How the possible friends of VKontakte appear. How to make a list of friends in VKontakte

This is a convenient and useful feature of the VK site. It will come in handy recently registered users, because there is a lot of time to search for their real friends in school, university, common acquaintances. Consider a Read more Mechanism of people from entering this list.

The key search parameters for completed information in the VC profile are the following data:

  1. School, university or other educational institution, place of work. If you specify such information about yourself, then the list is immediately determined. possible friends: Your classmates, work colleagues, colleagues. Some of them you probably know in real life.
  2. Mutual friends. If you already have at least one friend, then users from his Friend Sheet will also be present in this section. They can be selected incidentally either by some criteria similar to you (region, membership in one communities, etc.).
  3. Your activity on the site. With frequent visits to groups, public, when communicating in comments and regular viewing personal pages Some people, those on whom this activity focused, can be added to the section of possible friends.
  4. Analysis of Internet activity ( controversial moment). The administration of the VC in every way is separated from collecting third-party information About users. However, many declare that even when creating an empty page with invented name without specified informationIn this section you can find friends from your real page.

This suggests that the system scans cookies or other digital traces in the browser.

This is a quick I. convenient way Fill your contact list with the right people.

Possible friends are viewed by several simple steps. Consider them on the example of the web version of VK for personal computer. In the mobile application installed on the phone, the procedure will be the same, the difference is only in the interface.

  1. Go to the "Friends" section and you will see the "possible friends" column in the lower right side.

A list of 5 people should be formed randomly.

  1. To see the full list, click below "show all".

The VK website helps its users quickly collect their loved ones, relatives, colleagues, classmates, thanks to the "possible friends" block. There are shown by people selected by the system, based on the information you specified in the profile and friendship with those contacts that already exist in your Friend List.

In the web version of the site for a personal computer, this unit is located on the side of the right (the first 5 random people and the list). If it is deployed, a lot of people will be shown. You can know them personally or through a common acquaintance, as well as have common interests and be parties to one group.

Some users do not want to see on their page some person or a certain group of people, but constantly stumble upon them in this block.

For those who sits VC through the official mobile app on android, after last update There is no such problem. There you must first go to this section from friends by clicking on the plus.

An iPhone is also with each update this feature adapts to convenience. But on the PC, the block is visible immediately when you go to the "Friends" section and disable the list of possible friends can not be in the settings, nor with third-party applications. It annoys many users and maybe soon the administration will update the element.

In the meantime you can simply delete from the list of people one by one. The remote "possible friend" will never appear in the block. To do this, do the following.

This procedure will take no more than a second and in the end, unwanted persons will stop filling on your page. You can also remove from the FREND sheet of that friend, at which it is most often referred to in the selection (this is written under the avatar in the list). After that, in possible friends will cease to pop up its contacts.

There is an option to hide information about the school and place of work, if you are concerned about the appearance of colleagues and classmates in the block. In general, we can say that despite the lack of a function of disabling the list, with some actions you can burn out from unwanted persons in it.

Now we have a conversation that one additional feature of the social network "VKontakte" appeared: "Possible Friends". This service It will serve as an assistant to find possible comrades, everything is already thought out here it is better. In this section, you will see a huge variety of users with whom you are familiar.

"VKontakte": Friends - Location

Some change occurred. The familiar function "Vkontakte" "Possible friends" disappeared as unrequisite - now you can find familiar with the "Search of People" button. After clicking on this button, you will immediately see a list of people who are from your friends. In fact, it should simplify work with "VKontakte" users. For conciseness, as a rule, talent lies. Innovation We will look later. Also additionally to this new function In the "Friends" section now created a kind of book with phone numbers, where you can see the contacts of the people who are interested in you.

The principle of sorting "possible friends"

Administrators and developers of this popular social network among young people their salary, naturally, are not in vain. Constantly want to improve "VC" and to make it as convenient for communication and information sharing, so new opportunities and functions are continuously appear. And now, as we managed to say, the "Possible Friends" feature appeared.

But what kind of principle does this blue button work? Among users there are many versions with answers to this question, but the true is known, probably only developers. Most likely, only those people who already have any friends come to this list.

That is, for example, if you studied with them in one educational institution, and also finished it in the same year, then, of course, they will be shown by your possible friends if you click on the specified link. If a certain person will be listed in friends not only with one of your friend, and in a few, then the likelihood that he will also be in this list is large enough.

The developers took care that possible friends are presented in the maximum full list Thanks to the "Show Other" button. However, many users by clicking on this button, received the same people who have already seen in the list earlier, that's just in a different order.

Of course, someone was lucky more, and he found many friends and acquaintances on this list. Some users reported on 95% of the effectiveness of the function. And someone did not have coincidences at all. That is, the list fell completely unfamiliar people. But it can occur due to the fact that there are several such people who you do not know about your friends. Consequently, there can be no those who would be familiar at all in their list.

"VKontakte": "Possible friends" disappeared

IN lately The Internet literally blew up with reports that "possible friends" "VKontakte" were missing. I wonder where exactly disappeared this feature? In the same manner, they are glowing only to users who only registered, but no hope: as soon as their list of friends is replenished at least to one hundred, "possible friends" disappear.

