How to get out of Windows test mode. Turn Windows Test Mode on and off

The hardware configuration of the computers on which Windows is installed can differ significantly in a number of parameters, just as the OS versions and editions themselves can differ. It is for this reason that the Windows applications must be universal in terms of compatibility. This is usually the case, however, there are software that requires special treatment called test mode.

What is test mode and when is it activated

The test mode of Windows 10 can be conditionally called the state of "loyalty" of the system to software that does not have the appropriate electronic signatures. In this mode, the system lowers the security level, which allows the administrator to install unstable software. In addition, on 64-bit systems it becomes possible to bypass certain security restrictions.

Under normal conditions, the test mode is usually not activated by itself. To enable it, an appropriate action by the user or a third-party program is required. The fact that Windows is working in Test Mode is clearly indicated by the inscription "Test mode Windows 10 ..." in the lower right corner of the monitor. The mode itself takes effect if the user turns off the boot menu or intentionally enabling it using the standard console tool bcdedit or third party utility Driver Signature Enforcement Overrider.

A text vatemark in the corner of the desktop may appear, although not immediately, in modified Windows builds if the author decided to deactivate some verification functions. Also, insider assemblies of the system released by Microsoft can be marked with the logo. Below we will show you how to exit the test Windows mode 10, but first, let's see how to hide the annoying message indicating its activity from the screen.

How to remove the inscription "Test mode"

If you use Test Mode on an ongoing basis, sooner or later, the notification text next to the system tray will start to bore you and, most likely, you will want to get rid of it. But how to remove the inscription "Test mode" in Windows 10 in the lower right corner without leaving the mode itself? Very easy, just use a small portable utility Universal Watermark Disabler, which can be found without any problems on the Internet. Run it, click the "Install" button and confirm the action.

In this case, the work of the Explorer will be completed, the screen will turn black, the user session will automatically end, but when you log in again, you will see that the annoying inscription near the system tray has disappeared. If after a while you want to return it, you need to run the program again and this time press the “Uninstall” button.

V newest assemblies Windows 10, the correctness of the Universal Watermark Disabler is not guaranteed, for example, in Windows 10 16299, the utility generated the error "Failure on remote procedure call", which, however, did not prevent it from successfully hiding the inscription. However, this method is the most versatile.

Windows 10 users also offered other ways to get rid of the logo, in particular, manipulating files in the directory % userprofile% / AppData / Roaming / Microsoft / Windows / Themes... But as practice has shown, such actions rarely lead to the desired result, or their success is temporary.

How to disable test mode altogether

Well, now it's time to find out how to turn off Windows 10 test mode altogether. This is done very simply using the console tool. bcdedit.exe... The method given here works not only in the current tenth Windows versions, but also in the "eight" and "seven". Run Command Prompt or PowerShell Console with administrator privileges and run the command in it bcdedit.exe -set testsigning off and then restart the machine. Done, test mode is deactivated, and the notification text in the system tray will disappear.

There is, however, a small chance that you will not be able to turn off the test mode of Windows 10 so immediately. If, after executing the command, you find that the vatemark still "decorates" the lower right corner of the desktop, go back to the console and run in it first bcdedit.exe -set loadoptions enable_integrity_checks, and then repeat the command in the paragraph above.

This time, the test mode should be completely disabled, as well as its watermark should disappear from the screen.

Found it on a computer and do not know how to remove the inscription "Test mode build ..." on Windows? Many users face this problem. There is nothing critical here, but the lines at the bottom of the screen can get in the way. Therefore, it is worth knowing what it is, how to enable or disable the test mode of windows 7 or 10.

The functionality of Win 7 and Win 10 provides testing software without certificates.

What is it?

Test mode is a special function that allows you to test programs without a verification certificate. Not all software works with Microsoft electronically signed drivers. For example, the utility has not yet been released in official versions or is about to be released, but it needs to be tested. Sooner or later, any user may come across such a program, after which he will be offered to turn on the "Test". Its activation will be indicated by the inscription "Test mode Windows 10 build 0000" in the lower right corner of the screen. Instructions on how to remove the test mode of windows 10 are given below.


