Enabling and configuring Wi-Fi on laptops with different versions of Windows. How to enable Wifi on Lenovo laptop? Connecting and configuring Wifi on a Lenovo laptop

“I sat in a cafe today and couldn't connect to wifi. The staff said they were fine. What could have happened? What should I press? "

Thanks in advance, Alina Kireeva

If you have a laptop, then you probably want to use it to go online. To take advantage of this feature, you first need to turn on Wi-Fi on your laptop. Let's take a look at what you need to do to get your laptop to see all available wireless networks and connect to them.

Enabling Wi-Fi via switch and hotkeys

If the wireless icon in the system tray is missing or shows that there are no available networks, although you probably know that you are in the Wi-Fi range, then:

The keyboard shortcut for controlling the adapter may differ for different laptop models. For example, for ASUS laptops, Wi-Fi is enabled by Fn + F2, and for HP - Fn + F12.

By the way, on some laptop models there are special utilities for enabling the Wi-Fi adapter. They can be called differently: "Wi-Fi manager", "Wi + Fi Assistant", etc. Without running these programs, the adapter will not work, no matter what you do, so make sure you have them enabled.

Wi-Fi connection via operating system

If the adapter is physically enabled, but no available networks appear, then check the status of the wireless connection - it may be inactive.

After that, check again if there are networks to which you can connect. If yes, then click on the desired access point, enter the password and establish a connection.

Using Device Manager

If the above methods do not help (for example, there is no wireless connection), then try turning on Wi-Fi using the device manager.

  1. Click on the "Computer" icon with the right button.
  2. Launch the Manage tool.
  3. Find "Device Manager" in the menu on the left.
  4. Expand the Network Adapters section.

Find your Wi-Fi adapter. If it is marked with an arrow pointing down, it must be turned on. Right click on the equipment and select "Engage". Sometimes an exclamation mark is displayed next to the device - this is a message that the drivers are not installed correctly.

To fix the error, go to the laptop manufacturer's website and on the "Support" or "Service" page, find and download the latest drivers for your laptop's Wi-Fi adapter.

I will describe all the ways I know to turn on a Wi-Fi network on a laptop (after all, everything that can be turned off can be turned on and off ?!) I'll start with the simpler and more common methods, then I will move on to more complex methods that units will need.

So if you see on taskbar icon turned off Wi-Fi (or do not see the icon at all), then this article is for you.

Turn on Wi-Fi using a slider / button on the laptop case.

On many laptop models, to turn on Wi-Fi, you need to use the slider or a separate button to turn on Wi-Fi. This switch is often located on the front of the laptop.

The switch looks different, but has one function - turning the wireless network on and off.

To turn on Wi-Fi, simply move the slider to the On position.

How to turn on Wi-Fi using a keyboard shortcut.

If your laptop does not have sliders or separate Wi-Fi enable buttons, take a closer look at the keyboard, you can find the Wi-Fi icon on one of the function keys (F1-F12).

It can be located on different buttons, it all depends on the manufacturer and model of the laptop.

In order to turn on Wi-Fi, you must press this key or use the keyboard shortcut +<клавиша Wi-Fi>.

Consider the key combinations that are most commonly used in laptops from different manufacturers:

  1. Acer... We hold down the keys: +.
  2. Asus... Combination +.
  3. HP... Click here +.
  4. Lenovo... Needed buttons: +.
  5. Samsung... Or +or +.
  6. Dell keyboard shortcut + or +

How to turn on Wi-Fi in Windows settings.

If the specified procedures did not help and you are still wondering How do I turn on Wi-Fi on my laptop? you need to check if Wireless Network Connection is enabled in Windows settings. To do this, you need to go to the Network and Sharing Center. One way is to right-click on network icon in the lower right corner of the screen and select "Network and Sharing Center."

Another way to use hotkeys + enter command ncpa.cpl and press Enter.

No matter which of the methods you used, the result will be one - the Network Connections window will appear on the monitor. Next, you need to find a wireless connection, right-click on it and select "Enable" (if the Enable option is not available, then the Wi-Fi network is enabled).

Enabling Wi-Fi via Windows Device Manager.

If your Wi-Fi adapter is still not enabled, you need to check if it is enabled in the task manager. To do this, click the "Start" button, right-click "Computer" and select "Manage". On the left menu, select Device Manager.

Or press the keyboard shortcut + enter the command in the search bar mmc devmgmt.msc and press Enter.

If the adapter icon is marked with an arrow down, it means it is disabled, in order to enable it, right-click on it and select "Enable".

