Restoring the iPad. Recovery from DFU Mode and Recovery Mode. IPad Recovery via iTunes

Users of devices based on the iOS platform sometimes face the need for a system recovery. This process Helps to radically correct errors when other methods fail and return iPad to its original factory settings. It is not as difficult as it might seem at first glance. You can restore ipad or other device using simple instructionsbelow.

Recovery and update - what's the difference?

First of all, you need to understand that restoring a device is different from a regular update. When restoring, all settings are reset to their original position. In addition, during this process, all of its contents will be deleted from the iPad: photos, videos, audio files and personal data. With a regular update, content is not deleted, only a new version of the operating system is installed.

Preparing the device for recovery

So, how to restore an ipad and where does this process begin? Before starting the installation, you should take care of two important nuances:

  • must be installed on the computer latest version iTunes client, which can be downloaded from the official website;
  • download fresh iOS version and save it to your PC.

Note! To save required fileson iPad, you can back it up before starting the recovery. To do this, in iTunes you need to go to "Files reserve copy»And sync your device. After reinstalling the operating system, you need to copy them back to iPad. It can also be done manually by selectively saving the necessary information.

Recovery process

Now we will tell you how to restore your iPad in just a few simple steps:

  1. connect the device to a computer via a USB port;
  2. if iTunes does not start automatically (which can be set in its settings), launch the program;
  3. click on the button of the identified device located in the upper right corner;
  4. holding down the "Shift" key, click on the "Restore" option, after which the option to select a previously loaded file will appear;
  5. in this window, specify the path to the saved firmware file in the ".ipsw" format;
  6. click on the "Open" button and confirm the selection on the device itself.

Important! On a Mac, you need to enter your administrator password to start the process.

After that, recovery will begin. Do not disconnect the device during it. ITunes in automatic mode will delete all files and also install the latest firmware. At the end of the process, the iPad will be put into Recovery Mode and its factory settings will be restored.

This is the easiest way to restore ipad through itunes. We hope that this guide will help you quickly cope with this task. Restoring an ipad via itunes is a simple matter, and every user can deal with it.

Nothing and no one will insure us against mistakes. Apple is no exception in this matter. iOS is one of the most reliable mobile platforms, but there are problems with it too. I will describe here one incident that happened to my iPad a week after purchase (read after they were published). At the time of the crash, I didn't know what to do, but I really hoped that the crash was purely software, not hardware. So, first things first

To begin with, I will tell you what led to such a global (as it seemed to me then) problem. By the way, at that time there was no such wonderful program as VLC, and therefore, all the videos had to be converted. Through third party utility I converted one of the episodes of my favorite TV series The Big Bang Theory, added it to iTunes, and synchronized it. This was the first video I was going to watch on an iPad.

Disconnecting the wires, I launched the native Video application. After rendering part of the interface, the iPad hung tightly. Since there was no such experience until then, I decided to wait. After 5 minutes, I decided that it was time to extinguish it. As expected, simply holding down the Power button failed. Fortunately, I had an iPhone for a very long time, and oh forced shutdown devices I already knew then. If someone else does not know, then this is done by holding down the two hardware keys Power + Home (for the iPad, this is also true). It is necessary to hold until the screen turns off. And turn it around - it will definitely go out 🙂 (You have to wait about 5-8 seconds).

After turning it back on, there was only a bull's eye on the screen, and the device did not boot. I waited about 20 minutes. And here I started to panic a little for the first time. The iPad was brought from the states, and how to repair it is completely unclear. But let's not despair ahead of time. “IPad is a healthy iPhone,” this is the slogan under which I started to revive it:

  1. We connect the iPad with a cord to the computer, launch iTunes
  2. Turn off iPad by holding Home + Power (until the screen goes blank)
  3. As soon as the screen goes out, release the Power key (on the upper end), leaving Home pressed. After a few seconds, you will see a message on your computer screen stating that the iPad is in recovery mode. Moreover, nothing will be displayed on the iPad itself !! The screen remains completely black
  4. We press the "restore" button in the window, and watch how iTunes begins to download the latest firmware for you. After that check and unpack. You just watch and keep your fingers crossed.
  5. After a while, on the screen of your iPad, we will see a bull's-eye and a recovery bar (see screenshot).
  6. If there was a backup, we restore from it, if not, then consider that you have new iPad

What could have caused such a failure? It should be noted right away that I didn’t do any JailBreaks, I didn’t drop it on the floor, I didn’t grasp it with dirty hands. Obviously the reason is in the software. And perhaps on 4.2 this will not happen again. In any case, I would very much like to hope so.

P.S. Since the first glitch, this problem has popped up several more times, and the instructions above have always brought this "magic" device to life.

P.P.S. IN last time with such a hang, without touching anything, I stuck it into the computer with a wire, launched iTunes and went to watch a movie. After 10 minutes, he issued a "pilik", and brought home screen... Take a note before reflashing.

