Control a computer remotely from another computer. TeamViewer - PC Remote Control

Good day!

In today's article, I would like to dwell on the remote control of a computer running Windows 7, 8, 8.1. In general, a similar task can arise in a variety of circumstances: for example, help relatives or friends set up a computer if they are not good at it; organize remote assistance at the company (enterprise, department) so that it is possible to quickly solve user problems or monitor them banally (so as not to play and go to the “contacts” during working hours), etc.

You can remotely control your computer with dozens of programs (or maybe even hundreds, such programs appear as "mushrooms after rain"). In the same article, we will focus on some of the best. So, let's begin…

T eam viewer

This is one of the best programs for remote PC control. Moreover, she has a number of advantages in relation to such programs:

It is free for non-commercial use;

Allows sharing files;

It has a high degree of protection;

Computer control will be carried out as if you yourself are sitting at it!

When installing the program, you can specify what you will do with it: install to control this computer, or to manage and allow you to connect. It is also necessary to indicate what the use of the program will be: commercial / non-commercial.

After installing and starting Team Viewer, you can get started.

To connect to another computer  need to:

Install and run utilities on both computers;

Enter the ID of the computer you want to connect to (usually 9 digits);

Then enter the password for access (4 digits).

If the data is entered correctly, you will see the “desktop” of the remote computer. Now you can work with it as if it were your “desktop”.

The Team Viewer window is the desktop of a remote PC.

R admin

One of the best programs for administering computers on a local network and for providing assistance and support to users of this network. The program is paid, but there is a test period of 30 days. At this time, by the way, the program works without restrictions in any functions.

The principle of work in it is similar to Team Viewer. The Radmin program consists of two modules:

Radmin Viewer - a free module with which you can manage computers on which the server version of the module is installed (see below);

Radmin Server is a paid module that is installed on a PC that will be controlled.

A mmyy admin

A relatively new program (but already managed to get to know it and start to use about 40,000 people worldwide) for remote control of computers.

Main advantages:

Free for non-commercial use;

Easy setup and use even for novice users;

High security of transmitted data;

Compatible with all popular OS Windows XP, 7, 8;

Works with installed Firewall, through proxy.

A window for connecting to a remote computer. Ammyy admin

R MS - Remote Access

A good and free program (for non-commercial use) for remote computer administration. Even novice PC users will be able to use it.

Main advantages:

Firewalls, NATs, firewalls will no longer interfere with your connection to a PC;

High speed of the program;

There is a version for Android (now you can control your computer from any phone).

A eroAdmin


It would be great sitting at one computer to open files on another, listen to music on the third, chat with friends on Skype on the fourth and print documents on the fifth. Someone will say: "This is fantastic." And I will answer: “No, reality!” To establish remote access to a computer that is located anywhere far from you, you only need the permission of its owner and access to the Internet.

Remote connections are used very widely - to administer the computer park of an enterprise, to help users, access files when you have to work on different machines. And it is very convenient. Today I will talk about ways to control the desktop of a remote PC using the operating system and three third-party programs.


  - A very easy to use program for remote access to a computer, free not only for personal but also for commercial use. It works without installation, that is, it can be launched from flash drives and other portable drives. Compatible with Windows, Linux and Mac OS X operating systems.

The program supports 2 ways to establish communication - by IP-address and ID - 9-digit personal identifier of the computer, as well as 3 connection modes:

  • Full control of the remote machine.
  • Desktop view only.
  • Only file manager - file transfer.

AeroAdmin has several unique features. One of them is mail chat, which starts working before the connection is established. It is designed to exchange email messages between a PC user and a remote operator, for example, asking them to connect and help solve the problem.

The chat window is opened by pressing the button with the envelope icon (next to “ Stop»).

The second unique feature is several levels of access rights that can be defined for each remote user:

  • View only.
  • Keyboard and mouse controls.
  • File transfer.
  • Clipboard synchronization.
  • Ability to edit rights only with the PC administrator.

The rights settings section is opened via the " Connection».

Unfortunately, AeroAdmin Free does not have a contact book. But it is available in the Free + version. To get it, click the button next to " Connect»And agree to a free license activation.

