Facebook Description Social network. What is Facebook.

Alexander Ivanov

In the materials of this article we will talk about what Facebook is, its possibilities and why it is needed for any business.

This social network is designed both to communicate and to attract customers. It was founded in 2004, all already known, Mark Zuckerberg during the training at Harvard University and is among the top five visited web sites of the world.

In 2017, Facebook's audience exceeded 2 billion users. There are many thematic communities where you can find like-minded people and friends in interest.

Any user can easily expand their professional contacts, search for customers and colleagues. To establish business connections, certain information is helped, which can be specified during registration.

Initially, Facebook was intended only for communication, so that companies have the opportunity to get almost instant feedback from personal clients and partners.

In the process of promotion, reviews are played a very important role, as a person will always trust the opinions of others. Therefore, only create an advertising company is not enough. From this business begins.

Features in Facebook.

  1. Testing demand for new products or services.
  2. Attracting partners and customers.
  3. Requitting configurations for published information.
  4. Advertising goods or services.
  5. Placing information about the company and its activities.
  6. Direct link with its audience.

In addition to all this, you can create business pages, personal pages, groups (communities), applications, and so on. This is how groups of people in interests, views and the nature of activity are formed.

On their pages, users can publish fresh and useful information For a specific target audience, thereby increasing interest in its project.

If you manage your account correctly, you can quickly and successfully expand the client base and, of course, increase sales.

How to create a successful business page

The basic principle is that the page should bear the idea that is reflected in the title. Registration must also correspond to the subjects so that users are quickly oriented and made their choice.

Your main task is to collect as much as possible the target audience, which includes not only people who are interested in this idea, but also potential buyers.

The name must be unique and immediately cling, and not repel.

Facebook has a personal internal search, which many use. Therefore, in the title of the page it is recommended to mention keywordsThrough which you would like to be ranked.

The main business idea should be framed on the wall: Add the necessary links and contacts so that the user can easily go to your website or somehow contact.

The first thing that the user notes is the cover, which should be bright and clinging. She should also reflect the idea of \u200b\u200byour business well.

In the left menu there are tools that you can use to create tabs or any other purposes.

The next step will be filling the page.

In addition to posts that will lead potential customers Your site, you need to note another interesting information on the topic.

For example, you can post news from a personal site once a day and give the same useful advice or educational and training materials.

Be sure once a week add a survey, generate a review and place a video.

It would be nice once a month to arrange some shares or contests. So you will be able to quickly involve visitors who will like to comment on the repositions.

How to promote your business page

You can use paid or free methods to promote.

Free concluded in the following:

  • leave comments on behalf of your business page. The name will look like a link that will encourage the transition to personal page. To do this, close to the inscription "Home" select from the list you need;
  • you can enter into an indefinite number of thematic groups that are suitable for your subject, and to attract users from there using posts with references;
  • on business pages, you can involve traffic from a personal profile in Facebook;
  • if there is a website, then use them to promote the page. Install the appropriate widgets or links;
  • you can exchange posts with other publics of similar subjects.

From paid promotion methods, you can allocate:

  • Targeting advertising - in the right column or news feed;
  • Advertising through the owner of the community you are interested in, which, in turn, publishes your post on its page or group.

In order to make the most effectively use all Facebook features - you can get acquainted with this cool online training .

What you can promote Facebook

Before talking about what exactly can be promoted in this social network, let's figure it out, why Facebook?

On the expanses of Runet every month, this network is attended by about 30 million users, which is several times less than the audience in VKontakte. But at the same time, the age framework of these people range from 18 to 45 years.

This is a rather active audience, which, moreover, is much more solvent. And it is not a secret for a long time.

You can register with the FB only from 13 years old, and it does not have such free content as music and films.

A business page can act as a business card of his or corporate site. It can publish announcements of new materials or articles of similar subjects, thanks to which your site will constantly visit the target audience.

Info-businessmen are actively promoted in Facebook, which sell courses, trainings, seminars or coachings, owners of their own business, online stores, as well as networks.


Summing up, I want to say that Facebook is a powerful marketing tool. Profiles, pages and groups make it possible to quickly achieve success, expand customer database and increase sales!

