The iPhone iPad android is different. What are the similarities between iPad and tablet? The difference between iPhone and iPad

In principle, all devices with an Apple apple on the case are similar in indirect purpose: they emphasize the status and solvency of the owner. To create an image, the difference between iPad and iPhone is minimal. However, in fact, it is difficult to imagine a person choosing between an iPad and an iPhone. it different types devices targeting different tasks... If their circle, outlined by the user, is clear, then the differences between the tablet and the smartphone can become the basis for preference.


iPad - an internet tablet made by Apple Corporation, presented as an upgradeable lineup. Current models run on the iOS operating system.

iPhone - a smartphone from Apple that combines the functionality of a communicator, phone and tablet in a compact body. To date, the manufactured models work under iOS control.


On the showcase, the difference between the dimensions of the devices is first of all striking. IPads are much larger than iPhones: you can't put a 9.7-inch device in your pocket. The iPhone, depending on the model, has modest screens, only 3.5-4 inches. Accordingly, its multimedia functionality is limited by the user's comfort when watching videos and graphics, surfing the Internet, reading and typing. The iPad, thanks to its screen size, is positioned as a complete replacement for a laptop and netbook.

If the size of the screen is not taken into account, then the functionality of both the iPad and the iPhone, especially in the new generations, is very similar. Resource-intensive iOS apps are both supported by hardware, despite the fact that clock frequencies processors in iPads are higher, and performance in tests can vary significantly. The first generations of iPhones used Samsung processors, while iPads are equipped with Apple's own processors. Flash memory in the iPad lineup reaches 128 GB, while the iPhone is limited to 64 GB.

The most important difference between an iPhone and an iPad is the inability to use the latter as a mobile phone in GSM networks. In some modifications, the iPad has a 3G module, which makes it possible to connect to the Internet through mobile operators, however, voice calls and SMS the traditional way you cannot send from a tablet.

The iPad, although equipped with two types of cameras, in last generation (article relevant for June 2013) lost the possibility of high-quality shooting to the iPhone: 5 megapixels versus 8 megapixels of the main module and 0.3 megapixels versus 1.2 megapixels front cameras... IPhone in a set communication interfaces there is USB 2.0, while the iPad supports such a connection only through additional accessories.

Conclusions site

  1. the iPad is larger - 9.7 inches diagonal versus the iPhone's maximum 4 inches.
  2. iPad is better adapted for multimedia tasks.
  3. iPhone operates on GSM networks and acts as a mobile phone.
  4. iPad demonstrates better performance.
  5. The maximum iPad configuration allows 128GB of flash memory.
  6. Last thing iPhone generation equipped with cameras of higher resolution.
  7. IPad doesn't have uSB interface 2.0.

Many novice users or those who do not understand modern technologiesdo not know what is the difference between a smartphone, an iPhone and an iPad. Basically, this situation occurs when a person needs to buy a new one mobile phone or he was advised to buy a tablet, for example, for work.

But at the same time, a person does not know what a smartphone is, what an iPhone is, how all this differs from an iPad and what device is intended for what. Therefore, within the framework of this article, we will try to simple language explain how all these devices differ, and which one is right for you!


From the very beginning, you should generally define a smartphone, iPhone and iPad.

Definition 1: A smartphone is a device whose main function is to make calls and send SMS messages, just like a regular mobile phone, but which has most of the capabilities personal computer.

These "personal computer capabilities", which are also present on a smartphone, include the following:

  • Viewing videos, films and photos;
  • Editing documents, including text documents, presentations, tables, and the like;
  • Games and various programs to manage your bank account, view the weather, maps, news and much more;
  • Internet browsing;
  • Communication programs (Skype, WattsApp and so on).

Also, using a smartphone, you can take videos and photos, after which using special programs all this can be edited. Surely, every smartphone user will be able to supplement this list with his own items.

Now let's move on to defining what an iPhone is.