The conditions for its receipt are very simple - like the program’s Facebook page and send the developers a link to your profile. After confirming the like, the address book will be available in your copy of AeroAdmin.

Windows Remote Desktop

Application " Remote Desktop"(Remote Desktop) does not require installation - it is initially present in all versions of Windows, starting with XP. To connect with it to another PC, you need:

  • So that both machines have Internet access or are on the same local network.
  • Enable remote connection permission on the remote computer.
  • Have an account with password protection on the remote machine.

Remote access permission is included in the application “ System"(It is convenient to launch it from the Start menu) in the" Additional system parameters».

In the advanced settings window, go to the “ Remote access»And note the points highlighted in the screenshot. I am showing Windows 8.1 as an example. In other versions of Windows, the window view is slightly different, but similar options are located there.

If you, like me, configure access on a machine under Windows 8.1, create a “white list” of those who will have the right to communicate with it. Click “ Select Users"And add the desired names.

This completes the setup.

Subsequent actions are performed on the machine operator.

  • For quick launch " Remote desktop"Press the Windows + R hotkeys and type in the" Open»Team mstsc.

  • In the login parameters, enter the name of the computer to which you are connecting (indicated on the system properties tab of the same name), as well as the user - your account on it. Let me remind you that the account must have a password.
  • To start a session, click " To plug».

And now let's go over the rest of the sections of this window. If you want, set the tab " Screen»The desktop size of the remote PC and the color depth (but note that high resolution and the highest color quality slow down the connection).

Configure, if necessary, " Local resources"- broadcasting sound, managing hot keys, a common clipboard and more.

In section " Interaction»Set performance parameters depending on the connection speed. Here, as a rule, nothing needs to be changed.

On the tab " Additionally»Are the optimal default security settings.

So, after the click " To plug»A password entry window will open. Drive it in and click OK.

The desktop of the remote computer will expand in a new window. Manage it just like the one you are sitting at right now.

If the user is behind that machine, after connecting, his work session will be completed, and the screen saver will be displayed on the screen. He will be able to log in again as soon as you close Remote Desktop.


  - Perhaps the most popular program for remote access to computers with various operating systems, designed for both experienced users and completely newcomers. For private non-commercial use, it is free.

TeamViewer is available in both installation and portable versions, including options for mobile devices. In addition to remote control, it can be used to exchange files, chat and on the Internet, connect other participants to the session, change control sides, take screenshots and screencasts of the remote screen, and much more.

How to use

To establish a connection, you only need to know two things:

  • ID - the numeric identifier of the computer in the program (assigned once);
  • Password (changes every time you connect).

This data should be reported to you by the partner - the user of the remote PC.

The main window of TeamViewer is divided into 2 halves. On the left are your ID and password, on the right is a field for entering the partner ID. Enter it and click " Connect».

In the next window, enter the partner password and click " Login».

By the way, the program is not bad, as a means of parental control.

To remotely control your own PC, for example, your home PC — from work, you just need to assign it a permanent password in TeamViewer. Let's go for this in the menu " Connection"And click" Configure Uncontrolled Access».

Set a password and click " Continue».

We’ll refuse to create an account (you can create one if you wish, but you don’t need it for this).

And finish the wizard.

Use the ID number shown in the last window and the password you just assigned to connect.

Ammyy admin

  Is an even simpler remote desktop access tool than TeamViewer. It does not require installation, is free for private use and is very straightforward to use. Connects to a partner by ID or IP address (the second option is for local networks). Only works on Windows.

The Ammyy Admin window is also divided into 2 halves: yours and your partner.

Instead of a password, consent to the connection is used here. When you click the " Connect", The partner in response should click" Allow».

The remote screen of Ammyy Admin, unlike TeamViewer, does not scale, but the main functions - management, file transfer and voice chat, are present in it. The control panel is shown in the screenshot below.

A warning : AmmyyAdmin really does not like antiviruses, although there is nothing harmful in it. If your antivirus is trying to block the program, add it to the exceptions or pause protection for the duration of the session.

