Means usb. USB interface basics

This material is suitable for beginners and professionals. Some people are often worried about how to determine the type of USB port. This is especially difficult when all ports in a laptop are marked in black, although the specifications say that USB 3.0 and 2.0 are present. The truth is not written from which side.

This article will not only help you identify USB 3.0, but also try to distinguish a fake. The article will be short, but it will fully help you figure out what's what.

Define the type of USB port using Windows

Now I'll try to show everything programmatically, and then let's look at the ports themselves. Most of you know that USB ports have versions 1.0 , 2.0 and 3.0 ... There is already version 3.1, but it doesn't matter. To determine the type of USB port, you need to go to the Device Manager. In Windows 10, right-click on the start menu and select the appropriate item (or press the combination Win + X and do the same).

As soon as the window has opened, we look for the tab "USB Controllers" and open it. There we can see a lot of drivers for USB ports. If one of the devices contains the word "XHCI", then this is USB 3.0, everything else refers to USB 2.0.

Easy? Then let's move on to the next version of the definition.

How to determine the type of USB port by its appearance?

Let's start with the very first version - USB 1.0, now this option is practically not used in laptops, but it takes place in some mice and other devices. It looks like this:white port with 4 contacts - this is USB 1.0.

USB 2.0 usually painted black and also has 4 contacts inside. The second type is compatible with USB 1.0, but differs only in bandwidth. The second type is faster.

In this example, we examined a USB flash drive, but what does the connector look like, for example, in a laptop?This is how it looks:

Almost no different. An important point - some manufacturers can paint the same USB 2.0 in a different color, for example, orange. Of course, this does not affect the performance of the interface in any way.

USB 3.0 looks like blue port and has 9 contacts... Four are in front, the other five are behind. Take a closer look. Those at the back are slightly raised. If the material is blue, then it's definitely USB 3.0. Also, on some computers near the connector you can see the inscription "SS", which indicates the maximum data transfer rate (Super Speed).

Sometimes you can see USB 2.0, which is also blue, and how to understand that? As I said, developers can use any design. You can determine the type of USB by the number of contacts.

I would like to note that USB 1.0, 2.0 and 3.0 are compatible with each other, so you can safely use them as you like. For example, insert a USB 2.0 connector into 3.0, although the speed here will be at the level of 2.0.

So, to summarize, now I will once again describe the features of USB ports:

USB 1.0

  • White material;
  • Has 4 contacts.

USB 2.0

  • Made of black or blue material. Depending on the preferences of the developers, it can be any other color;
  • Has 4 contacts.

USB 3.0

  • The material is almost always blue, but black is also found;
  • Always 9 contacts - 4 in front and 5 behind.

That's all I wanted to tell you about determining the type of USB ports.

The technological process does not stand still. Modern models of various digital devices are strikingly different from their older counterparts. Not only their appearance and internal equipment has changed, but also the ways of connecting to computers and chargers. If even 5-7 years ago, many phones and even cameras did not have such an opportunity. But at the moment, absolutely every digital device can be connected to a personal computer or laptop. A phone, player, smartphone, tablet, camcorder, player or camera are all equipped with connectors that allow you to connect them to other devices.

But, as you can easily see, the connector is not the same. And the cord purchased with the phone for some reason cannot be used in conjunction with your favorite player. As a result, a bunch of cables accumulates, you are constantly confused in them and cannot understand in any way why it was impossible to make one wire suitable for connecting all devices. But, as you know, this does not happen. Although now there is a more or less standard connector, at least for smartphones, phones and tablets. And his name is micro-USB. What this miracle is and how it works, we will describe below.

Micro USB connector: what is it?

The two most popular connectors lately are mini and micro-USB. Their names speak for themselves. These are smaller and more practical designs that are used on small digital devices to save space and possibly for a sleeker look. For example, a micro-USB connector for a tablet is almost 4 times smaller than a standard USB 2.0, and considering that the device itself is several times smaller than a personal computer or even a laptop, this option is simply ideal. But there are also some nuances here. For example, you can never make smaller out of more, so micro-USB connectors cannot be replaced even with mini-USB. Although in some cases the reverse process is acceptable. And replacing micro-USB with your own hands is unlikely to end with something good. Painfully, this work is jewelry. Besides, under the word “micro” there are several types of connectors at once, and this should be remembered. Especially if you are trying to buy a new wire. Your tablet's micro USB may not be compatible with the connector on the end of the cable that you purchased.


