windows 7 taskbar, is not very convenient, since it takes a lot of time. If the user of the computer terminal is working under his own account, that even access to the "Control Panel" is not possible due to the disconnection by the administrator, this method absolutely no good.

TransBar program

It is worth noting that the question related to how to make a transparent taskbar of the Windows 7 operating system is not limited exclusively to the use of standard tools of the OS itself. Today it is possible to find many software products designed to change the visualization parameters of the system's graphical interface. It is worth considering the category of these programs, taking a small application as an example. It's called TransBar. This program is ideal for the seventh version of the Home and Starter operating systems. In it, the user should be interested in three things. The following sequence of actions is performed:

1. The checkbox next to the transparency effect (Enable) is checked.
2. The Auto apply option is used in automatic mode.
3. The checkbox next to the Run at Windows startup field is checked.

The setting item names may differ depending on the software version. It should be noted that the utility will permanently reside in the computer's memory, but it will not significantly affect the system's performance.

AlphaXP Application Next, you need to consider again how to create a transparent taskbar in the operating room. windows system XP. In this case, the AlphaXP program is used, which is designed specifically to work with this OS version. Again, you'll have to make the transparency effect available. To do this, check the box next to the Taskbar Transparency line. Further, this effect is allowed to be regulated. It is also worth clicking on the application icon in the system tray, and then selecting start with Windows startup in the options. It looks like this: Start with Windows. As you can see, even an ordinary "expiration" can really be brought to the form of "seven". Similarly with the previous way, the program will "hang" in memory, but it uses a fairly low percentage of system resources to run in the background.

The article covered the main basic methods for solving the problem, how to make a transparent panel in Windows 7 or XP. Of course, these are far from all the means, when using which it is possible to perform similar settings... For example, most sites on the Internet provide special registration files for download. Their launch is able to change the corresponding keys, as well as settings in the system registry. True, most likely, not every user will like this method. In addition, no one will give a guarantee of failure-free operation. As a rule, you first need to at least scan the file for viruses or make a system restore checkpoint. This is necessary in order to make it possible to roll back to a healthy state.

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