Windows Remote Desktop, TeamViewer, Ammyy, Admin and other similar applications protect your data from being intercepted from the outside by strong encryption. Therefore, working with them is comfortable, safe and you can not worry about the confidentiality of information. Use and enjoy!

More on the site:

How to set up remote access to a computer: three easy ways  updated: October 31, 2017 by: Johnny mnemonic

Hello, friends. Today we will get acquainted with a unique program that every user should have. Teamviewerprogram for remote computer control. What is it for you for? Let's think ...

So, you have the Internet and a computer, is it logical? If there are practically no problems with the first (it is either there or it is not), then something constantly happens to the second. Either the antivirus does not want to be updated, then interesting program is not installed or game. Or maybe the program has been installed, but you could not figure it out on your own. It often happens that "Slow down" the computer began, throws out all sorts of windows about the lack of free disk space ...

It is possible to enumerate the problems arising for users of such a complex machine endlessly, they accumulate constantly like a snowball and if you do not fix them in time, then very soon you will completely lose your desire to sit down at the computer. It will annoy and infuriate you (poor mouse - it usually suffers in the first place).

So what to do if you are a professional in your field, but somehow you haven’t got along with computers, don’t have time to delve into, or is there another excuse? It's very simple - remember how in stagnant times every resident of the country of the Soviets had a friend who could get some kind of deficit? So today, nothing has changed, only instead of "getting out" everyone should have a familiar computer savvy.

And they are - your children, grandchildren, work colleagues, acquaintances of acquaintances, friends ... another thing, how will they help you if they do not live with you, in the other end of the city or in general - not in your city, country? Elementary. They just sit at home, in front of their monitor, but for your computer and everything will be fixed and debugged for you in 5 minutes.

Do not be surprised - it is very easy to implement. 21 century in the yard. Install TeamViewer, it generates your login (ID) and password, send them via ICQ, Skype, in an email or dictate by mobile phone, in the worst case, to your personal “hacker” and he, no matter what hole the planet is in, comes to your computer and repairs everything. You just have to drink tea with sweets and watch in your monitor the actions of the assistant.

TeamViewer creates a virtual, secure tunnel between computers on the Internet and allows you not only to remotely tinker with other people's computers (with the consent of the owner), but also transfer any data (files, movies, photos, programs ...) bypassing any firewalls and other obstacles. You can also watch the actions of other users at your computer during your absence, from the workplace, for example.

Remember we did video surveillance system  and spying on smoking children? So now you can change the angle and look not at them from the webcam, but at the monitor with their eyes. Just be careful - the program supports, in addition to video and audio, there is a chance to make your kids stutter if you want to scold them without warning.

“And where did you go, dear !?”

And vice versa, if you understand computers, then you are probably constantly asked for help. So TeamViewer is the best tool to provide this assistance. We went in, done, left - quickly, severely and without the quiz “what is it, why and why?” You understood me.

Convinced you of the usefulness of this program for remote access to a computer? Then go ahead - install it and learn how to use it. It only takes you a few minutes.

Download TeamViewer: (3.9 Mb)

Download TeamViewer portable: (20.5 Mb)

More on portable programs

This item depends on the degree of trust in the assistant.

I did not install, but it is quite possible that you want to use this opportunity.

Do not be too smart and write down the result of mental attempts on a piece of paper - otherwise you will forget, as always, and everyone will forget. Remember the easiest way to come up with a strong password? English keyboard layout and print looking at the Russian buttons symbols. Everything ingenious is simple.

Also the right is yours. But creating an account you do not have to suffer with passwords and logins every time. The principle, as in ICQ is on the network, so you can connect from the list of computers. It is very convenient for helping parents - there is no need to torture them with “complex” gestures every time.

Remote access is a great tool if you need to help a person away from the computer or urgently view work files from home. Let's consider what programs can be used for this, how to configure and apply them in work.

What is remote access?

Remote access is a technology that allows a user to connect to a computer from a distance using another device and control it as if he himself was sitting at that computer. This can be a connection to a working machine from home, or helping a friend install programs - there are many options. The main condition is the availability of Internet access and a special program on both devices.

There are many programs for organizing remote access, both complex and very simple, some of which we will try to cover.