What is iPhone recovery and how it differs from updating should every owner of an iOS device, be it a novice user or a geek, know. Moreover, all this is quite simple, to say the least - elementary.

For those who are not "in the know", within the framework of today's instructions, we will get acquainted with what constitutes an iPhone flashing, what are the options and methods for flashing, how iOS device recovery differs from updating and how to reflash an iPhone.

Why do we claim that skills are iPhone firmware or an iPad should every device owner have? It is not suitable for the owner of such an expensive and exclusive apparatus to run in service center whenever, at the software level, difficulties arose in the operation of an iOS device or Apple presented new version mobile operating system iOS. Moreover, the process itself takes no more than 10 minutes and, in most cases, a minimum of effort is required from the user.

We will consider the subject of today's instructions using the iPhone as an example, it will be easier for us and for you, dear readers.

What is iPhone firmware?

If we talk about the firmware of an iOS device as a software component, the iPhone's firmware is its software or operating system. Apple's iPhone software, iPod Touch and iPad are called iOS for short, which means iPhone Operation System in English.

If we talk about iOS device firmware as a process, iPhone firmware is a process of restoring or updating software devices. The most commonly used term is "flashing".

IPhone flashing options

Re-flashing an iOS device includes 2 processes at once:

  • recovery;
  • update.

In essence, the processes are identical, that in the first, in the second case, as a result of a flashing on the iPhone, it will be installed new iOS... Moreover, the concept of "new" in the case of iPhone recovery does not refer to the version of the operating system, but to its state, in other words - "clean".

IPhone Flashing Methods

You can reflash the iPhone in 2 ways, one of them is universal, i.e. is used for both recovery and update, the second is for update only:

  1. IPhone firmware via iTunes;

In the first case, the software is downloaded to the computer and, using the iTunes media combine, it is downloaded directly to the iOS device. Relevant for iOS 4.3.5 inclusive. For iOS 5 and higher, the second method is possible, which implies iOS update directly from the device via the Internet via wireless network (Wi-Fi).

What's the difference between restoring iPhone and updating?

As we already said, restoring or updating an iPhone refers specifically to the software component of the device.

Restoring iPhone is a recovery process initial settings devices. Restoring iPhone will delete all content (photos, videos, music) and personal data ( phone book, information from the calendar), the device settings will be reset to the factory settings.

In a nutshell, restoring your iPhone is resetting your device to its factory state and installing a clean iOS version to the latest version.

IPhone update refers to the process of moving from more old version iOS to a newer one. As a result of the update, all content, personal data and settings will remain intact and iOS will be updated to the new version.

As you can see, the fundamental difference between restoring and updating an iPhone is only that the update does not remove content and personal data from the Phone.

The result is:

Restore iPhone \u003d Delete Content + Factory Reset + iOS Update

As you know, the iPhone, like any other iOS device, can be in several modes provided by the manufacturer: normal mode, (Recovery Mode) and (DFU Mode).

It is possible to restore or update an iPhone in the following modes:

  • in normal mode;
  • in Recovery Mode;
  • in DFU mode.

How to restore iPhone via iTunes?

In order to restore iPhone via iTunes we need:

  • the latest version of iTunes (preferred). At the time of this writing, iTunes is relevant. ;

ITunes window stating that update is not required

  • a pre-downloaded file with a version that is this moment installed on iPhone (optional).

ITunes warning on iOS

So, let's say you have the latest version of iTunes installed on your computer and you've downloaded the firmware file for your iPhone models on hDD.

1 If the "" function is enabled on your iPhone, disable it in the device settings;

ITunes warning to disable find iPhone

2 Connect your iPhone to your computer with a USB cable.
If the iTunes settings are not set to automatically launch the program when the iOS device is connected, launch iTunes;

Selecting a device in iTunes

3 Go to the page for configuring device synchronization with iTunes by clicking on the button with the name of the device type in the upper right corner next to the " iTunes Store»;

Device Information in iTunes

4 While holding down the " Shift"On the keyboard, in the pressed position, click on the" Reestablish»(For Mac, click Alt + Restore). A window for selecting the firmware file with local disk;

5 Select the previously downloaded firmware file with the extension “. ipsw " and click on the " Open". Confirm the iPhone recovery request. iTunes will initiate the restore process. No more action is required from you, iTunes will automatically delete all content and download the "fresh" firmware to internal memory iPhone. In this case, the device will be transferred to and the device will be restored to the factory state.

Confirmation of the start of the firmware process in iTunes

iPhone is stitched

It is important to know

The iPhone recovery process can be completely entrusted to iTunes, without having to download the firmware file to the hard drive, but after such a recovery, if a more recent version of iOS is available in iTunes, it will be installed on the iPhone. In fact, it will delete content, reset the settings and update the iPhone to the new iOS.