Definition 2: The iPhone is the same smartphone, but it was developed by Apple.

Interestingly, the iPhone was the world's first smartphone. Therefore, for a long time these concepts were synonymous. Now there are a huge number of all kinds of smartphones from other companies, including Samsung, Xiaomi, Lenovo and others.

The main difference between the iPhone and all other smartphones is in the operating system - the iPhone has iOS, others mostly Android, although other options are possible, for example, Windows Mobile.

Interestingly, there is no consensus on which operating system is better, everyone has different opinions on this issue.

Definition 3: The iPad is a combination of a laptop and a smartphone, which is a tablet.

In fact, the iPad is the same iPhone but is much larger. So if the last iPhone, Apple iPhone 6s Plus has dimensions of 158.2 x 77.9 x 7.3 mm, then, for example, iPad Pro –305.7 x 220.6 x 6.9 mm.

That is, it is thinner but wider. iPad, like any smartphone, allows you to make calls and send SMS messages. But again, it has a huge amount of additional opportunitieswhich are also found on computers.

This includes viewing photos and videos, editing documents, as well as the pictures and videos taken, and much more.

IPhone and other smartphones

Today, the iPhone is the most "promoted" smartphone in the world. Indeed, Apple specialists pay great attention to advertising issues, thanks to which their products are still very popular in the market.

There are a lot of smartphones in the world that are much cheaper than the iPhone, but have best performance... Actually, it is precisely the huge attention to advertising that the iPhone is ahead of all other mobile phone models on the market.

Design by this phone nothing ordinary, the functionality is also standard, although many operations are performed with difficulty, which will be discussed further.

From the very beginning of the appearance of this type of technology, people began to use it as a status symbol, as an opportunity to show their worth. In terms of functionality, again, modern smartphones are head and shoulders above absolutely any iPhone. In any case, the iPhone is just "hyped"!

As for the functionality, you can consider this issue using the example of file transfer. Smartphones allow you to download information from anywhere and in any quantity.

Owners of iPhones have to count every penny, because all downloaded files will have to pay. With the transfer of files to and from a computer, there are also huge difficulties. The same applies to programs - if you buy one of the iPhone models, you will have to pay for everything. For Americans, for whom the iPhone is designed, this is very little money.

But for us, residents of the former USSR, this is very important.

It is also worth noting that smartphones can be used as a full-fledged GPS device, while iPhones have only integration with Google maps, which is absolutely incomparable in functionality. So, the iPhone is the same smartphone, only less functional, but more popular.

These two devices have a lot of similarities, including the aforementioned "hype". This is not surprising, because they are produced by the same Apple company.

But iPad is much better suited for all of the above tasks that a computer would normally do. This includes editing documents, watching movies and much more.

In fact, the iPad is closer to the computer, while the iPhone is closer to the mobile phone.

That is why things are much better in the iPhone with GSM networks... At the same time, you can install a lot more multimedia programs on your iPad.

Their other differences are as follows:

  • The iPad is bigger;
  • iPad is much more powerful;
  • In order to make a call from the iPad, you need to perform certain manipulations, and on the iPhone this option is available by default;
  • On iPad, the camera has a lower resolution.

From the above, a simple conclusion can be drawn for those who choose between these two devices.

Advice: if you need a device to work with multimedia, buy an iPad, and if you need to make calls, then an iPhone.

iPad and smartphones

Basically, these two types of devices have the same differences as described in the previous subheading. But some models of smartphones still form quite a lot of competition with iPads, if we take multimedia as much as possible.

The same above Samsung Galaxy The S7 edge, which can be considered the best smartphone in the world today, has much more processing power than any iPad.

Accordingly, he copes with the tasks of image and video processing, and indeed with work on content, in principle, just fine.

Of course, the screen of any smartphone is much smaller, which can be difficult for people who work with multimedia. At the same time, iPads are much more expensive than smartphones, so this small drawback can be omitted.