Activation of this option in Windows 10 and 7, as a rule, takes place without the knowledge of the user. Only then does he notice that incomprehensible inscriptions have appeared on the screen. However, there is a way how to activate this option yourself, without the help of those applications for which it is intended.

  1. Find the command line utility. Usually it is easy to find it through the Start menu - in the search or in the "Standard Applications".
  2. Run the line as administrator (right mouse button, select the appropriate parameter).
  3. Enter the following: bcdedit.exe -set TESTSIGNING ON
  4. We press "Enter".

After that, a corresponding inscription will appear, which annoys many users.


A much larger number of users are not worried about how to activate the Windows "Test" on the "Seven" or "Ten", but how to remove it. Let's figure out how to disable test mode windows 10.

  1. Run the "Command Line" as administrator.
  2. We type: bcdedit.exe -set TESTSIGNING OFF
  3. Press "Enter".

Hello. This is a continuation of the first article on disabling verification. digital signature drivers, but this time we disable it forever (or rather, as long as you need it). First, about the essence of the Windows test mode. This mode was created for the convenience of developers and allows you to test drivers and some utilities without having to check the digital signature. That allows you not to sign each build of a driver or program to check its performance. This article is completely suitable for operating rooms. Microsoft systems Windows 10, 8.1, 8, 7

Since not everyone needs it all the time, I propose to split the article into two parts:

  1. Enabling test mode
  2. Disable Windows Test Mode

1. How to enable test mode in Windows 10, 8.1, 8, 7

We open command line with administrator rights, in modern operating systems, just right-click on the corner of Start and select the appropriate item:

For the old operating system or for those who turned on PowerShell in the start menu, read this instruction, there all the methods are described.

In the window that opens, in order, enter following lines:

bcdedit.exe -set loadoptions DISABLE_INTEGRITY_CHECKS bcdedit.exe -set TESTSIGNING ON

After restarting the system, the test mode will be activated, and a reminder about this will always be displayed in the lower right corner:

2. How to disable test mode in Windows 10, 8.1, 8, 7

Let's assume that we are already tired of fiddling with test versions of drivers or we are simply tired of this inscription in the lower right corner, what should we do? Yes, everything is simple, again open the command line as administrator and enter the following lines:

bcdedit.exe -set loadoptions ENABLE_INTEGRITY_CHECKS

And we restart the system, after starting the test mode will be disabled, and the inscription at the bottom of the screen will disappear.

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Turn on Windows 10 test mode

woodhummer 03/15/2017 - 21:37 Workshop

In the process of working at a computer, situations sometimes arise (for example, when connecting Android devices to reflash them) when you need to install specific and unsigned hardware drivers. In this case, it is best to use Windows test mode. Let's consider this issue in more detail.

Turn on test mode in the Windows command line

For the transition to the test mode to be successful, you must first turn off the "Secure Boot ( Secure Boot) "In the BIOS, so before starting you need to go to BIOS settings(UEFI) of your computer. For various manufacturers motherboards the settings will be slightly different, but we will figure out how to disable "Secure Boot" using the example of our computer with motherboard Asus.

So: start the BIOS (UEFI) and go to the "Download" section. In it, go to the "Safe Boot" item and click it with the mouse.

A small menu "OS Type" appears, in which we select the "Other OS" item.

We save the parameters and reload. If there is no Safe Boot item in the menu of your BIOS, then it is already disabled at the hardware level and you do not need to perform the above actions.

Now you can run the top ten in test mode to remove some OS restrictions, in particular those that are imposed when installing unsigned drivers. We start the command line (with administrator rights), enter the command:

bcdedit.exe -set loadoptions DISABLE_INTEGRITY_CHECKS

bcdedit.exe -set TESTSIGNING ON

We are waiting for the completion of the execution of each of the commands, after which the system will issue a corresponding notification.

