The scenario of an extra-curricular event game - "guess the tune." Material (senior group) on the theme: "Guess the melody"

Competitively-game program "Guess the melody!" For elementary school students of 2 classes

purpose: check the capabilities of children, their quick wit and ability to open themselves; work in groups, strengthen their interest in cognitive activity; create an atmosphere of shared passion and creativity.


    Speakers, computer, projector, task sheets

Leading:  Dear guys and dear guests! We are starting our entertainment program. "Guess the melody!", which involves the participation of teams in several music competitions in which 4 teams of 2 classes of MAOU "Secondary School No. 2" will participate. I represent the team members. The team involved in the game: 2 a class, 2 b class, 2c class., 2 g class.The team will be judged by our city's wonderful jury: music teachers of schools of the Krasnokamsk municipal district:

At the end of each competition, the jury gives the teams points.

For all correct answers and completed tasks, teams will receive points. The last decisive competition - super game.  At the end of the game, the jury will present diplomas and sweet prizes to the teams.

Music from the program “Guess the melody!” Sounds.

Musical Workout

Team members need to answer the quiz questions. For each correct answer, the team receives 1 point. I ask the quiz questions in order to each team.

Music quiz

    How many rulers are there in a musical line? Five

    The most musical flower. Bell

    What notes grow in the garden? P-mi-dor, fa-salt, re-pa.

    What kind of note can not a single self-respecting chef do without? Salt

    What tool does every person master from the first years of his life? Wooden spoons - percussion instrument

    Musical performance, where the characters dance? Ballet

    What is the name of the musician who leads the choir or orchestra? Conductor

    Public performance of musical works. Concert

The first competition.  MUSIC RIDDLES

Each team in turn will need to solve a riddle. Some puzzles will need to be completed in rhyme. For each correct team, an answer is awarded 2 points

    I stand on three legs, legs in black boots,
    Black teeth, pedal. I am called ...(piano).

    Youth from different countries, famously dancing under ...(accordion)

    He was born from harmony, made friends with the piano.
    Does he look like a button accordion, what do you call him? (accordion)

    He knows how to play both “forte” and “piano”,
    Therefore, they called it ........ (piano).

    I put a pipe to my lips –– A trill poured through the forest, –– The instrument is very fragile, It’s called ... (Flute).

    Five steps, a short flight of stairs, a song on the steps.   (notes).

    He grew up in the forest, hung on the wall. On hands cries, who listens - jumps. (Balalaika).

The second competition. Guess the tune (3 points).Each member of the team selects the note number and category, if the member of the team did not answer the question completely, he receives 1.5 b.

"Songs from cartoons"

1. "Song of the summer" from the cartoon "Santa Claus and summer"

2. "Smile" from the cartoon "Little Raccoon".

3. "About the traces" Masha and the bear

4. “Lullaby of the Bear” Umka in the north

5. "The song of the crocodile Genes Let them run awkwardly .." "Cheburashka and the crocodile Gena."

Songs from children's movies

    "Pinocchio" - "The Adventure of Pinocchio"

    "Three White Knights" - "Wizards"

    “Little Red Riding Hood Song” - “Little Red Riding Hood”

    The Road of Good Adventures of Little Flour

    Good Beetle - Cinderella

"About animals"

1. A grasshopper sat in the grass

2. "Dance of ducklings"

3. "Why does a bear sleep in winter"

4. “Song of the Mammoth”

5. The black cat

"About friends"

    A true friend

    Barbariki Friendship (friends have no days off)

    If you hit the road with a friend

    Friends song “Bremen Town Musicians”

    You giving yes we are with you

The third competition.Musical term squared (4 points).Time to complete 2 minutes. Team members need to arrange the letters in order to get a musical word. The word write on the card below.





The fourth competition. Add a song.

Envelopes with excerpts from songs are given to children. Compose a phrase from songs. Correct answer- 3 points. Time is who is faster. (max 3 min).And sing a passage of the song to choose from.

