Is it possible to update android to 5.0. How to quickly and efficiently update the firmware on an Android device

There are two types of smartphone owners. The first people are completely indifferent to what version of the operating system is installed on their device. All that matters to them is that the device functions stably. Well, users of the second type want to be at the forefront modern technologies. They want to ensure that their tablet or smartphone is running the latest version of Android available on this moment. Today's material is intended for people of the second type. With the help of this text, you can understand how to update Android on a phone or tablet computer.

Many manufacturers are almost forcibly offering to update Android. In this case, you do not need this guide - one day you will simply receive the appropriate offer, which is almost impossible to refuse. Even if you click the "No" button, the offer to update will appear in the notification panel after every day.

If the system has never prompted you to update the version of Android on your phone, then you can try the following steps:

1. Go to " Settings" - the corresponding shortcut is in the menu, as well as in the notification panel.

2. Go to the " About phone". On tablets, it may be called " About device».

3. Click on the item " System update". On some devices, the item may be called "" or something else.

4. Follow the further instructions provided by the system. If it says that there are no updates, then you are using the latest version of the operating system available for this device.

Note: a successful update requires a certain amount of free memory, as well as a sufficient battery level (it is advisable to fully charge it to definitely avoid any problems).

Why is it necessary to update Android?

We all have heard about viruses that can attack the system. Malicious utilities try to steal personal information (name, surname, bank card etc.), and also interfere stable work OSes. If you regularly update the system, then the device will always have fresh "patches". They eliminate security holes, thereby preventing viruses from operating freely.

Also, updates significantly expand the functionality of the operating system. Here is just the most basic list of innovations that Android 6.0 received:

Android update via computer

Some users are not at all happy that the manufacturer no longer releases software updates for their smartphone. Also, people want to update Android manually, but through a PC. In fact, nothing prevents this, because everyone remembers that Android is a free operating system, and therefore it is not difficult to get its image. But it's not as simple as it seems.

By Android default does not have the support of numerous mobile processors and graphics accelerators. In this regard, you will have to look for a special custom assembly that accurately implements drivers for all the components that make up your device. It is best to search for such firmware on sites dedicated specifically to your device. Then the Android assembly must be downloaded to the computer.

You will also need a special computer program with which the flashing is carried out. Depending on the smartphone manufacturer, this may be flash tool, ODIN, fastboot or some other flasher. Well, then you need to follow the instructions that come with the custom assembly of the operating system you downloaded. If you do everything right, then Android on your smartphone will be updated.

Attention: flashing will void your warranty. Also, this process is associated with risk, in case of incorrect actions, you can get a "brick". Therefore, you should be careful and as careful as possible!

I am often asked whether it is possible or worth updating the android version to 6.0, 5.0, 5.1, 4.4 and so on on a smartphone / tablet.

Someone wants to update android from 5.1 to 6.0, someone from 4.4 to 6.0, someone from 6.0 to 7.0, someone from 4.2 to 4.4, someone from 4.1 to 4.4, someone from 2.3 to 4.0 , and someone immediately up to 7.1 1.

My answer is always unequivocal: it is worth updating, but not always possible. Right now, without hesitation, I would update the version on my Samsung, on which 6.0.1 is installed to android 7, but it’s impossible to do such an operation.

Having the latest version of android in your phone or tablet will not only allow you to enjoy fresh appearance user interface, the latest versions of applications, or use new system features.

Undoubtedly, the main reason you should ensure that your devices are always up to date is their security.

Interestingly, studies show that only 20 percent of users using tablets and smartphones running Android have a current version.

Undoubtedly, there are two reasons for this. The first one is that most manufacturers are slowly moving forward with latest systems, and often refuses to support older phones.

The second reason is more trivial - the users themselves are to blame. Often they do not even realize that their phone or tablet equipped with Android software can work much more efficiently.

Is it always possible to update the android system to the latest version

Is it possible to update, for example, android software 2 to 4. It turns out not. The presence of a new version does not mean that it is available for your Sony, Samsung, Meizu and so on device.

Why? Because the new version that Google has developed will not work for you. You need the manufacturer of the smartphone or tablet to make adjustments to the firmware.

Only the manufacturer usually does not want to do this. He released a batch of devices for sale and forgot about them - you can't do it on your own.

These are the ugly things. It’s worth updating the android system, but it’s not always possible - you need firmware specifically for your phone, whether it’s android 4.1, 5.0, 6.0, 4.2, 4.4, 2.3, 4.0, 4.1 1 and so on.

If an update is available for your device, you will be notified. When you receive it, open it and click on the update option and then follow the instructions on the screen.

Please note - if you receive a shortage notification free space, release it before updating.

During the update, connect the device to a power source and make sure that the Internet connection is stable.

During the update, you can't use your smartphone or tablet, but luckily it won't take long.