Micro USB connectors can be of two completely different types. They have different areas of application and, accordingly, they look different. The first type is called micro-USB 2.0. type B - it is used in devices by default and is an unspoken standard for the latest models of smartphones and tablets, because of this it is very common and almost everyone at home has at least one micro-USB 2.0 cable. type B.

The second type - micro-USB 3.0 - these connectors are not installed on tablets, but they can be found on smartphones and phones of some brands. Most often they are used to equip external hard drives.


The main advantages of micro-USB connectors for tablets are the increased density and reliability of the plug fastening. But this fact does not exclude the possibility of problems with these particular components. The most common cause of breakdown is the carelessness of the owners of digital devices themselves. Sudden movements, falling tablets and phones on the floor or even asphalt, especially on the side where the connector itself is located, attempts to fix something with your own hands without the appropriate knowledge - these are the main reasons why even the most durable parts of USB ports come out out of service. But it happens that this happens due to wear and tear of the device, improper operation or factory defect.

The most common cause of malfunction is either the micro-USB connectors themselves, or adjacent parts connected to them in the circuit. For any experienced craftsman, replacing it is a matter of minutes, but not everyone can cope with this at home. If you are still interested in how you can repair the micro-USB connector on your own, pinout (or, in other words, wiring) is not the longest and most difficult process if you approach it wisely and first read the relevant information. A few tips will be given below.

Micro USB connector: pinout

As you know, with ordinary ports and connectors, everything is simple - you just need to take an image of the front part of their connector, but in a mirror image, and solder. With USB mini and micro, things are a little different. Their connectors contain 5 pins, but on type B connectors, pin number 4 is not used, and on type A it is shorted to GND, which takes the fifth place.

Features of micro-USB feet

Since most modern tablets have micro-USB, which serves not only for charging, but also for synchronization, due to the more frequent use of the connector, problems with it arise more often.

So, as mentioned above, a conventional micro-USB connector has five legs. One positive, for five volts, and one negative. They are located on different sides of the connector and, accordingly, suffer less when they are detached from the motherboard. Only one "leg" of the connector, which is most often pulled out of the contact area, is more exposed to wear. It is located closer to the minus "leg". If this contact is damaged, the device cannot be charged. That is, the system can see the power supply, but the charging process will not take place.

The remaining two "legs" are responsible for synchronization, that is, for the ability to upload and download photos, music, etc. They do this at the same time, so the separation of one will entail the termination of the work of the second.

Knowing the functions of the "legs", you will be able to determine, due to the separation of the contacts of which you started having problems and which of them you will need to solder in order to return your tablet to "operational".

Consequences of incorrect connector replacement

Having incorrectly soldered micro-USB, owners most often face the following problems:

  1. PSU shorts if soldered in inverted type.
  2. The tablet detects the charging cord, but the battery (accumulator) does not charge.
  3. The tablet battery charges perfectly, but is not synchronized with a laptop or computer.
  4. The tablet works fine, but sometimes it "reminds" that you should take it to the workshop, rather than soldering it yourself (for example, charging does not start immediately after plugging in, or sometimes the cord needs to be pulled out and inserted again several times before charging starts).

The future of micro USB

Since these are some of the most popular ports today, if you learn to change them once, this skill will help you out in the future very often. And let them not be taken for the "gold standard" in the development of phones and other digital devices. And we still have to have a whole collection of wires specially for the Acer laptop, for the phone from Samsung, for the iPad from Apple and the Nikon camera, but the active use of micro-connectors gives hope that soon instead of a "bouquet" we will have one on the shelf micro-USB cable suitable for at least 90% of household appliances.

What are the USB connectors and plugs

Due to the fact that there are a lot of USB connectors, there is often confusion between them. Sometimes, after buying a cable, there is a wave of disappointment, because it may turn out that the plug of the purchased wire does not fit the device. Therefore, in this article I will try to tell you what types of connectors are available for USB cords.