    My Russia has long pigtails, My Russia has light cilia,

a) The branch sways a little. The rain does not end. An old birdhouse says goodbye to us until spring.

    Autumn nepogodushka, poplar yellowed, suddenly on a branch of a squash song he sang.

b) Follow the sun, even though this path is unknown, follow my friend, always follow the road of good ...

    Where in the world go white in the morning?

c) And it is not clear to passers-by in this tribute to the bad weather, why am I so cheerful.

    A grasshopper was sitting in the grass, a grasshopper was sitting in the grass. Just like a green cucumber, he was

d) My Russia has blue eyes, You look very much like me, Russia.

    Let pedestrians run awkwardly through the puddles, and let the water run along the asphalt

e) Imagine Imagine
Just like a cucumber
Imagine imagine
Green he was

The fifth competition. Musical puzzles. 3 points.  Musical instruments are encrypted in the puzzles. Write on the card below. The task takes 2 minutes to complete.





Sixth competition. Completion time 2 minutes 5 b.For the whole task.

It is necessary to insert the name of the note in words with missing letters

Slush, water stride, dominoes, caught up, dollar, worlds, minute, fortress, belt, private, house, minister, lilac.

Seventh contest: “Music Intro” For each correct answer 4 b

You all love to watch TV, and therefore you are familiar with many programs. As soon as you hear a music screen saver, you already know which program will begin. Now we will check what programs you watch on TV. You need to put the numbers on the task sheet in the order of that transmission. Which sounds.

  1. Field of Dreams

    Dancing with the Stars

    GOOG night kids

    Fashion sentence

    Guess the melody

    Visiting a fairy tale

The eighth competition. Super game. 2 points.

Recall the songs of the composer Vladimir Shainsky and write in order to each team. For each correct answer 2 points.

You need to write the name of all the songs that are presented in this competition in order.

    Jumble screensaver

    The clouds. And the clouds are blond-haired horses ...

    Chung chang

    Antoshka (we didn’t go through this)

  1. Strong friendship .. A true friend

    Pinocchio ..

    What is taught at school ..

The jury calculates points for the teams and signs letters to the winners.

Meanwhile, all the teams are singing a song The road of good.

Good road

Ask life strict how to go dear,

Follow the sun, even though this path is unknown
Go, my friend, always go the way of good.

Forget your worries, falls and ups
Do not whimper when fate does not behave like a sister.

But if it’s bad with a friend, don’t rely on a miracle,
Hurry to him, always go the road of good.

Ah, how many different doubts and temptations will be,
Do not forget that this life is not a children's game.

Go, my friend, always go the way of good.
You drive away the temptations, learn the unspoken law,
Go, my friend, always go the way of good.

Ask life strict how to go dear,
Where in the world go white in the morning
Follow the sun, even though this path is unknown
Go, my friend, always go the way of good.
Follow the sun, even though this path is unknown
Go, my friend, always go the way of good.

Barbariki - Friends

If a friend does not laugh, you turn on the sun for him, you turn on the stars for him, it's simple.
You make a mistake by turning into a smile all the sadness and tears, it's simple.
Sunday, Saturday, friendship is not work, friendship is not work!


There are friends, but for them friends have no days off!

If happiness falls, divide it into parts and give it to all your friends, it's simple.
And when necessary, all friends will be there to turn on the sun or the stars.

There are friends, but for them friends have no days off!
There are friends, but for them friends have no days off!

If each friend in a circle, a friend reaches out, it will be seen through the window: friendship is the equator!
If each friend of the planet waves a camomile to another, it will become clear: friendship is a planet of daisies.
Sunday, Saturday, friendship is not work, friendship is not work!

There are friends, but for them friends have no days off!
There are friends, but for them friends have no days off!

Friends have no days off!
Friends have no days off!
Friends have no days off!

  Irina Averina
  Guess the melody game script

The result of the theme week "Sorceress music" was the game " Guess the melody"we invited parents to this game. It was very fun and interesting.