If you do not know how to see Possible friends "VKontakte", remember that now you can find this undoubtedly useful featureBy clicking on the Count "Friends" in the left list, and then on the "search" on the right side of the screen. The search will be shown only by the people with whom you have many common friends, since the administration of VKontakte decided that it would be much more convenient and efficient to work with the site.

This feature is definitely useful, that's just it needs a small refinement. After all, users who hid their friends in privacy settings. That's how to be with them? They think that their hidden friends now see only they, but no, in fact, in "possible friends", a completely extraneous person can see what he has in your list. After all, the "VKontakte" function "Possible friends" in any case takes into account the hidden from prying eye Users, and developers on this certainly need to think.

Criticism by the social network users in which the update was updated

Many people perceive this update of the social network in the bayonets because it is too incorrect, in their opinion, the developers understand the word "friends", because we usually communicate with your friends, and not "VKontakte", right? Perhaps it would be worth named by this feature "possible acquaintances", and oblique looks, and negative feedback would then be less. In the meantime, we figured out where the possible friends of VKontakte are now.

Very old innovation - Possible friends VKontakte, announced by the creator of the social network of VC, still interests many users, of course, in its most different forms. Possible friends of VKontakte and algorithms that find them, among the multi-million dollar audience, do not understand the simple user, they are based on many factors that are automatically determined by a pair of just one mention or a shared place of work. With updates and changes in the system of social network VKontakte, the search algorithms have changed, as well as viewable friends. Let's start with the simplest and look at where the block is now located, possible friends VKontakte, as it is formed, as well as how to go to the advanced settings, directly searching, possible friends. I will not leave without attention and such an opportunity, as an increase in the number of friends, followed by searching and adding new possible friends VKontakte. Usually, this process is interested in users who spin communities in contact, inviting new and possible friends, to their group or a public page, but everything is in order.

So, the most common question where the block is located and the partition, possible friends of VKontakte. In order to go and see the displayed block with possible friends, you need to use the left menu - friends, go to this section, your page VKontakte, it is in it and there is a block, possible friends.

On the Friends page in the new design and my friends in the old, there are a few differences; For example, if you use an old interface, then possible friends can display both on the left side under the page menu and in the Search for Friends. In order to go there, you will need to make an active click, on the Add Friends button, located in the My Friends section, on the right side of the search window. After that, you will open a page on which you will be offered a list of possible friends, as well as offers to find them in other social networks, through authorization in them. And of course, the standard search for friends, characteristic of social networks - it's yours email, invitation by phone number and advanced search, with the ability to set settings, city, gender, age, availability of photos and so on.

The new design, social network VKontakte, has few other functions, but the essence does not change, search and recommendations will be the same. Going to the tab, Friends, the left menu of your page, you will be shown a list of your friends, and on the right side of the page, a separate block - Possible friends VKontakte. As in the first case, which we described above, it is possible to go to the list of possible friends as using the button - find friends and making a click on an active link, see all possible friends. In this section, which is more advisory in nature, you can immediately add to your friends to a particular user. He will receive a notice, and next to the application, they will be shown, general friends.

Why do new friends need VKontakte

Replies, a lot and everyone has his own, if you extend, then possible friends VKontakte is, additional opportunity, expand the circle of acquaintances for both communication, dating and commercial purposes. The latter, namely, commercial subtext is very often used by users who, for example, are engaged in increasing the audience of their community. The process itself, has no prohibition, users are simply based on recommendations - possible friends or search for criteria are added to friends, accompanying the application, text message. With a greeting, explaining the reasons for which they were added, apologized for concern and, of course, with a positive response, a request to subscribe or join their community.

More Possible Friends in VKontakte

Continuing the topic and at the same time answering the question of how to get a larger list, recommendations - VKontakte's possible friends, we note that it can be done in several ways. The first is a natural way where you can knock friends to users who are displayed in your block, VKontakte's possible friends, thus, with an approved application, this list will be replenished, new recommendations. And the second, the method is the cheating of friends, simply speaking, users will be added to your friends and after your approval, a list of possible friends, as in the first case, will increase. We will repeat that so, you can get new acquaintances to communicate, discuss and invitations to the community both by sending invitations from the group and using a simple text message.

You can turn your friends in several ways, for example, to use the services of SMM agencies, cheating organizations in social networks. As a rule, at such venues, the cheating is offered to all the most popular social networks that are in demand and have both popularity among users and the commercial interest of entrepreneurs and representatives, middle and small businesses. The pricing policy of organizations, very loyal and increase the number of friends in VKontakte, it is possible for a slight amount, a huge plus that you do not need to do it manually. View reviews, prices and passing promotions, as well as place an online application, you can on the page. "

Thus, as we have already written above, you can expand the number of possible friends, as the system will increase their number, due to new applications. As for the safety, the method described is the safest, since you do not need to transmit or enter your password or pass authorization on the site. We need only a link to the page where your friends are checked.

Possible friends

It would seem that, at first glance, a minor function, as possible friends, can be very useful and relevant, especially for those who spin groups and public Pages. The potential of this section is that you are expanding the circle of friends, real people who can become not only your friends, but also potential customersIf we are talking about commercial interest. In any case, this segment social communicationwhich allows you to find old friends, for example, through mail contacts or other social networks. We hope regardless of the context of the issue - Possible friends VKontakte, you found necessary information And now without much difficulty, you can not only find this block, but also expand the number, new friends.

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