Despite the fact that there is a lot of information on this topic on the Internet, it usually touches on development issues, gives the dates of approval and commissioning, design features and pin wiring. In general, more background information is provided, which is usually not of particular interest to the end user. I will try to consider connectors from a household point of view - where they are used, their advantages and disadvantages, differences and features.

USB versions. What is the difference between USB 2.0 and USB 3.0

To begin with, briefly general information. USB devices come in three versions - 1.1, 2.0 and 3.0. The first is almost never used, since it provides a too low data transfer rate (12 Mbit - about 1.2 Mbyte / s) and can be used solely for compatibility with fastidious pieces of iron. The second version now dominates. Most devices sold in stores and currently in use have support for the second version. It provides a throughput of 480 Mbit / s, that is, the copying speed should theoretically be at the level of 48 MB / s. However, due to design features and not quite ideal implementation in practice, the speed rarely exceeds 30-33 MB / s. Most external hard drives can read 3-4 times faster. That is, this connector is a narrow neck that slows down the work of modern drives. For mice, keyboards, etc., speed does not matter.

The third version is painted blue to represent the latest generation. The bandwidth is 5 Gb / s, which can give 500 MB / s. Modern hard drives have a speed of about 150-170 MB / s, that is, the third version of USB will be able to provide a large margin of speed for the coming years.

Compatible with different USB versions.

A few words about compatibility. Versions 1.1 and 2.0 are structurally fully compatible with each other. If one of the connected sides is an old version, then the work will be carried out at a reduced speed, and the operating system will display the message “The device can work faster”, which means that there is a fast USB 2.0 port in the computer, and the device that is plugged into it is slow - version 1.1.

But with the compatibility of USB versions 2.0 and 3.0, not everything is so simple. Any USB 2.0 device or cable can be plugged into the blue version 3 port. But the opposite will not work. Modern cables and devices with USB 3.0 differ from the usual connectors by additional contacts that allow increasing the bandwidth of the interface, so it will not work to plug them into the old port (the only exception is type A).

USB power

Any USB connector supplies 5 Volts, and the current cannot exceed 0.5 Ampere (for USB 3.0 - 0.9 Ampere). In practice, this means that the maximum power of the connected device can be no more than 2.5 watts (4.5 for USB 3.0). Therefore, when connecting low-power and portable devices - players, phones, flash drives and memory cards - there will be no problems. But all large and massive equipment is powered externally from the network.

Now let's move on to the types of connectors. I will not consider completely exotic options, but will only talk about the most popular and frequently used plugs. The brackets will indicate the accessory in the specific USB version.

USB type A (USB 2.0)

This is the most widespread and most recognizable connector in existence, and most USB devices have it. Mice, flash drives, keyboards, cameras and much more - all of them are equipped with USB Type A, which dates back to the 90s. Reliability is one of the main advantages of this port. It can survive a fairly large number of connections, does not fall apart and really deserves to become the most common means of connecting everything that is possible. Despite the rectangular shape, you can't stick it in with the back side, there is “foolproof”. However, it is not suitable for portable devices, since it has sufficiently large dimensions, which ultimately led to the appearance of smaller modifications.

USB type B (USB 2.0)

The second type of USB has gained much less fame than its relative. Unlike Type A plugs, which are rectangular in shape, all Type B versions (including Mini and Micro - see below) are usually either square or trapezoidal. The regular, full-size type B is the only one that has a square shape. It is quite large in size and for this reason is used in various peripherals and large-sized stationary devices - printers, scanners, and sometimes ADSL modems. Interestingly, printer manufacturers rarely complete their products with such a cable, so the cord for a printing device or MFP has to be purchased separately.

Mini USB Type B (USB 2.0)

The proliferation of miniature devices has resulted in tiny USB connectors. And in truth, Mini USB type B became widespread with the advent of portable hard drives, in which it is widely used. The connector has five pins, not 4 like the “adult plugs”, although one of them is not used. Unfortunately, miniaturization has had a negative impact on reliability. Despite its long resource, after a while Mini USB loosens and begins to dangle, although it does not fall out of the port. Currently, it continues to be actively used in players, portable hard drives, card readers and other small-sized equipment. Interestingly, the second modification (type A) is almost never used, you can hardly find such a cord on sale. Gradually begins to be supplanted by a more advanced modification of Micro USB.