Updating drivers for Wi-Fi.

Another reason for the inoperability of Wi-Fi may be an inappropriate driver or its lack. In order to install the required driver, go to the website of the laptop manufacturer, find your model (on some sites it will be difficult to do this, you can write the laptop model in the comments, I will try to help you) and download the driver for the Wi-Fi network card for your operating system systems. After that, it will be enough to install the drivers, after restarting the laptop, Wi-Fi should work.

It doesn't matter which way you turned on the wireless network, in the end you should see the Wi-Fi icon in the taskbar. When you click on it, you will see the Wi-Fi networks available for connection.

Lenovo is currently ranked fourth in the world's top five PC manufacturers. The company's arsenal includes desktops, laptops, mobile phones, smartphones, netbooks and even servers, monitors, tablets, video cards. And this is despite such additions to all of the above, as mice, keyboards, memory modules, optical drives, power supplies, software and accessories, as well as cases, bags for laptops. The breadth of the company's portfolio is impressive, and filling the consumer market with Lenovo's electronics needs significant support. Lenovo's specialized service center carries out it in many cities, especially in large centers of the country.

Today there is a rather widespread tendency to go not to specialized service centers, but to little-known "but very understanding" technicians. Making such a choice, it is worth understanding that the Lenovo service center is directly engaged exclusively in this type of technology and electronics and one hundred percent knows the intricacies of this particular company. Moreover, Lenovo Service Center has the ability to cooperate promptly with other specialized companies that supply the necessary genuine parts for Lenovo technology.

It is worth noting that most of the gadgets that are manufactured by this company have a wide range of non-standard and unique parts that can be found in few places. This is a known problem with Lenovo devices, but it is being solved by experts. Only a Lenovo service center is able to get such necessary parts for a laptop as, for example, a matrix or original backlight lamps. In any case, if you have any problems with the electronics of this company, you should contact the Lenovo service center, and here's why:

1. Only specialists can guarantee the quality of the work performed, with a complete diagnosis and determination of the exact cause of the problem.

2. Exclusively in the Lenovo service center, if necessary, you will be offered to replace the non-working part with the original one. You can get an original part only by ordering it somewhere in advance, or from another phone, and in the center it comes directly in the shortest possible time.

3. Lenovo service centers carry out maintenance of all company equipment, as they have selected and trained specialists directly for Lenovo service.

4. After purchasing one or another Lenovo gadget, the buyer purchases a warranty card or check, with which you can get free service. This service is provided exclusively at the Lenovo service center. This right is lost if the device has already been opened before the service specialist.

5. Service of any product of Lenovo manufacturer can take place in any of the services after the end of the warranty period.

On the Lenovo service center website, you can verify the list of gadgets that need to be repaired, as well as see the pricing policy (if the repair is not covered under warranty) and the location of the nearest service department. Among them, you will see services for the repair of tablets, laptops, netbooks, monoblocks at low prices. The foremen performing repair work not only replace parts, but also thoroughly understand the essence of the problem, doing everything possible to avoid a recurrence of the incident.

The Lenovo service center will offer you a wide range of repair services and determine the cause of the breakdown:

testing the entire system for breakdowns, the correct operation of all functions;
diagnostics of the gadget, including the operation of internal systems, heating, the operation of every detail, which helps to accurately determine the cause of the breakdown, and also prevents new breakdowns of the device;
replacement of parts, including the matrix of an electronic device. The size of its diagonal is not important, since the Lenovo service center works directly with the company's suppliers;

repair of the matrix and other elements of equipment. Masters undertake repairs only after a thorough investigation and diagnosis of the problem, when the cause is found, and the repair solution becomes obvious to them;
complex repair of the entire device, which may be necessary in case of major breakdowns, for example, after a gadget has fallen from a great height, etc.

Repair of individual parts, not to mention a comprehensive repair, requires the intervention of a real professional, and given the originality and uniqueness of some of the company's electronics designs, only Lenovo service center can perform this work with high quality. In their daily work, craftsmen regularly use high-class repair equipment, which allows them to perform the most delicate tasks. Among such working tools, mention should be made of:

specialized digital microscopes that allow accurate diagnostics;
soldering stations of BGA class;

the hardware and software complex necessary for full repair and diagnostics.
Moreover, each Lenovo service center offers even simpler services, for example, qualified consultations to customers who wish to purchase electronics and equipment from this manufacturer. The specialists in the center have experience working with many devices, as well as deep knowledge in each of them, therefore consultations on the correct operation, use of individual functions of the device, etc. also provided directly by Lenovo service centers. Other offers include a change, software update for laptops, netbooks or stationary PCs.