We close the window, we are overloaded. After rebooting, next to the notification panel, we will see an inscription reminding of the mode in which the operating system is now running.

You can disable the test mode in a similar way, only the command syntax will be slightly different:

bcdedit.exe -set TESTSIGNING OFF

If the command gives an error, turn off the "Secure Boot" mode in the BIOS.


Be careful when performing actions on the command line. And remember - Windows work 10 in test mode significantly reduces the security of the operating system.

updated: 03/15/2017

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How to disable Test Mode in Windows 10 (Test Mode)

In Windows 10, more and more are given to security measures to protect the user from various threats, from crashing installed programs... One of these innovations is the Secure Boot feature of UEFI systems, which prohibits the installation of unsigned drivers in the operating system in such a way that only those that were previously approved by the company could install. Fortunately for users who need to install a specific, unsigned driver for special reasons, Windows 10 Test Mode is available.

Windows 10 Test Mode is a special operating mode through which users can install unsigned drivers and run software without Microsoft's digital signature. This mode is good because you can run one or another driver and see the consequences on the system without any risks. When you turn on Test Mode, you will see a watermark on the screen, but what if it turned on by itself? And how to disable Test Mode in Windows 10.

How to enable or disable Test Mode in Windows 10

  • 1. Remember that when you turn off the test mode, the function may cause the driver or program to not work correctly.
  • 2. Keep in mind, if you have Secure Boot enabled in BIOS, we will not be able to enable it manually. (Go to BIOS and look for the Secure Boot function, disable it if necessary. Usually it is disabled by default and you don't have to worry).
  • 3. If it worked automatically and the Test Mode watermark appeared on the screen and you just need to turn off the test mode, go directly to step 4.

Step 1. Run Command Prompt as administrator:

  • Click Search.
  • Enter cmd.
  • Click on right click mouse click on Command Prompt and run as administrator.

Step 2. To enable testing mode, enter the following commands:

Bcdedit.exe -set TESTSIGNING ON

Step 3. To disable test mode in windows 10 enter:

Bcdedit.exe -set TESTSIGNING OFF

Step 4. If step 3 did not help, then try entering these commands to disable:

Bcdedit.exe -set loadoptions ENABLE_INTEGRITY_CHECKS

Bcdedit.exe -set TESTSIGNING OFF

Reboot your computer or laptop.

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How to enable or disable Windows 7 test mode 8.10.

In order to use the test operating mode Windows systems(7. 8. 10.) you need to perform a couple of simple manipulations with the "Command Line" utility - not to be confused with " Safe Mode»…

It is probably unnecessary to talk about any "benefits" of such regimes, and since you are studying this article, you yourself are probably aiming at a certain benefit! So ... Test Mode can be very helpful. ordinary user PC. - for example, to sign (and install) unsigned drivers!

Below in the text, without unnecessary words, we will learn how to start and disable the test mode of Windows OS using the Command Line, or with one utility useful for an unenlightened user ...

disabling digital signature verification for drivers in Windows 7

Our goal is that in the lower right corner of the Desktop there is a warning about test use of Windows OS. That is, this inscription signals that our system is operating in one mode or another.

how to enable or disable the test mode Windows 7 8 10

In order to start (and later turn off) test modes:

... you should, as mentioned, use the command line ... (how to run the command line) in the opened window "lines ..." enter the following commands: (you can copy)

bcdedit -set TESTSIGNING ON - to enable test mode

bcdedit -set TESTSIGNING OFF - to turn off the test mode

Do not forget:

restart the operating system - only in this case the test mode will be disabled or enabled.

Maybe for someone more affordable way:

disable test mode using the Driver Signature Enforcement Overrider (DSEO) utility

So: everything is trite - Driver Signature Enforcement Overrider (DSEO) - download and unpack the archive!