Micro USB type B (USB 2.0)

Modified version of the previous connector. It has a very miniature size, as a result of which it is used by manufacturers in modern technology, which is notable for its small thickness. In addition, the fastening has been improved, the plug sits very tightly and does not fall out. In 2011, this connector was approved as a single standard for charging phones, smartphones, tablets, music players and other portable electronics. Therefore, having only one cord, you can feed the entire “electronic zoo”. The standard continues to gain momentum, we can hope that in a year or two, almost all new devices will be equipped with a single connector. As in the previous case, type A is almost never used.

USB type A (USB 3.0)

A new USB standard with significantly higher bandwidth. The addition of additional pins has led to a change in the appearance of almost all USB 3.0 plugs. Despite this, type A remained outwardly unchanged, only the blue color of the core betrays a newcomer in it. This means that backward compatibility is preserved. A USB 3.0 device can be plugged into an old USB 2.0 port and vice versa. This is the main difference from the rest of the USB 3.0 connectors. These ports can be found in modern computers or laptops.

USB type B (USB 3.0)

By analogy with the previous version, this type is used in medium and large peripherals and devices that require high performance - NAS, stationary hard drives. The connector is heavily modified and it will not work to connect it to USB 2.0. On sale, such cords are also not often found (as opposed to the previous one). It will not work to plug such a connector into USB 2.0 type B - the upper part will interfere.

Micro USB (USB 3.0)

This connector continues the tradition of the “classic” Micro USB. It has the same qualities - compactness, reliability, good connection, but it also has a high data transfer rate. Therefore, it is mainly used in new external ultra-fast hard drives and SSDs. It is becoming more and more popular, so in order not to carry a wire with an external hard drive, you can buy an additional cable at any store. The main part of the connector completely copies Micro USB of the second revision

The main thing is not to confuse - the difference between Micro USB and Mini USB.

The main confusion among users is between Mini USB and Micro USB, which are actually a bit similar. The first has a slightly larger size, and the second has special latches on the back. It is by the latches that you can always distinguish between these two connectors. Otherwise, they are identical. And since there are a lot of devices with both, it is better to have both cables - then there will be no problems with connecting any modern portable equipment.

On the left is Mini USB, on the right is Micro USB.
Mini USB is much thicker, making it impossible to use
it in compact thin devices.
Micro USB is easy to recognize by two notches,
holding the plug firmly when connected.

Three brothers of the same family.
Mini USB and Micro USB are much thinner than usual.
On the other hand, "crumbs" lose
in reliability to an older friend.

Currently, there are several types of connectors USB (Universal Serial Bus), which come in three versions - USB v1.1, USB v2.0 and USB v3.0... The v1.1 version is practically not used due to the too low data transfer rate (12 Mbps), therefore it is used only for compatibility. The second version of USB 2.0 now dominates the market. Most modern devices support this version, which provides a data exchange rate of 480 Mbps, which is equivalent to a copying speed of 48 Mb / s. However, due to imperfect implementation and design features, in practice the real speed rarely exceeds 30-33 MB / s. Many hard drives are capable of reading information at 3-4 times faster speed. The USB v2.0 port is a bottleneck that slows down the performance of modern storage devices. At the same time, for mice, keyboards and some other devices, this does not really matter. The third version of USB v3.0 is marked in blue to indicate that it belongs to the latest generation. The bandwidth of the third version of USB is 5 Gb / s, which is equivalent to 500 MB / s. Taking into account the fact that modern hard drives have a speed of 150-170 MB / s, the third version of USB has a large margin of data transfer speed.

Structurally, USB 1.1 and 2.0 are fully compatible with each other. If one of the connected parties supports v1.1, the data exchange will occur at a reduced speed, and the operating system will display a message: "The device can work faster", which will mean that the computer uses a fast USB 2.0 port, and pluggable device version 1.1 is slow. USB 2.0 and 3.0 compatibility looks a little different. Any USB v2.0 device can be connected to the third version port marked in blue. But the reverse connection (with the exception of type A) is impossible. Modern USB v3.0 cables and devices have extra pins to increase the speed of the interface.