Game script« Guess the melody»

Preparatory group

Goal and tasks games:

Promote musical education in the family, involve parents in the formation of the foundations of musical culture in children.

Create a creative, positive atmosphere of cooperation between children and parents.

To educate in preschoolers a steady interest and love for classical, folk, and children's music.

Preliminary work:

In music classes to introduce children to the works of classical, folk and children's music.

Record music and phonograms of children's songs on an audio cassette for listening at home.

B. Quietly, next to sit down,

Music enters our house.

In an amazing outfit -

Colorful, painted!

And from sadness and boredom

Can cure us all

Naughty ringtones sounds,

Songs, dances, jokes, laughter.

Good afternoon guys! Hello, guests! We are glad to see you in our music salon. Today we met to talk about music, to remember loved ones melodies, their composers.

Music is a language of feelings: it helps us to be far, far away, in the world of sounds. Do you guys know how to recognize a work from a small fragment?

I propose to have an interesting game « Guess the melody» , which will determine your musical horizons. To do this, we need to split into 2 teams. One participant from each team chooses a note from any category, parents help in choosing.

The first participant selects a category and any note. On the back of the note, given the number of points if guessed the melody, then the point is counted. If participants find it difficult to answer, the team helps them, you can sing songs in one verse.

1 - Lullaby of the Bear

2 - Song of the Water

3 - They say we are byaki-beeches

4 – Song of Winnie the Pooh

5 –fixes

1 –Autumn in the forest

2 - If there was no winter

3 - a song about summer

4-The sun came out from behind the gray clouds

5 - Three white horses

1 - A grasshopper was sitting in the grass

2 - Two funny geese

3 - I'm in the sun

4 - Once in a frosty winter

5 black cat

1 - Clouds

2 - Song of Cheburashka

3 - Mammoth Song

4 - Antoshka

5 Blue wagon

The jury sums up the first round, I propose to play the audience


Seven little sisters are very friendly,

Every song is very necessary.

You can't make music

If you don’t invite them. (Notes)

They beat against each other,

And they sing in response

And shine like two pennies, -

Musical. (plates)

Round, voiced, familiar to everyone,

All lines with us at school.

Fraction on it is always knocking,

Loud sound is not bullshit.

The tool is not in vain given to us,

To knock on. (drum)

He writes music for us

Melody plays,

He will put verses on a waltz.

Who composes songs? (Composer)

Five rulers - a house for notes,

The note in everyone lives here.

People in the world of different countries

The name of the line. ( "Stave")

At lunch, they eat soup,

By the evening "Speak"

Wooden girls,

Musical sisters.

Play and you a little

On the beautiful bright. (spoons)

If the text is connected to a melody

And then do it together

What you hear, of course,

Called easy and simple -. (song)

The string rings, she sings

And the song is heard by everyone.

Six strings play anything

And that instrument is always fashionable.

He will never become old.

We call that instrument. (guitar)

Call the instrument the piano

I hardly play it.

Louder, quieter, louder, quieter

Everyone will hear my game.

I hit the keys zealously

My tool is. (piano)

Three strings playing loudly

The tool is "cocked hat".

Find out soon,

What is this? (Balalaika)

We hold hands together

Stand around - this is necessary.

Let's go dance, and now -

Spin. (round dance)

The instrument is playing fun.

He has furs and keyboards.

If you play at least a little bit,

Everyone will recognize the tool. (harmonic)

Verse one beautiful singing,

I started singing simple. (chorus)

We sing together

And we are not singing.

When we are four, It will work out. (quartet)

The collective of musicians that play together,

And they perform music together.

It happens stringed and wind,

Pop, folk and every other. (Orchestra)

Sing the song all together

A song will sound throughout the school.

Foldable, harmonious and friendly.

Guys need to sing together.

The corridor is full of songs -

So our is trying. (choir)

"Recognize a song by description."