Thus, the decision to use the services of the Lenovo service center is the most correct if your gadget began to work incorrectly, or if specific functions are not revoked, as well as in case of absolutely any problems or questions in the field of technology and electronic technologies of Lenovo.

Often, users who have purchased a laptop or netbook face difficulties when enabling and configuring wifi. The procedure itself is quite simple, but in some cases there are various snags and unforeseen difficulties, and sometimes you need to configure the router before proceeding to connect the wi-fi to the laptop. In this article, we will consider both standard connection and solutions to such problems.

How to turn on WiFi on a laptop

Usually, to turn on wifi, it is enough to perform 2-3 simple operations. Which one depends on the model and manufacturer of the laptop. Here are the options for enabling the wifi network on the beeches of the most popular manufacturers:

  • On an ASUS laptop, you need to press a combination of FN and F2 buttons.
  • On Acer and Packard bell, hold down the FN button and press F3 in parallel.
  • On HP notebooks, wi-fi is activated by a touch button with a symbolic antenna image, and on some models by a combination of FN and F12 keys. There are also such models on which a regular button with an antenna pattern is provided for this purpose.
  • To enable wi-fi on Lenovo, hold FN and press F5. There are models that have a special connection switch for wireless networks.
  • On Samsung laptops, to turn on wi-fi, you need to hold down the FN button and press either F9 or F12, depending on the model.

To connect wi-fi on laptops of various models and different manufacturers, its own original key combination can be used. A detailed description for a specific model can be found in the user manual that came with the laptop. The FN button is found on almost all models of modern laptops. With its help, various functions are connected and the beech is connected with other devices. If the laptop does not have an FN button, then a special button or switch is used to turn on the wireless network. As a rule, it is indicated by one of these figures.

If not found on the keyboard, examine the ends of the laptop, perhaps the switch is on the side. Also, take a close look at the underside of your laptop. There are models with a switch located on the bottom cover. Moreover, manufacturers make this button barely noticeable. It practically merges with the body, and you may not see it at first glance. It can be signed by Wireles or Wlan. Turn on wifi with the right button or combination, but it doesn't work? You should set up Wi-Fi on your laptop.

An example of a hidden WiFi switch


Attention: It should be said that such switches can be found in the most unexpected places, even on the back of a laptop. So if your WiFi doesn't work, take a close look at your laptop for the switch.

How to set up WiFi on Windows 10

And so let's figure out how to configure WiFi in the Windows 10 operating system. By following simple steps, you can easily do this, you just need to repeat the instructions below exactly. If they don't help, you can always ask for advice in the comments.

Connecting to WiFi on a laptop

Let's immediately look at how we can connect to a wifi network if everything is in order with the laptop settings. We do simple actions, the first thing we need to do is in the lower right corner of the screen on taskbar find the icon in the form of network divisions (Wi-Fi antennas). Don't forget that this icon can be hidden behind the up arrow. Click on it and the fields with available WiFi networks will pop up. And click on the connect button.

After that, if the network has protection, you will need to enter a password.

If the password is entered correctly, then you will see a window asking if you want your computer to be displayed on the network. I will not go into details, but if you connect to your home Wi-Fi network, then click on the button YES.

After these simple steps, you will successfully connect to the WiFi network.

Check if your WiFi adapter is enabled on the laptop

Now let's take a look at one of the most common connection problems. So you moved your look to the lower right corner to find an icon in the form of network divisions (Wi-Fi antennas) there. But it was not there, instead there is an icon in the form of a monitor on which there is a red cross. This means that your Wi-Fi adapter is disconnected and you need to reconnect it. To do this, click on the icon in the form of a monitor with the right mouse button, and in the pop-up menu, select the item Network and Sharing Center.In the window that opens, click on the item in the left menu Changing adapter parameters.

Then a window will open Network connections... In it if you enter the icon Wireless network,and under this inscription it is written Disabled.Then you just need to enable it for this, right-click on it and select the item Enable... And make a connection.

If, when opening the window Network connections,nothing type icons Wireless networknot found it may mean that your wi-fi adapter is disabled by hardware. You need to click the WiFi power button on the laptop case, as I described above.

