Download pk communication in Russian. Overview of the RaidCall program. How to download RK in Russian

Raidcall   - This is a great solution for fans to chat over the game. Playing a shooter is always more interesting in a company, especially if this company is friends or acquaintances. And if not, then chatting over the game is a good way to find many new friends. The RaidCall program is designed for just that. In group battles, this program is most useful, because communicating with each other, you can distribute the forces of the whole team and direct them against the enemy.

This program is absolutely free. Thanks to the work of the program without the use of servers, the communication quality in it is pretty good, one might even say excellent. The RaidCall program works quickly, without any braking, and has an excellent voice chat for any online game. The absence of delays and the presence of excellent communication quality is explained by the use of the UDP communication protocol, so the communication quality program is ahead of other similar utilities that work through the TCP protocol. The program does not interfere with the game, as it takes only 10 MB of RAM. Due to such a small volume, the computer will work quickly and the game will not slow down. There are no delays and braking in the program itself. This is a huge plus, especially for weak computers and powerful games. Download RaidCall for free in Russian for Windows 7   or for Windows 8 the latest version of the program.

Also in the RaidCall program there is a text chat where you can easily communicate with the team if, for example, the microphone does not work. The interface in this program is pretty nice and simple. In addition, everything is done for maximum convenience and comfort while working with the application. To enter the program requires an account, if it is not, there is a button for creating it. After entering the program will open. On the left side of the graphical interface are buttons to control the main functions and parameters. There are lists of servers grouped in groups. Information on the torn object will be visible on the right.

The application has the function of creating servers. To connect to an existing server, you need to enter its ID, for which there is a special field, and click enter. Further, after connecting, you can cast your vote by pressing the Ctrl key. All functions and settings of the program are simple, and understandable to the ordinary gamer, even a beginner among fans of team games.

Compared to other programs of this kind, RaidCall works much easier and faster. But despite this, it remains an excellent multi-functional program for gaming communication. RaidCall is easily installed on Windows 7, the Russian interface of the program provides a number of possibilities. Download RaidCall in Russian   You can use the direct link below at high speed.

RaidCall is a small, free application for making conference calls and instant text messaging. The program is aimed at gamers and contains thematic groups for communication on various computer games.

Raid Kall is a whole social network for fans of "tweaking" computer games. You can find friends, share experiences, or learn something from other users through text messages or audio calls. The latter are useful to use during the game process when playing “team on team”: discuss their actions to achieve a positive result.

  The program includes groups for different games in which you can "chat" with gamers on topics of interest, find friends or opponents for future gaming fights. To use RaidCall you need to download it for free, install and go through a simple registration.

The interface is visually very similar to Skype, but unlike the latter, it does not make it possible to make video calls and transfer files. After logging in with your account, all RaidCall functions become available to you.

Synchronization with a Facebook account allows you to receive messages and notifications directly in the program, find potential colleagues of interest and communicate with them using messages and audio calls. Many users note high quality communications and minimal sound delay.

Key features of RaidCall:

  • search for friends by thematic interests;
  • conference call voice calls;
  • instant messaging exchange;
  • communication in gaming groups.

In practice, the Raidkall program has proven to be very simple and useful. This network has registered a huge number of gamers with whom you can not only chat, but also “chopped”. So, if you regularly hang out in various games, you just need to download the free RaidCall and get an account in this program. Among the shortcomings, it should be noted the lack of integration with VKontakte, the inability to transfer files and the unrealization of the video call function.

Any avid player wants to share his impressions with friends and colleagues in the game. But not every computer will be able to pull both calls and the game. After all, Internet communicators, like the games themselves, usually occupy a very large amount of RAM, which completely excludes the possibility of their simultaneous use.

So the dreams of gamers would remain dreams. If not for the emergence of such a wonderful program like RaidCall. It was just a shock, because it could be used for Warface, for World Of Tanks or in general for any other toys. The audience of at least these two games is so large that the creators of the Republic of Kazakhstan immediately made almost half of the CIS happy.

The Russian version of raidcall will allow you to communicate with your allies or rivals without interrupting the gameplay. Discuss the strategy, wish good luck, make a “debriefing” - all this became possible. After all, it is sometimes so important to coordinate the actions of your squad so that it comes to victory. But at the same time it is impossible to play and go to chat.

If you are interested in what this program is, then you can download the RK program for free. I guarantee you that the game process will become even more effective.