(Children should recognize the song by verbal description; 3 songs for each team)

1. From this everything will become bright and cheerful, as the fluffy little animal claims in his song. (Little Raccoon "Smile").

2. A song about a holiday that is greeted with tears in his eyes. ("Victory Day")

3. A song about how to walk well with friends and sing songs. ("Fun to walk together")

4. Song of the girl who wore a bright headdress ("Little Red Riding Hood Song")

5. A song about what happens if you multiply one number by another. ("2x2 \u003d 4")

6. A song about worn winter shoes. ("Felt boots")

7. A song after the cartoons for which all the children go to bed. ("Tired toys are sleeping")

8. A song about a wooden boy who changed his alphabet for a ticket to the theater. ("Pinocchio")

9. A song about a conifer that is cold. ("Little Christmas Tree")

10. About the offended by people, a lonely tree. (There was a birch in the field)

11. A song about a charming sweet insect (Good bug)

12. An optimistic song in which the hero promises to survive all the troubles (Song of the cat Leopold)

"Musical instruments"

(Whose team will recall more names of musical instruments)

Images of musical instruments are shown to children, they should name, those who recognize.

The jury sums up, we offer a rest and to dance:

Dance "Guilty cloud"

"Connoisseur of music"

1) What was the name of the heroine of the tale, who, having first got to the ball, charmed the king and prince with her wonderful song? Who is this song about (Cinderella)

2) What is your favorite music? Karabas-Barabas instrument (Trumpet)

3) What flower does the music name have? (Bell)

4) What is the name of the kindest, and most importantly, a singing cat who urged everyone to live in friendship and harmony? (Leopold)

5) What tool can you make from reeds if you make holes in it? (Pipe)

6) What is the name of the profession of a person who performs songs? (Singer)

7) What is the name of the song they sing before bedtime? (Lullaby)

8) The profession of the person who writes music? (Composer)

9) What is the main song of our country? (Anthem)

10) What song did the goat mom sing so that the kids would open the door for her?

(Sing a song)

11) What is the musical instrument that the crocodile Gene plays? (Harmonic)

12) What is the first musical note? (Before)

To sing a line from a song in which there is word:

Sun, bonfire, earth, sea, house, plane, sky, love.

While the jury sums up, I propose to sing a song about friendship.

Lyrics for "Friendship"

1. If a friend doesn’t laugh, turn on the sun,

Turn on the stars for him - it's easy!

You make a mistake by turning into a smile

All the sadness and tears, it's easy!

Sunday, Saturday,

Friendship is not a job

Friendship is not a job!

There are friends, but for them

Friends have no days off!

There are friends, but for them

Friends have no days off!

2. If happiness falls,

Divide it into parts

And give it to all your friends, it's simple.

And when it is necessary,

All friends will be there

To turn on the sun for you

Or the stars.

3. If each friend in a circle

A friend will reach out

That will be seen in the porthole:

Friendship is the equator.

If every friend of the planet

Will wave a friend a camomile,

That will become clear: friendship is

Planet of daisies.

The traditional Russian way of having fun: singing your favorite songs in chorus with or without harmonica is still popular, especially among the older generation, but new musical entertainments, games and contests are added, which add variety, warmth and enthusiasm to the entertainment programs of the holidays.

The most favorite musical entertainments at the festival are: karaoke, various alteration songs, music quizzes, song rehashing with tasks or performing the text of a famous song in a different style: rap ,  folk, musical, etc. If you are going to a music company, then you can think of the whole scenario as a show, let the guests show their talents all evening - for example, "Become a Star" (you can watch).

Music Games and Competitions  from our selection are very diverse: brand new and long-loved, lyrical and funny, table and play.

