Restoring the language bar in Windows XP. What to do if the language bar is missing

Surely stacked with the fact that the language bar in Window 7 is not displayed.

Why this happens is a good question, but for sure it will not require an answer if you know how to eliminate this defect.

The easiest way to solve the problem

There are many options for why the language bar can disappear, and the most popular of them is the malfunction of one or several applications at once.

This method is used by most users who are trying to fix the language bar error. The algorithm of actions is as follows:

  • In the lower right corner of your screen, find the Start tab.
  • Click on the line "Control Panel".
  • Find the line "Change keyboard layout" and click on it.

  • Click on the Regional and Language Options pop-up window.
  • Find the Keyboard Language tab and click Change Keyboard.
  • In a new window "Languages \u200b\u200band text input services".

Advice! If, after all the settings, the language bar does not appear on your screen, then check how many languages \u200b\u200bare active on your computer. The algorithm of actions will be useless if only one language is active.

You can check the number of active languages \u200b\u200bas follows:

  • Go through the two steps of the above algorithm again;
  • Find the General tab.

It is inexplicable, but true, users noted that it is the language panel with the Russian language that disappears most often.

Why it turns out this way and whether it is true is unknown.

But you can experiment yourself if you set the layout for English or any other language.

Restoring Task Scheduler on Windows 7

The language bar on Windows 7 has one main difference from the same Windows XP - the task scheduler is responsible for launching the language model in this case.

If this program is not started, then the language panel will not be displayed, respectively. This can be traced as follows:

  • On the desktop, find and open the shortcut "My Computer".
  • Find the "controls" tab and click on it.

  • Then on the right side of the list you will find the line "Services and Applications". Select the Services icon.

  • In the pop-up window on the right, see the "Task Scheduler" service.

  • After opening the service, make sure that it displays a working status. We also advise you to specify the automatic startup type.
  • If the service displays the "Manual" startup type, then double-click the right mouse button to change it to "Automatic".
  • The last step is to restart your computer and check for the language bar.

Consider the option when all the settings are in order, however, the language bar on the monitor screen is missing.

Most likely, the fact is that the task is disabled inside the service itself.

  • On the monitor screen in the lower right corner, click on the "Start" line.
  • Then, in the search engine, enter the word "Task Scheduler".

  • Find the line "Task Scheduler Libraries" and click on it.

  • Then, specify two commands at once, one after the other: TextServicesFramework and MsCtfMonitor.
  • On the command MsCtfMonitor, you need to right-click twice to make the line "Enable" appear and then click on it.

Advice! Note the status of the MsCtfMonitor command. If the line already indicated "Enabled", then the reason for the absence of the language bar is something else.

Please note that not every computer has the MsCtfMonitor service installed. Without it, returning the control panel to its place is unlikely to work.

You can create this program yourself according to the following algorithm of actions:

  • Download the program for free and unpack it;
  • Open the downloaded file;
  • In the main menu on the right, find the TextServicesFramework section;
  • Click on the TextServicesFramework section by double-clicking the right mouse button to open the Import Task tab;
  • Double-click the left mouse button to click on the downloaded file;
  • Click on the task and then restart your computer to make sure the language bar is back in place.

Using the registry to repair the language bar

If none of the above methods helped you, then it makes sense to check the system registry for serviceability.

Earlier Windows operating systems differed from the seventh theme, the language bar could be controlled using ctfmon.exe.

But in this case, it may also be appropriate. Download the program and then unpack it. If you have any problems with the work, then proceed as follows:

  • To start the system registry, enter the combination "Win" + "R". Then enter the command "regedite".

  • Next, click on the line.
  • Then, on the empty right side, right-click to bring up the "New" line. Name it CTFMON.EXE.
  • Click on the title with the left mouse button to access the link C: \\ WINDOWS \\ system32 \\ ctfmon.exe ".

If you strictly followed the algorithm of actions, then try restarting your computer and check if the language bar appeared.