USB power

Any USB connector is powered with a voltage of 5 V and a current of up to 0.5 A, and for USB version 3.0 - 0.9 A. This practically means that the maximum power of the connected device does not exceed 2.5 W or 4.5 W for USB 3.0. For this reason, connecting low-power and portable devices (phones, players, flash drives, memory cards) will not cause problems, and large-sized and massive equipment is powered from an external network.

USB v2.0 and USB v3.0 connectors are also classified by type (Type A and Type B) and size (MiniUSB and MicroUSB).

USB 2.0 type A

The USB Type A connector is the most widely used and the most recognizable one in existence. Most devices (mice, keyboards, flash drives, cameras, and many others) are equipped with USB Type A, which was developed back in the 90s. The main advantage of this port is its reliability, which allows it to withstand a large number of connections without losing integrity. Although the cross-section of the connector is rectangular, it is protected against incorrect connection, so it cannot be inserted backwards. However, it has a large enough size, so it is not suitable for portable devices, which resulted in the creation of smaller modifications.

The USB Type B connector is less popular. All Type B versions, including Mini and Micro, are square or trapezoidal. The traditional full-size type B is the only type that has a square section. Due to its rather large size, it is used in various peripheral and large-sized stationary devices (scanners, printers, sometimes ADSL modems). Typically, manufacturers of printers or multifunctional devices rarely bundle their products with this cable, so the buyer has to purchase it separately.

Mini USB 2.0 Type B

The reason for the emergence of tiny Mini USB Type B connectors is the abundance of miniature devices on the market. And the appearance of portable hard drives provided them with a real mass character. Unlike the large 4-pin connectors, Mini USB Type B has five pins, but one of them is not used. Unfortunately, miniaturization has a negative impact on reliability. During operation, after a while the Mini USB connector begins to loosen, although it does not fall out of the port. At this time, it is still actively used in portable hard drives, players, card readers and other compact equipment. The second modification of Mini USB type A is almost never used. The Mini USB is gradually being replaced by a more advanced Micro USB modification.

The Micro USB type B connector is a modified version of the previous type of Mini USB type B and has a very miniature size, which allows manufacturers to use it in modern technology with a small thickness. Thanks to the improved fastening, the plug sits very tightly in the socket and does not fall out of it. In 2011, this type of connector was approved as a single standard for charging smartphones, telephones, tablets, players and other portable equipment. This solution allows charging the entire electronics fleet with one cable. The standard shows growth trends and it can be assumed that in a few years almost all new devices will be equipped with it. Type A is rarely used.

USB 3.0 type A

The USB v3.0 standard provides significantly faster data transfer rates. Additional pins for increased speed have changed the appearance of almost all USB connectors of the third version. However, the appearance of Type A has not changed, except for the blue color of the core. This means that backward compatibility is preserved. In other words, a USB 3.0 Type A device can be plugged into a USB revision 2 port and vice versa. This is the main difference between the connector and other 3.0 connectors. These ports are commonly found in modern laptops and computers.

USB v3.0 Type B is used in medium to large high-performance NAS peripherals as well as fixed hard drives. The connector has undergone major changes, so it cannot be connected to USB 2.0, in particular to USB 2.0 type B. Cables with such connectors are not often sold either.

Micro USB v3.0 is the successor to the “classic” Micro USB connector and has the same characteristics - compactness, reliability, high-quality connection, but at the same time provides a higher data transfer speed. Mainly used in modern external ultra-fast hard drives and SSDs. It is gaining more and more popularity. The connector largely duplicates the Micro USB of the second version.

Difference between Micro USB and Mini USB.

Users sometimes confuse Mini USB connectors with Micro USB connectors, which are really similar. The main difference is that the first has a slightly larger size, while the second has special latches on the back side, by which it is easiest to distinguish between these two types of connectors. For the rest of the parameters, they are identical. Today, there are many devices with these types of connectors, so it is preferable to have two different cables.

Today USB has superseded almost all other interfaces for connecting computer peripherals (see the sidebar "External interfaces - competitors to USB"), which has become a guarantee of its indisputable advantages.