A huge number of companies confirmation.

I finish this. Do not forget to subscribe to the blog update and on the tella t.ME.Syt., as well as share information on social networks.

Good Promotion!

If you want to learn how to use the social network Facebook (Facebook), then this article is for you.

In terms of your Facebook interface, it is largely similar to the network "in contact". In addition to communication, on Facebook you can share photos, follow the news, participate in their discussion, unite into groups of interests, listen to music, play and MN. Dr.

The main difference between Facebook from our usual social networks "Classmates" and "In Contact" is that this network is international, available in almost every corner of the Earth, with the exception of several countries, where it is prohibited by religious or political reasons (Iraq, Iran, Syria, China).
Facebook was created back in 2004 and during this time got the opportunity to search for friends on a variety of parameters: at the address email, ICQ or QIP number, Skype, through imports from other social networks.

Registration in Facebook is absolutely free and is available, now the network communicate a little more than one billion people.

1. How to register on Facebook.

Sign up for Facebook can any users over 13 years old. To do this, you need to have access to the Internet, know the address of your email and number mobile phone.
The registration process itself is easy.
Consider it in detail:
In any search engine, enter Facebook (Facebook). In the list of links, we are looking for necessary with the address, - https://ru-ru.facebook.com/ and go through it.

1.2. The first thing we see is the registration window (login), in which you need to enter your data.

(Picture 1)

The name and surname can be written in Russian, in the future they will automatically be translated into English. The password can be any, but at least 6 signs and quite reliable. Email address can only be used once, that is, if someone from your family is already registered on Facebook with this address (or number cell phone), then your attempt will be rejected.
The registration window is usually immediately opens in Russian, but if some failure will happen, the desired language can be chosen on language panel at the bottom of the page.

1.3. Now you will be offered 4 steps, allowing you to immediately clarify your personal information, to find possible friends, form a news feed depending on their interests and supplement the created page of a photo, better known in the word "avatar".

Step 1. Search for friends using email and skype contacts.

(Figure 2)

Step 2. Specifying personal information: native city, school, university, place of work. According to the entered data, the search engine Facebook will pick up possible friends. Why possible? The world is great, and you will be asked to find your acquaintances among the huge number of people who could live with you in the same city, study at school with the same name or work in the same organization.

Step 2 - Enter personal information

(Figure 3)

Step 3. Selecting interesting pages. To do this, you need to select the links you like and confirm by pressing the "Save and Continue" button. You can choose an unlimited number of pages who are interested in members, all news on selected topics will automatically appear in the news feed.

Step 3 - Search for Interest Groups

(Figure 4)

Step 4. Adding photos (including from a webcam).

(Figure 5)

Listed above Actions (steps) can be skipped and return to them later.
1.4. To complete registration, you need to go to your email. There must be a letter - a confirmation asking for the link.

(Figure 6)

My letter came immediately, but it happens that because of the mail settings it falls into the Spam folder. Therefore, if there are no letters, first look for it there.
After these simple actions, registration is completed and you have become a full member of the social facebook network.

2. Facebook interface. Navigating page.

FROM main page Possible transition to all basic features of Facebook.
The upper horizontal panel opens access to information and managing its account. On the left there are buttons quick access: "Add requests to friends", "Recent Messages", "Notifications".

(Figure 7)

If new information appears next to these buttons, numbers appear, notifying how many new events relating to the account owner appeared on the network.
In the right corner on the same panel there are buttons: "Find friends", "Home", " Fast settings Privacy »and" Privacy and Tool Settings ".

I want to draw your attention to the two last buttons. Since Facebook has repeatedly accused of violating user privacy, its developers have proposed the ability to change the settings for access to information, namely choose who can see published materials. Here you can go to the account settings, allowing you to change your personal data (such as surname) and get out of your page.

Privacy - page access settings

(Figure 9)

For, to change the name or surname, you need to do the following:
Select Privacy Settings and Account Tools / Tools / Tool Account Settings, then click "Edit" in the desired field
In the window that opens, the Change Personal Information window, enter your password for Facebook and save the changes.

Under the upper horizontal panel there is a window of status, under it - a news tape. A few rows of annotation allow you to understand what we are talking in a note, and you can open the entire article by clicking the mouse.