Many users advise to buy good smartphonerather than spending money on an iPad. iPad will be in demand only if the user is not very good vision - the dimensions will allow you to see everything.

For a visual comparison of some models of iPhone and iPad, see on video below.

Today there are many people who are eager to buy a phone that will not only be able to receive incoming calls, but will also have a huge number of different functions. A problem arises for all applicants for such phones, and many do not even know how a smartphone differs from an iPod and what a smartphone iPhone is. It should be said that this issue is really important.

The answer that immediately comes to mind is that these two devices are smartphones, but the iPhone was released by Apple. In addition, there are many more differences between these two gadgets that should be paid special attention to.

What is the difference between the appearance of an iPhone and a smartphone

Consumers were able to see the Apple smartphone for the first time back in 2007. At that time, this gadget was quite attractive appearance, had many different functions that were decades ahead of its period of existence. With this phone, it was possible not only to keep in touch and answer text messages, besides this, the owner of such a novelty had the opportunity to easily review his favorite films and listen to audio tracks without leaving the Internet. Of course, such a device soon gained a large number of fans.

Competing companies could not help but notice the demand for such a gadget, and that is why, after a while, similar devices appeared on the market. And they were able to work on the android platform, which was the basis of all smartphones competing with iPhones in terms of the number of available functions.

From all of the above, we can conclude that, first of all, the difference between the devices is that they work on different bases... Let's figure out what a smartphone, iPhone, and iPad are.

With the first two, everything seems to be clear - the smartphone and the iPhone are one and the same device, only the manufacturers are different.

But what is an iPad? IPad is a tablet computer released famous company Apple.

Differences that can be seen under the cover of the device

You need to know that the device produced by Apple is one of the varieties of similar gadgets - smartphones. Perhaps this is the reason why it is difficult to find significant differences.

A smartphone is, first of all, a means of communication that combines various functions. And the iPhone is a kind of smartphone from the famous Apple company.

To date, five generations of this device have already been released, in addition to this, each of them has several varieties. Apple developers made iOS control system this model. This gadget combines many different functions that are indispensable for devices of this level.

What are the differences between the technical indicators of an iPhone and a smartphone

What is a smartphone, iPhone, iPad? If we consider this issue, then it should be said that the iPhone is not removed accumulator battery... At first glance, many consumers fear that they will have to turn to specialists for help quite often when a problem arises. But, in truth, this does not happen so often, because this gadget is of high quality and as a result, technical malfunctions rarely occur with it. Thanks to the strength of the case this device become even more reliable.

If we dwell in more detail on the question of how an iPhone differs from a smartphone, then it should be noted that one of the devices has a distinctive sign in the form of an image of a bitten apple. It goes without saying that this trademark is unique to Apple, so no other manufacturer is entitled to use it.

Apple representatives have decided that ordinary user the built-in memory will be enough, which is 64 GB in some models. The iPhone system is only capable of running on iOS. Other gadgets are capable of functioning on other platforms.

If you think about which of these gadgets is better or worse, then it should be noted that one of them is considered a variation of the second.

Then another question arises, what is the difference between a smartphone and an iPod, what is an iPhone and an iPod? So a Smartphone is a phone with a bunch of functions and capabilities, an iPhone is a smartphone from Apple, and an iPad is an Internet tablet also from Apple.

How often do you think about the differences between phone devices and how many differences can you list between them in order to boldly declare that I have an iPhone or a smartphone in my hands, or maybe an iPad? If you are not sure about the answer and want to know more than these communication devices differ, then in this article you will find the answer. For this, we will fix in detail: what is the difference between an iPhone and a smartphone and an iPad.

Finally, we will help you decide on the choice of buying a device, finding out which will be best for you: a smartphone, an iPhone or an iPad. So, first things first.

What is a Smartphone? The smartphone is the most widespread mobile phone in the world, based on the Android operating system developed by by Google. Mobile row smartphones has different manufacturers providing completely different quality of production.