Check if the WiFi driver is enabled and is working properly

Now let's consider the option that we checked our laptop and are 100% sure that the hardware WiFi adapter of the laptop is connected. And icons Wireless networkno, or everything is there, but there is nothing where available wifi networks should appear, or you see that something strange is happening with the wi-fa adapter. Most likely there is a problem with the laptop wifi adapter drivers. You will need to go to Device Manager and check what is happening with your wifi drivers.

Click anywhere (empty) on the lower taskbar with the right mouse button, and in the drop-down menu select Options.

On the page that opens, at the very bottom, select device Manager.

Now in the window that opens, expand the tab Network adapters, the driver for the WiFi adapter should be displayed there, usually there is an inscription “Wireless” in its name.

So what could be wrong with your wifi adapter drivers? First of all, pay attention to the icon next to the name of your adapter, if it has any extraneous icons such as "Exclamation mark" or "Circle with a dot". This means that the driver is installed but does not work correctly; to fix the problem, you need to update or reinstall the driver. Also if in tabs Network adapters, there is no driver in which the words "Wireless" are present, which means that the driver for your adapter is not installed. If so then in the general list device Managerthere will be an inscription “ Unknown device". It will look something like this:

The solution to this problem will also be to install new drivers. If there is no inscription “ Unknown device"And there is no driver in which the words" Wireless". This may mean that your wifi adapter is disabled, out of order, or simply missing.

How to set up WiFi on a Windows 7 laptop

Before configuring, you need to check the availability and connection of drivers. Driver check Checking the driver is to find out if they exist at all on your device and whether it is currently being used. So in Control panels select item device Managerwhich may be hiding inside the item Hardware and Sound.

A window opens in which we find Network adapters... There should be two items: Ethernet and Wi-Fi. One of them should have the word "Wireless" in its name. This is your adapter.

If there is no entry about the wi-fi adapter, or there is an icon with an exclamation mark on a yellow background opposite it, it means that you have a problem with the drivers. If the entry is missing, it means that the drivers are not installed and you have to install them from the disk that came with the laptop. Or find it on the manufacturer's website. Without them, wi-fi will not work. If there is a record, but opposite it there is a yellow exclamation mark, right-click on this item. In the window that appears, select "Engage". The reason for the difficulties in connection may lie in the fact that the power saving mode is set in the adapter. To disable it, right-click on it, then Properties - Power Management, now you need to uncheck the box "Allow this device to be turned off to save energy".

Now the driver is fine. Turning on the adapterwifi . For this through Control Panel → Network and Internet go to Network connections... Here we find Wireless network connection... This is the wi-fi adapter. Open the dialog box with the right mouse button and select "Enable". Access point connection. It remains to connect the laptop to the access point. Make sure the access point is active. Look for the wi-fi icon in the lower right corner of the screen on the taskbar. When you click, a window for managing networks will open, select the desired network, click "Connect".

If the network is protected by a password, the system will ask you to enter it (if you forgot the password for your network, you can find it out). Only after entering the required password will you be able to use the Internet. If the network is open, it will connect automatically. That's all. Enabling and configuring Wifi on a laptop completed... If you once set up wi-fi, then you don't need to do this anymore, since they will be automatically saved in the laptop's memory. You will only need to enable it with the corresponding button or keyboard shortcut. Remember that connecting wirelessly is draining a lot of power from your device, so the battery will be used up rather intensively. Enjoyable and easy connections without adventures!


How to enable WI-FI on Lenovo laptops? A topic that I am sure will interest most laptop owners from this manufacturer. I want to emphasize right away that all the information below is for the most part intended for all modern models from Lenovo. But, despite this, owners of laptops from other manufacturers can also learn a lot of useful information in this article.

From the title and the first paragraph, you can easily understand that the article has a narrow focus, that is, specially prepared for users with Lenovo laptops. This is due to one case when different users brought me three laptops from Lenovo, asking me to see why WiFi does not work.

This, of course, was not in one day, but every other day so for sure. In general, along the way, I found several interesting chips due to which Wi-fi may not work on Lenovo or will turn on only after performing certain actions.

Below I will provide information on how to enable Wi-Fi on Lenovo laptops in various situations, based on my personal experience when working and setting up computers from this manufacturer.

What to do if Wi-Fi doesn't work on Lenovo laptops

Of course, I understand that there are a lot of situations and reasons due to which the wireless network may not work. But, if you are one hundred percent sure that everything is ok with the router, then for sure the cause of the malfunction is hidden, unrelated, in the laptop.

Therefore, I will describe several basic points for turning on the network adapter, after completing which you will either get the Internet working, or you will be able to move on based on the data received, for example, by starting to check the network settings.

