How to share the Internet over a local network. How to distribute the Internet from a Yota usb modem over a local network in Windows

Hello friends! Today I needed to connect the usual stationary computer to the Internet, in order to update the antivirus on it. It doesn't have Wi-Fi, and it's very difficult to connect a network cable directly to the router, it's just that the router is not installed in a very convenient place. And my laptop is connected to the Internet via Wi-Fi and I decided to try to connect a stationary computer to a laptop using network cable and using a network bridge to distribute the Internet to a computer through a laptop.

Their authors are teachers from our school, who thus try to reach a wider and more professional community. Often these portals extend the publishing activities of individual authors from our school. If you create our own educational content and publish it on the Internet, we recommend that you study the specifics of the Education Copyright Act in advance. A detailed commentary on the relevant copyright laws can be found, for example, on the pages of Masaryk University.

Non-commercial projects for educational purposes

These projects are created exclusively as non-profit educational projects within the framework of training computer graphics... The documentation used is for educational purposes only. These textbooks were created by authors from our school and are part of education, training and practice in the Czech Republic. It is intended for general publication of contributions from teachers, students, and for publication of practical experience. Petra Zakhradka, who deals with metrology, control and measurement. These projects are created in cooperation with commercial companies in the Czech Republic.

Everything is somehow confused :). But now everything will become clear. I thought that perhaps not only I may have such a situation and my advice may be useful to someone else.

This means that I had Internet on my laptop, which I received via Wi-Fi. The task was as follows: to connect a stationary computer to a laptop via a network cable and make it so that the computer and laptop had access to the Internet, and not just a network.

Links. ... Classroom facilities and configurations are indicative only because they dynamically change to meet current state and system requirements. Accessibility of Computer Science to Students and Teachers Classrooms were minted during training almost 90%. One class is specially released with some exceptions for self-study... In the afternoon, teaching and self-study in classrooms is organized in controlled circles with work for 00 hours.

Setting up a network bridge

The laptop has internet. We connect a computer to a laptop using a network cable (how to crimp the network cable, see the article)... On the computer, the Internet connection status will be network without Internet access. We need to make sure that there is access to the Internet.

To do this, go to Control PanelNetwork and InternetNetwork Control Center and general access (or right-click on the status of the Internet connection in the tray and select "Network and Sharing Center")... Then select on the right.

At the time, virtually all software was available to students for homework and self-study. A direct publishing portal and e-learning are also available to directly support teaching, publishing, and to ensure close collaboration with practice. For these projects, closely following the extensive publishing industry, the school has received several national and world awards in recent years.

Principles of information system and software management in classrooms

The software is constantly maintained, updated and installed in classrooms for over 20 years using central administration technology. Moreover, it is no secret that technical support applications used in teaching in our school often takes one or two people on the territory of the republic, and it is often necessary to contact the developers directly software for the ocean. Then setting up various technical and software services becomes a pretty enjoyable detective when you're looking for someone who truly understands a specific problem around the world.

Hold the key Ctrl and select two connections. I have it Wireless network connection (through which the laptop is connected to the Internet) and Connection by local network (this connection is used to connect the computer to the laptop via a cable).

Setting up hardware and software, which always works according to our ideas, is actually the shortest thing to do, and dozens of top-level applications in our save stations require handling with imaginary system gloves. The main goal of these strategies is the ability to support hundreds of extremely complex computers, as the button says. It also minimizes purchases of third-party products that are often incompatible with the latest operating systems, and they need to be purchased at a relatively expensive level.

Select these two connections and right-click on one of them. We choose.

We wait a little while the bridge settings are created and we have a new connection "Network Bridge"... And two connections, wireless and LAN connection should get status "Connected, Connected".

The project strategy focuses on several key areas. Part of this stage includes instructions for purchasing certified equipment, benchmarking, cloud technologies and using optimization procedures to improve data security. In the long-term financing strategy activities, of course, in the non-profit sector, grant projects and projects implemented in cooperation with the commercial sector play an important role. Minimizing computer maintenance costs. This chapter is a completely separate area.

  • Procedures for the unification of platforms, processes and technologies.
  • This area is a real allusion to technical software.
  • Therefore, conditions such as service or subscription should not be foreign.
The main motto of the project is the maximum use of industrial software for practical and technical creativity.

If, during the creation of the Network Bridge, a message appears that it is impossible to continue, because one of the connections is configured to share the Internet, then do this:

Right click on one of the two connections and select "Properties"... Then go to the tab "Access" and see that there is no check mark next to "Allow other network users to connect to the Internet ..." If this checkbox is checked, then remove it. Also check another connection.

Simply solvable technologies and technologies often need to serve global and large teams of technicians and not be an obstacle. This environment is completely different from traditional office applications in conventional office applications... A number of procedures and approaches for deploying the required technical software on hundreds of computers often do not work. It is in this area that the deployment of methodology and tools is directed, which can update, for example, 50 computers from zero traffic to full functionality in parallel, automatically based on network distribution of systems and applications.

On a computer that is connected to a laptop via a network cable, the Internet should appear, at least, everything worked for me. I updated the antivirus on my computer and I no longer needed the Network Bridge. If you also want to delete the Network Bridge, then just right-click on it and select "Delete".