A device on a remote access network can play two roles:

  • host - a computer to which access is granted (for example, a work computer on which you need to work from home);
  • client - a machine that accesses other devices.

The same computer in different situations can be used both as a host and as a client - but not simultaneously.

Each device is assigned its own identifier - a label with which the devices "find" each other on the network. In most cases, the connection occurs as follows: the client is given a host ID, it finds it on the network and connects to it, giving the user access. For security purposes, you may also need a unique one-time password that is visible only to the host: this is done so that an untrusted person could not connect to the computer.

Some programs use the generated unique ID number as an identifier, while some prefer to use an IP address and domain name. We will consider both.

Remote access via ID

First, let's talk about programs that operate on IDs. They are quite simple to use and suitable for everyday needs of ordinary users, but are not without their drawbacks.


One of the benefits of AeroAdmin is its intuitive interface.

Although all the main functions of the program are available in the free version, if necessary, you can purchase a license that provides access to additional functionality, including:

  • file sharing with a remote computer;
  • contact book;
  • interface customization (for example, you can add the logo and company name to the utility interface).

AeroAdmin can also be used for parental control and remote monitoring of the computer of a child or employee, conducting online seminars, presentations and meetings.


TeamViewer is the most popular and widely used program for remote access. It has a fairly large number of functions, while it is easy to use and convenient. There are paid and free versions: the free one has a limited number of connections that one client can implement.

On the main page are the ID, password, a window for logging in to the account, a window for entering the host ID and a large "Connect" button. In other words, all the data to use the program both as a host (the left side of the window) and as a client (the right side).

On the main page of TeamViewer, you can find out your data as a host, or you can connect to someone as a client

To connect, you need to select a mode (remote control, file transfer, VPN), enter the ID of the required host and click on the "Connect" button, then enter the password that you need to get from the host (because the password is displayed only there). The password is unique for each session: upon rebooting TeamViewer it will change if the user does not specify a static password in the settings. This is for security reasons.

In addition to a simple remote connection, the program supports:

  • audio conferencing;
  • screenshots and video of what is happening on the remote screen;
  • remote printing;
  • file transfer from host to client and back;
  • chat between host and client
  • the ability to swap host and client;
  • Wake-on LAN
  • reboot followed by auto-connect.

In a word, TeamViewer has great opportunities, and its main disadvantage is the limited use for home use. If the program considers that you use it too often for a simple user and connect to too many hosts (the free version supports up to five different devices), it will begin to reset remote communication sessions five minutes after it is established. This is extremely inconvenient, and therefore using TeamViewer for too many devices is not recommended if you do not want to buy an expensive paid version.

Video: using TeamViewer

Ammyy admin

Ammyy is another remote access program that is simple and minimal.

It has fewer functions than TeamViewer, but it is perfect for people who do not have special requirements for functionality: Ammyy is simple and very convenient, as well as free.

The program interface is similar to the previous one: there is a window, your data as a host and a form for connecting other computers are indicated in the window. You can connect both by ID and IP.

The main window of Ammyy Admin provides an opportunity to both connect your computer to a client and become a client yourself

Unlike TeamViewer, Ammyy Admin does not ask for a password: instead, it requires the host to confirm its consent to the connection. Without the consent of the host, the session will not start.

Ammyy is waiting for the host to give permission to connect

The main disadvantage is the same as TeamViewer: the free version implies restrictions on the use of the program, which are eliminated only by purchasing the full version.

Video: working with Ammyy Admin


The third program that accesses by ID is LiteManager, a Russian program built on the basis of Microsoft’s now closed utility. Separating in the same way as the free and paid versions, LiteManager provides “free” users much more opportunities than previous programs: for example, you can connect not 5 computers to your client, but all 30. Such loyalty makes the program attractive not only for ordinary users, but also for small network administrators.

Unlike the other tools discussed, LiteManager consists of two components that are installed separately from each other: the client (installed on the client machine) and the server (respectively, on the host) part.

When installing the server side, a password is set for it, which is subsequently used by the client to connect to the host.

The client interface is different from previous programs and is more like a virtual machine manager window. In him   a list of connected devices is indicated, each of which can be launched with the mouse.