■ Prevalence. Any computer released in recent years is equipped with one or more USB ports (on modern desktop PCs there are up to 12, on the overwhelming majority of laptops - 3-4). The choice of USB devices is huge.

■ Easy to use. USB is the perfect embodiment of Plug and Play. Devices with this interface can be connected and disconnected while the computer is running. Modern operating systems immediately recognize USB devices and load the necessary drivers. Many computers have USB ports on the front or side of the chassis for easy access. In addition, it is impossible to mix up the connectors and incorrectly connect the peripherals.

■ High throughput. For the USB 2.0 interface, it is 480 Mbit / s. It will take less than 20 seconds to copy a 700 MB file to a USB storage device.

■ Providing food. The USB port not only serves to connect peripherals, but can also "feed" low-power gadgets, for example, mice, keyboards, flash drives and even 2.5-inch hard drives. The USB bus supply voltage is 5 V at a current strength of up to 500 mA. This is, of course, not enough for comparatively high power consumption peripherals such as printers or 3.5 ”external hard drives. Therefore, they are equipped with their own power supplies that plug directly into the power outlet.


The connecting hub for all USB devices is the computer. Only with him can they "communicate" directly. This connection is called point-to-point.

When connected for the first time, the USB device is automatically detected by the operating system, after which it searches for the correct driver. In this case, the rule applies: the newer the version of the operating system used, the higher the likelihood that the user will not have to install the driver himself. For example, Windows XP and Vista automatically recognize flash drives, card readers, and external hard drives and register them as removable drives. The drivers necessary for these devices are included in the Windows distribution and are always "at hand" by the system. Windows Vista also provides additional drivers for the most common printers, scanners, gaming keyboards, and other devices.


With rare exceptions, USB gadgets can exchange data with each other only through a computer. In this case, the PC acts as a so-called USB host. It asks each device connected via USB and called a client information about the availability of data necessary for transfer, and then organizes a "dialogue". Transferring files "on their own" to clients is prohibited. This method, called polling, although it takes up some of the system resources, makes it possible to create simple and, as a result, inexpensive USB devices.

Types of USB connectors

There are two types of USB connectors and plugs: Type A is used to connect USB devices to laptops and desktops. Type B connectors are available for USB peripherals. There are several options for the second type connector: proper B, Mini-B and Micro-B.

Type A.The Type A connector connects to the Type A USB connector on a computer or USB hub. Some printers and multifunctional devices also have a type A connector for connecting cameras.

Type B. The Type-B connector plugs into the corresponding USB port commonly found in large peripheral devices such as MFPs, printers and scanners.

Mini-USB (type B). Smaller USB devices, such as digital cameras, PDAs, or cell phones, have a smaller version of the Type B connector called the Mini-USB (or more correctly, Mini-B).

Micro-USB (type B). There is a USB connector even more compact than Mini-B - this is a Micro-B connector. They are most often found on mobile phones.

Direct communication between two USB gadgets is possible using On-The-Go technology. Its use will allow you to print images without the mediation of a computer or directly exchange music files between MP3 players.


USB, eSATA, and FireWire differ from each other primarily in terms of data transfer rates (see the sidebar "USB, eSATA, and FireWire Bandwidths Compared").

External interfaces - USB competitors

FireWire. Interface for connecting video cameras and external hard drives. The FireWire 800 standard provides for operation at higher speeds than the USB 2.0 standard, but today it is losing its relevance.

SATA and eSATA. Along with the SATA interface used to connect internal hard drives, there is eSATA for connecting external hard drives. ESATA transfers data almost four times faster than USB 2.0. Perhaps, eSATA is the only interface that has a clear advantage over USB and is not going to give up positions.

PS / 2.This once standard interface for connecting input devices is gradually becoming a thing of the past with the advent of USB. The purple PS / 2 connector is traditionally for the keyboard, the green one for the mouse.

Parallel port. Before USB became widespread, the parallel port was the traditional interface for connecting printers and scanners. Now it is found less and less.

Game port (MIDI port).Joysticks or musical MIDI keyboards used to be connected to the game port. Today such devices use a USB connector for connection, so MIDI ports are rare.