I will say right away - if it seemed to you that such applications have already been completely invented, then I will note the key differences between this and all others. This feature is that RaidCall provides the ability to communicate very large groups (teams), and not just two interlocutors. And the majority of “calling” applications can provide you only a pair contact. And then, as already mentioned, if your system pulls such a serious test of strength with two programs at once. After all, both will require a lot of attention from the RAM and the processor. This will inevitably affect the game process or the quality of communication. In general, both are unacceptable for you, as for a person without whom the team would not exist.

When I learned about the appearance of this application, I was able to greatly facilitate communication with my fellow members in the game Lineage 2. Also, I want to recommend something interesting to you. :). There is a special program for changing the voice in RaidCall, which will make it possible not to reveal your true face and you can change your voice to childish or any other, to amuse yourself and your friends in voice chat. In general, I can only recommend downloading and trying to play with RC. If it does not suit, it will interfere, you can always delete. So far, it’s only helping me personally.

RaidCall - designed for online communication between players and today is the best of all representatives of its kind. Among gamers around the world, this program has more and more fans.

Thanks to a separate server used by the program, a huge number of people can communicate at the same time.

In order to download RaidCall in Russian for free, you just need to click on the direct link below, this procedure is available without registration and SMS. The main advantage of the program and the difference from the rest is that the potential user does not worry that you need to look for a server for the program, since it is provided by the developer himself, and plus everything, absolutely free. Using the provided server, you can create up to three of your servers with 30 slots on it. In addition, you can increase the slots if they seem a little. All you need to do to add a new slot and communicate on your personal server is to give your unique link to everyone. After the registration on the RaidCall server, a new slot is added. In a word, you can get your own server, where the number of slots is almost unlimited.

The RaidCall program uses one of Speex, one of the leading in quality voice engine. The volume of the voice does not depend on the quality of the equipment, and it is regulated by the program itself, so all participants hear each other the same way. Fans of online games highlight the important advantage of the program in that it takes away a minimum of computer resources and the program menu is translated into Russian.

Thanks to the creators of this program, who keep up with the times, RaidCall is like a social network where you can add users to friends and chat with them on different topics. If you download RaidCall for free on a computer, then during communication you can not ask for help on the keyboard. Every year the RaidCall program conquers the world more and more. At the moment, it is popular in Asia, Europe, America, etc. RaidCall popularity will grow rapidly, because the developers of this program offer something that no competitor offers.

RaidCall is a free program for communication with a minimum number of communication delays, so this application is perfect for fans to play shooters, or other multiplayer games. This utility is perfect for you to communicate with each other in the game chat, and especially in those in which you need to hear and know where your ally is at the moment. The application will give you exceptionally high-quality sound with minimal losses and delays. It is also worth mentioning that you now do not need to rent a server, because the servers of this application are completely free, and are built into the program.

Application Features:
Great service for chatting in the game.
Thanks to the integration system, you can freely communicate with your friends or colleagues in the game for further joint actions. You can chat, watch videos, and even play directly by communicating with your colleagues.
Thanks to this program, you can meet new people.
The utility uses a high-quality and fast Speex engine, due to which the noise level can be reduced several times, thereby enhancing the sound quality during communication.
The program works smartly, and does not require additional power of your computer, so you can not be distracted from the main game process.
There are built-in safety rules, so you can give each participant in your conversation certain rights. This function was originally made to distribute responsibilities among users.

If we launch the application for the first time, then of course we do not have an account. Therefore, it is necessary to create it. To do this, click on the link "Create a new account" located in the lower left corner of the application window. After that, the browser will launch with the necessary page on which it is necessary to perform a simple registration procedure.

Now we have an account, and we can safely log in using our username. On the left side we will see a list of servers: both their own and those used. As well as a field for entering the server ID. We need this field when we are informed in the game with the ID of an already created channel. It is enough for us to simply enter this number in the field and click the "Login" button. And here we are in the channel we need. Now all we have to do is press the Ctrl key so that everyone in the channel can hear us. But there is something else that needs attention. In the channel, so-called subchannels can be created. Therefore, if any exist, you just need to drag yourself into the subchannel that you are indicated with the mouse. Thus, the team can split into groups, and communicate in subchannels so as not to interfere with the others, but at the same time one channel will be used.

When you are connected to a channel, in the upper right part of the application window you can see the ID of the current channel. It is this number that will need to be reported if you create your own channel. How to create your channel you ask? Yes, very simple. In the main application window, on the right side there is the line "Create a free RaidCall server". By clicking on this line, a window for creating your channel will open. Everything is very simple there, besides in Russian. There is only a limitation: you can create only three free channels.

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