Packard bell safe mode windows 10. How to boot a laptop in safe mode: emergency shutdown. Safe mode with restart button

In Windows7, there are two ways to get into safe mode:
1) Entering Windows 7 Safe Mode at system startup.
2) Entering Safe Mode from windows environment 7 (from a running OS by changing the boot in System Configuration).

Entering Windows7 Safe Mode at system startup.

Turn on the computer and press the F8 key several times while the system boots, if the welcome window (Windows 7 logo) appears - it means you did not have time to press the F8 key, in which case you need to wait for the system to boot and turn off the computer again and when loading, press again F8 key. When trying to get into Safe Mode, you need to consider:
- On some keyboards function keys F1 - F12 are always disabled by default. To enable them, press special key (usually Fn) and while holding it press the F8 key.
- If you have two or more operating systems on your computer, use the arrow keys to select the one you want, and then press the Enter key.
- To use the arrow keys on numeric keypad Num Lock must be disabled.
In the window Additional options download choose “ Safe mode"And press the" Enter».

After a few seconds, the system will boot into Safe Mode.

Entering Safe Mode from Windows 7.

Press the button " Start"And in the search bar write msconfig and press the " Enter»

In the opened window system configuration, go to the tab "" check the box " Safe mode"And choose" Minimum».
For reference:
Safe Mode: Minimal - Loading graphical interface Windows user ( Windows Explorer) in safe mode running only the most important system services... Networking components are disabled.
Safe Mode: Another Shell - Loading command windows strings in safe mode, running only the most important system services. Networking and GUI are disabled.
Safe Mode: Active Directory Recovery - Loading the GUI windows user in safe mode, running only the most important system services and the Active Directory directory service.
Safe Mode: Network - Boot the Windows GUI in safe mode, running only the most important system services. Networking components included.
Without GUI - During windows boot the welcome screen is not displayed.
Boot log - All information regarding the boot process is saved in the% SystemRoot% Ntbtlog.txt file.
Basic video - Boot Windows GUI in minimal VGA mode. In this mode are loaded standard drivers VGA instead of display drivers that match your computer's video hardware.
OS Information - Displays the names of the loaded drivers during system boot.
Make these boot parameters permanent - Changes made to system parameters are not tracked. You can change the settings later using System Setup, but only manually. If this option is selected, you will not be able to roll back changes by selecting Normal Startup on the General tab.

After that, you will be prompted to restart your computer to get into Windows7 Safe Mode. If you want to boot into safe mode now, click "", if you want to do it later, select " Exit without reboot"And the next time you reboot or turn on your computer / laptop, automatically boot into Safe Mode.

The next time you boot Windows7, the system will boot into Safe Mode.

In order not to boot in safe mode, you need to go to the system configuration again and uncheck the previously checked boxes.

Any operating system Windows has its own Safe Mode. You need it for debugging and fixing errors, as well as for removing viruses, or if yours and you want Windows.

Safe Mode can be useful if your system won't boot and you need to restore it. How do I enter Safe Mode? Very simply, in this article we will describe how you can enter safe mode the three most popular operating systems: Windows XP, Windows 7 and Windows 8. This publication will also be useful to those who do not start Safe Mode. Let's start with the old Windows XP.

How to enter Windows XP Safe Mode

Booting into XP Safe Mode is easy. To do this, when you boot your computer or laptop, you need to periodically press the key F8... After that, a screen with a menu will appear, where you need to select the entrance to the safe mode.

After the system boots up, the following message appears:

We press "YES" and find ourselves in the operating room itself windows system XP. Let's assume that this OS has been sorted out. Now, let's figure out how to boot Safe Mode in Windows 7.

How to start Windows 7 Safe Mode

You can start Safe Mode in Windows 7 in a similar way to XP. We start or restart the computer, click F8 and we see the following selection window:

We select the item "Safe Mode" and wait for the system to boot. A window will appear again, informing that Windows 7 is running in safe mode. We press "Yes" to continue working. That's it, you managed to start your computer in safe mode. It is worth noting that in Windows Vista starting the computer in safe mode is carried out in a similar way, so we will skip the description of entering safe mode in Vista, and go to Windows 8.

Boot in Windows 8 Safe Mode

The first way to enter Windows 8 Safe Mode is useful for those who already have serious problems with the system. Let's see how to enter Windows 8 Safe Mode if the operating system won't boot. This is done in almost the same way as in previous cases, but in order to enter Safe Mode Windows 8, you need to press a keyboard key F8 while holding down the key Shift... After a short boot, an extended system recovery menu will appear. To boot in Safe Mode, you must enable it.

We are interested in "Advanced options" (" Extra options»), Which have several options. Select "Windows Startup Settings" and go there.

Presses the "Restart" button, after that restart in safe mode will start and the already familiar selection menu will appear.

The described method does not work for everyone. windows versions 8, so there is one more, simpler method, how to enter safe mode in Windows 8. The only condition is that Windows 8 must be operational. In the line "Run" we type msconfig and get into the system configuration. We are interested in the "Loading" tab. There you can check the "safe mode" checkbox and select its boot options.

As you can see windows startup in safe mode, a simple procedure. Some readers will probably ask a question. How do I exit Safe Mode? Everything is very simple - you can disable Safe Mode by simply rebooting your computer through Start. We hope our article was helpful and you figured out how to run safe mode on a computer or laptop running Windows.