What is iPhone? The iPhone is a smartphone made by Apple, based on advanced and high-tech iOS, and widely adopted due to the reliable quality of its manufacturer.

What is iPad? IPad is a smaller tablet version of a computer device with a built-in telephone connectionmade by Apple on an iOS basis, sought after for its advanced technology and quality. The iPad must be distinguished from the iPod.

Android smartphones are released by dozens of different companies from different countries. Among them, the most proven - Samsung, as well as Lenovo, HTC, Sony, Nokia, Motorola, LG and many other manufacturers.

It's no secret that android system constantly competes with Apple's iOS. But in truth, the latter is in many ways superior in quality and is more perfect, it does not have to be configured, and the firmware is installed directly from the manufacturer.

Android system requires personal settings user, she received many different forms and captivates with its not high cost. After all, for only 3-4 thousand rubles it is sold inexpensive smartphone... Perhaps it will not last long, will not have those functions and advanced technologies, high speed of work, but it will suit the part of the population that cannot afford to buy an expensive flagship Apple product.

Of course, not all android smartphones are of poor quality. An equally expensive and powerful competitor for Apple is samsung smartphones, which sometimes outperform iPhones in many respects, so Apple, while striving for excellence in quality, is forced to adhere to a competitive price for smartphones.

There are other operating systems, but globalists like Apple and Android practically pushed them out of the operating system market thanks to their technology and quality. Today, the share of android smartphones is 65% of the global device market, thanks of course to technology and quality. iPad and iPhone Apple occupy 24% of the market share of devices, and mobile phones on windows system occupy a very insignificant share of mobile devices.

What to choose: iPhone or smartphone?

No matter how we argue about the merits of smartphones and iPhones, there are things that you can hardly argue with - these are facts, so let's dwell on them in more detail. Of course, when we use the concept of smartphones, we will only mean top competitors, not the cheap range of mobile devices.

If we talk about the internal stuffing of the devices, then of course the top models of smartphones are in no way inferior to the iPhone, although earlier, to be honest, the iPhone occupied only leadership positions. Now, thanks to the improvement in the quality of smartphones of top competitors, their chances have leveled off, and in some ways smartphones are hopelessly going ahead.

If we talk about the capacity of the battery, then rather the preference is given today to top-end smartphones that have achieved visible results in terms of battery capacity, its service life, and the duration of the charge retention.

As for the sensor and buttons, there is more likely equality between smartphones and iPhones, since both provide the same display quality, clarity of button responses, although, as they say, the family is not without its black sheep: lags are found on many models. In addition, following the development of competitors in terms of display sizes, Apple had to abandon the 3.5 diagonal in favor of larger iPhones, so today the iPhone 7 Plus model has a 5.5-inch diagonal.

If we evaluate the software, then the android is inferior to the iPad its leadership positions, since Apple makes sure that the installed applications are tested and of high quality, while not allowing everyone into its system and not always for free.

What is the difference between iPad and iPhone

We will talk about two flagships from Apple, which are not competitors, since they were released by the same manufacturer and have different purposes. Still, an iPhone is more of a telephone device, its main meaning and purpose is to perform the functions of a telephone and mobile connection, compactness and convenience, therefore the company's task is to make it as lightweight, highly technical, competitive as possible, but at the same time to stick all the additional computer capabilities into it. Agree, the task is not easy.

Unlike the iPhone, the company, while developing the iPad, relied on a different purpose - creating a reduced copy of a computer that will be at hand, does not depend on wires and easily moves with you. The difference from a laptop is that the iPad is lighter and simpler, does not work with complex technical programs that require huge resources, but is designed more for entertainment and communication in life.

Over time, the dimensions of the largest iPhone have significantly approached the size of mini-iPads. For example, the 5.5 inch iPhone 6 released in 2014 is close to 7.85 inches iPad Minireleased in 2012. However, the largest iPhone weighs relatively less at 188 grams, while the smallest iPad weighs 298.8 grams. It is clear that now any iPhone much lighter than iPad.