You can download ... well, somewhere here ... by the way, you can read something on the page ...

You will have something like this window after a successful launch:

After starting "DSEO", all you need to do to enable or disable the test mode in Windows is to select the desired one - respectively: Enable Test Mode (on), or (off) Disable Test Mode.

This method has nuances, if the test mode is turned on, it will be turned on all the time.

I must say that the method with the "DSEO" utility is officially designed to test fresh drivers.

As it was said: in the lower corner there will be an inscription "Windows test mode ..."

To remove the inscription (exit the test mode), select Disable Test Mode.

At the next restarting windows- the "choice" of the boot option appears for a few seconds - with signature verification ... or without any checks.

We choose the usual boot option ... well, or the modes we need ...

Here is a complete collection of Mustache Keys for Windows - with detailed explanations ...

It seems like he said everything on the current topic ...

What is not clear, ask questions ...

MIG subscription - ERA of useful knowledge !!

If something is not clear and you still have questions, please share in the comments. Together we can do a lot! Take care of yourself -!

Disable "Test Mode" in Windows 10

If you stumbled upon this article, then you probably became the very lucky owner of the inscription "Test mode" in the lower corner of the screen, with the name installed system and with information about its edition and assembly.

Usually, most users confuse such an inscription with system activation and instead of turning off the test mode, they feverishly try to activate Windows using the activator.

In this manual, we will look at what may cause the test mode to appear, and also, I will show you how the easiest way is to disable the same test mode in Windows 10 and permanently get rid of the annoying text and others. modern systems Windows.

The reason for the appearance of the inscription of the test mode

Most often, the launch of the test mode for users is unnoticed. Most often this happens automatically when you try to install drivers that are not digitally signed or various programs, which during the installation process could close up a request to the user to turn on the test mode to continue the installation, but the user, due to his inattention, could press the consent button without reading what they wanted from him to continue the installation.

But, sometimes there are cases when the user himself simply needs to go into test mode in order to install a driver for a test device device or something like that.

In general, in a nutshell, the test mode is turned on at the moment when the driver's digital signature verification was disabled on the computer by the user.

How to get rid of or disable test mode

So, to completely disable the test mode, we sequentially perform this:

Get rid of test mode in Windows 10 using a third-party utility

There is also another option that will help get rid of the annoying watermark, while not disabling it completely, as we did in the first method.

For example, if you know for sure that you have programs or devices on your system that 100% will not work without a test mode, then this option will suit you perfectly as it does not completely disable it, but only removes the watermark from the desktop ...

If you do not know if something can stop working without a test mode, then I recommend that you first use the first option, disabling the test mode completely in Windows 10, check the result and, if necessary, enable it back while removing the sign using this option.

In general, in order to get rid of the inscription, we will use third party program with the name "Universal Watermark Disabler". She is free app which will help you get rid of most of the test mode-like watermarks. By the way, according to the developer, the application should work without problems on all versions of tens, eight and 8.1, but Windwos 7, unfortunately, does not support this utility.

I also noticed that more and more videos with reviews of this utility began to appear on Youtube. And from the comments I can conclude that it really helps the majority, in principle, as well as me.

As a result, the test mode will remain operational, but the notification message about the enabled mode will no longer appear.

In general, as always, everything is easy and simple. By the way, if you turned off the test mode, but then decided to turn everything back, you will need to execute one more command:, in the same command line and, of course, with administrator rights.

Some users of the Windows 10 operating system find on their desktop a mysterious inscription "Test mode". This inscription is located in the lower right corner of the screen and informs that the system is in test mode.

Test Mode is a mode in which the Windows 10 operating system allows users to install and use drivers not signed by Microsoft. Usually this mode used by software developers. If you have suddenly turned on such a mode, then you can turn it off or simply remove the inscription "Test mode" from the desktop.

