Skype conference on various devices and OS. Americans and strangers are added to skype - why. How to get a Skype interview

Live and learn. It would seem that the Skype program is special? You can call other people, regardless of their location, you can chat in or. This is a basic list, but if you dig deeper, it turns out that this application is capable of more! No wonder Skype was originally aimed at the comfort of business users.

  Based on this position, in this article I want to talk about how to create a group on Skype. Such a function will allow you to group all your contacts depending on various factors, such as work / friends / relatives, etc.

How to create a group in Skype

First of all, of course, go to your Skype account. Click on the “Contacts” tab - “Create a new group”.

After that, the window of the proposed group will open, which is currently empty. At this point, you can give it the appropriate name. Now pay attention to the “+” button, it is it that will allow you to expand the horizons of the newly created group. Click on it and select "Add people" from the list of actions.

After that, another window will appear in front of you, in which all your contacts will be displayed. Your task is to choose among them those people whom you want to see in the created group. That is, click on the contact, then on the "Select" button, which is located under all the contacts. After that - “Add”.

How to delete a group in Skype

Since you are the creator of a group, you can carry out various actions with it. For example, delete or correct friends messages, delete contacts from the group. If, after creating a group for some reason, you want to delete it, unfortunately, you will not succeed. You can simply delete all contacts from it, but the group itself will remain.

The situation is different if you are not the creator of the group, but are only its member. In this case, just leave the chat and your contact list will be cleared of this group.It is very simple to do this: right-click on the name of the group, after which the context menu will drop out, in which you need to select the line “Exit from the conversation”. Done, you have left the group chat.

As you can see, creating a group on Skype is very simple. In addition, it is important to remember that as a participant in such a chat you can delete a group from your contacts, but as a creator you cannot. In any case, the group in Skype will help you organize your contacts, as well as give tangible control in your work.

Skype is a popular chat program used by millions of users around the world. The program interface is intuitive, but sometimes there are difficulties when creating video conferences.

How to create a Skype conference on PC

First, open the program and click on the contacts in the menu on the top panel. In the list that appears, select "Create Group". You can also create a new group by pressing Ctrl + N.

All group created. To change the name of the conference you need to click "Empty group" at the top of the screen. The profile settings window will pop up. Click “Empty Group” again and change the name. Also in this window you can change the avatar and set user preferences: whether or not to receive notifications about new messages, whether new members are allowed to watch the history, and who is allowed to join the group.

To add new participants, click on the image of a person in the upper right corner, a list of your contacts will drop out. By checking the boxes next to the person you are talking to, you will add them to your conversation. Only new members can add new members, that is, the person who created this group.

Also, during a one-on-one conversation, you can click on the plus sign, and add another person to the current conversation. Of course, IP telephony is often ordered for small businesses, which has more advantages, but sometimes you can use Skype.

How to create a conference on devices with the Android operating system

Skype mobile application allows you to always be in touch. To use it, you need high-speed Internet, and preferably Wi-Fi. Unfortunately, at this time Skype for android does not support the video function for conferences, you can only communicate via voice communication.

Another limitation is that all users must log in to Skype from a mobile device. To add a new user to the dialogue, you need to press the plus sign during the conversation and select the right person.

Also, a mobile version user can be invited to an already created conference (no matter where it was created).

There are no restrictions for text messaging. You need to click on the message icon in the lower right corner and select as many people you want from your address book.

How to create a Skype conference on iPhone

To make group calls with iPhone, you need the version How to create a conference on Skype on various devices and operating systems.

Skype is a popular video calling tool. With it, you can call all over the world. Also, the number of participants in the conversation is unlimited, but in most cases, conversations occur between two people. For more people you need to create a conference.

How to create a conference on iPad

Currently, the Skype version for iPad does not support the conference start feature. You cannot create groups and add people to the conversation.

You can communicate with three or more interlocutors in a text chat, or by invitation to the conference. When you are invited to a conference, a call notification usually arrives. You just need to press to accept the call and you can communicate in a conversation.

Thanks to a convenient and practical function that allows you to create a group in Skype, users have the following options:

  1. simultaneous distribution of messages to all members of the group.

But, unfortunately, not everyone understands how to configure this service. To understand this, you should answer some of the most common questions asked by Skype users. To begin, let's discuss how to create a group on Skype or delete it if necessary. Then, how to make all the necessary settings. To make it easier to perceive the information, we will make a discussion in the form of the most frequently asked questions by users and answers to them.

The first question. How to create a group in Skype?

To do this is much easier than it might seem from the very beginning. The fact is that this feature is provided by default in Skype. To use it, you just need to follow these steps.

  1. open Skype;
  2. we find the contacts tab (located at the top of the screen between the talk key and Skype), click on it;
  3. in the pop-up window we find the button "Create a new group." Click on it. As a result of this, a tab with the inscription "Empty group" appears. Now you need to add all the subscribers who will be included in it;
  4. you can add contacts to the created group in two ways. The easiest way is to drag the selected subscriber with the mouse. Hold the left mouse button on the selected contact and drag. You can also use the special key above the list of the new group (+).

Advice! Immediately after exiting the group creation window, the entire selected list will be automatically destroyed. To prevent this, you need to click on its name and select the function "Save group in contact list."

The second question. How to delete an already unnecessary group in Skype?

Now let's figure out how to delete a group on Skype. To do this is also quite simple. They can be in two ways.

