What are keyboard shortcuts and how do I use them in Skype? How to go to the next line in Skype


Most programs for entering and editing text use the Enter key to move to the next line. If you need to go down one line, press the specified key once, if two (three, ten) - continue to press the key until you go down to the desired line.

The ordinal line number in the Microsoft Office Word editor can be seen in the status bar, which is located under the work area. Click on it with the right mouse button and select the item "Line number" in the context menu with the left mouse button to track the statistics of the document.

A regular line break does not always mark the start of a new paragraph, as a paragraph is usually indented. To mark the paragraph, press the Space key several times or set the options you want in the settings. To do this, select the desired piece of text and right-click on it.

In the context menu, select the "Paragraph" item - a new dialog box will open. Go to the tab "Indents and spacing" and set the value "Indent" in the "First line" in the "Indent" group. If necessary, set your own indentation width and click the OK button. The dialog box will close automatically, the settings will be applied to the selected text fragment.

To move to a new line in other applications, you sometimes need to use a keyboard shortcut. The Enter key remains the main one; the Ctrl, Shift or Alt keys can be used as an additional key. So, for example, a simple single press of the Enter key in Microsoft Office Excel will cause the cursor to move to the next cell. To continue entering text from a new line in one cell, use the combination of Alt and Enter.

In ICQ and QIP applications, everything depends on the selected settings. Sending a message can be done by pressing Enter, then to move to a new line use the combination of Ctrl and Enter. If sending text, on the contrary, is displayed on the designated keys, it means that the transition to a new line will be carried out by a single press of the Enter key.

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  • how to switch to

Skills such as breaking a line or making a space are the very basics of working in a text editor and on a computer in general. Without knowing them, it will simply be impossible for a novice user to switch to more serious tools for writing and formatting text. This is practically the same as typing a document without knowing the keys.

You will need

  • Mouse, keyboard
  • text editor


In order to move the line below, place the cursor in the place from which you plan to perform this operation. You can move the cursor either with the mouse or with the arrows. Press the "Enter" key. The flashing cursor will be at the beginning of the next line. Together with it, the rest will be transferred to the line below.

Keyboard shortcuts are combinations of two or more keyboard keys. They make access to menu commands faster and easier. You can use keyboard shortcuts to easily quit Skype, send a file, and more.

Global keyboard shortcuts allow you to use Skype keyboard shortcuts even when Skype for Windows 10 (version 14) is minimized or out of focus. Global keyboard shortcuts are included by default in Skype. To disable them:

  1. Click your avatar.
  2. Click Options.
  3. Select a category Are common.
  4. Flip the switch Enable global keyboard shortcuts to the "Off" position.

Available global keyboard shortcuts

Keyboard shortcut Act
Ctrl + forward slash View keyboard shortcuts
Ctrl + comma Open application settings
Ctrl + H
Ctrl + O Post a review
Ctrl + T Open Topics
Ctrl + Shift + T
Alt + 1 Go to recent chats
Ctrl + I Open the notification panel
Ctrl + Shift + S
Ctrl + Tab Next conversation
Ctrl + Shift + Tab Previous conversation
Ctrl + Shift + plus sign (+) Zoom in
Ctrl + minus (-) Zoom out
Ctrl + Zero
Ctrl + N Start a new conversation
Ctrl + G New group chat
Alt + 2 Open contacts
Ctrl + P Show conversation profile
Ctrl + Shift + A Add participants to a conversation
Ctrl + Shift + F Send file
Ctrl + Shift + G Open gallery
Ctrl + Shift + U Mark as unread
Alt + Shift + E
Ctrl + Shift + L
Ctrl + Shift + E Archive the selected conversation
Ctrl + F Search the selected conversation
Ctrl + Shift + P Answering an incoming call
Ctrl + E End call
Ctrl + Shift + K Start a video call
Ctrl + Shift + P Start voice call
Ctrl + M Turn sound on or off
Ctrl + Shift + K Switch camera
Ctrl + D
Ctrl + Shift + A Add people to the call
Ctrl + S To take a photo
Ctrl + Shift + J
Ctrl + Alt + M Announce microphone status during a call
Ctrl + Alt + Shift + K Announce your own video status during a call
Ctrl + Shift + Tab Open chat from above
Ctrl + Tab Open chat from below
Ctrl + R (classic Windows only) Update app
Keyboard shortcut Act
Command + comma Open application settings
Control + H Open help in default browser
Command + Option + O Post a review
Command + T Open Topics
Command + Shift + T Switch between light and dark skins
Option + 1 Go to recent chats
Command + Shift + O Open the notification panel
Command + Option + F Search for messages, contacts and bots
Control + Tab Next conversation
Control + Shift + Tab Previous conversation
Command + Shift + plus sign Zoom in
Command + minus sign Zoom out
Command + zero View actual size
Command + N Start a new conversation
Command + G New group chat
Command + Shift + C Open contacts
Command + I Show conversation profile
Command + Shift + A Add participants to a conversation
Command + Shift + F Send file
Command + Shift + G Open gallery
Command + Shift + U Mark as unread
Control + Shift + E Selecting the message editor as the active window
Command + Shift + L Unbound message highlighting
Command + E Archive the selected conversation
Command + F Search the current conversation
Command + Shift + R Answering an incoming call
Command + Shift + H End call
Command + Shift + K Start a video call
Command + Shift + R Start voice call
Command + Shift + M Turn sound on or off
Command + Shift + K Switch camera
Command + 2 Launch dial pad
Command + Shift + A Add people to the call
Command + S To take a photo
Command + Shift + J Resize the camera preview window
Command + 1 Open the main Skype window
Command + Shift + E Edit the last message sent
Control + Shift + Tab Open chat from above
Control + Tab Open chat from below
Keyboard shortcut Act
Ctrl + Shift + comma Open application settings
Ctrl + Shift + H Open help in default browser
Alt + 1 Go to recent chats
Ctrl + I Open the notification panel
Ctrl + Shift + F Search for people, groups and messages
Ctrl + Shift + plus sign (+) Zoom in
Ctrl + minus (-) Zoom out
Ctrl + Zero View actual size
Ctrl + Shift + G New group chat
Alt + 2 Open contacts
Ctrl + Shift + A Add participants to a conversation
Ctrl + Shift + U Mark as unread
Alt + Shift + E Selecting the message editor as the active window
Ctrl + Shift + E Archive the selected conversation
Ctrl + F Search the current conversation
CTRL + SHIFT + K Start a video call