The LiteManager interface displays connected devices that can be launched with a mouse click

The capabilities of LiteManager in some way repeat the functionality of TeamViewer and even exceed it. You can connect both by IP and by ID; there is also a convenient display function, referred to as a network map. With its help, you can imagine all the computers involved in the network in the form of a card that displays the connection of hosts with the client, as well as connected printers and other devices.

Network map in LiteManager is the ability to view connected devices in the form of a map

Video: how to use LiteManager

Remote access using IP address

Everything is a bit more complicated here. The fact is that the IP address of an ordinary user is dynamic, that is, changes regularly, and if you need to constantly connect via IP, it will be very inconvenient to configure the program again each time. Therefore, in order to make full use of remote access via IP, you must activate the static IP service. This is done by the provider and costs about 200 rubles per month (prices may vary depending on the provider).

After connecting the service you will be given a static (fixed) IP, and you can use the remote connection. However, the service should be used at your own peril and risk: to a regular PC user, a static address, due to its lower security, can cause problems.

Alternatively, you can use the DynDNS service, which for a fee gives the user a virtual server - and through it the connection will pass. However, such a service is more expensive than a static IP.

When a static IP is received, you need to open the port necessary for the program to work.

  1. First find out the internal IP address of the network. To do this, go to the "Start - Control Panel - Network and Sharing Center -<ваша сеть>  - Information. " The string “IPv4 Address” is your internal IP address. Remember it, it will come in handy.

    In the network connection properties, you can find the value of the internal IP address

  2. Enter the router menu. To do this, type in the address bar of the browser (or, if it does not work, and enter the login and password on the page that appears. The necessary data is indicated on the router, but, as a rule, the username and password are admin / admin.

    A router for access will require a username and password (usually admin / admin)

  3. The necessary menu in different models of routers is called completely differently: Virtual Server, Port Forwarding, "Network Address Translation", "Port Forwarding" ... There are so many names that you have to act either using the documentation for your router or by typing. Find the necessary menu and create a new rule: in the window that appears, specify the name, interface used by your connection, the internal IP address of your network and port. The Radmin program we will be working with uses port 4899 by default.

    The right place in the router may look like this (or maybe in a completely different way)

Now that the settings are applied, it's time to go to the program itself.


Radmin has long been a leader among remote access systems (before TeamViewer and other systems using ID). It is very lightweight, undemanding to system restrictions (therefore, it “goes well” on old computers), and also provides high connection speed. However, this program only works through the IP address.

Radmin consists of client and server parts, and after installation, some configuration will be required.

  1. In the "Radmin Server Settings" you need to find the item "Permissions". First, the program will offer you to choose a protection system: you need to select Radmin if the connection will be via the Internet, or Windows NT if you will use a local network. After that, you need to click on "Permissions".

Free solutions

Remote control involves connecting to another computer to gain access and manage resources. Thanks to this feature, the user can solve many additional tasks remotely: consult, diagnose, and monitor a computer. Thus, tasks that are often impossible or irrational to perform at a distance are simplified.

As part of the review, 10 solutions (6 free and 4 paid) for remote control will be considered. The main focus will be on the following software features of the selected category:

  • Options: what components are included in the distribution kit, types of installation on the host and client computers
  • Connection modes: supported protocols, work with RDP (see below)
  • Presentation functions: this refers to the possibility of audio and video accompaniment, screen capture, the presence of additional tools ("pointer", "board for drawing", etc.)
  • Security: supported encryption technologies, storage of confidential data, types of authorization on local and remote computers, availability of necessary settings
  • Platform support: mobile platforms and OS, online version availability.

Windows standard features, namely the Remote Desktop Protocol (RDP), which will be considered first of all, will not be left without attention. At the end of the review is a comparative table with detailed information on the availability of necessary functions in the mentioned applications.

RDP - Windows Remote Desktop Protocol

Starting with Windows NT, Remote Desktop Protocol (RDP) is supported. Accordingly, Windows 7 offers the user RDP 7 (an update is also available for Windows XP), Windows 8 offers RDP 8 (also available for Windows 7 SP1). The features of the current version, RDP 8, will be considered.