How to Recover iPhone from Recovery Mode and DFU Mode?

Procedure to restore iPhone from recovery mode ( Recovery Mode) or firmware update mode ( DFU-mode) is completely identical, with one exception, before restoring, you must enter the iPhone in Recovery Mode or DFU Mode, respectively.

2. Connect your device to your computer using a USB cable and launch iTunes. The program will detect the iPhone in recovery mode;

iTunes detected iPhone in recovery mode

3. While holding down the " Shift"On the keyboard, click on" Reestablish» ( mac users you should press the combination " Alt + Restore«);

File selection window iOS firmware

4. Open the previously downloaded firmware file with the extension “ .ipsw". ITunes will take over the further work, wait until the end of the process.

Start iPhone Flashing Process in iTunes

Is it possible to factory reset iPhone without updating iOS?

If we are talking about a "clean" iPhone restore via iTunes, as a result, the device will have the latest version of iOS installed, ie. in fact, the firmware will be updated, and this is not always necessary, especially for owners of jailbroken devices. Why? Because the jailbreak for the current version of the iPhone firmware appears, as a rule, with a great delay, and as a result, updating the iPhone will entail the loss of the jailbreak.

Restoring / Updating "locked" (locked for a specific operator cellular communication) iPhone jailbroken entails:

  • blocking a "locked" iPhone - you cannot connect the device to a cellular network of another operator;
  • loss of jailbreak.

Fortunately, there is a way to remove all content from it without updating the iOS version and without losing the jailbreak. We have already talked about the SemiRestore utility, which allows you to clear the contents of an iOS device and reset its settings to factory settings without loss. Use it if you have a "locked" or "jailbroken" device in your hands.

IPhone update

We already mentioned that there are 2 ways to update an iOS device to the latest version of iOS:

  1. Connected to a computer via iTunes;
  2. Directly from an iOS device via Wi-Fi.

The first method is practically no different from restoring iPhone to current version firmware. The second allows you to update your iPhone to the current iOS without connecting to a computer via Wi-Fi.

Updating iPhone from Computer via iTunes

1. Connect iPhone to computer with USB cable and launch iTunes. Go to the "Devices" menu and select your device;

Selecting a device in iTunes

2. On the page for configuring synchronization and settings for connecting the device to iTunes, left-click on " Refresh". Confirm the iPhone update to the latest iOS version.

3. You can save time and not wait iOS downloads in service folder iTunes by downloading the latest iOS to your hard drive. Using the combination " Shift + Refresh»Initiate a firmware update from the hard drive.

After the update, you will receive an iPhone with the current iOS "on board", all user content and settings will be saved.

Updating iPhone over Wi-Fi

With the advent of iOS 5.0, developers have integrated the ability to update the firmware directly into the mobile operating system... Starting with iOS 5.0 and higher, the "Software Update" menu item is available in the iOS device settings. The update is available only when connected to the Internet via Wi-Fi. Internet connection bandwidth cellular networks does not allow iOS update over 2G or 3G connection.

1. On iPhone, go to SettingsThe mainSoftware Update;

Go to software update in iPhone settings

2. Tap on " Download and install»And in the next window accept the terms of use. Wait for the process to finish.

It looks like updating iPhone over WiFi

Let us remind you once again that an iOS update does not entail the loss of user data and content and a factory reset, but it is dangerous for "jailbroken" and "locked" devices.

Video how to upgrade to iOS 11 over WiFi on iPhone 6s

Video tutorial to restore and update iPhone

As you can see, there is nothing complicated about flashing the iPhone, which includes updating and restoring. Learning basic skills in operating iOS devices is both useful and saves on trips to service centers.

If you have any difficulties or errors appear when flashing iTunes, write to us in the comments, we will try to help you!

Despite the fact that iOS is considered the most stable mobile platform in the world, this does not exclude numerous errors in the system. In the event that your iPad refuses to work properly, it is most advisable to restore the device.

This article will discuss 2 ways to restore tablet computer... The first method will work if your device is working properly and connects to iTunes without any problems. The second method is suitable for those whose computer cannot find the connected device or the device itself is unstable. For both cases, you need a computer with a fresh iTunes version, USB cable and, accordingly, Apple iPad.

Remember to create a backup before proceeding to restore iPad. after restoring, iPad will lose all your data.

First way.

1. Connect your device to your computer using a USB cable and wait until automatic start ITunes. If autorun is disabled in iTunes settings, launch the program yourself.

2. Open the setup page iPad syncby clicking on the icon with the name of the device in the upper right corner of the program.

3. Click on the "Restore iPad" icon, confirm your desire to continue restoring the tablet and wait until the program finishes.

Attention! During recovery, never disconnect the device from the USB cable.