Note... The keyboard shortcut CTRL + SHIFT + K will launch the extension

CTRL + SHIFT + P Start voice call
Ctrl + M Turn sound on or off
Ctrl + Shift + K Switch camera
Ctrl + Shift + D Launch dial pad
Ctrl + Shift + A Add people to the call
Alt + Shift + J Resize the camera preview window
Ctrl + Shift + R Update app
Up arrow key after sending a message Edit the last message sent
Keyboard shortcut Act
Command + Shift + Comma Open application settings
Control + Shift + H Open help in default browser
Command + Option + O Post a review
Option + 1 Go to recent chats
Command + Shift + O Open the notification panel
Command + Shift + F Search all messages, contacts and bots
Command + Shift + plus sign Zoom in
Command + minus sign Zoom out
Command + zero View actual size
Command + Shift + G New group chat
Command + Shift + C Open contacts
Command + I Show conversation profile
Command + Shift + A Add participants to a conversation
Command + Shift + U Mark as unread
Control + Shift + E Selecting the message editor as the active window
Command + Shift + L Unbound message highlighting
Command + E Archive the selected conversation
Command + F Search the selected conversation
Command + Shift + H End call
COMMAND + SHIFT + K Start a video call

Note... The shortcut COMMAND + SHIFT + K will launch the extension Accessibility Insights for Webif you've installed it. It will not start a Skype video call.

COMMAND + SHIFT + M Turn sound on or off
Command + Shift + K Switch camera
Command + Shift + 2 Launch dial pad
Command + Shift + A Add people to the call
Option + Shift + J Resize the camera preview window
Command + Shift + R Update app
Command + Shift + E Edit the last message sent

Skype is a great tool for keeping in touch with friends and colleagues. But not always you can find the necessary settings. In our article 10 simple tips to help you communicate on Skype more comfortably.

1. Change the font and text size

By default, Skype has a small chat text size. But you can very easily change both the size and the type of font used. Go to the "Tools" menu, select "Options". In the left sidebar, click on "Chats and SMS" and select "Chat visual design" from the drop-down menu. Here you can customize the font to your liking.

2. Change the names of your contacts

If you have two Olegs on Skype and you get confused all the time and write in the wrong place, then just change the contact names to those that will be clear to you. To do this, click on the person's name. A window will open with its name at the top. When you hover the mouse over the name, on the side you will see a small icon with the image of a notebook. Click on it and edit the name as you need.

3. Hide the text input indicator

You, of course, have noticed that when someone types you on Skype, sometimes a writing pencil appears, while when a person erases the written words, the pencil does the same. If you do not want your interlocutors to see how many times you write and again erase the message, then simply turn off the print indicator. To do this, go to the menu "Tools" → "Settings" → "Chats and SMS". Select "Open advanced settings" and uncheck the box next to the pencil in it. That's all, now no one will know about your torment while typing.

4. Install notifications by word

When you are connected to any general chat, you are often distracted by new message notifications, however, you cannot not read the chat, because you are afraid of missing something important. In this case, set word notifications. When words that are important to you appear in the chat, you will receive a notification, otherwise you will not worry. To set such notifications, you need to select the "Notification settings" item in the "Conversations" tab.

The words you choose will be highlighted in the chat, so you will immediately notice them.

5. Edit your last sentence

If you notice a typo after sending your message, you can still correct it. Right-click on it and select "Edit Message". It will reappear in the input field. After editing it, press "Enter" and you will send the corrected version.

6. Delete the last message

In the same way, which is described in the previous paragraph, you can delete the last message. When you edit a post, a small pencil icon will appear next to it. If you delete the message, the message "Message deleted" and the trash can icon will appear instead.

7. Remove animated emoticons

If animated emoticons annoy you, you can turn them off. They will be displayed as static ones. To do this, you need to open "Tools" → "Settings" → "Chats and SMS" → "Visual design of the chat" and set the parameters for displaying emoticons.

8. Open multiple chat windows at the same time

If you are communicating with several people at the same time, then switching between windows is not very convenient. Better to open two windows side by side. To do this, select “Compact View Mode” from the “View” menu and open as many windows as you need. To return to the normal Skype view, you need to reopen the "View" menu and select "Standard View"

9. How to go to a new line

If you print a message and press "Enter", then send it, and to get a line break and move the sentence to a new line, you need to press Shift + Enter. You can change the keyboard shortcut by going to "Tools" → "Settings" → "Chats and SMS" → "Open advanced settings".

10. Use hidden emoticons

You can see standard Skype emoticons by clicking on the emoticon at the top of the message field. But there aren't many of them, there are tons of hidden emoticons. At this point, the most beloved by many are selected. Here's how to generate them: (wfh) (bug) (drunk) (rock) (poolparty) (rain) (headbang) (fubar) (swear) (talk) (e) (o) (~) (mp) (skype) ...

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