(Figure 10)

The left vertical panel is needed for a quick transition to messages, music, games, etc., and also see who came from friends.

Lev panel - for quick access

(Figure 11)

At the right vertical panel collected avatars of possible friends. Clicking on the cross in the upper right corner unnecessary photos You can delete (after a couple of seconds, a new avatar will appear in its place), and by selecting the inscription "Add as friend" - in one movement Send a job offer for friendship.

3. How to add friends to Facebook.

Consider several ways to find or import friends to Facebook.
3.1. By last name (friend name). To do this, enter the data in the search box in the upper horizontal panel.

(Figure 12)

The search box works on the "Yandex" principle: displays the most popular results on the request entered. If there is no need among them, press "show more results". If necessary, you can use the filter, which will reflect the data and remove extra results.

3.2. By email addresses, name in Skype, ICQ numbers or QIP. To do this, choose "Find Friends" on the upper horizontal panel (or in the left vertical panel), enter the data (for mailboxelectronic address and an email password for Skype - a name and password in Skype, for ICQ - a number and password, etc.). After some time, Facebook will pull out all contacts, and you will learn to add friends if they are already registered on Facebook, and invite friends if they are not yet registered.

3.3. Through "Other Tools", allow you to upload a file with friends, send an individual invitation to an email address or a friend's mobile phone number, through the data specified during registration (school, university, place of work).
3.4. With the help of the social network "in contact". Right after registration Facebook. Suggested find friends who are simultaneously registered "in contact" and "Facebook". After you allow Facebook access to your Account "In Contact" will be selected possible friendswhich you will be invited to be friends and on Facebook.

(Figure 13)

4. How to delete an account on Facebook.

In Facebook, you can temporarily block your account or delete it forever. In the first case, your page will be deactivated (that is, it will not be visible to anyone) until you come to it again. After that, it will automatically return to all the settings that were before deactivation will save contacts, photos, correspondence, etc. In the second case, the page will be deleted by the press, the password and login are recognized as invalid, and the re-entry is possible only through new registration.
4.1. How to delete an account on Facebook temporarily.
To do this, select Privacy Settings and Tools (asterisk in Figure 8) / Account / Security / Safety / Deactivate Account.

Then Facebook will ask to explain what reason you leave the social network, confirm the password and enter letters and numbers to check the security. Only after that the inscription will appear: "Your account has been disabled", and a letter will come to the email address with a link to which you can restore your page.

4.2. For, to remove an account on Facebook foreverYou will have to contact Facebook Help Center (Privacy Settings and Tools / Help).
In the request window, write "Delete Account" and go to "How to delete your account forever".

(Figure 14)

We choose the link: "Fill out this form" and go to removal of the account:
(If you did not find a link, then copy this, - http://www.facebook.com/help/contact.php?show_form\u003ddelete_account in the address bar of the browser.)

Button - Delete Account

(Figure 15)

(Figure 16)

After that, you need to go to your Facebook page and confirm deletion. Fully all information about your page will be removed after 14 days. If during this time you go to Facebook, it will automatically cancel the removal and the account will be restored.

5. How to restore a password on Facebook.

To enter your Facebook page, you need to enter your email address and password. If the password is hacked or forgotten, you will have to use the link "Forgot your password."

(Figure 17)

Next, following the prompts, write a letter asking you to send a link to restore the password to the email address.
After that, you will come a letter with a digital code that you want to be imprinted in the password recovery window.

We enter the digital code and click - Continue

(Figure 18)

In the next window, enter new password And confirm it.

Enter a new password and click the button - Continue

(Figure 19)

After pressing the "Continue" button (unless, of course, you are not mistaken if the password is confirmed), your Facebook page opens with a friendly inscription:
"Welcome to Facebook!".

Today Facebook is one of the largest social networks in the world. It registered more than a billion people, more than 700 million users visit the site daily. What is Facebook and what is the secret of its popularity? What advantages do the user receives after registration on the network? Consider more.