Connection to the remote worker is carried out using the mstsc.exe application, after entering the name of the remote computer. Also in this dialog connection options are available.

The “Screen” tab indicates the resolution of the remote desktop (with the ability to enable full-screen mode), color depth (up to 32 bits).

In the "Local resources" section, you can select the sound playback mode (on the remote or current computer), enable audio recording from the remote desktop. Also in this section you can configure access to the printer, local disk, drive, PnP devices, ports.

The quality of data transfer is regulated in the “Interaction” tab. You can not only select a connection profile, but also independently determine display parameters: desktop background, anti-aliasing, visual effects, image caching. All these options affect the data transfer rate for remote access and can significantly optimize network traffic.

Security settings are available through the “System” component (“System Properties” in the Control Panel). In the “Remote Access” tab, you can enable remote assistant connections as well as remote connections to the computer. Authentication is done at the network level. It is also allowed to restrict access by specifying a list of allowed users of the remote desktop on their own.

Thus, the state of Windows provides basic tools for working with the RDP protocol. But, as expected, advanced security settings, support for mobile platforms, presentation functions are not offered to the user.


TeamViewer is perhaps the most famous program for remote control among free ones. The toolkit allows you to establish remote access to your home computer, manage the desktop from various platforms and devices, and administer Windows servers. In addition, developers highlight TeamViewer's corporate capabilities: the program can be used to organize conferences, consultations and help colleagues at work.

TeamViewer is available for Windows, Linux, Mac platforms (with restrictions), remote access from OS-based devices is possible. TeamViewer client in the full distribution package (“All in one”), as a system service (TeamViewer Host), in a portable format, on a terminal server and other options. It is worth highlighting the TeamViewer QuickSupport module, which does not require installation and is optimal for urgent tasks.

In the full version of the program, client and operator parts are available. TeamViewer interface is represented by the main window with two tabs - “Remote control” and “Conference”.

Remote control

The user receives a unique ID to identify the computer on the network, and a temporary password. Also, using the partner ID (optionally, IP-address) and knowing his password, you can establish a connection to a remote device.

Three connection modes are available:

  • Remote control: remote control of a device or collaboration on one computer
    All actions are performed on another computer through the remote control window. At the same time, you can change the resolution and scaling, switching between active monitors and other options.
  • File Transfer: sharing files during a session
    For data exchange, TeamViewer uses a two-panel file manager, in which host and client resources and basic file operations for working with them are available, such as creating folders, deleting, copying, etc.
  • VPN: virtual network mode
    Between computers, you can set up a virtual private network to provide shared access to devices (printers, removable media, etc.).


In this tab TeamViewer you can create a blitz conference or connect to an existing one. Among the available tools, one can note voice and video communication, screen demonstration, recording a session with the ability to convert to AVI. "Whiteboard" (Whiteboard) is used as a canvas for drawing, sketching, commenting.

One of the indisputable amenities of TeamViewer is the Computers and Contacts list, which provides quick access to devices. In addition, here you can monitor the network status of computers, exchange messages (there are group chat features). Looking ahead, it should be noted that not every participant in the review offers an address book for quick connection to other devices.

For security purposes, the program uses session encryption (AES 256 bit) and traffic (RSA key exchange). Files transferred during the session are VeriSign signed, the end user must give their consent to receive. Using TeamViewer settings, access restriction is possible: setting access to all operations only after confirmation or prohibition of outgoing sessions.


TeamViewer is a universal solution with the ability to select a remote control method. Thanks to the widely represented multimedia functions, convenient organization of contacts, the program is optimal for conferences.

[+] Wide functionality of the free version
  [+] Conference tools
  [+] Security
  [+] Presentation opportunities
  [-] Remote session restriction (5 minutes in the free version)

Ammyy admin

Ammyy Admin does not require installation and combines a simple interface and flexible functionality. The program is free, has no restrictions for home use. Distributed for Windows, Linux / FreeBSD platforms, mobile devices are not supported.

The client and operator modules are available in the main window. The user receives an ID that is generated with reference to the equipment. Optionally, you can use IP when connecting.

The client part can be activated or stopped, thereby setting a ban on connections; Ammyy Admin is in standby mode by default. You can track the connection status using indicators, the decryption of which is located in.