Disable Test Mode in Windows 10

In order to disable test mode in Windows 10 you will need. You can open it in different ways, the most reliable way which will work anyway is the start menu search. To do this, open the "Start" menu, enter the command "cmd" in the search, then right-click on the found program and select "Run as administrator".

After that, the "Command Line" should appear in front of you. The title of the window should contain the inscription "Administrator", which indicates that the "Command line" is launched with administrator rights.

Now you can start disabling Windows 10 test mode. To do this, you just need to run the command “ bcdedit.exe -set TESTSIGNING OFF"And restart your computer.

After executing this command and restarting the computer, the inscription "Test mode" should disappear from the desktop.

How to remove the inscription "Test mode" from the desktop

If you do not need to turn off the test mode, but simply remove the inscription "Test mode" from the desktop, then this can be done using free software Universal Watermark Disabler. This program is designed to remove various watermarks in Windows 8, Windows 8.1 and Windows 10. The developer claims that the program works in all Windows assemblies starting from Windows 8 build 7850.

In order to hide the inscription "Test Mode" using the Universal Watermark Disabler, install and run it on your computer. After starting this program, you will see a small window with the "Install" button.

Click on this button and confirm the use of the program by clicking on the "OK" button. After that, your computer will restart, and the inscription "Test Mode" will disappear from the desktop.

Test mode has always been a problem of the Windows operating system, and it has not disappeared anywhere in Windows 10. By installing unsigned drivers on a computer, the user runs the risk of encountering a situation when in the lower right corner of the screen he sees the inscription "Test mode", after which the exact name is indicated operating system and build version. The functionality of Windows will not decrease from this, but this inscription on the screen will take up space, which does not suit all users. As part of this article, we will consider: how to enable / disable test mode in Windows 10, or simply remove the inscription.

What is Windows 10 Test Mode

Thousands of applications are being developed for the Windows operating system, each of which must be compatible with various computers... They differ not only in hardware, but also in the versions of installed operating systems. To test an application or, for example, an unsigned driver, the user can activate the test mode in Windows 10. On versions of the 64-bit operating system, the test mode also allows you to remove some security restrictions.

Activating test mode in the Windows 10 operating system is quite simple, for this you need to do the following:

  1. Run command line as administrator;
  2. Enter the command in it: bcdedit.exe -set TESTSIGNING ON
  3. Press Enter.

After such simple manipulations, the test mode will be activated.

How to disable Test Mode in Windows 10

There may be situations when the test mode of Windows 10 is activated spontaneously. In such cases, the user is better off turning it off as soon as possible, since in test mode the system is more vulnerable from a security point of view. The test mode in Windows 10 is also disabled through the command line launched as administrator. It is necessary to register the following command in it:

Bcdedit.exe -set TESTSIGNING OFF

After entering the command, press Enter and restart your computer.

If this way did not help to correct the situation and after restarting the computer the test mode remained activated, you will need to do the following:

Note: The methods described above to enable and disable test mode in Windows 10 are also relevant for previous versions of the operating system - Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 8.1.

How to hide the "Test Mode" label in Windows 10

Above, we have described ways to disable the test mode in Windows 10. But some users, for one reason or another, have to use it all the time, and they may just need to hide the text informing about the test mode, which is located in the lower right corner of the screen.

In the operating system settings, as well as using system utilities, you won't be able to hide information about Windows 10 test mode. In order for the mode to remain activated, but the inscription disappeared, you will need to apply third party solution... The most popular application that allows you to hide the Windows 10 test mode inscription is Universal Watermark Disabler. This program can be downloaded from the official website of the developers, where it is distributed free of charge.

After downloading the Universal Watermark Disabler application, launch it and click Install.

After that, the application will display a message (in most cases) that its work on the current Windows assembly not tested. Click Yes.

After that, from the lower right corner of the screen, the inscription that Windows 10 is working in test mode will disappear, while the system will continue to operate in test mode. If you need to disable it in the future, you can do this using the method described above.

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