Serial port. The serial port (COM port), to which the mouse and modem were previously connected, is absolutely useless on a home PC today. This interface is used in industry to control special machines.

External SCSI interface. Previously, along with the common today external hard drives with an IDE interface, SCSI drives were often used, which today are only relevant for server systems.

■ eSATA is used to connect external hard drives, and more recently - and some models of flash drives. Unlike USB and FireWire, eSATA external hard drives do not require data conversion, which eliminates an additional link that slows down interaction with a PC. Therefore, the speed of such hard disks is at the level of hard drives built into computers. If you need maximum performance from external devices, eSATA is the best solution. ■ FireWire is primarily used for connecting video cameras and some models of hard drives to a PC. The current version of FireWire 800 is significantly faster than the USB 2.0 interface (800 versus 480 Mbps). But devices with a Fire Wire interface are usually more expensive than those with USB.

USB, eSATA and FireWire throughput in comparison

If you are planning to buy an external hard drive, then you have to choose one of several possible interfaces for its connection, which have different bandwidths: eSATA provides the highest data transfer speed, followed by FireWire 800 and USB 2.0 closes the race. But the latter has its own trump card: the USB connector is present on any computer.

The current balance of power will change the output of devices with a USB 3.0 interface, which will become the fastest data transfer interface. But it will be a long time before the new USB standard becomes widespread.


■ USB 1.1. Computers manufactured before 2002 provide the user with a USB 1.1 interface. Data transfer according to this standard is rather slow. The theoretical peak throughput is 12 Mbps (or 1.5 Mbps). For input devices - keyboard and mouse - this is quite enough.

On a note. An earlier version, USB 1.0, did not get widespread and remained on paper. Finished products that meet this standard have not been marketed.

■ USB 2.0. Computers and laptops manufactured after 2003 are usually equipped with USB 2.0 ports. The maximum speed in comparison with the 1.1 standard has noticeably increased and amounted to 480 Mbps (or 60 Mb / s). Although in practice it is not possible to achieve this level of throughput.

Higher bandwidth is provided by USB 2.0 devices bearing the “USB 2.0 Hi-Speed” logo. If the box or case of the device says “USB 2.0 Full-Speed”, it means that data will be transferred at the speed of the USB 1.1 standard.


If Windows does not automatically detect the connected USB device, you will have to install the driver for it yourself (as a rule, you can find it on the disc supplied with the USB device). Having bought a printer or MFP with a USB interface, do not rush to connect it right away: first, take a look at the user manual and read the installation procedure to understand whether you need to install the software or what is available in the OS will be enough. Otherwise, Windows may install a driver with less functionality, or it may not recognize the device correctly.

Another advantage of the USB hub is that it can be installed wherever you like. This will eliminate the need to crawl under the computer desk every time in search of the right port to plug in the USB connector. In addition, if the length of the USB cable is not sufficient to connect the device, the hub can act as an extension cable, the easiest way to do this is using the so-called USB-splitters (USB-hubs). These small "boxes" are available at a price of 100 rubles. Occupying only one USB port on a computer, such a device usually provides four (or more) ports in return. In theory, using USB hubs allows you to connect up to 127 USB devices to one computer.

Please note that there are two types of hubs.

■ Active. It uses a separate power supply as a power source, which is included with the hub. The USB ports of such a splitter are capable of providing the maximum amperage for this interface, so even such "power hungry" devices as external hard drives can be connected to active hubs.

■ Passive. Power is supplied to it from the USB port of the computer and is divided between all ports, so passive hubs are suitable only for connecting devices with low power consumption.

USB over network

The Belkin Components USB Network Hub allows you to connect up to five USB devices to communicate with your computer over the network. With a WLAN router, you can set up a wireless connection for them.


An alternative to the hub can be considered an expansion card installed in the PCI slot of the PC motherboard. When using it, you will have several additional USB connectors (usually four). Such boards can be purchased at a price of 300 rubles. Disadvantage: additional USB ports will be located on the back of the system unit.