Windows has been around for two decades, but even newer modifications can suffer from the same problems. More precisely, these are inconveniences that make working at a computer less comfortable. For example, when typing in an application, you need to quickly change the keyboard layout. This can be done via the language bar or using the appropriate keyboard shortcut. But what to do when the language bar is not displayed and when hotkeys are pressed, the language does not switch? In this topic, we will consider what to do when the Windows 7 language bar disappeared and how to restore it to work.

The first way to enable the language bar in the Windows environment

Open the "Start" menu, go to the "Control Panel", open the "Regional and Language Options" tab.

Then open the "Language bar" tab, in which we mark the checkboxes "Pinned to the taskbar" and "Display text labels on the language bar". Then click "OK".

In the same window, in the "Switch keyboard" tab, you can configure a combination for switching the input language on the computer. To do this, you need to press "Change keyboard shortcut" and select the combination that suits you.

After this simple manipulation, the language change icon should appear.

Second way

If the Windows 7 language bar is not displayed, you can enable it through the registry. However, this option is more suitable for advanced users.

Press the combination Windows + R. A window of the system utility "Run" will open, in which we enter the command to start the registry editor "regedit".

Next, go to the "Run" folder located in the branch:

HKEY_CURRENT_USER \\ Software \\ Microsoft \\ Windows \\ CurrentVersion \\

It should contain the string parameter "CTFMon" with the value "C: \\ Windows \\ system32 \\ ctfmon.exe" registered for it. If the parameter is absent, then it must be created manually. To do this, we perform a number of sequential actions:

How to keep the language bar icon always present

In desktop mode, right-click on the toolbar (that is, on the bottom panel where icons of running applications are displayed). A small menu will open, in which, in the "Notification area" column, click the "Configure" button.

Next, select "Always display all icons and notifications on the taskbar" and click on "OK".

However, note that this not only turns on the display of the language bar, but also makes icons such as "Windows Update", "Fix PC problems", etc. become visible.

If Regional and Language Options are not displayed

You can also open this preference pane using the system's Run utility. Press Windows + R and enter the command "intl.cpl".

Then we repeat all the actions that were described in the first method.

note: at least two keyboard layouts must be activated for the language bar to appear. By default, these are Russian and English. If you need to select one or two more languages \u200b\u200bto switch, in the "Languages \u200b\u200band Text Input Services" panel, click on the "General" tab and select "Add".

Changing the language using PuntoSwitcher

This is the last way how to return the language bar in Windows 7, but only with a third-party utility. PuntoSwitcher automatically switches keyboard layouts in Windows OS, and most importantly, fixes gibberish like "ghbdtn" to the desired "hello". It is free for non-commercial use and belongs directly to the Yandex search engine. Therefore, during installation, you will be prompted to install the extensions of this search engine and the corresponding browser. If you don't want to do any of this, uncheck all three boxes.

Punto Switcher works in parallel with the standard language bar, so you can display two language switching icons at once.

To avoid this, we do the same as in the first method, only instead of "Pinned in the taskbar" we select "Hide". In the program settings, you can also change the combination for switching the language and configure other hot keys.

Hello dear friends, I have been asked many times the question, what to do? This article provides three options for the answer - how to restore the windows 7 language bar... What is a language bar is a toolbar with which the user can select the language for text input by using the Alt + Shift or Ctrl + Shift keyboard shortcuts. The language bar is automatically located in the desktop tray, by clicking on which you can easily either disable or enable the language bar, but it also happens that the language bar simply disappears and not all users have an idea. how to enable windows 7 language bar.

Option: No. 1

Go to the "Start" panel and select "Control Panel". In the control panel, click on the item "Regional and Language Standards"

In the window that opens, select the "Languages \u200b\u200band keyboards" tab, and "Change keyboard".

The Languages \u200b\u200band Text Input Services window opens. In this window, select the "Language bar".

In this window, you need to select the item "Pinned to the taskbar" and click "OK".

In the "Properties of the taskbar and start menu" in the item "Notification area", click on the "Configure" button.

The "Notification area icons" window will appear, here you need to enable language bar, check the box "Always display all icons and notifications on the taskbar."