There is an address book, contacts can be combined into groups, change the order of contacts, manually add new addresses. The network status of computers, however, cannot be monitored.

Of the main connection modes, you can select Desktop (Remote Desktop), File manager (File Manager) and Microsoft RDP. RDP allows you to connect to a remote desktop, standard Windows functions are provided.

Of the other modes, Voice Chat (Voice Chat) and Speed \u200b\u200bTest (connection speed test) remain. Obviously, the multimedia capabilities here are not presented as fully as in TeamViewer: Ammyy Admin is not positioned as a corporate solution. It is possible to note the screen sharing function, which in combination with voice chat makes Ammyy Admin a program suitable for remote assistance.

Going to “Ammyy → Settings → Operator”, you can specify RDP parameters, select the encryption type and codec profiles, thereby reducing the network load. More importantly, the Network tab allows you to configure the Ammyy Admin connection, manually specify the routers, enable or disable data transfer over the Ammyy World Wide Network.

The file manager is a two-panel one, through it standard file operations between the client and the operator are available.

In the settings of access rights (“Client → Access rights”), for each ID, you can set separate parameters. Authentication mode (connection to a PC) is provided for selection: by Hardware ID, password or user permission. Thus, you can minimize the protection of your computer from unauthorized remote connections.


The main advantages of Ammyy Admin are speed, a simple and fast interface, relative independence from Ammyy servers and free of charge. This is probably not the best solution for working in a team, but for individual use, with several computers at your disposal, it’s quite.

[+] Speed
  [+] Easy setup
  [+] RDP support
  [-] No support for mobile devices

Supremo Remote Desktop

Supremo Remote Desktop is a convenient portable tool for remote control, remote assistance to other users. Runs on Windows XP and higher; mobile devices are not supported.

The program starts without installation, for the host and client to start working, they must download Supremo Remote Desktop from the developer's site. Traditionally, two operating modes are supported: using a computer as an access point and connecting to a remote device. In the first case, access is opened by pressing the Start button. In the section Your credentials, the data necessary for connection is available: ID and password generated at the beginning of the session. The client asks for authorization at the entrance (Ask authorization option), thereby preventing attempts of unauthorized access to the computer.

To connect to the host, the Your partner field is used; you can also select an address from the Address Book. The list of active connections is displayed in the Connections section of the main program window.

When transmitting, the protocol uses HTTPS (SSL), the data is encrypted. Security settings are poorly disclosed: you can set a password to run the program, specify IDs allowed for the connection.

Of the other tools available in Supremo Remote Desktop, there are multiple users connecting to the same machine. To transfer files, a manager is used that resembles the classic two-panel one, file upload and download are available. No presentation and multimedia features are provided. This, of course, limits the use of Supremo as a remote assistant.


Supremo Remote Desktop is an easy-to-use program with a standard set of tools for remote monitoring. Users who do not need multimedia functions can pay attention to it.

[+] No router settings required
  [+] Simple interface
  [-] A small number of settings
  [-] Slow screen rendering


Speaking of universal tools that allow you to work with several protocols simultaneously, it is worth mentioning mRemoteNG. The program provides access to VNC, ICA, SSH, Telnet, RAW, Rlogin and HTTP / S, RDP support is also available. Distributed in the portable and standard installer for the Windows platform.

The mRemoteNG interface is presented in several sections, in the presence of a panel, insertivity - as a result, the user can easily customize the appearance of the program in his own way. The main options are available in the "Configuration" section. Here you can specify the protocol necessary for the connection and related parameters: connection settings, protocol, gateway, appearance, resources and others. In “Configuration”, the host connection status is displayed.

Connecting to devices via the quick connect panel is easy to create several configurations, which, in the case of many protocols, is very convenient. Connections can be grouped, and configurations are easy to import / export.

Files are transferred using the SSH protocol - which is not very familiar to the average user and, at the same time, more reliable in terms of security. Additional features include a port scanner, you can add external tools to the list.