Moreover, it allows completely automatic tuning station in front of her local backup copy... For example, we can control the type of license we use at the station. For a basic illustration, imagine about 20-30 installations of technical, graphics, and development software. Each of them has several very important configurations that must be adapted to the specific needs of the users. This process sometimes takes several hours, but sometimes it can take several months to be able to find the optimal driver version, configure graphics acceleration, allow licensing managers to connect to databases, and so on.

If you encounter problems during setup and connection, try disabling your antivirus. Very often they block all kinds of connections.

That's all I wanted to tell you in this article. Perhaps my advice is useful to you.

Hi, if you have a Yota usb modem, and several computers, then for sure, sooner or later you will want to make sure that the rest of the computers use the Internet connection that comes to the computer where the modem is connected. Below I will show you how you can share the Internet from USB modem Yota.

This procedure is most often performed by direct consultation with software manufacturers and leading development specialists of individual companies. This procedure takes several hours, with profile settings and settings. It creates the main assembly on the server. This phase is critical to our truly powerful network. This process is critical for the proper functionality of the applications and their legal operation on our network. You don't run a number of applications without a license server at all.

When the configuration is complete, a local build will be performed within a few minutes and backup station, another less than an hour. The local build automatically starts again after the previous steps. Serve three classrooms for a new software platform, about twenty to thirty professional applications last five to eight hours, depending on the number of installed workstations and network use, without the need for manual intervention in the management process.

I'll make a reservation right away that this is essentially a repetition of the article, but with a description of actions for a specific case. In general, it is better to share the Internet through general access to the Internet, but for some reason this does not work with iota.

In order to implement your plan, you must have your own modem itself, and a network interface to which other devices will connect (by the way, it is not necessary that they be connected directly, you can through a switch or router, for the latter it will be necessary to disable nat, and in the settings specify the main gateway - the gateway that is registered on your computer).

This procedure is performed due to 100% network usage most often overnight or outside the mainstream. Thanks to the methodology used in the administration technology, it is possible to make completely smooth transitions across the entire set of new software without stress and unnecessary interruptions in the classroom.

Let's take a closer look at them in a few minutes, although the classic word obviously doesn't answer. In fact, it is a cable built into the house with metallic insulated conductors from which various types can be created. different types designs using various transmission technologies and protocols.

We go to the Network and Sharing Center (you can click on the network icon next to the clock, right-click and select the appropriate item, or go through the control panel). Here we go to change the adapter parameters.

Unfortunately, I don't have a modem at hand now, so here you will have a different adapter to which the Internet comes, namely the NDIS adapter, but this does not play a special role, go to its properties, go to IP version 4, and click again properties. Remember or write down the information that you see (ip address, mask, gateway, dns servers).

This is possible in one room, not in a larger apartment or even in a house. Free-standing cables, besides not being too aesthetically pleasing, cramps, protect doors, light damage and a source of frequent disturbances that are difficult to detect and remove. For a larger home in a home or family home, we recommend installing simple structured cables. This refers to the use of a data break, which is essentially the hub at which all the connecting cables of a network or a specific part of it are combined.

Each cable is then led out into a separate socket of the so-called interconnect, and therefore the individual sockets and therefore the device connected to the other end of the corresponding cable are connected to some of the active element interfaces. The main advantage of such a solution is the possibility of simple and flexible creation and modification of the network structure.

Then close the properties windows, select both of your interfaces (if you have more of them, and you want to distribute the Internet to all interfaces, select all), right-click and select the bridge setting.

If we add. other computers, or if we change its location, we can change the structure of the network by simply swapping the switch cables without interfering with our own cable infrastructure. Cables commonly used in planks, under floors, or even better in rocks, are plugged into outlets that can be shuffled anywhere in the home or home. Computers and other devices are connected to these connectors using patch cables. Shoes can be moved by an object anywhere, an unused one does not even need to be involved at all and can be connected to a data logger if necessary.

You will have a new device - a network bridge.

Now you need to go to its properties, go to the properties of IP version 4, and drive in the information about the network that you remembered before.

There are a number of ready-made and even very nice little datasets that can only be attached to a wall. In the case of construction or renovation, the family home can be aesthetically included in the overall project, as well as in home network data transfer that you can see from electrical network only from a different outlet. If you installed all of them yourself, remember that you need to follow the rules for storing and using cables. In addition to the usual precautions, such as keeping cables away from heat sources or sources of strong electromagnetic interference, it is also necessary to observe mechanical damage and the radius of their bending.

Actually, this completes the setup, you can configure other computers, for this you also need to go to network connections, in properties network adapter and drive network settings... It is necessary that the address be in the same subnet as the computer with the modem, that is, for example, if you have the address on the main computer -, mask, gateway, dns server, then on the second computer there should be all the same settings, except for the address, the address must be different, i.e. for the computer, you can set the address, or, etc. Please note that we set the gateway the same as on the computer with the modem, and not the address of this computer.

It should be a few centimeters long. Therefore, it is a good idea to have a larger installation set up by a professional company that will not only build but modify and test. When building a family home, there will be a data divorce, as well as a telephone network, pop. a complete structured cabling system should be part of the project documentation. If it is not possible to connect some data cables in some places, you can usually build a wireless network.

During the last years wireless network has gained significant popularity. They are easy to install, they provide high mobility of the connected devices, and they can also be installed in places where the cable network cannot be used for technical, architectural or even artistic reasons. But like everything else, there are also limitless sites with limitations and limitations. This is mainly due to the use of transmitting devices, which are radio waves. Their intensity decreases, and any path in its path is an obstacle that is more or less weaker.

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