Option: No. 2

Go to the "Start" menu and in the search find the file "ctfmon.exe" and add it to the "Startup" folder. To find the "Startup" folder, you need to go to the "C" drive, then "Users" / "Here, select the folder with the account name" / "AppDate" / "Roaming" / "Microsoft" / "Windows" / "Main menu "/" Programs "/" Startup ", in the" Startup "folder paste the copied file" ctfmon.exe ". Now your language bar will turn on when windows 7 boots.

Option: No. 3

1. If the language bar is gone and they didn't help you, the first two options, so you need to look for the problem of the disappearance of the language bar in the registry settings. Go to the "Start" menu and write "regedit", click on the line "regedit".

A registry window will appear. In this window, select the "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE" registry branch.

In this window, click on the "Microsoft" branch.

In this window, click on the "Windows" branch.

Here you need to select the "CurrentVersion" line.

It remains to select the last registry branch "Run". Here you need to see if the window has a string parameter "CTFMon", as shown in the screenshot. If there is no current, then it must be created.

1) Right-click on the "Run" registry branch.
2) Select "Create string parameter" and name it "CTFMon".
3) Right click on the created line "CTFMon" and select "change".
4) Enter the value "C: \\ Windows \\ system32 \\ ctfmon.exe"

Next, you need to restart your computer. Upon reboot, the enabled language bar should appear at the bottom of the taskbar (tray) screen. If you have any questions about this article, write, I will try to answer everyone.

Those who did not encounter such a problem as the loss of the language bar near the tray during use, either used the computer a little, or did it very carefully. By the way, the tray is the notorious triangle near the clock, where many running programs are hidden. What to do if it disappears There are several reasons for this and several solutions.

Programs with bugs

One of these programs is ICQ version 7. Most users have noticed that after exiting the program, the language bar disappears. How to be in this case? Or change to an earlier version, or never turn off the program. It is noticed that while it is minimized with the keyboard layout stays in place.

In addition to ICQ, some full-fledged online games have such bugs. After exiting full-screen mode There are two ways to deal with this: restarting the computer every time after playing, or playing. But, of course, there are other options for why the language bar disappears. Sometimes you can "cure" this by opening a text document. If even then the icon for the selected language does not appear, then install a simple program - Punto Switcher. Its advantage is that it not only shows the layout, but also changes it on its own. For example, you type "ghbdtn" and the program automatically says "hello". Well, as in the search lines of "Yandex" or "Google". "Punto Switch" is installed on any operating system from the manufacturer's official website and is free.

Broken settings

It often happens that the settings just "fly off" while using the PC. Putting them back in place is easy. So, if every now and then the language panel "flies", you need to do the following:

  1. Press the "Start" key.
  2. Select "Control Panel".
  3. In the menu that opens, select the panel with the name "Languages".
  4. A window will open with several tabs. We need one that bears the name again "Languages".
  5. There will also be a button "Details".
  6. Next, you need to find the "Options" tab.
  7. At the very bottom of the window there is also a "Language bar" button.
  8. Already in the new window, you need to select the "Advanced" tab. There should be a line "Display language bar on desktop". If the checkbox is checked, but the language is still not, then remove and re-install. If there was no selection, then it needs to be done.

Just 9 clicks and the language should appear next to the tray. Sometimes he goes into minimized programs, but rarely. Windows XP is no different from later versions of the operating system, except that the names of the tabs may be slightly different. The meaning will remain the same. You can check the presence of the language bar in two clicks as follows:

If it is, then the language is fixed in. Don't see it? Try reinstalling the MS Office program. Sometimes she also lags, especially unofficial versions. Language bar disappears regardless of all manipulations? Contact the wizard, perhaps, the drivers "have flown", which it is better not to change yourself, especially without knowledge in this area.

Active users of the operating system from Bill Gates probably stuck with the fact that the language bar in Window 7 is not displayed.

Why this happens is a good question, but for sure it will not require an answer if you know how to eliminate this defect.

The easiest way to solve the problem

There are many options for why the language bar can disappear, and the most popular of them is the malfunction of one or several applications at once.