  1. after talking or sending messages, the newly created group simply cannot be saved in the list of subscribers. Skype will automatically destroy information about it;
  2. after saving to the contact list, you can do the following: select a group and right-click on it. In the pop-up window, select "Delete group from contact list." It should be remembered that it will be deleted, only this account will be. Information about all subscribers individually will be saved.

Important! If you need to remove one or two subscribers from the group, you can do the same. Open the list, click on the required user with the right mouse button and select the function to remove from the group.

Question three, last. How to find and rename a group in Skype?

After saving, all groups are placed in a common contact list. Therefore, finding it will not be particularly difficult. Log in to Skype and in the contacts column find the name of the saved group, usually it is immediately after individual subscribers. Usually, difficulties regarding how to find a group on Skype only occur if there are several dozen of them. In this case, you can use the search graph located at the top of the contact list.

And the last one is how to rename a group on skype. This may be necessary for various reasons, but there is only one way out of this situation. Find the group, right-click on it and select the rename command in the pop-up window. Enter the name that, in your opinion, the best matches and reflects the features of this list of subscribers.

All manipulations with the contact list are built by default in the software. Therefore, changes and adjustments during practice will no longer cause difficulties.

Group calls are a very convenient option in Skype. It can be used by all users of Windows Vista, Windows 7, 8 / 8.1 and Mac. You cannot start a group video call from a mobile device. However, you can always join an existing video conference.

What you need to do before organizing a group video call

To make a group call (create) on Skype, you need to make sure that the webcam is working properly, and also check whether the technical requirements of the program correspond to the system capabilities of the PC of each participant in the conversation. An important role in organizing group calls is played by the presence of a Skype Premium or Manager subscription for at least one of your interlocutors. Without it, it will be impossible to use the conference call service.

Create a video conference

Find the “Create a group” icon in Skype and click on it. Next, drag the desired contact from the corresponding tab to the area called "Empty Group". Repeat the same action for other contacts that you would like to make.
conference participants.

In addition, you can use the "Add members" option. To do this, click on the “+” button and select “Add People”. Then select the necessary contacts from the list of subscribers and click the "Add" button.

You can add up to 9 members to the list of a new group. However, so that the quality of communication does not deteriorate, it is better to involve no more than 5 people in the conversation.

The next step is the beginning. Press the Video Call key. The screen color will immediately change after that. At the bottom of the Skype window, you will see a call bar, and then you will hear long beeps. They will continue until one of the interlocutors answers you.

If during the conference you stopped hearing one of its participants, click the “Call Quality” button at the bottom of the screen and check the call settings.

The conversation organizer can exclude any participant from the video conference. To do this, hover over the user's profile picture, and then click the red icon.

To end the video call, press the Hang Up key.

Additional video calling features

During a group call, you can:

Show and hide the lists of "Recent", "Facebook", "Contacts";
- send various files and messages;
- turn on / off the camera and microphone;
- add new participants to the video call;
- expand the program window to full screen, and also exit full-screen mode.

Create one Group absolutely everyone can get in touch and get the “privileged” moderator status. However, as with maintaining such a group chat as moderator, and for comfortable work in it as party, you need to know some nuances.

Creating and maintaining a group chat   maybe in two ways:

1. From the top menu Contacts - Create a new group.A separate window appears on the right side of the Skype window with the inscription An empty group.   This name can be changed in a similar way,. In the blue field of the window, you can easily drag the necessary contacts from the left window, holding the desired Contact   lion mouse keys. Without letting her go, just drag Contact   in the blue field.

2. It is even easier to click the lion. With the mouse button on the blue "three-headed" icon and get exactly the same result as in the first case. Choose any method convenient for you and remember that in modern programs for the same action ALWAYS there are several possibilities! For example, if you didn’t like dragging the Contacts lion. With the mouse button, you can click on the + in the active plus and add people in the same way,.

By the way, you probably noticed a nice green button Call group ? It is available only to the chat moderator, but he usually does not use it. There can be many more people in the chat,.

The chat moderator’s actions, voluntary or required, include regularly checking chat messages for compliance with established communication rules. In each chat they are their own and are determined either by the moderator himself or by those who invited him to work. I want to note that the capabilities of the moderator significantly depend on the version of the Skype program, which, in fact, should not be! and by any means trying to find a version of Skype to 5.10, you will understand why I myself at some point stopped updating my Skype. Somehow I do not want to run into "surprises"!

Comfortable communication of participants in group chat - this is the next painstaking moment.

1. Often, chat participants do not bother to. Agree that there is a feeling of awkwardness when you do not know how to turn to a person? Do not use logins like albertinof25, purumka-burumka or kozulkin-mazulkin for circulation ?!

2. With active chat participants, the computer often quite specifically "grunts", urging its owner to participate in communication. That is, you are constantly pulled, and when you open a chat, you find that this topic is not interesting to you. Agree that such a "suspension on the hook" is very unpleasant. To arrange a comfortable chat stay, you can disable notifications . That is, signals from your personal Contacts   will be received, and the chat will be silent. To do this, right in the message box, type the command / alertsoff(Sending her to the chat, of course, is not necessary)and view the chat when it’s convenient for us. I do this once a day, usually in the evening.

3. If you have several group chats, and you are not too lazy to them, then all of them will be in one place, and by the orange circle on the right you can always understand which chat has messages you have not read.

4. If to you. I always try to choose a way so as not to disturb anyone, if possible.

As always, I will be glad to your comments, questions, suggestions!

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