Enabling the wireless adapter

Checking the installed driver

Mandatory before further configuration, check if you have installed the driver for the Wi-Fi adapter.

You can download the driver on the Lenovo website, in the support section. The easiest way to find the page you need is by typing the following phrase into the search engine: “ Lenovo z50 driver"Substituting, of course, your model instead of z50.

As for the installation, everything is simple and familiar there, we launch Setup, wait a few seconds and restart the computer.

Turning on Wi-Fi onLenovo using a monitor cover

In general, it so happened that the two laptops that came to me turned out to be the same model, namely Lenovo z50. The problem was that when the system was booted, the adapter did not turn on automatically, but when you pressed the key combination responsible for turning it on, the computer did not react in any way.

But, as soon as you close the monitor lid for a few seconds, then after opening the wireless adapter will turn on and start searching for available networks, which is pretty amazing.

In general, this feature worked on both laptops so that I recommend using at least this connection method to start with, for its further configuration.

The algorithm is simple, they closed the laptop lid, waited a few seconds, and opened it. Voila - the internet works. I know for sure that this option works on many laptop models from Lenovo.

Starting to automatically turn on the wireless adapter

Another option for turning on the adapter is the function keys on the keyboard, which I mentioned above. They are usually located on F1 - F12 and are displayed in the form of various icons, while they are used only in combination with one more key " Fn».

I also note right away that in newer models more and more manufacturers are swapping these buttons, as a result of which F1-F12 works only when you press "Fn", but the functional ones, on the contrary, act as ordinary keys.

As it floated, I am responsible for turning on the Wi-Fi adapter F5, F6, F7... In order to make it easier to determine the required button, you can look at the icon that is applied to it. Usually these are Wi-Fi antennas or an airplane (Mode: airplane). For example, in the z50 I remember exactly that this is the F6 key and it has an airplane on it.

In general, after clicking, for example, " FN +F6 " or simply " F6", An icon should appear on the screen confirming that the network adapter has been turned on. Well, if nothing happens, then most likely you do not have the necessary software package installed that uses these keys.

Installing Lenovo Energy Management

So, if your function keys do not work or only some of them work, then most likely you have not installed Lenovo Energy Management.

The fact is that Wi-fi may simply not work for you due to the turned off adapter, but you can turn it on only using the function keys, which in turn work only after you install this utility.

You can download it at the office. Lenovo website for any version of Windows. After you install it, I recommend that you restart your computer and try using the adapter power key. If everything is ok, a small menu will appear on the screen, in which you can enable or disable Wi-Fi and bluetooth.

In our case, you need to set the value in the position opposite the wireless network to " On", Respectively, by selecting it with the mouse. After that, the adapter should turn on and start looking for available wireless networks. In addition, now you do not have to manually start each time the operating system boots, as it will do it automatically.

Also, if the necessary keys do not work, it would be advisable to check or even install the driver on the keyboard by downloading it from the Lenovo support page.

InclusionWIFI on Lenovo with a button

In addition to the way to turn on the wireless adapter using the keyboard, on some models there may be a separate special button or switch on the case, which is solely responsible for starting Wi-Fi on a laptop.

Usually it is located on one of the side faces of your laptop's case or near the power button, the special features by which you can recognize it are the same, it most likely displays an icon in the form of small antennas.

Energy saving mode

The power saving mode, which is enabled by default in the device properties, can also cause the wireless connection to malfunction or turn off altogether. You can remove this function by going to the network adapter settings.

Then, do not forget to restart the laptop and check if something worked out or not.

Is the WI-FI adapter connected to the motherboard

Well, and finally, if nothing helped you, I can recommend checking whether the antennas are connected to the adapter directly on the motherboard itself.

I once had such a case that for some reason wi-fi did not work on a completely new laptop, while the drivers were installed, and the device was turned on. But, he did not see more than one network, except for those cases when its distribution was carried out using a smartphone. Ito, he connected to it, but there was still no Internet access.

After trying everything, I decided to check if everything is fine with the connection under the cover by unscrewing it. As it turned out, the antennas were simply not connected to the adapter itself, although the laptop was new, there is a possibility, of course, that they disappeared, or they simply forgot to connect.

In general, after I connected them. Everything fell into place and Wi-Fi started working normally.

Here are some of the things that, in my practice, helped me to turn on Wi-Fi on Lenovo laptops, maybe something will be useful for you. In general, as always, I await your comments and wish you the best of luck in setting up your computers.

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