1. The musical game "Noise Decorators".

(to download - click on the file)

6. Musical workout.

Remember the KVN warm-up contest, and arrange the same improvisation at the festival, not just from jokes, but from songs. Teams must exchange questions and answers from songs, i.e. one team recalls an interrogative line of songs, the other affirmative, appropriate in meaning. Then they change roles. For example, the question: “What are you standing, swinging, a thin mountain ash?”, The answer: “I got drunk drunk, I won’t reach the house!”. Or: "Where are you, Maroussia, with whom are you walking?" - "... I’m on the sleepers, again on the sleepers I go home out of habit."

You can play until the fantasy runs out.

7. Musical compliments.

In the program of any holiday, and especially corporate, you can include a musical exchange of compliments between the male and female half of the hall. It is very simple to do this: a female team recalls flattering lines from songs about men, and men, on the contrary, sing excerpts from songs that can be regarded as compliments to ladies. And one by one they begin to exchange these musical compliments.

As an example of praise to cavaliers, the presenter can recite such lines from a song by A. Sviridova:

“How good! You can trust a man!

How nice! And do not think about anything! ”

As a song curtsy towards beautiful ladies - a verse from the hit of Yu. Antonov:

“Attention, men! There is no reason for laughter!

Today, in every business, women match us,

And we voluntarily teach the roles of others,

The winner is the team that within ten minutes will name more musical compliments, although the calculation may not be kept, let friendship win.

This flow of song compliments can be sent in one direction, for example, on the women's holiday on March 8, to arrange a musical greeting - a potpourri, which will consist of fragments of compliment songs.

8. Song Encyclopedia.

For this song rehash, you can divide the hall into several teams (depending on the number of guests) and pre-prepare cards with the supposed themes of songs: animals, birds, plants, travel, love and so on. Each team draws three to five cards. Five to seven minutes are given for reflection.

Then, by drawing lots, each team presents its musical illustrations, for example, the theme “Stones”: “Give me a moonstone”, “He has a granite pebble in his chest”, “I can do everything, I can do everything - my heart is not a stone”. It is allowed to sing as a single line from a song, or an entire verse or chorus. The main thing is to match the meaning of the assignment.

For each topic in the given answer - a point. Winners are determined by the amount of points earned.

9. "Orchestra of virtual instruments."

From the guests (10 - 15 people) we create an Orchestra of virtual instruments - each draws out a card with a written instrument, all, of course, have different ones. Participants should depict playing the instruments very expressively so that it is clear who is playing what.

Then the facilitator explains that he will be a conductor, but playing, also on the drum. However, the leader-conductor will “switch” to any other instrument all the time, and the player whose instrument currently represents the leader must immediately stop his movements.

In this way, those “musicians” who “missed” the new movement of the presenter are gradually eliminated from the game of the virtual orchestra. The most attentive player wins.

10. The musical alphabet.

Extracurricular Event Scenario

A game -   "Guess the melody"

Purpose:Creating conditions for the active involvement of children in musical art through the entertaining game “Guess the melody”.


    to form an emotional and aesthetic perception of the world through music;

    foster love and interest in vocal works of various musical styles;

    to develop musical ear, musical memory and receptivity, creative imagination;

    to expand students' knowledge about the history of the Motherland, its singing culture based on the study of children's songs, vocal works, and modern pop songs;

    to foster and instill love and respect for human heritage and respect for singing traditions.

    Organizing time. Impromptu conversation.

Good day to everyone who came to our game “Guess the melody” today!

I won’t live without a day without music!

She is in me. She is around me.

And in the singing of birds, and in the noise of cities

In the silence of the grasses and in the rainbow of flowers

And in the glow of prosperity above the earth ...

She is my companion everywhere and forever.

Music ... here it is, just turn on the radio, TV, tape recorder, music center, and someone will go to the disco. Who likes more.

Get involved in great art, have fun and have fun.

Now let me introduce you to the participants. I wish the teams a successful game, spectators and fans of good mood. So, we start the game “Guess the melody”!

Qualifying round
Leading 2. Dear guys, now your attention will be offered the words from the songs that you heard in the cartoons. The task is simple: you need to name the hero and the name of the cartoon in which this song is sung.