Who became the lucky one who earned at an unusually popular project? Who created Facebook? Eleven years ago, a student of Harvard University Mark Zuckerberg created a website, which is a social network where students of his university could communicate. The idea enthusiastically accepted peers, and rejected the University Administration. Students easily agree to register in the new network, created pages, made data, talked to exciting topics. After a couple of hours, a few hundred people were registered on Facebook.

The administration of Harvard University opposed the invention of Zuckerberg. She did not like that the network contains students. It allegedly violates their right to confidentiality. Mark managed to hack the university database, which gave him access to the data on students. The output could cost a place in a prestigious university.

The second obstacle to success unexpectedly became comrades, going to create a similar network and asking the brand of help. He, helping them, at the same time worked on his own project, and according to them stole other people's developments. The question arose who created Facebook in reality, Zuckerberg or three senior students? The decision that the Court was made mainly in favor of Zuckerberg. Soon the number of Facebook has grown significantly, Mark Zuckerberg has become the youngest billionaire in history.

Today many users World Wide Web Have your own account on Facebook. Register can any network user who has been 13 years having electronic drawer. Users focused on the territory of Russia see the site in Russian. But if it did not happen, you can switch the language yourself by clicking on the link at the bottom of the page.

Now you can move to the filling of information about yourself. At first, you will be offered to fill out a simple form in which you want to specify the following information:

After you need to start the "Registration" button. You have to enter characters from the picture. This is protection against bots. The email address must come to the registration confirmation, so the specified e-mail must be valid.

Facebook will offer to find friends. You can skip this step, but you can use search and add them to friends. Then you need to fill additional information. Facebook will offer to find familiar at the place of work or study. Do not want to do this, press "Next."

Now add your photo to the main page and confirm the registration via E-mail. Go to the mail and click in the letter on the link. Otherwise, on your page in Facebook will be a reminder that you need to register. If the letter did not come, you can send it again from the main page of the site or replace the e-mailbox and send a letter to it. After you managed to successfully register, start mastering the site.

Having a Facebook page you can use the services that the site offers. At the top of the page is the panel, using it you can control the profile. There are buttons that allow you to configure personal data and confidentiality, as well as a field for entering a friend name and network search. The information is on the left pane located vertically. It allows you to access music, reports, games, photos, news and interesting pages. The list of friends is also left. Convenient search will help to paint and look for friends in three categories:

In the center of the page there is a news feed. It is amenable to adjustment. It reflects new information About your friends and subscriptions, that is, the pages that you subscribe.

On Facebook you can do the following:

  1. Find friends, add to them.
  2. Writing, receive messages from network users.
  3. Join the community.
  4. Play games, applications.
  5. Place, watch other photos, video.
  6. Create pages.

To access all these benefits, you must first register on Facebook.

After registration, you need to go to the profile, for which the login and password are introduced into the appropriate fields. Already, going to the site, you can find your friends and acquaintances and add to friends with him. To do this, go to them on the page and click the "Add to Friends" button. A window appears in which you want to make a request for adding and send it to the addressee. Your friend will see a request and confirm it. Then you can browse his profile in Facebook and read it. Looking for friends in different ways:

  • By the name,
  • At e-mail,
  • ICQ number,
  • Skype.

Your friends still do not have their accounts on Facebook? You can invite them. A notification will be sent to them by clicking on which they will be able to register on Facebook.

We have dealt with what Facebook is learned how to register and use this service. The network continues to evolve, it is possible that soon the list of permissible actions on the site will be expanded.

Video about what is Facebook

Hello everyone. Today, in the materials of the article, you will find topical information about what Facebook is why we need and learn how to use it. We also wonder what it will be useful to us and what its advantages will also consider the basic concepts.

In the second part of the article, let's talk about how to use Facebook as a tool for business promotion.

Social networks are a place for open communication with an audience, a source of news, a means of communication and self-expression. Millions of users around the world are viewing posts and marked like entries like.

Why Facebook?

Many of us are inclined not only to communicate with people who know the person with whom they communicate, be friends, spend time, but also to expand the contact of the contacts, for example, those with whom it is useful to communicate in the professional field, share experiences, knowledge and skills .

Facebook allows you to increase the circle of dating and enter the professional environment comfortably and without any special difficulties. Colleagues and those who are interested in certain areas of professional activity, discuss discussions on issues related to economies, finances, policies, leisure, sports and other interesting topics within profiles and pages.