In any case, it is inconvenient to constantly call from the mini-iPad - you can't put it in your pocket, and the battery charge will not be enough, because the larger the screen, the more resources are spent on maintaining it.

Otherwise, these two devices will hardly differ today. IPads and iPhones have the same functions, applications, however, the amount of memory, as a rule, is larger on iPads, but recently iPhones have equalized this indicator. The iPhone 7 Plus now has 256GB of storage, just like the iPad Pro.

An even bigger difference between iPads and iPhones is in screen resolution. Typically, iPhone models have lower resolution quality than recent iPad models. For example permission iPhone screen 7 Plus is 1334 x 750 pixels, while the resolution is iPad screen Pro 12.9 - 2732 x 2048 pixels. The difference, as they say, is obvious. Therefore, watching videos or playing toys will be more pleasant from the iPad, and the sound quality, thanks to the built-in powerful speakers, is much higher.

As for the operating system, the latest iPads and iPhones have the same high-performance iOS 10. Therefore, the characteristics of these devices are about the same.

Users often ask how the iPhone differs from the smartphone? The question is really interesting, although it was posed incorrectly - after all, the iPhone is also a smartphone. It's just that in recent years its name has become a household name, as, for example, in the case of a copier, because Xerox is the name of a company that, among other things, produces copiers.

Smartphone (from the English smartphone, that is, "smart phone") is a mobile phone that successfully combines the functions of a pocket computer. With it, you can not only call friends, but also play games, watch videos, listen to music, surf the Internet and much more.

iPhone Is a series of smartphones manufactured by Apple.

And what happens? And the fact that calling an iPhone a smartphone, you can't go wrong!

What's the difference between smartphones and iPhones?

Now let's talk about what makes the iPhone different from other smartphones.

Perhaps the first and most important thing is the operating system. Our site has already managed to tell about it. This operating system is interesting in that it is used exclusively on devices from Apple, so you will not find it on smartphones or tablets from other manufacturers. This is good on the one hand, but bad on the other. Good, because Apple is honing its operating system to shine, so it often works unlike other operating systems. And the bad thing is that it is impossible to install it, for example, on an LG phone.

The second important difference is the small model range. So, for a long time, Apple released only one model, which was later joined by the iPhone 5c. The same goes for the screen size, although in the sixth generation two devices came out at once - one with a screen diagonal of 4.7 inches, and the second with 5.5 inches. Now look at huge selection devices based on Android OS - the difference is fantastic. So if you don't like the look of the iPhone, you have little choice but to start looking at devices from other manufacturers.

As for the appearance, there is nothing unusual here. In the former years of Apple could shock appearance devices (remember, for example, the iPhone 4 with a glass back), but now it's a regular smartphone. Of course, it differs in the presence of expensive materials, but all this invariably affects the cost of the device. But on the back there is a corporate logo - a bitten apple.

IPhones lack a memory card slot. This, one might say, is a proprietary feature of Apple. Of course, you can always choose an iPhone with a large memory capacity, but the price difference will be several thousand rubles, while the cost of a fast and high-quality flash drive does not exceed a thousand rubles. However, in fairness, we note that now many manufacturers refuse slots for memory cards. Fortunately, not all.

Some of the disadvantages include non-removable battery in the iPhone. In our opinion, this should not be considered a disadvantage. First, in most modern smartphones It is impossible to replace the battery (except in the service), and secondly, it works for 2-3 years, while the average replacement period for a smartphone is only one year.

As for everything else, including characteristics, availability of applications, quality of shooting, etc., in this regard, the iPhone does not differ from other devices on android base or Windows Phone... What's better? It's up to you to decide. You can go to an electronics hypermarket and compare the iPhone to another smartphone you like.

Anyway, we found out that the iPhone is also a smartphone, which has its own characteristics.

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