How to update android software

The fastest and easiest way to update an android is to use the update that comes with your phone or tablet's operating system.

But before you take on the installation of a new version of the operating system, it is worth remembering a few important things.

  • Connect to a Wi-Fi network, since the size is not small and you can easily run out of data limit;
  • charge the battery at least 50 percent, although full is better;
  • take care of the free space in the phone (at least 1 GB);
  • do not remove the batteries during the update;
  • do not use a device that is being updated.

Update process.

  1. Step 1: Open "Settings".
  2. Step 2: Scroll down to the bottom of the list and select About Phone/Tablet.
  3. Step 3. Click on the update or system update item (depending on the version and translation, the names may differ slightly).
  4. Step 4. Wait patiently while the new software version is installed.

During this time, your smartphone or tablet will connect to the server to check for latest version android operating system.

If it is found, the device will download and install it if you give your consent. If you do not have access to wireless network, you can always update the system using a computer with Internet access and appropriate software.

Most manufacturers have prepared special applications, which can not only update the device, but also make backup data. Good luck.

The Android system has a comfortable interface for receiving updates. This process is necessary for your device to receive full protection, improve functionality and performance. In addition, with the update of the operating system to the latest version, it is often possible to download new applications and widgets.

Smartphone update

by the most in a simple way to update Android on your phone is to autoload as well as installing the latest software. For this option, there is no need to use your PC, pre-load the firmware file on your gadget, etc. This procedure for obtaining updates is suitable if the device has an Android 4.0 operating system or lower.

The upgrade process is not much different on different models phones, while generally it looks like this:

Before installing a new update, it is advisable to do backup data (backup). So you can always be sure of the safety of your information, and in case of an unstable OS build or device incompatibility with the update, you can easily restore everything user settings. Backup is advised not only in the case of auto-update, but always when you are going to somehow change the firmware configuration.

Update on tablet

Everything is clear with updating the OS on smartphones, now you need to understand how to update Android on a tablet. The process of updating to the latest version is not much different from the version on the phone, but has its own characteristics.

If the tablet has constant access to the wireless network, then it will automatically display a notification about the availability of a new version of the OS. All you have to do is accept or reject the update. If you accidentally clicked "Cancel", then there is no reason to panic. Just turn on the item "About the tablet PC", and then select the section with auto-update.

If for various reasons there is no automatic notification, then the process can be performed independently. To do this, you must perform the following steps:

  1. Enable the "Settings" section.
  2. In the subsection "About the tablet PC" find the item " System update". Select it.
  3. After that, autoloading of the latest version of the operating system will begin.
  4. When the process is complete, your tablet PC will restart. When you have a new version installed, you will naturally receive a notification from the system.

To prevent errors and problems with installing a new operating system, make sure you have more than 50% battery charge at the start of the update and that you have no problems with . To be sure, you can turn on the tablet to charge during the entire update process.

Update via computer

You can also update Android using a PC. All it takes is an appropriate software, as well as the disc that came with your device. The new firmware can also be downloaded from the Internet (if you don't have a disc or if you need a specific OS version).

  1. Connect your device to PC and then turn on Kies. The program will detect the device and check if a new version of the operating system has been released for your phone or tablet. The result of the query will be displayed on the screen.
  2. When a new version of the software is found, a dialog box will appear asking you to update. If confirmed, read the warning carefully.
  3. To confirm your consent, click "I have read all the information", and then click start updating. This will automatically update to the latest OS version that is fully compatible with your phone or tablet.
  4. As soon as the program installs the file (the update process is considered complete), you can enjoy all the benefits of your new firmware version.

In the same way, if desired, you can return old version OS.

Manual update

If you do not have, then you can complete the update process manually. To do this, you need to download the OS from the manufacturer's official website, and then place it in any convenient place in the device's memory. Then go to the Recovery Menu. To do this, turn off your phone and press certain sequence keys (depending on the manufacturer and version of the phone). The most common combinations are:

  • Volume up button + off key;
  • Volume change (more or less) + power button + "Home";
  • Volume up button + volume down button + off button.

Android - operating system, which has many versions. A user who keeps up with the times undoubtedly wants to try new versions. To do this, you can buy a gadget with the latest version already installed or upgrade Android to that. But not everyone knows how to update Android. How to install a new version of Android, we will tell in this article.

We offer step by step detailed instructions for android update. In order to understand how to update Android on your device, you need an Internet connection (preferably Wi-Fi, so as not to empty your mobile account).

Android update is individual for each smartphone or tablet. Therefore, there is no universal software or PC program to implement "update Android". The update method common to all device models is the update android versions by air.