The maximum length of a standard USB cable is 5 meters. If this is not enough, special extension cords will be required (after each 5-meter section, a kind of self-powered repeater is needed, which, by the way, can also be a USB hub). They can be used to achieve a connection length of 25 meters. The use of the so-called USB Line Extender (worth 1000 rubles and more; this device is a USB adapter and a hub, which are connected with a standard network cable) will allow you to cover a distance of 60 meters.

What do the USB logos mean

Most USB devices have one or more of the following logos on their packaging. Their presence indicates that the device meets the technical requirements described in the specifications and documents of the USB Implementers Forum. If you come across a designation that is not on our list, be careful: you may be dealing with inferior “third party” products that may not support the stated characteristics.


Wireless USB is a new standard designed to make wireless USB communication possible. The endless wires on and under the desk would be a thing of the past if printers, scanners, external hard drives and MP3 players could communicate with a computer without using a cable. This new technology, offered by the USB Implementers Forum, will help make that dream come true.

New USB cable

A "traditional" USB cable has four wires. Two of them transmit data, the other two are used for power supply. Four wires are not enough for the new USB 3.0 high-speed mode of operation, so the new cable will have four additional data lines: the first pair will be used for receiving, the second for transmitting. Advantage: unlike USB 2.0, data transmission and reception will be carried out simultaneously and at maximum speed. The USB 3.0 cable will be equipped with a new five-pin connector.

As an example, consider how you can simultaneously connect a conventional USB printer and scanner using Wireless USB. In this case, it will still not be possible to do without wires: both devices will have to be connected with cables to a wireless USB hub, which "on their behalf" will communicate with the computer. In this case, a corresponding wireless USB adapter must be installed in the PC. In this case, the printer and scanner will be recognized by the system as devices connected to the computer in the traditional way.

It is worth taking into account the fact that the maximum transmission speed of 480 Mbit / s is provided by the wireless USB interface only if the distance between the hub and the computer does not exceed three meters. At longer distances, the wireless USB bandwidth decreases. If there are obstacles, such as a wall, in the path of the wireless link, data transmission will not be possible.

On a note. An alternative to Wireless USB solutions are USB hubs that connect to a local network. They can be connected to a WLAN router, which also makes it possible to wirelessly connect USB devices and a computer.


The USB 3.0 standard is a further development of the USB 2.0 interface, bringing a number of improvements to it.

■ Throughput. In practice, USB 2.0 allows data transfer at a maximum speed of just over 30 Mb / s. This limits the capabilities of many devices, primarily external disk drives, which are capable of operating at speeds exceeding the specified speed 2–4 times. In USB 3.0, the bandwidth will immediately grow 10 times and will reach the level of 5 Gb / s. For this purpose, USB 3.0 is equipped with a more sophisticated data transfer technology, which requires not 8, but 10 bits to transfer one byte. Therefore, the real speed limit for data transfer will be approximately 500 Mb / s. However, even such results are unlikely to be achieved - the stumbling block will be the high-speed capabilities of external devices (the same drives), which significantly lag behind the capabilities of USB 3.0 in speed.

■ Connectors. One of the main challenges facing the developers of the new standard is maintaining the compatibility of USB 3.0 and 2.0 connectors. As a result, you can easily connect a USB 2.0 device to a USB 3.0 port. But those who want top speed will still need to purchase new cables (see the sidebar "New USB Cable"). They are more complex and cost more than equivalent USB 2.0 cables. In addition, not all connector types will be backward compatible with the old USB 2.0 standard. If in the case of USB type A connectors it was possible to get by with little blood, "inscribing" five new contacts into the existing connector design, then with USB type B connectors, and even more so Micro-B, everything turned out to be much more complicated. In this case, we had to change the design of the connector, essentially dividing it into two parts: the first one is an "old" USB 2.0 port to maintain compatibility with the previous standards, the second one unites five new lines that appeared in USB 3.0. Therefore, these types of connectors cannot be plugged into a USB 2.0 port.

■ Nutrition. USB 3.0 connectors support more current than all previous USB versions: 900 instead of the previous 500 mA. This is important, for example, when using external hard drives.

■ Energy saving. In USB 2.0, the host had to constantly poll connected devices to find out if they had a new piece of data, so they all had to be constantly active. Avoiding such cyclic polling in USB 3.0 will enable power saving mode.

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