Starting Windows 7 in Safe Mode helps you troubleshoot problems and problems that arise when normal work... You can only use Safe Mode when prompted, following the troubleshooting instructions. You can enter Safe Mode either at startup, or you can use the Microsoft Configuration Tool to prepare your system for the next startup.

Safe Mode is useful as an additional troubleshooting tool. Windows boots with a minimal set of drivers, and the screen image is low-res. When you restart your computer after troubleshooting, it returns to normal mode.

Entering Safe Mode at startup

To run in safe mode in Win 7, follow these steps:

    Remove all CDs and DVDs from your computer. Also disable all peripheralssuch as printers and USB drives.

    Press the power button to restart the computer and immediately press f8 continuously.

    When prompted by the system, select Safe mode with loading network drivers.

    Sign in with accountwhich grants administrator rights.

Using msconfig function in safe mode

If your computer is running Windows 7, follow these steps to enter Safe Mode.

    On the " General settingsSelect the system configuration window and click OK.

    When prompted, click to start the computer in safe mode. If the computer does not restart automatically, press the Power button to turn it on.

    On the Service tab of the System Configuration window, select and run the desired diagnostic tool.

The computer is now in safe mode.

Using msconfig function to exit safe mode

After completing the troubleshooting steps, follow these steps to exit safe mode and return to normal mode.

  1. Click Start, type msconfig in the search box, then press Enter to open System Settings.
  2. On the General tab of the System Configuration window, select Normal Startup and click OK.

Restart your computer when prompted. The computer will restart normally.

In the process of using laptops from different manufacturers, users often encounter various problems and errors. Safe mode allows you to load only the necessary components or restore a previous system state. The article will talk about how to start a laptop from Lenovo in Safe Mode.

How do I enable Safe Mode?

The process of entering the boot mode selection menu is different on different operating systems, so it will be appropriate to list all the methods.

Windows 7, XP.

At the time of turning on the Lenovo laptop system, you need to press the "F8" key. Next, a special menu should appear on the screen. You can choose any of the suggested modes and start downloading.

Windows 8, 10.

When turning on the system, you must press the "F8" button or use the combination "Shift + F8". A menu with a choice of boot options will appear on the screen. This option should be used only if there are problems with the computer and cannot get to the Lenovo laptop desktop.

Another way is to use the msconfig utility. You need to go to its interface and select the "Download" tab. Next, in the "Boot parameters" field, check the items " Secure boot"And" Minimum ". After saving the changes in the settings, a window will appear prompting you to restart lenovo laptop... It is worth noting that the system will always start in safe mode, so after fixing system problems, you must disable the option in msconfig.

On Windows 10, the F8 key method does not work. You need to use the msconfig utility.


It's easy to enable Safe Mode on a laptop, so you can start it at any time and try to fix errors in the device.

How to enter Windows 8 Safe Mode !?

The safe boot mode of the operating system is an option to load the minimum required number of functions and software.

When logging in from Safe Mode, a label is displayed in the corners of the screen.

This is used to diagnose system problems. The absence of a problem when running in safe mode allows essential services to be excluded from the expected cause.

Also, a large number of problems can be eliminated only from.

There are several possibilities to initiate the start of the system in this format. For this, both a simple keyboard shortcut and a bootable optical / flash drive are used.

Method # 1: Keyboard shortcut during boot

This option is known to most confident users of early OS versions who know how to enter Safe Mode windows 8 while loading.

It consists of a few quick presses of "F8" before the system boots.

In some cases, you will need to use "Shift + F8". As a result, a screen with a list of boot options should appear.

Using the arrow buttons, select the "Safe Mode" item and confirm the selection with the "Enter" key.

In the latest version of the operating system, this option may not be compatible on all PCs.

If you cannot use the above combination of buttons, then you should take the following actions:

After these manipulations, loading can be done using hot keys.

The described method will help answer the question of how to enter windows 8 safe mode on an hp laptop.

Method # 2: OS Configuration Tool

To call the utility for setting the operating system parameters, you need to press "Win + R". This action will open a line of execution in which you need to write "msconfig".

After pressing "Enter" or "OK" the settings window will appear directly. In it you need to open the "Download" tab.

At the bottom of the window, in the Boot Options field, select the Safe Boot and Minimal items.

After agreeing with all the above settings, you will be prompted to reboot.

It can be confirmed or postponed. This will allow the computer to apply the settings after the first OS restart.

Note! The system will always boot in safe mode until the user deselects the boot options. After fixing the problems, it is important not to forget to return the settings to normal.

Method number 3: Diagnostic tools

If you need to activate the buffer format of a running OS, then it is better to use the following method. To do this, you need the "Options" button on the sidebar.

Then you need to select "Shutdown" and, with the "Shift" button held down, click on the "Restart" item.

These actions will launch a diagnostic screen. On the "Select action" screen, click on "Diagnostics".

In the "Diagnostics" window, you will need to open "Advanced options".

On this screen, select the "Boot Options" item.

A list of conditions in which the OS will boot will be shown here. After familiarization with the parameters, you need to click the "Restart" button.

In the next step, the diagnostic program will provide several boot options. The selection is carried out using the "F1-F9" keys.

The fourth item is required in the list, that is, you need to press F4.

After these manipulations, the computer will boot in safe mode and you can perform the necessary actions.

Some users think: "how to enter windows 8 safe mode through BIOS?"

So this is impossible to do, because the BIOS is not associated with the OS.

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