Creating pages and groups containing information about the company and their active promotion in social. network is a form feedback For your customers and partners. This is a powerful tool that allows you to cover a huge audience needed on this moment It is to you.

The number of users of the social network Facebook with each day only increases, and the trend continues to grow and develop. Despite this, I am still quite often meeting users online, which are not sufficiently aware of the wide features of Facebook and communication methods not only with companies and partners, but also with each other. Our today's material about it.

What is it?

Facebook is a unique Internet playground, one of the largest social networks in the world, the tool for the rapid, instant interaction of people from different parts of the planet. This is a widely developed platform with well-thought-out functionality, allowing users to actively communicate and interact with each other at any time of the day, in any place, city, country of the world.

Facebook has multifaceted interaction functionality between people: users share knowledge and experience, exchange news, photographs and videos in personal and professional spheres.

Let's go directly to business. If you do not yet use Facebook as useful tools, then read on.

Qualitative and timely, regular use of a certain number of technologies and tools Facebook inevitably leads to a result without large material costs. In the following articles we will definitely reveal the topic of advanced tools in Facebook.

Agree, in any business it is very important to find the shortest path to your target audience and use it. This perfectly cope with business pages and groups that can be easily created in Facebook independently, without attracting specialists.

I suppose many also concerns the question how to attract additional traffic To the site, because we will ultimately fight for conversion and want grateful customers to line up for our goods or services. We all want wealth and material well-being. The speed of distribution of information on Facebook is truly phenomenal.

To effectively use it as a tool, it is necessary to form a clear plan and a promotion strategy, consider it in advance positioning: your personal role or role of the organization or company.

  • the ability to attract useful people to your business,
  • rich set of functions
  • special offers,
  • setting right contacts and online connections,
  • targeted advertising,
  • possibility of direct contact with consumers,
  • video and audio,
  • view tape, mark "Like",
  • creating reposts of likelihoods
  • discussion of interesting topics
  • opportunity to share opinions
  • open communication with the audience,
  • instant response to published information,
  • mobile version of the site,
  • ease of use,
  • placing information about professional activities
  • active participation in the discussion of the topics and subscribers,
  • fast advertising setup,
  • the ability to promote the page itself or its internal functions,
  • instant testing of demand.

Basic concepts on Facebook

  • Your wall is a space inside your profile, where you are placed by posts, decorated with texts, photos or videos.
  • Post - publication on the social network.
  • Friend or Friend is a friend added by mutual agreement. A man who has pressed "I like" on your page is its subscriber.
  • News feed - part of your profile, where there are news from the pages of your friends you are signed.
  • Button "I like" - clicking on it, a person becomes not only a subscriber, but will also further receive a notice of new photos and news on your page and watch them in your ribbon.
  • Personal Profile - a profile containing information about you. Facebook uses real names and surnames. Based on a personal profile in the future, you can create pages and groups.
  • Facebook page - The page is formed by the community - a place where people communicate. You can set a short beautiful address, well indexed search enginesis the main tool for various types of business.
  • Facebook Group - Created to communicate at a certain occasion. It has limited functionalityHowever, allows you to share opinions and find friends in interest.

Difference between a personal profile and page

The main and, perhaps, the main difference is that personal Profile Contains information specifically about you, as a person. All posts and news that share, you place from your own behalf.

The page in Facebook on the contrary is primarily intended to tell about the product, service or product, and can also be devoted to the activities of companies and business communities. The functionality of the pages is thought out so as not to lose time, quickly and efficiently, convey information to the consumer and conquer the audience sympathy.

There are a number of rules and tricks, how to find your target audience in Facebook. Especially for you in the near future I plan to choose the material on this topic, so do not forget to enter the blog pages.

In continuation of the topic, it is also worth noting that in contrast to the profile, the page is available to the general public, which plays an important role in attracting grateful customers to his business. In addition, the page is well indexed in different systems Search, which, in my opinion, is the main favorable feature and can positively influence the conversion and profit.

If you are still determined and ready to win new vertices in the Internet space, then continue to explore today's material.

Instruction: Where to start promotion?