1. “And I increasingly notice
Somehow someone replaced me.
I don’t dream about the seas -
I replaced the TV with nature ”(Matroskin’s song from the film Prostokvashino).
2. "Spoon the snow,
The night is big
Why aren’t you silly?
Your neighbors are sleeping
White bears,
Sleep quickly, you baby. ”(Lullaby of the Bear from the Umka film)
3. “I was once strange
A nameless toy
To which in the store
No one will do. (Song of Cheburashka m / f "Cheburashka and Crocodile Gene").
4. - Tell me, Snow Maiden,
Where was
Tell me honey
How are you?
- I ran after you,
Santa Claus,
I spilled a lot
Bitter tears. (Song of the Snow Maiden and Santa Claus from the film “Well, wait a minute!”).
5. “You won’t fly far on the old piece of iron,
You can’t swim far away on the old piece of iron.
Nice to sit in the dark
And turn over the pieces of iron
Your whole life will change as soon as you pick up
The same pin code
Pin-code! ”(Song of Smesharikov from the movie“ Smeshariki ”).
Spare Options
6. "Stretch the fur, accordion,
Eh, play, play!
Sing ditties, grandmother Yozhka,
Sing, don’t talk! ”(Song of Babok Hedgehog from the movie“ Flying Ship ”).
7. “If for a long, long, long,
If long along the path,
If long on the track
Stomp ride and run
That, perhaps, of course,
That’s probably right, right,
That is possible, possible, possible
You can come to Africa ”(Little Red Riding Hood Song of the movie“ Little Red Riding Hood ”).

Participants who correctly answered the questions are invited to the stage.
Presenter 1. We welcome music connoisseurs.
(presentation of participants)
Member # 1 ...
Member number 2 ...
Member number 3 ...
Member number 4 ...
Member number 5 ...
Presenter 2. Congratulations, you have become participants in the Guess the Melody show. And the jury will judge you. Let me introduce you a strict but fair jury that will evaluate the participants in our show.
(presentation of the jury members)
Host 1. It's time to start our show. The jury is ready to work, the participants are in place, we are starting.

So, we are starting. First tour.
Presenter 1. Before you is a scoreboard with four categories of music, in each category - four tunes. Melodies are indicated by notes. Each note has its own price - from 5 to 30 points. You select a note, then a melody without words sounds. Participants need to be the first to remember what kind of tune it is, raise their number and answer. If the answer is correct, the value of the “note” is credited to the scoreboard of the participant who has the right to choose the next category. If a player is mistaken, he is “fined” - he skips one (two) tunes and is out of the game. Melodies sound for 20 seconds, and in this case the “note” remains unplayed. Not all categories and notes can be played in the first round. After the first round, the participant with the least points is eliminated.
Leading 2. The right to name and open the first note is given to the participant under number 1 (the participant selects a melody, it sounds, and he guesses who will raise his number first. If the participant guessed, then the next move will remain with him).

School years

1. Two, two, four

2. We love you, your relatives.

3. Our mother.

4. First-grader.

1. Strong friendship

1. If you hit the road with a friend

2. A true friend ("Strong friendship will not break ...")

3. Walking together fun

4. Song of friends ("There is nothing better in the world ...")

2. Multi-remotes

1. Song of a lion cub ("I am in the sun ...")

2. Smile from the movie "Little Raccoon"

3. Song of the Crocodile Genes from the film "Cheburashka"

4. The clouds. (Tram, hello)

In the animal world

1.Black cat.

2. The dog has disappeared.

3. Three white horses.

4. Forest deer ("Autumn on a rainy gray day ...")

Lead 1. The first round on this magnificent melody ends. Let's see the results. The word of the jury.
As it was said, according to the rules of our show, the participant who scored the least points leaves us. Unfortunately, we have to say goodbye to ....... .. and say "thank you."