The mRemoteNG is inarticulate. This manifests itself in an unusual interface: it is not so convenient in working and configuring with each specific protocol. In the configuration of the connections, many parameters are reduced beyond recognition - this can be attributed to the quality of localization. When trying to find a description of the functions, the documentation is silent, its sections are empty.


A notable feature of mRemoteNG is the combination of popular protocols into a single graphical environment. Having configured several connections, there is no need to use several specialized solutions. This plus to some extent compensates for the intuitiveness of the program and the lack of documentation.

[-] Intuitive
  [+] Multiple protocol support
  [+] File transfer via SSH
  [-] Lack of documentation



TightVNC Software is developing several products: TightProjector, RFB Player, VNC Reflector and TightVNC. TightVNC - a program for remote control, you can use it to solve problems with your computer, educational goals, administration.

TightVNC is a cross-platform solution. For Linux, however, at the time of writing, only the old version of the program is available, Mac OS is not supported. Nevertheless, there is a TightVNC version on the Java platform available, which suggests the possibility of remote control via a web server. On the Windows platform, TightVNC is installed as a regular application or as a system service. The silent mode is supported; it is easy enough to transfer the configuration to other computers or remotely update the server.

TightVNC toolkit is divided into two modules: WinVNC - the server part installed on the remote machine, and the Viewer application designed to view the contents of the remote server screen. In the Viewer connection settings, the address of the VNS server and the transmission speed are set.

It should be noted that TightVNC does not generate an access password, it must be independently determined in the settings. The connection status can be found by displaying the icon in the notification area: if at least one user is connected to the computer, the colors of the icon change.

Developers are hinting that data transfer through VNC, despite the initial DES password protection, is imperfect. For security reasons, it is recommended that you use SSH tunneling. At the same time, TightVNC settings can reduce the likelihood of unauthorized access to zero. In future versions of the program it is also planned to introduce more reliable methods of protection.


TightVNC surprises with a large number of settings regarding connection, security. This is a good choice for the administrator, but in terms of transferring to the server and further maintenance it is not the best option for an inexperienced user.

[+] Flexible settings
  [+] Java version
  [-] Inactive setting
  [-] Non-intuitive interface

Remote Utilities

Remote Utilities - a solution, according to the developer, designed for small and medium-sized businesses. Remote control is possible directly through a local network or the Internet. When working with a set of utilities, you do not need to adjust the firewall or preset it.

The complex works only under Windows, for Linux it is proposed to install the Wine emulator - but only for working with RUT-Viewer. Mobile version is missing.

Remote Utilities consists of three modules: a viewer - is installed on a local computer, a host - on a remote computer, an agent - a module for user support. The agent, it should be noted, is optimal for quickly establishing communication between the client and the host. Remote installation, as well as updating, is easy thanks to the Remote installation tool.

Connection in one of the above modes is performed using the New connection dialog (Connection → Add Computer), you can specify an IP address, Internet ID or DNS as an access point. The connected computer is added to the address book list, from which it is subsequently selected and the necessary devices are selected.

There are standard tools for remote control, such as a remote device manager, registry viewer, terminal and file manager. The two-panel manager, with the ability to copy and move data, launch and open applications and documents on a remote host. Also available are terminal support, power control.

Text chat is quite simple, but keep in mind that Remote Utilities also offers users audio / video chats. It is worth mentioning the ability to capture video and adjust the transmission quality - from 24-bit color rendering to an optimized “picture” for a network with limited transmission (in addition, there is a Network usage mode parameter in the Properties of the remote computer). In a word, there are those features that have been listed more than once in similar programs with RDP support.

Remote Utilities involves 3 types of authorization, AES encryption with a 256-bit key, a 2048-bit public key. Incoming connections are filtered by IP; you can also make a list of trusted users with various access rights. Security subsystem optional: you can choose RUT or WinNT. Both modes allow you to flexibly configure access to certain functions for each user, there are no significant differences between them.


A simple set of utilities for a remote connection, without choosing a connection protocol, but very understandable in installation and configuration. Essentially, there is not enough cross-platform and a convenient interface for working simultaneously with several devices.

[+] Remote installation and update remotely
  [+] Availability of basic settings for RDP
  [+] Work on local and Internet networks
  [+] Free (for non-commercial use)

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