How to improve the version of Android on your phone

Do some simple steps:

  • go to " Settings» system of your Android device and connect to the internet using Wi-Fi
  • if you have new google account, return to " Settings"and go to the section" About smartphone (tablet)»

  • allow automatic update operating system. When a new firmware version is released, you will see a corresponding message on the tablet

  • click " Restart and Install". This way you will start the update and within half an hour your device will be updated to the latest version of Android

Process android updates individual for each individual brand and device model

Over time, the operating system of the phone becomes obsolete. You can return the phone to normal life, while expanding its functionality and personalization settings, by updating the firmware on it. Since not everyone knows the necessary algorithm of actions, we will look at several ways to update the firmware on Android.

Installing an official Android update on your phone or tablet is quite simple. To do this, it is most convenient to use two methods: updating “over the air” through the mobile phone settings menu or through a computer using proprietary utilities. Let's take a closer look at both methods.

Via WiFi

With the release of a new OS update on a mobile phone, the easiest way is to update online, through the main settings menu of the Android device itself. All that is required for this:

  • Open the settings tab (by selecting the icon on the home screen or notification shade).
  • Find and click on "About device".
  • Click on the line “Software Update” and click on the corresponding button.
  • After confirming the firmware download, the system will start downloading it. Depending on its size and Internet speed, it may take from 1 to 30 minutes.
  • After the download is complete, a notification about its installation will appear. After agreeing with him, the installation will begin, during which the device can reboot. It is very important not to interrupt the installation process, because this can turn the mobile phone into a “brick” state.

In the settings menu, you can also set automatic check new updates and download exclusively through wifi network. In the event that you already have the latest firmware version installed, the system will issue an appropriate notification. But it is worth noting that if your phone does not turn on and it is impossible to go to the settings menu on it, you will not be able to update in this way.

More details about updating the firmware “over the air” are shown in the video below.

Use of computer programs

An alternative way to update and install official firmware is the use computer programs, for example Odin. For different manufacturers, branded programs have their own name, we will consider one of the most popular called Smart Switch. You can download it from the official Samsung website, and for installation it requires no more than a few megabytes of free hard disk space. So, to install an official update on your Android phone via Smart Switch, you will need:

  • Run ahead of time installed utility on a computer connected to the Internet.
  • Connect mobile device via USB cable to PC.
  • Information about the connected smartphone will appear in the program menu with the ability to perform basic functions. If there is a new firmware version for it, a prompt will appear on the screen to download it. In the event that there is none, no notifications will appear.
  • Click on the update button.
  • The process of downloading the new firmware will begin first on the computer, and then on the mobile phone itself. You need to follow the instructions that appear on the screen.
  • After the firmware has been downloaded to the phone, it will reboot and an image of a green robot with an update scale will appear on its screen. As in the previous case, you must not interrupt the installation process, including disconnecting the mobile phone from the PC.

Updating a Samsung smartphone through a utility on a PC

At the end of the installation, the smartphone will reboot and display a notification about successful installation updates. It is recommended to reset the data after making a backup of it first. Otherwise, new firmware on a mobile phone can work with system errors.

For more information on installing updates on Android via PC, see the tutorial video below.

If the phone does not turn on

In the event that your mobile phone does not start, you can install the official update through a special menu. In addition, in this way you can also install custom (custom firmware). Such operating systems are upgraded by Android phone users themselves and can be downloaded from thematic forums and other resources.

Action algorithm

Android phone users have probably heard about the mode Recovery. This is a special menu that is hardwired into the smartphone's memory, regardless of the OS itself. It allows you to reset the settings, format the memory card and control the phone when it does not start. also in recovery menu It is possible to update the firmware. For this you need:

  • Download the archive with the update from the official website and move it to the phone's memory.
  • Turn off your mobile device and enter recovery mode using a combination of buttons. In most cases, these are the volume up / down keys + the power / lock key.
  • Navigation through the menu is carried out using the volume and lock buttons.
  • Select "Apply update".
  • Further, depending on where you left the archive with the firmware, select Choose from internal storage or Choose from sdcard.
  • Go to the desired directory and click on the name of the file with the firmware.
  • The update installation process will begin, which is not recommended to be interrupted under any circumstances.
  • At the end of the firmware installation, you need to go back to the main recovery menu and select the Reboot system now item to reboot.

Firmware update via recovery

After the done actions, the mobile phone will restart with new version OS and will issue a notification on the start screen. For more information about updating in this way, see the tutorial video.

For advanced users

Experienced users can try to update the phone's firmware through the command Windows line. To do this, as in the case of the Recovery mode, you will need to first download the archive with the required update and place it on your PC. You will also need to install special utility Fastboot, and the bootloader on your mobile device needs to be unlocked. To prepare the installation of the update, you need to connect the phone to the PC via a USB cable, set USB debugging and run the Fastboot utility. All further actions are carried out by typing the necessary commands in the Windows command line.

Update via command line Windows

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