Second round
Leading 2. In the second round they play with us ... and .... The tour will take the form of bidding. You will bargain with each other for the right to name a melody after my prompt. The game will go up to three points. The participant starts the game with the number ... with the most points. The countdown goes from 15 to 7 notes, that is, you say “I guess this melody with 15 notes, and the second participant either gives you the right to guess the melody, or says fewer notes from which he guesses the melody.

1. A song about a profession whose representatives want to get enough sleep and know how to keep the king's secrets (“Guard Song” from the cartoon “Bremen Town Musicians”)
2. A song about a representative of a detachment of insects similar to a vegetable (“A grasshopper sat in the grass” from the cartoon “The Adventures of Dunno and His Friends”)

3. A song about two funny representatives of the grandmother’s compound (“Two funny geese”)

4. Part of the naval uniforms (The children's song “White visor, striped collar ...” sounds)

5. The action of compassion for an inanimate object ("It’s cold in a small Christmas tree in the winter, we took the Christmas tree from the forest")

6. A song about the love of an elderly person ("Once upon a time my grandmother lived a gray goat")

7. A song about acquired knowledge at school (“What is taught at school”)

Presenter 1. We give the floor to the jury. The third round came to an end, unfortunately, for one of the participants he was the last. We say goodbye to .... We are glad that you were at the game and showed a high musical level.

Super game.
And now a super game. We congratulate the participant on reaching the finals. You need to guess 7 tunes in 3 minutes. At the signal of the jury, we begin.
(a game)
You proved today that you are a true connoisseur of music. Congratulations on winning our show. These thunderous applause sound at you.
You may not have passed the super game, but you are the finalist and you are the winner of the game “Guess the melody. You are rightly considered a connoisseur of music.

We invite all participants of the game to the stage. Thanks for attention. See you soon!
(award of the winner, presentation of prizes and diplomas to the participants)

Traditionally, three people play Guess the Melody. If the number of applicants is greater, then you can take the fourth and even fifth. It’s not worth inviting more participants, since then it will be more difficult for viewers to observe the action, and for the presenter to count points. This function can be assigned to another person who easily adds and subtracts numbers.

First you need to prepare everything you need. It is difficult to find 3 stands at home, so chairs with backs will perform their function. Attach the horn or other noise toys, such as a tambourine, with tape to them.

It is funny to watch how the participants will hurry to click on a sound toy to utter a guessed melody.

A game

The musical “Guess the melody” consists of four rounds. The first is a warm-up. After summing up the results of this stage, no one leaves. After the second round, the person with the least points leaves.

Take a Whatman paper or slate board and write 4 sections on them one below the other. They should be touching. Depending on the age and interests of those gathered, the names may be different.

For middle-aged participants, guess something from foreign pop, domestic songs of the 80s and 90s. Elderly people will be interested in plunging into the atmosphere of 50-60 years. Let them guess the popular waltzes, the good and uncomplicated songs of those years.

Children will enjoy learning songs. It can be both Soviet and modern foreign animated films.

Let each tune last no more than 30 seconds. During this time, participants will have time to guess it. If not, the host himself says what kind of song it was.

Since far from everyone can also invite a whole orchestra to play melodies home, karaoke melodies will help out. Record them in advance on the computer and turn on “Guess the melody” during the game.

In each of the four sections, draw 4 notes. Each will correspond to a specific melody.

The second round is similar to the first. Here may be such sections: “Snowfall”, “Summer Motives”, “Guess Gaidai” (songs from his films), “Hits A. Pugacheva”. After this tour, points are also counted.

Only 2 participants with the most points are allowed to the third round. More time is given here. While the melody sounds, there is a stopwatch hand, which increases the number of points for the answer. They are attributed to the one who correctly guessed the name of the song.

The last fourth stage is bidding. One of the participants, having heard the task, says that he will guess the melody and pronounce the number of notes from seven to three. The winner is the one who named the fewer notes.

After one of the participants correctly guesses 3 melodies in this round, he becomes the winner of the whole game.

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