Step 1. We define the task for yourself and honestly answer questions:

  • Do I need a presence in social networks and in Facebook in particular?
  • If so, what tasks do I put in front of me?
  • Is there in social. Networks my target audience (ka)?
  • If so, is it prone to open communication?
  • How much time am I ready (a) spend a day?
  • Do it all independently or with a specialist?
  • What result do I expect?

Step 2. We put real goals in stages and in accordance with our business category, for example:

  • Create and develop an interesting and visited community in Facebook.
  • Dial in the first month 50/100/200 subscribers.
  • Provide a monthly increase in the number of subscribers by 10/20/30 ... 50.
  • Organize traffic to the site after the community gains strength and becomes active and alive.
  • Plan the next goal.

Having created a page and putting its development for a self-shot, it is impossible to achieve high efficiency. Facebook gives good results after some time, patience and competent work here won. You may need constant monitoring and adjusting the strategy again and again.

Step 3. Experiment with content

Content is filling information resourceneeded and significant. What a variety of content, the more interesting and visited will be your community.

  • People want to receive information from the same consumer services as they themselves.
  • Place information structured and intelligibly.
  • Constantly answer questions, Thank you for comments, communicate with subscribers, react to comments correctly.

Step 5. Think your strategy in advance:

  • A properly built advertising campaign can significantly reduce the cost of other advertising platforms or avoid them at all.
  • Create an atmosphere of trust, consolidate the connection with the client with open communication.

Summing up, it is necessary to add that Facebook is a powerful marketing tool. Pages, profiles and groups in Facebook allow you to achieve amazing results! Examples of a large number of companies presented on Facebook have repeatedly prove it.

If we managed to convey to you the importance of the presence of you and your business in Facebook, then in the next article described in detail, there we will focus on the basic moments of registration and filling your personal data.

Good luck to you! Light and grateful subscribers on the Internet.

Put the estimates, leave comments on this article, subscribe to our useful newsletter, follow the news, share this information in the social. Networks if the material was useful. This will help us competently and clearly form the most interesting content for you.

Also take an active part in the extension. We have prepared for you a lot of interesting things. Keep track of blog articles and keep up to date with our events.

If the question is: "What is Facebook?" Which day does not give you peace, then it's time to carry out a small libez.

So what is Facebook today and why is it so popular? Facebook is a website that is currently one of the largest networks in the world. The number of Facebook users exceeds 400 millions of people from different parts of the world. Users can use the site as in Russian and on english. It is because of the huge user audience that is one of the most promising areas to promote sites and any other Internet projects.

Read more about Facebook network
Birthday is a super popular network is considered to be February 4, 2004. The right to register on the site have all the people who have reached the thirteen age, subject to the presence of an electronic mailbox.

How Facebook works
In the social network Facebook, each registered user in his profile can communicate with friends from around the world, exchanging instant messages, upload photos and view snapshots of other users, as well as create all kinds of interest groups.

The site provides a fairly large set of functions, thanks to which users can in contact with each other. Virtual winking, as well as the so-called "wall" on which may unsubscribe friends of the profile owner can unsubscribe. Well, of course, most of the time Facebook users spend over watching photo albums of friends, commenting on interesting photos.

Each user himself opens access to the information contained in a profile of certain people, thereby controlling the situation and not allowing the "invasion" into the profile of unwanted people.

Interesting Facts about Facebook
In 2007, the site owners announced users about the possibility of creating third-party programmers for a specific list of services, allowing you to earn. Thanks to this promotion, the site function was expanded with new tools, which influenced the increase in the number of new users.
In 2009, each user got the opportunity to choose the address for its own page on their own. Users Innovation was appreciated by fostering even more trust and respect for the site.

In the same year, users got the opportunity to independently choose the language of the site in their profile.

One of the negative moments of a tangent facebook is something that, or rather against the Like button, since its use violates policies information security countries.

So, now you know what Facebook is and, for sure, are ready to replenish the ranks of users of one of the most popular networks in the world.

As well as:
Now many people use social networks to somehow influence officials. If you want to be high-quality urban lighting in your area, you can create a group on a social network and look for like-minded people from your area. Through such informal associations you can mobilize people to achieve good goals.

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