This method is used by most users who are trying to fix the language bar error. The algorithm of actions is as follows:

  • In the lower right corner of your screen, find the Start tab.
  • Click on the line “Control Panel”.
  • Find the line “Change keyboard layout” and click on it.
  • Click on the Regional and Language Options pop-up window.
  • Find the Keyboard Language tab and click Change Keyboard.
  • In a new window “Languages \u200b\u200band text input services”.

Advice! If, after all the settings, the language bar does not appear on your screen, then check how many languages \u200b\u200bare active on your computer. The algorithm of actions will be useless if only one language is active.

You can check the number of active languages \u200b\u200bas follows:

  • Go through the two steps of the above algorithm again;
  • Find the General tab.

It is inexplicable, but true, users of the Russian-language version of Windows 7 noted that it is the language bar with the Russian language that disappears most often. Why it turns out this way and whether it is true is unknown.

But you can experiment yourself if you set the layout for English or any other language.

Restoring Task Scheduler on Windows 7

The language bar on Windows 7 has one main difference from the same Windows XP - the task scheduler is responsible for launching the language model in this case.

If this program is not started, then the language panel will not be displayed, respectively. This can be traced as follows:

  • On the desktop, find and open the “My Computer” shortcut.
  • Find the "controls" tab and click on it.
  • Then on the right side of the list you will find the line “Services and Applications”. Select the "Services" icon.
  • In the pop-up window on the right, see the “Task Scheduler” service.
  • After opening the service, make sure that it displays a working status. We also advise you to specify the automatic startup type.
  • If the service displays the "Manual" startup type, then double-click the right mouse button to change it to "Automatic".
  • The last step is to restart your computer and check for the language bar.

Consider the option when all the settings are in order, however, the language bar on the monitor screen is missing.

Most likely, the fact is that the task is disabled inside the service itself.

  • On the monitor screen in the lower right corner, click on the "Start" line.
  • Then, in the search engine, enter the word "Task Scheduler".
  • Find the line “Task Scheduler Libraries” and click on it.
  • Then, specify two commands at once, one after the other: TextServicesFramework and MsCtfMonitor.
  • On the command MsCtfMonitor, you need to right-click twice so that the line “Enable” appears and then click on it.

Advice! Note the status of the MsCtfMonitor command. If the line already indicated "Enabled", then the reason for the absence of the language bar is something else.

Please note that not every computer has the MsCtfMonitor service installed. Without it, returning the control panel to its place is unlikely to work. You can create this program yourself according to the following algorithm of actions:

  • Download the program for free and unpack it;
  • Open the downloaded file;
  • In the main menu on the right, find the TextServicesFramework section;
  • Click on the TextServicesFramework section by double-clicking the right mouse button to open the “Import Task” tab;
  • Double-click the left mouse button to click on the downloaded file;
  • Click on the task and then restart your computer to make sure the language bar is back in place.

Using the registry to repair the language bar

If none of the above methods helped you, then it makes sense to check the system registry for serviceability. Earlier Windows operating systems differed from the seventh themes, the language bar could be controlled using ctfmon.exe.

But in this case, it may also be appropriate. Download the program and then unpack it. If you have any problems with the work, then proceed as follows:

  • To run the system registry, enter the combination "Win" + "R". Then enter the command “regedite”.
  • Next, click on the line.
  • Then, on the empty right side, right-click to bring up the line “Create”. Name it CTFMON.EXE.
  • Click on the title with the left mouse button to access the link C: \\ WINDOWS \\ system32 \\ ctfmon.exe ".

If you strictly followed the algorithm of actions, then try restarting your computer and check if the language bar appeared.

Punto Switcher solutions

If none of the above methods helped you, then as a last resort there is always a solution that has already helped users of the Windows 7 operating system more than once.

This can be done using Yandex, or rather, using the program from its developers - Punto Switcher.

To be precise, the essence of this program is not to return the language string to the monitor screen, but to replace it if necessary. In Punto Switcher, you can switch from one language to another.

After the "Settings" mode appears in the main menu, click on it to switch to "Keyboard Language". The problem has been resolved. Simply put, you downloaded an analogue of the language bar in the absence of the original.

Advice! The program includes over a hundred languages. So that you do not have to constantly waste time looking for the ones you need, pick up a few that you will use most often, for example: Russian-German-English.

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