Also note that by clicking the "Restore iPad" button, the latest version of IOS will be installed on your device.

Second way.

For the second method, you need to download from the Internet required version iOS. IN search bar indicate the model name of your gadget, as well as the number of the firmware that you need to download.

1. Connect iPad to computer with USB cable and launch iTunes.

2. Turn off iPad by holding down the Home (center) + Power (top right) keys. Hold until the screen is completely off.

3. At the moment when iPad screen disconnect, release power buttonwhile continuing to hold home button and wait until a message appears on your computer screen that the iPad is in recovery mode. In this case, the tablet itself will remain turned off. You have put the device into DFU mode, which is familiar to every user who has done a JailBreak on his device at least once.

4. Clamp shift key and click the "Restore" button. A window will open windows explorer, in which you must specify the path to the previously downloaded firmware. Start recovery and wait for the process to finish.

5. If during the preparation for the recovery iTunes did not have any difficulties, then the screen of your iPad will come to life and you will see the image of a bitten apple and a bar showing the time until the end of the recovery.

6. After restoring iPad, remember to recover from backupto get all personal information and downloaded apps back in place.

Hello! The topic of restoring iOS firmware has long been considered on the Internet up and down. And, frankly, at first I didn't want to write about what is already on the net. Why produce instructions of the same type? But then it was nevertheless decided (these are the torments of choice for the author of this blog! :)) that there is a need for this.

So why another instruction? Everything is very simple - I receive a lot of questions, both in the mail and in the comments about various failures in the software providing iPhone and, in most cases, they can only be cured by software recovery. So this process is important and there is no way to bypass it, and it will be easier for me to answer your questions - just by pointing out the link to this article. Eh, it seems to be justified :) Let's go!

A few important notes:

  1. When restoring an iPhone, absolutely everything is deleted from it. It turns out such a phone as if you just bought it in a store.
  2. It can only be restored using a computer and iTunes programs... This cannot be done “over the air,” via iCloud or otherwise.
  3. The procedure is performed both with a fully functional device, and if iOS system does not load (in this case, you will need to enter DFU mode).

By the way, recovery is the only way to properly remove jailbreak from iPhone.

Detailed instructions for iPhone recovery

So, complete and detailed step-by-step instruction... We launch iTunes on the computer and connect the iPhone, if everything went well, then the phone model, its firmware and other data will be displayed in the main window of the program. At this stage, two errors are possible:

  1. The computer does not detect the iPhone - about that.
  2. If the device shows no signs of life, try it.

As a result, with any successful connection, we get one of two windows

And here we are only interested in one button - "Restore". If you just click on it, iTunes will start preparing the iPhone, download the latest firmware from Apple servers, and begin installing it on the device.

Attention! Find My iPhone must be disabled!

The biggest problem is loading the firmware. Sometimes this process takes quite a long amount of time, especially with a slow Internet connection. Plus, if the connection is not stable and connection breaks are possible, then iTunes will start downloading it again every time, which is not very pleasant and long, you will agree.

But there is a way to speed up the recovery process. To do this, you need to download the software file in the .ipsw format yourself (from any third-party resource, for example and save it on your computer. Please note - for each iPhone model, there will be a different file!

Now, hold down the "Shift" key on the keyboard and only then press the "Restore" button. A window will open asking you to specify the firmware file. We select the one downloaded in advance and wait - iTunes will do everything on its own.

Why can't I restore my iPhone and what should I do?

In fact, there can be many reasons. Moreover, they are connected both with a computer or a device, and simply with inattention.

Here are the most basic ones:

  1. Lack of access to the Internet on a PC or periodic interruptions and disconnections.
  2. Antiviruses, firewalls and other interfering programs normal functioning iTunes. Maybe your security settings are configured in such a way that iTunes simply does not get access to Apple servers.
  3. Slow Internet connection. Not even that. Very slow Internet. Now this is rare, but I remember my attempts to reanimate the iPhone back in 2009 using a network connection from a USB modem. I will not paint everything, I will say the result - the restoration failed.
  4. In the case when you download the firmware yourself - see if it exactly suits your phone model.
  5. Check for iTunes. If so, install the latest version of the program.
  6. It is very desirable, but what is really there, be sure to use the original USB cable, not certified can contribute to the appearance of various errors. Non-original is possible only, and even then not always, and they are not suitable for reflashing (restoration).
  7. It is quite possible that the problems are already inside, that is, "iron". There can be a lot of faults - from a loop to motherboard... Remember not or too hard.

As you can see, there are really many options. Please pay attention to any little thing - because it is because of it that problems with iPhone recovery... Still, something doesn't work out? Be sure to write in the comments - let's try to figure it out together!

P.S. They say that in order for the recovery to be successful and correct, you need to "like" this article. They probably lie, but just in case I put it ... and everything worked out! :)

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